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(First scene)

FW: Its a great day to hunt and I have to get a lot of meat to my Little cubs . How do you feel

MW: Well , that sound very well . Today I fell more and less.

FW: Then , Im going to hunt two or three animals .Wait me per one hours

(Coming Tabaqui )

T: Good luck! Shere khan , the tiger is coming to look for food .

FW: he cant , by the lawf the Junge e must tell us , first , before he comes here to hunt

T: Shere khan has a bad leg , so he can kill only cows .In the village near him the people are
angry . That why he is coming here .

FW: heis a stupid ¡ No one will find anything to eat in the jungle now .

T: But Shere Khan is hunting man ,not animal , tonight

MW: We have to consedered the law of the jungle remenbered that ” animals musnt hunt
man , because man killing brings man with guns “

(Moogle appeared)

MW: What is that?

FW: He is mans cub

MW: I never seen one .Bring it there ¡ Look him ¡He is playing with our cubs

(Shere Khan appeared)


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