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Grade Level/ Section Grade 7 Maingat, Masayahin, &

Teacher ESTELITA E. RIVERA Magiting

GRADES 1 TO 12 Learning Area English
Date & Time June 24-28,2019 Quarter First

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

Identify singular subject and Formulate the rule on words that Formulate the rule on
singular verb come between the subject and the prepositional phrases between SUMMATIVE TEST
I. OBJECTIVES Identify plural subject and plural verb through given examples the subject and the verb ONSUBJECT VERB
verb through given examples AGREEMENT
Formulate the general rules on RULE 1-3
subject verb-agreement

The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates
understanding of how pre-colonial understanding of how pre-colonial understanding of how pre-colonial understanding of how pre-colonial
Philippine literature and other text Philippine literature and other text Philippine literature and other text Philippine literature and other text
types lead him/her past, embrace types lead him/her past, embrace types lead him/her past, embrace types lead him/her past, embrace
Filipino culture and identity through Filipino culture and identity through Filipino culture and identity through Filipino culture and identity
various reading styles, creative various reading styles, creative various reading styles, creative through various reading styles,
writing compositions, oral language writing compositions, oral language writing compositions, oral creative writing compositions, oral
fluency activities, viewing and fluency activities, viewing and language fluency activities, viewing language fluency activities,
listening texts and observing correct listening texts and observing and listening texts and observing viewing and listening texts and
A. Content subject-verb agreement in order to correct subject-verb agreement in correct subject-verb agreement in observing correct subject-verb
Standards appreciate oneself. order to appreciate oneself. order to appreciate oneself. agreement in order to appreciate
B. Performance The learner creatively tells a story The learner creatively tells a story learner creatively tells a story The learner creatively tells a story
Standards using modern technology using modern technology using modern technology using modern technology

C. Learning
s (Write the LC code for Observe correct subject-verb Observe correct subject-verb Observe correct subject-verb Observe correct subject-verb
each) agreement agreement agreement agreement
(EN7G-1-a-11) (EN7G-1-a-11) (EN7G-1-a-11) (EN7G-1-a-11)

Module 1- Lesson 1 Searching for Module 1- Lesson 1 Searching Module 1- Lesson 1 Searching Module 1- Lesson 1 Searching
My Beginnings for My Beginnings for My Beginnings for My Beginnings
Grammar Focus: Subject-Verb Grammar Focus: Subject-Verb Grammar Focus: Subject-Verb Grammar Focus: Subject-Verb
II. CONTENT Agreement Agreement Agreement Agreement
Number-Singular and Plural

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials
LM p. 29-31 LM p. 29-31 LM p. 29-31

Prentice Hall Grammar and

3. Textbook pages Prentice Hall Grammar and Prentice Hall Grammar and
Composition 1
Composition 1 Composition 1
p. 81-82 p.248-251
p.251 p. 85
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
5. Other Learning

A. Reviewing pervious
Review how proverbs serve as Review the first rule governing Review the second rule governing
lesson or presenting the
guide posts to our lives. subject-verb agreement subject-verb agreement
new lesson
Activity 1 Activity 1 Activity 1
B. Establishing a Let the students study and Let the students study and
Let the students study and analyze
purpose for the lesson analyze the given words in analyze the given words below.
the given words in Column A and
Column B. Column A and Column B.
Column A Column B
Column A  The weather on the coast
ant ants appears to be good this
chair chairs  The girl who washes the weekend.
clothes is my cousin.  The center on the basketball
baby babies  The agent who explains the team bounces the ball too high
brush brushes business earns a lot.  Many of the themes in myths
trash trashes  The plant that blooms red were used already in movies.
flower is planted in the garden.  The man standing on the
What do you notice about the The book which consists corner takes the wrong bus.
words listed in Column A? in educational stories is placed in
Column B? the book shelf. What do you notice regarding the
What is common in the words  He who studies his lessons will underlined group of words listed
listed in column A and B? earn high grades. above?
 She who works near the school What do you call these words?
is your aunt.

What do you notice regarding the

underlined words listed in Column
What do you call these words?
Why do these verbs end in s?
Activity 2 Activity 2 Activity 2
Noun Verb Column B
Group A 1. Those employees who work The same examples in Activity 1
lady sings hard receive an award. will be analyzed but the focus will
student studies 2. These students who submit be on the following questions
athlete runs their projects arrived very early.
carpenter builds 3. The parents who attend the Why do these verbs end in s?
Group B meeting proceed to the AVR. others are without s?
ladies sing 4. The women in the pool swim
C. Presenting
students study well. Which sentences from the given
examples/instances of
athletes run  What are the underlined words examples are common in terms of
the new lesson
carpenters build in sentence 1 and 2? number?
 What do you notice about the  What do you call these words?
words listed in Group A? in  Which word in the given
Group B? sentences modified by those
and these?
In what way nouns in Group A  What are the underlined words
differ from Group B? in sentences 3 and 4?
How about verbs in Group A and  How do these words function in
B? the given sentences?
Activity 3: Activity 3:
Activity 3: Do You See What I
Lead them to identify the Lead them to identify the
See (LM p.29-30)
functional and form of the functional and form of the
Motivate the students to read
underlined and italicized words underlined and italicized words
orally and study the given
as the subject and predicate and as the subject and predicate and
sentences. Lead them to identify
singular or plural. singular or plural.
the functional and form of the
1. The man who sells fruits and
underlined and italicized words as
vegetables has moved another 1. A proverb which teaches simple
the subject and predicate and
city. living is my favorite.
singular or plural.
2. Those who follow the rules are 2. The people during the Pre-
1. Our ancestors were value-
law abiding citizens. colonial period, were assertive.
oriented people.
3. The one which taken by the 3. The insects on the rubber plant
2, My friends are ready for the
D. Discussing new newcomers is also my choice. were sprayed.
concepts and practicing 4. God helps those who help 4. The managers in our office are
3. Ann always tells the truth.
new skills # 1 themselves. holding a meeting.
4. He jogs two miles every day.
 Which is the subject in each of  Which is the subject in each of
the given sentences above? the the given sentences above? the
 What do you notice about the
verb? verb?
underlined words?
 What do you notice about the  What do you notice about the
 How do you call the underlined
underline words? underline words?
 How about the italicized words?  How about the italicized words?
 What do you notice about the
What do you notice about What do you notice about
italicized words?
them? them?
 Which of these words are
 Which of these words are  Which of these words are
singular? Which are plural?
singular? Which are plural? singular? Which are plural?

E. Discussing new Activity 4: You Need to Know… Activity 4

concepts and practicing Activity 4: Good to Know! 1. Faith in God brings us success
new skills # 2 1. Laziness is the sibling of One who spends too much time in life.
starvation. choosing ends up with cracked 2. A friend in need is a friend
2. A desperate person holds on to wares. indeed.
a knife edge. Those who act tough are really 3. The house in the mountains is
3. coward. spectacular.
 Which is the subject and the That lady who wears the red skirt 4. The price of the car was much
verb in each of the given comes from other school. too high.
sentences above? 5. The shapes of the two objects
 What do you need to remember When do we use who, that and are very similar.
about subject and verbs in which in a grammatically
sentences? correct sentence?  Which is the subject and the
 What rule is applicable in each  What do you need to remember verb in each of the given
of the given sentences? about subject and verbs in sentences above?
 How could you formulate rule sentences based on the given  What do you need to remember
based on the given examples? examples? about subject and verbs in
 What rule is applicable in each sentences?
of the given sentences?  What rule is applicable in each
of the given sentences?

Activity 5: Practice More… Activity 5: Try More

Activity 5: More of Verbs: (Work in Triad) (Pair Work)
(Pair Work) 1. He who speaks too much Let them read the sentences and
Let them read the sentences and (works, work) too little. underline the correct form of the
underline the correct form of the 2. The story that you tell (inspires, verb given inside the
verb given inside the parentheses. inspire) me a lot. parentheses.
1. Grandfather Kim (own, owns) an 3. A person who is outwardly calm
art Gallery in Chicago. (has, have) anger raging inside his 1. A stitch in time (saves, save)
2. Noisy is the can that (contains, stomach. nine.
contain) nothing. 4. A monkey which is dressed up, 2. She (appears, appear) in
3. A desperate person (holds, (is, are) still a monkey. movies and on television.
hold) on to a knife edge. 5. He who does not love his native 3. All the guests (was, were)
4. Whatever you (does, do), think language (is, are) worse than a happy for the bride and groom.
F. Developing Mastery about it seven times. beast or a rotten fish. 4. That author often (write, writes)
(Leads to formative 5. Shakespeare’s father (was, 6. The one that you know (is, are) about marine life.
assessment 3) were) a glove maker. the one that I (don’t, doesn’t) know. 5. The committee (is, are) eager
6. Computers (process, processes) 7. A poet who (composes, for volunteers.
information very quickly. compose) songs (express, 6. Lightning (hit, hits) the barn
7. My older brother (has, have) a expresses) his feelings or during the storm.
telephone shaped like Mickey emotions. 7. The coach( is, are) always
Mouse. 8. Our house which (is, are) the tougher on newcomers.
8. The evening news (summarize, biggest in the village (was, were) 8. This book (is, are) different
summarizes) the day’s events. sold out. from other mysteries.
9. Mexico City (was, were) built on 9. Those red roses on the table 9. (Run, Runs) into the backyard
a lake. (dry, dries) easily because of the and (take, takes) the lawnmower
10. My favorite radio station (play, heat. out of the rain.
plays) all of the hit songs. 10. That old woman who (asks, 10. Mary (was, were) unhappy
ask) for food (move, moves) with her job.

Activity 6: Activity 6: Using Fragments to

Activity 6: Paragraph Think of an appropriate verbs to Make Sentences
G. Finding practical Encourage each student to read complete the thought of the Combine each of the ten complete
the given paragraph and fill in the following unfinished sentences: subjects on the left with one of the
applications of concepts
blanks with the correct form of the 1. Your friend in Canada ten complete predicates on the
and skills in daily living
verb given inside the parentheses. ________________________.
LM p. 31 2. The man who holds red roses right to make ten logical
________________________. sentences.
3. Those athletes in the field
_________________________. Pls refer to Grammar and
Composition 1 p. 85 #1-10
4. The big store which located
beside the church
5. A piece of cake that satisfies

Rule No. 2 The number of the

subject (singular or plural) is not  Prepositional phrases between
changed by words that come the subject an d the verb do not
between the subject and the affect agreement.
H. Making
generalizations and  Who, that, and which are
Rule No. 1 Subjects and verbs
considered singular or plural
abstractions about the must agree in number.
according to the noun directly in
front of them. Do not get
confused by the words that
come between the subject and
the verb; they do not affect

Underline the verb in Encircle the verb in parentheses Underline the verb in
parentheses that agrees with the that agrees with the subject of parentheses that agrees with the
subject of each sentence. each sentence. subject of each sentence.
1. A tall tree (stands, stand) in our 1. The football players who (runs, 1. A sixteen- year- old girl from
front yard. run) fast win in the game. California (gives, give) the best
2. The ships (was, were) passing 2. That red –haired lady in the fur dramatic interpretation.
the island. hat (lives, live) across the street. 2. her friends at school (help,
I. Evaluating learning
3. One who is choosy (ends, end) 3. One of the eggs in the tray (is, helps) her get a job.
up with the least attractive choice. are) broken. 3. The forward with the knee brace
4. He who does not love the 4. Those who (sacrifice, sacrifices) (make, makes) ten baskets.
national language (is, are) worse a lot will be blessed. 4. The weary commuters (was,
than a smelly fish. 5. The coach who (teaches, teach) were) angry about the delay.
5. To a fearless person, no fence new techniques (is, are) newly 5.The boxes under the sink(is, are)
(is, are) high enough. graduate. empty.
J. Additional activities
for application or Do Exercise C on p.252 # 1-10 in Do Exercise C on p.87 # 1-10 in
remediation Grammar and Composition 1 Grammar and Composition 1
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why did
these work
F. What difficulties did
I encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

Checked: Noted:
Head Teacher I- English Principal IV

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