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Single correct questions:
1. A particle moves in the x-y plane and at time t is at the point whose coordinates are (t2, t3 - 2t). Then at what
instant of time will its velocity and acceleration vectors be perpendicular to each other?
(A) 1/3sec (B) 2/3 sec (C) 3/2 sec (D) never

2. A particle moves so that its position vector varies with time as r = 𝐴 cos 𝜔𝑡 ! + 𝐴 sin 𝜔𝑡 !. Then the angle
between position vector and velocity vector at any time ‘t’ is:
(A) 0 (*B) π/2 (C) π/3 (D) π/4

3. A body is thrown vertically upwards from A, the top of the tower. It reaches the ground in time 𝑡! . If it is thrown
vertically downwards from A with the same speed, it reaches the ground in time 𝑡! . If it is allowed to fall freely
from A, then the time it takes to reach the ground is
(A) 𝑡! 𝑡! (B) ! (*C) 𝑡! 𝑡! !
!! (D) !
4. A police jeep is chasing the dacoit in a straight road. The jeep is moving with a uniform speed v. the dacoit rides
on a motorcycle and starts with a constant acceleration ‘a’ at a distance ‘d’ from the police. The dacoit will be
caught if the minimum value of 𝑣 is
(A) 𝑣 ≥ 2𝑎𝑑 (B) 𝑣 ≥ 2 𝑎𝑑 (C) 𝑣 ≥ 𝑎𝑑 (D) none of them

5. A particle rotates counter-clockwise in a circle of radius R with increasing speed. Then what can be said about
the angle (θ) formed between the velocity vector and the net acceleration vector
(A) θ is acute (B) θ is obtuse (C) θ = 450 (D) θ = 00

6. A projectile is fired with a velocity 𝑣 at right angle to the slope which is inclined at an angle θ with the horizontal.
The expression for the range R along the incline is
!! ! !! ! !! ! !!
(A) sec θ (B) tan θ (C) tan θ sec θ (D) tan! θ
! ! ! !

7. A particle is projected with a velocity 2 𝑎𝑔 so that it clears two walls of equal height ‘a’ which are at a distance
‘2a’ apart. The time of passing between the two walls will be
!! (B) 𝑎𝑔 ! (D) 2 𝑎𝑔
(A) (*C) 2
! !
8. Rain is falling vertically at 8 m/s. the rain drops make tracks on the side window of a moving car at an angle of
300 below the horizontal. Then, the speed of the car is
! !
(A) 𝑚/𝑠 (*B) 8 3 𝑚/𝑠 (C) 𝑚/𝑠 (D) 4 3 𝑚/𝑠
! !

9. Initial velocity of the particle is 10 m/s. it moves with a constant acceleration of 2 m/s2. The
initial conditions are shown alongside. Then the minimum speed of the particle during its
motion will be
(A) 10 m/s (*B) 6 m/s (C) 8 m/s (D) 2 m/s

10. A particle starts from rest. The variation of acceleration v/s displacement is shown. Find
the velocity of the particle when its displacement is 100 m.

(A) 10 m/s (B) 10 3 𝑚/𝑠 (*C) 10 6 𝑚/𝑠 (D) 20 6 m/s

11. For the given v –t graph, choose the correct options:
(A) Distance travelled by the body in 5 sec is 100 m
(B) Distance travelled by the body in 5 sec is 80 m
(C) Displacement of the body in 5 sec is 80 m
(D) Displacement of the body in 5 sec is 100 m

12. Accelration – time graph of a body is shown. The corresponding velocity – time graph
of the same body will be
(A) (B) (*C) (D)

13. Two particles A and B moves in x – y plane as shown in the figure. If initially
distance between A ans B is 100 m, then the closest distance of approach (in
meters) in subsequent motion will be
(A) zero (B) 10 (C) 10 5 (D) 20 5

14. A particle starts from origin at t=0 and moves in the x-y plane with a constant acceleration α in the y-direction.
The equation of motion is y=kx2. Its velocity component along x-direction is
(A) variable !" (C) !
(B) !" (*D)
! !"

15. A Projectile is given an initial velocity of 𝚤 + 2𝚥 m/s, where 𝚤 is along the ground and 𝚥 is along the vertical. If g =
10 m/s2, the equation of its trajectory is :
(A) y = x − 5x ! (*B) y = 2x − 5x ! (C) 4y = 2x − 5x ! (D) 4y = 2x − 25x !

16. A stone is projected with velocity 20 2 m/s at an angle 450 to the horizontal. The magnitude of average velocity
of the stone during its motion from starting point to its maximum height is (take g = 10 𝑚/𝑠 ! )
(A) 20 m/s (B) 20 5 m/s (C) 5 5 m/s (*D) 10 5 m/s

17. Two particles are projected simultaneously from the level ground as shown in the
figure. They may collide after a time
! !"# !! ! !"# !!
(A) (B)
!! !!

! !"# !! ! !"# !!
(*C) (D)
!! !"#(!! !!! ) !! !"#(!! !!! )

18. A cricket ball thrown across a field is at heights h1 and h2 from the point of projection at times t1 and t2
respectively after the throw. The ball is caught by a fielder at the same height as that of projection. The time of
flight of the ball in this journey is
!! !!! !!! !!! !! !!! !!! !!! !! !!! !!! !!! !! !!! !!! !!!
(*A) (B) (C) (D)
!! !! !!! !! !! !! !!! !! !! !! !!! !! !! !! !!! !!

19. A particle has an initial velocity of 𝑢 = 10𝚥 m/s and moves under a constant acceleration of 𝑎 = 8𝚤 + 2𝚥 𝑚/𝑠 ! .
Then the y – coordinate of the particle when its x – coordinate is 16 m is
(A) 10 m (B) 21 m (*C) 24 m (D) 36 m

20. An elevator is going up with an upward acceleration of 1 m/s2. At the instant when its velocity is 2 m/s, a stone is
projected upward from its floor with a speed of 2 m/s relative to the elevator floor, at an elevation of 300. Then
the time taken by the stone to return to the floor is [take g = 10 𝑚/𝑠 ! )
(*A) 1.8 sec (B) 2.8 sec (C) 0.2 sec (D) 3 sec


21. A particle has a rectilinear motion and the figure gives its displacement as a
function of time. Which of the following statements are true with respect to the
(a) In motion between 0 to A, the velocity is positive and acceleration is negative
(b) Between A and B, the velocity and acceleration are positive
(c) Between B and C, the velocity is negative and acceleration is positive
(d) Between D and E, the acceleration is positive.

22. A particle moves along x-axis according to the law x = t3-3t2-9t+5 m then
(*A) in the interval 3 < t < 5, the particle is moving in +x direction
(B) the particle reverses its direction of motion twice in entire motion if it starts at t=0
(C) the average acceleration from 1 ≤t ≤ 2 sec is 6 m/s2
(*D) in the interval 5 ≤ t ≤ 6 sec, the distance travelled is equal to the displacement

23. Which of the following quantities remain constant during projectile motion?
(A) Average velocity between two points (B) Average speed between two points
!! !! !
(C) (D) ) !
!" !!

24. A particle has a rectilinear motion and the figure gives its displacement as a
function of time. Which of the following statements are true with respect to
the motion?
(*A) In the motion between O and A the velocity is positive and acceleration
is negative
(B) Between A and B the velocity and acceleration
(*C) Between C and D the velocity is negative and acceleration is zero
(*D) Between D and E the acceleration is positive.
Paragraph – 1
A projectile is thrown with velocity of 50 m/s towards an inclined plane from
pound such that it strikes the inclined plane perpendicularly. The angle of
projection of the projectile is 53° with the horizontal and the inclined plane is

inclined at an angle of 45° to the horizontal.
25. The time of flight of the projectile (in seconds) is
(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (*D) 7
26. The distance between the point of projection and the foot of the inclined plane is
(A) 35 m (*B) 175 m (C) 210 m (D) 140 m

27. In the given figure, the angle that the inclined plane makes with the horizontal is 300.
Find the horizontal velocity 𝑣! in m/s so that particle hits the inclined plane
perpendicularly. Take g = 10 m 𝑠 ! , H = 9 m

28. A particle is proj ected from point P with velocity 5 2 m/s perpendicular to the surface of a
hollow right angle cone whose axis is vertical. It collides at Q normally. Find the time of the
flight of the particle. [Ans: 1 sec]

29. A fishing boat is anchored 9km away from the nearest point on shore. A messenger
must be sent from the fishing boat to a camp, 15km from the point on shore closest
to the boat. If the messenger can walk at a speed of 5km per hour and can row at 4km
per hour. To reach the camp in the minimum possible time, the messenger must land
at a distance x from the point on shore closest to the boat. If the value of x is ‘4n’,
then the value of n is? [Ans: 3]

30. The velocity of a certain particle moving along the x axis is proportional to x. At time t = 0 the particle is located
at x = 2 m and at time t = 10 sec it is at x = 4 m. If the position at t = 5 sec is n, then the value of n! is? [Ans: 8]

31. If a person can throw a stone to maximum height of h metre vertically, then the maximum distance through
which it can be thrown horizontally by the same person is nh. Then the value of n is. [Ans: 2]

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