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V. Angol szóbeli vizsga Középszint I.

Vizsga feladat Bevezető interjú

1. Vizsgafeladat –vizsgáztatói példány

Bevezetés (nem értékeljük)

- Good morning! /Good afternoon! Do take a seat!
- Did you have to wait a long time?
- Is English your first foreign language?
- (If “no”:) Which other languages do you speak?
- What are you planning to do after the exam? Or Did you have something to eat before
the exam?
- Now I am going to ask you a few questions. If you can’t understand me, I can repeat the
question once. Let’s get started:

Tényleges vizsga (ettől a résztől értékeljük):

Where can young people go out in their spare time?
How much free time do you usually have?
How do you spend your free time?

I see. Now, let’s move on to the next topic.

What is the climate of Hungary like?
What are the four seasons like?
Which is your favourite season?

I see. Now, let’s move on to the next topic.

Do you sometimes eat out?
What types of restaurants do you prefer? Why?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating out?

Thank you. That’s the end of your first task.

V. Angol szóbeli vizsga Középszint 2. Vizsgafeladat Szituációs feladat

2. Vizsgafeladat


A vizsgázó példánya

You are staying in England on a holiday. In the morning you felt ill and decided to visit the
GP (the examiner) because you are afraid of having the flu.

Include the following points:

- describe your symptoms
- tell the doctor how you tried to cure yourself
- ask the doctor what to do if you don’t get better soon

Prompts for the interlocutor:

 How long have you been feeling ill?

 Have you taken your temperature?
 Do you cough? Do you have a runny nose? Do you sneeze? Do you feel tired?
 You should rest as much as possible and stay in bed.
 I think you’ve got the flu.
 If you don’t get better in a few days, come back and see me again.
V. Angol szóbeli vizsga Középszint 2. Vizsgafeladat Szituációs feladat

2. Vizsgafeladat


A vizsgázó példánya

You are staying in England on a holiday. In the morning you felt ill and decided to visit the
GP (the examiner) because you are afraid of having the flu.

Include the following points:

- describe your symptoms
- tell the doctor how you tried to cure yourself
- ask the doctor what to do if you don’t get better soon
V. Angol szóbeli vizsga Középszint 3. Vizsgafeladat Önálló témakifejtés

3. Vizsgafeladat


A vizsgázópéldánya
A vizsgázó példánya

These photos show different types of families.

Describe, compare and contrast the pictures. Include the following points:

 the advantages and disadvantages of each type of family

 special events in a typical family’s life
 how each family compares to your own

Prompts for the interlocutor:

What do you do with your family?

Do you celebrate Christmas?
Who is your favourite family member? Can you describe him/her?
What do you do when you are together?
What do you like most about your family?
V. Angol szóbeli vizsga Középszint 3. Vizsgafeladat Önálló témakifejtés

3. Vizsgafeladat


These photos show different types of families.

Describe, compare and contrast the pictures. Include the following points:

 the advantages and disadvantages of each type of family

 special events in a typical family’s life
 how each family compares to your own

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