Skema Up1bio f5

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(NoTTEM CRITERIA, aXti) ‘Able 10 describe the formation of fluid X. Sample answer: Pi: fluid X is interstitial fluid 2; the diameter of artery / arteriole bigger than blood capillaries 3: causes high hydrostatic pressure in the artery / arterioles P4: (higher pressure) forces water and dissolved substances / dissolve nutrient // forces some fluid PS: diffuse out into interstitial space / space between cell fluid X not contain plasma protein / erythrocytes / platelets P7: because their size too large (to pass through the capillary walls) @ Able to state two type of leucocytes Sample answer: = monoeyte cell/ phagocyte cell/ neutrophyll cell = lymphocytes Able to explain the role in the body defense mechanism Sample answer. mnocyte cell! IY neutrophyll Fl: by phagocytosis process PI: the phagocyte cell extends its pseudopodium towards the pathogen / bacteria 2: (phagocyte) engulf and ingest pathogen by forming. a_vacuole / phagocytic vesicle 2m Ow ‘Able o explain the function of fluid X Sample answer: Fl: fluid X allow the exchange of nutrient / glucose / amino acid / glycerol / fatty acid / oxygen PI: diffuse from the blood to the body cell F2:__ fluid X allow the exchange of carbon dioxide / urea Jwaste product P2: diffuse from the body cell to the blood F3: maintain the optimum internal environment P3: to maintain chemical factors / physical factors for Any4 the cell function optimally. 1 4m 3; Lysosome release lysozyme / enzyme (into the 1 ~ phagocytic vesicle) to hydrolyse / digest / kill the pathogen Pe phagocyte release the digested product from thecell || 1 | Any 4P diagram to show phagocytosis 1 4m © he Qo tO I cell F2: to produce antibodies 1 P6: antibodies only react with specific antigen 1 P9: antibodies destroy/ react with antigen by 1 | Any 4P agglutination / neutralisation / opsonisation / lysis 4m P10: antibodies will remain in the body to give / acquire 1 immunity (against the disease) P11: lymphocytes have memory to against the same type | 1 of pathogens | Total 20 Criteria Marks ‘Able to explain the mechanisms used by antibody to destroy antigens, Sample answers: Pi Agelutination P2 Antibody binds/join with the antigen P3_ (Antibody causes) the pathogens to clump together PA (the clumping) makes it easier for the pathogens to capture/destroy pathogens. PS Neutralisation 6 antibody neutralizes the toxins produced by bacteria P7_tyindingto a toxin molecules PS. this prevent toxin molecule from attaching toa cellcauses damage (any 6) oO ‘Able t expla the differences between the imamuity achieve in ation X ‘and situation Y. ‘Sample answers: x FT Griiaal —acquured) active iy PF ‘Body produces owa antibody PS (Obiained through) an injection swith a vaccine PE PS saumuaity against a disease agunsta disease PS | Aulibedia ured 10 be [Antbodies do aed 0 be ‘synthesized by the body synthesized by the body PT | Tie indices immmaty Tat |The amamaity Inete only for @ Jonger/tast long protection __| short tem/temporary protection PE |The anibody is naturally | The antibody is not produced by produced by the body the body ‘Vaccination is given befxe @ person 8 mfected with the ‘An injection of anisenm i given When a person is infected with the disease/qhas a high risk of goting the disecce. PIO ‘Antibody ie obtained drecly from the sence Fr wecead ‘injection ( booster) i necessary to increase the antibody production (fo a level that protects the person agsinet the disease) vecond injection is given whea the person still infected (and his antibodies lim dropped below ‘muanaity level) Fi ‘Memory cell preseat ‘No memory calls FIs Frotection fom dieases HEP chicken pox! measles! rubella’ polio! hepatitis B/ diphtheria’ tuberculosis, ‘Treatment of rabies boiiaal tetas /suake bites. (Any 8) © “Abie to explain why mothers are advisedto feed ther babies with mother's alk: ‘Sample answers: PL mother's milk contain colostrum P2 which contains (large niauber of ) antibodies 3 which protect newborns against dieses 4 naturally acquired immwnity 5 passive imamaity PS higher in protein (than ordinary milk) and P7 easy to digest, PS lower im lipid (which is hard to digest) PD Colostrum coxtaizs high couceatratioa of leucocytes PLO protect the body Som bacteria! pathogens Any 6) TOTAL

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