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Worksheet 2

Chapter 9

Name ………………………………………………………. Date ………………….

Vehicle circuits and systems

Diagnosis and testing 2
A customer (your tutor) has brought a vehicle into your workshop. The vehicle has a fault
or faults with the wiper system.

Test the system and components to determine a repair or replacement strategy,

completing the following tasksheet to indicate the tests carried out, the results found and
the expected results. Once this is completed you must make a recommendation for
repair or replacement of components.

You may question the customer to assist you in your diagnosis and recommendations for

This is the second of two fault-testing scenarios that will be presented to you.

2012 1
Worksheet 2
Chapter 9

Name ………………………………………………………. Date ………………….

Vehicle details Customer comments on fault

Fuel type
Turbocharged Y/N
Vehicle running? Y/N
Basic tests Results and comments
Fault codes (attach list if
Component tested and Results found Manufacturer’s specification

Comments and recommendations on findings

2012 2

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