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Nombre: Jorge Luis Gómez Berrelleza

Matrícula: 725159
Carrera: LGGN
Materia: Business Basic
Profesor: Roberto René Baez Fuentes
Actividad 9
31 de marzo de 2019
The importance of cultural differences in the business world.

The world becomes smaller and smaller. It is not uncommon for businessmen to
negotiate with their peers from countries as far away as Asians, Europeans or
Africans; whether they are going to export or import products or services. The
development of technology has made it easier to connect with the five continents.
However, despite all the advances and facilities that now exist to connect and
travel, there are still certain aspects that must be overcome in order to start
negotiating with businessmen from other countries. Culture is one of the variables
that could make your negotiation come to fruition or die before it even starts to

Cultural differences could hinder a negotiation and even get to the point of making
any deal that could be done fail. It is important at this point to remember the old
popular adage that says: "where you were, do what you saw", which basically tells
us that for a matter of respect a person must adapt to the culture of the country
they are visiting.

In an international negotiation, the aspects of culture that must be taken care of the
most are: attitudes, punctuality, negotiation styles, customs, greetings, the
meaning of gestures, the meaning of colors and numbers; as well as customs
related to titles.
For example, when visiting China, the manuals indicate that it is very important to
exchange cards, bring gifts to the hosts, take pictures with them. If you do not
follow these rules it is very likely that Chinese businessmen do not take you
seriously or feel offended.
In the same way, if you arrive late to a meeting with American businessmen, they
are likely to see you as an unreliable person for business. Without going very far, if
you are going to negotiate with peasants in the mountains of Peru and do not
receive the food they invite you, it is very likely that they do not have the
confidence to do business with you.

It is very important to prepare before embarking on a negotiation in another

country. The first action that an entrepreneur must carry out is to make contact with
the commercial counselors, chambers of commerce, embassies and consulates to
find out about the culture, uses and customs of the country where the negotiations
will take place. It is important to prepare well and if possible to hire a translator who
not only helps us with the language, but also with the cultural aspects that could
improve our negotiation.

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