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Adams 1

Task 1 – Using the Snipping Tool

Adams 2

Task 2 – Creating Files and Folders

Adams 3

Task 3 – Using and Sending CWI Email

Adams 4

Task 4 – Using Word Online

Adams 5

Chad Adams

Professor Scott Straub

Education Technology – EDUC 150

3 June 2019

The Joy That Is MLA Formatting

MLA formatting was developed by the Modern Language Association. It is intended to

help students write papers that are simple for other students to read and for teachers to grade.

Following the MLA formatting will allow readers to consider what you have written rather than

worrying about how you have presented it.

The format is pretty simple. It calls for 1” margins on the top, bottom, left, and right of

the paper. The entire paper, including sources, is to be double-spaced. The font should be one

that is easily readable like Times New Roman and it should be 12pt font. As long as you don’t

add any extra spaces between paragraphs, you should be golden. Stay classy, my friend.
Adams 6

Task 6 – An Announcement Page

On Monday, August 12, the entire 9th grade class is going to take a trip on our favorite rocket
ship. We will zoom through the skies with the Little Einsteins! Obviously, the price of rocket
fuel has risen recently so the cost for this trip will be $4,200 per student plus spending money in
the gift shop. For more information, please feel free to contact me!

Chad Adams
Adams 7

Task 7 – Announcement page divided into three separate announcements

On Friday, June 7, the students in Mr. Adams’ 2nd period class will take a trip to Zoo Boise. A
wealthy entrepreneur has graciously volunteered to pay for the entrance fees and for lunch for
everyone. We will leave from the school on the bus at 9:00 AM and will return at 3:00 PM. If
you have any questions, you can contact Mr. Adams directly.
Chad Adams


On Friday, June 7, the students in Mr. Adams’ 2nd period class will take a trip to Zoo Boise. A
wealthy entrepreneur has graciously volunteered to pay for the entrance fees and for lunch for
everyone. We will leave from the school on the bus at 9:00 AM and will return at 3:00 PM. If
you have any questions, you can contact Mr. Adams directly.
Chad Adams


On Friday, June 7, the students in Mr. Adams’ 2nd period class will take a trip to Zoo Boise. A
wealthy entrepreneur has graciously volunteered to pay for the entrance fees and for lunch for
everyone. We will leave from the school on the bus at 9:00 AM and will return at 3:00 PM. If
you have any questions, you can contact Mr. Adams directly.
Chad Adams
Adams 8

Task 8 – Trip Permission Slip

This is your child’s chance to spar with Chuck Norris! On Tuesday, June 11, the one and only
Chuck Norris will be in the school gym with boxing gloves on looking to spar with the students.
Please indicate below whether or not your child will participate.

My Child CAN participate. My Child CANNOT participate.

Child’s Name: ________________________________________

Parent Signature: ______________________________________

For more info:

Chad Adams


This is your child’s chance to spar with Chuck Norris! On Tuesday, June 11, the one and only
Chuck Norris will be in the school gym with boxing gloves on looking to spar with the students.
Please indicate below whether or not your child will participate.

My Child CAN participate. My Child CANNOT participate.

Child’s Name: ________________________________________

Parent Signature: ______________________________________

For more info:

Chad Adams
Adams 9

Task 9 – Weekly Calendar

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Math Math Math Science Math
Science Science English PE Science
English English Bible Study Hall English
PE PE History PE
Bible Bible Bible
Study Hall Study Hall Study Hall
History History History
Math Math Math Science Math
Science Science English PE Science
English English Bible Study Hall English
PE PE History PE
Bible Bible Bible
Study Hall Study Hall Study Hall
History History History
Math Math Math Science Math
Science Science English PE Science
English English Bible Study Hall English
PE PE History PE
Bible Bible Bible
Study Hall Study Hall Study Hall
History History History
Math Math Math Science Math
Science Science English PE Science
English English Bible Study Hall English
PE PE History PE
Bible Bible Bible
Study Hall Study Hall Study Hall
History History History

Chad Adams
Adams 10

Task 10 – Creating a Lesson Plan in Word

Lesson Plan

August 21, 2019

Instructor: Chad Adams

Grade Level: 8

Lesson Title: The parts of health

Time Needed: 50 minutes


1: Comprehend Core Concepts

a. Students will comprehend core concepts related to health promotion and disease
prevention to enhance health including: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs; Nutrition
and Physical Activity, Injury Prevention, and Safety; Mental, Emotional, and Social
Health; Prevention and Control of Disease; Consumer and Community Health;
Growth, Development, and Family Life; and Environmental Health.


Describe the interrelationships of emotional, mental, physical, and social health.

Materials needed:

· Computer with Microsoft PowerPoint and projector

· Lesson Handouts

· Poster Boards

· Color Pencils and Markers

Discussion/PowerPoint (15-20 min):

Adams 11

1. Read and discuss chapter 1 in the health books. Discuss the different parts of health
and how/why they’re important individually.

2. Discuss how/why the different parts of health are interrelated.

3. Follow PowerPoint presentation slides.

Activity (25-30 min):

After reading and discussing. Have students illustrate the parts of health showing how
and why they’re important and then how they are each connected and why that is

Check for Understanding:

Students will turn in their posters for a grade.

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