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Liceo Lui A.

Depto Ingles
Teacher : Carmen Gloria Vargas

Name:__________________________class: 3rd C Date: _______

Aim: aplicar vocabulário temático de la unidad./ utilizar imperativos

1. Scientists say natural disasters are becoming more commom. Some

people believe these are signs that the end of the world is near. What do
you think about this?
2. How much do you know about natural disasters? Match these sentences
and find out.

a. Earthquakes are …
b. A tornado is …
c. Hurricanes happen in the…
d. Cyclones..
e. Tsunamis…
f. The difference between tsunamis and
g. avalanches and landslides are similar, but…
h. Blizzards…
i. The covering with water of normally dry land…
j. A long period with very little or no rain…

( ) are strong tropical storms.

( ) a windstorm occurring over land.

( ) Atlantic Ocean, whereas typhoons happen in the Pacific.

( ) is called a volcanic eruption.
( ) are very large ocean waves caused by an undersea earthwake os meteor

( ) violent shakings of the Earth´s crust that may cause destruction to

( ) tidal waves is that the latter are caused by the Moon.

( ) is called a drought.
( ) are severe winter storms.
( ) landslides refer only to solid rock or soil while avalanches include snow and
ice as well.

( ) is called a flood.
Liceo Lui A. Barrerra
Depto Ingles
Teacher : Carmen Gloria Vargas

3. Which natural disaster is more likely to happen in your city? Have you ever
witnessed any of these events?

4. Which natural disaster would never happen in Brazil? Why?

5. What would you do if you were caught in the following disasters? Fill in the
table below and discuss your answers with a classmate.

Disaster Dangers What to do





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