Battle of Plassey, Battle of Buxar, Warren Hastings, Regulating Act, Pitts Act

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Battle of Plassey, Battle of Buxar, Warren Hastings, Regulating Act, Pitts Act
Battle of Plassey, 1757
Reason – The servants of company were indulged in abuse of dastaks in inland trade and not paying duty.
Between (Sirajuddaula (Nawab of Bengal) + His French support troop) V/S Robert Clive
Treachery by Mir-Jafar + Mohan Lal → Commanders of Nawab’s army
Result → Robert clive won & marked Foundation of British Rule in India
Mir Jafar became the first titular Nawab of Bengal paving the way for British Empire in India

Battle of Buxar, 1764

Between (Nawab of Bengal Mir Qasim + Nawab of Awadh Shuja Uddaula + Mughal emperor Shah Alam
2) V/S East India Company under the command of Major Hector Munro
Result → East India Company won
Allahabad Treaty was signed – Dual system 1965 (Power without responsibilities + Will not come under
British parliament scanner – as political authority will be Nawab only + Open annexation may have
resulted joint war from princely states + Other European powers may not have recognize the authority of
Britishers & may lodge war on them + EIC was more interested in financial & commercial gains rather than
territorial acquisitions)
Law & Order under Nawab

Diwani Rights to British to collect taxes on behalf of the Emperor from the eastern province of Bengal-Bihar-Orissa

British were given power to decide civil cases.

Clive was in England when Battle of Buxar w as fought and won by the British. In 1765
Clive returned & became Governor General of Bengal for the second time
William Fort at Bengal was founded for governor

Reason for Battle of Buxar

The servants of company were indulged in abuse of dastaks in inland trade and not paying duty.
Mir Qasim abolished all inland duties to place Indian merchants on the same footing as the English, which
angered the British.

First Anglo-Mysore War (1767-1769)

In 1767 Mysore was a powerful state under Hyder Ali.

In 1769, the first Anglo-Mysore war was fought in which Haider Ali defeated the British
Treaty of Madras was signed between them.
Haider Ali occupied almost the whole of Carnatic.
Warren Hastings, 1772-1785

Unified Diwani Rights, Cut Nawabs annual allowances

Established Board of revenue
Shifted treasury to Calcutta (became capital of Bengal in 1772)
Founded Civil court + Criminal court in each district
Founded two Appellate courts viz.
Sardar Diwani Adalat for civil cases

Sardar Nizamat Adalat for criminal cases

Abolished the system of dastaksc (free passes) → regulated internal trade

Enforced a uniform tariff of 2.5 % for Indian and non-Indian goods
Started Annual lease / Izaredari system auctioning the land to highest bidder in Bengal
In 1781, he founded the Calcutta Madrasa for promotion of Islamic studies. This was the first educational
institute established by the Company’s government.
Office of DM was created for the 1 time in 1771

Wars by Warren Hastings

First Rohilla War

Sirajuddaula, Nawab of Awadh vs Rohilla, Afgas settled in Rohilkhand

The Nawab was supported by troops of the British East India Company
Result → Rohilkhand fell to Awadh, was plundered and occupied
The war became a matter of Westminster politics during the Impeachment of Warren Hastings

First Anglo Maratha War

Between Mahadji Shinde (Maratha Leader) & British forces at Wadgaon (Pune)
British were defeated & signed a treaty of Wadgaon as per the terms of the Marathas
Treaty of Wadgaon was held invalid by Warren Hastings, who quoted that the Presidency of Bombay had
no legal power to sign such treaty.
The Calcutta Presidency sent another force which harassed Mahadji
Accordingly a new treaty called “Treaty of Salbai” was signed between the British and the Marathas.
Second Anglo Mysore war

A prolonged war which took 4 years to conclude without victory of any side
Haider Ali died in 1782, the battle remained indecisive
A peace was finally concluded with Tipu Sultan on the basis of a mutual restitution of all conquests.
This was called the “Treaty of Mangalore“

Impeachment of Warren Hastings

Warren Hastings was impeached in England on charges related to the Rohilla War, the Case of Nanda
Kumar, the treatment of Raja Chait Singh of Benares and the pressures on the Begums of Oudh.
Nanda Kumar was an influential official in Bengal. He was hanged to death by the verdict of the Supreme Court at Calcutta for
a petty offence of forgery. It was contended that Warren Hastings and the judge of the Supreme Court conspired against
Nanda Kumar.

Warren Hastings imposed heavy penalty on the Raja Chait Singh of Benares for his delay in payment of tribute and deposed
him in an unjust manner.

The Begums of Oudh were mother and grandmother of the Nawab of Oudh. Warren Hastings helped the Nawab by sending
his troops to the help of Nawab who squeeze money from the Begums.

Regulating Act – 1773

The Regulating Act of 1773 is called the First step of Government Control in India to regulate the affairs of
the East India Company
Address the problem of management of company in India.
Address the problem of dual system of governance instituted by Lord Clive
To control the company, this was so far a business entity but now a semi-sovereign political entity in India

Court of Directors term increased from 1 → 4 years with ¼ retiring every year & not eligible for re-election
Made the presidencies of Bombay and Madras as subordinate to the Presidency of Calcutta.
Governor of Bengal → Governor General of Fort William for 5 years
Council of Ministers of four people to assist Governor General of Fort William
Decision to be taken via majority with governor’s vote as casting vote in a tie
Governor general → Supreme over other presidencies in peace and war
Establishment of Supreme court at Calcutta (1 CJ + 3 Judges) Independent of Gov. General.
No Gift/ Cash acceptance by Gov. General or Council or Supreme Court members

Pitts Act – 1784

Reduced Council of Ministers from 4→ 3 (Including commander in chief)

Formation of Board of control (6 Members) appointed by crown working alongside board of directors
Court of Directors – To look after commercial functions & represented the company
Board of control – To look after political affairs representing the crown

Distinguished between the commercial and political functions of the Company

Authorised Court of Directors to make all recruitments in India
Supreme court made for only British subjects
Established a system of double government
British Government was given the supreme control over Company’s affairs and its administration in India

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