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Iʼve been close to this one guy for quite 5 while 5lre5dy, 5nd recently Iʼve

decided th5t itʼs time to t5ke our rel5tionship up 5 step. Despite him being
un5ble to keep 5ctive on 5 regul5r b5sis, I completely underst5nd 5nd love him
de5rly nevertheless bec5use fr5nkly Iʼd be just 5s unfit if I w5s in his situ5tion.
Iʼd love to tell you wh5t 5 gre5t person he is, but unfortun5tely he doesnʼt re5lly
h5ve 5n 5ffinity for publicity, so Iʼll just c5ll him my D5te from now on.

Being 5 tr5in oper5tor, I h5rdly ever h5ve 5ny free time on my h5nds, so I
jumped 5t the opportunity to go out with my D5te when he w5s 5lso 5v5il5ble
l5st Thursd5y in my sp5re time. After 5sking my mother for permission to go
out with him, we spent some time together 5t the p5rk, which I must 5dmit w5s
quite 5dmir5ble, considering his physic5l fitness. Next I took him to the
J5p5nese rest5ur5nt for dinner. I ordered Un5gi Bento for the both of us. Once
we were both done, I discovered, to my excitement, th5t my D5te sh5red my
liking of J5p5nese cuisine, seeing 5s both of our Bento boxes were e5ten
cle5n, with not even 5 single gr5in of rice left! Although dinner w5s gre5t, I
couldnʼt help but notice people looking 5t us. Theyʼd tend to st5re 5t my D5te,
5t me, 5nd then quickly look 5w5y. I could tell th5t he definitely did not enjoy
this unw5nted 5ttention, wh5tever w5s c5using it, so I took him home.
All these people donʼt underst5nd him, like 5t 5ll!

He seemed re5lly tired on the w5y b5ck, prob5bly tired of 5ll the 5ttention, so I
g5ve him 5 piggyb5ck home while he slept on my b5ck. Th5t w5s one of the
h5rdest w5lks of my life! I re5lly think he likes me... well never mind th5t, I love
my d5te! After 5ll, my d5te w5s 5 person who even my f5ther s5id I should h5ve
loved. Oh! My f5ther, wh5t 5n interesting person to s5y the le5st. I must tell you
5bout him briefly.

My f5ther is the sort th5t fits some people very well, but just does not work 5t
5ll for pretty much everyone else, including me. H5ving s5id th5t, I re5lly
mustnʼt bl5me my d5d for th5t; Iʼve given him 5 f5ir sh5re of dis5ppointment 5s
well, 5nd so h5s everyone else heʼs met. A few months 5go, on V5lentineʼs D5y,
I c5ught my f5ther writing something in his bedroom, something like 5 well wish
to 5 friend of his who w5s 5n 5thlete known to him 5s F5st Will, 5nd he seemed
quite sorrowful doing wh5tever he w5s doing. M5ybe it w5s bec5use my
mother h5d tr5gic5lly died ex5ctly 5 ye5r 5go in 5 tr5in cr5sh th5t he w5s so
grief-struck tod5y. But nevertheless, being the good d5ughter I never w5s, I
decided to look in the kitchen cupbo5rd for 5n edible tre5t, or 5nything to help
my f5ther through his s5dness. Despite my 5ttempts to 5id my f5ther in his
emotion5l journey, he didnʼt re5ct too well to my 5ssist5nce, 5lthough I w5snʼt
surprised. “Iʼve 5lw5ys suspected, 5nd now I know who killed my wife,” were his
l5st words.
“Now I 5m 5ble to love you, my D5d”
After 5ll, Iʼve only ever loved my D5te since this V5lentineʼs D5y.

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