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S STUDY FOR CIVIL SERVICES 1)Amfbition sensitive Auction : everyone should have equality of opportunity (all of us don’t have equal talents ,but all of us should have an equal opportunity to develop our talents ) 2¥ Endowment sensitive auction : here he preferred positive discrimination. People will agree to this because people are(moral beings ji nature 1s brute atleast humans can show care and concern for those suffering from, bad luck Amartya sen’s views : he believes that everyone should be in a positionto realise his or her choices to have a sense of well being For sense of well being people need functional freedom . Just resources are not enough , they should have necessary skills and capabilities to use their resources in such a manner that it contributes to their wellbeing in functional sense -hence the most important role of the state is to help in the capacity building. The policies like universal health care ,right to food education are to be pursued with priority.

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