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Event date:
Date: July 12, 2019 (Friday)
Time: 10:00 am to 12:00
Venue: King of Zion School Covered Court

The Competition:
The challenge is the parents will prepare Gourmet Filipino ala carte dishes
which will highlight the use of local green leafy vegetables as the main
ingredients and the dishes are good for the whole class.

The Competing team:

The contest is open to Grade 3, 4, 5 and 6. Each participating level should
be composed of 3 members only.
They are advice to be at the venue 1 hour before the contest proper for
setting up. (5) Points will be deducted from the total score of the groups who will
arrive late.

 Ingredients
 Cooking Utensils
 Burner or Stove

1. The participants must provide a title card which contains the little of the dish
and brief description of the dishes on display.
2. The title card must be on the display area of the participant’s dishes prior to
judging. (5) Points deduction from total score shall be incurred for not displaying
of the title card.
3. All competitors are requested to wear PPE. Teams who did not wear PPE will be
deducted (5) points from the total score.
4. All preparation and cooking of dishes, including garnishes, must be entirely
made and crafted on the spot. A team who brings in any cooked item will be
deducted (10) points per food from total score. Before the competition starts,
each working area will be checked by the committee to ensure that no item
has been brought in.
5. Every team should prepare 1 plate for the judges for tasting.
6. The participants will be given a total of (2) hours broken down into (3) segments.
Dish is to be served and displayed at the end of each segments.
1 (30 minutes) = mise en place
2 (1 hour and 20 minutes) = preparation, cooking, plating and final touch
for entrée.
3 (10 minutes) = Clean Up the area.
7. 1 team will be declared as “Grand Winner”


 Taste and Nutritional Value (45%) – the dish should be nutritionally well
 Visual appeal (35%) – contrast of plating and design.
 Team Efforts (20%) – every members of the team must play an active role
in the cooking in the cooking process.

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