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DETERMINING THE END OF PRIMARY SETTLEMENT USING ‘A SIMPLE ANALYTICAL MODEL PROGRESSIVELY (CALIBRATED TO FIELD SETTLEMENT DATA, by Colby S. Whiteley A pene ait the fa hy of Brigham Young University {in partial ffiliment ofthe requirements forthe degree of Master of Science Department of Civil and Environmental Engincering Brigham Young University April 2009 lolelere) 2OCO: fi fe BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY GRADUATE COMMITTEE APPROVAL ofa project submitted by Colby 8. Whiteley ‘This project hus been read by each member ofthe following graduate committe and by _majorty vote has been found tobe satisfactory. — Apo) Hy 2007 i Da Ta Gaba —— Date Apa [14200 4 Efe — as ean 8 Fosora, Member (es apne Vs Accepted foe the Deparment E-tasfesNekon Graduate Coordinator

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