Tavern Troubles - A Into The Odd Adventure

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Tavern Troubles

Another weird small scenario idea for Into The Odd by MSantaro

Laslo Poitin is a good treasure hunter, scavenger, thief and grave robber. He is well paid to recover arcana, and he
never fails… except for this time. Laslo has disappeared and now you have to find him. Why? Perhaps he’s your
brother or friend, or maybe someone will pay you to find him. Maybe Laslo worked for your company and now the
boss wants you to find the arcanumhe sent to recover… and yes, if you find Laslo too everyone will be happy, but the
arcanum comes first.

Laslo was sent to steal the Iron Arm from the tomb of Baron Rurik the Red, but he never returned to Bastion.
Asking around and doing some detective work will lead you to the Wizard’s Saloon.

The Wizard’s Saloon

This is a place where you can drink and rent a room but there’s more! Here you can meet the wizard Garret the
Great, and fight a dangerous creature, the ogre, for money of course (you pay 10s to try, and can earn 50s if you win,
and you can use your favourite melee weapon for this combat).
If you aren’t a fighter you can just come and bet on the challengers or gamble.

The owners are Octavio and Garrett Bofil, sons of the notorious explorer Roger Bofil (also author of a couple of
books on his travels). The old man died during one expedition, but left them a lot of money and a diary that
explained how to use some of the arcana he found. One of them was found under the storage shed in their garden…
the place where they built the Wizard’s Saloon.
And the creature isn’t an ogre, it’s a simulacrum created by a powerful arcanum, the Simulacrum Projector.

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The Simulacrum Projector

The arcanum is formed by two part: a round metal platform with strange
signs (above ground) that is inside the cage and covered by sand, and a
part underground accessible from the cellar: this part is made of another
identical platform with an altar (of a strange metal) in the centre, and six
pillars that connect the lower platform to the upper one through the

When a living body is placed on the altar it’s covered by the strange
molten metal entering a comatose state, and a brown guardian
Simulacrum appears on the upper platform. The Simulacrum cannot
leave the platform (and can’t be pushed/dragged away, there are
invisible walls all around the platform that trap the Simulacrum inside)
and has no desire to do that: it guards the area attacking anyone that
walks on the platform where he’s confined.
The altar below slowly consume the living body that sinks more and
more with the passing of time (the upper part of the altar becomes liquid
metal), draining 1 STR each day.

If the Simulacrum is killed he regenerates in few minutes, but 1

additional STR is lost from the body below.
If STR becomes 0 the man used to power the arcanum is killed and totally
absorbed by the altar. The Simulacrum decays and melts in a puddle of
goo after 20 minutes.
A man can be saved being dragged out of the altar, but the STR is lost.
If a second man is placed in the altar when the first victim is almost
totally absorbed (at 1 STR), the old remains are absorbed, the STR left is
lost, and the new body takes place.

It’s important to remember that the Simulacrum has a resemblance with the victim that is on the altar (and it quickly
morph his appearance matching the victim when it is changed) , for this reason Garrett started shaving the victims.
Remember that the tavern isn’t well illuminated and most patrons don’t give much attention to the Simulacrum
appearance (the victims were all middle aged men). The only exception (besides the owners) are Ullia and Dahel.

The Simulacrum – STR: 14, DEX: 10, WIL: 10 Hp: 15. Armor 1. Fists as hard as stone 1d6

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The Owners

Octavio Bofil, the tavernkeeper – STR: 13, DEX: 6, WIL: 4 Hp: 9.

Cosh 1d6, soiled apron, key of the cage door, key of the cellar trap door, 2g.
- Wants to continue his business. If you are a problem he’ll call his friends (petty criminals) to have you removed
permanently from the situation.
The oldest brother is a robust man with a slow mind. He’s not a bad man but he always follows his brother’s advice.

Astrid Bofil, the tavernkeeper’s wife and cook – STR: 6, DEX: 10, WIL: 12 Hp: 8.
Cleaver 1d6, sleeping pills (bought from Erresea).
- Wants to become rich. If someone discover their crimes she’ll blame the brothers and flee with the money.
She lived in poverty in the slums of Bastion and she married Octavo only because he told her he was rich. She
wanted to be a lady, not a cook. She is bitter but now this business will improve her conditions.

Garrett Bofil (Garrett the Great), the wizard – STR: 6, DEX: 12, WIL: 14 Hp: 5.
Razor 1d6, stereotypical wizard robes with pointed hat, key of the cage door,
key of the chest in his room, lots of rings, the Eye Ring.
- Wants to become rich and famous. Otherwise he’ll just flee with his loot.
Garrett is tall, handsome and serious. He’s always been the mind. He claims he
learned magic from a sage, and that he found the creature during and
expedition (they never left home). He wears lots of rings so that the “source of
magic” (his father’s eye ring) remains hidden.

Eye Ring, arcanum

A gift from my mind: The wielder can conjure one illusion complete with
sounds and smells, that everyone nearby can see (someone else looking from
distance won’t see/hear anything). Wielder can control the illusion making it
change and react, but anyone interacting has a WIL save to see the truth (if it
became obvious, like walking over an illusory chasm, failing the WIL same
means losing your turn being dazed in stupor).

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Messing with your mind: This is an illusion of something harmful that only the target can see (often a personal
nightmare like an undead nemesis, a killer clown, a horde of giant scorpions etc.), and attacks for 1d6 damage.
On Critical Damage pass WIL save or die from terror.

Questions and Answers with Garrett the Great

Q: Where did you find the creature?
A: In a small village of the Golden Lands where he was called the Cannibal Ogre. It terrorized the population, and he
ate many tribe warriors until I paralyzed him with my magic and trapped in a cage.
Q: Why didn’t you kill him?
A: This creature is immortal. Few brave fighters defeated him in that cage and he always cured his wounds with his
powers. Why don’t you try? For just ten Shillings you can enter the cage, you’ll earn fifty if you can knock down the
Q: Is it dangerous?
A: It’s a beast but he won’t leave his cage even if I leave the door open. I guess he has learned that this is his home
now! Challengers can retreat safely, but I admit that he killed some drunk fools that didn’t know when to quit. He
fights to the death since you are invading his territory… but this is a challenge for real men of course!
Q: Do you make a lot of money?
A: True, but I admit he costs a lot of money too! He eats a large quantity of raw meat everyday (false, the
Simulacrum never eats). Three men eat less than him.
Q: Why does it change appearance?
A: Did you notice that too? These faces are those of the men he killed. The villagers told me he absorbed the souls
and skills of his victims. (this question will make Garrett very suspicious)

Modus operandi
1 – They look for lone travellers that can kidnapped and used to power the Simulacrum Projector. These must be
middle age men of the lower class. If they are not sure Astrid or Garrett has a chat with them to know more of their
2 – Astrid places a sleeping pill in their soup or beverage. They’ll soon be sleepy.
3 – During the night Octavio and Garrett kidnap the guest from his room and drag him to the cellar. The guest is
chained (and shaved by Garrett if he has moustaches or beard) and hold prisoner in a cell underground.
4 – When the man placed on the altar is at 1 STR Octavio or Garrett go to place the new sacrifice on the altar.

The Staff

Hugo, the bouncer – STR: 6, DEX: 12, WIL: 14 Hp: 11.

Wooden bat 1d6, tobacco pouch.
- He’s the tavern bouncer that will help Octavio when a drunk guest causes troubles. Can call 1d10 thugs if needed.
Greedy bastard, spend most of the time drinking and chewing tobacco.

Geppo Tobin, young servant – STR: 5, DEX: 11, WIL: 6 Hp: 4.

Book of magic (useless rubbish), slingshot, ten stolen pennies.
- Young boy that works in the tavern serving at the tables and cleaning the place. He’s also a pickpocket. Wants to
learn magic from Garrett.

Ullia, tavern wench – STR: 4, DEX: 9, WIL: 10 Hp: 3.

Stiletto 1d6 (hidden on the leg under the skirt), dress with corset.
- Ullia works in the tavern serving at the tables, but she’s also he niece of a head cultist in Skywhorl. Her uncle visited
the tavern days ago, and they determined that the creature must be a visitor from the sky that they have to free from
these non-believers. They plan to attack the tavern for the rescue soon.

Cultist – STR: 9, Hp: 3. Incense burner morningstar 1d6, hooded cloaks.

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The Patrons

Erresea Barlington – STR: 8, DEX: 10, WIL: 13 Hp: 4.

Bag full of tonics and potions, weird purple hair.
- Erresea is an alchemist but not a good one. The hair become of a pink colour after a failed experiment. She’s here to
sell potions to newcomers. Tolerated by the owners since provide them with sleeping pills.
White sticky cream (10S): it’s a sort of superglue, perfect to repair items. Unfortunately works only 50% of times.
Smoke in a bottle (10S): Bottled smoke from Bastion. Always works: if the glass bottle is opened or broken the
smoke comes out, good for escaping from pursuers.
Sound bomb (10S): A glass bowl filled with grey gas. When shattered it produces a loud BANG, but it is harmless.
Hair Growth Tonic (10S): Makes your hair grow long and beautiful. Sometimes it also makes you too hairy (and
bearded even if you’re a woman).
Weapon enhancer (20S): A vial with reddish pasty liquid. Makes the metal of your weapon harder and sharper (+1
damage, ignores 1 point of armor) for three attacks. Then there’s a 50% probability that the weapons becomes
brittle and shatter on the fourth use.
Invisibility potion (20S): Always works but not as intended: for an hour your head only will become invisible. Or your
legs. Or you’ll look like a Swiss cheese full of holes.
Sleeping pills (20S each): When ingested roll STR check and if you fail you’ll be asleep after a while, if you pass the
roll you’ll have -1 to all rolls for a couple of hours and you’ll still feel sleepy.

Dahel Arran – STR: 9, DEX: 12, WIL: 13 Hp: 12 Armour 1.

Scimitar 1d6, shield armour, silk surcoat, turban.
- He’s a scholar warrior from a wandering tribe of distant land on a pilgrimage to make experiences and to hone his
skills. Will try to defeat the creature but he’s going to study other challengers before trying.

Bernie Duffal – STR: 13, DEX: 10, WIL: 9 Hp: 10.

Handwraps, cigar, striped pants.
- Claims he’s a notorious pugilist, he’s going to fight the creature and anyone that claims he’s better than him.

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Jadhack the Scarred – STR: 12, DEX: 11, WIL: 6 Hp: 10 Armour 1.
Cutlass 1d6, pistol 1d6, shield armour.
- A notorious troublemaker, friend of Octavio and Hugo. He likes drinking and gambling. He has made many enemies
thanks to his bad temper. He fears that they will come for him.

Friederich Duboise – STR: 10, DEX: 8, WIL: 14 Hp: 7.

Pistol 1d6, long brown coat, picture of Duke Mason.
- Friedrich is a private investigator that was hired to find the Duke Mason, after his disappearance. Like Laslo he was
kidnapped by the owners of the tavern and now he’s on the altar. Friedrich hasn’t noticed yet the resemblance of the
ogre with the Duke.

The Others

Duke Mason – STR: 2 (was 8), DEX: 6, WIL: 12 Hp: 6.

- Duke Mason visited the Wizard’s Saloon days ago wearing travellers clothes. He’s a rich man and he didn’t want to
be recognized as such, but this was the reason why he was kidnapped: the owners would have never taken prisoner
someone whose disappearance would cause troubles. Duke Mason is on the altar and really weakened.

Laslo Poitin – STR: 9, DEX: 15, WIL: 10 Hp: 8.

- Unlike Duke Mason, Laslo was really a simple traveller. Unfortunately for them he had something precious with him
and this is why someone will be looking for him. Laslo is kept prisoner chained in one of the cells in the cellar

Places in the Wizard’s Saloon

- Underground: Here you find the cellar and a little dungeon with two small cells and the Simulacrum Projector.
- Ground Floor: Where you enter and find Octavio behind the counter, Astrid in the kitchen and Garrett near the
cage. Here there is also Octavio and Astrid bedroom and a trapdoor to the cellar.
- First Floor: Balcony where some patrons go to see the fights and bet on the challengers.
- Second and Third Floor: Here you find the rooms, every floor has five rooms (Erresea, Dahel and Friedrich stay
here) . On the third floor there is also Garrett room that contains the chest with the belongings of the kidnapped

The Loot
In Octavio and Astrid room their stash is in a bag under the bad: it
contains fifty shillings and twelve guilders.
Inside Garrett chest you will find some of the belongings of the old
guests: a pistol, a silver engraved knife, a pocket watch, a gold ring,
two silver rings, lockpicks, a pouch with five pennies, forty shillings and
eight guilders. And the Iron Arm stolen by Laslo, of course.

The Iron Arm, arcanum

Strength of the Warrior: this arcanum is an iron gauntlet with a round
green gem set on the palm. If worn it gives a +2 STR bonus to all
checks where that arm is involved (pulling a rusted grate, breaking
something, arm wrestling…) and the gem can shoot burning rays for
1d6 damage. On Critical Damage the target is vaporized.

A legend says that this is just a part of a complete armour. Remember

that someone hired Laslo to recover the Iron Arm, and he will be do
everything to have it.

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The Wizard’s Saloon

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0

International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/.

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