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The Beast of Hondeltùn

A purposely incomplete scenario for Into The Odd by MSantaro

Hundeltùn is a fishermen village not far from Bastion. You just shipwrecked here after seeing a giant creature that
destroyed the hull of your ship… it was the dreaded Beast!
The Beast of Hondeltùn is a legendary creature that years ago the bandit leader of the White Doves gang, Istvan Von
Kael, and some of his men (the Rodd brothers among them) hunted and killed.
Istvan became the hero of Hondeltùn and was elected mayor… but now Istvan is nowhere to be found and the
creature is back.

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People & places

1 - The Beach
The beach is now full of debris of the ships destroyed by the Beast and something useful can be found before some
looters arrives. Here there are also the fishermen’s huts and boats. The oldest fisherman is Bartolus.

Bartolus – STR: 9, DEX: 11, WIL: 6 Hp: 4.

Straw hat, fishing pole
- Wants to tell you everything you need to know and prove that he’s useful despite his old age.
Bartolus is an old man that knows a lot of of Hundeltùn. He’s a coward man that will tell anything he knows to
anyone but he often add random details to make his tales more interesting.

2- Marshal Office
In the centre of town you’ll find a white building that contains some cells and the office of Phil Rodd, one of Istvan
associates that became the city lawman. After the disappearance of Istvan and the return of the monster half of his
deputies were killed by the monster, one of them was his son, and started drinking night and day. He’s a desperate
man, a shadow of his former self.

Phil Rodd – STR: 14, DEX: 11, WIL: 6 Hp: 10.

Cavalry Sabre 1d8, Pistol 1d6, Armor 1, uniform, lots of booze.
- Wants to wake up from this terrible nightmare. If it’s not a dream he just wants to kill the creature avenging his
son’s death.

Deputies (3) – STR: 12, Hp: 6.

Musket 1d8, uniform, handcuffs.

3- General Store
Near the centre of town there’s Edgar’s shop. Edgar Rodd, a fat jolly man, is Phil’s older brother, and another of
Istvan associates, that now is a merchant. Since Hundeltùn is dying he hired a monster hunter to kill the Beast.
Edgar can provide supplies but he’s reserve is now scarce.

Edgar Rodd – STR: 11, DEX: 5, WIL: 14 Hp: 8.

Old pistol 1d6, 2g.
- Wants to make money trading with other nearby towns. So the Beast must die again, but someone else must do the

4- Golden Goblet Tavern

In front of the Marshal Office and the General Store you’ll find the only place where you can buy a beer or rent a
room. Guy Rodd, the youngest of the Rodd brothers, is the one that runs the place. He was a just a boy when Istvan
drove away the Beast, so he doesn’t know much.

Guy Rodd –STR: 9, DEX: 10, WIL: 12 Hp: 9.

Truncheon 1d6.
- Wants no troubles from foreigners. Also hopes someone kills the Beast so business is good again.

Hector Nelsom, Monster Hunter –STR: 11, DEX: 13, WIL: 15 Hp: 12.
Arbalest 1d8, machete 1d6, hunting dog, amulets, green hooded coat.
- Wants to survive this hunt, hopefully becoming a renowned and rich monster-killer.
He claims he killed a group of wolf-men, but some locals says that they were just madmen wearing wolf pelts. He
also says he lost a precious Arcana, a silver net, in the forest while searching for the creature (he saw the Beast
attacking some men that survived the shipwreck and ran away because he was spotted).

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5- Bad part of town
Just a group of wooden shacks on the outskirts of Hundeltùn that are home to a group of looters and brigands, the
Red Foxes, whose chief is Istvan hated nemesis. Or was. This ex-pirate is a giant old bald man with a red beard,
wearing only a pair of striped pants and armed with an iron anchor. Despite his fearsome appearance he’s
desperately looking for allies to take the city from the White Dove gang or they will be wiped out.

Uriah Bloodbeard – STR: 16, DEX: 8, WIL: 12 Hp: 13.

Achor 1d10, pistol 1d6, tobacco and sea-monster shaped pipe,
tattoos and a long red beard.
- Wants Istvan, Gunnar and the White Dove gang dead in order to
control town and transform it in a pirate stronghold.

Red Fox Bandit - STR: 13, Hp: 4.

Cutlass 1d6, red bandana/handkerchief/armband, tobacco and sea-
monster shaped pipe, tattoos.

6- Von Kael Manor

This is where the mayor lived before his disappearance. Now the
ruler is his second in command, Gunnar, a young and ambitious ex-
mercenary. This is also the headquarters of the White Doves, Istvan’s

Gunnar – STR: 10, DEX: 14, WIL: 11 Hp: 9.

Rapier 1d6, little fancy pistol 1d8, breastplate under snazzy clothes
(Armor 1), cane.
- Wants Istvan, Uriah and the Red Fox gang dead in order to resume
banditry and earn power and gold.

White Dove Musketeer - STR: 9, Hp: 5.

Rapier 1d6, pistol 1d6, white and black clothes, plumed hat.

7- The Old Hag hut

This is where you’ll meet the only person who isn’t afraid of the Beast of Hondeltùn. She claims that her bone
necklace was made with the bones of the creature that won’t be able to harm her. Everyone in town says she’s a
witch. Amelia doesn’t care much if Hondeltùn will be destroyed, she’s an old crone that hates everyone.
Amelia Zol – STR: 4, DEX: 7, WIL: 14 Hp: 9.
Staff 1d6, bone necklace.
- She just wants to be left alone. If the town is destroyed she’ll be pleased.

8- The Swamp
The nearby swamp is home of two primitive warring tribes of humanoid amphibian creatures whose appearance is
strange hybrid between a lizard and a toad, people of Hondeltùn call them lizardmen. One tribe is composed by
brown scaled lizardmen, the other by green scaled ones. They are sometimes victims of the Beast’s attacks too.
Lizardmen – STR: 10, DEX: 12, WIL: 3 Hp: 6. Armor 1
Sharpened pole1d6.

9- Secluded beaches
There are other beaches where you can find other survivors of the shipwrecks (dead or alive, if you need to add
another Pc) and supplies since the Lizardmen and the Beast are hunters, not looters.

D20 Loot Results

1: 2d6 burlap sacks nested inside each other. The innermost one contains a button.
2: a severed head

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3: an empty body
4: a naked corpse
5: a single boot
6: a broken cutlass
7: a jar of whelks
8: a badly-written and water-damaged paperback
9: a roll of chicken-wire
10: a cheese wheel (rather smelly)
11: a headless body with elegant clothes. Has a purse with 1g and a stiletto.
12: a rope.
13: a sealed wooden box containing a pistol and ammunition. Rolling 1d6, if 6 is a noble weapon.
14: 1d3 bottles (roll 1d6: 1-2: full of wine, 3-4: full of rum, 5-6: full of cheap booze).
15: 1d4 torches.
16: a wooden club.
17: a sealed container with fire oil.
18: 1d4 cigars in a little box.
19: a watch.
20: a waterproof small box containing some first aid supplies.

10- The Dark Forest and the road to Bastion

This is the only way out from the peninsula, and is also the Beast favoured hunting ground: travellers, hunters and
explorers from other towns aren’t aware of the Beast return and assume that the place is safe.
If you are lucky you will find the Arcana lost by Hector.
The Silver Net: Miniature net, if thrown becomes larger and paralyzes one humanoid until WIL Save.

D20 Random Encounters

1-4: No one
5: Explorer (STR: 9, DEX: 12, WIL: 9 Hp: 6. Pistol, spyglass) travelling to Hondeltùn.
6: 1d6 green lizardmen hunting. Will attack only if they outnumber the characters.
7: 1d6 brown lizardmen hunting. Will attack only if they outnumber the characters.
8: 1d6 green lizardmen fighting 1d6 brown lizardmen.
9: Two hunters (STR: 11, DEX: 13, WIL: 8 Hp: 4. Musket, skinning knife) hunting lizardmen for their skins.
10: Big dark blue spider (as large as a dog) eating insects from his cobweb. Harmless, if attacked it’ll flee.
11: 1d4 Red Fox bandits looking for loot.
12: 1d4 White Doves musketeers looking for Istvan.
13: Lone wanderer (STR: 7, DEX: 11, WIL: 8 Hp: 4. Dagger) survivor of a shipwreck.
14: Lost woodsman (STR 12, DEX 8, WIL 7 Hp: 5. Axe)

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15: 1d6 dead bodies. Roll 1d8: 1-2 green lizardmen, 3-4 brown lizardmen, 5-6 Red Fox bandits, 7-8 White Doves.
16: 1d6 big purple flesh eating bats (STR 3, DEX 6, WIL 4 Hp:1 bite for 1d6-2 damage, if 0 or less they bite clothes).
17: Lone wolf (STR 8, DEX 14, WIL 5 Hp: 3)
18: Something sparkling on the ground: roll 1d6: 1-2: a bear trap (placed by the lizardmen hunters), 3-4: a purse with
some money (5S inside), 5: a dagger, 6: a severed hand with a silver ring.
19: Harmless floating lights. Will wander following the direction of the wind.
20: The Beast!

The Truth

There are different possibilities, every townsperson has a different theory on the Beast’s return:

- Istvan never killed the Beast in the past, he merely drove out and made a pact with the creature. Gunnar tried to
kill him to become the gang leader, but the old man escaped. He went to the forest and freed the Beast.
- Istvan IS the Beast. He is an ancient crazed shapeshifter that created an elaborated story to become a hero and rule
the village. Then he became tired and now has decided to destroy the village and maybe repeat the same thing in
another town. His associates could have been intimidated into supporting his tale or they were his willing servants.
- Istvan was possessed by the Beast after killing it. He was able to retain control until now… he tried to flee in order
to protect the townspersons from the Beast’s fury, but the creature is gaining control.
- Istvan was murdered by Amelia Zol. She’s a dark druid that created the first Beast to destroy Hundeltùn (her cult
abhors civilization), after years she was able to create a new Beast and she sacrificed Istvan in a ritual to get her
- Amelia Zol was the beast, and Istvan somehow cured her. Gunnar/Uriah killed Istvan and the Beas was free again.
- Istvan was sacrificed by the Lizardmen to an Astral God and the Beast was resurrected for some reason.
- Something else entirely… maybe the new Beast is the son of the old one and came for vengeance!

Which is the truth? Well you decide. Here’s some sample stats for Istvan & the Beast. Feel free to change/adjust
them for your game depending on the chosen situation.

The Beast – STR: 14/10, DEX: 10/14, WIL: 7 Hp: 12. Armor *
The Beast of Hondeltùn is a large sentient mass of pieces of wood, bone, leaves and blood that can assume three
forms: humanoid giant, huge two headed wolf, large shark (the values on the left represent the humanoid stats, the
right are for the bestial form). The creature needs drinking human blood to survive, at least a body quantity each
* Armor is 3 against gunfire, 2 against most normal weapons, 1 against natural attacks, fire or weapons made of
natural materials (a rock, a tree branch, a bone knife).

Istvan Von Kael – STR: 12, DEX: 10, WIL: 13 Hp: 12.
Musket 1d8, cleaver 1d6, furs.

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