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B r a m p t o n P r i m a r y S c h o o l Week ending: 5.11.

S t r i v i n g t o R e a c h t h e B e s t Autumn Term: Issue 8

Brampton Bulletin

Inside this week’s issue: Thank You for Your Harvest Donations
• Harvest Donations Dear Ms Fisher and all at Brampton Primary School
• Forthcoming Dates
On behalf of The Salvation Army in Bexleyheath, I would like
• SEAL Home Activities
to say a very big thank you to all the children for their
• Week 1 Menu
generous harvest donations. I would also like to congratulate
• We Asked, You Said, We
the children on their fantastic shoebox displays that they did
Did...Holiday Homework
as well– the effort put into the harvest boxes was amazing to
• Gold Book Entries
• Weekly Attendance
To say we were overwhelmed with the donation is a reflection
• And finally— Supervising
of the children’s wonderful kind heartedness. The support of
people from the general public like the children and Brampton
Forthcoming Dates: Primary School makes a big difference in The Salvation Army’s
Friday 5th November work to support those in need wherever we can.
School Closed for Staff Each week The Salvation Army delivers food parcels to people
in need in the borough of Bexley and we also have food parcels
Saturday 6th November
that we give to people who are homeless so all donations you
Boys Will Be ..Parent
have given are gratefully received to help in this way. Thank
Conference - Holiday Inn
w/b Monday 8th November you to all of you at Brampton Primary school for your
Maths Week tremendous generosity which is a great help to The Salvation
Thursday 11th November Army’s work to help the needy.
Happy Puzzle Sale after Yours sincerely
school Captain Paul Wood
7.15 FOB Meeting Commanding Officer
w/bMonday 15th November The Salvation Army Bexleyheath
Anti Bullying Week
Tuesday 16th November Baby News!
7-9pm E-Safety Talk for Congratulations to Miss Westbrook who gave birth to
parents a baby boy on Thursday 21st October. Hayden James
weighed in at 7lbs 9oz and both mother and baby are
w/bMonday 29th November
doing well!
Life Bus
Page 2 Brampton Bulletin


Having friends to tea

Invite a friend to your house for tea together. You might like to prepare something to eat
together. Your friend might be a child or an adult. It doesn’t matter as long as you have tea
If you would rather you could have a teddy bears’ tea party and invite teddies and dolls.
Getting along in my family
All families have times when they get along well together and times when they tend to fall
out. Sometimes we find it hard to make up or even talk about it. Here are some questions
to talk about.
• When are the times that you get along best?
• When are the times that you fall out most?
Sometimes falling out is OK but sometimes it makes everyone upset.
• What can you do at the times you fall out most to make everyone feel better?
Family picture
Draw a picture of the people in your family doing things together.
Picture of my friends
Draw a picture of you and your friends doing something together.
Resolving conflict
Imagine that you are working on a TV programme about families. It is your job to give advice to
parents and children about making their family life better.
Here are the problems the families in the programme have. What advice will you give each person?
• I am 11 years old. I’m fed up with my mum and dad. They just don’t listen to my point of view.
They treat me like a child and don’t let me go out with my friends. They think I should stay at
home and work all the time.
• I am very worried about my son. He seems angry all the time. When I ask him to tidy his room, he
just tells me I am nagging and goes to his bedroom and turns up the music. What should I do?
• My sister is my mum and dad’s pet. They are always fussing over her and taking her side when we
have an argument. I never get to choose what we watch on TV. I am getting fed up, as it is not fair.
• My daughter seems to be in with a really bad crowd. She wants to stay out until after it is dark.
These friends look really rough. There has been a lot of trouble in our area and I don’t want her to
get into trouble. She used to be such a nice girl.
• My dad and my older brother are always arguing. They both get really angry and start shouting
and throwing things. I hate it and wish they would stop.

School Council Apology

In our last newsletter I mistakenly wrote that Daisy Ingram was the School council
representative for 1BA. Unfortunately this was incorrect and the representative is Ben
Magrowski luckily he was in the photo though. Apologies to any upset caused to both
children and families.
Issue 5 Page 3

W E E K B E G I N N I N G - 8 T H N OV E M B E R 2 0 1 0
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Meat Spaghetti Bolognaise Chicken Noodles Roast loin of Sweet Paprika Chicken Maryland Chicken
Singapore Style cure Bacon with with Rice with Chipped
Roast Potatoes & Potatoes

Fish or Tuna Pizza Jacket Potato with Cheesy Bubble & Salmon &
Cheese or Tuna Squeak with Home- Sweetcorn Quiche
alternative made Salsa

Vegetarian Tomato & Basil Vegetable Spaghetti Vegetable Korma Savoury French
Pasta with Rice Toast with Baked

Desserts Peaches & Fruit Cup Cake Apple & Cinnamon Banana & Chocolate Shortbread served
Strawberry Ice Wheel with Custard Loaf with Custard with Fruit Wedges

A choice of salads, seasonal vegetables, fresh bread, fresh fruit platter,

fruit yoghurt, milk and drinking water are also available daily.

Peanut Allergies
Please can we remind everyone that we are a ‘Peanut Free’ school in our cooked meals and we ask
parents not to put any nuts or items containing nuts in their child’s packed lunches. Thank you.

Sporting News
Congratulations to the boys football team who beat Belvedere School 5-1 in the MacCarthy
Cup. They will be playing in the next round on Thursday 4th against East Wickham. Also to
the girls 7 a side team who made it through to the finals at Goals, Bexleyheath on Friday
22nd October. They came third in Bexley Borough when they lost one game, drew two and
won one. A special mention also goes to Harrison Try, in Year 6, who has been made captain
of the ‘A’ team for the District Football. Many thanks to Mr Kempster and Mr Capelli.

W E A S K ED , YO U S A I D A N D WE D I D … . . . H O L I DAY H O M EWOR K
We asked… You said…. We did….
Last half term we asked parents The majority of parents So we quickly fed this analysis
of children in Years 1-6 for their commented that whilst they back to staff who agreed either
views on our supported homework they felt not to set any homework over
current that children and families should half term or if it had already
homework have holiday time without the been planned for then to allow a
routines. burden and worry of homework two week period so families
and to allow everyone time to could decide whether to do it in
relax and enjoy the break away half term or later. We hope you
from school work. found this more acceptable.
Striving to Reach the Best Weekly Attendance
Every week we print the names of those children who have
achieved in either their work, conduct or behaviour around
school and have been entered in the Gold Book. They have
been mentioned in Monday’s celebratory assembly. After 3
mentions children receive a bronze certificate, 6 mentions for a
silver, 9 mentions for a gold, 12 mentions for a Super Gold and
15 mentions for a Platinum certificate.
RB—Joshua Lucas 5M— Jake Lieu (Platinum) Week ending
4C– Will Atmore 5M— Amber Barnett
4C– Jamie Puttick 5M– Yanique Forsythe RB: 98.7%
4C– Jale Zegioglu 6B –Katie McDonnell
4C– Niamh Hill (Diamond) 6B– Cameryn Whyte RJ: 94%
4C– Bella Potter 6B– Emily Evans 1B: 93.3%
4C– Louis Thomas 6B– Ross Ellul
5S– Jade Lee 1BA: 98%
5S– Trudie Buckner Unfortunately there is not
5S– Charlie Brooker enough space to mention the 2H: 98.3%
5S– Jack Hillier (Platinum) children’s achievements here
5S– Harry Jackson but if you are interested to see 2EW: 97.5%
5S– Hope Kyne (Gold) your child’s mention the book is 3W: 98%
5M—Nicole Hogben usually kept in the office—so
5M– George Hills please pop in and ask to see it. 3WH: 95%
4P: 98.3%
School Charity—Thank you.
4C: 94.5%
We have received a letter from CLIC Sargent Children’s
Cancer Charity thanking us for our donation of £407.35. This 5S: 97.1%
was our school chosen charity and was as a result of the 5M: 97.1%
various fund raising in the last term including making paper 6B: 93.2%
aeroplanes and the Year 6 concert collections. So we would
like to pass on our thanks to all parents who have supported 6C: 98.7%
the school in our charity fund raising over the last year. Well done to RB and 6C!
Our school target is 96.1%
And finally.......Supervising children in the car park Our School Total was 96.6%!
During the last half term two members of staff have
had their cars scratched and damaged whilst in the Raffle Prize Winners
school staff car park. Please can we remind parents that The winners in this week’s draw for
children need supervising at all times and parents and tea with Miss Fisher were Kai Bar-
ber and Charlene Boadu in 4P,
children are asked not to go behind the green lines,
Taysan Ali Osman in 4C and
between cars nor lean against any car. We thank you for Eloise Hill in 1BA.
your supervision and co-operation. Well done to them for showing
Remember if you like what we’re doing —tell fantastic attitude and behaviour.
us and others! If you don’t, please help us im-
prove! We’re on the web!
School Office; 020 8303 2873 Fax; 020 8298

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