Minimizination of Handoff Failure Probability and Handoff Latency Using Relative Distance Method

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Debabrata Sarddar1, Arghya Sur1, Arindam Jati1 , Sourajit Jash1, Utpal Biswas3, M.K. Naskar1

1. Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engg, Jadavpur University, Kolkata – 700032.

E-mail:,,,, .

2. Dept of Electronics and Communication Engg, Netaji Subhash Engg College, Techno City, Garia, Kolkata – 700152.
3. Department of Computer Science and Engg, University of Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal, Pin- 741235,

Abstract- Handoff has become an essential Positioning System), Relative distance of MN,
criterion in mobile communication system, Neighbor APs.
specially in urban areas, owing to the limited
coverage area of Access Points (AP). Handover
of calls between two BS is encountered frequently I. INTRODUCTION:
and it is essentially required to minimize the
delay of the process. Further, the failure of In the integrated NGWS, users are always
handoffs should also be minimized by correctly connected to best available networks based on
predicting the future location of AP. Many their service needs [1]. So, it is a very
solutions attempting to improve this process have important issue to support seamless mobility
been proposed but only a few use geo-location management. Mobility management has two
systems in the management of the handover. parts:
Here we propose to minimize the handoff (1) Location Management
latency by minimizing the number of APs (2) Handoff Management
scanned by the mobile node (MN) during each Among these two, Handoff Management is the
handoff procedure. We consider the whole most challenging issue in NGWS. It is the
topographical area as a two dimensional plane. process by which users keep their connections
We assume hexagonal coverage area of an AP active when they move from one AP to
with the AP situated at the center. By GPS, we another. Two types of handoff can be occurred
can note down the co-ordinates of the MN at any in NGWS shown in fig 1.
instant. Calculating a relative distance of MN [I] Horizontal handoff: Handoff between two
from current AP at frequent time intervals, we BSs of the same system. It can be further
determine the trajectory of MN by GPS. Hence classified into
the direction of motion of the MN can be
determined, which in turns gives the AP towards 1) Link-layer handoff: Horizontal handoff
which the MN is heading towards. between two BSs, under same foreign agent
This reduces the number of APs to be scanned. (FA), e.g., the handoff of a MT from BS10 to
Thus, on an overall basis, the handoff latency BS11 in Fig. 1.
can be reduced by almost half to one third of its
value. Also by checking once after scanning if the 2) Intra-system handoff: Horizontal handoff
MN is coming back to its own AP, it can also between two BSs that belong to two different
reduce false handoff probability. FAs and both FAs belongs to the same system
and hence to same
Keywords: Next Generation Wireless Systems
(NGWS), IEEE 802.11, GPS (Global
gateway foreign agent (GFA), e.g., handoff of different systems and two different GFAS,
MT from BS11 to BS12 in Figure 1. e.g., the handoff of the MT from BS12 to
BS20 in Figure 1.
[II] Vertical handoff (Inter-System Handoff):
Handoff between two BSs, belong to two

Figure 1.

We now describe the handoff procedure with its beacons bearing all necessary information like
various phases. beacon interval, capability information, supported
rate etc. about an AP. Active scan is normally
1.1 Handover Process speedy as it aims to bypass the most time
consuming phases in the layer (L2) handoff
The complete handoff procedure can be procedure, but is unreliable, since probe packets
divided into 3 distinct logical parts: scanning, may get lost or greatly delayed in wireless traffic
authentication and re-association. In the first jams. Passive scan, though reliable, has a long
phase, an STA scans for AP’s by either sending waiting time for beacons which is prohibitive to
Probe Request messages or by listening for many services. Thus a selective channel probing
beacon message. After scanning all channels, an should be judiciously used. The active scans
AP is selected using the Received Signal Strength introduce two parameters:
Indication (RSSI) and CI ratio, and the selected ‘Min Channel Time’ represents the arrival
AP exchanges IEEE 802.11 authentication time of the first probe response. So a client must
messages with the STA. Finally, if the AP listen for this period of time to decide whether
authenticates the STA, the STA sends Re- there are any APs on this channel. It is
association Request message to the new AP. recommended to be set as 3-7 ms.
‘Max Channel Time’ is the estimated time to
1.2 Scanning collect all probe responses. It is supposed to be of
the magnitude of tens of milliseconds. For all
Scanning can be divided into active and passive practical implementation, the maximum channel
scans. During an active scan, the STA broadcasts time is set to 30 ms [7].
a probe request packet asking all APs in those
specific channels to impart their existence and [2] Selective Channel Scanning:-
capability with a probe response package. In a
passive scan, the STA listens passively for the
Selective channel probing brilliantly reduces ‘Open System’ which is a null authentication
the handoff delay by a massive percentage when algorithm and ‘Shared Key’ which is a four-way
compared with selective scanning or basic active authentication mechanism. If Inter Access Point
scanning. Moreover, it was also stated that the Protocol (IAPP) is used, only null authentication
MN has to wait for only the ‘round trip time’ frames need to be exchanged in the re-
(rtt) for scanning each channel instead of the min authentication phase. Exchanging null
channel time or the max channel time. We know authentication frames takes about 1-2 ms.
that IEEE 802.11 uses 11 out of the 14 possible
channels, out of which 1, 6 1.4 Re-Association
and 11 are mutually non-overlapping. When the
MN responds to handoff, introducing the pre- Re-association is a process for transferring
scanning mechanism of GPS, it first looks for the associations from one AP to another. Once the
potential AP, when the threshold distance from STA has been authenticated with the new AP, re-
its present AP has been exceeded then it first association can be started. Previous works has
scans the channels 1, 6 and 11 if shown re-association delay to be around 1-2 ms.
present in that AP. If this fails, it will start The overall delay is the summation of scanning
scanning the 5 other channels of that AP. As delay, authentication delay, and re-association delay.
proposed in [8], the expected scanning delay
using selective scanning is
t = N’× ґ + α ,
where ‘t’ is the scanning delay, N’ is the number
of channels scanned, ‘ґ’ is the round trip time
and ‘α’ is the message processing time. ‘ґ’ is the
summation of the time taken for the Probe
Request to be sent to the selected AP’s and for
Probe Response to be received, which, in our
case, is nothing but the Min Channel Time,
which has been estimated to be around 3-7 ms.

Figure 2. Channel spectrum

Figure 3.The total handoff process in brief

1.3 Authentication
1.5 Global Positioning System
Authentication is necessary prior to
association. Authentication must either Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-
immediately proceed to association or must based global navigation satellite system. It
immediately follow a channel scan cycle. In pre- provides reliable positioning, navigation, and
authentication schemes, the MN authenticates timing services to worldwide users on a
with the new AP immediately after the scan cycle continuous basis in all weather, day and night,
finishes. IEEE 802.11 defines two subtypes of anywhere on or near the Earth which has an
authentication service: unobstructed view of four or more GPS
satellites. GPS is made up of three segments:
Space, Control and User. The Space Segment is
composed of 24 to 32 satellites in Medium Earth
Orbit and also includes the boosters required to
launch them into orbit. GPS satellites broadcast
signals from space that GPS receivers use to
provide three-dimensional location (latitude,
longitude, and altitude) plus precise time. GPS
has become a widely used aid to navigation
worldwide, and is a useful tool for map-making,
land surveying, commerce, scientific uses,
tracking and surveillance, and hobbies such as
geocaching and way marking.


So many researches have been made to Figure 4

improve Handoff in IEEE 802.11 based
networks. A lot of new protocols have been
proposed. For QoS demanding applications like We assume hexagonal coverage area of an
VoIP and multimedia, seamless handover in AP with the AP situated at the center. Before
mobility support has become a great issue. In introducing the mechanism, we need to describe
past few years, some neighbor graph and GPS certain parameters.
based Handoff procedures have been proposed. Let the approximate maximum handoff delay in
In [2], authors propose selective channel the scanning, authentication and re-association
scanning mechanism using neighbor graphs. phase of a single AP be tdelay ms as per the latest
They scan neighbor APs and collect their proposed algorithm. The potential AP searches
respective channel information. They need can be made up to a certain distance after which
changes in network infrastructure and use of the MN performs the handover process. It is
IAPP. Chung- Sheng Li et all in [3] focus on because at this region the mobile handoff
neighbor graph cache mechanism for link layer2 procedure has to be started otherwise it may
handover. In [4] & [5], authors use GPS based suffer handoff failure. This region is the critical
access point maps for handoff management. In handoff region as shown in figure 4.
[6], S. Kyriazakos et all propose an
algorithm to resolve the well known ping-pong As the mechanism starts, the instantaneous
and far-away cell effects using the MN’s velocity of the MN is assumed to be zero. In this
movement and its velocity. They give a brief mechanism, the co-ordinates of the MN is
description of the mechanism without providing obtained using GPS repeatedly at an interval of
any performance evaluation. J Pesola et all in [7] t=10ms. The GPS response time has been
present a location assisted algorithm to manage discussed to be as low as 10 ns with an error of
handover between WLAN and GPRS networks. at the most 30 cm. we add a further time to
analyze the co-ordinates and find certain other
parameters which we shall discuss shortly. Let
III. PROPOSED METHOD: the total time required to find and analyze all
these parameters be ∆t. we will take τ= t delay + ∆t.
Here, we propose to reduce the handover latency Significance of τ will be discussed shortly.
by reducing the number of APs scanned by the
MN during the handover process. We utilize The cell size of the hexagonal cell is taken to
Global Positioning System (GPS) to implement be a. The distance between two APs in urban
our mechanism. The selection of the most area is of the range 200 m to 500m. The entire
potential AP by the MN effectively reduces the hexagonal cell is divided into 6 sectors with each
scanning delay, as the number of channels sector having an angle of 60°.
scanned will be lower.
8. Compare dn and k. If dn<k, set n=n+1.
Go to step 2.
9. Predict the co-ordinate (xf,yf) of MN at
the end of further time τ, assuming MN
follows the most recent trajectory and
speed. They are given by,
10. Find Θf based on (xf,yf) using formula
in step 3.
11. Depending on Θf, find the most
probable AP to which the MN is
If 0 ≤ Θf ≤ 60°, MN enters AP1;
If 60 ≤ Θf ≤ 120°, MN enters AP2;
Figure 5 If 120 ≤ Θf ≤ 180°, MN enters AP3;
If 180 ≤ Θf ≤ 240°, MN enters AP4;
So it can be visualized as a two dimensional If 240 ≤ Θf ≤ 300°, MN enters AP5;
space with the origin as the AP having 4 If 300 ≤ Θf ≤ 360°, MN enters AP6;
quadrants about it as shown in figure 5. 12. Perform pre-scanning on the calculated
The algorithm of the mechanism is as follows: AP. We can also incorporate selective
1. Set n=1, t=10ms, τ= tdelay + ∆t. channel scanning to further reduce the
2. Compute the coordinates of the MN scanning delay.
using GPS. Let at n-th interval the co- 13. Find co-ordinates (xn+1, yn+1) of MN just
ordinates of MN are P(xn,yn). after the pre-scanning. Compute dn+1.
3. Compute the angle ‘ Θn ’ which OP
makes with the x-axis, given by If dn+1<k, set n=n+1. Go to step 2.
Θn=arctan(| yn/xn |), if xn>0, yn>0; 14. Perform rest of the handoff procedure
Θn=180°- arctan(| yn/xn |), if xn<0, on the pre-scanned AP.
In this algorithm, we calculate dn for each time
Θn=180°+ arctan(| yn/xn |),if xn<0,
interval until dn becomes greater than k. k
yn<0; signifies the relative distance from AP after
Θn=360°- arctan(| yn/xn |), if xn>0, which the MN will have only τ ms before it
yn<0; moves to another cell, if it goes at the current
4. Compute instantaneous velocity in a perpendicular
Δxn = √((xn-xn-1)²+(yn-yn-1)²)), direction towards the cell edge. In other words, k
vn=Δxn/t. is the relative distance at which the MN enters
5. Calculate the length of the line segment the ‘critical handoff region’. After dn becomes
joining the AP to the cell edge along equal to k, we perform a pre-scan of the most
probable AP as given in step 11. Just after pre-
Θn. since it depends on Θn only, we call
scanning, we further check if the MN is still in
it f(Θn),which is given by, the critical handoff region. We have earlier
f(Θn)=a*cos(30°)/cos(30°+60*m-Θn) allotted a time ∆t time for this operation. If it is
where, m=[Θn/60], [ ] being the greatest still in the region, we perform the authentication
integer function. and re-association. Otherwise, we continue the
6. Calculate algorithm. Here, we use the instantaneous
dn=√(xn²+yn²)/f(Θn). velocity and the latest trajectory to minimize the
dn will be called the relative distance of error in prediction due to haphazard trajectory of
MN from AP. Its value is less than 1 if MN.
MN is inside AP. Otherwise it is >1. Thus, we see, it can reduce the handoff failure
7. Compute probability by a small means by re-checking if
k= 1- 2*(vn)*(τ)/(a*√3). the MN is coming back. The simulation of
algorithm is provided in the next section with a the error in predicting the angle of MN after t
detailed performance evaluation which judges time interval is plotted with time in figure 11.
the suitability of this algorithm in real


We made a sample run of our algorithm to test

the functionality of it. We recreated our
algorithm for the handover of a MN from the cell
in which its call originates. The coverage region
of the AP is taken as regular hexagons of length
231m approx (which satisfy the topological
conditions of an AP in urban area). We assumed
that the MN follows a random trajectory and
after a certain time moves out of the cell, i.e, it
suffers handoff. At the end of the algorithm we
note the angle in which the MN may lie after
handover and we compared this with its actual
angle that it makes with the previous AP. The
result of this simulation justifies the
appropriateness of our algorithm.
All the coordinates are in meters and are
measured in reference to the present AP as the
Figure 6. Trajectory of MN
origin and axis shown as in Figure 4. The initial
speed of MN at the origin of call was taken as 20
m/s, and after the algorithm the average speed
was recorded as 18.7733 m/s. The average
handoff delay time was taken as 50 ms. We have
created a totally random trajectory of MN based
on real world consideration, so that on every
sample run we get a different trajectory. As
proposed, the algorithm to predict the AP stops
as the relative distance of AP gets larger than k.
At this point the predicted angle of MN after
handoff was found to be 27.6051 degrees which
corresponds to AP1. So only AP1’s channel may
be scanned during handover which does reduces
the handover latency to a great extent. After the
handover phase the recorded actual angle that the
MN makes with the previous AP is 27.6394
which also correspond to AP1. Thus this
signifies the appropriateness of our algorithm. A Figure 7. Variation of ‘k’ with time
set of sample runs were made by varying the
parameters such as cell coverage area or initial
velocity of MN and each time the AP was
predicted correctly. A graph showing the MN
trajectory in our primary sample run is shown in
figure 6. Variation of critical distance ‘k’ with
time is shown in figure 7. The variations of
acceleration and velocity of MN with time are
shown in figure 8 and figure 9 respectively. The
variation off the relative distance of MN until
handoff occurs is shown in figure 10. And finally
Figure 8. Variation of Acceleration with time Figure 9. Variation of velocity with time

Figure 10. Variation of relative distance of MN Figure 11. Plot of error in predicting angle


We can see that this relative distance method [1] I.F. Akyildiz, S. Mohanty and J. Xie,
accompanied by selective scanning largely ‘A Ubiquitous Mobile Communication
reduce both the handoff failure probability and Architecture for Next Generation
handoff latency by almost accurately predicting Heterogeneous Wireless Systems.’,
the AP to which the MN is heading. But this IEEE Radio Communication
method could prove erroneous if the MN Magazine, vol – 43, no.-6, pp-S29-
follows a completely haphazard trajectory as in S36, June 2005
that case the predicted path may not lead to the [2] .Hye-Soo Kim et. al. ‘Selective
actual AP to which handoff should occur. Channel Scanning for Fast Handoff in
Future work regarding this topic may include Wireless-LAN Using Neighbor-graph’
researches aiming to minimize this error to a Japan, July2004. International
greater extent. We have tried for accurate Technical Conference on
approximation as far as possible, but there is Circuits/Systems Computers and
always scope for improvement. Communication. 8
[3] Chung-Sheng Li ‘A neighbor
caching mechanism for handoff in
IEEE 802.11 Wireless networks’
Springer 20March 2008,DOI
[4] Ashutosh Dutta ,S Madhani, Wai Arindam Jati is presently pursuing
Chen, ”GPS-IP based fast Handoff for B.Tech (2nd Year) in Electronics and
Mobiles” Telecommunication Engineering at Jadavpur
[5] Chien-Chao Tseng, K-H Chi, M-D University, Kolkata. His research interest
Hsieh and H-H Chang,” Location- includes wireless sensor networks and wireless
based Fast Handoff for 802.11 communication systems.
COMMUNICATIONS Sourajit Jash is presently pursuing B.Tech (2nd
LETTERS,VOL9, NO 4 April 2005. Year) in Electronics and Telecommunication
[6] S. Kyriazakos, D. Drakoulis and G. Engineering at Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
Karetsos, ”Optimazation of The His research interest includes wireless sensor
Handover Algorithm Based on The networks and wireless communication systems.
Position of The Mobile Terminals” in
Proceedings of Symposium on
Communications and Vehicular Utpal Biswas received his B.E,
Technology, October 2000. M.E and PhD degrees in
[7] J. Pesola and S. Pokanen, “Location- Computer Science and
aided Handover in Heterogeneous Engineering from Jadavpur
Wireless Networks,” in Proceedings of University, India in 1993, 2001
Mobile Location Workshop, May and 2008 respectively. He served
2003. as a faculty member in NIT, Durgapur, India in
the department of Computer Science and
AUTHOR BIOGRAPHIES Engineering from 1994 to 2001. Currently, he is
working as an associate professor in the
Debabrata Sarddar is currently department of Computer Science and
pursuing his PhD at Jadavpur Engineering, University of Kalyani, West
University. He completed his Bengal, India. He is a co-author of about 35
M.Tech in Computer Science & research articles in different journals, book
Engineering from DAVV, Indore in chapters and conferences. His research interests
2006, and his B.Tech in Computer include optical communication, ad-hoc and
Science & Engineering from Regional mobile communication, semantic web services,
Engineering College, Durgapur in 2001. He was E-governance etc.
earlier a lecturer at Kalyani University. His
research interest includes wireless and mobile Mrinal Kanti Naskar received his
system. B.Tech. (Hons) and M.Tech
degrees from E&ECE Department,
IIT Kharagpur, India in 1987 and
1989 respectively and Ph.D. from
Jadavpur University, India in 2006..
He served as a faculty member in NIT,
Arghya Sur is presently pursuing Jamshedpur and NIT, Durgapur during 1991-
B.Tech (2nd Year) in Electronics and 1996 and 1996-1999 respectively. Currently, he
Telecommunication Engineering at Jadavpur is a professor in the Department of Electronics
University, Kolkata. His research interest and Tele-Communication Engineering,
includes wireless sensor networks and wireless Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India where he is
communication systems. in charge of the Advanced Digital and
Embedded Systems Lab. His research interests
include ad-hoc networks, optical networks,
wireless sensor networks, wireless and mobile
networks and embedded systems.
He is an author/co-author of the several
published/accepted articles in WDM optical
networking field that include “Adaptive
Dynamic Wavelength Routing for WDM
Optical Networks” [WOCN,2006], “A Heuristic
Solution to SADM minimization for Static
Traffic Grooming in WDM uni-directional Ring
Networks” [Photonic Network Communication,
2006],”Genetic Evolutionary Approach for
Static Traffic Grooming to SONET over WDM
Optical Networks” [Computer Communication,
Elsevier, 2007], and “Genetic Evolutionary
Algorithm for Optimal Allocation of
Wavelength Converters in WDM Optical
Networks” [Photonic Network

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