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The Structure of the European Packaging


Carl H. Wendt
PLM AB. Sweden

Keywords: Packaging statistics; food and beverage packaging; consumer packaging Europe

The paper presents a rough description of the food consumer packaging as well as food and
structure of the European packaging industry with beverage packaging. If we substract 20% for the
a focus on food and beverages and to comment on non-food portion this leaves about 40 billion ECU
some issues facing this industry during the nineties. for food including beverage packaging.
It will, not, however, attempt to interpret this in If we relate this to the retail sales value of the
terms of health; such analogies are too adventur- total food and beverage market in Europe, which is
ous; already a simple symptom such as high tem- estimated at about 550 billion ECU in 1991, we find
perature is considered to indicate bad health in that packaging on average accounts for 7-8% of the
humans but good health in the industry. value of the food and beverage market.
The presentation is based on statistics used by
PLM for strategic analyses, if they are wrong then I
am responsible. If there is a bias towards beverage
packaging this is because it makes more sense for
PLM to have a clearer picture in areas where we MATERIALS
have substantial business interests.
In this presentation, values are used that make Starting again from the figure of 50 billion ECU for
sense from the business point of view - sales value total European sales of consumer packaging, this
or number of units - in preference to weight, even can be broken down in different ways. Figure 1
though in some cases statistics in weight are more shows an estimate of the market shares for packag-
easily available. ing of different materials in 1987. However, the
relative proportion of the different materials is not
constant, it changes. In Figure 1 it is apparent how
TOTAL MARKET SIZE the relative market shares have changed from 1967
to 1987.
The size of the market for consumer packaging in In terms of unit sales, glass packaging has seen
western Europe is estimated to be about 50 billion an interesting development during the 1980s and is
ECU (or $60 billion, E35 billion or about 350 now slowly increasing from a minimum in the
billion in FRF or SEK). This figure includes non- middle of the decade. Metal packaging in total
remained nearly constant but, as we will see later,
* Paper presented at the Euro Food Pack, Food Packaging the balance between different end-uses changed.
Conference, London, 4-5 March 1992. Plastic packaging's share increased substantially.
0894-3214/92/030159-05$07.50 Received 6 March 1992
0 1992 by John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. Revised 13 March 1992
160 C.H. WENDT

Consumer Packaging Europe
Relative importance of Packaging Materia Is

1967 estimate. 1987 estimate

Total market value 350 bill. SEK
Figure 1. Estimated market share for different packaging materials in 1987

END-USES The plastics segment is considered to consist of

roughly 50%, by value, flexible packaging and 50%
Let us start again with the 50 billion ECU estimate rigid packaging. The analysis of end-use market
of the market value for food and beverage packag- shares becomes more difficult when you study the
ing. Out of this total we estimate that beverage end-uses for materials such as plastics, paper and
packaging accounts for about half and non-bever- cardboard and to determine what is food packag-
age food packaging the other half. It has to be ing and what is not - and what is delivered as a
stressed, however, that figures are ‘guesstimates’; container and what is not.
consider for example, the question of whether milk
is a food or a beverage.
During the 1980s the beverage packaging market INDUSTRY STRUCTURE
has seen considerable changes. PET bottles for
carbonated soft drinks and mineral water have There are clear concentration tendencies in the
shown dramatic growth. There also is a clear food and beverage industry. Figure 2 shows that
growth trend in beverage cans. At the present time the market share of the top 10 companies in food
we estimate that about 70% of the glass containers and beverages has increased from about 20% in
are used for beverage packaging and 30%for food; 1987 to about 28% in 1991 - a 75% increase in
for metal containers the percentages are reversed. absolute terms considering the expansion of the
If we look at non-beverage food packaging the total market. The trends are the same in the beer
pattern is different, glass remains relatively stable, brewing industry, in soft drinks and the food indus-
while the metal can market is shrinking. The mar- try.
ket for plastics and cardboard packaging is advanc- We see a similar pattern in the food and beverage
ing. packaging industry. Figure 3 shows that the market



1987 1991 E
450 bn ECU 565 bn ECU
Figure 2. Change in market share of top 10 food and beverage companies

Consumer Packaging Producers (Europe)

Ranking of players

Total market value: 50 billion ECU
Figure 3. Market share of consumer packaging producer companies in 1991
162 C.H. WENDT


Million 100
=Trays Pots 0Bowls




1988 1989 1990 1991 P
Figure 4. Growth of the barrier plastic containers market


U.K. Ready-meals market
Million 32



1988 1989 1990 1991 P 1992P
Figure 5. Growth of the retortable barrier containers market

share of the top 10 consumer packaging companies those in the top ten list for traditional metal
in Europe is about one-quarter of the total market packaging. At least they seem to know what busi-
and the rate of the concentration process in the ness they are in and what their customers want.
consumer packaging industry is the same magni- There is no doubt that environmental issues
tude as in the food and beverage industry. related to packaging will influence market develop-
The concentration trend in the food and bever- ment in food packaging.
age packaging industry is strongest in the ‘tradi-
tional’ products, such as metal cans and glass
containers. Plastics packaging is a younger indus- SUMMARY
try, where more remains to be done in product
development, market structure and environment (i) The structure of the industry changes rapidly
control. The structure is still very fragmented, but - the big corporations merge or make acqui-
in some segments a concentration process has sitions to become even bigger.
started. (ii) In this way a larger portion of the business
belongs to international companies well pre-
pared for the integrated EC market.
(iii) There is considerable market dynamism with
OTHER TRENDS important growth trends, particularly in some
beverage segments but also in some food pack-
An important question, especially related to health aging segments, such as shelf-stable high-
aspects, is: what dynamism can we see in food barrier packaging.
packaging? The growth trends for PET bottles and (iv) The packaging industry as a whole seems less
beverage cans in the beverage segment have been affected by the recessive tendencies typical for
mentioned already, but what about food packag- some other markets, such as automobiles and
ing? building construction at the present time.
One dynamic segment relevant to the Food (v) The pressures generated by new legislative
Packaging Conference is shelf-stable rigid barrier tendencies dealing with packaging, waste man-
plastics packaging, where the rate of growth is agement and environment will strongly in-
impressive (Figures 4 and 5). Many of the players in fluence the packaging market development in
this new and still very risky game are the same as the 1990s.

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