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BYOD/BYOT Implementation Plan- 6th Grade Social Studies

Ashley Ball-FRIT 7330

 BYOT Program-Paulding County School District BYOT

 Platform- The platform that would be most appropriate for my classroom would be Apple. My
school system usually has a variety of devices that can be utilized on BYOT days from laptops or
desktops with Windows on them or IPads. Students have access to the onedrive at home and at
school. Because I teach Social Studies, there are more apps that are supported through the
Apple IOS that are beneficial to my classroom, and that’s why I decided to focus on it. If
students are bringing their own devices many of them are using smartphones such as iPhones.
By choosing the Apple platform, most students are already knowledge on how to use the
platform and download apps if needed.

 Device Access- If students do not bring their device or do not have a device to bring, I usually
try to reserve the Ipad cart. The school I was at most recently had multiple Ipad carts with
fifteen to thirty devices. If the school provided technology is not available, I may be hesitant to
have students partner up with their own personal devices. The county’s BYOT policy is clear that
students are responsible for their own devices, and if other students are sharing it, even if the
student with the device is okay with it, accidents can happen. If there is not an opportunity to
check out Ipads, I may move the lesson to a day in which all students have access to the

 Grouping- I would group students differently depending on the BYOT activity. If it is an

assessment in which I am trying to collect data, I may have students work individually. If
students are working on a group project researching information, they may be grouped based
on assessment scores or on the activity in which they are completing. If they are playing quizlet
live, the website groups them randomly together, and they have to work together to answer all
the questions. Students may be grouped as partners if they are working on practice software,
such as kahoot, this will give them someone to help if they get stuck on problems. I try to keep
BYOT activities to partners or individuals, to minimize too much movement in the classroom
when the devices are on desks or in hands.

 Apps for 6th grade Social Studies-

o Green Screen by Do Ink- Students can use the green screen app to “time travel” and
describe historical events. They can interview famous historical figures and practice
communicate skills.
o Nearpod- Teachers can guide through presentations. Students can complete quiz
questions, polls, collaborate, and go on virtual field trips. It is more interactive than a
regular PPT.
o Quizizz- Students can practice content for upcoming assessments. Students work at
their own pace and questions can be randomized for individual work time.
o Stop Motion Studio- Students can recreate historical events using Stop Motion.
Students can work in groups to create presentations to share with the class over any
o Timeline 3D – Students can create virtual timelines with this app. This would be a great
app to use to review over important dates in a history unit. Teachers could also use it as
a project type grade at the end of a unit.
o Flipgrid- Students can take quick videos on a topic of discussion in class. Students can
review what other students
o Geomaster Plus- students can practice map skills in this app. This is important when
reviewing over Geography standards and students are required to identify certain
places. Students may feel like it is a game and the app can be used as an extension
acidity as well.

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