Flórula de Las Reservas Biológicas de Iquitos

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Tomlinson, P. 1961. Anatomy of Monocotyledons. II. Kansas.
Palmae. Clarendon Press, Oxford. Wessels Boer, J. 1965. The indigenous palms of Su-
9 1962. The leaf base in palms. Its morphology riname. E. J. Brill, Leiden.
and mechanical biology. J. Arnold Arbor. 43: 23-46.


Fl6rula de las Reservas Biol6gicas de The book begins with a brief account on the
lquitos, P e r t i . B y R o d o l f o V~lsquez location, vegetation and floristic composition of
Martfnez. Edited by Augustfn Rudas the reserves near Iquitos (Peruvian Amazon),
Lleras a n d C h a r l o t t e M. Taylor. M o n o - namely Allahuayo-Mishana, Explornapo Camp
graphs i n S y s t e m a t i c B o t a n y f r o m the and Explorama Lodge. The bulk of the book is
M i s s o u r i B o t a n i c a l G a r d e n , Vol. 63. T h e dedicated to the systematic treatments the ferns
M i s s o u r i B o t a n i c a l G a r d e n Press, St. and flowering plants.
Louis 63166-0299. ISBN 0-915279-48-7. I am very pleased that the families have been
1046 pp. Price $89.95 (cloth). arranged in alphabetical order within the three
major plant groups (Pteridophyta, Gymnosper-
This important publication is the natural con- mae and Angiospermae), with the family names
tinuation of the work started in South America by on the heading of each page. This practical ar-
A1 Gentry, to whom this book is dedicated. It is rangement enable the reader to go directly to the
the first comprehensive treatment of any part of family without having to figure out the phylo-
the Amazonian lowlands. While Gentry's Field genetic location according to the systems fol-
Guide to Woody Plants of Northwest South lowed by the authors. Keys are dichotomous and
America helps us to identify families and genera indented, and therefore user-friendly. Bracketed
using many helpful field characters, this book keys are more space efficient, but much more
takes us even further, offering us keys to families, difficult to use. [Many of my colleagues start
genera, and to 2900 species (including ferns)! literally "fuming" at the simple sight of brack-
There is no doubt that Rodolfo Vfisquez Mar- eted keys!] The keys are mostly based on flow-
t/nez is one of the excellent scholars that came ering characters, that sometimes are difficult to
out from "Gentry's field school" (he used to observe (e.g., the generic key to the Euphorbi-
say, "Don't let university influence your edu- aceae), unless a good dissecting microscope is
cation!"). He supplied the vast majority of the at hand. I wish to congratulate Charlotte Taylor
family treatments of this work. Several other for the generic key to the Rubiaceae; she suc-
botanists have contributed treatments of family ceeded to compile a generic key to a large fam-
and genera, treating groups for which we see ily using vegetative features (and without using
their names connected for the first time: C. M. micro-characters).
Taylor (Asteraceae, Clusiaceae, Myrsinaceae The 117 illustrations are at the end of the
and Rubiaceae), M. R. D. Eddy (several Rubi- book, and many of them look familiar, being
aceae genera), A. Rudas Lleras (Fabaceae, Me- made by Rodolfo himself. Many of us know that
lastomataceae), H. Van der Werff (generic key he was the illustrator of Gentry's manual to the
of Pteridophyta) and R. Ortfz-Gentry (Menis- woody plants of northwestern South America.
permaceae). I would have appreciated a list of The work is concluded by a glossary, references,
the contributors in the introduction (however, and indexes to common and scientific names.
some of them are cited in the acknowledg- Considering its size (28.5 • 22 • 7 cm) and
ments), instead of finding them under the family weight, you will need a strong arm to take this
titles, throughout the text. Many botanists have book in the field. Nonetheless, this work should
collaborated in revising the family treatments, be on the sheff of any botanist that work in neo-
for which a list of their names is too long to be tropical forests!--PIERO DELPRETE,The New York
reported here. Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY 10458-5126, U.S.A.

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