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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate: Caroline Sadler Date: June 30 2019

Grade and Topic: 5th grade Science Length of Lesson: 1 hour 25 mins.


● 5th grade Science: Understand Earth and its place in the universe.


● Given research TSW create a graphic organizer with a 10 (out of 12) of greater on the grading rubric.
● Given a video TSW observe Earths place in the universe.
● Given a PowerPoint presentation TSW observe different aspects of galaxies and outer space.
● Given a PowerPoint presentation TSW discuss their thoughts and opinions with a peer.
● Given an exit ticket TSW will complete it, writing 2 sentence for each part.

● 5.ESS1: Earth’s Place in the Universe: Research and explain the position of the Earth and the solar
system within the Milky Way Galaxy and compare the size and shape of the Milky Way to other
galaxies in the universe.
● ISTE Standard:

- Creativity and innovation Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop
innovative products and processes using technology.
- Research and information fluency Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use
● Pencil
● Internet access
● Laptops
● Smartboard
● Technology will be used to get an understanding of the content, explore on their own, and create a
graphic organizer.


● This lesson is part of a larger unit over Earth and its place in the universe.
● Academic language: Milky Way, galaxy, graphic organizer, nebula, etc.
● This lesson connects Earth to the what it is part of.


● Introduction: 10 minutes
- We will begin the lesson by watching this video
- We will discuss our thoughts about how large the universe really is.
- TTW lead this discussion with teacher lead questions.
- TSW turn to a peer and discuss their thoughts.
● Procedures:
- I DO: 15 minutes
o TTW give a brief PowerPoint presentation over the Milky Way and other galaxies.
- WE DO: 15 minutes
o TSW then discuss their thoughts openly with a partner.
o TTW call on 1-3 students to give their opinions.
- YOU DO: 45 minutes
o TSW retrieve laptop from the laptop cart.
o Once the laptop is retrieved TSW begin researching galaxies.
o Each student will need to research the Milky Way and one other galaxy of their choosing.
o The students will take notes as they do research.
o Once the research is over, TSW use to create a graphic organizer.
o This graphic organizer should contain 1 main idea which will be labeled “THE UNIVERSE”,
2 sub ideas labeled “THE MILKY WAY” and “(name of other chosen galaxy). Each sun
topic should have 5 facts.
- Closure: 10 minutes
- Once the laptops have been returned to the cart, students will complete a “I used to think, Now I
know” exit ticket.
- The student should write 2 sentences for each part.

- Formative Assessment:
o TSW complete and exit ticket.
o TTW observe students during the lesson and check for understanding.
- Summative Assessment:
o TSW complete the graphic organizer and score a 10 (out of 12) or greater on grading rubric.
1 2 3 4
The student only The student listed 2 The student listed 4 The student listed 5
listed 1-0 facts facts. facts. facts.
The student did not The student did not The student only The student correctly
create a graphic correctly create a listed one sub-topic. created the graphic
organizer. graphic organizer. organizer.
The student did not The student labeled The student did not The student correctly
label the graphic the graphic organizer use The Milky labeled the graphic
organizer. incorrectly. Way. organizer.
Total points:

● Students who have mastered the material will be given a writing assignment. They will write a
paragraph using the information they have gathered from their research.
● Students who have not mastered the material will be put in a small group and given another, more in
depth lesson.

Sample work:
Some slides form the PowerPoint presentation
I Used to Think… Now I know…

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