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European Journal of Radiology 85 (2016) 1695–1700

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European Journal of Radiology

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Intestinal malrotation in patients with situs anomaly: Implication of

the relative positions of the superior mesenteric artery and vein
Kyu Sung Choi (M.D.) a , Young Hun Choi (M.D.) a,b,∗,1 , Jung-Eun Cheon (M.D.) a,b,c ,
Woo Sun Kim (M.D.) a,b,c , In One Kim (M.D.) a,b,c
Department of Radiology, Seoul National University Hospital, Republic of Korea
Department of Radiology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Republic of Korea
Institute of Radiation Medicine, Seoul National University Medical Research Center, Republic of Korea

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Purpose: To assess the usefulness of the relative position of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) and
Received 13 June 2016 superior mesenteric vein (SMV) in diagnosing intestinal malrotation in situs anomaly.
Received in revised form 15 July 2016 Materials and methods: From January 2004 to April 2015, 33 patients with situs anomalies were enrolled
Accepted 19 July 2016
in this study who underwent abdominal USG, CT or MRI as well as upper gastrointestinal series (UGIS) or
surgery: situs inversus (n = 16), left isomerism (n = 10), and right isomerism (n = 7); age 21.2 ± 23.2 years
(mean ± standard deviation), range 0–72 years. The intestinal malrotation was confirmed with UGIS
Situs ambiguus
and/or operation in 16 patients. Relative positions of the SMV to the SMA were classified into four groups
Heterotaxy syndrome
Intestinal malrotation
by reviewing abdominal USG, CT, or MRI: right sided, left sided, ventral sided, and dorsal sided. The
Superior mesenteric artery incidence of malrotation was analyzed for each group.
Intestinal volvulus Results: In 16 patients with situs inversus, there was reversed SMA-SMV relationship: left sided (n = 11)
or ventral sided (n = 5). One situs inversus patient with ventral sided SMV had intestinal malrotation
(6.25%). 17 patients with situs ambiguus showed various SMA-SMV relationships (ventral sided, n = 7;
left sided, n = 5; right sided, n = 4; dorsal sided, n = 1). Among them, 15 patients (88.2%) had intestinal
malrotation. Two patients with normal rotation had either right sided or dorsal sided SMV.
Conclusion: Situs ambiguus was commonly associated with intestinal malrotation with a variable SMA-
SMV relationship. Reversal of the mesenteric vascular relationship was observed in situs inversus with
normal rotation, not excluding the possibility of intestinal malrotation.
© 2016 Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.

1. Introduction Situs refers to the arrangement of organs, such as the lungs,

liver, spleen, and atria in reference to the midline, i.e., the right-
It is well-established that an abnormal relative position of the left relationship of the organ arrangement. Situs inversus refers
superior mesenteric vein and artery can be present in patients with to the reversed right-left relationship of the organ arrangement.
intestinal malrotation [1]. Intestinal malrotation is a potentially life Situs ambiguus, i.e. heterotaxy refers to the arrangement of the
threatening condition when complicated with midgut volvulus or organs that is neither situs solitus nor situs inversus. Heterotaxy
associated with intestinal obstruction due to the presence of Ladd’s is characterized by symmetric arrangement of some body organs
bands. such as airway, branch pulmonary arteries and atrial appendages.
Therefore, heterotaxy is divided into heterotaxy with right iso-
merism and heterotaxy with left isomerism, where isomerism is
defined as symmetrical arrangement of organs that are normally
asymmetrical [2,3]. Although situs ambiguus is not a common
Abbreviations: USG, ultrasonography; CT, computed tomography; MRI, magnetic
congenital anomaly (incidence of 0.01%) [4–6], it is known to be
resonance imaging; UGIS, upper gastrointestinal series; SMA, superior mesenteric
artery; SMV, superior mesenteric vein. frequently associated with intestinal malrotation (40–90%) [2,4,7].
∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Radiology, Seoul National University Therefore, it is important to identify radiological clues to diagnose
Hospital, 101 Daehak-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 110-744, Republic of Korea. intestinal malrotation in patients with situs anomaly. Thorough
E-mail address: iater@snu.ac.kr (Y.H. Choi). evaluation for a complete retroperitoneal course of the duodenum
Department of Radiology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, 103
and the lower abdominal positioning of the cecum producing a
Daehak-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 110-799, Republic of Korea.

0720-048X/© 2016 Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.
1696 K.S. Choi et al. / European Journal of Radiology 85 (2016) 1695–1700

sufficiently broad mesenteric base is required in order to safely

exclude intestinal malrotation [8]. However, such evaluation can be
difficult and require additional studies such as fluoroscopic stud-
ies or even surgery. In clinical practice, the relationship between
the superior mesenteric artery and vein has been used as a use-
ful initial clue to evaluate abnormalities of intestinal rotation in
patients with normal situs because it is easy to evaluate on USG
or other tomographic studies, although false positive or false neg-
ative cases can be present [1,9]. To our knowledge, there has been
no comprehensive study about the relative position of the supe-
rior mesenteric artery and vein as well as the association between Fig. 1. Classification diagram for the relative position of the SMV to SMA.
intestinal malrotation and the relative position of the mesenteric
vessels in patients with abnormal situs. Therefore, the purpose of
determine the intestinal rotation status of each patient. Intestinal
this retrospective study was to assess the usefulness of the rel-
rotation was considered normal when the duodenojejunal junction
ative relationship between the superior mesenteric artery (SMA)
(ligament of Treitz) was located laterally to the ipsilateral verte-
and superior mesenteric vein (SMV) for predicting the intestinal
bral pedicle with the stomach and at the level of the duodenal bulb
malrotation in patients with situs anomalies.
and the cecum was located in the lower abdomen contralateral to
the duoduenojejunal junction. In all other cases, intestinal arrange-
2. Materials and methods
ment was considered malrotated [2]. In 10 patients, surgery was
performed and the intestinal rotation status determined based on
The Institutional Review Board of Seoul National University Hos-
the surgical findings.
pital approved this retrospective observational study and waived
the requirement for patient informed consent.
2.4. Relative position of the SMV and SMA
2.1. Patients
Normal relative position of the SMV to SMA was defined when
In order to identify patients with situs anomaly, we searched the SMV is located at 9–11 o’clock relative to the SMA [1]. The rel-
the radiology reports database from January 2004 to April 2015. ative position of the SMV to the SMA was determined at the level
USG, CT or MRI examinations with any of the following key- of the proximal SMA and SMV by reviewing the images from the
words in their final reports were investigated; “situs”; “isomerism”; abdominal USG (n = 10), CT (n = 22) and/or MR (n = 1). The relative
“heterotaxia”; “polysplenia”; “asplenia”; and “inferior vena cava position of the SMV to SMA was divided into four groups: [1] ven-
interruption”. From this search; 1918 patients were found. Among tral, when the SMV is located at 11–1 o’clock relative to the SMA;
them; only 39 patients underwent gastrointestinal series (UGIS); [2] right sided, when the SMV is located at 9–11 o’clock relative to
which is a fluoroscopic examination of upper gastrointestinal tract; the SMA; [3] left sided, when the SMV is located at 1–3 o’clock rela-
and/or abdominal surgery; from which intestinal rotation status tive to the SMA; and [4] dorsal, when SMV is located at 3–9 o’clock
could be confirmed. Among 39 patients; 6 patients were excluded relative to the SMA (Fig. 1). We evaluated the association between
from the study; as the relative positions of the SMA and the SMV the relative position of the SMA to the SMV with the presence of
could not be adequately evaluated on USG; CT or MR images. intestinal malrotation in patients with situs anomaly.
Finally; 33 eligible patients comprised the study cohort (20 male
and 13 female; mean age 21.2 ± 23.2 years; range 0–72 years). 2.5. Statistical analysis

2.2. Situs anomaly Fisher’s exact test was performed to analyze association
between intestinal malrotation and situs anomalies (i.e. situs inver-
Two radiologists (C.K.S and C.Y.H) identified the type of situs sus and ambiguus). All statistical analyses were performed with
anomaly for each of the 33 patients, in consensus, by review- commercially available software, SPSS 21.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc,
ing the findings of all available imaging studies, including chest Chicago, IL, USA). P < 0.05 was considered to indicate a significant
radiography, USG, CT and MRI. Situs anomaly was divided into difference.
two groups: situs inversus, and situs ambiguus. Situs inversus
was defined when the normal organs such as lungs, liver, spleen, 3. Results
and atria were positioned reversed (i.e. reversed arrangement of
organs) [2]. Situs ambiguus was subdivided into two groups: right- 3.1. Types of situs anomaly
sided isomerism (asplenia) and left-sided isomerism (polysplenia),
where isomerism indicates the symmetrical arrangement of organs In 33 patients with situs anomaly, 16 patients exhibited situs
that are typically asymmetrical. Right isomerism was defined when inversus (Fig. 2), with the other 17 patients having situs ambiguus
bilateral right-sidedness, including bilateral ‘right’ lungs and atria, (Fig. 3). Among those exhibiting situs ambiguus, 7 patients had right
and absence of the spleen was noted. Left isomerism was defined isomerism, and the other 10 patients had left isomerism.
by a tendency towards bilateral left-sidedness with bilateral ‘left’
lungs and atria, and multiple spleens were noted [3]. 3.2. Association of malrotation with situs anomaly

2.3. Intestinal malrotation Intestinal malrotation was confirmed in 16 out of 33 patients

with a situs anomaly. In 6, the diagnosis was based on UGIS alone,
The presence of intestinal malrotation was identified by eval- in 3 on the combination of UGIS and surgical findings while the
uating findings from fluoroscopic studies and/or surgery. In 26 remaining 7 patients were operated without UGIS and the diagnosis
patients, UGIS was performed in the standardized way, with both was surgically confirmed.
lateral and AP views on each patient, using barium as contrast Among the 16 patients with situs inversus, 15 patients had
media. The same two radiologists reviewed UGIS retrospectively to normal rotation (93.75%), and only 1 patient (6.25%) exhibited mal-
K.S. Choi et al. / European Journal of Radiology 85 (2016) 1695–1700 1697

Fig. 2. An 11-year old female patient with situs inversus.

(a) On the axial image of the upper abdomen included in a cardiac CT, the stomach and spleen are located on the right side, while the liver and IVC are located on the left
side, as typically observed with situs inversus. (b,c) Intestinal rotation is normal, as shown on UGIS. The duodenojejunal junction (arrowhead) is located on the right side of
the spine, ipsilateral to the stomach. The cecum and appendix (thick arrow) are located in the left lower quadrant. (d) The SMV (dotted arrow) is located to the left of the
SMA (arrow) on USG.

Table 1 exhibited a dorsal sided or right sided position of the SMV, respec-
Association of malrotation with situs anomaly.
tively (Fig. 4).
Normal rotation Malrotation

Situs inversus (n = 16) 15 (93.75%) 1 (6.25%)

Situs ambiguus (n = 17) 2 (11.8%) 15 (88.2%) 4. Discussion
Right isomerism (n = 7) 1 (5.9%) 6 (35.3%)
Left isomerism (n = 10) 1 (5.9%) 9 (52.9%) Even though intestinal malrotation does not necessarily mean
that the patient will develop intestinal obstruction associated with
volvulus, volvulus can be life-threatening once it develops. There-
rotation (Table 1). Among the 17 patients with situs ambiguus, fore, early diagnosis of intestinal malrotation is important and
15 patients had malrotation (88.2%), with the other 2 patients our study was intended to reveal whether SMA-SMV relationship
exhibiting normal rotation (11.8%) (Table 1). Presence of situs could be a helpful clue for the diagnosis of intestinal malrotation
ambiguus was significantly associated with intestinal malrotation, in patients with situs anomaly. Our study reveals that the expected
when compared to those with situs inversus (P < 0.001). presence of inverse relationship of mesenteric vessels in patients
with situs inversus is usually not associated with intestinal malro-
tation but cannot exclude malrotation. Moreover, situs ambiguus
3.3. Relative positions of the SMV to the SMA in situs anomaly usually coexisted with intestinal malrotation as expected [7,10].
However, variable relationships of mesenteric vessels in patients
Of the 16 patients with situs inversus, the SMV was left sided with situs ambiguus cannot confirm or exclude intestinal malrota-
relative to the SMA in 12 patients (75%), and dorsal sided relative to tion in this group of patients.
the SMA in 4 patients (25%). In the 17 patients with situs ambiguus, In patients with situs solitus (i.e. normal situs), it is well-
various mesenteric vascular relationships were observed (ventral, established that reversal of the SMA-SMV relationship can be
n = 7; left sided, n = 5; right sided, n = 4; dorsal, n = 1) (Table 2). associated with the intestinal malrotation [1]. However, most
The single patient exhibiting situs inversus and intestinal mal- of previous studies on situs anomaly, especially situs ambiguus,
rotation had the SMV located left sided relative to the SMA on USG. reported on the anatomical differences of other internal organs,
The 2 patients with normal rotation and right or left isomerism specifically the liver, spleen, and vascular structures, such as the
1698 K.S. Choi et al. / European Journal of Radiology 85 (2016) 1695–1700

Fig. 3. A 10-month old male patient with right isomerism and intestinal malrotation.
(a,b) The cardiac CT performed for evaluation of congenital heart disease reveals bilateral right bronchi, a right-sided stomach (marked as ‘s’). (c) On the anteroposterior view
from a UGIS, the duodenum (arrowhead) does not cross midline and the proximal jejunal loops are located in the right abdomen. Hiatal hernia was incidentally detected.
(d,e) on the anteoposterior and lateral 18-h delayed images of the abdomen, the cecum (arrowheads) and appendix are located in the right upper quadrant and not in the
retroperitoneal location. (f) The SMV is located ventral to the SMA on USG.
K.S. Choi et al. / European Journal of Radiology 85 (2016) 1695–1700 1699

Table 2
Relative positions of the SMV to the SMA in situs anomaly.

Relative position of the SMV to SMA Ventral Right sided Left sided Dorsal

Situs inversus (n = 16) 4 (25.0%) 0 12 (75.0%) 0

Situs ambiguus (n = 17) 7 (41.2%) 4 (23.5%) 5 (29.4%) 1 (5.9%)
Right isomerism (n = 7) 3 (17.6%) 1 (5.9%) 2 (11.8%) 1 (5.9%)
Left isomerism (n = 10) 4 (23.6%) 3 (17.6%) 3 (17.6%) 0

Fig. 4. Relative position of the SMV to SMA in patients with normal intestinal rotation or malrotation in (a) situs inversus, (b) right isomerism, and (c) left isomerism.

inferior vena cava (IVC) or azygos/hemiazygos veins [10–13], but intestinal rotation without any signs of malrotation, which is con-
have not examined the SMA-SMV relationship. Only a few studies sistent with the reversed position of other organs in situs inversus
have reported about the relative positions of the SMV and SMA [10]. However, considering that one patient with situs inversus and
in patients with situs anomaly [7,14]. We think that this study intestinal malrotation showed left sided SMV, a reversed SMA-SMV
has a value in elucidation of the unknown SMA-SMV relationship relationship could not safely exclude the possibility of intestinal
in situs anomaly, as well as potential associations with intestinal malrotation in situs inversus. In a similar manner, it has been well
malrotation. known that a normal SMA-SMV relationship does not completely
In clinical practice, USG has been used as a noninvasive initial exclude the possibility of intestinal malrotation and an abnormal
screening imaging modality for evaluating abdominal abnormali- SMA-SMV relationship is not always associated with intestinal mal-
ties. However, it is difficult to directly assess the retroperitoneal rotation in patients with normal situs solitus. Therefore, if situs
positioning of the duodenum and the location of the duodenojeju- inversus is suspected, a reversed SMA-SMV relationship is not nec-
nal junction on USG. Thus, we remain dependent on the SMA-SMV essarily pathological or a clinical indicator of associated intestinal
relationship to suggest intestinal malrotation when examining malrotation, as it may be in situs solitus patients.
USG. It would be clinically useful if we could ascertain the signifi- Regarding management, heterotaxy syndrome have different
cance of the SMA-SMV relationship in patients with situs anomaly, degree of intestinal malrotation – typical malrotation, nonrota-
with respect to the diagnosis of intestinal malrotation, just as in tion, and atypical duodenal malposition – and subsequent risk of
patients with situs solitus. development of volvulus is variable [4,16,17]. For example, typi-
In our study, situs ambiguus was commonly associated with cal malrotation with narrow mesenteric stalk shows high risk of
intestinal malrotation, as previously observed in literature [2,7,15] developing midgut volvulus. On the other hand, nonrotation with
and the SMA-SMV relationship was variable, which may be due to broad mesentery or atypical duodenal malposition shows relatively
variability of embryological development. Newman and colleagues low risk of developing midgut volvulus [4]. In acute symptomatic
have also reported this variability of the SMA-SMV relationship patients, prompt surgery is required to avoid small bowel infarction
in patients with situs ambiguus and intestinal malrotation [7]. [16]. However, in asymptomatic patients with heterotaxy syn-
Therefore, in patients with situs ambiguus, USG examination of the drome, there has been significant controversy regarding the need
SMA-SMV relationship does not aid in the diagnosis of associated and outcome of prophylactic Ladd’s procedure [16,17]. Although
intestinal malrotation, and UGIS and small bowel follow-through complication rate of Ladd’s procedure in asymptomatic children
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On the contrary, reversal of the mesenteric vascular relationship tomatic children without heterotaxy syndrome [17], surgery could
was commonly observed in situs inversus patients with inverted prevent development of volvulus in patients with typical malro-
1700 K.S. Choi et al. / European Journal of Radiology 85 (2016) 1695–1700

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