Computer Networking

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Computer Networking

Assignment No. 2
Topic: Computer Networking
Submitted To: Prof. Shahzad Ali
Submitted By: Bareera Amjad
Roll No. : 35
Section: BSCS-1
Course: Intro to Computing
Submission Date: 11-12-2018
Department Of Information and Technology.
University of Central Punjab (UCP) Gujrat.
Question No. 1:
What is an open network? How many categories of network with respect to
geographical area. Explain with diagram.
A computer network is a collection of two or more devices connected for the purpose of sharing
resources. Devices can include computers, printers, fax machines, and Internet communication
hardware. In addition to hardware devices, software is also used to provide additional capabilities
such as security (privacy and protection of network traffic) and enhanced services such as Internet
browsing, print queue management, etc. These devices can be connected through wires (cables) or
wireless technologies (radio or infrared).
Network Types
The network computers may be linked through cables, telephone lines, radio waves, satellites, or
infrared light beams. There are three basic types of computer networks:
• Local area networks (LAN)
• Metropolitan area network (MAN)
• Wide area network (WAN)
Local Area Network (LAN):
If the network is contained within a relatively small area, such as a classroom, school, or single
building, it is commonly referred to as a local area network (LAN). This type of network has the
lowest cost and least overall capability of the three geographic classifications. Because the pieces
of equipment in a LAN are in relatively close proximity, LANs are inexpensive to install. Despite
their decreased capability, however, their closeness and resultant low costs typically result in the
use of the fastest technology on a LAN. Thus, this network classification usually has the highest
speed components and fastest communications equipment before the other network classifications
see such equipment using the same speeds. This is because it takes less overall investment to get
the smaller network running the faster equipment. LANs, therefore, are commonly considered the
building blocks for creating larger networks.
Metropolitan Area Network:
A metropolitan area network (MAN) covers larger geographical areas such as cities or districts. A
system of LANs connected through telephone lines and radio waves is called as MAN. The
connectivity lies among cities or districts where cities cannot lay a private network all around in
the city.

Wide Area Network:

Wide area networks (WANs) are huge compared to a LAN or a MAN and span across cities, state,
country, continent, or even the whole world. WANs connect larger geographical areas such as
Pakistan, the United States, or the world. The satellite uplinks may be used to connect this type of
network. A WAN provides long-distance transmission of data, voice, image, and video
information. Using a WAN, people in Pakistan can communicate with places like Tokyo in a
matter of minutes, without paying enormous phone bills. WAN technologies use multiplexers to
connect local and metropolitan networks like the Internet.
Question No. 2:
Summarize the distinction between Repeater, Bridge, Switch and Router.
A repeater is a device similar to the Hub, but has additional features. It also works in the Physical
layer. The repeaters are used in places where amplification of the input signal is necessary. But,
the kind of amplification done by the repeater is different from the regular amplification by
amplifiers. The regular amplifier amplifies everything fed into it. That means, if the input signal
has noise induced into it, both the desired signal and noise signal are together amplified. But, in
the case of a repeater, it regenerates the input signal, and amplifies only the desirable signal. Hence,
the noise component of the signal is eliminated.

The repeaters are necessary since, during the transmission of the signals over long distances, the
signal has attenuation, delay distortions and noise, which lead in loss of data. Hence, in order to
prevent this, the regenerative repeaters are used. Hence, the repeater regenerates the faded signal.
In addition, it has all the features of a Hub. One common problem between the repeaters and the
Hubs are that only one transmission can take place on the network at a particular time. If multiple
devices transmit data simultaneously, there will be data collision.

A bridge is also a device which works in the Data Link Layer, but is more primitive when
compared to a switch. Initial bridges were used to connect only 2 LAN’s, but the most recent ones
perform similar operation as the switches. It also works on the principle of transfer of information
using the MAC addresses of the ports.
It can be noted that the normal ADSL Asymmetric digital subscriber line modem can be connected
via bridging also. The only difference is that, when bridging is used, each time the device has to
be connected to the internet, it has to dial to the internet and establish a connection. Also, a bridge
alone cannot be used to connect to the internet, because, the bridge works in the Data Link Layer,
and has no knowledge of the IP Addresses, which are used in the Internet.

A switch is an intelligent device that works in the data link layer. The term intelligent refers to the
decision making capacity of the Switch. Since it works in the Data link layer, it has knowledge of
the MAC addresses of the ports in the network.

If data has to be sent from Computer A to Computer B, then, the data is transferred to the Computer
B only, and not to any other computers connected to the network. Hence, it establishes a link
between the sender and the receiver based on the MAC addresses. This also means that when data
is being sent from A to B, Computer C can establish a link with Computer D and communication
can take place between them. So, simultaneous data transfer is possible in a switch. Also, Hub
divides bandwidth, but a Switch does not.
It is also to be noted that a switch is a secure device, because it sends information only to the
desired destinations, and also certain security features such as firewalls can be implemented in the

Any computer can be connected to the internet via MODEM, which performs the MODulation and
the DEModulation operations. But, when there are more than one computer at home or in an
organization, and you have a single internet connection, you need a Router. Router is a device
which is used when multiple devices need to connect to the Internet using the same IP.

Any Internet Service Provider (ISP) provides a single IP, and especially for personal use, the IP
address is assigned dynamically. This is done because, suppose, an ISP has 1000 IP addresses, it
does not mean that it has 1000 customers. An ISP assumes that not all devices will be connected
to the internet at the same time. Hence, when a user wants to access the internet, any IP address
from the pool of IP addresses from the ISP will be assigned to connect the user to the internet.
Hence, the router does the job of connecting multiple devices in a LAN to the internet using the
same IP address. Since the router works in the Network Layer, it does forwarding on the basis of
IP addresses.

Question No. 3:
Identify some relationships in society that conform to the client/server model.

In the computing world today, client-server system has become so popular because it is being
used virtually every day for different applications. Some of the standardized protocols that client
and servers use to communicate with themselves include: File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Simple
Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Thus, Client-server
system can be define as a software architecture made up of both the client and server, whereby the
clients always send requests while the server responds to the requests sent. Client-server provides
an inter-process communication because it involves the exchange of data from both the client and
server whereby each of them performs different functions.

Examples of Client/Server Model:

File transfer:
This is the transmission of files between the client and server. It also allows storing of files on the
server. Files such as movies, images, music can be stored.
Mail transfer:
This is the transfer of messages such as the email using the Mail Transfer Protocol (MTP).
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP):
Is the transferring of multimedia files such as images, text between the client and server. HTTP is
use to improve communication between the client and server, by serving as a request-response


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