Codex Grots 8th Ed Home Brew

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Warhammer 40k – Codex Grots

Posted by taerus on 8. Nov 2018

Welcome to Codex Grots! A collection of Houserules, to field an army of the allmighty Grot
rebels of the 41st Millenia – completely without Ork units! I mean, who need these uncivilized

Please note: This Codex is a hobby project for my wonderful wife, who loves Grots and
Goblins. Don’t take it too serious, but if you have questions, constructive criticism or just some
feedback, fell free to comment!

At the moment, we can only offer power levels, but point values will hopefully follow soon!

After all, these rules are designed to make Grots a viable army in the darkness of the grim future

 Grot abilities
o Dakka! Dakka! Dakka!
o Battle Frenzy
o Countless headz
o Surprisingly Dangerous in Large Numbers

Let’s take a look at the overall rules and abilities of the common Grot rebels and even
their Squiggy friends.


Throughout the sections you will come across a keyword that is within angular brackets,
specifically <MOVEMENT>. This is shorthand for a keyword of your own choosing, as
described below.
All Grots belong to a movement, a rebel group of likeminded greenskins that share a
propensity for a certain kind of warfare. Some datasheets specify what movement the unit is
drawn from (e.g. … has the RED REICH keyword, so is from the Red Reich movement). If
a Grot datasheet does not specify which movement it is drawn from, it will have the
<MOVEMENT> keyword. When you include such a unit in your army, you must nominate
which movement that unit is from. You then simply replace the <MOVEMENT> keyword in
every instance on that unit’s datasheet with the name of your chosen movement.

For example, if you were to include a Grot General in your army, and you decided he was
from the Green Guerillas movement, his <MOVEMENT> Faction keyword is changed to

The following abilities are common to several Grot units:

Each time you roll an unmodified hit roll of 6 for an attack with a ranged weapon made
by a model in this unit, that hit roll succeeds regardless of any modifiers. In addition,
immediately make an additional hit roll against the same target using the same weapon.
These additional hit rolls cannot themselves generate any further hit rolls. When firing a
weapon with randomly determined characteristics (e.g. a bubblechukka), any additional hit
rolls use the same characteristics as the hit roll that generated the additional hit roll. This
ability does not affect weapons that automatically hit their target.
Battle Frenzy
Units are totally crazy and don’t care about the battle around them. Each unit with this
ability automatically passes morale tests and each wound made to the unit is ignored by a 6+.
Countless heads
Every GROT unit adds 1 to their leadership, for every other GROT and SQUIG unit that
is within 6” and that is not a CHARACTER – up to a maximum of 10.
Surprisingly Dangerous in Large Numbers
Every <Grot> Unit, that includes 15 or more models, can add 1 to their hit rolls and
Army of Green
o HQ
o Grot General
o Tank General
o Officer
Grot General
The most cunning and devious of Grots …

Rumble in the galaxy …

Grot Officer
He got you back …

Pirate Captain
Arrrrr you ready to rumble ….
Mork is in the air tonight …
o Grot Monkeys
o Para Grots
o Trophy Grots
o Assassins
o Sniper
o Pirate Commandos

Grot Monkeys
The best of the best when it comes to make trash into a deadly weapon …

Para Grots
Even a grot sometimes bleeds …
Trophy Grots
Never forget what you’re eventually dying for …

Grot Assassins
I am the shadow …
Grot Sniper
The further away, the better …

Pirate Commandos
A flag, a horn and a barrel of rum …
o Grot Soldiers
o Grot Pirates
o Flamer Teams
o Tank Hunter
o Squigs
Grot Soldiers
The backbone of every grot army …

Grot Pirates
The scourge of the 7 Sub-sectors …
Flamer Teams
It’s getting hot in here …

Tank Hunter
Pop goes the tank …
Time for teeth and stommacks …

Fast Attack
o Squig Rider
o Fanatics
o Mangler Squigs

Squig Rider
They see me riding, they hatin’ …

Grot Fanatics
Insane in the brain …

Mangler Squigs
Big balls of death …
Heavy Support
o Deff Tanks
o Storm Tanks
o Howitzer
o Mek Gunz
o Killa Kans

Deff Tanks
Deff to all who oppose us …
Storm Tanks
Chaaaaarge …

They never see it coming …
Mek Gunz
The Terror of Technology …
Killa Kans
They’re Kans, and they’re Killas …
Dedicated Transport
o Flyer
o Lord of War

Grot Trukks
The safest way to close combat … or to the next exit point!
Movements – Warlords – Artifacts
Posted by taerus on 8. Nov 2018
Grot movements are the kulturs or chapters of the army and therefor give a variety of abilities,
making your army special and feeling different.
In the Codex, there are 3 movements represented and maybe we will add more in the future. For
now, feel free to join the revolutionary work of
 The Red Reich
 The Crimson Corsairs
 The Green Guerillas
 General Traits and Artifacts

The Red Reich

The Red Reich is a very tightly organized Movement of the Grot Society. Structures are strict
and combat is art. Where they lack power and size, they come with some very neat coats and

General of the Red Reich

Movement Tactic
Drilled to the Bones – Re-roll hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by models of this Movement in the
Shooting phase.
Warlord Trait
Cunning Genius – If your Warlord is on the battlefield, roll a dice for each Command Point you
spend when using Stratagems. On a 6+ that Command is immediately refunded.
Grot Artifacts
The Red Flag – Units with the VEHICLE keyword within 6″ of the bearer can reroll 1 wound
roll in each shooting phase.
The Crimson Corsairs
The Crimson Corsairs are a loose but dangerous group of pillagers, roaming the galaxies with
their ship-like vehicles, plundering and drinking, singing and dancing. All in all, a lovely bunch
of Sailors!

Captain of the Crimson Corsairs

Movement Tactic
Quick reflexes – Units with this trait always fight first in the Fight phase even if they didn’t
charge. If the enemy has units that have charged, or that have a similar ability, then alternate
choosing units to fight with, starting with the player whose turn is taking place.
Warlord Trait
‘Ard as a Pirate – Roll a dice each time your Warlord suffers a wound or mortal wound. On a 5+,
the wound is ignored. If your Warlord has the VEHICLE keyword, the wound is ignored on a
roll of a 6+ instead.
Grot Artifacts
The Crimson Hat – Psyker only – You can add 1 to Psychic tests taken by the bearer when
manifesting a psychic power from the Power of Gork and Mork discipline.

The Green Guerillas

A Green Guerilla is nothing less than a Rambo himself. Just smaller … and weaker … and
maybe with less equipment. But much more cunning! As their name says, they are Guerilla
fighters, sneaky, deadly and lovely in every landscape portrait!
Green Guerilla Fighter
Movement Tactic
Hidden in the Shadows – Your opponent must subtract 1 from any hit rolls when shooting at
GROT units with this tactic if they are more than 12″ away.
Warlord Trait
Master Slicer – Roll a dice each time your Warlord finishes a charge move within 1″ of an
enemy unit; on a 4+ that unit suffers a mortal wound.
Grot Artifacts
The Green Bomb – 6″, Grenade 3D6, S5, AP-1,D1 • Usable once per battle. This weapon always
wounds targets (other than VEHICLES) on a 2+.

General Traits and Artifacts

Warlord Traits
More cunning and even smaller – Your opponent must subtract 1 from any hit rolls when
shooting at this unit if they are more than 12″ away. You must also subtract 1″ from the warlords
Movement Characteristic.
Guerilla Master – At the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, you
can remove your Warlord and up to D3 friendly <MOVEMENT> units from the battlefield and
set them up again as described in the Deployment section of the mission you are playing (if you
pick a TRANSPORT, units embarked inside it remain so when it is removed and set up again).
Big Lungs – The range of the Warlord’s aura effects is doubled
Pink Mushroom – Psyker only – Usable once per battle. A unit of Shamans can re-roll any dices
of a psychic test and Deny the Witch test in the following enemies turn.
Maul of Mischief – Melee weapon, S+2, AP-2, D2 • If the bearer is able to wound his target in
the Fight phase, the wounded model must subtract D3 from its Attack characteristic until the end
of the turn, to a minimum of 1.
Little Berta – Tank General only • 60″, Heavy D6, S7, AP-1, D2 • If you roll one or more
unmodified hit rolls of 1, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after all of this weapon’s attacks
have been resolved • Replaces the Deffgun.
The Crimson Sail – Pirate Captain only • Change the Captains Movement characteristic ro 8″
and add the FLY Keyword.
Stikk of Responsibility – If the bearer is your Warlord, you can generate a second Warlord Trait
for them. If the bearer is not your Warlord, generate a Warlord Trait for them (note that the
bearer is only regarded as your Warlord for the purposes of that Warlord Trait). The same
Warlord Trait cannot be generated for both the bearer and your Warlord.
Snotling Spray – SQUIG Units that are within 6″ of the bearer, may re-roll hit rolls and wound
rolls of 1 in the Fighting phase.

Powers of Gork and Mork

As stated in the datasheets, Grot Shamans have two specific rules as psykers:
Psychic Resistence: For every model in this unit, you can add 1 to Deny the Witch tests you take
for this unit against enemy PSYKERS within 12″.
Psyker: This unit can attempt to manifest one psychic power in each friendly Psychic phase, and
attempt to deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Smite psychic
power and two psychic powers from the Power of Gork and Mork discipline. If the unit contains
3 or more models, it can attempt to manifest two psychic power in each friendly Psychic phase.
Also keep in mind that the shamans act as a group of up to 4 shamans!
 As you will see in the upcoming powers, they are all heavily influenced by the current
number of shamans in a unit. So make sure to bring several of them and get them safe.
 The x stands for the number of shamans alive.

Knock ‘em out

Warpcharge value: 6
In the following Fight Phase, a friendly <Character> adds x points to his strength.

We are Legion
Warpcharge value: 7
Targets a <Grot> unit. Until the next psychic phase, the unit gets a 6+ invulnerable save. Add 1
for every participating shaman.

Flee you foolz

Warpcharge value: 6
A friendly <Grot> unit that is in close combat, may immediately fall back and act normally in
the following shooting and fighting phase as if they have moved in the movement phase. This
includes charging before the fight phase.

Tickle tickle
Warpcharge value: 7
Target an enemy <Character>. This Character must pass a morale test, aggravated by x. If the
character fails the test, it cannot shoot and/or fight in the next phase.

Morkish Roulette
Warpcharge value: 8
If manifested, the closest visible enemy unit within 18″ of the psykers suffers x mortal wounds.
If the Psychic test fails, the shamans suffer x mortal wounds. Deny the Witch tests against this
psychic power, are aggravated by x

Clouded Brainz
Warpcharge value: 6
Choose an enemy unit within 18″ of the psykers – your opponent must subtract x from all hit
rolls made for that unit in the shooting phase until your next psychic phase.

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