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Guy 1

Kayla Guy

Vicki Stalbird

English Composition II

30, June 2019

Case Study

In my essay I will attempt to argue if youth incarceration is beneficial to juveniles. I want to

learn about other methods that are being put into effect to prevent youth incarceration and what

we can offer in the future. I also wan to learn more about what programs are currently being

offered in juvenile jails and prison to positively impact the youth when they are released.

Another important factor to learn about is mental health. This plays a big role in juvenile

incarnation to begin with.

Moffett, Samantha. “The Structure of Juvenile Jails Needs to Be Changed to Benefit Incarcerated

Youth.” The Oracle, 2017,


This source has many hidden statics that are factual and up to date which will be

resourceful. Moffett makes very clear claims and backs them up with information. She states that

50% of the youth that are incarcerated end up coming back after they are released. Her purpose is

to persuade the reader that there is no real type of positive outcome to incarcerating the youth.

Moffett even dives into the financial background of the juvenile justice system and how it is

taking a toll on tax payers. This point will be important to use as a subpoint.
Guy 2

Kristof, Nicholas. “'Jane' Didn't Get the Help She Needed.” The New York Times,
The New York Times, 28 June 2014, -kristof-when-the-juvenile-

Madrid, Manuel. “Locking Up the Children.” The American Prospect, 2018,

Madrid touches on many topics that will provide me great information to use to defend my

thesis and how give it to my audience by using a perspective of them still being children.

I will be quoting much of mis expressions and use of words that describe our criminal justice

system and how they are treated inside of it.

Nicholas talks about a unique story about how the criminal justice system failed a

sixteen-year old transgender girl. She tells the story about how Jane experience with the justice

system failed her in all ways. This will help with actual stories about how people re affected

while in care of the justice system.

“Campaign for Youth Justice.” Youth Crime, 2018,


Many different contributors came together and put together PDF pertaining to several

different subtopics about juvenile justice and everything that plays a role into life in a facility,

mental health, family involvement, cost, racial and ethnic studies, safety issues, and the court

process. This group of contributors will help me piece together my claim and support my three

topics with subtopics. The PDF is very lengthy but the sectioned off everything and then broke

them down into bullet points to help

Guy 3

Psychology, Flow. “10 Pros and Cons of Juveniles Being Tried As Adults.” Grimag, 2014,

This website will help me because it is showing me pros and cons this will help me convey

and set up my argument. I will have to know of claims of the other side of my argument. I think

that this website with help me be able to share information that I may be unaware of from the

other view.

Underwood, Lee A, and Aryssa Washington. “Mental Illness and Juvenile Offenders.”

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, MDPI, 18 Feb. 2016,

This article will help me learn about different mental illnesses that are encountered with

while being incarcerated or possibly that landed them incarcerated. This will be interesting to

research and find out about statistics that will tie back to the psychological tole these children go

through, in and out of incarceration.

Y.A.P.P, The Incarcerated Nation. “Prison Kids Juvenile Justice in America Full Documentary.”

YouTube, YouTube, 18 July 2016,

I loved this video because it gave me a real idea of what it is like inside of a facility that

holds juveniles. This shows what they encounter before they went, during, and after leaving. This

will help me understand and connect my paper This is the most important part because my paper

is created around changing an idea and out look on a particular topic that could change

someone’s life, so It is important to understand their situation first hand.

Guy 4

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