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It is central nervous system.

Spinal Cord:
o It will have a bunch of nerves.

o To cover this spinal cord, there are bone structures called Vertebrae.

o This entire system is called spine or spinal column.

o In yogic term, it is called as Merudanda.

o There are 33 vertebraes,

o 7 in cervical, 12 in Thoracic or Dorsal Spine and 14 in Lumbar Spine.

o There are 12 pair of Rib Bone.

o 7 Ribcage Bones are connected to Sternum ,, which is in ventricle side.

o It is a hard lump of cartilage bone ..

o This is a median between Ribcage.

o These 7 bones are circular in nature and connects to the each vertebrae in
Dorsal spine. These 7 bones are called True bones

Life Style Yoga: Subramani

o Next 3 bones, I.e., 8th, 9th and 10th bones will connect to the 7th
bone(They are not directly connected to the sternum). These bones are
called False bones.

o Next 2 bones, I.e., 11th and 12th are not connected to the sternum, it will
be Connected to the Dorsal spine. These bones are called Floating Bones.

o Floating bones are important for breathing system

Why these floating bones are not connected to sternum ??

It is not connected to the sternum as they are stable in nature. Since ribcage is a
Air-tight cabin, so that's the reason why floating bones are designed in that way.

Cervical Spine:
o C1 to C7 are called cervical spine and together it is called as Neck.

o Cervical bone Will have more that 180° side view and 360° rotation.

o Cervical bone follow the Dorsal spine.

Dorsal Spine:
o Dorsal spine will have limited movements(Like back of a car), it is due to
connection of ribcage bones.

o These bones are small in size compared to Lumbar spine.

o It can rotate in limited degrees but it follows the Lumbar spine.

o The organs connected to the dorsal spines are lungs ad heart.

Life style Yoga : Subramani

Lumbar Spine:
o Lumbar spine consists of 14 bones and it can have around 360° rotation.

o Lumbar Spine can bend in all the directions.

o Except lungs and heart, all other organs are connected to Lumbar spine.

Lateral Stretch:
o In lateral stretch, stretch should happen from lumbar then dorsal and then
to cervical spine.

Anterior Spine:
o Front side of the spine is called anterior spine.

o All the organs are attached to this anterior spine.

o Shape of the anterior spine is convex.

Posterior Spine:
o Back side of the spine is called posterior spine.

o Only kidneys are attached to posterior spine.

o Shape of the posterior spine it concave.

Life Style Yoga : Subramani

Spine movement in Asanas:
o In any asana, movement should be from lumbar spine, dorsal spine and
then to cervical spine.

o If there is a wrong movement then cervical and dorsal are going towards

o It is connected to floating bones on dorsal side and 10th bone upto the
sternum on the ventricle side.

o This is the main thing which involves in respiration.

Spine Anatomy in Asanas

Floating Ribcage:
It should be always tucked in from posterior to anterior so that diaphragm will be

It should always move towards head, pushing throat ahead.

Life style Yoga : Subramani

Front Ribcage:
It should travel towards head.

Back Ribcage:
It should be slightly dip in and should bring it down.

Collar Bone:
Collar bone should be moved out and stretched either way.

Shoulder Blade:
o It should be pushed back and brought down from the back side.

o Should blade should come down.

With these actions, Dorsal Spine will be in correct position.

o It should be tucked in but not too much.

o Make sure that this tuck should expand the lumbar spine.

o Tuck should be in such a way that Nabi should travel towards spine and
spine should travel towards Nabi. Naturally Uddayana Bandha should


Life Style Yoga : Subramani

It should be stretched vertically.

Shoulder Joints:
This has to go back and drop back which can be notices in Snake.

These actions will take care of Thoracic Cavity.

Actions of Lumbar Spine takes care of Lumbar cavity.

Position of Shoulder Joints and Sternum:

Always shoulder joints should follow the sternum.

Spiritual Aspects of Spine

o All chakras imaginarily lies in spine.

o If corrections are not done then Anahatha chakra will be blocked.

o Anahatha chakra is the mediator between Upper 3 chakras and lower 3


o If Anahatha blocks then that affects Mooladhara and which in turn affects
all other chakras.

Mind Related to Spine

If spine is not alligned, say it is bent forward. Mind goes to Tamasic guna. If it bent
backward, mind goes to Rajasic guna. When spine is straight then mind goes to
Satvik guna.

Life style Yoga : Subramani


Life Style Yoga : Subramani

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