Indonesian Nurses'Codes of Ethicsperspectives On Nursing Student at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Teaching Hospitals

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Indonesian Nurses’Codes of responses have divided into two thematic

EthicsPerspectives on Nursing Student at categories including: definitions of ethics

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta codes, contents of ethics (nurses and
Teaching Hospitals patients, nurses and practice, nurses and
society, nurses and their colleagues, nurses
Wulan Noviani1, Fajar Abrori 2 and organization). The qualitative result
1Lecturer School of Nursing Faculty
was good for view of nursing student about
Medicine and Health Sciences definition and the content of nurse’s ethic
2Student School of Nursing Faculty
Medicine and Health Sciences Conclusion: The perspectives of nurses
Universitas Muhammadiyah ethic codes in nursing student profession is
Yogyakarta good in quantitative and qualitative
Email: analysis. Further research should focus on
the implementation of ethic codes of
nurses including assessment and evaluation
ABSTRACT methods.

Keywords: perspective, knowledge, ethic

Background: Nursing students profession codes, nurses, nursing student
as a professional candidate in health care
system is commonly faced the dilemma
ethics during their clinical experiences. Background
Consequently, they should have
knowledge, readiness as well as Professional nursing defines as the
competencies to solve the complexity effort of promotion, optimalization health
problems related ethical issues in modern
health care. and ability, disease prevention through
Objectives: This studies was conducted to diagnosis and treatment for individual,
explore the perspectives and to describe
level of knowledge of nursing student family, community and population (ANA,
profession program about nurses ‘codes of 2010). Nurses have responsibilities to
ethics in academic hospital Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia. provide high quality of services for patient,
Methods: Mixed methods with family and society. Nurses have variety of
quantitative and qualitative approaches
were used. Data was collected from 83 ethical experiences in professional practice
nursing student’s profession for and they should recognize ethical codes
quantitative study and 11 students for
qualitative study who had practiced at 3 and they can make good decisions (Zahedi
teaching hospital of UMY. It was collected et all, 2013).
using questionnaires and in-depth
interview during April-June 2016. The data
Every nurse that had done their
analyzed using software statistic and
content analysis. tasks competently and high integrity
Findings: Seventy one point one percent
should have several key elements which is
(n=83) the knowledge level of nurses
codes of ethics were good in questionnaire used by as profession guidance such as
analyzed. The majority nurses and patient
accreditation in educational institution,
relationship was good (83,1%) and the
minority of nurses and their organization license system and certification and
was good (74,7%). Students qualitative
relevant ethic codes (Epstein & Turner, fundamental to nursing practice for
2015). professional nurses and it will be
characterized by defining, defense and
Nursing is the most popular of
improve nursing profession (Nasrullah,
profession it has ethic codes which is
agreed with each professional group of the
world. For instance, International Council Professional nurse should practice
of Nurses (ICN), American Nurses nursing care using ethic codes in several
Association (ANA) dan Canadian Nurse settings clinics, academic and community.
Association (CAN). The content of ethic Nursing ethic codes have content
codes is how nurses should have ethical guidances which is used by nurses as a
behaviour as a profession and how they basic nursing practice. For instance
should make decision when they have relationship between nurses and patient;
obstacles and prevent ethical problems, nurses and practice; nurses and society;
then their efforts to fulfill professional nurses and co-workers; nurses and
duties (Zahedi et all, 2013). profession (

The ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses Indonesian nursing ethic codes for
has four principal elements that outline the all nursing professional in education,
standards of ethical conduct (International research, management, clinical care to
Council of Nurses, 2012). Every nurse in shape ethical behaviour nurses’
modern and developed countries had ethic performance to care patient (Indonesian
codes as a guidance of nursing care National Nurses Association, 2000).
practice fundamentally. Research conduct
Implementation of nursing ethic
of nurses’ ethic codes inIran revealed that
codes is not optimally in Indonesia. It is
nurses have lack of knowledges. Ethic
scarce about research related to nurses
codes in nursing revised regularly to repair
ethic codes and the application for nurses
the drawbacks when it was practised by
unknown. The application of nurses ethic
nurses during nursing process, however in
codes will optimal if it was recognized by
Indonesia revision of ethic codes never
nursing student in the beginning of their
study. Nursing curricula can produce the
Nursing ethic codes are a written best outcome of nurses if it can be
statement that showed moral, caring, integrated in the system of academic and
values and nursing goals. It is a clinic learning.

Nurses’codes of ethics is reputed as Respondent in this study had selected
foundation of nurses’ ethical knowledge according to inclusion and exclusion
and as a result of their ethical education. criterias. Inclusion criterias are nursing
(Numminen et al, 2013). Nursing students students in profession program, they have
profession as a professional candidate in willingness to be respondent, they had
health care system is commonly faced the practiced 7 months in UMY teaching
dillemma ethics during their clinical hospitals including RS PKU
experiences. They should have knowledge, Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, RS PKU
readiness as well as competencies to solve Muhammadiyah Gamping, RSUD Tidar
the complexity problems related ethical Magelang). Exclusion criteria are nursing
issues in modern health care. student in in profession program and they
don not have willingness to be respondent.
Research Problems
It was collected using
How is the perspectives of nursing qquestionnaires of Indonesian Nurses’
students profession about Indonesian Ethic Codes and in-depth interview during
Nurses’ Codes of Ethics in Universitas April-June months 2016. This study was
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta teaching used structured interview guidance to lead
hospitals? the interview processes while recorder to
record the result of interview of
respondents. The data analyzed using
This studies was conducted to
software statistic and content analysis.
explore the perspectives and to describe
The processes of data collection
level of knowledge of nursing student
consist of several steps. First of all, this
profession program about nurses ‘codes of
study was administered ethic letter of
ethics in academic hospital Universitas
research. Secondly, the respondent had
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
informed consent. The third step, the
respondent divided into two methodes of
study. In one hand they are filling the
Mixed method with quantitative and
questionnaires include demographic data,
qualitative approaches were used. Data
knowledges of Indonesian nurses’ codes of
was collected from 83 nursing students
proffesion for quantitative study and 11
Then data analysis using Descriptive
students for qualitative study who had
statistic. On the other hand, 11 students
practiced at 3 teaching hospital of UMY.
have Indepth interviewed with structured

interview guidance. In addition, the result years old with 36 people (43%). The
of interview analysed the contents and it majority respondent came from Javanese
will be thematic analysis. culture with 49 people (60%).
Table 2. Knowledges Level of
1. Respondent Characteristics
Indonesian Nurses’s Codes of Ethics
Respondent characteristics in this
study is nursing student in profession The level of knowledges of Indonesian
program. The characteristics according Nurses’ Codes of Ethics in nursing student
to ages, gender and ethics, it can see in can see in table 2:
table 1: No Chatagorized Frequencies Percentages
1. Good 59 71,1 %
2. Moderate 24 28,9%
Table 1.Frequencies DistributionNursing
3. Less 0 0%
Student in Profession Program according Total 83 100%
to gender, age and ethnics. Source: Primary Data, 2016
No. Characteristics Frequen- Percen-
According to table 1, it can know that the
cies tages
1. Gender largest respondent has good knowledge
a. Male 25 30%
b. Female 58 70% with 59 people (71.1%), the second rank
2. Ages are moderate level with 24 people
a. 21 years 5 6%
b. 22 years 32 39% (28.9%) and none of them have less level
c. 23 years 36 43%
d. 24 years 6 7% in knowledge about Indonesian ethic
e. 25 years 3 4% codes of nurses.
f. 26 years 1 1%
3. Ethnics
a. Javanese 49 60% Table 3. Knowledges level of Contents
b. Sundanese 7 8% Nurses’s Codes of Ethics
c. Dayaknese 5 6%
d. Melayunese 8 10%
e. Bimanese 5 6% The level of knowledge of nursing students
f. Sasaknese 5 6% had divided into 5 aspects, it can see in
g. Minangnese 1 1%
h. Banjarnese 1 1% table 3:
i. Malukunese 1 1%
j. Betawinese 1 1%
No Nurses’ ethic Chatego- Frequen- Percen-
Source: Primary Data, 2016 codes rized cies tages
1 Nurses and Good 69 83,1%
According to table 1, it can know patient Moderate 14 16,9%
that characteristics of respondent based on 2 Nurses and Good 68 81,9%
practice Moderate 15 18,1%
gender, the majority respondent is female 3 Nurses and Good 65 78,3%
society Moderate 18 21,7%
with 58 people (70%). Most of them are 23 4 Nurses and Good 68 81,9%
co-workers Moderate 15 18,1%

5 Nurses and Good 62 74,7% without enter the other profession”
organization Moderate 21 25,3%
Source: Primary Data, 2016 (R4)

According to table 3, it can know that the

Nurse’s ethic codes are a guidance of
majority respondent has good level of
us to do nursing action that containing
knowledge for every aspect in nurses’
of ethic codes which is good is like
ethic codes. The highest percentages is
what?” (R6)
“nurses and patients” with largest
respondent have good knowledge with 69
“Nurse’s ethic codes are values or
people (83.1%) while the lowest is “
norms that has committed to manage
nurses and profession” with 62 people
our profession to do their obligations
and the contents what have to do and
2. Perspectives of Nurses’ Ethic Codes not”(R9)

This study have two themes including B. Knowledge about contents nursing
definition and functions of ethics and ethic codes
contents of nurses’s codes of ethics.
2.1 Examples of Students Narrative
A. Knowledge about definition and Comments on Nurses and Patient
function of nursing ethic codes
Nurses respect the patient, no differences
the ethnic of patients, keep the privacy of
Examples of Students Narrative
patients” (R2)
Comments on Definition and
Function Nurse’s Codes of Ethics. “Nurse must be fair in view and take care
the patients”(R6)
Ethic codes nurse’s is a rules that have
to obey by nurses” (R1) “Nurses have obligations to make patients
and their feel comfort, building trust and
Nurse’s ethic codes is a matters that kindness”(R7)
direct nurses related to nurses patient
“Nurses as a patient’s advocate have role
relationship and society” (R2)
to give advice to patient, maintain mutual
trust relationship and practicing their job
“Nurse’s ethic codes is like a guidance
well done. Nurses have responsibility to do
or limitations what have to do as a
nursing intervention suitable with the
nurses and how to manage the patients
patients “(R9)

Nurses have to keep privacy of patients
and practice caring “(R10) “Nurses give the health promotion to
improve quality of life and wellness “(R4)
2.2 Examples of Students Narrative
Comments on Nurses and Practice
“Nurses have mutual relationship,
“Nurses up hold professionalism and they providing medical information and
must follow the rules in services” (R2) education. Nurses must be prepared
according to its competence or
“Nurses have responsible to give the best knowledge” (R7)
service since hospital admission until the
“Society is the priority for the intervention,
patient get heal” (R5)
health education and empowerment to
improve health level” (R9)
Nurses in practice have to caring, know
their job description, know their 2.4 Examples of Students Narrative
independent nursing intervention and Comments on Nurses and
collaborate to solve the patient problems” Organization
“Organization have to clear the
profession of nurses, the right of nurses”
“Nurses in practices maintain ethical
principles such as maleficient, beneficiene,
veracity, justice, do not distinguish the Nurses communicate and support all of
level of economic, ethnic and gender”(R9) the people in Indonesian National Nurses
“Nurses have responsible to keep patient Association for example in prevention
safety “(R10) diseases” (R5)

2.3 Examples of Students Narrative “ All of the nurses have to join in

Comments on Nurses and Society organizational profession and they have to
care about organization of their
“Nurses attitude are good, openness and
contribution” (R7)
ready to help the society. Professional
attitude is mutual relationship” (R1) “Nurses have to play role in organization
and obey their rules” (R10)
Nurses have to serve society
comprehensively, give the information and
justice” (R3)

“Nurses should up date their knowledge think that ethic codes are required to guide
because the information of health increase nursing practice and provide professional
significantly”(R11) status and identity. In the present study,
the 79.1% of nurses acquired their
2.5 Examples of Students Narrative
knowledge of ethics in nursing school, and
Comments on Nurses and Co-
53.6% of them acquired their knowledge of
ethics during work also 40.5% of nurses
“ The relationship between nurses and co- stated that nursing ethic codes is formally
workers should not have problems. Nurses given them (Mohajjel et al, 2013).
have competencies and knowledge itself,
According the Code, the nurses
independent, give patient safety and good
should be sensitive to the ethical
quality of services” (R7)
challenges and do their best to fulfill their
moral duties including informed consent,
“ Nurses and their colleagues should help
respect to privacy and confidentiality of
each other, doing collaboration and
patients/clients, relationship with
coöperation” (R8)
colleagues, efficient performance of the
professional duties, conflicts of interests,
“Nurses have mutual cooperation , keep
ethics in educational activities and
privacy and implement the intervention
protection of participants in research and
appropriate with their competencies” (R9)
consultation with the hospital ethics
committee for decision-making when are
“Nurses should to respect and be a good
confronted with ethical cases (Zahedi et al,
team work with their colleagues” (R10)

“Nurses know the their competencies to Experience and research have

care or cure, they have to communicate shown that nursing students deliberation of
with good way, give the suggestion for ethical matters is practically oriented and
colleagues” (R11) connected to their concrete personal
experiences (Numminen et al. 2009), and
Discussion that relating ethics education closely to
practical context makes it meaningful to
According to Numminen et al
nurses (Gatsmants et al 1998; Meulensberg
(2009), nurses’ knowledge and use of the
et. Al, 2004; Van der Arend & Smith,
codes are deficient. However, the nurses
2003; Woods, 2005)

According to Numminen et al References
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Journal of Public Health, 42(Supple1), 1–8.


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