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Opposition candidate banned in Russian president election

Russia’s authorities banned Alexei Navalny, the country’s most prominent

opponent to President Vladimir Putin, from standing in the presidential election
due in March.

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Indian Parliament passed Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Bill

The bill seeks to replace an ordinance which was promulgated in November to

prevent unscrupulous persons from misusing or vitiating the provisions of IBC.

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 UIDAI   launched 'Virtual ID', which an Aadhaar-card holder can generate from UIDAI

This virtual ID that can be generated from UIDAI website can be used for purposes like
SIM verification, instead of sharing the actual 12-digit biometric ID

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Virgin Hyperloop One signed the framework agreement with Maharashtra State

 To build a hyperloop  between Pune  and  Mumbai. Announcement about the framework
agreement was made by Virgin Group Founder

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Venezuela has launched a crypto currency “Petro”.

Venezuela has officially launched the pre-sale of its new digital currency called the
petro. petro is backed by oil, gas, gold and diamonds, and is meant to help overcome US
and EU sanctions.

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Cyril Ramaphosa elected as South Africa’s new president

Cyril Ramaphosa was elected by Parliament as South Africa’s president Thursday,

marking a turning point for the country after the slow-motion collapse of the once-
legendary ruling party under Jacob Zuma.

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Punjab National Bank (PNB) now in the middle of a  11,400 crore transaction fraud
Punjab National Bank , the country's second-largest public sector lender, is now in the
middle of a 11,400 crore transaction fraud case.It relates to fraudulent letter of
undertaking worth 14,356.84 crore (US$ 2.1 billion) issued by PNB

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 Australia wins Sultan Azlan   Shah Cup 2018         

 World champions Australia won 27th edition of the Sultan Azlan Shah
cup 2018 for record 10th time by defeating England.

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UK introduces Sin Tax

The Soft Drinks Industry Levy also known as sin tax came into force in United
Kingdom. With introduction of sugar levy, UK joins few countries, including
Mexico, France and Norway that have introduced similar fat taxes.

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Sony Pictures to enter consumer products and merchandising

In order to add a new revenue stream to its television broadcasting

business and strengthen connect with the young audience, Sony Pictures
Networks India (SPNI) has decided to enter in to the consumer products
and merchandising business.
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Chanda Kochhar asked to be on leave

She was accused of propriety and conflict of interest when news related to loans
sanctioned to Videocon Group of which Chanda Kochhar’s husband Deepak Kochhar
was associated with became public.

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Flipkart-Walmart merger

Flipkart-Wal-Mart merger is one of the biggest mergers happened in India. The $ 16

billion merger created a lot of headlines and is surely important news to study.
After the merger Sachin Bansal, the cofounder of Flipkart, quit the organization.
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US Prez Donald Trump withdraws Iran nuclear deal

United States President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew US from historic

2015 Iran nuclear deal or Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) deal 
signed between Iran and P5+1 countries, reimposing the bans by JCPOA

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  Vladimir Putin sworn in as Russian president for the fourth time

Vladimir Putin was sworn in as the President of Russia for fourth time which means
he will be serving the office of President for another six years. Putin's fourth term
comes after he won the presidential elections in March 2018

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Andhra Pradesh entered into a Memorandum of   Understanding (MoU) with

Singapore to accelerate the construction work of its new capital, Amratvati

The MOU will promote and create a safe, high quality, environment-friendly built
environment in Andhra Pradesh

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5 new nations elected as the non-permanent member of United Nations

General Assembly (UNGA) elected South Africa, Indonesia, Dominican Republic,

Germany and Belgium as non-permanent members of UN Security Council (UNSC)
with their two-year term beginning January 1, 2019.

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  US withdraws from UNHRC

The United States under President Donald Trump administration has announced
its withdrawal from United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) terming it
hypocritical and self-serving.

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Saudi Arabia lifts ban on woman driving

In a first, women across Saudi Arabia were legally allowed to drive for the first
time since 1957 on June 24, 2018, thus, ending the world’s last ban on female
drivers .
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 First ever summit between US and North Korea held

U.S. President Donald Trump met with North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un 

in Singapore in the first summit meeting between the leaders of the United States
of America and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea(North Korea).
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Trade war Implications on India

What started as a series of allegations and threats against China has become a
reality since March 2018. Us is one of the primary consumer of goods from
China.US also accused China of theft of intellectual property.This trade war has
few repercussions in Indian Market as well.
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Bank merger – Bank of Baroda, IDBI Bank, Oriental Bank and Central Bank

As per a report, the government is planning to merge Bank of Baroda, IDBI Bank, Oriental
Bank and Central Bank. 

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Air India Disinvestment

Air India has asked the government to "restore" equity infusion in the carrier, after it failed
to find any takers for its disinvestment. The loss-making carrier already received more than
Rs 26,000 crore under the bailout package

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Andrés Manuel elected as Mexican president

Over 30 million Mexicans voted for Andrés Manuel López Obrador in the country’s July 1
presidential election, handing the former Mexico City mayor a landslide victory over three
opponents with 53 percent of the vote.

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MOPAD: SBI launches unified payment terminal

State Bank of India (SBI) launched its Multi Option Payment Acceptance Device (MOPAD) for
digital payments convenience of merchants and consumers. MOPAD will eliminate the usage
of multiple machines

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Apple hits market capitalization at $1 trillion

Apple hit a market capitalization of $ 1 trillion at the start of August and thus became the first
company to do so. Amazon is also in the race to achieve this benchmark. This event is surely
an important one to study upon.

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Imran Khan elected as Pakistan’s Prime Minister

Imran Khan elected as the next Prime Minister of Pakistan. Mr Khan, 65, a former
international cricketer and member of the ICC Hall of Fame, has led his party, the
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, to victory in the elections

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 Vienna declared world’s most liveable city

Austrian capital Vienna was ranked as world’s most liveable city among 140
major cities in 2018 Global Liveability Index.  

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ICICI hikes interest rates

Private sector lender ICICI Bank has hiked interest rates between 15 basis points and 25
basis points on select term deposits and some Fixed Deposit (FD) plans with effect from
August 14, 2018. Reserve Bank of India's MPC, hiked the key repo rate by 25 basis points
to 6.50 per cent.
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Rupee sinks below the 70 mark for the first time

For the first time in history, the Indian Rupee breached the Rs 70 mark against
the US Dollar on Augsut 14, 2018.Later, it recovered minorly to Rs 69.84.
Sudden depreciation of the currency is similar to the fall of other currencies of
emerging markets triggered by the crash in Turkish currency – Lira
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Elon Musk’s plan to buyback Tesla

The furor over Musk’s tweet to take Tesla private had created a lot of buzz in the business
world. Many people have sued Musk for sharing the news on twitter. SEC has also served
Musk a subpoena regarding the issue.

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 1.Which Indian banks are being contemplated for merger by Indian government?

a)Bank of Baroda IDBI Bank, Oriental Bank and Central Bank

b)PNB and Bank of Baroda
c)IDBI.Bank of Baroda,PNB and Central Bank
d)Oriental Bank and Central Bank

2.Which country recently withdraw from UN Human Rights Council second time after 2006?

a) France

3. Which major merger recently made one of the co-founder of one of the companies to quit ?
a ) Flipkart-Walmart Merger
b) Apple Buys Shazam
c) Google and HTC
d) Cisco and Broadsoft

4.Which country has recently won Ajlan Shah Hockey Tournament 2018?
a) New Zealand
b) India
c) Argentina
d) Australia

5.Which country has recently launched its own cryptocurrency?

a) Ecuador
b) Argentina
d) Peru

1-A 2-B 3-A 4-D 5-C


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