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Placement Test English

Nome Date
School Teacher

1. I ......................................... bread in the morning?

a) to eat b) drink c) eat

2. I drink juice ........................................... .

a) in the lunch b) for the dinner c) for dinner

3. How .............................. you?

a) is b) are c) am

4. A: “How do you do?”

B: .................................................................

a) are well b) hello c) How do you do?

5. ................................................... is a new student.

a) She b) You c) They

6. Where do you have lunch at school?

a) in the library b) at the gym c) at the cafeteria

7. I eat ............................... apple every morning.

a) two b) an c) a

English 8. What is your favorite dessert?

Placement a) it is rice b) it is ice cream c) it is pasta

9. I go to school ................................................... bus.

a) in the b) for c) by

10. A: “How old are you?”

B: “I ................................... twelve years old.”

a) have b) get c) am

11. A: “How many books do you have?”

B: “I have ........................... books.”

a) tree b) thirteen c) thirthy

12. ........................................... are my friends.

a) This b) That c) Those

13. ........................................... is your birthday?

a) When b) What c) Who

14. A: “What is your favorite celebration or holiday?”

a) “it is December” b) “it is Monday” c) “it is Christmas”

15. What is the correct order?

a) first – second – fourth b) first – fourth – third c) first – second – third


16. What is the ninth month of the year? English

a) August b) September c) October
17. What is your favorite season of the year?

a) it’s summer b) it’s holiday c) it’s vacation

18. How many rooms ..................................... in your house?

a) there are b) is there c) are there

19. What time is it?

a) its’ two and half o’ clock b) it’s two and half in the c) it’s two-thirty

20. I ........................................ any musical instruments.

a) don’t plays b) don’t play c) doesn’t play


English Placement Test

Test Nome Date

School Teacher

1. ....................................... you go to school in the morning?

a) Do b) Do not c) Does

2. ........................................ students are there in your classroom?

a) How many b) How much c) How are

3. ....................................... money do you have on you?

a) How many b) How much c) How are

4. ........................................ is that boy over there?

a) When b) Whose c) Who

5. What cannot be recycled?

a) napkins b) catalogs c) newspaper

6. I like to watch TV ........................................... .

a) at the afternoon b) at the morning c) at night

7. ......................................... your friend go to school with you?

a) Don’t b) Does c) Does not


8. My friend ................................................ English every week. English

a) studys b) studieds c) studies
9. What is the correct form of the third person:

a) finishs – goes b) finishes – goes c) finishes – gos

10. What is the correct negative form?

a) She doesn’t study b) She don’t studies c) She doesn’t sudys

English English

11. A: “What a nice day.”

B: ...................................................................

a) Let’s call the police! b) Why not? c) Let’s go swimming!

12. A: “What does your father do?”

B: “He is ............................................ .”

a) at work b) a dentist c) in the office

13. I .............................................. a sandwich now.

a) is eating b) am eating c) aren’t eating

14. My daughter ......................... studying English twice a week.

a) does b) can c) is

15. What .................................................... ? It looks awful.

a) is you drinking b) are you drinking c) it is drinking


English 16. A: “Are you busy this evening?”

B: “No. I ......................................................... to do anything.”
Test a) am not going b) will c) don’t

17. We are ............................... have a barbecue with friends on Saturday. Would

you like to join us?

a) going to b) will c) don’t

18. There are ten students .......................................... the class.

a) next b) for c) in

19. Our house is ........................................ to the supermarket.

a) next b) for c) beside


20. There is a supermarket ............................................ of the park.

a) beside b) behind c) in front


Placement Test English

Nome Date Test
School Teacher

1. A: “What did you do yesterday?”

B: “I .............................. many things.”

a) do b) did c) made

2. Where ........................................ you last night?

a) was b) be c) were

3. ................................. they ..................................... an amusement park on their


a) Did – visit b) Does – visit c) Were – visited

4. What is the correct plural form?

a) fish – fishes b) knife – knifes c) roof – roofs

5. There are many ................................ in the park this afternoon.

a) childs b) childrens c) children

6. I left my pen at home. May I borrow ............................. ?

a) yours b) your c) my

7. Is this Mary’s book?

a) is this hers book? b) Is this her book? c) Is this his book?


8. He likes ................................. new tennis shoes.

Placement a) him b) hers c) his
9. I saw your father at the party yesterday, but I didn’t talk to ................................ .

a) his b) he c) him

10. She saw ..................................... in the mirror.

a) ourself b) herself c) himself

11. The children enjoyed .......................................... at the club yesterday.

a) himself b) herself c) themselves

12. Your nickname is Pat, ................................ ?

a) isn’t it b) aren’t it c) aren’t I

13. Don’t arrive late, ....................................... ?

a) will you b) would you c) did you

14. I am an English teacher, .......................................... ?

a) don’t I b) isn’t I c) aren’t I

15. You seem tired. You .................................... have a rest.

a) ought b) should c) cannot

16. He ...................... play chess when he was young, but now he ............................ do it

a) could – can’t b) couldn’t – can’t c) should – might


17. How is the weather today?

a) it is summer b) it is cloudy c) ) It is winter Placement
18. When the temperature is between warm and cold:

a) it is cool b) it is hot c) it is foggy

19. Today is .................................... than yesterday.

a) hotter b) more hot c) the hottest

20. Health is ............................. than wealth.

a) good b) the best c) better

21. A T-shirt is .............................. than a cap.

a) more good b) expensiver c) more expensive

22. Monkeys are .................................... learners than elephants.

a) very fast b) faster c) more fast

23. Please, give me the ................................. box.

a) smallest b) smaller c) smallier

24. Choose the correct passive voice form:

- He did the work.

a) The work was did by him b) The work was done c) The work was done by
by he him

English 25. Choose the correct passive voice form:

- J K Rowling has written Harry Potter.
a) Harry Potter has been written by J K Rowling.
b) Harry Potter was written by J K Rowling.

c) Harry Potter have been written by J K Rowling.

26. I .......................................................... here for ten years.

a) worked b) have worked c) didn’t work

27. Choose the correct alternative:

a) Have you ever been to England?

b) Have ever you been to England?

c) Have you ever go to England?

28. Don’t sit on that chair. It ............................................... .

a) has just painted.

b) has just paint.

c) has just been painted.

29. The teacher ..................................... out when I arrived in the classroom.

a) had gone b) went c) have gone

30. I .................................................................................. English before I went to the U.S.A.

a) studied b) have studied c) had studied


Placement Test English

Nome Date Test
School Teacher

1. I will go to the cinema if I ................... well in my English test.

a) will do b) do c) make

2. My parents ............................. me if they ............................... too busy.

a) will help – aren’t b) help – isn’t c) will help – don’t be

3. If it ..............., we ................... a picnic next weekend.

a) rains – would have b) doesn’t rain – c) doesn’t rain – would

will have have

4. What .................... you .................... if you .................... a millionaire?

a) could… buy – was b) did… buy – are c) would… buy – were

5. If they came by car, they .................................... earlier.

a) can arrive b) could arrive c) must arrive

6. I would study more If I ......................... you.

a) were b) was c) had been

7. If I had studied harder, I ...................................... my exam.

a) would have passed b) could passed c) should passed


English 8. If he ............................................. the opportunity, he could have gone.

Placement a) have had b) has had c) had had

9. What .................................. if you had been me?

a) would you done b) would you have done c) would you did

10. They would have brought the books If I ................................. them.

a) had told b) would told c) would have told

11. I wish I ............... under the sun for a long time. Now I have a terrible sunburn.

a) would stay b) haven’t stayed c) hadn’t stayed

12. John wishes he ............................. a rich man so he could buy a sports car.

a) were b) was c) is

13. He leaves his clothes lying all over the bathroom floor.
I wish he ........................................ leave his clothes lying all over the bathroom

a) wouldn’t b) didn’t c) don’t

14. Choose the correct sentence in the reported speech:

A: “Where do you live?”
She asked me .................................... .

a) where I live b) where do I live c) where I lived

15. A: “Have you finished with the computer?”

My dad asked me ..................................................................... .

a) why I finished the computer.

b) if I have finished with the computer.

c) if I had finished with the computer.

16. A: “I’ll give you your money back tomorrow.”

My friend said ....................................... .
a) he would give my money back tomorrow.
b) he would give my money back the following day.

c) he can give my money back the next day.

17. The holidays were great. We could do ................................ we wanted.

a) nothing b) none of c) anything

18. Would you like .............................. to drink or to eat?

a) nothing b) something c) everything

19. I didn’t feel good at the party because I knew ................................... there.

a) nobody b) everyone c) none of

20. I didn’t go to the movies because I had ....................... money.

a) nothing b) no c) some

Reading comprehension

All Drivers Take Note

The City Transit supervisors have received numerous complaints over the last several
weeks about buses on several routes running hot. Drivers are reminded that each route
has several checkpoints at which drivers should check the
time. If the bus is ahead of schedule, drivers should delay

at the checkpoint until it is the proper time to leave. If

traffic makes it unsafe for a driver to delay at a particular
checkpoint, the driver should proceed at a reasonable
speed to the next stop and hold there until the bus is back
on schedule.

English 21. According to the passage, when a bus is running hot, it means.

Placement a) The bus is going too fast and the engine is overheating.
Test b) The bus is running ahead of schedule.

c) The bus is running behind schedule.

d) Passengers are complaining about the bus being off schedule.

22. The main point of the passage is that drivers should:

a) Stop their buses when traffic is unsafe.

b) Drive at a reasonable speed.

c) Check the time at every stop.

d) See that their buses run on schedule.

23. Read the text above:

There are no effective boundaries when it comes to
pollutants. Studies have shown that toxic insecticides that
have been banned in many countries are riding the wind

from countries where they remain legal. Compounds such
as DDT and toxaphene have been found in remote places
like the Yukon and other Arctic regions.

This paragraph best supports the statement that:

a) Toxic insecticides such as DDT have not been banned throughout the world.

b) More pollutants find their way into polar climates than they do into warmer areas.

c) Studies have proven that many countries have ignored their own anti-pollution laws.

d) Studies have proven that many countries have ignored their own anti-pollution laws.

24. Read the text above:

Mathematics allows us to expand our consciousness.
Mathematics tells us about economic trends, patterns of disease, Placement
and the growth of populations. Math is good at exposing the
truth, but it can also perpetuate misunderstandings and untruths.

Figures have the power to mislead people.

This paragraph best supports the statement that:

a) The study of mathematics is dangerous.

b) Figures are sometimes used to deceive people.

c) The study of mathematics is more important than other disciplines.

d) The power of numbers is that they cannot lie.

25. Read the text above:

Human technology developed from the first stone tools
about two and a half million years ago. In the beginning,

the rate of development was slow. Hundreds of thousands
of years passed without much change. Today, new
technologies are reported daily on television and in

This paragraph best supports the statement that:

a) Stone tools were not really technology.

b) Stone tools were in use for two and a half million years.

c) In the beginning, the rate of development was fast.

d) In today’s world, new technologies are constantly being developed.

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