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Republic of the Philippines

Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol
City of Tagbilaran


Directions. Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the best answer.

1. It is the push or a pull of an object.

A) distance B) Mass C) work D) force
2. If you increase the mass of an object, what else is likely to increase?
A) energy B) force C) mass D) acceleration
3. What law of motion explains when you have a stack of coins then you quickly hit the
bottom coin with a ruler the other coins stayed in place?
A) acceleration B) inertia C) interaction D) none of these
4. An object is placed on top of a table. The object is at rest because
A) There are no forces acting on the object.
B) There is friction between the object and the table.
C) The forces are balanced and their sum equals to zero.
D) The unbalanced force is not enough to move the object.
5. If a cannon ball with mass of 0.5 kg accelerates at 40 m/s2, what is the force applied?
A) 8N B) 12N C) 16N D) 20N
6. Which of the following can transfer more heat?
A) one cup of boiling water C) one glass of boiling water
B) one teapot of boiling water D) none of these
7. What will happen to the kinetic energy if its mass is doubled but the velocity remains
the same?
A) KE will be doubled C) KE will be tripled
B) KE will remains the same D) KE will be quadrupled
8. Which of the following possesses kinetic energy?
A) a compressed spring C) a roller coaster at the peak of the hill
B) food in your stomach D) a rubber band released from being stretched
9. A 500 kg car has a velocity of 34 m/s. What is the car’s kinetic energy?
A) 1700 J B) 8500 J C) 289 000 J D) 28 900 J
10. An elastic object that is stretched or compressed or twisted has energy called.
A) potential energy B) kinetic energy C) mechanical energy D) none of these
11. Which of the following given temperatures will the dye scatter slowest?
A) 600C B) 400C C) 300C D) 100C
12. It refers to the phenomenon in which white light separate into its component colors.
A) Scattering B) Dispersion C) reflection D) refraction
13. What is the correct sequence of color from bottom to top when white light passes
through a prism?
A) violet, blue, green C) red, violet, green
B) red, green, violet D) violet, green, red
14. Which of the following statements is true?
A) Violet light has the longest wavelength but has the lowest index of refraction.
B) Violet light has the shortest wavelength and has the shortest index of refraction.
C) Red light has the longest wavelength but has the lowest index of refraction.
D) Red light has the longest wavelength and has the highest index of refraction.
15. If you are to arrange the colors of light in an increasing wavelength, which of the
following comes first?
A) Red B) Yellow C) Green D) Violet
16. Which of the following is true?
A. Sounds can travel through empty space
B. Sounds cannot travel through liquids and solids
C) Sounds travel slower in less dense medium
D) Sound travel faster in a vacuum.
17. How is frequency related to energy of colors of light?
A) The higher the frequency of the colors of light, the lower its energy
B) The lower the frequency of the colors of light, the lower its energy.
C) The higher the frequency of the colors of light, the greater its energy.
D) Both B and C
18. Which of the following proves that light is made up of different colors of different
A) red rose B) rainbow C) blue sky D) white light
19. Which of the following illustrations does sound travels fastest?

solid liquid gas

A) Sound travels fastest in solid because it has the strongest bonds among the three
states of matter.
B) Sound travels fastest in liquids because particles are not so close and not so far.
C) Sound travels fastest in gas because sound can easily pass in it.
D) none of these
20. What will happen to the current if the voltage increases considering resistance is
A) increases B) decreases C) constant D) none of these
21. What will happen to the current if the resistance increases considering voltage is
A) increases B) decreases C) constant D) none of these
22. It refers to the break or fracture on the earth’s surface where an earthquake occurs.
A) earthquake B) slit C) fault D) fracture
23. It is a vibration of the earth due to the rapid release of energy
A) earthquake B) tropical cyclone C) storm D) none of these
24. What can be produced by a sudden push from an underwater fault?
A) storm B) tsunami C) wave D) earthquake
25. It is a term given to the system of thunderstorms that are moving around a center.
A) earthquake B) tropical cyclone C) storms D) tsunami
26. Why do you think Philippines is prone to typhoons?
A) It is near the equator C) it is right behind the pacific ocean
B) it belongs to tropical countries D) all of these
27. A cyclone is a system of wind in which the wind blows spirally ______________.
A) towards the center of low pressure
B) towards the central region of high pressure
C) outwards a region of low pressure
D) outwards from a central region of high pressure
28. Which of the following shows an evidence of refraction of light?
A) water in the swimming pool appears to be shallow than its actual depth
B) a pencil half- submerged in a glass of water appears to be broken
C) a coin submerged in a glass of water appears bigger than its actual size
D) all of these
29. These are icy bodies from outer space
A) asteroids B) comets C) meteors D) stars
30. Why do you think asteroids is most likely to make a more frequent visitor of Earth
compared to comets?
A) because asteroids have rounded orbits while comets have elliptical orbit
B) because asteroids have metallic composition while comets are icy bodies
C) because the origin of asteroids is nearer and have short orbital period compared to
D) none of these
31. What happens when 20 mL of sugar crystals is poured into 50 mL water?
A) the resulting volume is greater than 70 mL
B) the resulting volume is equal to 70 mL
C) the resulting volume is less than 70 mL
D) the resulting volume is twice its original amount
32. Leucippus and Democritus believed that atoms are physically but not geometrically
indivisible. What does this mean?
A) Atoms cannot be divided anymore but can still be cut into smaller pieces.
B) We cannot see atoms through our naked eyes but it can be broken into smaller
C) Atoms are very small that it cannot be cut anymore into smaller pieces.
D) none of these
33. It is the beginning of the digestive tract, it is where the food is broken down into pieces.
A) mouth B) esophagus C) stomach D) small intestine
34. The smallest particle of which substances are made up of are called _________.
A) molecules B) electrons C) atoms D) nucleus
35. When you rub the two balloons against your hair, what will happen if you bring the two
balloons near each other?
A) the two balloons will repel each other
B) the two balloons will attract each other
C)nothing will happen to the two balloons
D) the balloons will fly
36. It is the process of changing liquid into gas
A) evaporation B) condensation C) melting D) freezing
37. Which of the following shows condensation?
A) water droplets outside a bottle of cold softdrink C) melting of ice
B) the decrease of the volume of boiling water D) none of these
38. How many electrons should be placed on one side of the seesaw to balance it if the
other side has 2 protons on it?
A) 1836 B) 3671 C) 1 D) 2
39. Which subatomic particle is the lightest?
A) protons B) electrons C) neutrons D) none of these
40. What relationship if any exists between the number of electron and proton in a neutral
A) the number of protons and electrons are the same
B) the number of electrons is greater than the number of protons
C) the number of electrons is less than the no. of protons
D) there is no relationship exist
41. When cells grow, they undergo cell division. The following are some events that take
place during cell division. Which could be their correct order?
I. Chromosomes line up at the equatorial plane
II. Chromosomes condense, becoming shorter and denser
III. Chromosomes have their nuclear membrane
IV. Centromeres divide and chromosomes move to the opposite poles.


42. In what stage of mitosis when each chromosome is made up of two identical sister
chromatids as a consequence of replication of DNA during S phase?
A) Prophase B) Metaphase C) Anaphase D) Telophase
43. Type of cell division that produces two identical cells with the same number of
A) Mitosis B) Meiosis C) Interphase D) none of these
44. Meteors showers such as the Perseids in August is caused by
A) the breakup of asteroids that hit our atmosphere at predictable times.
B) the Earth passing through the debris left behind by a comet as it moves through the
inner Solar System
C) passing asteroids triggering auroral displays
D) nuclear reactions in the upper atmosphere triggered by an abnormally large
meteoritic particle entering the upper atmosphere.
45. The speed of sound (v) at which sound travels through air is dependent upon the
temperature of the air. On a warm day, a sound has a speed of 346 m/s. What could be
the approximate temperature of that day?
A) 350C B) 360C C) 270C D) 250C
46. The bright streak of light we see when a meteoroid enters Earth’s atmosphere is caused
A) sunlight reflected from the solid body of the meteoroid.
B) radioactive decay of material in the meteoroid.
C) a process similar to the aurora that is triggered by the meteoroid's disturbing the
Earth's magnetic field.
D) frictional heating as the meteoroid speeds through the gases of our atmosphere
47. Which of the following results when water droplets in a cloud grow too heavy to remain
suspended in the atmosphere?
A) Fog forms
B) water in the air condenses to form water droplets
C) air cools
D) precipitation occurs
48. An Arctic fox has 52 chromosomes in all cells except the sex cells, which have
A) 46 B)26 C)23 D) 13
Answer key for Science 8 Diagnostic test

1. D 46. D
2. B 47. D
3. B 48. B
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. A
8. D
9. C
10. A
11. D
12. B
13. D
14. C
15. D
16. C
17. D
18. D
19. A
20. A
21. B
22. C
23. A
24. B
25. B
26. D
27. A
28. D
29. B
30. C
31. C
32. C
33. A
34. C
35. A
36. A
37. A
38. B
39. B
40. A
41. C
42. A
43. A
44. B
45. D

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