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Fraud Suspicion Procedure

An account is considered fraud ONLY if none of the information matches except the credit
card number and the card holder does not know the person or address on the account.
In most occurrences of fraudulent credit/debit card use it is rare that a perpetrator would
enroll in trial memberships.

However it should be determined if the customers claim is valid. First verify that the name,
address and telephone number that we have on file is that of the customer/cardholder. If
so, then more than likely the customer did authorize the enrollment, or a family member.
The person’s name on the account is the only benefactor to the membership.
If the information on the account does not match the card holder, Click FRAUD Button

If the information does match:

Let me explain what Credit Monitoring does so that we can determine the best course of
action, disposition your account correctly, and get you the information or service that
you require. Credit MOnitoring provides thousands of satisfied customers with credit
monitoring, report and score membership programs for a monthly fee. Our enrollment
process leverages technically secure and robust procedures so that we can rigorously
validate customer identities before they enroll in our service. This ID confirmation is
known as “out of wallet” validation, what this means is that we ask customers questions
that only they would know by looking at their credit bureau data, where it is available.
If it is not, we do require a manual validation – this would require that customers send
us a utility bill with a photo ID – like a driver’s license as an example. So, let me ask
you a few questions and we’ll get you taken care of:

1. Have you recently visited a website or received an email with a link to our company
website for enrollment?
2. Were you recently searching online for a Job?
3. Were you asked to complete a credit check prior to submitting an application for a
job or a rental?
If the answers are NO – to all of the above, then proceed to the second line of questioning:
1. Does anyone in your home have access to your credit card, bank, or personal
information? If yes, is it possible that they may have used your information?
2. Do you personally know who made the transaction on your bank account or credit
3. Have you given or loaned your bank account or credit card to anyone?
If the answer to these questions are all no, you will need to cancel the account and Click
Fraud Button

Enter Call Note.

If the customer is unable to verify the information, or states that the account is fraud, then
the account should be canceled.
Fraud: Mismatch - This is to be selected on the Call Description options when none of the
information on the account matches the account holder.
Fraud: ID Theft - This is to be selected on the Call Description options when the information
matches the customer information, and you have verified that it the caller in fact did not
sign up by going through the 6 questions above.
If you through screening determine that the account is not fraud, the information matches
or the facts reveal its not in fact fraud, then proceed as normal.

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