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a YY LT (Pages : 3) 2442 Sixth Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination, May 2013 (2008 Scheme) Branch : Civil Engineering 08.603 : WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING (C) Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100 Note : Answerall questions from Part A andany one full question from each Module in Part B. PART-A (8x5=40 Marks) |. a) Explain ‘hydrologic cycle’ with a neat sketch and state its importance. b) List the assumptions in unit hydrograph theory. ¢) Differentiate between interception and percolation. d) State the differences between lift irrigation and flow irrigation. e) Find the delta for a crop when its duty is 864 hectares/cumec on the field, the base period of the crop being 120 days. f) Write short notes on contour canal. 9) What is meant by ‘pitched island’ ? Explain with a neat sketch. h) Explain ‘cavity type tube wells’, PART-B (3x20=60 Marks) Module -1 Il. a) Enumerate the different type of rain gauges and describe with a neat sketch the functioning of any one non recording type of rain gauge. 12 b) The hourly ordinates of a 2 hour unit hydrograph are given below. Derive a 6 hrs unit hydrograph for the same catchment. time hrs) ] 0] 1] 2] 3] 4][s]e] 7] 8]o to] 1] 12] 13] 14] 15 Discharge o}1|27]5]8]9s8]9 (cumecs) 75 sas 4}29])21/13]/05] 0 OR 2442 2 (HUA Ill. a) Describe any two methods of separating the baseflow from the total runoff. 8 b) Infiltration test is conducted on a double ring infltrometer with diameter of inner ring being 35 cm and the data recorded are given below. 7 ins frome et 2] 5 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 60 | 90 | 150 | 210 (min) ‘Cumulative volume of water | 0 |278| 658 | 1173 | 1924 | 2500 | 3345 | 3875 | 4596 | 5315 added (cm) Determine: i) The ultimate infiltration capacity rate and ii) The average infiltration capacity for the first 30 min of the experiment. 12 Module — I IV. a) Briefly explain any four methods of measurement of discharge of acanal. 10 b) After how many days will you supply water to soil in order to ensure efficient irrigation of the given crop, if Field capacity of soil = 27% Permanent wilting point = 14% Density of soil = 1.5 gmvem3 Effective depth of root zone = 75 cm Daily consumptive use of water for the given crop = 11 mm. 10 OR V. a) Explain the procedure of designing a channel with Kennedy's theory. 10 b) Design a concrete lined channel of triangular section to carry a discharge of 45 cumecs ata slope of 1 in 10,000. The side of the channel is 1.25 : 1 and Manning's n may be taken as 0.018 10 ‘YOU 2 2442 Module — II! VI. a) Explain the field tests for estimating the yield of an aquifer. 8 b) The following information is available regarding the relationship between trap efficiency and capacity-inflow ratio for a reservoir. Capacityiintlow |» 1195/03] 04105] 06]07| 08 | 09 | 1.0 ratio -———~—- 7: t— TO ; 12 namie 87 | 93 | 95 }955| 96 | 96.5] 97 |97.2| 97.3] 975 OR Vil. a) Explain how the safe yield from a reservoir of a given capacity is determined. 8 b) A gravity well has a diameter of 60 cm. The depth of water in the well is 40 m before pumping is started. When pumping is being done at the rate of 2000 I/min, the drawdown in a well 10 m away is 4 m and in another well 20 m away is 2 m. Determine i) the radius of zero drawdown ii) coefficient of permeability ili) drawdown in the well. 12

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