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Exam of English

Full name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Grade and Section ……………………………………………………………………………….Date…………………………………..

Circle the letter that best completes the sentences. See the example.
1.- _______name? My name is Sue.
a) What your
b) What are you
c) What’s your
d) How is your

2.- ______ from? I’m from India.

a)Where is
b) Where are
c) What are you?
d) Where are you

3.-Where are you from? ________Peru.

a) I am from
b) I’ from
c) My is from
d) My from is

4.-“Hello”, I’m Tom.” ________ Alice.

a)I am c) Hi, I’m
b) Hi, you’re d) Hi, she’s

5.-_________ you? I’m 15

a) How old c) How old are
b) How are d)What old are

2.-Choose the correct answer .

1.- Where are you from?

a) I’m of Peru c) I am Peruvian
b) I’m from Peru

2.- How old are you?

a) I am thirteen years old. c) I’ m a thirteen year old
b) I’m thirteen years.

3.- How are you?

a) I’m Peruvian. c) I’m fine
b) Nice to meet you.

4.-Where is Brazil?
a) He’s in South America. C) It is in South America
b) He’s from Brazilian.
3.- Write about yourself.

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