513.black Panther (New) Intercommunal News Service - The - Black - Panther - 1971

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Black Community News Service .

Pfl HU i ISO. 1

A Call to Dissolve the Central Committee

The pathetic state of affairs that exist within inability to personally see what was going on at- evaluate the situation sitting aloof in
the Black Panther Party falls absolutely at the the local level all the way from Oakland, California.
feet of David Hilliard and the other cowardly California. As a result of this, "organizers" were More than a year and a half ago, our Minister
members of the Central Committee who are sent out from Oakland, California to just about of Information Eldridge Cleaver had
suggested a
aligned to him . every branch and chapter of the Party planned reform of the Central
Committee that
Our party is one that abides by the principles throughout the country . David Hilliard himself, dealt with the Central Committee being
made up
of democratic centralism . Their decisions flow " at one point, admitted that these brothers were : from the leadership from
the branches and
from the top to the bottom and if there are any "not the most politically astute brothers in the chapters throughout Babylon . At that time, he
discrep-mcies, the redress of grievances are dealt, world, but they are hard workers, they love the had also recommended that
Deputy Chairman
with under the same structure, and the criticisms Party and they are very loyal brothers ." This is . Fred Hampton be made a member of the Central
flow from the bottom to the top . We do not very true. But these brothers and sisters were Committee, long before he was assassinated .
claim to be beyond mistakes, and when they do sent throughout the country based upon their Both of these recommendations had been
-occur, particularly at the level of the Central loyalty to David Hilliard. approved by Huey P. Newton while he still was
Committee, the Panthers at the lower levels have in prison, but this was selfishly blocked by
the right to criticize the leadership for any, David Hilliard . Brother Eldridge had pressed this
short-comings that may exist .
There have been countless mistakes that have recommendation again after Brother Fred
been made by the so-called central committee of Hampton was assassinated, as further proof of
the Black Panther Party, manifested in David the need to have members of the Central
and June Hilliard . While Huey P. Newton and Committee coming from the local branches and
Bobby Seale were in prison and Eldridge Cleaver' chapters . This too, was blocked by David
was forced into exile, the decisions of the Hilliard and this was a cold, calculated, vicious
Central Committee was based upon the whims scheme to stifle the development of the
of David Hilliard, supported by June Hilliard. leadership of the Party on a national level. David
Masai Hewitt, Emory Douglas and Elbert "Big blocked Deputy Chairman Fred Hampton from
Man" Howard only went through the motions of becoming a member of the central committee .
being functional members of the Central : It is obvious that Huey P. Newton supports
Committee . this "absolute despotism" . In an ideological
Many of the mistakes made by the leadership institute (brain-washing) class in Oakland, Huey
of the Party can be directly associated with the said that a politbureau (politic bureau) would be
madness of the Hilliard dynasty . For example,- set up that would be representative of the
we can take the so-called Revolutionary People's national leadership of the Party . Two weeks
Constitutional Convention, which was a total later at a "worship Huey session," Huey said
former Chief of Staff B.P.P. David Hilliard that the politbureau would consist of only the
fiasco. The local leadership had informed the old
most advanced and loyal brothers and sisters in
central headquarters of certain moves that were
very necessary . Yet the suggestions submitted to These brothers and sisters were unable to - the party' and that the politbureau would be
the Central Committee, specifically David properly evaluate the situation correctly . above the central committee . Meaning David and
Hilliard, were never moved on. Because they were unfamiliar with the terrain Huey,
and mode of the people in the various areas they The international section of the Black Panther
This stemmed directly from the mistrust that were sent to, and Party
the central committee (David as well as the Central Headquarters in New
David Hilliard had of the local leadership and his Hilliard and York City call for the reform/and or
company) definitely couldn'tt
"dissolvement of the present Central Committee
"He who is not afraid of as we knc,w it, and that a new -body -be formed
death by a thousand cuts that represents the leadership from branches and

Editorial ..
country to unhorse the ^hapters throughout the try . This is the
emperor" - this is the only way we will be able to exercise the true
indomitable spirit needed principles of democratic centralism .
in our struggle to build ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE
It is sad and disgusting to see what the BLACK DEATH TO THE REVISIONIST
s o c i a l i s m a n d
PANTHER NEWSPAPER has become . Once it was one : Central Headquarters
of the most revolutionary papers in the world . Now it' communism . "
Chairman Mao Black Panther Party
has become a filthy slander sheet, used by David Hilliard
and Huey P. Newton to vent vicious unprincipled attacks
against Eldridge and Kathleen Cleaver, Connie and Cet
Tabor and countless other revolutionary brothers and,
sisters throughout the world. When the BLACK .
PANTHER PAPER belonged to the people, it
revolutionized the underground press throughout North A Statement of Solidarity'
America. Since it has been copyrighted by Huey P.:
Newton it has ceased to serve the interests of oppressed This paper is being published with the support
of the
people. The BLACK PANTHER NEWSPAPER was once . `Independent Caucus of SDS at the State University of
New York at Stony Brook. We have read
the life blood of the Party. Now it is a Black Capitalist the copy and
seen the tapes from Algeria . We believe
Rag Sheet, used to finance the lavish tipping of Huey P. that Eldridge,
Cet and others in the left wing of the
Newton (who lives in a $650.00 a month Penthouse) and Black Panther-
Party have properly raised many
David Hilliard (who just purchased a $65,000 .00 house). important-
contradictions relating to correct revolutionary
We are asking the people to STOP BUYING THE practice.
our tendency is to support them.
We have seen in the past that Huey P.
SERVICE copyrighted by Huey P. Newton. By doing Newton is
capable of the finest revolutionary work
this it is one effective way to bring the extravagant among the
people . For this reason ive call upon Huey
madness of Huey P. Newton and David Hilliard and the to make a
clear, honest, up-front analysis of the
rest of the "Peralta Street Gang" to a halt. contradictions. We
feel that the people should have the broadest
understanding of the contradictions, for at
SERVICE will be published at the Central Headquarters a time when
the struggle has not yet matured, the people
of - the Black Panther Party in New York City (in the should be
aware of all revolutionary programs,
very near future) . strategies and
parties in order to wage a more effective
For further information on how you can contribute in people's war.
We then call upon the people to
re-establishing a truly People's Newspaper, contact : deal with these
contradictions in a revolutionary fashion.


1370 Boston Road FREE ERICKA
Bronx, New York

Independent Caucus of SDS


On the Assassination of Deputy

Field Marshall Robert Webb
Within revolutionary organizations there always exist . sent 75 robots who are wired-up on their madness to Brother Robert Earl Webb had been sent from San
an Omnipresentcontradiction of great importance : The come to New York City to murder Panthers here . Francisco, California tohelporganize on the east coast
contradictions between the political machinery and the , Several days before brother Robert was shot in the back more than a year and a half ago . He was loved and
military machinery . Those brothers and sisters who of the head, many of our parents and relatives - from respected by all those who had ever met him . In the
would prefer the mass organizing, deal with rallies, coast to coast - had been contacted by the F .B .I . Hoo- middle of January, Brother Robert stopped functioning
propaganda work and fund raising, etc . . and those who ver's hogs informed our families that they had received with the New Haven Chapter of the Black Panther Party
would like to get down all the time, when it's time and word that 'there was going to be a murder - and they felt because of the many questions that went unanswered .
on time. In essence, within the ranks of a vanguard Party it their duty to inform us.' This information corresponds He, like many of his comrades, wonder how Huey and
there comes into being a right wing element and a left directly with the information we received from other David could, run around cleaner than the Board of
wing element. Such is the case concerning the contra- sources 24 hours before brother Robert was cut down in Health, while the troops (rank and file Panthers) were
dictions within the Black Panther Party. raggier than a bowl of yak . Or how Huey could live in
Sometimes, these contradictions can be resolved an extravagant penthouse and David purchase a
through non-violent solutions and a marriage between $65,000.00 house while the Panthers in New Haven,
the political and the military takes place . Other times, Connecticut (who lived in
the Party headquarters there)
because of violence perpetrated by the right wing clique live in a house that didn't have any heat or running
to maintain its cowardly posture, the complete com-- water = in below zero weather . Brother Robert left the
munion between the rhetoricians and the activist cannot Party headed by the Oakland, California clique because
take place. Again, such is the case concerning the contra- 'he had a family to feed .' He also was a get down
dictions that exist within the Black Panther Party . brother .
On Monday, March 8, 1971, at approximately 3 :00 It also should be remembered that it was our slain
PM, three of our brothers were walking east on 125th comrade who directed the press conference in New York
Street and 7th Ave in Harlem when they encountered 2 City on March I, announcing that the New York Chap-
fools (who are aligned with the Huey P. Newton and ter, the New Jersey Chapter and the International Sec-
David Hilliard clique) selling the 'Black Panther News- tion of the Black Panther Party had called for the resign-
paper'. As one of our comrades moved closer to con-
ation and/or dismissal of David and June Hilliard .
fiscate the reactionary rag sheet, he was struck in the I
We hereby charge the puppet Huey P . Newton and
back of the head with a forty five. Brandishing 45's,- his,
Puppeteer, - David Hilliard with murder. We have docu-,
9MM's and 357 magnums, several other people emerged
mented evidence that these two madmen gave the orders
from out of nowhere . One person, whose name we do
to have Brother Robert Webb killed . We now declare
not know, shot a round from a 45 or 357 magnum into for
the world to hear that Huey P . Newton, David
the back of Robert Webb's head . The bullet entered the Hilliard I
and their lackeys in Oakland, California owe the
back of his head and exited through his mouth . The people
of the world a tremendous debt - a debt
velocity of the bullet shattered the brothers brains . At _ that can only be J
Paid in blood_
7 :30 PM, the Central Headquarters of the Black Panther
Party in New York received a call from Harlem Hospital l
informing us that our comrade Robert Webb was dead .
This cold blooded murder was ordered by the former
Minister of Defense, Huey P . Newton . On a voodoo)
(video) taped telephone conversation Huey P . Newton
had with our Minister of Information, Eldridge Cleaver, I
Newton stated, 'I'd like a battle brother . We'll battle it
out.' Eldridge said that's not the best way to deal with
it. Huey continued, 'Well this is the way I'm going to
deal with it.' Eldridge replied, 'We'll see then OXX
Huey then stated that he thought he had the guns and
that he was going to put his guns to work.
On Sunday, March 7th, we received information from .the the streets of Harlem . The six or seven mad dog assassins
informed sources that Newton and David Hilliard had took his life were the first ones to arrive .

On the Assassination of Comrade community he went out as a friend, a brother-

that's why the people loved and respected him.
Robert Webb (West Coast Ministry) He always talked about how proud he felt
knowing that Huey was his leader - he
Robert's life was taken from the service of the armed struggle when you_ don't attempt to get - protected Huey with his own life everytime he
people by seven (7) cowardly out where the people are - while Black and all stood security for the man.
counter-revolutionary revisionist lackeys, oppressed people don't have proper housing, Robert was a warrior, strong and beautiful in
following the orders of Huey Newton and David food and the basic necessities of life, this every way possible, armed with the theory of
Hilliard . This was done because he had taken a cowardly revisionist clique of Newton and revolution . I'd just like to say this to you Robert
stand with the true revolutionary forces, in Hilliard are living in expensive, high-rise - your gun has been received and I shall go
Babylon under the leadership of Chairman apartments, homes paid for by brothers and forward until I am stopped by a bullet in-my
Bobby Seale, Min. of Information, Eldridge sisters subjecting themselves to all sorts of foul brain -1 will teach Lil' Masai all that you have
Cleaver, Field Marshall, Don Cox and , conditions to raise money for the people's taught me. You came a long way Robert - from
Communications Secretary, Kathleen Cleaver. struggle, money that could have been used to New Orleans Louisiana, still a child, to Hunter's
Robert was a brother who saw and could not feed those hungry children that you claimed to Point, San Francisco, California - fighting,
relate to expounding a lot of rhetoric without i love - you paid $30.00 a day for your meals stealing, gang-warring, partying, to the service -
backing it up with revolutionary action . and your bad rugs ordered from lived through it - came home and joined the
Paris . . . . . . You say Robert is dead - but we Party - you were sent to New Haven, working
say he still lives . he lives in all of us who loved to set me, Peggy, Lonnie, Bobby, Ericka,
Through education and first hand experience him . At Robert's funeral there were tears -not George, Landon and Rory free, to set the people
of dealing with people in the Black community, only tears of sorrow, the tears ran because free . . . . . . .. . .
Robert knew that the will of the people and niggers were mad,- killin' mad - Robert was King Man-Revolutionary Warrior - Your
their desire for freedom should be first. and shot from the back,, cowards! I'm glad that you spirit lives on!
foremost in the minds of a true revolutionary, fools were afraid of Robert because there are so To the leaders and lackies of the revisionist
not some selfish whims - such as the ones many more of us like him, who possess his camp - we will not be satisfied until your blood
shown by Huey, David and their Oakland circus revolutionary love for the people, and no matter flows freely in the streets ofBabylon!
masquerading as servants of the people . It has how many you knock down - we will continue
been proven for a revolutionary to survive and- to march forward, getting stronger by the
attack the oppressive system another day, he' minute and serve the people . Robert's principal West Coast Ministry of Information
must be able to move with the people as a fish weapon was not his gun, but his relationship DEATH TO THE SUPREME FOOLS,
through the w4ter. How can you bring about with the people . When he went out in the NEWTON and HILLIARD!

THE TRIAL OF get headlines. Defense Attorneys also argued at no time did she say that sister Ericka Huggins
that Markle was just trying to put Peggy Hudgins participate in the alleged tortured. However, she
in jail by having her incriminate herself on the did say she saw the pigs star pig George Sams
ERICKA HUGGINS stand. beating Alex Rackley with a pistol, and that she
To counter that argument, Judge Harold "tried to stay out of his way - I felt there was
Mulvey granted Peggy Hudgins from prosecution something wrong with him. "
AND BOBBY SEALE which takes away her fifth amendment right and Most people who have ever met George Sams
forces her to either testify or go to jail for thought that something was wrong with him
contempt of court. Peggy Hudgins way forces to with the exceptions of Judge Harold Mulvey .
The jury in the trial of Chairman Bobby G. accept similar alternatives during the trial of District Attorney Arnold Markle and Stokely
Seale and sister Ericka Huggins on trumped up Lonnie McLucas: either she testify for the pigs, Carmichael. Sams, who has a mental history that
murder and kidnapping charges began hearing or remain in jail indefinitely . She testified that dates back many years, is the only one who has
testimony on Thursday, March 18. State's afternoon and all day Friday, March 19th, while implicated Chariman Bobby in the case . He said
Attorney, Arnold Markle, immediately called a Garry and Miss Roraback objected to the that Alex Rackley was murdered on orders
`surprise' witness, sisterPeggy Hudgins, who was questions asked by Markle . Judge Mulvey coming from Bobby Seale. The pigs know that
one of the original 14 defendants in the case. overruled most of the defense objections to the George Sams is a madman. Officially, he is
Markle subpoenaed Peggy 40 minutes before large amount of, hearsay evidence Markle was considered "a high-grade moron". Yet these
court started as the sister was waiting in a line to trying to introduce. same pigs say his testimony is competent enough
get into the spectators' section. This `surprise' Still in all of Peggy's testimony, the Chairman to railroad Bobby Seale and Ericka Huggins to
pulled by Markle was a direct violation to Peggy was only mentioned once, as giving a speech at the electric chair.
Hudgins right to counsel since this subpoena did Yale University one night. She had passed a note Need we further proof to the fact that the
not reserve time for Peggy to confer with her to another Panther announcing that a small child only way we will free our political prisoners is in
lawyer, Catherine Roraback, before taking the was lost and would Chairman Bobby make an the manner put forth by Jonathan Jackson.
stand. Defense Attorneys Charles Garry and announcement to this effect.
Catherine Roraback immediately objected to the Under direct pig intimidation, Peggy Hudgins FREE BOBBY
`surprise' pulled by Markle, calling it a testified that sister Ericka was in the "house" FREE ERICKA
"grand-stand play" and an attempt by Markle to while Alex Rackley was allegedly tortured, but FREE ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS

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The Trial of Ruche// Magee.

On March 17, Ruchell Magee (the only could neither read nor write ; 4) struck his court
surviving revolutionary brother of the August 7, appointed, racist attorney, A. Leonard
1970 shoot-out at Marin County courthouse in Bjorklund. Brother Ruchell proved the pigs
California) made a motion in the fascist court at wrong in their accusations by waging a two-hour
'Marin County that pig Judge John P. McMurray, struggle in his own defense that ended with the
be disqualified "for cause" . Prior to Ruchell'F disqualification of pig McMurray on the ground
request, McMurray had made several biasee that he was biased . Ruchell then stated, "Now
statements in reference to Ruchell's being who's incompetent?"
chained to his chair in court. Ruchell had been On August 7th, 1970, Ruchell Magee, along
brutalized and chained and gagged in front of with brothers Jonathan Jackson, James McClain.,
this pig, McMurray, and no verbal or physical and William Christmas made a revolutionary
attempt was made, upon the part of McMurray, move to obtain their freedom. These brothers,
to stop these blatant violations of brother with guns in hand, set an example that should
Ruchell's rights . . prevail in the minds of all poor and oppressed
Upon Ruchell's request that Judge McMurray people in Babvlon.
disqualify himself, McMurray called for a recess
and `consultation' session. After the recess
McMurray returned to the courtroom and FREE RUCHELL MAGEE
stated, "I refuse to act any further in this FREE ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS
On March 18, Ruchell, who had been denied
the status of Propria Persona

- (self-representation) because he allegedly : 1) Paulette Frye
didn't know the law: 2) had an I.Q . of 75 : 3) Central Headquarters
r rrrrrrrrr rrirrr rirrrrrrrrrrrrr~rrrrrrrrii~`~


Message to the 3rd World ,

From The N .Y . Panther 21

We take this time to write to' considered "the preservation of: oppressive= AmeriKKKa! system, this social system - tactics, an announced change inll
our homeys - our bloods, our law and order" by our enemy!', Therefore they must attempt to impossible!" Therefore, we tactics, a change in tactics within
brothers and sisters, our people, When our enemy can find no stop us. But they will not, in the', realized what had to be done, which we did not totally agree ;
the Black and Third World real evidence of any "criminal final analysis succeed, for we are' and how it must be done! therefore, we wrote to them our1t
community - because _much, activity, he fabricates a but a small group of an Now, Malcolm also stated : criticism . It was sent to a white:
much misinformation has been "conspiracy " charge . Things, ever-enlarging force developing a.
"You have all types of people "underground" newspaper,
spread throughout the enemy have not in reality , changed for in the Third World and even in' who are fed up with what's media that we thought would
mass media about us lately ; and Black people in this racist the confines of AmeriKKKa that going on. You have whites who reach them in the fastest, most~I
we, from our prison cells, would country since 1619 when we is saying NO MORE! to are fed up, you have blacks who expedient manner, since it serves
like to clear up some of these were first brought here in chains oppression. And history shows are fed up . . . So when the day the white radical community .
rumors and misinformation as slaves. let alone since 1663, that wars against oppression are `comes when the whites who are We are now sending, along with
which our enemy would like to when the first "conspiracy " always in the final analysis, really fed up . , . . learn how to this note, a copy of this open
sow to cause misconceptions charge was brought against us. successful! And there will be a' really establish the proper type letter. In it we mention no pprty
about us and what we stand for! war, a true revolutionary war, a of communication with those or group by name ; nor did we
true Third World global . uptown who are fed up, and' intend any specific or single
We of the New
We, the New York "21 "are not in jail for York "21 "are'
" any acts, but
revolutionary war! And no one
- not AmeriKKKa nor us, nor
they get some coordinated group. So to all the noise and
totally dedicated to the because of our potential action going, you 41 get some' fuss about it,-all that we can say
danger' anyone can stop it. But changes. "
liberation of our people - to AmeriKKKa . is, if Phe shoe fits, wear it! Here t
totally dedicated to the total . potentially We are AmeriKKKa will try - that is is the Open Letter to the
dangerous because why we are in fait. We will not
liberation of all oppressed . we have Weather Underground. Read it
people . Our only commitment is decided to align our, compromise! We will not bend! We, the New York "21 "don't yourself. Listen to it yourself.
to that goal. We don't begin with . behavior with our beliefs, and
that does in actuality make us
We will not break! That is why claim to be the vanguard or the Judge it yourself! (See EVO vol .
ideals and work down ; we being we are in jail! We have sworn leadership of the revolution. We 6, no. 13 - Feb. 23, 1971)
potentially dangerous to racist : that this is the last generation offind our truths from experience,
with what is and -work up - up and We invite all of you to our
toward the total liberation of oppressive AmeriKKKa. our people that ' will live in and we are still learning! But we trial to watch how Blacks who
Therefore they had to attempt': bondage and the first that will feel that the
our people! and what is, is to stop Weather align their behavior with their
genocide -phsicaly murdeand
r, us before we could really' live in freedom! The enemy's underground fit truly in a beliefs are railroaded in legal
get together to begin
legal murder -genocide! What is to proclamation of death is beneath revolutionary manner with murder as part of. the enemy's
- is that one can speak elegantly "conspire"- they feel that they our scorn! That is why we are in Malcolm's "whites who are genocide plan. The engine begins
and eloquently
must attempt
about this contained at all costs -
to keep us : jail! really fed up," , "like old John at 10:30 am. and runs until
condition of genocide, racism, bail, like no' Brown, "and are showing it in a 4 :30 p. m. every
3 Monday '
exploitation and oppression . But "indictments, to 4 pending ; progressive and revolutionary through Thursday at 100 Centre
" prison officials,' While sitting in prison, the manner - and that we of the
whenver Black people come Street, 13th floor.
together to try and unify our, promising us that we will be' "university of a revolutionary, " New. York "21 " - Black men
We will in the near future .
people to deal with these racist, beaten to death, even though we saw with increasing clarity and women "who are really fed communicate with you again to,
negative, vulturistic,
their star witnesses have
unjust that they heard no one sworn'
the complete truth in Malcolm's up" -
that we cQuid establish more fully explain our total
agree to,  statement : `It's impossible for a the really- proper type of
conditions - the movement do anything! We political position on the current
have decided to chicken to produce a duck egg, communication with
toward revolution - we are, align our behavior our situation . Until then, dare to
even though they both belong to
considered "criminal" by our beliefs - and that with our revolutionary comrades - the struggle, dare to win! And don't l
does in the same family of fowl. This Weather underground!
enemy! All attempts to keep us actuality put off another day what you, ._
make us potentially system cannot liberate us - this`` The Weather underground
exploited and oppressed is dangerous can do today!
to racist and economic system, this political ; carne out lately with a change in
The New York "21 " E

~r~rrrrrrrrrrrr rrrr~~rrrrrrrrr~rmrrr~rrrrrarrrrrrr~'rr

The Trial of the N .Y . 21

'Mar . 18, 1971 Richardson turned himself in Attorney Bloom started his railroad these brothers apd Woods repeatedly used the
In another bizarre day of and related that he had been' questioning and immediately he 'sisters to jail. Each line of phrase "Brothers" in the vein of
"testimony", Pt . Carl Woods, approached to become an' and Murtaugh got into a hassle . questioning posed by the the disciple Judas who also sold
arch-bootlicker and liar informer; to which his mother Bacuse of his insistence of some defense was challenged by the himself for 30 pieces of` silver .
continued his weird and aimless said, "I'd rather see him dead" . semblance of rights for his prosecution and openly and At several points Woods'
mouthings . In response to No bail was set . Following the . cliants, clearly the ploy is to unashamedly collaborated by "impeccable memory" came
questioning by Attorney Katz, pattern set down previously,=, deride the defense in ,order to the court.. into play. Seemingly his
Woods vacillated, hemmed and woods, on questioning from "I . identification of persons became
Punctuated by numerous
hawed in his piggish, unique Attorney Lefcourt, constantly don't know" statements, woods, very hazy, confusing numerous
-- way . At several points during the asked for "my notes to refresh as is characteristic of pigs, .}ndividuals with each other .
questioning, the audience burst During the brief recess, Woods
my recollection ." Most of the continued to spout nonsense .
out in laughs at the answers he Several times even the jury had may be seen in the company of
gave . His description of "guerilla to laugh at his masters licking their boots to
his babbling
warfare" was more closely his heart's delight . Asked if he
nonsense . Attorney Bloom enjoyed
aligned to "hide and seek", a several times Rosemary Byrd
child's game of play . Woods, Woods on statements he had company as well as Clark Squire,
probably the least informed and previously made Woods replied "as well as any
on direct
knowledgeable of all the other Panther" .
examination . The bright note of
informers, exhibited the most the proceedings Toward the end of the line of
being the questioning Murtaugh repeatedly
faulty of memories. number of people in attendance ;
D .A . Phillips, in one of his` Jackson although the majority of them admonished Attorney Bloom for
characteristic moves, accused the , were white . It would be good if his "unprofessional" line of
questioning . What is manifest
defendants of disrupting the Murdered byl more blacks could be in court
and evident is that not only does
proceedings . This was an obvious: and see how the legal system
planned move, as he heel` _ reactionarv treats blacks and poor people . the court disregard the rights of
publicly stated before to the
news media that he expected`;
fascist pigs, Mar . 24, 1971
the defendants, but the constant
. harassment of the attorneys
disruptions in the courtroom . August 7, 1970 Court convened at 10 :30 a .m . clearly shows the vile and
His counterpart in the comedy,' Patrolman Carlos Ashwood obnoxious manner the court has
"Judge Murtaugh", played his', resumed the stand. Attorney taken to railroad the defendants .
part to the hilt, harassing the' Bloom again cross-examined and All semblance of justice and
questioning revolved around influence the jury . Questioning directed a withering crossfire of
attorneys, making objections for constitutional rights have been
events of Dec . 23-26, 1963 and will resume tomorrow with questions to Ashwood .
the prosecution and projecting ; removed from the case and out
January 2-14, 1969 . At one Woods again on the stand. With deliberate hesitation and
his fascist nature . and out fascism has taken over .
point in the proceedings the Mar . 23, 1971 sarcasm Woods responded with
' Mar . 22, 1971 Mar . 25, 1971
defendants all started to applaud Another day of subjection to
Circus (trial) continued with , the studied posture of an actor
Court was recessed due to
the defense attorneys who the fascist testimony of Carl'
Carl Woods in his well-chosen .-: rehearsing his lines . illness of one of the jurors .
objected to "Justice"(?)'
role as clown . Proceedings were . Woods . This day of testimony Characteristically, "Ringmaster
Murtaugh constantly overruling was no different from any other Circus re-opens Monday at
interrupted by the arrival of the defense and sustaining the
Murtaugh" and his supporting 10 :30 a .m . at 100 Centre
Street .
Fred Richardson in court.; prosecution's as the patter unfolds . It is clear cast (clown Phillips and clown
objection . that the prosecution (in FREE ALL POLITICAL
Richardson had been a fugitive' Weinstein) entertained the
Attorney, Lefcourt ended his collusion with "Justice"' courtroom audience with their PRISONERS
for almost 2 years, reportedly
questioning . Murtaugh) is determined to antics . Nat Shanks
having been in Barbados .


~,..-, 7.}wVr


Free Geronimo-The Urban Guerilla

On the Jim Dunbar "AM to resign himself to the fate functions of Minister of worship, idolatry, and head of the Criminal
Show," a television program which the fascist pigs have : : Defense while Huey P. absolute acceptance of and Conspiracy Section of the
in San Francisco, on in store for him . - Newton was in the hands of reliance on the Los Angeles Police
February 26th, a dispute Because of this attack on - the fascist pigs. These same unquestioned authority of Department, and is
was aired between Huey P. Huey P. Newton were routinely. escorted by his
Ne w to n, Supreme demanded of each Party newly found friend into
Commander of the Black member. whatever courtroom he is
Panther Party and Eldridge summoned _ to "recount"
Cleaver, its Minister of Geronimo's deeds against
Information . Cleaver Geronimo was captured the establishment. Curtis
demanded the readmission by the pigs in Dallas on Gaines from the Black
of , "Geronimo," Connie December 8, 1970 along Panther `Party chapter in
Matthews, and the expelled with Will Stafford, Wilfred Dallas, where the arrest was
members of the New Ydrk Crutch Holiday, George made, has even been
21 into the party and a Lloyd and Melvin Smith. recognized by the Black
public expression of The chieftains of the party Panther Party *itself -
apology. Newton not only did not even feel it earlier version - as a pig
refused to do so, but necessary to speak to agent (see recent issue of
threatened to have Eldridge Geronimo to find out what the Black Panther paper) .
Cleaver jailed in Algeria as really happened and These two forces acting in
Timothy Leary has been . accepted the words unison persuaded the
Central to the disagreement ("evidence") of two people chieftains of the Black
was the purge of Elmer who turned out to be pigs - Panther Party to expel
Gerard Pratt, commonly Cotton and Gaines (Huey's Geronimo, a dedicated
known as "Geronimo" or boys). Melvin Smith, also leader and member of the
"G -1 by Huey P. Newton known as "Cotton," was party's central committee,
and certain select members the only member of the with no hearing. Eldridge
of the Central Committee . group of four people ['leaver stated that he was
At least three members of captured in Dallas who was not even aware of the
the Central Committee not purged from the Black reasons why Geronimo was
known to be residing in Panther Party. He and purged and that it now
Algeria (Eldridge Cleaver, Curtis Gaines have been appears apparent that his
Vnfhl"O" (genitor nnir
Donald determined to be, beybTid eaphure ivas a "sei`-up."
Cox) and Geronimo in Harlem all doubt, pigs themselves.
Geronomo, himself At this time, the leader,
a In fact, "Cotton" has lived Huey P. Newton, has
member, were not in a luxury to which he was purged Geronimo,
consulted. This despite the Will
Geronimo during a time pigs also recognized formerly unaccustomed, Stafford, Wilfred "Crutch"
fact that Geronimo had when he is in need of namely in the domicile of
Geronimo's , value to the
asked repeatedly for an support from the people it one Raymond Callahan, Con't on Page 18
revolutionary movement in
audience with the party is necessary to give some
since the date of his arrest, Babylon and therefore
background on Geronimo's conspired to permanently
December 8th, 1970 in work within the Black
Dallas, Texas. remove him from the
Panther Party so that you' ', service of the people .
Regrettably, a definite can decide if this brother is On Monday, August 17,
split has eventuated truly counter-revolutionary 1970, Geronimo failed to
between the rank and file of as claimed by Huey : show up in court for a case
the BPP and its current On January 17, 1969 andhis bail was revoked. At
leadership in Oakland, Bunehy Carter (Deputy the time he had four
'California. The rank and file Minister of Defense - charges against him; a bomb
can no longer tolerate or Southern California Chapter case, false imprisonment,
condone the behavior of Black Panther Party) was assault on a pig, and the Los
exhibited by the present murdered at UCLA. At this Angeles 18 shootout.
leaders of the party, Hued time Geronimo was placed Geronimo went
P. Newton and David in the difficult position of, underground to avoid the
Hilliard. taking over whereBunchy clutches of the pigs because
Huey P. Newton has not left off. Geronimo's it was "time to concentrate
only arrogated to himselt leadership ability, on living to fight another
the new title of Supreme self-discipline and love for day. " (See August 29,,1970
Commander (now the people was quickly issue of BP). Contrary to
diplomatically downgraded recognized by members of the recent article in the
to "Supreme Servant") but the chapter. Our ability to party paper purging
he has seen fit to expel, recognize and deal with the Geronimo he was fully
without a hearing, one of crises arising out of the supported by the party at
the most dedicated leaders struggle in Babylon was the time of his move to go
of the BPP and its increased greatly by underground as evidenced
principles, Geronimo, in his Geronimo's example and his by the article "Reflections
hour of need. After the constant emphasis on each o (Geronimo . . . . The
fascist pigs, with the party member accepting the Essence of a Panther." in
assistance of unknown local responsibility of the August 29, 1970 issue
members' of the Central revolutionary leadership . of the Black Panther.
Committee of the BPP, Because of the Southern While Geronimo was
ferreted out Geronimo California Chapter's underground, many changes
from the underground advances during this time, were occurring in the Party.
haven (to which he had Geronimo's reputation grew Huey P. Newton's thoughts
been consciously in all the chapters, and he became "invincible" and he
commissioned . by that select became a member of the adopted the title and
membership of the Central Central Committee (CC) position "Supreme
Committee) he is compelled and took on many of the Commander. . ." Hero
Cairo United Front
Racist is victim of
sniper attack after from racism and exploitation
assault on Brother to Liberation and Freedom
CAIRO, Ill., March 7, 1971 - ' $15,000.00 (Cash needed The beginning date of the- have not returned the violence 'supporters throughout the
The following is an account of $1,500.00) . Black people of Cairo's current to the whites . They have country . Much more is needed .
the incident which involved Mr. Officials of the Front have struggle, was March 31, 1969, defended themselves in their Millions of people across
Levi Garrett and Mr. James tried to point out to the press when the white vigilantes of homes. Hundreds have been America are aware of the plight
Avery on the early morning of .that this incident is not unlike' Cairo shot into the all-Black arrested in Cairo . The Front has of Cairo's poor and Blacks
March 6, 1971, according to Mr. many other such incidents which housing project for over 2i/s put up over, $50,000 .00 in Cash because of an elaborate '
Garrett and several other 'happen throughout the year in'' hours . This was not the first as bonds . Many Blacks have been communication system
eye-witnesses. taverns and clubs, both white time whites had done such beaten . Harrassment and developed by the Front and
The bartender of the "Pythian and Black patronized. The fact' violence on Blacks . It marked a intimidation are a constant part because the Rev . Koen and other
Club", Mr. Joe Nelson shoved that Avery was shot down places new age, however, in that Black of their lives. But their spirit leaders of the Front have
and pushed the wife of Mr. a different coloring on the story, people stood up to the racists remains high . Their awareness traveled hundreds of thousands
'Ronnie Garrett, the brother of they admit. Avery has been and refused to give into these and understandings are deep . #of miles to tell the Cairo story .
Levi Garrett. Ronnie went to her working recently in cooperation `adtions which were meant to They, through God, have the
aid and was pushed and shoved 'with the Mayor, other whites of keep the Black man "in his strength and determination to
. by Mr. Nelson. A Mr. Gerald Cairo and Leon Perry, a place" . resist and finally overcome their
'Henderson went to Mr. Ronnie Governor's aide to divide the Shortly after the shoot-out oppressors .
Garret's help and fought with Blacks and destroy the Boycott . the Black citizens began an The Front has developed a
Nelson for some time . Then Levi (Avery also was recently economic boycott against their Housing Development
walked up and as he did Nelson implicated in a $25,000-$75,000 white oppressors . They said Corporation which has now,
said he was being "ganged up deal to assassinate the Rev.
ion" and went for help . Then Mr. "White Hats Must Go or Black despite strong opposition, been
Charles Koen . Folks Will Keep Their Dough" .
Jim Avery came on the scene funded . Eventually 100 new
In responding to published The whitehats did not go - they homes for rental by Cairo's poor
and started a long argument with reports that Rev. Charles Koen, are still here and actively
Levi Garrett. executive director of the Front and 200 to 300 homes for sale
Avery said that he was tired involved in violence against
has said that as far as anyone can Blacks . However - neither did will be built . A housing factory
of these "damn" militants trying has been in operation for about
tell, except for Avery's story, it the Boycott stop . It is still in
to run the town and he was could have been a white man strong effect . As a matter of fact 6 months. They have cut
there to show them it was going housing costs by a full one-third .
that shot him . "Since he has whitehats did not go - but store
to stop. The argument continued' failed so miserably in doing what after sotre of the white Economic development is a
and in the process Avery said he, he was paid to do, the whites merchants has had to go, and reality . A clothing store ; a food
would stop Garrett and all the themselves could have shot others are still going as the market ; and the beginnings of a
other "militants" if he had to Avery . Of course he and the strength and determination of shopping center, long delayed by
kill all of them. At that point- press and the whites in this town the Black people grows and illegal means by the Mayor will
Avery removed his pistol from a :. would blame Levi . Of course the grows. be built . Other programs in
holster and fired at Garrett, the press would say he (Garrett) is Soon after the Boycott began employment and production are
shot going between his legs and member of the Front. He is also the Black people began their being developed on a
hitting the floor inside the, a member of First Missionary organization - The United cooperative basis, so that all the
Pythian Club. As soon as AVery ' Baptist they Front_ They eallad the Rav people can benefit . Political
Church, but
fired his shot Garrett and most wouldn't put that down Charles Koen to return to Cairo, education on a continuing and
others left the Pythian . Garrett' the place of his birth, childhood meaningful basis helps lead the REV . CHARLES KOEN DIRECTOR
identification . The press also did
returned to his home . not tell the true story by and youth to lead them . Since Blacks to more realistic and
understnadable involvement in " OF UNITED FRONT OFCAIRO :
Sometime after this, declaring that Avery was illegally then the Front has developed a
apparently, Avery was shot by carrying a gun and that he was strong local organization and has the struggle .
someone . It was not Levi Garrett attempting to kill Levi. They helped create other Fronts in In the Courts the Front has
however . According to only took the word of Avery many cities and a National filed a dozen or more suits in
newsreleases, Avery was hit in Organization which covers the Federal Courts against the
and the police and did not take
the shoulder and according to the time to investigate the facts oppressive agencies in Cairo .
j country .
which paper or which radio which would seem necessary The United Front too, Some have been won . Others
will be . Blacks serve on juries . The most important part of
station is listened to, was hit by since they themselves had built through adverse opposition from
Today it is harder for the the struggle is found within its
sniper fire or from a person who Avery up as a leader." the Mayor, the white citizens, -
judicial system to send a Black religious dimensions . The Black
fired a rifle (high-powered) at According to Garrett, he will the Governor and the Federal
man in Alexander County to the people of Cairo relate to a higher
him from only six feet away . A attempt to file charges of Government has remained . Early Saturday rallies are
penetentiary on trumped-up power.
paper says an arrest warrant has attempted murder on Avery for in the struggle, during the accentuated by deeply moving
shooting at him inside the charges than ever before. They
been issued on Garrett. When he summer of 1969, the Front
is arrested bond will be Pythian Club . traveled to the State Capitol
with a "Resolution to Save
Cairo" . Pharoah Ogilvie
hardened his heart, arrested over
200 Front supporters - and
refused to act on the Resolution .
i Like Ogilvie the city of Cairo
and the REtail Merchants have
turned down one specific
proposal after another which has
been drawn up by the Front as a
means of ending the racial
turmoil and which would help
bring peace and harmony to the
city of deep trouble . They, like
-the Governor, responded, not
with love, but with more
violence . Today more than 100
additional State Police are here
at the request of the Mayor . The
police seige of the Black A local pig unprovoked,, threatens and attacks I
community included these as
well as whitehats, city and a peacefully picketing member of the
United Front of Cairo in downtown Cairo,
county law enforcement
'agencies . Even now Front
officials have developed
documents of progress to submit
sometimes still go . We must do spiritual services . God is praised.
to responsible officials and'
more work in this . important `God and the people are served.
businessmen in a comprehensive
area . Without God the Front would
program to save the City .
Hundreds of thousands of perish . With God the Front
The Black people have, for ;
dollars of foodstuff and clothing moves on to greater and more
the most part, lived through 150 . meaningful achievements . With
has been distributed without
nights of shootings by whites
cost to the poor of Soul Valley, God the people of Cairo, God's
into their neighborhoods and childran, move from Racism and
homes . Many have been as the Blacks have renamed
Little Egypt. These came from Exploitation to FREEDOM
wounded . Tragically some have AND LIBERATION .
the contribution of friends and
lost their lives . Black people

An Open Letter to the People

From"Bobby Hutton'
This message pertains to the the Party wasn't moving on their sisters, the only central swiftly dispawned to the vanguard to cadres of newspaper
recent exposure of needs or their pleas, the New committee they could possibly penitentiary for manslaughter, venders and baby sitters . For`
contradictions and York 21 drafted a letter to the be on is that of the F .B .I . resulting from the death of an thirty-three long months Huey
back-stabbings within the Black underground Weathermen . This Let's move to the- case of Oakland pig . In November 1968, Newton talked every day with
Panther Party . It is directed to letter to the Weathermen was Elmer "Geronimo" Pratt . He is, Eldridge Cleaver was forced to political prisoners who wanted
the world public in general and labeled by Hilliard & Co . as ar. n the words of Michael Tabor, change his base of operations to to strangle their captors and rip
to the Black colonies of Babalon "insult", and the New York 21 "a right on brother who will get Algiers. Kathleen soon joined down the walls to liberate
in particular . were branded as traitors and pigs down, has got down and knows her husband there . In August themselves. Huey's response to
Following 'the exposure of and purged from the Black how to get down in any 1969, Bobby Seale was indicted this? A "bussing program" set
these contradictions, there has Panther Party . situation ." "Geronimo" was and extradicted to Chicago for up to cart people to the
been-an all-out campaign on the Now this purge, loved by everybody who ever conspiracy to murder and penitentiaries on visiting days .
part of a clique based in abandonment, along with other met him on the level of conspiracy to kidnap . These To be very blunt about it,
Oakland, California, under the recent abandonments, was given revolutionary struggle, and he conditions hurled David Hilliard Huey Newton came out of
guidance and dictatorship of to the people as originating from was respected by all . At one unexpectedly to the forefront of prison more like a kitten than a
David Hilliard, to either the Central Committee of the time Huey P . Newton even the Black Panther Party . He Panther .
withhold the facts from the Black Panther Party . It so . payed homage to this brother's became not only the number So . . . we return now to the


people or resort to slander and happens, however, that Bobby dedication by saying, "If one spokesman for the Party, case of the New York 21 and to
infantile temper tantrums . It is Seale, Eldridge Cleaver, his wife anything ever happens to me, but also the sole adviser to Huey the case of Elmer "Geronimo"
only necessary to mention Kathleen and Don Cox D.C .) are then "Geronimo" is to take my P. Newton and attorney Charles Pratt . We add to those cases the
briefly the depths to which the and have long been (since the position of leadership in the R . Garry, and it was David recent slur tactics (as Kathleen
(formerly) Black . Panther early beginnings of the Black Black Panther Party ." Hilliard alone who determined- Cleaver describes them) to which
newspaper has descended in Panther Party) active members The Los Angeles pig Party strategy and policy . the (formerly) Black Panther
3rder to distort, withhold or lie of the Central Committee . Yet department will also vouch for Like a man craved with newspaper has degenerated ; we
about pertinent facts . It is none of these committee "Geronimo's" revolutionary hunger for recognition, David add the record of the many
therefore necessary_ to break members were informed about spirit for he, along with severs : Hilliard seized the, opportunity members who have resigned in
through the Oakland the purges and expulsions, nor other righteous warriors, held to latch onto this newfound droves from the Party ; we recall
information block and shed were they consulted . They made off a pig attack for five hours - power and authority . He wielded and add the purges and
someTight on the situation . the shocking discoveries only shot for shot - and walked away this power and authority like a expulsions of not only individual
Focus your attention on the after reading about theirr in the alive . Following this armed hatchet, taking the head of any members bu of entire branches
expulsion from the Black (formerly) Black Panther struggle with the Los Angeles comrad who questioned or of the Party as well . And we add
Panther Party of the New York newspaper. This is a situation in military, "Geronimo" was criticized his actions . Slowly but to the top of it all the expulsion
21 and to that of Elmer which high-ranking, faithful indicted for attempted murder . relentlessly he leaped on every from the Party of the entire
"Geronimo" Pratt . These are by members of the Party were kept This forced him underground opportunity to centralize all International Section in Algiers.
no means the only cases worthy in the dark about matters that and as soon as he went into power in the grip of his neatly As for the so-called
of mention, but they are prime were of the most vital hiding he discovered that he was manicured and expensively "expulsion" of the International
examples of the kinds of importance and concern to suddenly abandoned by that ringed fingers . Section (which are nothing but a
underhandedness and dirty work them, a . situation in which two Oakland gang on Peralta Street . During this same period, the lot of hot air, signifying nothing)
that has been led by David or three individuals took it upon Without the much needed help Black Panther Party was we note that it came in the wake
Hilliard (ex-Chief of Staff) and themselves to act as the whole during this period of urgent enjoying glorious days, and more of Eldridge Cleaver's criticism of
his gang of lackeys in Oakland, central committee, a situation in desperation, Elmer Pratt was and more the people granted the counter-revolutionary acts
California . which the lowest of deeds was captured in Texas. Soon that it was indeed the vanguard that were taking place, and it
You will recall that the New committed against afterwards, every revolutionary of the revolution in Amerikkka. only serves further to
York 21 was busted on bomb revolutionaries of the highest in Babalon was shocked to read This stemmed largely from the demonstrate the extent to which
conspiracy charges. They have order - brothers and sisters that "Geronimo" had been tremendous efforts put forth by that Oakland clique will go tc
been in the world's worst jail for who, more than once, were tried labeled traitor by David Hilliard the countless thousands of silence criticism .
many months, and during this and found true . & Co ., and as a final fiendish act. people to "Free Huey" . For But the simple fact is that
time several problems of a The question to ask at this. he was purged from the Black thirty-three months Huey sat in neither the Black Panther Party
serious nature have sprung up point is just who, then, is the Panther Party for life! a prison cell as the Black Panther nor any person who is part of it
which called for active moves on Central Committee of the Black This kind of thing violates Party grew from a local cadre to is above or beyond criticism .
the part of the Black Panther Panther Party? If we judge from every revolutionary principle . a national organization . And And, despite our lack of present
Party . Some of the problems the recent expulsions and purges We can't have it and we won't . throughout all of this, David access to the news media, those
were of a highly legal, technical not only of individuals but also Elmer "Geronimo" Pratt is a Hilliard's mouth whispered of us who constitute the
nature, some involved bail and of entire Party, branches, then revolutionary in the truest sense . distortions and mis-information extreme left wing of the Black
some had to do with much we must conclude that the He devoted his life, put his life into the ear of Huey P . Newton . Panther Party will continue to
needed contacts . Members of the Central Committee is David on the line, because he believed When Huey was released from criticize whenever criticism is
New York 21 wrote letter after Hilliard, Huey P. Newton and in the Party, had faith in the prison in August 1970, there was needed to expose
letter, addressed to the Central June Hilliard, supported by such people and believed in what he only one person who really counter-revolutionary acts .
Committee of the Black Panther reactionary lackeys as Masai was doing . In return he was knew what was going on in the With all of our love to the
Party, stating their predicament Hewit, "Big Man", Doug seized by the pig Texas Rangers, Black Panther Party : David revolutionary peoples of the
and outlining what was Miranda and Emory Douglas . a direct result of betrayal by Hilliard . He told Huey only what world,
necessary to protect their lives Well . . . there's only one David Hilliard and his clique in he wanted him to know, and to all of the oppressed people
and their freedom. David thing to say about that . Given Oakland, California . Huey's direction was established of Babalon, to all of the black
Hilliard's clique chose not only the - counter-revolutionary And to what can all of this be by the point of David's finger . people in the black colonies in
to ignore those letters but kept manner in which that traced? Since August 1970, the Black Babalon . . .
them secret from othe,) key Oakland-based clique have dealt In October 1968, Huey P. Panther Party has progressively ALL POWER TO THE
members in the Party . Because Newton was tried, convicted and swerved from the position of PEOPLE!


This is our regularly we have three members of HN - Well, it was very HN - What?. .I'm going to EC - We'll see then O.K. ?
scheduled political the Central Committee of embarrassing for me. write the Koreans, the
education class. We have the BPP over here, is that Chinese, and the Algerians
today a very serious internal this action is regrettable, it
and tell them to kick you
crisis within the B.P.P. and should not have taken EC - Well it had to be dealt HN - But I think I have the
place, it took place without with, man. out of the, our embassy, guns.
our class today will be
devoted to a discussion, an proper consultation with
analysis of this problem, the other members of the HN - Well I have to deal EC - Say Huey . EC - I got some guns too,
setting forth certain Central Committee and we with it too because I think brother.
lay the responsibility at the that it was unfair because HN - And to put you in jail.
historical elements that
feet of David Hilliard and when you bring things like You're a maniac brother.
need to be known and HN - Alright, you put
need to be thoroughly we demand that David that it should be brought to yours to work and I'll put
Hilliard be dismissed or EC - Say, Huey .
analyzed in order to enable the Central Committee and mine to work, but I'm not a
us to deal with the resign from the position of discussed openly and not coward like you brother,
Chief of Staff of the BPP so outside, you know? HN - Like Timothy Leary, I
situation. We have think you're full of acid this cause you ran off and got
information that we've that we can go about the Lil Bobby Hutton killed
work of pulling the Party morning.
received from the United EC - Well the way a tot of and I stayed here to face
States via the telephone and back together again, stuff has been going down it the gas, you see. But you're
because it looks to us as EC - Say Huey. . .
think that it would be hasn't been done that way, a coward 'cause you didn't
better for us to start by though the results of the man. attack me this morning, you
actions by David Hilliard HN- What?
listening to those messages. attacked the Chief. You
Of course members of the over a long period of time, HN - Hello, you listening? attacked him but you
EC - I think you should
B.P.P., also some of our the Party has fallen apart at The Intercommunal Section wanted to say my name,
who've been the seams. slow down brother, 'cause
comrades is expelled you see. So you're a
working in close harmony that's not going to work,
coward, you're a punk, you
you know .
with the BPP over a period TELEPHONE CONVER- ED - . . Right on, if that's understand.
of time in various parts of SATION BETWEEN HUEY what you want to do, HN - Well I think it will.
the world are present - P. NEWTON & ELDRIDGE brother. But look here, I
Cleaver, Saku CLEAVER We'll see.
Eldridge don't think you should take
Odinga, Pete O'Neal, Don such actions like that. EC - Say Huey. . .
Cox, Barbara Cox, Dave EC - Hello? EC - O.K., we'll see.
Jacobs, Ian Black, Kathleen HN - Well, I'm taking it, HN - You're a punk!
HN - And you know, I'd
Cleaver, Bill Perry, Lily, HN - Hello. brother. You dropped the
Charlotte O'Neal, Larry like a battle brother. We'll
bombshell all over the EC - I think you've lost
Mack . EC - Hey man. battle it out.
country now that there's a your ability to reason
fraction, well I want the EC - Say Huey, that's not brother.
HN - Eldridge fraction to be put to work, the best way to deal with
because I wish I could've that.
Ec - What's happening? devastated it if it exists but
I don't think it exists. As HN - Hey brother, you
HN - Well this is the way heard what I called you and
I just want to comment HN - Well, you dropped a far as you're concerned, I'm going to deal with it.
on the present situation bombshell this morning you can go to hell brother, that's what 1 feel about you
that exists_ inside the Black but you're expelled, all now. You're a punk!
EC - Well, then I think
Panther Party, specifically EC - Yeah. communications will be you're a madman too
in reference to the purge of stopped and that's the end EC - I wouldn't call you
brother GeronimO and the HN-Don't you think so? of it. that, you see. . .
expulsion of the N. Y. 21 . HN - O.K ., we'll battle like Huey hung up. End of
,p. lr - ` is 'c s~rwarrww a a q s . F ak~r Q-6 4 IN m,~

ELDRIDGE CLEAVER : alternative way of dealing with it is in the case' supporting the underground .
Within revolutionary Marxist-Leninist of Jonathan Jackson. And even though Jonathan One of the primary responsibilities of those
organizations involved in people's war, th'dere has Jackson was not- a member of the Black Panther above ground is to see to it that the
always existed the problem of maintaining the Party, we have no problem or contradiction in underground has the resources that it needs to
unity of the political and military leadership . relating to the great revolutionary initiative he function, otherwise there is no reason for the
Ideally, a revolutionary Marxist-Leninist took . In the first place, the Black Panther Party existence of that above ground apparatus.
organization involved in the people's struggle is a vanguard organization . It is not a mass Because the needs of our struggle are to wage
and the people's war does away with the membership organization, and its job is to the people's war, and that's a valid vanguard
classical and bourgeois form of organization in vanguard tactics and disseminate information so point of our whole apparatus, and that's what
which the political leadership of the that the people will know how to move and how has to be related to because that's where our
organization is represented by one element and to move on target . The type of action that victory is going to come from . This doesn't
the professional standing army exists to deal Jonathan Jackson took has everything to do mean that we don't still have any of the
with the military aspect . In a people's struggle with the way the Black Panther Party was obligations and the need to mobilize on the
there is no distinction between the military and moving, helping to create the right climate, above ground level around our political prisoners
the political because everyone has to deal with helping to discredit the judiciary and turn and so forth. We still have that need . But when
both of these elements . people against it so that the gun would be people have conflicts in their own mind, when
Once upon a time the Black Panther Party picked up . Jonathan Jackson represents some of they see a contradiction, there should be no
had no problem on that level. When the Party contradiction between the underground and the
was a small organization, it wasn't a very well above ground . In successful struggles there aren't
known organization, it didn't have any political because it's one and the same organization
prisoners around which we had to indulge in moving . So when the divisions arise, when we
mass activity . It was' just Panthers, pigs, and relate only one-sidedly, then we have a tendency
guns . And the leadership was a unitary to begrudge everything on the other side, we
leadership that had to relate to the business of have a tendency, to be uncooperative, all kinds
the Party . The problem did not arise until Huev of little personality things come up which cause
was arrested . It's very important to realize that these problems and we're dealing with a
when Huey was arrested, the Party no longer situation of life and death . And people who have
had an the streets a leadership focus. In the first transformed politics into war take a very dim
place, when Huey was arrested Bobby Seale was view of people who don't understand that and
in prison, He was in jail serving timO'for the don't relate to that and patience is very short
Sacramento bust, -then in AfMeda Cocinty for and there is no-real need for too mach patience
another jive gun urge that he had there. So at or discussion .
the time Huey was busted in October of '1967, Now this contradiction is something that
Bobby Seale was in jail :until the end of developed while Huey was in jail, because :before
December or the beginning of : January, this was all united and pulled together in Huey .
rightaround then . We didn't have a very Now Huey comes out of prison . The
sophisticated political analysis and machinery to contradiction is already there. You could tell
deal with things like that and we had to move in that there was some faith and hope in the
terms of practice . Of course, we had principles brothers who had gotten down that Huey would
to guide us, but we were immediately aware of the able to deal with it, be able to resolve `the
the problems created by the fragmentation of contradiction . But Huey came out into the arms
the leadership . We worked out communications of this right-wing bureaucratic apparatus. The
channels between the Party and Huey . Bobby Black Panther Party has developed a left wing
Seale of out. So, in effect, we were once again and a right wing . The right wing is based on the
able to pull back together the focus of whole apparatus that relates to the mass
leadership . organizing, the legal, above ground apparatus,
And still there were always problems and and then the brothers who are moving, outlaws,
criticism about some people who wanted to underground, those who have gotten down -
move in a purely military fashion, and from the those who have transformed politics into war -
cats who were more oriented to the military constitute the left wing of the Party. So that
aspect there were criticisms of those who were Huey went to jail in October of 1967 and he got
too much involved in the political aspect of mass out in August of 1970 . Now during the time
mobilization . Objectively, both are in error. that - Huey was on the streets before October
Both of these are mistakes in principle . There 1967 the Party was very small in numbers and
was some attempt made to bring our practice membership and very local in structure . It had
more in harmony with our theory along that gotten to be widely known following the
line, but still I think that those of us who paid incident in Sacramento and so forth, and
close attention to the Party know that this has particularly when a pig, Frey, was found dead
been a continuing problem . on the ground in Oakland, 'i ne Party became
Now the contradiction developed and even more widely known. The Black Panther
developed and developed. The Party itself Party was mobilized and developed and grew
developed into a very bureaucratic machinery from a very small nucleus into a national and
for dealing with mass demonstrations, around ELDRIDGE CLEAVER international organization prior to Huey being
political prisoners, publishing newspapers, MINISTER OF INFORMATION released in August 1970. .
getting out leaflets, and all of that mass Now this doesn't mean that he doesn't know
mobilization apparatus, rallies, the whole ability the fruit of the work of the Black Panther Party . anything about that, because he was in prison
to do that . Much of the Party's resources and So that when brothers start oofing the courst, and he had certain information, but if you look
personnel were channeled into that . Those who going underground, and rejecting that whole at how this information came to him, through
were dedicated to mass mobilization tended to scene there is still a need for mass mobilization . Garry and these other lawyers, and from my
favor and select people out of the mass of the But it's not correct to say that the man who has own experience I know that you can read all the
Party who were similarly oriented . And cats who offed the courts and gone underground no newspapers and listen to all the visitors you
didn't fit into that, were kind of shuttled to the longer has any politics, because that is politics, want to, but you're only getting a minute
side, dropped out of the Party, and all kinds of that is the supreme form of politics - war . So portion of the information that's floating
things . This contradiction presented itself as a that we have to look at all these elements to see around in the environment outside . And it hurts .
critical situation that had to be resolved when just what is going on . It limits your ability to make decisions on
the Panthers first started offing the courts . One of the charges brought against Geronimo important problems . And you can feel it and
Because in the first place the whole was that he had the audacity to ask for money you know it . You've got big problems in terms
contradiction arose over how to deal with the from Central . It's clear that a brother living in of keeping up on things . Yvu can get the broad
system . And the focus of our contact with the that situation being searched for high and low sweep of events, you can deal with that, you can
system was the court situation . And all this mass by the pigs has a great need for money, and still move from jail and be in harmony on that
mobilization was around political prisoners, when politics is being transformed into war, and level, but in terms of those details, in terms of
trials, court appearances, and so forth. So that we know that this is the trend, this is the way the daily conflicts and arguments that go down
the mass mobilization campaign is a symbol of higtory is moving, the way we want it to move, in the office, you are out of touch with that .
one form of dealing with that . then the duties of the above ground apparatus And you can believe that whenever these
The best example that we have of another becomes one of relating to and enthusiastically conflicts came up, the information that went to
Huey didn't come from the people who were
getting messed over . Huey's information came
from David Hilliard and Garry and all these
people . So that the information was one-sided,
so that over a period of time, you can see how
he wouldn't have all the information he would
need to make decisions on those kinds of
contradictions, those kind of conflicts.
That's very important, because Huey has
signed this statement on Geronimo . But
analyzing that document we see that the
grievance that the underground brothers had
were against David Hilliard and June Hilliard .
The first demand was that they had to go . Then
later on things developed and they said they
were going to off David and June . So that you
can see that the brothers were trying to deal
with it and trying to get Huey to relate to it . But
at the pace with which Huey has been moving
and the lack of knowledge about the details of
the situation, the fact that he has only really
been out of prison a few months puts him in a
position where he thinks he understands what's
happening, but really doesn't . And when Huey
got out the behavior of David and his crew was
exemplary . They didn't go around doing the
same shit that had people up tight. They were
probably very beautiful brothers, very helpful,
very efficient, doing whatever Huey said do,
kept shit moving, so that was all right with him, D .C .
that was good, and that's "vhaz he needs. And I never have related to the robot mentality everything to do with political education class,
anyway, he'd want to about whatever that's able to produce by an erroneous we have to understand absolutely that everyone
past grievances were coming Jown while he application of Marxism-Leninism because that of us must understand all of the elements in the
wasn't there . Because a lot* Zktngs he saw were shat when it is used wrong can lock a theory that we're functioning on so that when
fucked up. All kinds of things had to be motherf--ker's mind down and have him shit goes down you have the mental resources to
straightened out and Huey would have a beating somebody in the head, wrong . analyze that s--t right. And that's why it is
tendency to look at these complaints as just Marxism-Leninism is designed to insure necessary to study. You know that we're a
something that had to be dealt with and discipline and democratic centralism . When you Marxist-Leninist organization, they got a lot of
crganized so that we could get rid of all the don't apply all of it, you see it's not just people in the Party who just say our philosophy
internal antagonisms. But the people who had centralism involved_, in a Marxist-Leninist is Marxism-Leninism and even quote something
these deep experiences and grievances, they organization, you're a fool to relate to it if it's about dialectical materialism. .
&eren't in a position to just forget that . But just centralism, it's democratic centralism . And . The important thing is this : Marxism is the
they held back . And you see that they did hold if you have an organizational structure or theory economic analysis ; Leninism, and the reason
back, because nothing happened during that of organizatsonand you just take part of it, then they gave the man the respect of adding his
time, and Geronimo was right there when Huey you're jiving with it . If you're going to apply the name to this, is because he supplied another
got out, they were all together, Geronimo wasn't Marxist-Leninist theory of organization to the important element, How the program of action .
underground then . Black Panther Party and only practice Lenin invented the form of the Party. When
centralism, then you're messing over the people Marx was there he just had a big fat wangy
Another important thing is the centralization in the Party and that's what's been wrong with thang, a big old First International, he had
that Huey started in the Party after he got out. some of that practice . It's been centralism and Bakunin and all those motherf --kers, that sh :t
Before David was thery on the scene and Huey no democratic practice . wasn't working man, and Bakunin was steady
was over there in prison, and David was dealing. You can see why people who have tearing that motherf--ker'- down, but Lenin
successfully practiced Marxism-Leninism put studied the practice and experience of the first
Now, David is still there, and Huey is right emphasis on these things, that you must have International, he checked out what Bakunin was
behind him, backing him . So that increases the internal criticism, and self-criticism, you have doing is absolutely right and necessary, and what
authority that he has so that he is able to do unity, criticism, and unity. You can't neglect Marx is doing is necessary, but - neither one of
things and it's not just automatically that Huey that, if you neglect that, you're going to fall off them was doing it right . Marx wasn't relating to
would be able to see the effects of the choices into all kinds of factionalism, all kind of the military and Bakunin wasn't relating to the
and the decisions and the way things are moving . bullshit, and they say that, we read that, and we Political sh-t . So Lenin resolved the
He wouldn't be able to detect it and connect don't relate to it, some of us don't relate to it, contradiction by creating the form of a Party
that with past activity . Tt--t'c extremely but cats who relate to it always end up arguing that could move on both levels at the same time .
important, because all thus, things are involved . with other cats . But through this kind of That's how he resolved that contradiction . He
experience it just serves to expose what's wrong analyzed that sh-t, wrote it down, people started
Whether or not David and June can be with the practice involved . adopting that to apply to their own struggle . So
replaced is beyond a doubt. An organization of I think that this shows you, shows all of us the cats who have understood that and applied it
our type is supposed to be a self-perpetuating very clearly that we have to first of all, it has right, Whew! they've moved.
mechanism and it would be very shocking if
someone would say that the life and death of
the Black Panther Party depended upon David
Hilliard remaining Chief of Staff and June
Hilliard remaining Assistant Chief of Staff. And
this becomes important because this was the
demand by the underground brothers on the
case of David and June Hilliard, that they be

So that what we're faced with, brothers and

sisters, is the possible destruction,
self-destruction, of the Black Panther Party
growing out of an inab,ility to resolve its own
internal contradictions . It's not going to stop the
progress of the struggle of black people for their
liberation . What it's going to do is eliminate an
organization that is not able to adapt itself to
Zayd & D.C .
new conditions of struggle .

ON THE CONTRADICTIONS OF THE NEW have shed their blood for the freedom of'Huey
YORK 21 - DON COX (D. C.) P. Newton and for the Black Panther Party and
now they have betrayed Eldridge and they have
The information that we have here is that betrayed rnc . Arid thcY tire betraying Bobby
they were expelled from the Black Panther Party Scale, t/tey are betraYing tllc 11.0'o-American
because of this open letter to the Weathermen , Liberation Straggle and theyy're hetraYblg the
underground from the Panther ?1 . Well, we have Americans Revolution . The people are riot stand-
a copy here of this statement, we have it 11, 0!71 ing for their Joolishlress and blindness notch
several sources, we've read it, we've analyzed it longer and they're going to be swept away to
their proper pktcc ill oblivion .
and we see no reason, there's nothing in the
Ill our - case, us in others, particulurlY in the
article that would justify anyone being expcllcd . case of. Geronimo, David Hilliard and his
The only thing that the article reflects is the fact C'Ot!/ItPY-Yel'Ol1ltiUtlar'1' crew o,1 snakes, have
that the doors within the Black Panther Party played the role o1'tritliilgand abetting the pigs in
are closed to criticism and self-criticism and their efforts to crush rcvohitiomiry people and
ideological .struggle. So the brothers resorted to rerolutiotlar.v actiriti . Appurcntly it is not
the old v method tht was available to them, just ellough for the' pigs to rip Putithcrs off left and
an open letter through another organ to present right, jail Panthers alld 11itrrder Panthers, these
their ideas and views and there're manrv verv cor- hickca s, lulder the dircc t leadership of David
rect views, many views that should he studied Hilliurd, wall to /c'el that the .! ill .tst help them
till that thcY call . I watit to inakc it rer, v clear to
and analyzed b.v members of the Black Panther
ei cla one, that I uln fitlli' dcdic°she'd to the goals
Party in particular and the masses of people ill cspouscd bi the Black Panther Partv when it
America in general . stood us a vanguard force in t11ic :1fro-Alnerican
Liberation Struggle ultd played t: 1 cr1<,s;uttrd role
ill the American Revolution. I hurt ,nicdgcd mi,
life to the liberation tlf Black people ill the
United States and I will never hack tip on this
cominiti'me11t. But I ivant to !slake' it rerv c"Icar,
it thirst be understood, that the cliques ofc
KATHLEEN CLEAVER - REPLY TO Tl1E ntrrttcl-rc'voltrtionaric's, wider the Icadership of
Darid Milliard hjsed ill Ouklulld, Calib)Yllia, ttjid
t/tc Black Amt/lcr Penal arc not s1 nmi ; 1%ic~trs.
,l nd i41cil dead weight crops tllr ,;,c.. /1u1 c to
It is a 1 ,crY sad thilig to sec t/le Black Ac111/1cr lltol c" 011 it.
Party licivspapcr, is'/lici1 started otlt as u rcrc>11l- I/1c Black Pultthcr Airti is u rc1r ; holoMlr1
tinllarr . roil,"!lard 11eit'spupcr that rc1'olrrtic,lti=cd ma, hillcla' . It dc1'clopcel )lit cl, f lhC' iic','d r1/ the
the entire miderground press, theilrg tllr-iled islto liberutimi of Black pcoplc within t/1c UWtcd
a low-doit'rt, scaltdal she'e't to !'("it llcl*serr1er1 States and it has heels built hi' /ttotdrc 1s ''o tho-
grudges cuid jealousy' crud !!take undcrllandcd 11scrrtds of people all orcr the U1111cd Suites.
backstahhiiig, pcisonal attacks . Ilere it- icitllcs .s, Whenever illtilstlces, excesses duel cliN'tor'liolls tit .
basic principles conic lorward it is tlic dtltY o/ a
the concern, the depth ol , the (oilccrli . lor ad 1 all-
rc'1'olutioilurv to eliminate tltc!n us to clir1tillutc
cing any type Of rcrolutiollari' llllorinatloil at all .! other obstacles that crop till to h/c,c k the
the direction of David Hilliurd and his clique o./ hro,;1rCSS o.t the llbelratioll .stlzrgg/c' o./ Blac k llc'o-
reactionaries and the paper has bcconie hogged ple withill the United States. 1 cu111tot /acv the
And there's nothing, there's nothing in the down in petty, personal issues, like some Holly- people as part of this clique of' backstabbing,
letter that would warrant their expulsion and we wood gossip column . The last issue of the Black backsliding . snakes who are capitalizing on the
demand again that they be reinstated into the Panther newspaper, with this ridiculous head- suffering of Black people and Black Panther
Black Panther Party and publicly apologized to . line, "Free Kathleen ", is absurd and it has been - Party members for their own sel/Ladvance at the
That leads us to the next problem here Michael they've taken a valid political slogan and turned expense of the innocent victims of their mis-
`Cetewayo' Tabor and Richard Dharuba'Moore it into something pathetic, and ridiculous. It just guided blunders . I will not contribute to this
and Connie Matthews . All of our information on makes people want - to disassociate themselves farce, but I must make every, effort 1 possibly
that situation still has not jelled but from what from this, it turns people off. But we're not sur- can to stop it from continuing and destroying
we see, it is a repeat of the same thing. I think people's lives and people's liberty. Now this is
prised by this tactic, because it's been progres-
that a week before, there was this article by the real reason why 1 am not at this rally at the
sively being used because there's an inability to Oakland Auditorium, which we over here were
Connie Matthews in the paper and the next express the political reality involved . In the case not informed about until we read about it in the
week she's an enemy of the people. Michael of Connie Matthews, Cetewayo, Dharuba, in the Black Panther newspaper, as we are not in-
`Cetewayo' Tabor, who spoke at the Constitu- case of Geronimo and most dangerously and formed about so many other things that hap-
tional Convention and Dharuba who's very well most outrageously, now in the case of Eldridge pened in the Black Panther Party. I feel that if
known and respected in New York - all of a Cleaver. communications had been kept faithfully,
sudden they're enemies of the people. People These vicious, distorted, perverse lies in the honestly and openly, many severe mistakes of
cannot make these rash judgements and go off Black Panther newspaper have been presented judgement and betrayals ofprinciples could have
of misinformation to do these things, there must specifically to destroy the fruits of labor that been avoided and many problems could have
be proper investigation, all people involved been prevented. But it has become very clear to
have gone into building the International Sec-
must be consulted - especially when you sign an us, over a long period of time (approximately
tion of the Black Panther Party and to discredit 20 months) that this block on communications
article, `Central Committee of the Black Panther the solid working relationship we have establish- is only part of the overall calculations of David
Party'. I say again, there are three (3) members ed here with revolutionary governments and Hilliard and his counter-revolutionary clique to
of the Central Committee here in the Inter- liberation movements that support our struggle . distort and corrupt the basic principles under-
national Section and we had no information, we But these tactics, which are devoid of all politi- lying the Black Panther Party and to transform
were not consulted on that decision and we cal content, not to mention revolutionary in- the Black Panther Party from a revolutionary
don't know anything about it and we don't want spiration, are nothing new. Eldridge Cleaver has vanguard organization to a ridiculous showcase
nothing to do with it and we say that they been subjected to very revolting insults, threats of cowards and containment.
should be reinstated and publicly apologized to and lies, personally by Huey Newton over the While these latest cases of slander, purge,
also. these attacks on hard working revolutionary
telephone. These tactics just represent, a weird
comrades, who are facing serious penalties for
last : stand oil the part ofDavid Hilliard and his the contributions they've made to building the
revisionist lackeys to maintain a position they Black Panther Party and advancing the revolu-
no longer deserve and that they cannot carry tionary struggle of Afro-American people within
out. We see these people degenerating into a the United States, have received widespread,
concern for nothing but distortion and destruc- negative, publicity . There have been hundreds of
tion on the part of David Hilliard and his other less dramatic, similar cases where the
`FREE KATHLEEN lackeys . Whatever these revisionist dogs can't victims have not been so well known and who
CLEAVER control, they put themselves in a position where felt that they had no recourse after a long train
the oidy alternative they can use is slander, of abusive, reactionary moves oil the part of this
sabotage and destruction . clique, calling itself the Central Committee,
hundreds of' beautiful brothers and sisters who
had dedicated their lives, dedicated their talents,
As a result of their efforts over a long period their hearts, everything they had to the struggle
of time, all the struggling, work, that has gone for Black people for their liberation in the U.S.
into making the Black Panther Party and the have been forced out of the Party and prevented
Black Panther Party newspaper a tool worthy of from joining with their comrades ill,fighting U.S.
scriling the people has been stultified and sab- .rascisin . Comrades in jail have been fronted off,
otaged, this is going to be dealt with . David shiised on. Brothers in exile, brothers under-
Hilliurd and his counter-revolutionary clique, ground have been practically ignored. This
they have betrayed Geronimo, they have destructive trend must be stopped, it will be
travc'd the Panther cadre jailed in New York, stopped . The Party will be streagtlretled again
thcv have l c;t r;3isters~;lwho and - will' be able - to niarclr` forward again' with
RIGHT OM'SAT11 fT :APRM -<fV71 " PACE.`13
true revolutionary dedication and go about the arrested . He was opposed to all military activity the so-called Constitutional Convention in Wash-
business of destroying the enemy and strength-
ening the people. We are confident that the pro- and he moved very heavily against those bro- ington, D .C . in November 1970 . It was at that
cess of renewal will enable all the people that thers in the Party who were get down brothers point that the masses of the people and also the
have been turned off, turned away, turned and who did relate, in fact, to revolutionary cadre of the Party, felt that it was now their
around, to take on new hope and new courage principles . duty, indeed their obligation, to stand up and
and to come forward and take their rightful In time, this led to what can only be called voice their criticisms would have to be listened
place as revolutionary vanguard soldiers and pro- the ideological split in the Party, with the re- to and explanations would have to be given,
ceed with the duties of our revolutionary war in visionists headed by David Hilliard and working explanations explaining why the Party had vir-
America, without the blocking of the counter- in close conjunction with him, his brother June tually abandoned all military activity, explana-
revolutionary dogs that will apparently stop'at Hilliard and several others. On one hand, the tions dealing with why the community programs
nothing to put themselves out front, regardless
right side that is, and on the other hand, on the were damn near total flops . Explanations dealing
of the views of the people and the needs of the
struggle and we will not tolerate this any longer left hand, there were the revolutionary brothers, with, why political prisoners were not receiving
and we're moving to advance our struggle and those whose allegiance was to revolutionary any support, explanations why Huey P. Newton
advance our Party to a higher level and it's Right principles and to the ideology, the true ideo logy and David Hilliard along with June Hilliard,
On. of the Party and not to any one personality. John Seale and several others were-just squander
These brothers were deliberately and knowingly ing the Party's funds on their own .personal
ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE! stifled and blocked by David Hilliard from estab-- needs and saying the hell with the cadre. When
Kathleen Cleaver lisfng any real rapport with the people and these criticisms were voiced ; they were immed-
Communications Secretary from dealing with the pigs in a righteous revolu- iately suppressed, what resulted at that point
International Section, Algiers Algeria tionary fashion. In time it's understandable, that then, on the part of Huey Newton and David
Black Panther Party
many of these brothers became, many sisters Hilliard and that clique, in order to maintain
also, became disenchanted and their morales be- their power, they began pushing the line of "We
came crushed and they began to drift away from must have blind obedience and unquestioning
the Party one by one . Those who attempted to loyalty to the leadership." It was not the duty
deal with the situation, by using revolutionary or the function of the cadre to inquire as to
principles of criticism and self-criticism, and at- what the leaders of the Party were doing with
tempted to enforce democratic centralism, a themoney, how they were living or what they
principle that had been abandoned by the Party were off into . It was made known, explicity
since David Hilliard became in control of the clear, that anyone that asked those type of ques-
Party apparatus, were expelled from the Party tions would be dealt with severely, they might
or, not only were they exp elled from the Party, even in fact, be offed.
but they were branded renegades and traitors to By January of 1971, to me it became un-
the people and a long list of other names that I deniably clear, that certain fundamental and
wouldn't even waste time to go off into . basic changes had to be effectuated in the Black
Huey, not long after being released from Panther Party, in order to restore the true image
prison, began to drift off into the same bag as of the Party to the people, in order to become
David . This was evidenced on a number of what the Party was originally intended to he, a
occasions and in many ways, there were -several vanguard Party, who is willing to lay down their
manifestations of this. First of all, they both lives to secure the liberation of the masses and
showed a very cold and callus attitude towards also to meet the basic needs of the people . But it
the well-being of the troops, the cadre, which is was also clear it would be impossible to bring
the backbone of the Black Panther Party . They . about_these changes, to come any longer and
refused to attend-to visit Party offices and criticize them and to point out to them their
branches. This is most clearly seen in Oakland, mistakes, because by this time they had become
California itself, where the National Head- totally unresponsive to any type of criticisms.
quarters of the Party was located, and there, des- So in the Eastern part of the country we began
pite the fact that both of them lived in that area, moving on the situation in a different manner .
they only, on a few occasions, after Huey's re- We began to emphasize to the cadre that their
MICHAEL CETEWAYO TABOR - ON THE lease, went to the office to speak to the troops . allegiance should not be to one individual, but
CONTRADICTIONS WITHIN THE BLACK This in itself, was a violation several of us com- rather, to the principles of'revolutionarystrug- .
PANTHER PARTY mitted . We failed to criticize this properly, we gle . --
failed to take a firm stand on it. We were still Another very tragic and demoralizing, in fact,
What I specifically want to deal with here is relating too heavily to an image and we felt humiliating occurrence went down in the form
the internal contradictions that exist within the within our hearts that in a short time Huey, who of the Party paper, which was originally, for
ranks of the Black Panther Party and several we had invested so much time, energy, blood, sometime, wens the true political organ by which
other things. I think it's best to begin with the
sweat and tears towards in se curing his release, Black people were educated as to the realities of
time I was first released from jail after the 21
which he failed to live up to, that the people had their situation in Babylon . Under the leadership
bust. I came out around the latter part of July,
of him, not the expectations that were super- and direction of David Hilliard, the Party paper
early August 1970. This was approximately a
man, but we just wanted him to be a righteous deteriorated into a scandal sheet. Full with re-
week before the release of the then Minister of
and truly dedicated servant of the people . dundant articles that no longer educated the
Defense of the Black Panther Party, Huey P.
The conditions and the situation got people but rather only confused and turned
Newton. It was also around the time of the
progressively worte .VVe began to take not'eof the them off . After the release of Huey P. Newton,
Planning Session of the forthcoming
fact that a considerable amount of money was the situation rather than moving progressively
Constitutional Convention. The Planning Session
being devoted toward the buying of clothes. We for the better, did just the opposite, it became
was held in Washington, D .C. After that the for-
began to take note of the fact that $40 and $50 worse . An order was handed down that the
mer Chief of Staff of the Black Panther Party,
and $60 was being spent on breakfasts. We branches and chapters of the Black Panther
David Hilliard, informed me to come to the West
began to take note of the fact that political Party would have to double the sale of the Party
Coast to meet Huey P. Newton and to receive
prisoners, brothers and sisters, righteous, dedi- paper . It meant that also if a branch was one
instructions as to how to move on the situation
cated revolutionaries who had shed blood and penny short on their paper bill, the next week
in N.Y . My initial impression of Huey was a
had risk their lives in order to secure the libera- they would receive no papers at all. The
good one, it was right on . However, it was soon
tion of Black people in particular and all oppres- situation developed to such an extent where
revealed that the brother was bewildered and
sed people in general, were left languishing in they began to measure the revolutionary
baffled as a result of stepping out of the pene-
penitentiaries throughout Babylon . These bro- capability and revolutionary sincerity of the
tentiary after over 2'/2 years, and finding himself
thers and sisters had to, damn near, get on their cadre by way of how many papers they sold.
in command of a nationwide organization .
knees to get $5 for commissary, while Huey P. That became the yard stick for where a brother
Whereas prior to his going to jail the Party was a
Newton and David Hilliard just wallowed in lux- was at. If you sold 200 papers a day, you was
small one and a local one consisting of less- than
ury . We began to take notice of many other right on. But if you got out there and you really
30 members. One of the grave mistakes and
things. The contradictions became more blatant, began trying to relate to the people and doing
errors that was perpetrated at that time was
more blatant and more clear- especially irj something more than just selling the paper then
that, upon his release, the only ear that he
view of the fact that the cadres in the street, the you were subject to severe criticisms, and in
heard, the only ear, in fact, that he would listen
brothers and sisters, the backbone of the Party,' many cases expulsion and perhaps possibly an a-
to, was that of the then Chief of Staff, David
were virtually starving to death . Many of them whipping . Brothers and sisters, the cadre were
Hilliard, who during the period of Huey's incar-
were running around with no shoes on their feet. subjected to all types of, abuses and humilia- .
ceration and after Eldridge had cut out and after
Many of them were out on street corners, day tions. When they went out into the streets, the
Bobby's arrest, had assumed full control of the
and night, selling papers, damn near naked. But people would cease to relate to them as
Party apparatus and was also in control of deter-
because of their dedication, because of their Panthers, because they just weren't relating to
mining the political policies of the Party .
belief in the brother, Huey P. Newton and be- the people anymore. Not because they didn't
DavidHilliard, during that period of time had
cause they believed he was right on, they didn't want to, but because they were being conscienti-
' perpetrated deeds that could only be called
beef about this. ously and deliberately misguided by the leader-
criminal . They were gross and ; hideous ,vio--
The morale situation in the Party ship in the form of the Oakland clique . The
lations of all revolutionary principles . He
progressively deteriorated, it went from bad to people stopped coming up to them and inquiring
notedly and consciously set brothers up to be
worse_ his time it culminated with the fiasco of 'AV, Wx ti) The l4testcopy of the. 81aok Panther


continued from page
paper. Instead, the people came up to therifi and plan on the part of the Oakland clique, headed sands of dollars from . Each speaking
said, "How's business coming along?" by Huey Newton and David Hilliard to use the engagement was done at a minimum of $2000
Another serious contradiction errupted over Party, not as a vehicle to serve the true interest apiece and none of that money was going to any
the fact that the then Minister of Defense of the and the needs of the people, but rather to ad- of the local branches and chapters, the troops
Black Panther Party, Huey P. Newton, was living vance their own econoic wants and desires. This were starving to death .
in a lavish, exquisite, very expensive penthouse, was a devastating blow to myself, and other We decided that we had to move on the situa-
overlooking Alameda County Courthouse in dedicated brothers and sisters within the Party, tion then . We drew a plan, that when we took
Oakland. People began to wonder why this man, but it didn't stop at this, it went even further our stand, our principled and revolutionary
who had been, up until that point, considered because in the wake of all this we had to hear stand against them, if they moved to expel us,
modest and humble and a true servant of the about the expulsion of a brother we not only then we would make it known to the people the
people, suddenly was going off into all these ego respected and admired and had total faith in, hideous and corrupt deeds .that they had
trips, spending huge sums of money on clothes, but also who had proven himself time and time perpetrated against . the masses and how they
living in a penthouse. They began to wonder again as being a true servant of the people, and a had violated the masses' trust. It's necessary at
about that . And their wonder and criticisms brother who was a get down brother who was this point, right now, for all righteous revolu-
were justified. The troops and __ the qualified to get down, brother Geronimo . I tionary brothers and sisters within the Black
cadre found themselves in a very perplexing situ- don't remember the date, but I remember the Panther Party and on the block to begin moving
ation. They on one hand felt they had to defend response and reaction of the brothers and sisters, to expose Huey Newton, David Hilliard, June
the then Minister of Defense, but at the same not only in the Party, but in the street when Hilliard and all of the rest of the bandits and
time they felt quite hypocritical . The situation they picked up that edition of the paper that traitors who align themselves with them . It's also
again, went from bad to worse. Finally, after had in it the purge, the expulsion from the Party important for brothers and sisters to make it
making an analysis of the over all political situ- of brother Geronimo and his branding as being a known to those within the ranks of the Party
ation in the Party and digging what was going pig. This is like the straw that broke the camel's who are trying to straddle the fence, who are
down and weighing it on the basis of social back, and that was the spark that set off the coming out of that present opportunist bag, for
practice, we dug the only brother in the Party, prairie fire . It would not be tolerated any longer . them to take a principled stand, for them to
in a leadership position, in a very high leadership We started getting together on the East Coast come to begin relating to those principles the
position, who we could relate to, who was to righteously move on the situation and it blew Party was founded upon and move on a basis
providing proper political direction was the Min our minds to find out that our views were not and in accordance with that, rather than just
ister of Information, brother Eldridge Cleaver confined to a few brothers and sisters in the relating to a personality . Democratic Centralism
and along with him, the Field Marshall, D .C ., Party, but also to brothers and sisters in the must be restored within the Party, criticism and
(Donald Cox) Kathleen Cleaver and the other Party who had been keeping quiet, who had self-criticism must be related to and those who
brothers and sisters. However, Huey Newton dug been intimidated and afraid, they too began to are responsible for the present state of f--ked up
where that was at, so what he did was put a voice their discontent . They too began to come affairs within the Black Panther Party must be
block on all communications with brothers and out and say that they were tired of this sh-- . removed from their position immediately .
sisters in the Intercommunal Section. You were It started with brothers and sisters just relat-
not allowed to contact them and anyone who ing to,two tunes that were currently on the hit ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE
did contact them was subject to expulsion . parade, "Who's Gonna Take the Weight " by RIGHT ON BROTHERS AND SISTERS!
That also made it even clearer in our Kool and the Gang and "Somebody's Watching WE'LL SEE YOU SOON
minds that what was going down was not a series You" . Brothers and sisters made it known that Micheal Cetewayo Tabor
of unconscious or non-deliberate mistakes . But way, that they were tired of this sh-- .
rather, they were a very planned and very Now behind that, word began coming in from
calculated attempt to use the Party not to serve on the other side of the ocean that they over All the above statements were excerpted and
the people, but to advance the personal there, Eldridge and Kathleen, Sekou, Larry edited from the discussion held in our political
economic needs and wants and desires of Huey Mack, D.C . and all those righteous brothers and education class on January 31 in which Eldridge
Newton, David Hilliard and that clique . So that sisters in Algeria you know, like they was hip to made a detailed and lengthy analysis concerning
in itself proves that these political mistakes that what was going on . They were deliberately shut
the contradictions within the Black Panther
were being perpetrated, were not accidental, off from the situation and couldn't really move
Party brought out by the Purge of Geronimo
they *were not the result of individuals being sin- on it . So finally Huey Newton and David
and the Expulsion of the New York 21 .
cere and dedicated, but making mistakes, but Hilliard came to the coast on one of their
rather they reflected -a conscious and deliberate speaking tours, which they intended to get thou-
e-a. r a s n w a a a
From a

RevolufionaryArtist or
Revolutionary Sister to a
'Revolutionary Brother
All Power To the People Brother :
A love with no beginning

Revisionist Al Capp . ?
the warmth of friendship
the bond of comradeship
the understanding of brothers and sisters
And it blossomed and grew
A Call For Progressive Artists but the essence did not change
The process of re-establishing a truly Black childish-like principles to interrupt, grasp and you are my friend, my comrade, my brother
and a Revolutionary who has my highest respect
Community News Service offers us an' twist his revolutionary theory on revolutionary
For a new Black woman loves a new Black man
opportunity to unite progressive people together art to a point where he now maintains an Al you are not mine, for you belong to the people
for the sole purpose of striking a final blow to Capp-type mentality, he can no longer be I am not yours, for I must serve the people
this fascist government commonly known as considered to be in the vanguard, to be the Our bodies touch and move apart
Babylon . revolutionary artist he once was . This you go to another
But together we struggle, and in struggle, we learn to love
This process that we are involved in not only development, however, does not negate any of and that cannot limit us
entails combating the pig media or putting in the the guidelines and principles set forth by Emory it encompasses the entire world
blood, sweat and tears needed to establish a before he tripped out into the madness of the We struggle to be free, we struggle, we fight to love
People's Newspaper, but a tool to put an end to `Peralta Street Gang' . I believe he was the best that all people may love
Our children will be the children of the world
the garbage publicized by the `Peralta Street revolutionary art teacher we ever had . Now is
fighting for our people and the people of the world
Gang' headed by David Hilliard and Huey P. the time to materialize those ideas. To those of fighting for the possibilities of Humanity
Newton. you who observe our revolutionary art, study and loving, as we want to love
them very carefully . Every picture will be saying This is the beginning of a love that cannot end
However, the monumental issue that is it's time for a change, it's time to move to a not the false love of a dying society
necessary to deal with, is a call for all progressive higher level. Look outside, it will say, tonight but a new love of new people
artists to aid us in illustrating the continuous will be right if conditions are favorable . fighting for a new world .
Wherever you are, my love
_misery and killing of Black people and offering
I'll be with you as you fight
solutions that will motivate the masses necessary and wherever I am, my love
to ensure, another day of life, to ensure a I'll carry you in my heart, as I fight
People's Government, the uftimacy being our Together we'll learn to love and we'll teach the world
national salvation . SHOOT TO KILL ALL THE HATE .
"At the risk of seeming ridiculous, I will say
that the true revolutionary is guided by great
Knowing that Black folks basically are not feelings of love ."
reading people, it has to be the job of the Che
progressive artists to shorten the long articles, Paulette Frye
which, at times, may be included in the' Central Headquarters
newspaper to a point where their pictures
project ten paragraphs. It is important that this
People's Free Health Clinic
is done because for too long Black artists have
busted their a-es to get a piece of work into
either the pig's magazines, pigs newspapers or
the champion nigger bootlicking magazines . And
in the end, it is just looked upon, read once and
then discarded in the nearest trash can.
But it must be fully understood that this Emory Douglas THE PEOPLE WHOLEHEARTEDLY', WE ALL
newspaper, your newspaper, the Right On Black AKA: Al Capp
Community News Service is something more.
And your responsibility as a revolutionary artist FOR
for a revolutionary newspaper would only allow
you to work unselfishly together with other
1) All art work should be no larger than 20 LIKE TO VOLUNTEER ANY SERVICE OR
comrade artist with a common goal in mind
which is to serve the people and liberate
Babylon . Our art should offer methods for
carrying out this task. A method that will 2) Use any media (ink, chalks, paints) you
please as long as it is black and white. JERSEY CITY CHAPTER
necessarily include the gun . In short, we have to,
3) All art work should project social realism BLACK PANTHER PARTY
draw pictures that will make people go out and
(i.e. human figures) instead of the pig cartoon 93 SUMMIT AVENUE
kill pigs.
image . JERSEY CITY`
Most of all, we must constantly relate to the
idea of politics guiding the brush, and the gun ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE
protecting them both. We have to combat any EDUCATE THROUGH REVOLUTIONARY
created a police state on the
evidence of counter-revolutionary politics ART college premises.
DEATH TO THE REVISIONIST 3. President Michelen is not
appearing in any of our work. Such is the case responding to the student and
with the former Minister of Culture of the Black Brad Brewer community needs .
Panther Party, Emory Douglas, who, up until Central Headquarters We, the 12 suspended
students make the following
recently was in the vanguard of revolutionary 1370 Boston Road official statements:
artists . But now, because he allowed Bronx, New York 10456 A . We do not accept our
'counter-revolutionary, simple-minded, : (212) 328-2828 suspension, because the charges
are false and pre-fabricated .
B . We recognized that it is a
divisionary tactic of the

Hostos Community College

administration to create
confusion amongst our own
brothers and sisters and to turn
one against the other, while in
We, the members of the South without consulting the students The Administration has' actions has proven to be a racist reality, the administration is the
Bronx community worked day or the community . placed our children in a , and against the needs of our cause of our problems.
and night to establish a college 2 . The majority of these Death-Trap, a Death-Trap - people . C. We will openly continue to
in our community which is teachers are indifferent andi because in case of fire there are MICHELEN AND HIS work towards making Hostos a
responsive to our children's racist, do not come from our no Fire-Escapes, nor is there any ADMINISTRATION HAS TO bi-lingual college and to make
needs . community, do not understand inter-com system with which to BE STOPPED NOW! the education relevant to the
Nevertheless we have been . our problems as Puertorrique- inform the College Community . WE CAN NOT WAIT ANY Third World residents of the
betrayed . nos, nor do they understand the The building can accommodate LONGER! South Bronx.
We have been betrayed by Puertorriquenos who speak only 300 students yet, there are 600 THE EDUCATION OF OUR D. We will join the
President Michelin, who was Spanish . students at Hostos and the CHILDREN IS IN DANGER!
formerly the Director of Lincoln . community in its effort to
3. Hiring only 6 bilingual Registrar's office plans on Come and observe for remove the no .
Hospital, from which the professors whose presence at 1 agitator
admitting another 750 students . yourselves the situation at President Michelen .
community made him resign by Hostos is not wanted . Not o my is Hostos Hostos . We are located at 475 We, the 12 students, remain
petition . 4 . Making little or no effort to Community College a Death Grand Concourse and 149th strong and firm in
Since the inception of Hostos recruit more bilingual professors . Trap, but it is also a health our position
Street, Bronx, N.Y . °. and will not be coreced into
Community College, we have 5 . Hiring only 12 Black hazard. There are no windows in
been betrayed because we asked professors although the Black submitting to the repressive
most of the classrooms or any POSITION ADOPTED BY THE tactics
for the establishment of a, student populace within Hostos imposed on us by
other means of ventilation . The HOSTOS12
College consists of 40% of the, toilet facilities are so poor that Michelen and his corrupted pigs. -
bilingual college and the, The president of Hostos
student body . Miriam Gomez, David Sierra,
administration totally opposed it contagious diseases can be Community: College, Michelen, Neyf Yd, Luis Pellot, Herminic,
without consulting the students We have been betrayed .rapidly spread among students .
or the community. because President Michelen is
acted illegally in suspending 12 Irrizary, 1Vestor Cruz, Juan
Twelve students have been students from classes on false Guadalupe, Miguel Caceres,
The administration has made forcing the Puertorriquenos and suspended from school on false charges : Antonio Roman, Miguel
decisions which are totally Black professors to resign, and if charges . 1 . The President has utilized Anderson, Simon Gutierrez,
opposed to the concept of a they don't, he then . The twelve have been accused techniques tending to incite riot' Nestor Morales.
bilingual community college : pre-fabricates charges and fires of exposing and removing Prof. among the students. DARE TO STRUGGLE,
1 . Hiring 35 white professors . them . Tesoro who by his deeds and x 2. President Mickefeaq-,,4as,

The Spirit of Che Rages

in the Place of his Birth
For many years now, the name of Ernesto Che robberies are carried out almost daily, as well as the on the beach to ask for help in removing a splinter._
Guevara has been the burning spirit that flames in the sabotage of railroads, hijacking of trucks and less When the pigs began examining her foot, a revolutionary
hearts of revolutionaries throughout the world. In op- frequently, kidnapping for the release of political brother shot one of the pigs dead, dead, dead .
pressed communities everywhere, revolutionaries have prisoners. Guerilla groups have successfully assassinated
taken notice of Che's proclamation, 'The duty of a re- Women play an active part in the guerilla operations : reactionary labor-union leaders and kidnapped and
An apparently pregnant woman waiting inside a bank assasinated former president Pedro Eugenio Abramburu.
volutionary is to make the revolution .' And many new
produced a submachine gun then takes charge of a large The guerillas have close relations with the masses
hands have taken up the gun and the staccato of
machine gun fire can be heard everywhere . One of the bank robbery. A beautiful sister approaches a pig station and use 'armed propaganda' very effectively . A guerilla
'best testimonies to the fact that the spirit of Che still leader in the provincial capital of Tucuman addressed a
in the hearts of the people is the righteous examples that group of radical students and gave them $55,000 in cash
guerilla's in the place or Che's birth - Argentina - are for food . Earlier the money had been ripped off from a
waging against the U.S . empire and all the incumbent local bank . Before Christmas truck loads of hijacked
local running lackey dogs. toys were distributed to poor children in oppressed
The guerilla's of Argentina are engaged in a day to communities and the free distribution of milk and food
day struggle against the reactionary forces of oppression . to the poor has become commonplace .
Guerilla units of 30 or more men and women have
The guerilla organizations consist of many different
groups in the same"manner that the Palestine Liberation been known to overrun police and military outposts.
Movement is made up of several autonomous organi- Small towns in the provinces of Buenos Aires have been
overrun by guerillas who ripped off banks and
The most popular group is the Montoneros (allegedly businesses, destroyed telephone communications leaving
responsible for the kidnapping and revolutionary assassi- the local pigs completely demoralized.
Counter-revolutionary vigilante groups, organized by
nation of General Abram Buru ) . Pig intelligence states
the pig police are on the rise. But this has not dented the
t is 'virtually impossible to sort them out.' Then there is
the Liberation Armed Forces, the shirtless commandos, spirits of our comrade brothers and sisters in Argentina.
the National Revolutionary Army, the people's On February 6, about a dozen guerillas armed with
revolutionary armed forces and several others . machine guns and including at least one doctor stripped
'The Urban Guerilla uses armed struggle and the San Lucas Sanatorium of medicine and equipment.
concentrates his activity on the physical extermination The hospital officials said it was enough medicine and
of the agents of repression and is dedicated'twenty-four equipment to start a righteous underground - or above
hours a day to expropriations from the people's ground - clinic . If anything, it looks like the struggle in
exploiters .' Carlos Marighella Argentina is about to become more intensified ., And the
It seems obvious that the Argentinian guerillas have Black Panther Party says, Right on to that.
learned from the teachings of Carlos Marighella and have
been tempered by the rewarding expertise of the LONG LIVE THE SPIRIT OF CHE GUEVARA
Tupamaros in neighboring Uruguay . And bombings of LONG LIVE THE ARGENTINIAN LIBERATION
military and police installations, businesses of the U.S .
empire and the homes of U.S . agents, and the
Zayd Malik Shakur
assassinations of soldiers and police is the order of the
Deputy Minister of Information
Che had numerous contacts with the masses Black Panther Party
Last December 29, a pig guard outside of the
Central Headquarters
presidential residence of Buenos Aires suburb was shot
.Bronx, New York
dead by a guerilla disguised as a coffee vendor. Bank

University of Puerto Rico of the R.O .T .C . were shot and killed . Right
1917 so that they could go and fight in named Atonia Martinez was killed by the
One of the most active forces in the pigs . Now her death has been avenged and On Students of the University of Puerto
World War I - the U .S . needed more bodies
struggle for the liberation of Puerto Rico are the deaths of all those brothers who have Rico!
to fight against Germany, so they made
the students . On the island of Puerto Rico - died fighting in the AmeriKKKan army will Many people have been brainwashed into
Puerto Ricans citizens, even though the
which is a colony of the United States, the be avenged. This time - when the mod squad believing that Puerto Ricans are docile peo-
majority of the people are fighting a heavy language of Puerto Ricans is Spanish and the
culture is African and Indian . was called onto the campus by the head of ple - that they don't relate to the gun - but
battle against the AmeriKKKan occupying
Students at the University of Puerto Rico the university, to put down students who this is untrue . The Nationalist Party sent
forces. The Puerto Rican people have always
were dealing with the R.O .T .C . members, Lolita Lebron, Oscar Collazo, and other bro-
fought against the oppressor - first against have organized against the draft and are
fighting to free Puerto Rico, to break the the students dealt with self-defense . The thers and sisters to assassinate AmeriKKKan
Spain and now against the United States .
chains that bind the island to the U .S . Last commander of the riot squad Major Juan congressmen and President Truman in order
Puerto Ricans are forced to join the army
because they are supposedly `citizens' of the year in a protest against the R.O .T .C . (R- Mercado, Miguel Rosario, a member of the
in eserve Officers Training Camp) a sister riot squad- and Jacinto Gutierrez a member Con't on Page 17
U .S . Puerto Ricans were made citizens

Con't from Page 16

Cairo I11 . . . Arrest to show the world that Puerto Rico must be
set free . The Nationalist Party . under the
leadership of Albizo Campos, started an
armed revolution in Puerto Rico in the 50's .
March 31-June 1, 1969 : 16 August 4: United Front raid with clubs and guns . Sister Blanca Can$les led an armed takeover
Blacks arrested for curfew photographer arrested on Feb . 12 : Frank Hollis arrested of the town of Jayuya. The Young Lord's
violations, 3 Blacks arrested for intimidation charges . on absurd charge of stealing a
August 8: Indictments rifle from Party, which will open its branch in Puerto
unlawful use of weapons . National Guard
May, 1969 : Paul Lambert returned by Grand Jury sees Armory in Chicago . James Rico on March the 21st, in Pones, believes
arrested and charged with arrest warrants on 15 Blacks Wilson arrested on a charge of that armed self-defense and armed struggle
intimidation of a hite student from a white instigated incident stealing a rifle from a federal
on this date . No true-bills marshal in Washington, D .C . He are the ONLY means to liberation.
who pulled a gun on Lambert.
returned on whites involved. is also charged on a reindictment When the pigs attempted to bust onto the
June, 1969 : Five Blacks
arrested for Blacks had signed complaints on on 2 counts of aggravated
illegal use of ,ampus the students shouted "This is not
these whites, the state's attorney battery and unlawful possession .
weapons, etc ., all later acquitted Vietnam ." They understand that the
by juries . refused to arrest them but Also reindicted after a judge had
brought the complaints to his quashed a grand-jury indictment AmeriKKKan military will attempt to make
July : In Springfield, over 100
white-controlled grand jury . were Herman Whitfield, Frank
arrested at State Capitol a . war on people around the world unless we
Most indictments on Blacks were Washington, and Wallace
United Front attempted to
for aggravated battery . Whitfield . Deborah Flowers was oppressed deal with driving them out of
petition Governor to intercede
August 13 : Two Blacks arrested for unlawful possession Puerto Rico, out of Vietnam, out of South
in Cairo . Only 5 have been
arrested on assault and of weapon and obstructing a
convicted rest acquitted or had America and finally out of Babylon.
charges dropped. disturbance charges after white police officer from Jan . 21 .
car dealer shoots at two Black State Police have arrest warrants
July-September 1969 : . ladies. on 4 others who were later ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE
Twenty-three Black pickets August 15 : United Front arrested.
arrested downtown on various photographer, Carl Hampton, (In addition several other
charges. arrested after being physically Blacks have been arrested on LIBERATE PUERTO RICO NOW
September 13 : Five people accosted by whites . petty traffic charges overlooked
arrested on the anti-assembly October 15 : Bob Williams and when committed by whites but
city ordinance. Frank Washington arrested on vigorously enforced when Blacks
September 19 : Three Blacks charges stemming from fight at are observed . A means of
arrested picketing . . . reckless
The Tombs 7-Victims
Black owned business on harrassment. )
conduct, assault and ^^.tuber 13 . WHITES ARRESTED
intimidation charges.
Two comer brothers arrestei
of Political Persecution
October 4 : Twenty three October 21 : Three Blacks
arrested, violation of state for shooting at police (state anc,
indicted on charges of attempted
peddlers statute . local) on August 18, . 1970 .
murder, aggravated battery and Charges dropped to disturbing
January 31, 1970 : Two Black conspiracy to commit murder On January 25, 1971, the pigs McGrath-Lindsay-Hogan clique
students from Malcolm X the peace . Fined $19 .00 each of
after a fight at the site of VFW the New York City chose to drop this 72 count
College, Chicago, arrested near including Court costs .
fire on this date . Correction Commission, headed indictment against them . The
Pyramid Court, August 25, 1970 : One white by
all-Black November 7 : A mother and Correction Commissioner, following is a break-down of the
arrested after state's attorney
Housing Project. two children arrested at their McGrath, working in close indictment
assistant sees him pushing a conjunction with New York
April 17 : Jerry Herrod, home after much verbal abuse 50 counts of kidnapping in
Black in the Court House . Mayor Lindsay and DA Hogan
Harold Sumlin arrested as by whites outside jeering and the first degree
Sumlin could not keep up with Charges were later dismissed . dropped a 72 count indictment
shouting. Mother is charged with 14 counts of unlawful
September 18, 1970 : White on seven brothers incarcerated in
marchers in parade . aggravated battery as she swings imprisonment
man from Kentucky shoots into the Tombs (Manhattan Men's
at policemen pulling on her-arm 5 counts of coercion
May, 1970 : Five Blacks Church and rectory on 14th
on which surgery had just been House of Detention), for their 1 count of reckless
arrested after Black-white melee Street. Blacks perform citizens participation in the October 22,
in and around United Front done . Two children were arrest . Grand Jury apparently endangerment
charged with disorderly conduct 1970 rebellions, protesting the 1 count of riot in the first
headquarters which was on fire . refuses to return an indictment. inhumane conditions
December 5 : Fifteen Black: and degree
June 18 : The Rev. Manker R . State police may have brutality perpetrated against the
arrested during police riot in 1 count of interfering with
Harris, arrested on two charges information on other white inmates .
of attempted murder, two of downtown Cairo as Blacks government administration
arrested . However, none has
attempt to peacefully picket . Brothers, Curtis Brown, The indictment was dropped
unlawful use of weapons . been indicted by Grand juries, ox
Charges range from attempted Franklin Myers, Richardo on the seven brothers in
June 22 : The Rev . Charels brought<to trial if arrested . DeLeon, Nathaniel
murder to failure to obey a Ragsdale, particular, because of their
Koen, charges of aggravated MORE BLACKS ARRESTED Stanley King, Herbert X . Blyden
police officer . active participation and ability
battery brought by Fire Chief March 7, 1971 : Levi Garrett
January and Louis Cabrera were to organize and educate the
Arlie Seawright . 6, 1971 : James charged, attempted murder
Chairs arrested cn Springfield at delegated by the inmates of the brothers incarcerated in the
dune : Herman Whitfield ($15,000.00 bond) ; 2 men
State Capitol on charge on Tombs to represent them on the Tombs .
arrested for "deadly weapon charged with peace disturbance ;
conspiracy to commit murder Inmates Committee formed by Brothers and sisters
charge" (Bracelet with metal 3/7/71 3 charged resisting arrest ;
from Dec . 5 incident . the incarcerated brothers . incarcerated in concentration
1 stealing a refield . A total of
ornaments .) James Wilson Some of the Tombs 7 have a camps throughout Babylon are
January 21 : Frank Hollis 258 Blacks arrested . (All of
criminal destruction of property arrested on two charges of knowledge and good subjected to all types of
these charges deal directly with
(a window downtown was purchasing weapons without gun understanding of the law and brutality, harassment and
racial confrontations . Others
broken .) One trial has resulted in owners identification card . State have been applying "each one inhumane conditions . Brothers
could be listed that were due to
a hung-jury, since he has been police have arrest warrants on 6 teach one" amongst their fellow and sisters in maximum security
police harrassment .)
retired and found guilty . incarcerated brothers . Many of demand that these disgusting
others on same charge . Later
July 3 : One Black arrested for arrested . 3 persons arrested on them have been intensifying the inhumane conditions be rectified
attempted murder after he struggle within the Tombs and Now!
Aggravated battery charges as
returned fire when police shot at State police moved in an illegal when on the streets, were FREE ALL POLITICAL
him . intensifying the struggle . For PRISONERS
these reasons and others the Paulette Frye
Central Headquarters

Voodoo Tapes

Free Gerontmo
ON! APRIL 3, 1971
at the Los Angeles office
Con't from Page 6 the possible adherent results
of a cardinal mistake of
Holiday and George Lloyd at Christmas time ; this was chapter of the Black Moreover, despite repeated revolutionaries. . . "that an
while they all were political impossible because he was Panther Party 'upon the requests by Geronimo that army of people accept a
prisoners in the hands of in jail long before and long death of Bunchy Carter and he be permitted to leader and become entirely
the fascist pigs of Babylon. afterChristmas both in 1969 John Huggins. His communicate with Huey P. dependent on that one
This has`- left them in a and 1970. There were many resentment of Geronimo's Newton, David Hilliard and person ." The entire time he
position of helplessness other inconsistencies in the progression to this position ; the leadership of the Black worked in the Black
regarding support, publicity, article. But to state that the his apparent fear of his own Panther Party, since his Panther Party in Los
and money for their worst thing that G had done imprisonment for crimes he arrest, this opportunity has Angeles. . .he attempted to
defense . The purge was to threaten the life of was charged with ; and been denied him. Not one es tablish a collective
contained mainly lies and the Supreme Commander finally, his desire for member has been sent to leadership so that each
'half truths . In the purge, and Minister of Defense of revenge for his earlier hear his side of the story. person in the party would
Huey P. Newton stated that the Black Panther Party, expulsion from the party, Geronimo has always have the ability and
Geronimo demanded Huey P. Newton, is not left him "ripe" for the pigs. believed that in order for a experience to make
money. This is a half-truth . only a lie but shows the In return for immunity, he revolutionary party to decisions based on
The leadership of the depth of idolatry and hero has agreed to help them try survive and expand no one revolutionary training and
Panthers had refused to worship the party has fallen to convict Geronimo of a individual should place principles. Because of
help him in his underground into after Huey P. Newton's two year old unsolved himself in a position of such Geronimo's ideological and
efforts while he and those release from jail. In fact, no murder. absolute unquestioned practical position on
with him were threatened such threat was ever made, The pigs had wanted to leadership . To do so would revolutionary leadership he
with survival. This despite although the Supreme get Geronimo for a long be to stunt the canstani was purged by Huey P.
the fact that in the August Commander had issued time. Now that the Black development 6 f new Newton. Geronimo believes
29, 1970 issue which was orders to have Geronimo Panther Party has said that leadership from the ranks of in leadership by example -
printed after his departure, "offed . " he is a counterrevo- the party. We feel this is democratic leadership - as
the Black Panther paper Through this action, the lutionary and that "Any why he was purged from opposed so Ituey's apparent
stated that "Geronimo is Black Panther Party has left Party member or the party at a time when he belief in the Generalissmo
first and foremost a these men captive by the community worker who was a political prisoner in approach . (Huey P.
Panther, a revolutionary fascist pigs in a state of no attempts to aid them in any the hands of the fascist pigs Newton, regrettably, was
and a true Black liberation support. Immediately after form or manner shall be of Babylon . He could not not the same person when
fighter for the freedom of the purge of Geronimo considered - part of their accept the contradictions in he came out of prison as he
his people" and that "he is from the Black Panther conspiracy to undermine the actions of the party wa.-z when he went in.)
gone to intensify the Party, he was extradited and destroy the Black leadership and its demand 'The Committee to
struggle and help to bring it from Texas to California. Panther Party," they have for absolute unquestioning
to a higher level. " The where he was indicted for allowed the pigs to vamp on adherence to its authority. Defend Abandoned
refusal to support another trumped-up crime, Geronimo . On Friday night, Geronimo, a politica Panthers
Geronimo made it more murder. That charge was February 18, 1971, prisoner and former Deputy
difficult for him to elude premised on the testimony fourteen pigs beat Minister of Defense of the
thepigs and ultimately led of an ex-deputy sheriff, pig Geronimo in the Los Southern California Chapter
to his capture. The article informant by the name of Angeles County Jail and of the Black Panther Party,
also stated that Geronimo Julio Baxter, who sought to threw him back in isolation constantly drilled into the
sent money to his relatives "take over" the local with no medical attention . minds of the Black Panthers

Huey at Princeton, N.J .

On February 9th, 1971 Huey P. Newton David Hilliard told Wheatley that he will have to
spoke before an audience of about 8,000 people ,
write out a check for the amount of money he
in Princeton New Jersey . Although Princeton is had on hand and that he would be sued for the
one of the richest Communities in the United rest.
States, the audience was mainly composed of
Black students and adults.
The Jersey City N.C.C.F., which is an
organizing arm of the Black Panther Party, has
eight children in the office and no electricity oi
telephone . We were told by David Hilliard that
$1,000 .00 of the receipts from Princeton would
The man who organized the engagement is be given to us in order for us to turn our lights
named Bill Wheatley . When Huey Newton and telephones on again. However, David
finally arrived (hours late) he met with Bill Hilliard proved to be a demagogue once again.
Wheatley to inquire about the money for the The three round trip tickets from California that
engagement. There had been an unconditional were donated and the honorarium totaled over
-honorariuimof $3,500.00 but Bill Wheatley only $5,000.00 and we still are without phones,
had $2,200.00 on hand. Upon hearing this, electricity and heat . The local branch received
Huey Newton became outwardly angry and nothing No one received anything from the
called Wheatley a blue-eyed liar and told speaking engagement in Princeton except Huey
Wheatley that he had to confess to being a liar P. Newton and David Hilliard, the rip-off men.
and a crook who had tried to beat the Party
before he would be allowed to leave the room .
Huey Newton and David Hilliard have moved
Wheatley tried to explain that certain people
in the manner of a pig in the name of thepeople.
had committed themselves to donate certain It was clear to see that Huey Newton and
amounts of money the night of the engagement They will go to any extremes to make sure they
David Hilliard's first interest was money. Huey can continue to wallow in the people's money,
and that these would bring the total of money said that if Wheatley did not have the money
the Party would receive well over $3,500 .00. even if it means destroying the most influential
there at that time that he should not speak at Black Political/Military organization on the face
Also present at this meeting was Huey Newton's all. Bill Wheatley had worked very hard to
cut buddy and the Chief Perpetrator of madness of the planet earth.
arrange this engagement and had even put out
in the Black Panther Party, David Hilliard . David money from his own bank account to make
Hilliard had spoken in Princeton last year and certain that Black people from the Black
Wheatley had set that engagement up too. community could come and hear Huey Newton We will not allow a handful of opportunists to
Wheatley asked Hilliard to verify the fact that he corrupt the principles of our Party. All those
speak, by renting buses. It was evident that he who stand in the way of progress and
had gotten paid after the speaking engagement was not out to `beat the Party' or the people .
was over last year, just as he had promised to do deliberately block political gains of the people
with Huey. David just shook his tiny head and will have to be removed!
brushed his suede maxi coat and said that he ALL BLOCKERS MUST GO!
knew nothing about what Wheatley was talking Huey asked David Hilliard just what should ACTION IS THE VANGUARD!
about. they do about the speaking engagement and Jersey City

October 1966
Black Panther Party
Platform and Program

What We Want What We Believe

1. We want freedom. «'e want power to determine the destiny of our We believe we can end police brutality in our black community by or-
Black Community. ganizing black self-defense groups that are dedicated to defending
racist police oppression and brutality. The Second
black community from
We believe that black people will not be free until we are able to deter- Amendment to the Constitution of the United Staves gives a right to bear
mine our destine arms . We therefore believe that all black people should arm themselves

8. We want freedom for all black men held in federal, state, county
9. 11'e want full employment for our people . and city prisons and jails.

1fe lwhecc that the 1 :"deral government is responsible and obligated to We believe that all, black people should . be released from the many
give ever% man cmplo.11)(411 or a guaranteed income . We believe that if jails and prisons because th :,y have-not received a fair and impartial trial.
the white American Inlslnesslnen %%ill not glee full employment . then the
means of production ,hotild be taken fronrtile businessmen and placed in 9. We want all black people when brought to trial to be tried in court
tire comlilt .Illte s0 that the people of 0W ron1munitc can organize and em- a jury of their peer group or 'people from their black communities, JIS
p10\ all (of' it, people amt glee a hlgll ,Iandard of Being defined by the Constitution of the United States .

3. We want an end to the robbery by the CAPITALIST of our Black We believe that the courts should follow the Uitited States Constituti0u
Community . .;o that black people will receive fair trials . The 14th Amendment of the
U .S . Constitution gives a man a right to be tried by his peer group-A pees
We believe that this racist government has robbed us and now we are is a person from a similar economic, social, religious, geographical, e-
demanding the overdue debt of- forty acres and two mules. Forty acres vironmental, hittorical and racial background . To do this the court will lie
and two mules was promised 100 years ago as restitution for slave labor forced to select a jury from the black community from which the bla*
and mass murder of black people . We will accept the payment in currency defendant came . We have been, and are being tried by all-whir jury
which will be distributed to our many communities. The Germans are now that have no understanding of the "average reasoning rian" of the black
aiding the Jews in Israel for the genocide of the Jewish people . The Ger- community.
mans murdered six miiii .., Jews . The American racist- has taken part in
the sin-tghter of over fifty million black people ; therefore, we feel that this 10 . We want land, bread, housing, education, clothing, ce atrd eafil e.
is a modest demand that we make . And as our major political objective, a United Nations-syrpervW.-le .'i ic-
cite to be held throughout the black colony in which only bla&
4. We want decent housing, fit for shelter of huntlan beings . subjects will be allowed to participate, for the purpose of deteraltiwNng e
will of Mack people as to their national destiny.
We believe that if the white landlords will not give decent housing to
our black community. then the housing and the land should be made into When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for we
cooperatives so that our community, with government aid, can build and people td dissolve the political bands which have connected thorn vitllh
make decent housing for its people . another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth,'the separate end
equal station to which the laws of nature and naturq's God entitle them,°a
S. We want education for our people that exposes the true nature of this decent respect to the opinions'of mankind requires that they should declaire
decadent American society. We want education that teaches us our true the causes which impel. them to the separation .
history and our role in the present-day society: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created egdd ;
that they are -endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rigs ; .
We believe in an educational system that will give to our people a knowl- that among these are life . liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 'That:tiO
edge of self. If a man does not have knowledge of himself and his position secure these rights, governments are instituted among anon, deriving their
in society and the world, then he has little chance .to relate . to anything lust powers from the consent of the governed ; that, whenever any form of
else . government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people
to alter or to abolish It, and to institute a new government, laying As
6. We want all black men to be exempt from military service . foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers In such form . as
to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and bappiness. Pru-
We believe that Black people,should not be forced to fight in the mili- dence . indeed . will dictate that governments long established should of
tary service to defend a racist government that does not protect us . We he changed for light and transient causes ; and, accordingly, all experience
will not fight and kill other people of color in the world who, like black hath shown-that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are
people, are being victimized by the white racist government of America. sufferable . than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they
We will protect ourselves from the force and violence of tile racist police are accustomed . But. when a long train of abuses and usurpations. p -
and ti ._ racist military, by whatever means necessary. suing invariably the same object. evinces a design to reduce them anderW
solute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off see* govern-
7. We want an immediate end to POLICE BRUTALITY and MURDER ment:. and to provide new guards fortheir future security .
of black people :

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