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Student Name: Isabella Henkel

Date: June 9th 2019

Artifact Description: Graffiti Painting - Using a paint program to edit an image.

What you learned: As an artist, this was probably the one assignment I knew I was excited
for. I definitely haven’t thought about ways that drawing and editing images can be
beneficial in a classroom setting, but now that I’ve been able to do this assignment myself,
I learned that this fun and creative assignment is an excellent way to get a student to sit
down and think creatively about ways to mess up their professor’s face and add a story on
top of it. It’s a really smart assignment idea that I want to implement in a future classroom
of my own.

National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS)-S Addressed:

Standard#6 Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety
of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to
their goals.

Standard #6b Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital
resources into new creations.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: This is a really smart assignment that can
not only help students grasp how to edit images, think creatively, play with colors, and
work on their writing skills. It’s a nice thought-provoking activity that sparks the
imagination and helps students think outside the box. This is a perfect assignment for
visual learners and for really any student as the best way to learn is through having fun
and enjoying an activity. If I could do this assignment myself, I may have students edit an
animal into another type of animal, or turn an old historical figure into a monster or
modern version of themselves.

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