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Power is the most vital necessity for industrial and economical growth of any nation.
Electricity can bring sea changes in quality of life of its society members. NTPC in its
endeavour for becoming most significant entity once again after 30 years of untiring and
relentless efforts, reaffirm its commitment towards making India a self-reliant nation in
the field of power generation. Having proven excellence in Operation & Maintenance of
200 and 500MW units; for the first time we are going ahead with the commissioning of
660MW units at our Sipat Project. This is a major step towards technological
advancement in power generation.

In the present time, efficient and economical power generation is the only answer to
realise our ambitious plan. It is the need of the hour that available human resources who
are the at the whelm of the affairs managing the large thermal power plants having
sophisticated technology and complex controls, is to be properly channelised and trained.
NTPC management firmly believes that skill and expertise up-gradation is a continuous
process. Therefore, training gets utmost priority in our company.

Power Plant Simulators are the most effective tools ever created. This has computer based
response, creation incorporating mathematical models to provide real time environment,
improves retentivity and confidence level to an optimum level in a risk-free, cost and time
effective way.To supplement the hands-on training on panel and make the training more
effective an operation manual in two volumes has been brought out.

The operation manual on 500MW plant provide the information comprehensively covering
all the aspects of Power Plant Operation which can be useful for fresh as well as
experienced engineers. It provides a direct appreciation of basics of thermal power plant
operation and enables them to take on such responsibility far more sincerely and

I am pleased to dedicate these manuals (volume- I & II), prepared by CSTI members which
is a pioneer institute covering more than 7000 participants till date, to the fraternity of
engineers engaged in their services to power plant. The volume-I deals with the Plant &
system description and II covers the operating instruction in a lucid way. I sincerely hope
that readers will find these manuals very useful and the best learning aid to them.

I believe that in spite of all sincere efforts and care of faculty members & staff, some
area of improvement might have remained unnoticed. Hence, your valuable
suggestions and comments will always be well received and acted upon.





1. 7-17


3. 121-174


4. 175-188







10. 335-393




The 500MW-training simulator is a complete full scope replica of the 500MW coal-fired
unit-6 of Singrauli plant of NTPC, which creates the real time effects of the plant
operating conditions on the Unit Control Panel equipments. The actual plant, the
equipments, the control systems - all are replaced by their mathematical models and
made to run through a real -time execution process of a computer to represent the
exact plant dynamics through its process parameters on the Unit Control Panel.


THE HARDWARE: - The simulator system is having the hardware organisation as per


UPS System: - It is a 55KVA UPS with 100 % stand by capacity, consisting of
Rectifiers, Inverters, Batteries, Stabilizer, Static By-pass Switch, AC distribution
panels, etc. It provides regulated power supply to the complete Simulator equipments.
The UPS is Supplied by M/S AEG , West Germany.

Computer system and peripherals: - The computer systems supplied are 32 bit
digital computers of Encore, USA. The supplied model 32 / 67 is ideally suited for the
real time simulation applications. The system mainly comprises of

• Two computers for simulation of plant equipments (SIMULATION COMPUTER)

• One computer for simulation of DAS tasks (DAS COMPUTER)

• Shared memory systems (for coupling DAS and SIMULATION COMPUTERS)

• Various peripherals such as magnetic tape drives, disc drives, floppy drives,
‘system consoles, hard copy printers, line printers, Graphics systems (colour
monitors /controllers) video colour printer etc.

• Set of cables for interconnecting the system and peripherals.

• The computer system is based on a high speed synchronous bus (called as

SELBUS) , on which the CPU and / or IPU are residing . It supports upto 16
MB main memmory, Input Output Processor (IOP) and peripheral controllers. It
offers 18 Selbus slots and four MPbus slots and peripheral space. This system
accommodates 800 / 1600 / 3200 bpi streaming Mag tape units and over two
Gigabytes of disk storage.

Control Panel: - a Simulator control panel with mounted instruments is replica of

Unit -6 of Singrauli Power Plant and is the main hardware of this Simulator. It
comprises of UCB section 1 to 3 and CSSAEP panels. Instruments mounted on these
panels represent the operation of the real plant processes which are simulated by the
computer systems and the computed information is transmitted to these instruments
via Input / Output system.

In addition to various monitoring and recording equipments, the panels are also
equipped with control switches, indicating lamps, annunciation system and DAS

Interface (Input / Output) System: - The I/O sub-system forms the interface
between the simulation computers and the UCB panels. The main function of the I/O
sub system is to update the UCB output points with the current simulated value and
to report the state of the UCB inputs to the simulation computer. I/O sub-system
consists of four SIMTROLs catering the all sections of the UCB, associated Control
Room Equipment (CRE) power supply and special device interface modules.

Instructor Station: - Instructor station hardware comprises mainly of Instructor

station console and peripherals such as two monitors with keyboards, one video hard
copy printer, one remote control unit and one special function keyboard with back
lighted push buttons for activation of desired function.

With the help of remote control unit, certain functions can be initiated/stopped during
training session without the notice of the trainee and training session transients can
be hard copied on video printer for further analysis.

Data Acquisition System (DAS): - DAS comprises of three color CRTs mounted on
UCB-2 panel having assigned as Utility, Alarm and Operation CRT. One additional
CRT is also provided on Operator‘s desk. For documentation purposes Hard Copy

printers are provided for Alarm and Utility CRT and a Logging line printer for massive
and fast documentation. Hard copy of the information from any of the DAS CRTs can
also be obtained on video printer through selector switches.

THE SOFTWARE: - The Simulator system is having the following software

organisation as per Fig.2


Computer operating System MPX-32: - The computers work on a Mapped Program

Executive (MPX-32) disk-oriented, multiprogramming Operating system, that supports
concurrent execution of multiple tasks in an interactive, batch and real time
environment. MPX provides memory management, terminal support, muliple batch
streams and intertask communication. It supports 16 MB physical memory address
space. An intergrated CPU scheduler and a swap scheduler provide efficient use of
main memory by balancing the task based on time distribution factors, software
priorities and task state queues.

Simulator Control & Executive System Software UNISYSTEM: - UNISYSTEM is a

Software tool for use in the developement of large-scale real time application
programs. It provides:

• A data base to record and describe the variables, arrays and subroutine used
in a program.

• A Modified FLECS compiler that is linked to the database to verify the

legitimacy of variable, arrey and subroutine names encountered in the code
being compiled.

• A data base manager program to handle the declaration of new variable, arrey,
and subroutine name. It also creats COMMON and EQUIVALENCE statements
needed to use the variable, arrey and subroutine names in programs.

• A real time program scheduler to execute users programs on a real time basis.

• A plotting program to display results obtained from execution of user’s


Application Software for Plant system Simulator: - The total power plant system is
broadly divided into the following subsystems for math modeling purpose:

1. Boiler and Flue gas subsystem.

2. Boiler Water and Steam subsystem.

3. Fuel subsystem.

4. Condensate subsystem.

5. Feed Water subsystem.

6. Turbine subsystem.

7. Electrical subsystem.

Each of this subsystem is subdivided into Process interlock and control models based
on nature of the model function. These mathematical models are developed based on
physical laws of conservation of mass, energy and momentum.

The above mathematical models, converted in to the form of simulation software

models, are then integrated in a sequential manner to represent the power plant
dynamics in totality during all plant operating conditions including pre start-ups
checks, preheating, start-up (cold, warm and hot), shut down, power maneuvering,
normal operation and specified emergencies.

The extent of plant simulation is thorough enough to support the plant operators (the
trainees here) to fully participate in plant status evaluation, actual plant operation and
control of unusual transients.

Application Software for Data Acquisition System (DAS): - Plant computer

functions provided by actual plant computers have been duplicated in the simulator.
These are

• Alarm monitoring of analog and digital input signals and indication of abnormal
plant operating conditions.

• Analog trend recording of operator selected analog inputs.

• Logs such as hourly log, turbine run-up log etc.

• CRT displays for analog, digital plant signals and group point displays, alarm
displays, etc.

• Performance calculations.

Simulator Instruction Station Software: - Instructor station software is provided

with facility for monitoring, controlling simulator conditions and monitoring operator
(trainee) actions. It has provision to select all initial conditions and malfunctions and
the ability to manipulate external parameters.

Interface (Input/Output) System Software: - The I/O system application software

consists of tasks running on Simulation Computers and on SIMTROLs. The tasks
running on Simulation Computers perform: -

1. Input-Output Transmitting.

2. Misaligned switch checking.

3. Daily Operational Readiness Test.

The tasks running on SIMTROLs perform:

1. SEL Interface.

2. Input Transmitting.

3. Analog Output Updating

4. Digital Output Updating

5. Table Management

6. Watch Dog

7. Digital Input Scanning

8. Analog Input Scanning

9. Analog/Digital Output Driving, etc,.


The following features of the simulator facilitate a very effective training to the power
plant operators: -

Initialisation: - The simulator can be initialised to any one of 60 plant conditions

from where the training session can start. The instructor can choose the status /
conditions of the running simulator (i.e., the plant) and save them as ICs (Initial
Conditions) through a special utility software at Instructor Station . A maximum
number of 60 such selected plant conditions can be kept stored. Later on , any one of
these stored conditions can be retrieved as an Initial Condition and the training
session can be started from that plant status . Thus the Initialisation facility provides
the flexibility in training by starting the session from any one of the 60 stored plant
conditions as per the requirement / level of the trainees and saves time by eliminating
the repeated exercise to bring the plant to the required condition again to start with.

Freeze/Run: - The FREEZE feature helps the instructor to “freeze” the plant
simulation and thus to bring the plant dynamics to a standstill condition.The plant
operation can be subsequently resumed from the last frozen status by using “RUN”
command by the instructor. When the FREEZE command is issued from the
Instructor Station, the simulation software under execution is stopped and the
updation of the simulation variables are suspended thereby creating an effect of
freezing of the dynamic plant condition. This facilitates the instructor detailed
explanation on that particular stage of operation without allowing it to go unobserved
by the trainees on the panel.

Backtrack: - This facility enables the plant simulation status to traverse back all
events of operation for the past 60 minutes. The simulation data is continuously saved
for a period of 60 minutes at the interval of one minute each as 60 disc file records.
Thus at any point of time, 60 data sets are available representing the plant status for
the preceding sixty minutes. The instructor can bring the simulator to any of these
last sixty plant conditions by BACKTRACKing to the desired problem time or by
BACKTRACKing step-by-step from the present 1st record. Which is the current one
saved. If required, simulation session can continue from this backtracked record
status to facilitate repeated panel operation or to offer detail explanation to the

Snapshot: - This feature enables the instructor to “SNAP” the plant status as a
complete record of all the simulation variables that represent the plant dynamics at
the time of snapping. These SNAPSHOT records, as disk files, can be saved with
identifying title, date & time and can be retreived any time in future as Initial
Conditions to commence the training session from that snapped plant condition. A
total number of 60 SNAPSHOTs can be saved and stored as Initial Conditions
providing wide range of flexibility in training.

Slow Time Mode: - This features enables the Instructor to slow down the dynamic
simulation to ten times slower than the real time. Thus in a SLOW MODE Simulation,
a trainee can observe the fast transients or certain critical operations more precisely in

order to analyse the dynamic behaviour and study the sequence of events thereby
enhancing their knowledge and experience.

Fast Time Mode: - In this mode of simulation, certain time consuming plant
operations like turbine soaking, boiler heating, raising of condeser vacuum, furnace
purging, etc. are made to run ten times faster than the real time. Thus the instructor
can save the valuable panel time by attenuating the time taken in accomplishing
lengthy plant operation stages and offer the saved time to the trainees for better
utilisation on the panel.

Malfunction: - This is the most valuable feature of the Simulator, which offers the
trainees a unique scope for experiencing a large number of malfunctions that occur in
a power plant. The instructor can introduce malfunctions in single number or in
groups (the selection being dependent on the status of the plant) to simulate the real
emergencies as faced by the operators on panel. The trainees are thus given
opportunities to tackle those malfunctions by taking suitable corrective operation
steps, which are, otherwise, rare events in an actual plant. A total number of 270
malfunctions are available characterised into two types:

1. The Event type malfunctions: These can set the equipment/component failure
at an optional pre-selected time.

2. The Severity type malfunctions: These can be started at an optional pre-selected

time with the degree of severity (0-100%) and the gradient (time to reach that
severity effects) choosen by the instructor.

The malfunctions available can be selected, activated and reset (cleared) by the
instructor without any intimation to the trainees on the panel, which supports a
realistic operational environment.

Record & Replay: - The RECORD feature enables the instructor to record the training
session under progress for a period of two (2) hours. All the changed inputs from the
panel and the IS are recorded alongwith time on specified disk files. Maximum 4 nos of
records, each of two hours duration, can be stored. The storage can be initiated at any
instant of time.

The REPLAY feature enables to replay the panel status as recorded earlier. Thus the
trainees can observe their previous performance on panel alongwith the instructor’s
explanation and analysis. Any of the four-recorded sessions can be selected for replay.

Both RECORD & REPLAY functions can be paused and stopped in between.

Remote Function: - This function facilitates the instructor to perform any remote
(field/local) operations, which are not carried out from main control room. The manual
operations of local equipments (e.g. F.O. pumps, valves, isolators, station supply
breakers, etc) are simulated from the instructor station for providing necessary
permissives and also for controlling process parameters.

Crywolf Alarm: - This feature enables the instructor to create false alarms by flashing
windows and by making audible cry wolf alarms even though such conditions do not

exist in the plant under operation. With this facility trainees’ immediate
response/reflexes can be tested. At a time, upto 16 numbers of alarms can be set and
reset selectively by the instructor.

Override Panel Device: - Any device on the control panel can be OVERRIDEN with a
given value (for analog variables) or with a given status (for digital variables) by the
instructor at an optional preselected activation time. The value/status of the
overridden device remains constant until it is reset to normal operation or overriden
with a new value/status. A total number of 32 devices can be selected for overide at a
time. The instructor can thus create maloperation of the instruments on the panel to
test the trainees undergoing session.

External Parameters Manipulation: - This feature enables the instructor to change

the values of certain parameters that are not simulated in the software but affect the
plant performance. External parameters (inputs) like the grid voltage, grid frequency,
calorific value of fuels, etc can be assigned new values. The change will be achieved
gradually within one minute. These inputs change the plant dynamics and
performance. Thus it offers the trainees scope of plant operation under different
conditions on a single platform.

Analog Output Reallocation: - Any analog output of the plant simulation can be
reallocated to any other meter/recorder on the panel. This permits the instructor to
continue the training in the event of some instrument failure on which some
important parameters are displayed/recorded.

Parameters Monitoring: - Trends of important plant parameters (simulated variables

in engineering units) can be monitored on the instructor’s dedicated console to check
the trainee’s performance on control panel for the duration selected. The instructor
can also change the higher and lower limits of the parameters selected during trend
display for better resolution in monitoring. A total number of 80 parameters can be
selected, deleted, and stopped for monitoring by the instructor to match his
requirements. Limits of the selected parameter can be modified for better analysis.

Trainee Test: - This feature is the unique facility in simulator training by which
proficiency of operation personnel can be evaluated by the computer. The instructor
can assign the trainee a task on the panel and monitor his/her capacity to control
important parameters of the plant with a final assessment printout result if opted for.
At a time, maximum four nos. of tests can be conducted in parallel depending upon
the plant conditions and the tests selected. Each test has the following facilities to be

• Identification of the test by Instructor’s name, Trainee’s name & Exercise


• Monitoring or Evaluation type,

• Duration of the test (Run time),

• Displaying the test parameters with updation by every one second,

• Trending of test parameters,

• Deleting test parameters already selected,

• Changing of Hi & Lo limits of the test parameters to monitor within a narrow


• Displaying of the test results on the Video Monitor.

• Printing of the test results to get a hard copy.

• Thus the trainees can get a feedback on themselves after completing the test




With increase in demand of power in India, new power projects are being constructed
with higher capacity and advanced technology for the better economy and reliability of

Compared to other lower capacity Boilers supplied by BHEL, these 500 MW capacity
boiler have incorporated certain special technical features which are detailed here
under: -


This is achieved by three numbers of glandless pump and wet motor installed in the
downcomer line after the suction manifold. These pump motor assemblies have single
suction and double discharge introduction of these pumps in the boiler system have
led to the designing of a furnace with lesser diameter tubes and high parameters
operating characteristics.

The advantages of the controlled circulation boiler over natural circulation boiler are
given below: -

• Uniform drum cooling and heating. In controlled circulation boilers this is

possible because of arrangement of relief tubes inlets to the drum and the
internal baffles of the drum from both sides. The internal base plates are
arranged in such a way that it guides the steam water mixture from the relief
tubes along the whole circumference of the drum. The drum is therefore
uniformly heated and cooled.

Whereas in Natural Circulation Boiler, the arrangement of relief tubes and baffle
plates is only on one side of the drum and this imposes a constraint on uniform
heating of drum. Similar arrangement of relief as in controlled circulation boiler does
not exist in natural circulation (NC) boiler because in that case the relief required to be
taken over the drum and fed from both sides. This shall increase the pressure losses
in the riser tubes and also the hot static head requirement for start up. Since the
available head in NC Boiler is very less; efforts are always made to reduce the pressure
loss and improve the circulation. Second reason is to commence flow in the riser
tubes immediately after light up hot static head is kept as minimum as possible.

• Rapid heating & cooling (start up & shut down): As mentioned in Para 1, the
controlled circulation boiler does not impose any thermal constraints on the
drum and hence rapid cooling and heating of the boiler is possible. In NC
boiler, rise in saturation temperatures is limited to maximum of 110OC/hr.
Hence, the controlled circulation boiler can be started at a rate two to three
times faster than NC boilers.

• Better cleaning of boiler:
For effective acid washing, the acid has to be kept at certain temperature
uniformly through the system. This is possible with the assistance of controlled

• Uniform expansion of pressure part and lower metal temperature:

This means lesser thermal stresses on the tubes. Because of controlled

circulation, lower diameter tubes are used, which result in high mass flow rate
thereby preventing departure from nucleate boiling (DNB) maintains a lower
metal temperature.


This is one of the extraordinary features of 500 MW capacity boilers. Because of the
excessive heat release in the burner zone of the furnace, the metal tubes constituting
the furnace at that zone are exposed to the maximum temperature. This being a
water-cooled furnace, the steam water mixture inside the tubes should effectively
carry the heat from the burner zone of the furnace.

In this zone, the tubes have an internally cut spiral like a rifle bore so that when water
flows through the tubes, due to hot static heat, it takes a screwed path and attains a
certain degree of spin by which the watness of the tube is always maintained. This
prevents the tubes form departure from Nucleate boiling under all operating condition
of the boiler and increases the circulation ratio.


Industrial growth in the recent years has necessitated the need to have a cleaner and
pollution free atmosphere, by controlling the production of industrial wastes with the
application of improved technology. Power plants are the major sources of the
industrial pollution by virture of the stanch emission in the atmosphere. These
emissions contain mostly gases and dust particles, which have ill effect on the
ecological system. In the 500 MW capacity boiler design, this aspect has been given
due importance and certain technical improvements have been incorporated. These
are tilting tangential firing and over fire air system. Tangential firing helps in keeping
the temperature of the furnace low so that NOX emission is reduced considerably.

In addition to the above the over fire air is provided which is used as combustion
process adjustment technically for keeping the furnace temperature low and thereby
low Nox formation.

Each corner of the burner windbox is provided with two numbers of separate over fire
air compartments, kept one above the other and the over fire air is admitted
tangentially into the furnace.

The over fire air nozzles has got tilting arrangement and compartment flow control
dampers for working in unison with the tilting tangential type burner system for
effective control of Nox formation.


As compared to trisector air pre-heater in 200 MW units, 500 MW units have been
incorporated with bisector air pre-heaters. This has been done for optimum utilisation
of space and also improved system layout. This has resulted in the flexibility and
efficient operation and maintenance of the air pre-heaters and the boiler as a whole.


The primary air system delivers air to the mills for coal drying and transportation of
coal powder to furnace. The 500 MW units have two stage axial flow primary fans as
compared to radial fans in 200 MW units. By introducing axial flow fans, the system
efficiency has gone up as the axial flow fans consistently high efficiency at all
operating loads.


In the 500 MW units at SSTPS, Raymond’s Pressurised bowl mills have been installed.
These are similar to the 200 MW mills except that 500 MW mills have vane wheel
surrounding the bowl and external lubrication unit. Introduction of vane wheel has
led to uniform distribution of primary air within the mill and less rejects. These mills
are also supplied with weld overlay technology, which has increased the minimum
wear life of grinding parts to 6000 hrs.


Unlike 200 MW units, the 500 MW units have been supplied with radial type I.D. fans.
These fans have a lower speed and are less susceptible to wear and tear due to the
abrasive flue gases. The control of the I.D. fans is achieved through a variable speed
hydraulic coupling and motorised inlet damper. By introducing variable speed control
through a hydraulic coupling the losses in the fan at various load has been minimised
and efficiency of the fan has remained high at all operating conditions.


Electro static precipitators are installed in the 500 MW units for minimising the
particulate emission from the stack flue gases. There are four ESP passes for one unit
of 500 MW and each is independently operated. The emitting electrodes are changed
at high-ve voltage DC and the gas while crossing this charged path gets jonised. The
ionised ash particles of the gas are attracted towards the collecting electrode, which is
maintained at high +ve voltage. The ash collects at the collecting electrode and is
periodically tapped to dislodge the accumulated ash. The ash falls into the hopper,
which is evacuated by the ash handling system and taken out as slurry.



Manufacturer : M/s BHEL (C.E. Design)

Type : Balanced Draft, Dry bottom,
Single drum, Controlled
Circulation plus.
Type of Firing : Tilting Tangential
Minimum load at which the steam generator : 2 Mills at 50%
can be operated continously with complete
Minimum load at which the steam generator can be : 20%
operated continuosly with complete flame.
Stability with oil support (% MCR)
Maximum load for which individual mill : 50%
beyond which no oil support is required
Wall : Water Steam cooled
Bottom : Dry
Tube arrangement : Membrane
Explosion/Implosion withstand capacity : + 660
(MWG) at 67% yields point.
Residence time for fuel particles in the : 3 second
Effective volume used to calculate the : 14770

residence time (M3)

Height from furnace bottom ash hopper to : 63.65
furnace roof (M)
Depth (M) : 15.289
Width (M) : 18.049

Furnace projected area (M2) : 7610

Furnace volume (M3) : 14770

Number : 283
OD (MM) : 51.00
Design thickness (MM) : 5.19
Pitch (MM) : 63.5
Actual thickness used (MM) : 5.6
Material : SA 210C

Total projected surface (M2) : 1160

Method of joining long tube : Butt weld

Total wt. of tubes (kgs) : 181000

Design pr. of tubes Kg/cm2 (ABS) : 207.3

Max. pressure of tubes Kg/cm2 (ABS) : 197.3

Design metal temp OC : 416

SIDEWALLS, REAR WALLS Side walls Rear walls Roof

Number 444 283 142
OD (MM) 51 51 57
Design thickness (MM) 5.19 5.19 5.54
Pitch (MM) 63.5 63.5 127
Actual thickness used 5.6 5.6 5.7
Total projected surface area 1430 930 220

of tubes (M2)
Method of joining long tubes. BUTT WELD BUTT WELD BUTT WELD
Total wt. of tubes (Kgs) 277000 186000 45000

Design Pr. of tubes Kgs/cm2 207.3 207.3 204.9


Max pr. of tubes Kgs/cm2 193.3 197.3 192.3


Design metal Temp o C 417 417 416

WATER WALL HEADERS Lower drum WW outlet
No. of headers 1 5
Outside Dia (Dia (MM) 914 273
Design thickness (MM) 86 38.5
Actual thickness (MM) 89 45
Total wt. of headers (Kgs.) 166000 37300

Design pressure of headers kg/cm2 (ABS) 207.3 204.9

HEADERS Lower drum WW outlet

Max working pressure of headers Kg/cm2 197.3 192.4

Material specification SA-299 SA-106 Gr-B
Material specification : SA-299

Design pressure Kg/cm2 (ABS) : 204.9

Design metal temp OC : 366

Max operating pressure Kg/cm2 (ABS) : 192.4

Actual thickness used for dished ends : 152.4

Overall length of Drum (MM) : 22070
OD of Drum (MM) : 2130
Internal dia (MM) : 1778
Corrosion allowance (MM) : 0.75
Number of distribution headers : 6
No. of Cyclone separator : 96
No. Of Secondary driers : 96
Shroud material : Carbon Steel
Max permissible temp differential between any : 50

two parts of the drum (oC).

Water capacity at MCR conditions (in seconds) between : 10
normal and lowest water level permitted
(up to LL trip)
Drum wt. with internals (tonnes) : 237.00
Drum wt. without internals (tonnes) : 215.00


Number of pumps : (2 + 1)
Type : Single suction double
Design Pressure : 207.55 Kg/cm2

(2965 lbf/in2)
Design temp : 366.2oC(691oF)


Sunction Pressure : 193.27 Kg/cm2 (2761

Suction temp. : 348.9oC(660oF)

Specific gravity at pump Suction : 0.5993

at pumping temp.
Qty. pumped : 47994.2 lit/min (12679 u.s
Differerential HEAD : 28.65 M (94.00 ft)
Differential Pressure : 1.708 Kg/cm2 (24.4

1bf/ in2)
Minimumm NPSH required above : 16.15 M (53 ft)
Vapour Pressure
Pump efficiency : 84% Hot duty
BHP absorbed : 215 Hot duty-358 Cold

Type: : Wet Stator -Squirrel Cage
induction motor
Output : 400 H.P.
Service factor : 1.0
Winding : XLP
Motor case design temp. : 343.34OC (650OF)


Motor efficiency : 86% 88.6%
K.W. Input : 187 302
Power factor : 0.7 0.805
Overall efficiency : 72.2% 74.3%
Full load speed : 1450 rpm
Line current @ 6.6 KV : 23.3 amps 32.8 amps
Full load current : 36 amps
Motor starting current : 190 amps
Heat exchanger Hot duty
H.P. Inlet temp (max) : 55oC (130oF)
Allowable pr. drop : 0.7 kg/cm2 (10 1bf/in2)
Heat transfer - hot duty : 28980 kcal/hr. (115000 B.T.U./hr)
Heat transfer - cold duty : 30240 kcal/hr. (120000 B.T.U./hr)
H.P. cooling water flow : 200.62 lit/min (534.5 gal/min)
Weight (Approximate)
Pump case : 3541.2 kgs (7800 1bs)
Motor complete : 9534 kgs (21000 1bs)
Total weight : 13075.2 kgs (28800 1bs)


Each Boiler Water Circulation pump consists of a single stage centrifugal pump on a
wet stator induction motor mounted within a common pressure vessel. The vessel
consists of three main parts a pump casing, motor housing and motor covers.

The motor is suspended beneath pump casing and is filled with boiler water at full
system pressure. No seal exists between the pump and motor, but provision is made
to thermally isolate the pump from the motor in the following respect:

• Thermal Conduction. To minimise heat conduction, a simple restriction in the

form of thermal neck is provided.

• Hot Water Diffusion. To minimise diffusion of boiler water, a narrow annulus

surrounds the rotor shaft, between the hot and cold regions. A baffle ring
restricts solids entering the annulus.

• Motor Cooling. The motor cavity is maintained at a low temperature by a heat

exchanger and a closed loop water circulation system, thus extracting the heat
conducted form the pump.

• In addition, this water circulates through the stator and rotor bearings
extracting the heat generated in the windings and also provide bearing
lubrication. An internal filter is incorporated in the circulation system.

• In emergency conditions, if low-pressure coolant to the heat exchanger fails, or

is inadequate to cope with heat flow from pump case, a cold purge can be
applied to the bottom of the motor to limit the temperature rise.

The pump comprises a single suction and dual discharge branch casing. The case is
welded into the boiler system pipework at the suction and discharge branches with the
suction upper most. Within the pump cavity rotates a key driven, fully shrouded,
mixed flow type impeller, mounted on the end of the extended motor shaft. Renewable
wear rings are fitted to both the impeller and pump case. The impeller wear ring is the
harder component to prevent galling.


The motor is a squirrel cage, wet stator, induction motor, the stator, wound with a
special watertight insulated cable. The phase joints and lead connections are also
moulded in an insulated material. The motor is joined to the pump casing by a
pressure tight flange joint and a motor cover completes the pressure tight shell.


The motor shell contains all the moving parts, except for the impeller. Below the
impeller is situated an integral heat baffle which reduces the heat flow, a combination
of convection and conduction, down the unit. A baffle wear ring-cum sleeve above the
baffle forms a labyrinth with the underside of the impeller to limit sediment
penetration into the motor. Should foreign matter manage to pass the labyrinth device
into the motor enclosure, a filter located at the base of the cover end bearing housing
strains it out.


The motor is provided with its own auxiliary cooling circuit, which besides cooling the
motor lubricates the bearings.

The water is continuously circulated through the bearings, motor windings and the
external heat exchanger, (cooler), by an auxiliary impeller (thrust disc) at the thrust
bearing end of the motor shaft. When the motor is stationary, thermo-syphonic
circulation takes place to remove conducted heat from the pump end of the motor.


The motor rotor shaft is supported by water lubricated tilting pad type radial and
thrust bearings mounted on the stator shell, thus making the motor internals into a
separated construction independent of the motor pressure vessel.


A stainless steel woven wire strainer, fitted at the base of the reverse thrust plate,
filters the liquid in the motor before it is circulated through the bearings after passing
through the heat exchanger (cooler).

The filter should be cleaned at normal maintenance periods, removing any

accumulation of foreign matter in the motor cover.


A heat exchanger (cooler) is fitted to dissipate the heat generated by the motor

Brackets are provided on the motor case to mount the heat exchanger.High-pressure
outlet and inlet-raised facings are situated bottom and top of the motor case
respectively for connection to high-pressure heat exchanger/motor case stub pipes.
Inter - connecting pipework is short and direct with the heat exchanger mounted as
high as possible to promote good thermo-syphonic circulation when the unit is on hot


The purge and fill piping is used in association with boiler water circulation pump
submerged motors. Depending on valve positions it can be used for filling or emptying
the motor cavity of water, or for emergency purging of the cavity to prevent the ingress
of hot boiler water should a leak occur in the cooling water system, or a gasket failure
between pump and motor occur. Allowing high temperature boiler water to enter the
cavity will damage the plastic insulation on the motor windings.

During normal operation water is taken from the S.H. & R.H. spray water system then
fed via a strainer and cooler before splitting three ways to service each circulation
pump. If the pumps are to be filled when the S.H. spray water is out of service, a
temporary connection can be made to take low pressure water from the reserve feed
water tank.

The valves, which service each circulation pump, can be opened and closed to make
the system operate in out modes.

• Circulation pump filling. Water will flow through the filter then have its
pressure and flow reduced through an orifice plate at the pump inlet. Drain
lines down stream of the filter and the orifice will be closed.

• Circulation pumps emptying. The isolating valve upstream of the drain orifice
will be closed and water from the motor cavity will drain through open valves in
the drain line downstream of the orifice.

• Piping blowdown. The isolating valve downstream of the filter will be closed and
drain line at the filter outlet open. Water will flow into the open drain.

• Circulation pumps purging. Water will flow as described in the filling mode but
the orifice bypass line will be opened to augment the flow.


Connections at both ends to the chemical clean pipework, and at three points along its
length to feed individual circulation pump suctions. Water will flow from the pumps
through two discharge pipes into the front leg of the water wall inlet headers at the
bottom of the furnace. Each discharge pipe is fitted with circulating pump discharge
stop/check valves, which are controlled via sequence equipment to open and close as
the pump is taken in and out of service. If, however all three pumps are out of service,
all of the valves will open to enable thermosyphonic circulation to take place. Initiating
any pump to restart will cause them all to close again then continue with the in and
out of service regime. Controls for the pumps are located in the Contol room and
comprise a SEQUENCE pushbutton, ammeter and a DUTY/STANDBY selector. Pump
status is indicated on RUN/STOP lamps on the Firemen' s Aisle Panel. The operating
regime for the boiler water circulation pumps is two-duty/one stanby.

From the Waterwall inlet headers, water travels upwards through furnace wall tubing
via furnace upper front rear and side headers into riser tubes, which direct a
saturated steam/water mixture in to the steam drum. Furnace wall tubing is
manufactured from a combination of both smooth and rifled bore tubing which
permits the use of lower tube flow rates whilst still retaining full tube protection. The
required distribution of water to give the correct flow rates through the various
furnace wall circuits is achieved and maintained by the use of suitably sized orifices
installed inside the water wall inlet headers at the inlet to each furnace wall tube.
Orifice size varies for different circuits or groups of circuits depending on the circuit
legth, arrangement and heat absorption. Perforated panel strainers are also located
inside the water wall inlet headers to prevent the orifices blicking and to ensure an
even distribution of water around the other inlet headers.

The saturated steam/water mixture enters the steam drum on both sides behind a
watertight inner plate baffle which directs the mixture around the inside surface of the
durm to provide uniform heating of the drum shell. This eliminates thermal stresses
from temperature differences through the thick wall of the drum, between the
submerged and unsubmerged protions. Having travelled around this baffle the
mixture enters two rows of steam enter the outer edge of the separator where it is
separated from the steam. Nearly dried steam leaves the separators and passes
through four rows of corrugated plate baskets where by low velocity surface contact
the remaining moisture is removed.


Type Convection Radiant Radiant
Platen (Drainable/Non- --- Non- drainable Non-
drainable) drainable
Pendant Drainable --- ---
Horizontal Headers Drainable Drainable Drainable
Effective heating surface 12500 1660 1730

area (M2)

Gas flow path area (M2) 147 --- 286

Max steam side 408 509 575

Metal temp (oC)

Max gas side metal temp 450 570 690

Type of flow (counter or Counter Parallel Parallel
Mat of tube support SS SS SS
OD (MM) 51.00 44.5 54.00
Total Number of tubes 708 444 408
Parallel to gas flow 101.6 54.00 63.5
Across gas flow 152.5 254.00 762
Method of joining long <------------- Butt weld ------------------>
Total wt. of tubes (T) <------------ 1177 --------------------------->

Total heating surface (M2) 275 (proj.) 6200

Max operating pressure 47.68 47.00


Design pressure Kg/cm2 53.73 53.73


Max gas side metal temp oC 430 620

OD (MM) 63 63.5
Mean effecting length (perone 17,500 27,000
tube) MM (App)
Gross length (per one tube) MM 18300 38000

Total number of tubes 248 644
Total Wt. (Kgs.) 423300
Method of Joining long tube <----- Butt weld --------->
Max. Operating pressure 192.3 47.68

Kg/cm2 (ABS)

Design pressure (Kg/cm2) 204.9 53.73

Location (outside/inside gas Out side Out side
Total Wt. (Kgs.) 2111300 67000


The arrangement, tube size and spacing of the Superheater and Reheater elements are
shown on the attached “Schematic Flow Arrangement Diagram of Superheater and


The Superheater is composed of three basic stages of section; a Finishing Pendant

Platen section, a Division Panel Section and a Low Temperature Section including
LTSH, the Backpass Wall and Roof Sections.

The finishing Section is located in the horizontal gas path above the furnace rear arch
tubes and consists of assemblies spaced on 76.2 centres across the furnace width.

The Division Panel Section is located in the furnace between the front wall and
Pendant Platen Section. It consists of six front and six rear panel assemblies.

The Low Temperature Sections and are located in the furnace rear Backpass above the
Economiser Section. They are composed of assemblies spaced on centres across the
furnace width.

The Backpass wall and Roof Section forms the side front and rear walls and roof of the
vertical gas pass.


The reheater is composed of 3 stages or sections, the Finishing Section the Front
Platen Section and the Radiant Wall Section

The Finishing Section is located above the furnace arch between the furnace screen
tubes and the Superheater Finish. It consists of assemblies.

The Reheater Front and side Radiant Wall is composed of tangent tubes on centers
across the furnace width.


The course taken by steam from the steam drum to the superheater finishing outlet
header can be followed on the attached illustrations, the “Schematic Flow &
Arrangement of Superheater & Reheater”. The elements, which make up the flow path
are essentially numbered consecutively. Where parallel paths exist, first one and then
the other circuit are numbered. The main steam flow is:

Steam drum - SH connecting tube - (1) -Radiant roof inlet header (2) - First pass roof
front (3)- Rear (4) - Radiant tube outlet header (5) - SH SCW inlet header side (6)
Backpasss side wall tubes (7) & (8) - Backpass bottom headers (9), (10) & (11) -
Backpass Front, and rear (12) (21) - Backpass screen (13) Backpass roof (14)-
Backpass SH & Eco. supports (15) SH & Eco. support headers (16) - LTSH support
tubes (17) - SH Rear Roof tubes (18) - SHSC Rear wall tubes (19)- LTSH inlet header
(22) - LTSH banks (23) (24) - LTSH outlet headers (25) - SH DESH link (26) - SH DESH
(27) - Division panel (30) - Division Panel outlet header (31) - SH Pendent assembly
(34) - SH outlet header (35).

After passing through the high-pressure stages of the turbine, steam is returned to the
reheater via the cold reheat lines. The reheater desuperheaters are located in the cold
reheat lines. The reheat flow is.

Reheater radiant wall inlet header (38) (39) - radiant wall tubes (40) (41) reheater
assemblies (46) (47) - reheater outlet header (48) - Reheater load (49).

After being reheated to the design temperature, the reheated steam is returned to the
intermediate pressure section of the turbine via the hot reheat line.


As long as there is a fire in the furnace, adequate protection must be provided for the
Superheater and Reheater elements. This is especially important during periods when
there is no demand for steam, such as when starting up and when shutting down.
During these periods of no steam flow through the turbine, adequate flow through the
superhteater is assured by means of drains and vents in the headers, links and main
steam piping. Reheater drains and vents provide means to boil off residual water in
the reheater elements during initial firing of the boiler.


Safety valves on the superheater main steam lines set below the low set drum safety
valve, provide another means of protection by assuring adequate flow through the
superheater if the steam demand should suddenly and unexpectedly drop Reheter
safely valves, located on the hot and cold reheat piping serve to protect the reheater if
steam flow through the reheater is suddenly interrupted.

A power control valve on the superheater main steam line set below the low set
superheater safety valve is provided as a working valve to given an initial indication of
excessive steam pressure. This valve is equipped with a shut off valve to permit
isolation for maintenance. The relieving capacity of the Power Control Valve is not
included in the total relieving capacity of the safety valves required by the Boiler Code.

During all start-ups, care must be taken not to overheat the superheater or reheater
elements. The firing rate must be controlled to keep the furnace exit gas temperature
from exceeding 5400C. A thermocouple probe normally located the upper furnace
sidewall should be used to measure the furnace exit gas temperatures.


• Gas temperature measurements will be accurate only if a shielded, aspirated

probe is used. If the probe consists of simple bare thermocouple, there will be
an error, due to radiation, rustling in a low temperature indication. At 588OC
actual gas temperature, the thermocouple reading will be approximately 10
degrees low. Unless very careful traverses are made to locate the point of
maximum temperature, it is advisable to allow another 10 degrees tolerance,
regardless what type of thermocouple probe is used.

• The 540OC gas temperature limitation is based on normal start up conditions,

when steam is admitted to the turbine at the minimum allowable pressure
prescribed by the turbine manufacturer. Should turbine rolling be delayed and
the steam pressure to permitted to build up the gas temperature limitation
should be reduced to 510OC when the steam pressure exceeds two thirds of the
design pressure before steam flow through the turbine is established.

Thermocouples are installed on various superheater and reheater terminals tubes,

above the furnace roof, serve to give a continuous indication of element metal
temperatures during start-ups (superheater) and when the unit is carrying load
(Superheater and Reheater). In addition to the permanent thermocouples, on some
units temporary thermocouples provide supplementary means of establishing
temperature characteristics during initial operation.

Steam temperature control for Superheater and Reheater outlet is provided by means
of windbox nozzle tilts and desuperheaters.


Super heater & Reheater temp Control

Type : Spray
Stage : One
Position in steam circuit : Between LT pendants
and SH panels.

Specification of material. : SA335 P12

Spray tube material : SA-213 T11

Super heater steam temp range that can be : 540 oC

maintained from 54.43% to 100% of Boiler MCR.
Max spray water flow rate and corresponding steam : 92,800 at 1566, 000
output (Kgs./hr.) Kgs./hr.

Min spray water flow rate and corresponding steam : 47,000 at 1550,000
out put Kg/hr. Reheat Emergency temp control Kg/hr.
No. of stages of attemperator : One
Position in the steam circuit : Before RH Radiant wal
Specification of the Material : SA-106 Gr-B
Spray nozzle Material : SA-213T & SS Tips
Length mm : 18,000

Design Pr. (Kg/Cm2) (abs) : 209.8

Max Working Pressure (Kg/Cm2)(abs) : 196


Desuperheaters are provided in the superheater-connecting link and the reheater inlet
leads to permit reduction of steam temperature when necessary and to maintain the
temperatures at design values within the limits of the nozzle capacity.

Temperature reduction is accomplished by spraying water into the path of the steam
through a nozzle at the entering end of the desuperheater. The spray water comes
from the boiler feedwater system. It is essential that the spray water be chemically
pure and free of suspended and dissolved solids, containing only approved volatile
organic treatment material, in order reheater and carry-over of solids to the turbine.


During start up of the unit, if desuperheating is used to match the outlet steam
temperature to the turbine metal temperatures, care must be exercised so as not to
spray down below a minimum of 100 C above the saturation temperature at the
existing operating pressure. Desuperheating spray is not particularly effective at the
low steam flows of start up. Spray water may not be completely evaporated but be
carried through the heat absorbing sections to the turbine where it can be the source
of considerable damage. During start up alternate methods of steam temperature
control should be considered.

The location of the desuperheaters helps to ensure against water carry - over to the
turbine. It also eliminates the necessity for high temperature resisting materials in
the desuperheater construction.


Two spray desuperheaters are installed in the connecting link between the
superheater low temperature pendant outlet header and the superheater division
panel inlet headers.


Two spray type desuperheaters are installed in the reheater inlet lead near the
reheater radiant wall front inlet header.


Type : Non Steaming

Water side effecting heating surface area (M2) : 7810

Gas side effecting heating Surface area (M2) : 10210

Gas flow path area (M2) : 128

Design pressure of tubes Kg/cm2 : 209.8

OD of Tubes (MM) : 51.00

Actual thickness tubes (MM) : 5.6
Length of Tubes (MM) (App) : 2,15,000
Pitch (MM) : 101.6
Total Wt. of Tubes (Kgs.) : 4,95,00


The function of the economiser is to preheat the boiler feedwater before it is

introduced into the Steam drum by recovering some of the heat of the flue gas leaving
the boiler. Refer the " Schematic Flow and Arrangement Diagram of Water & Saturated
Steam Circuits".

The economiser is located in the boiler backpass. It is composed of two banks of 156
parallel tube elemets (3) arragned in horizontal rows in such a manner that each row
is in line with the row above and below. All tube circuits originate from the inlet
header (2) and terminate at oulet headers (4) which are connected with the economiser
outlet header (7) through three rows of hanger tubes (6).

Feedwater is supplied to the economiser inlet head (1) (2) via feed stop and check
valves. The feedwater flow is upward through the economiser, that is, counterflow to
the hot flue gases. Most efficient heat transfer is, thereby, accomplished, while the
possibility of steam generation within the economiser is minimised by the upward
water flow. From the outlet header the feedwater is lead to the steam drum through
the economiser outlet links (5) (6).

The economiser recirculating lines, which connects the economiser inlet lead header
(2) with the furnace lower rear drum (14), provide a means of ensuring a water flow
through the economiser during startups. This helps prevent steaming. The valves in
these lines must be open during unit startup until continuous feed water flow is



The furnace walls are composd of 51.0D. Tubes on 63.5" centers. The space between
the tubes is fusion welded to from a complete gas tight seal. Some of the tube ends are
swaged to a smaller diameter while other tubes are bifurcated where they are welded
to the outlet headers and lower drum nipples.

The furnace arch is composed of 63.5 O.D. fusion welded tubes, 76.2 (typical) centers.

The backpass walls and roof are composed of 63.5 O.D. fin welded tubes on 154.4

The furnace extended sidewalls is composed on O.D. fin welded tubes on 127 centers.

The backpas front (furnace) roof is composed of 51.0. O.D. tubes, peg fin welded on
152.4 centers. The backpass rear roof is composed of 51.0 O.D tubes peg fin welded
on 152.4 centers.

All peg-finned tubes are normally backed with a plastic refractory and skin casing,
which is seal, welded to form a gas tight envelope.

Where tubes are spread out to permit passage of superheater elemets, hanger tubes,
observation ports, soot blowers, etc., the spaces between the tubes and openings are
closed with fin material so a completely metallic surface is exposed to the hot furnace

Poured insulation is used at each horizontal buckstay to form a continous band

around the furnace thereby preventing flue action of gases between the casing and
water walls.


Bottom designs used in these coal-fired units are of the open hopper type, often
referred to as the dry bottom typ. In this type of bottom construction two furnace
water walls, the front and rear walls, slope down toward the centre of the furnace to
form the inclined sides of the bottom. Ash and/or slag from the furnace is discharged
through the bottom opening into n ash hopper directly below it. A seal is used between
the furnace and hopper to prevent ambient air being drawn into the furnace and
disturbng combustion fuel/air rations. The seal is affected by dipping seal plates,
which are attached around the bottom opening of boiler furnace, into a water trough
around the top of the ash hopper. The depth of the trough and seal plates will
accommodate maximum downward expansion of the boiler (predicated (320.3 mms).

Feedwater enter the unit through the economizer elements (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) and is
mixed with boiler water in the steam drum (7). Water flows from the drum (7) through
the downcomers (8) to the pump suction manofld (9). The boiler-circulating pump (10)
takes water from the suction manifold and discharges it, via the pump discharge lines
(12), into the furnace lower front inlet header (13). Furnace lower water wall right and
left side headers (15) assure proper distribution to the rear heater (14).

In the waterwall inlet headers the boiler water passes through strainers and then
through orifices, which feed the furnace wall tubes, the economiser recirculating lines.

The water rises through furnace wall tubes where it absorbs heat. The front wall tubes
(16), rear tubes (17), rear wall hanger tubes (19), rear arch tubes (18), rear screen
tubes (21), extended sidewall tubes (2) and sidewall tubes (22) from parallel flow

The resulting mixture of water and steam collects in the waterwall outlet headers (23)
(24) (25) (26) and is discharged into the steam drum (7) through the riser tubes (27). In

the steam drum the steam and water are separated (see "Drun Internals"), the steam
goes to the superheater (see "Supergeater and Reheater") and the water is reurned to
the waterside of the steam drum to be recirculated.


The waterwall inlet headers are rectangular ring shaped manifold at the bottom of the
furnace. Downcoming pipes enter into the furnace lower front inlet header. Furnace
lower waterwall right and left side headers assure proper distribution to the rear

In the waterwall inlet headers the boiler water passes through screen and then
through orifices, which feed the furnace wall tubes.

The screen consists of a number of panels with 2/16" perforations. The panels are
secured in the inlet drums with clamps. The panels are made in sections to facilitate
removal and replacement.

Each orifice is installed on the orifice mount adapter tack welded to the drum interior
wall. A marman clamp holds the orifice on the orifice mount.


1. Initial boiling out and acid cleaning operation to be completed before installing

2. Screens however must be installed

3. Orifice and screen assemblies retained on subsequent acid cleaning operation

and removed for inspection purposes only.


Intermittent H.P. Chemical dosing is used to inject Tri-sodium Phosphate (T.S.P.) into
the boiler water so that a phosphate reserve is maintained. T.S.P will precipitate any
undesirable hardness salts contained in the water into a form of free flowing sludge,
which can be removed by blowdown.

A solution of T.S.P. will be made ready in the mixing tank using a motor operated
stirrer and make up water as necessary. When prepared, the solution will be
transferred by gravity feed to the metering tank ready for injection into the boiler
steam drum in quantities determined by chemical analysis.

The level of solution in the tanks can be observed through side mounted gauge
glasses. Further monitoring is provided by level switches which initiate an alarm
when the level in the metering tank is high / low. Drains from the gauge glasses and
tank overflows empty into an open drains system.

Solution is pumped from the metering tank by one of the two 100 % duty H.P. dosing
pumps (one standby) into the steam drum. Both pump system are indentical and
include a suction filter and a discharge pressure relie valve. Each relief valve
discharges into the open drain system.



The information Contained in this chapter relates to the fuel (oil & coal) system and
fuel / combustion equipment under supply of BHEL for 500 MW boilers.


The fuel oil system prepares any of the two designated fuel oil for use in oil burners
(16 per boiler, 4 per elevation) to establish initial boiler light up of the main fuel
(pulverised coal) and for sustaining boiler low load requirements upto 15 % MCR load.
To achieve this, the system incorporates fuel oil pumps, oil heaters, filters, steam
tracing lines which together ensure that the fuel oil is progressively filtered, raised in
temperature, raised in pressure and delivered to the oil burners at the requisite
atomising viscosity for optimum combustion efficiency in the furnace.


The coal system prepares the main fuel (pulverised coal) for main boiler furnace firing.
To achieve this the raw coal from overhead hopper is fed through pressurised coal
valve, SECOAL nuclear monitor, and gravimetric feeder and into mills where it is
crushed and reduced to a pulverised state for optimum combustion efficiency. The
pulverised coal is mixed with a primary airflow, which carries the coal air mixture to
each of 4 corners of the furnace burner nozzles and into furnace.


Both the oil and coal burner nozzles fire at a tangent to an imaginary circle at the
furnace centre. The turbulent swirling action this produces, promotes the necessary
mixing of the fuels and air to ensure complete combustion of the fuel. A vertical tilt
facility of the burner nozzles, which is controlled by the automatic control system of
boiler, ensures a constituent reheat outlet steam temperature at varying boiler loads.


In the tangential firing system the furnace itself constitutes the burner. Fuel and air
introduced to the furnace through four windbox assemblies located in the furnace
corners. The fuel and air streams from the windbox nozzles are dissected to a firing
circle in the centre of the furnace. The rotative or cyclonic action that is characteristic
of this type of firing is most effective in turbulently mixing the burning fuel in a
constantly changing air and gas atmosphere


The air and fuel stream are vertically adjustable by means of movable air deflectors
and nozzle tips, which can be tilted upward or downward through a total of approx.
60 degrees. This movement is effected through connecting rods and tilting mechanism
in each windbox compartment, all of which are connected to a drive unit at each
corner operated by automatic control. Provision is given in UCB to know the position
of nozzle tips during operation. The tilt drive units in all four corners operate in
unison so that all nozzles have identical tilt positions.


The fuel firing equipment consists of four windbox assemblies located in the furnace

Each windbox assembly is divided in its height into number of sections or

compartments. The coal compartments (fuel air compartment) contain air
(intermediate air compartments). Combustion air (secondary air) is admitted to the
intermediate air compartment and each fuel compartment (around the fuel nozzle)
through sets of louvre dampers. Each set of dampers is operated by a damper drive
cylinders located at the side of the windbox. The drive cylinders at each elevation are
operated either remote manually or automatically by the Secondary Air Damper
Control System in conjunction with the Furnace Safeguard Supervisory System.

Some of the (auxiliary) intermediate air compartments between coal nozzles contains
oil gun. (Refer contract assembly drawing for details).Retractable High Energy Arc
(HEA) ignitors are located adjacent to the retractable oil guns. These ignitors directly
light up the oil guns.

Optical flames scanners are installed in flame scanner guide pipe assemblies in the
auxiliary are compartments. The scanners sense the ultraviolet (UV) radiation given
off by the flame and thereby prove the flame. They are used by Furnace safeguard
Supervisory System to initiate a master fuel top upon detection of flame failure in the


Total airflow control is accomplished by regulating fan dampers or fan speed. Air
distribution is accomplished by means of the individual compartment dampers. The
airflow to the air boxes can be equalised by observing and equalising the reading of the
flowmeters located in the hot air duct to windbox.


In order to ensure safe light-off conditions, the pre-optional purge airflow (at least 30
% of full load volumetric air flow) is maintained during the entire warm-up period until
the unit is on the line and the unit load has reached the point where the airflow must
be increased to accommodate further load increase. To provide proper air distribution
for purging and suitable air velocities for lighting off, all auxiliary air dampers should
be open during the purge period, the lighting off and the warm-up period.

After the unit is on the line, the total required amount of air (total air flow) is a
function of the unit load. Proper airflow at a given load depends on the characteristics
of the fuel fired and the amount of excess air required (see note) to satisfactorily burn
the fuel. Excess air can be determined through flue gas analysis (Orsat

The optimum excess air is normally defined as the O2 at the economiser outlet that
produces the minimum opacity. Operation below the optimum excess air will result in
high opacity due to unburned carbon where as operation above the optimum excess
air will result in high capacity due to excessive H2 SO4 condensation. Operation below
recommended range will result in excessive black smoke and operation above this
range will result in excessive white smoke.

NOTE: The most suitable amount of excess air for a particular unit, at a given load
and with a given fuel must be determined by experience. This is best done form
observation of furnace slagging conditions. Slagging tendency of a particular fuel may
dicatate an increase of operating excess air.


The function of the windbox compartment dampers is to proportion the amount of

secondary air admitted to an elevation of fuel compartments in relationship to that
admitted to adjacent elevation of auxiliary air compartments.

Windbox compartment damper positioning affects the air distribution as follows:

Opening up the fuel - air dampers or closing down the auxiliary air dampers increases

the air flow around the fuel nozzle Closing down the fuel air dampers and opening the
auxiliary air dampers decrease the air flow directly around the fuel stream.

Proper distribution of secondary air is important for furnace stability when lighting off
individual fuel nozzle, when firing at low rates and for achieving optimum combustion
condition in the furnace at all loads.

Proper distribution of secondary air also has an effect on the emission of pollutants
form coal fired units. As the unit increases the quantity of Nitrogen Oxide (NO)
Produces in a furnace (due to the oxidation of nitrogen in the fuel) increases and the
upper elevations of fuel nozzles are placed in service. The quantity of NO produced
can be reduced by limiting the amount of air admitted to the furnace adjacent to the
fuel and increasing the quantity of air admitted above the fire (over fire air). When the
unit has reached a predetermined load (app. 50 %) the over-fire air dampers should
open and modulate as a function of unit load until, at maximum continuous rating
(MCR) when upto 15 % of the total air is admitted to the furnace as over fire air. The
optimum ratio of over fire air to fuel and auxiliary air, as well as the optimum tilt
position of the over-fire air nozzles, to produce a minimum NO emission consitent with
satisfactory furnace performance must be determined through flue gas testing (i.e.
measurement of NO) during initial operation of the unit.

The correct proportion of air between fuel compartment and auxiliary air
compartments depends primarily on the burning characteristics of the fuel. It
influences the degree of mixing, the rapidity of combustion and the flame pattern
within the furnace. The optimum distribution of air for each individual installation
and for the fuel used must be determined by experience.

The wind-box compartments are normally provided with drive (except end air
compartments) so they may be operated by a secondary air damper and over-fire air
control system in conjuction with the furnace safeguard supervisory system. When on
automatic controls the system should provide modulation of the auxiliary air dampers
as required to maintain a pre-set windbox-to-furnace differential pressure. The fuel
air dampers should be closed prior to and during light off. When the fuel elevation is
proven in service, the associated fuel-air dampers should open and be positioned in
proportion to the elevation-firing rate. Normally the end air compartments are
[provided with manual adjustment, which can be kept in the required position during
commissioning of the unit.



A coal-fired unit incorporates oil burners also to minimum oil firing capacity of 15 % of
boiler load for the reason of,

1. To provide necessary ignition energy to light-off coal burner

2. To stabilise the coal flame at low boiler/burner loads

3. As a safe start-up fuel and for controlled heat input during light-off.

Auxiliary steam is utilised in boiler for following purposes:

• For atomising the HFO at the oil gun.

• For tank heating, main heating and heat tracing of HFO.

• To preheat the combustion air at the steam coil air heater and to warm up the
main air heater (this reduces Sulphur-oxide condensation and thus cold end
corrosion of main air heater)

With above provisions and with proper oil, steam and combustion air parameters at
the burner, HFO is safely fired in a cold furnace


In a tangentially fired boiler, four tall windboxes (combustion air boxes) are arranged,
one at each corner of the furnace. The coal burners or coal nozzles are located at
different levels on elevations of the windboxes. The number of coal nozzle elevations
are equivalent to the number of coal mills. The same elevation of coal nozzle at 4
corners is fed from a single coal mill.

The coal nozzles are sandwitched between air nozzles or air compartments. That is,
air nozzles are arranged between coal nozzles, one below the bottom coal nozzle and
one above the top coal nozzle. If there are ‘n’ numbers of coal nozzles per corner there
will be (n + 1) numbers of air nozzle per corner. The coal fuel and combustion air
streams from these nozzles or compartments are directed tangential to an imaginary
circle at the centre of the furnace. This creates a turbulent vortex motion of the fuel
air and hot gases which promotes mixing ignition energy availability, combustion rate
and combustion efficiency.

The coal and air nozzles are tiltable ± 30 0 about horizontal, in unison, at all elevations
and corners. This shifts the flame zone across the furnace height for the purpose of
steam temperature control.

The air nozzle in between coal nozzles is termed as Auxiliary Air Nozzles, and the top
most and bottom most air nozzles as END Air Nozzles.

The coal nozzle elevation are designated as A,B, C,D etc., from bottom to top, the
bottom end air nozzle as AA and the top end air nozzles as XX. The auxiliary air
nozzles are designated by the adjacent coal nozzles, like AB, BC, CD, DE ....... etc.

The four furnace corners are designated as 1,2,3, and 4 in clockwise direction looking
from top, and counting front water wall left corner as “1”.

Each pair of coal nozzle elevation is served by one elevation of oil burners located in
between. For example in a boiler with 8 mills or 8 elevations of coal nozzles, there are
16 oil guns arranged in 4 elevations, at auxiliary air nozzles AB, CD, EF, & GH.

Heavy fuel oil can be fired at the oil guns of all elevations. Each oil gun is associated
with a high-energy arc ignitor.


Of the total combustion air, a portion is supplied by primary air fans, which go to coal
mill for drying and pulverising the coal and carrying it to the coal nozzles. The
Primary Air flow quantity is decided by coal mill load and the number of coal mills in
service. The primary airflow rate is controlled at the air inlet to the individual mills by
dampers. The balance of the combustion air, referred as ‘secondary air’ is provided by
FD fans. A portion of secondary air (normally 30% to 40 %) called ‘Fuel Air’ is
admitted immediately around the coal fuel nozzles (annular space around the casting
insert) into the furnace. The rest of the secondary air called ‘Auxiliary Air’ is admitted
through the auxiliary air nozzles and end air nozzles. The quantity of secondary air
(fuel air + auxiliary air) is dictated by boiler load and controlled by FD fan blade pitch.

The proportioning of air flow between the various coal fuel nozzles and auxiliary air
nozzles is done based on boiler load, individual burner load, and the coal / oil burners
in service, by a series of air dampers. Each of the coal fuel nozzles and auxiliary and
end air nozzles is provided with a knock-knee type regulating dampers, at the air entry
to individual nozzle or compartment. On a unit with 8 mills there will be 8 fuel air
dampers, 7 auxiliary air dampers, 2 end air dampers and 2 over fire air dampers per

Each damper is driven by an air cylinder positioned set, which receives signal from
‘Secondary Air Control System’. The dampers regulate on elevation basis, in unison,
at all corners.


Traces of unburnt fuel air mixture might have been left behind inside the furnace of
some fuel or might have entered the furnace through passing valves during shutdown
of the boiler.

Lighting up a furnace with such fuel air accumulation leads to high rate of
combustion, furnace pressurisation and to explosions at the worst. This is avoided by
the ‘Furnace Purge’ operation during which 30 % of total air flow is maintained for
above 6 minutes to clear off such fuel accumulations and fill the furnace with clean
air, before lighting up.

During furnace purge, all the elevations of auxiliary and end air dampers are opened
to have uniform and through purging across the furnace volume.


During initial operations upto about 30 % boilers loading (and also during furnace
purge) all the auxiliary and end air dampers modulate to maintain a predetermined
(approx. 40 mm WC) set point differential pressure between the windbox and furnace.

During this period also, 30-40 % of total airflow is maintained to have an air rich
furnace and to avoid possible unhealthy furnace conditions. Again all the auxiliary
and end air dampers are open to distribute the excessively admitted air away from the
operating burners and to pass only the necessary air behind the operating burners at
appropriate velocity, for successful burner light up and stable flames.

Around 40 mm of windbox of furnace differential is the pressure estimated as required

to admit 30-40 % of airflow with the entire auxiliary and end air dampers modulating
with reasonable opening.

Whenever one or more oil burners are put into service the associated elevation of
auxiliary air dampers modulate as a function of oil header pressure, to provide
required combustion air. The other auxiliary air dampers continue to maintain 40
mm windbox to furnace differential.

At boiler load less than 30 % MCR, each elevation of oil burners shall not be loaded
more than 10 % MCR (if high capacity provided), since no adequate combustion air
will be available behind oil burners, under this operating conditions. If found
necessary total airflow may be marginally increased for better flame conditions.


When the unit load exceeds 30 % MCR, the differential set point is changed to a higher
setting (approx. 100 mm WC). Simultaneously, the auxiliary air dampers associated
with the coal or oil elevations not in service close in timed sequence starting with the
upper elevations of dampers and progressing to the lowest elevation.

The above 100 mm WC differential is the predicted value required to admit the total
secondary air at design air velocities with all dampers opened to reasonable

When the unit load is reduced below 30 % loading, the auxiliary air dampers open in a
timed sequence starting with the lowest elevation of dampers. Simultaneously, the
differential set point change to its lower setting.

The auxiliary air dampers associated with the oil elevations modulate as a function of
oil header pressure when oil is being fired and opens more and more with increased
firing rate. Otherwise, they open and close with balance of the auxiliary air dampers.

The bottom end air damper is normally kept open to a fixed predetermined position to
reduce unburnt coal dust fall - out. All the auxiliary air dampers maintain the status
quo upon a boiler trip and will open fully when both FD fans are off.


Its operation is independent of boiler load.

All fuel air dampers are normally closed. They open fifty seconds after the associated
feeder is started and a particular speed reached. It modulates as function of feeder

Fifty seconds after the feeder is removed from service, the associated fuel air dampers

The fuel air dampers will open fully when both FD fans are off.


Atomisation is the process of spraying the fuel oil into fine mist, for better mixing of
the fuel with the combustion air. While passing through the spray nozzles of the oil
gun, the pressure energy of the atomising steam breaks up the oil stream into fine

Poorly atomised furl oil would mean bigger spray particles. Which takes longer
burning time, results in carryovers and makes the flame unstable due to low rate of
heat liberation and incomplete combustion.

Viscosity of the oil is another major parameter, which decides the atomisation, level.
For satisfactory atomisation the viscosity shall be less than 28 centistokes.

External mix type steam atomised oil guns suitable for both LFO and HFO have been
provided. Atomisers of this type are widely known as J-tips. The atomiser assembly
consist of nozzle body welded on to the gun body, back plate, spray plate and cap nut.


The HFO heater sets are located at a considerable distance from the boiler-burner
proper.Before putting in the first burner into service, it is necessary to warmup the
long oil supply lines from the heater to the burners, so that the oil does not get cooled
in the pipings and that the oil at correct atomising temperature is available at the

burners. To achieve this the heater oil is circulated upto the burners and back to the
oil tank through HFO return lines, till adequate temperature is reached near the

For the above purpose there are two HFO recirculation loops. One is called the long
Recirculation, which is through the main trip valve, supply flow meter and flow control
valve in the HFO supply line, supply ring header and HFO return lines. Long
recirculation is the effective one, which circulates oil right upto the burner valve inlet,
nears the corner risers.

Long recirculation is not possible if no control power is available and during mater fuel
trip. During such occasions the other partial recirculation loop called short
recirculation is employed. This later loop bypasses the boiler area piping and
connects the HFO return line to the HFO supply line before the HFO main trip valve
and supply flow meter, short recirculation valve is opened when the main trip valve is
closed, essentially for warming up the main lines. Before opening the main trip valve
or the first burner trip valve, the short recirculation valve is closed.

A HFO return trip valve (HORV) is installed in the long recirculation loop. With this
valve open, large volumes of HFO can be circulated upto the burners and initial
warming up of the pipings can be faster.

When one or more burners are firing (i.e. when HORV is shut) still a small amount of
hot oil is constantly recirculated through a restricting orifice arranged across HORV.
This constant recirculation keeps the HFO return line always warm, prevents
solidification of oil at dead ends and ensures uniform temperature in the piping. This
orifice is sized for a circulation flow rate of about 7 - 10 % of maximum oil firing rate.
During initial commissioning, this recirculation flow rate shall be checked and if found
necessary orifice size be suitably changed or the regulating valve opening be adjusted.

The HFO return flow meter is installed across the HORV in series with the constant
recirculation orifice, rather than in the common return line, for better rangeability.
The flow metering should be accounted only when HORV is closed.

When the boiler is firing on coal or no oil burner is fired it is recommended to open
Heavy Oil Main Trip Valve and Return Valve to circulate the oil continuously. This will
enable the operator to cut in the oil gun immediately when required. The amount of
oil circulation however is to be restricted to avoid shooting up of tank temperatures
and hence the flow control valve may be throttled to reduce the return oil flow rate.


This is remote manually done by varying oil flow control valve opening. The need for
varying the oil burner load and the normally adopted practice is described in the
following lines.


The maximum total output of oil burners is 30 % of the boiler MCR. This meets the
turbine synchronisation needs before firing coal burners.

Each oil burners capacity is about 2 % of boiler MCR.

For coal burner ignition and coal flame stabilisation a minimum oil burner output,
equivalent to 10-20 % of maximum coal burner capacity is required. This roughly
corresponds to 40 to 50 % rating of an oil burner.

For the exact capacities refer to performance data sheet (oil burners and ignitors)

The oil burner output is a function of oil pressure at the oil gun and the normal
turndown range of the oil burner is 3: 1.

For steam atomised oil burner, the oil pressure at the oil gun shall not fall below 2.5
kg/sq cm2(g) to ensure good atomisation and stable flames.

The oil burners have to be opted at loads, lower than the maximum rating for reasons
mentioned below.

1. During cold start-ups of the boiler, to have a controlled and gradually

increasing heat loading, to avoid temperature stresses on pressure part
materials, as dictated by boiler start up curves.

2. To conserve fuel oil by operating the oil burners just at the “Coal flame
stabilisation” requirements.

Oil Flow Control Valve and Minimum Pressure Control Valve Function

The oil header pressure is maintained constant at all loads, at the upstream of oil flow
control valve by a relieving type backpressure control valve installed after the pump.

The flow control valve essentially does the function of regulating the boiler fuel oil
firing rate. The valve opening can be varied from the remote depending upon the no of
burners firing and the firing rate. The minimum pressure control valve ensures a
smooth starting up boiler.

To start with, the Heavy Fuel Oil Heater Trip Valve and HORV are opened. Once the
temperature at the boiler front is adequate, the heavy fuel oil flow control valve is kept
at the predetermined minimum firing opening to restrict the firing rate. This can be
done by setting the required header pressure and maintaining the same through the
pneumatic pressure controller. The burner trip valves are then opened and burners
are put into service. The burners are operated only by pair mode.

When more no of burners are brought into service the heavy fuel oil header pressure
will experience a sudden dip. The header pressure will be automatically maintained
by the pressure control loop in the flow control valve. If this pressure control loop is
not in service, it is always a good operator’s practice to increase the header pressure
before additional burners are brought into service.

The position transmitter or position limit switches mounted on the flow control valve
serve to indicate the status of opening of control valve. An UCB display of control
valve outlet pressure and the number of burners in service are the correct guidance
for the operator. The fuel oil flow meter reading at panel could also be of equal



Burner : Tilting Tangential, corner fired
Oil gun : Parallel pipe, auto retractable
Atomiser : External mix, constant pressure, Steam
Air Nozzle : Suare to round
Atomiser designation : J 18
Atomiser spray angle : 90o
fuel : Fuel oil to IS:1593, 1971, Grade LV-MV-
Design capacity : 7.5% MCH heat imput/4 guns
Number off : 16.4 per elevation
Location : Elevation AB, CD, EF & GH
Oil Firing rate maximum : 2250 Kg/hr/gun
Oil Firing rate minimum : 750 Kg/hr/gun
Turn Down : 3 to 1
Oil pressure at maximum rating : 13 Kg/cm2 (g) at gun
Oil viscosity : 15-28 CST at gun
Atomising steam flow at Maximum : 160 Kg/hr/gun

Atomising steam flow at minimum : 215 Kg/hr/gun
Atomising steam pressure : 5.25 Kg/cm2 (q) at the gun; constant at
all loads
Minimum allowable atomising steam : 4.5 kg/cm2 (g) at the gun

Atomising steam quality : 20 to 30oC superheated

Type : Screw
no. off : 3 (1 standbvy)
Rotation : Clockwise from Motor end
Capacity : 800 lpm at 150 cst.
Pressure : 30 Kg/cm2
Speed : 1450 rpm
Pump KW : 83 KW
Motor KW : 90 KW
Suction Filter Mesh : 500 Micron
Discharge Filter Mesh : 250 Micron
Type : High Energy Arc Ignitor
Output 4 sparks/sec; : 12 Joules/spark
Sparking Time : 10 seconds
Rating : 110 V AC 50 Hz.

High Energy Arc type electrical ignitors are provided which can directly ignite the
heavy fuel oil. The main features of this system are

• An exciter unit which stores up the electrical energy and releases the energy at
a high voltage and short duration.

• A spark rod tip which is designed to convert the electrical energy into an
intensive spark.

• A pneumatically operated retract mechanism which is used to position the
spark rod in the firing position and retract to the non-firing position.

Each descrete spark provides a large burst of ignition energy as the current reaches a
peak value of the order of 2000 amps. These sparks are effective in lighting of well-
atomised oil spray and also capable of blasting off any coke particle or oil muck on the
surface of the spark rod.

For a reliable ignition of oil spray by the HEA ignitor, it is very much necessary to
maintain the following conditions:

1. The atomisation is maintained at an optimum level. All the atomising

parameters such as oil temperature, steam pressure, clean oil gun tips etc., are
maintained without fail. The atomising steam shall be with 20-degree
superheat minimum.

2. The cold legs are minimum. the burner fittings are well traced and insulated.

3. The spark rod tip is located correctly at the optimum location.

4. The oil gun location with respect to the diffuser and the diffuser location with
respect to the air nozzle are maintained properly.

5. The control system is properly tuned with ignitor operation. The time of
commencing of all the operational sequences is properly matched.

6. It may become necessary to close the air behind the ignitors, during the light off
period for reliable ignition. This must be established during the commissioning
of the equipment and proper sequence must be followed.

The following facts must be born in mind to understand the ignitors and the system
clearly :

• The spark rod life will be drastically reduced if left for long duration in the
advanced condition when the furnace is hot.

• Too much retraction of spark rod inside the guide tube will interfere with nozzle
tilts and may spoil the guide tube.

• A minimum discharge of 300 kg/hr of oil is essential for a reliable ignition.

• A plugged oil gun tip may result in an unsuccessful start.

• A cold oil gun and hoses cause quenching of oil temperatures and may lead to
an unsuccessful start. In such cases warming up by Scavenging prior to start
is necessary.


The atomiser assembly of an operating oil gun is protected for the hot furnace
radiation by the flow of fuel out / steam which keeps it relatively cool. Once the
burner is stopped there is no further flow of oil/steam. Under such situation it is
required to withdraw the gun from firing position to save it from possible damage due
to over heating.

In the system provided, the oil gun is auto advance, auto retractable. It is diven by a
pneumatic cylinder and a 4 way dual coil solenoid pilot control valve, with a stroke
length of 330 mm. There are three position limit switches, one for, “gun engaged”
position, another for “Gun advanced” and the third for “Gun retracted” position, which
have been suitably interlocked into furnace safeguard supervisory. system logic’s for
safe and sequenced operation.


Before stopping the oil burner, the oil gun is scavenged with steam to keep the small
intricate passages of the atomiser parts clean.

• In the autoprogrammed burner stop sequence, a planned shut down is followed

by steam scavenging the oil side for quite sometime, to achieve this

• During emergency tripping of the burners or boiler the oil gun is neither
scavenged nor retracted automatically. Normally such emergency trip may last
only for a shot while and the fuel oil guns shall be re-started or local manually
scavenged immediately on resuming boiler operation.


The burner nozzle valves are of pneumatic diaphragm type. The oil valves are provided
with facility to adjust the opening time. The opening is slow to avoid a pressure dip in
the oil header. The closing of the valves are instantaneous. It is very important to
check these valve periodically for any seat leakage.


Fuel oil heaters strainers and lines are provided with ventcocks or valves on oil and
steam sides to get rid of air locks while charging the system.

In a heat exchanger air locks reduce the effective heat transfer area and thus the
heater efficiency. The vapour locks may also lead to eratic performance of the
equipment and severe vibration. Air venting also helps to avoid the chances of forming
fuel vapour air mixtures inside the system.

All oil lines are run with a slope of about 0.3 - 0.5 % towards drain. Each section of
oil line is provided with a drain valve or plug at the lowest point. All drain valves are
normally kept closed during operation. When the oil system is taken out of service for
a long duration, then it is necessary to open the respective drain the valves and drain
the fuel oil when hot. Portable drip trays are provided near the drain points.


The HFO being high viscous and having high pour point, the HFO lines are steam
traced by running a small bore steam pipe along side and lagging together by
insulation. The equipment like strainers and pumps have steam heating casing. This
prevents loss of heat and eventual solidification of HFO in any section of the HFO
piping. The formed condensate is let out through steam traps at the end of each
tracer or heat jacket.

Warming of the HFO lines and equipment like strainers and pumps before charging
with oil is essential for easy flow and melt any solidified oil traces left behind during
the prior shutdown. Also during shutting down each line or equipment heating helps
in draining the system effectively.

Sometimes the trace heating is continued even during normal burner operation to
make up for radiation heat loss from the heated HFO so that the oil temperature does
not drop. This may have to be practised only during the winter days.


Pressure Maintaining cum Regulating Valve

The screw pump is a constant quantity pump and when only a small quantity of oil is
fired, the excess oil from the constant quantity pump should be by-passed. This is
done automatically by pneumatic operated, pressure maintaining cum regulating
valve by by-passing the excess quantity through the return oil line to storage tank.
The delivery pressure of oil is maintained constant at the pump outlet, whatever be
the quantity of oil fired. Set the pressure control valve for maintaining adequate and
constant pressure at the upstream of the HFO flow control valve at maximum firing

The flow control valve upstream pressure required is the sum of the following at
maximum firing rate:

• Oil pressure at the gun inlet.

• Static head between flow control valve and top level of burners, and frictional
pressure drop in these lines.

• Flow control valve pressure drop; for best turndown.


Oil suction strainers are essential to prevent mechanical impurities reaching the small
clearances and intricate passages in the screw pump.

Basket strainers of 500 micron filter mesh are provided, with vent valve and drain
valve. The running pump will starve of oil if the pressure drop across the suction
strainer exceeds the allowable limit, and will get damaged. When the pressure drop
across the operating strainer reaches about 0.3 kg/sq. cm (corresponding to 50 %
clogged status), operation is switched over to the standby section of the Duplex filter.
The clogged filter element should be cleaned without delay.

The strainers are provide with alarming switches to indicate the operator when the
cleaning of the filter is due.



Type U. Tube, Hair pin type, oil on shell side,

condensing type.
No. off 3 Nos. (including 1 no. standby)
Heater Area 40 Sq.M
Oil flow rate 680 lpm
Oil temperature range 150OC (oil)
Design pressure 6 Kg/cm2 (g)
Hydraulic Test Pressure 24 Kg/cm2 (g)
Design Temperature 250OC


There 150 % duty steam-oil heat exchangers and three duplex strainers are provided
for operation in combination.

The HFO temperature control valve and the trap station for heaters, steam jackets of
strainers and line tracers are provided in the system.

All these equipment are laid out on the floor. The drain points are to be suitably piped
upto the drain pit from the drain trays.


The steam heaters are of fixed tube sheet, U tube type, with oil on shell side and
steam on the tube side. The oil space is protected against exceeding of allowable
pressure by low lifting spring loaded safety valve. The exchanger is equipped with the
valves needed for air release and draining.

The duplex basket type discharge strainers are at the heater outlet, with fine mesh of
250-micron filtration. The fine filtering prevents chocking of lines, valves and burner
atomisers. The burner trip wearing rate is also reduced. When the pressure drop
across the strainer exceeds about 0.5 kg/sq. cm (corresponding to 60 % clogged
status), the standby strainer section is put into service and it is taken for cleaning.



The system for direct firing of pulverized coal utilizes pulverizers to pulverize the coal
and a Tilting Tangential Firing System to admit the pulverized coal together with the
air required for combustion (secondary air) to the furnace.

As crushed coal is fed to each pulverizer by its feeder (at rate to suit the load demand)
primary air is supplied from the primary air fans. The primary air dries the coal as it
is being pulverized and transports the pulverized coal through the coal piping system
to the cola nozzles in the windbox assemblies.

A portion of the primary air is pre-heated in the bisector air heater. The hot and cold
primary air are proportionally mixed, prior to admission to the pulverizer, to provide
the required drying as indicated by the pulverizer outlet temperature. The total
primary air flow is measured in the inlet duct and controlled to maintain the velocities
required to transport the coal through the pulverizer and coal piping. the total

primary air flow may constitute from approximately 15 % to 25 % of the total unit
combustion air requirement.

The pulverized coal and air discharged from the coal nozzles is directed toward the
centre of the furnace to form a firing circle.

Fully preheated secondary air for combustion enters the furnace around the
pulverized coal nozzles and through the auxiliary air compartments directly adjacent
to the coal nozzle compartments. The pulverized coal and air streams entering the
furnace are initially ignited by a suitable ignition source at the nozzle exit. Above a
predictable minimum loading condition the ignition becomes self sustaining.
Combustion is completed as the gases spiral up in the furnace.

A large portion of the ash is carried out of the furnace with the fuel gas; the remainder
is discharged through the furnace bottom into the ash pit.


Type : Tilting Tangential
Make : BHEL
No. of Coal Burners feed by each : 4
No. of elevation of Burners : 8
Total no. of Coal Burners : 32
Temp. of Coal Air Mixture : 66-77OC
Max allowable temp. of Burners : 850OC
Turn down ratio : 4:1
Type of pulveriser : 1003 x RP
No. of Mills/Boiler : 8
No. required for full load : 6
Base capacity of Mill : 68 Tonnes/hr for a pulverised fuel finess 70%
through 200 mesh with a raw coal of
grindability. Index 55 HGT and a total
moisture of not more than 8%.

Type : Gear type flexible coupling with spacer
assembly between mill & motor.
Supplier : M/S FAST'
s U.S.A.
Bearings : Antifriction bearings for main vertical shaft
assembly journal shaft assembly and worm
shaft assembly.
Cooling System : Immersed in oil bath
No. of Oil Coolers/Mill Two
Cooling water requirement for oil : Clean, colourless, and ammonia
contamination free cooling water of Qty given
below for the respective temp.

Oil Temp. oC : 21OC 32OC 41OC

: 106 140 170
Qty. Liters/Min. : 41 Litres/Min/Mill
Maximum Pressure : 10 Kg/cm2
Cooling water requirement for : clean, colourless, and ammonia
journal Hydraulic system Contamination free cooling water at 43oC.
Wear Surface : Grinding rolls, bullring segment and liners
made of High Quality Ni hard (Comb alloy-N)
casting, venturi vanes and classified Cone
inner surface are lined with ceramic liners.
Life of rolls/grinding in his rings : 4000/8000
Speed of pulveriser (RPM) : 42
Normal capacity with design coal : 52.5(T/hr)
Max capacity with design coal. : 61.00(T/hr)
Normal capacity with design coal : 56.6 T/hr)
Max capacity with worst coal : 60.00 T/hr)
Max crushed coal size the: : 30.00(MM)
mill can accept.
Type : SECO - 36" Gravimatric (with Mechanical

Capacity : : Minmum - 4300 kg/hr.
: Maximum - 74800 kg/hr.
Supplier : : SECO. U.S.A.
Nuclear Monitor : 2 in No. (Upper and Lower)
36" Pressurised Coal Valves
limit torgue operated : At Raw Coal bunker outlet
CHAIN operated : At Raw Coal feeder inlet.
Manufacturer : Stock Equipment Co.
Type : Rack and pinion (pressurised)
Motor rating : 0.5 KW
Material of gate : Stainless Steel/Besalt lined


The velocity of the primary air and coal mixture within the fuel nozzle tip exceeds the
speed of flame propagation. Upon the nozzle tip the stream of coal and air rapidly
spreads out with a corresponding decrease in velocity, especially at the outer fringes
where eddies form as mixture occurs with the secondary air. Here flame propagation
and fuel speeds equalize, resulting in ignition. As the stream advances in the furnace,
ignition spreads until the entire mass is burning completely.

The speed at which the air and coal mixture ignites after leaving the windbox nozzles
depends largely on the amount of volatile matter in the fuel. Heat released by
oxidizing the volatile components in the coal accelerates of the fixed carbon to its
ignition temperature.

The key to complete combustion consists of bringing a successive stream of oxygen

molecules into contact with carbon particles, the smallest of which are relatively large
by comparison with the oxygen molecules. As combustion of the carbon progresses it
becomes increasingly difficult to bring about contact with the diminishing oxygen
supply in the limited time available, which for this type of firing is in effect greater due
to the longer travel taken by the gases.

The cyclonic mixing action that is characteristic of this type of firing is most effective
in turbulently mixing the burning coal particles in a constantly changing air and gas
atmosphere. As the main part of the gases spiral upward in the furnace, the relatively
dense solid particles are subjected to a sustained turbulence, which is effective in
removing the products of combustion from the particles, and in assisting the natural
diffusion of oxygen through the gas film that surrounds the particles.


The pulverizer, exclusive of its feeder, consists essentially of a grinding chamber with a
classifer mounted above it. the pulverizing takes place in a rotating bowl in which
centrifugal force is utilized to move the coal, delivered by the feeder, outward against
the grinding ring (bull ring). Rolls revolving on journals that are attached to the mill
housing pulverize the coal sufficiently to enable the air stream through the pulverizer
to pick it up. Heavy springs, acting through the journal saddles, provide the
necessary pressure between the grinding surface and the coal. The rolls do not touch
the grinding rings, even when the pulverizer is empty. Tramp iron and other foreign
material discharged through a suitable spout. The air and coal mixture passes
upward the classifier with its deflector blades where the direction of the flow is
changed abruptly, causing the coarse particles to be returned to the bowl for further
grinding. The fine particles, remaining in suspension, leave the classifier and pass on
through the coal piping to the windbox nozzles.


The raw crushed coal is delivered form the bunkers to the individual feeders, which, in
turn feed the coal at a controlled rate to the pulverizers title “Gravimetric Feeders”
given at the end of this chapter.

In order to avoid overloading the pulverizer motor due to overfeeding, an interrupting

circuit should be used to reduce the coal feed it the motor should become overloaded
and to start the coal feed again when the motor load becomes normal. For details
refer to Pulverizer instructions on its operation.


For satisfactory performance, the temperature of the primary air and coal mixture
leaving the classifier should be kept at approximately 77OC for our coals. Too low a
temperature may not dry the coal sufficiently; too high temperature may lead to fires
in the pulverizer. The outlet temperature must not exceed 90OC any case. The
moisture content of coals varies considerably. Therefore the best operating conditions
for an particular installation must be determined by experience.

The location of dampers, shutoff gates and valves generally utilized. The hot air
control damper and the cold air control damper regulate the temperature entering the
pulverizer, by proportioning the air flow from the hot air and cold air supply ducts.
These dampers also regulate the total primary airflow to the pulverizer.

The hot air shutoff gate is used to shutoff the hot air to the pulverizer. The hot air
gate drive must be interlocked with the pulverizer motor circuit so that the gate will
closed any time the pulverizer is not in service. It must also be interlocked with the

temperature controller to effect closing of the hot air gate when the pulverizer outlet
temperature exceeds 900C.

The pulverizer discharge valves, the cold air shutoff gate and the seal air shutoff valves
are always kept wide open. They are closed only when isolation of a pulverizer or
feeder is required for maintenance. Pulverizer discharge valves are also closed on
loaded, idle pulverizers when other pulverizers are being restarted after an emergency
fuel trip.

An adequate supply of clean seal air for the pulverizer trunnion shaft bearing, etc.,
normally is assured by installing two booster fans and a filter in the seal air system.
One fan normally runs continuously, however it may be isolated for maintenance by
closing its inlet shutoff damper. The filter in this system is an inertial separator type
which discharges approximately 90 % of its input as clean air. A bleed off system,
with a control valve, will control the amount of air being bled from the filter, so that
the differential pressure between the filter air outlet and the filter bleed air outlet is

The control valve should be installed so the valve fails open with a loss of instrument

The coal pipe seal air valve is utilized to admit seal air to the coal pipes for cooling
when the pulverizer is isolated. The seal air valve is open whenever the pulverizer
discharge valves are closed a vice versa.

Primary air velocity requirements in the pulverizer and coal piping preclude wide
variations in system airflows. Therefore a constant airflow is maintained over the
entire pulverizer load range. The air flow should be low enough to avoid ignition
instability and high enough at avoid setting and drifting in the pulverized coal piping
or excessive supillage* of coal form the pulverizer through the trap iron spout.


Coal spillage may also be caused by overfeeding, insufficient heat inputs for drying,
too low a hydraulic pressure on the rolls or excessive wear of the grinding elements.


Each pulverizer supplies an entire elevation of windbox nozzles. By distributing the

fuel in this fashion a balanced fire is maintained regardless of which pulverizers are
out of service.

Orifice plates are installed in the coal piping leaving the pulveriers, to compensate for
unequal resistance to flow due to different lengths of piping to the windboxes.



The STOCK Model 7736 gravimetric feeder is designed to supply 4366 to 76,408 Kgs.
of coal to the pulverizer per hour while operating on a 415 volt, 3 - phase, 50 Hertz
power supply. Operation of the principal feeder components is described in the text


Feeder design exceeds NFPA Code 85F requirements and will withstand an explosion
pressure of 35 KG/cm2. All parts in contact with active coal flow are fabricated of type
304 stainless steel. Side skirting is provided to contain the coal on the belt and a
levelling bar near the feeder inlet shears the coal column to form a profile conductive
to maximum weighing accuracy.

Dust-tight doors are provided at both ends and each side of the feeder for access to
critical components. Bullseye viewing ports in the doors permit observation of the
feeder interior during operation. A work light mounted above each end door is
designed to allow bulb changing from outside the feeder.


The feeder belt is supported by a machined drive pulley near the outlet, a slotted take-
up pulley at the inlet end, six-support roller beneath the feeder inlet, and a weighted
idler in the middle of the feeder. A counter weighted scraper with replaceable rubber
blade continuously cleans the carrying surface of the belt after the coal is delivered to
the outlet. Proper belt tracking is accomplished by crowning the take-up pulley; in
addition, all three pulley faces are grooved to accept the molded V-guide in the belt.
The pulleys are easily removable for belt changing and bearing maintenance.

Belt tension is applied through downward pressure exerted by the tensioning idler on
the return strand of three belts. Proper tension is obtained when the round
protrusion at the centre of the tension roll is in line with the centre indicator mark on
the tension indicator plate. The tension roll indicator is found on the drive motor side
of the feeder and is visible through the viewing port in the tension roll access door.
Tension adjustments can be made with the feeder operating or at rest by turning the
two belt take-up screws which protrude through the inlet end access door.





Coal weighing is performed on a span of belt downstream of the inlet, which is defined
by 2 weigh span rollers. Located midway between these rollers is a weighing roller
connected to a weigh lever. The weighing roller is free to move vertically, in order to
sense the weight of coal on the weight of coal on the weigh span, but, is held in
horizontal position by drag links on each side of the feeder. The weighing roller is
equipped with levelling screws to adjust its height relative to the weigh span rollers.

Coal is deposited on the belt beneath the inlet and formed into a profile conductive to
accurate weighing by side skirts and by an adjustable levelling bar on the downstream
end. In operation, the coal delivered to the feeder will vary in density, causing the
weighing roller to move the weigh lever into an unbalanced position. If the coal is
heavy, the overweight correction switch in the balance switch assembly will be
activated, causing the weight correction motor to adjust the levelling bar downward.
Coal height will be decreased to bring the weigh lever into balance. In an under-
weight condition, the levelling bar is adjusted upward to increase the coal height.

The weight correction gearmotor is of the constant speed reversing type, and positions
the levelling bar to maintain a constant weight of coal per unit length of belt.
Operation is controlled by two electronics cards, the data conversion card and the
balance switch card is energized whenever the weight correction motor is energized:
DS3 during an under weight correction and DS5 during an overweigh correction.

To avoid unnecessary weight corrections for momentary transients, a pulse must be

received from the data conversion card once per turn of the drive pulley at the same
time that the balance switch indicates that there is a weight discrepancy before a
weight correction signal is transmitted to the weight correction motor. A weight
correction timer determines the length of time allowed for weight correction. This time
interval is a function of drive pulley speed: the system enters a 12-seconds correction
mode for each drive pulley speed is greater than 5 rpm, the system will operate the
levelling bar continuously for as long as a correction signal is received.

The balance switch assembly, located in the weighing compartment, is responsible for
generating the weight correction signal when the weigh lever connected to it is no
longer in balance. The balance switch assembly consist of 3 optical switches attached
to a printed circuit board and mounted in an enclosure with a clear plexiglass cover.
When the weigh lever is in balance, all, 3 optical switches are covered by a shutter.
Uncovering the outboard switch in either direction generates the underweight or
overweight correction signal. Uncovering either outboard switch plus the centre
switch indicates a serious weighing discrepancy has arisen and generates the alarm

A second constant speed reversing-type gearmotor is supplied to calibre the feeder
weighing system. When the feeder mode selector switch (SSF) is in the CALIBRATE
position, this motor can be energized to drive the poise weight on the weigh lever in
the direction necessary to return the weigh lever into balance. With the weigh lever
balanced properly, the correct weight of coal will be delivered by each revolution of the
drive pulley.


Two 18" wide strands of malleable iron drag chain with alternately spaced wing links
are used to automatically clean coal from the bottom span of the feeder. This prevents
interference with the belt and removes stagnant coal, which may otherwise ignite
spontaneously. The sources of coal in the cleanout area may be: coal falling from the
belt scraper, coal dust setting out of the air, coal removed from the self-cleaning take-
up pulley, or coal blown off the belt by an improperly - adjusted seal air flow.

The cleanout conveyor is driven by a 1/4 horsepower, totally enclosed, non-ventilated

General Electric drive motor with tropicalized insulation through a reduction gearbox
to an operating speed of slightly greater than 2 feet per minute. The cleanout conveyor
is operated continuously with feeder operation to keep the coal in the bottom pan of
the feeder at a minimum, since this coal is not weighed and will introduce an error
into the coal feedrate. Continuous operation also prevents a corrosive build up on the
links, which may, after long idle periods, cause binding of the links and subsequent
drive overload.


Electrical controls for the gravimetric feeder are housed in a remote located power
cabinet assembly and in a control cabinet assembly mounted to the feeder adjacent to
the drive motors. Three principal components in each assembly are described in the
following text.



The digital tachometer is a special-purpose instrument for use in the calibration and
maintenance of gravimetric and volumetric feeders. It convers an input frequency
generated by the tachogenerator in the feeder motor or the output of a 40-or 60- tooth
wheel and reluctance pickup input to the feeder tachometer into a motor rpm reading.
The instrument is fully protable, self-contained, and designed to withstand sever use.
It is 100 % solid state and has no internal adjustments.

The instrument consists of an input amplifier, a phase-lock loop, a universal counter

I.C., and an LED display assembly. All I.C.s are CMOs and the counter is designed to
operate up to 50 KHz. The input to the amplifier is protected by clamping diodes,
which do not allow the input to the op amp to exceed the limits established by the
power supply. The out put of this op amp is a square wave, which is connected to a

Schmitt trigger gate which can be used wither as a direct input to the universal
counter when the instrument is measuring frequency, or as an input to a phase-lock
loop when the instrument is being used as a tachometer. The phase-lock loop is used
to multiply the input frequency by either a factor of 50 or a factor of 15 to produce 600
pulses /revolution. The output of the phase-lock loop is then connected to the
universal counter input when measuring rpm and, in this manner, ± .1 of an rpm
resolution is obtained. The universal counter is a CMOs chip manufactured by
Intersil, using a 10 MHZ crystal as a time base reference and containing all the
circuitry necessary to do the counting, decoding, and driving of a 5-digit, 7-segment,
multiplex display. The selector switch, utilizing an input from the digit select line,
does location of the decimal point. Four AA nickel cadmium batteries provide power
for the instrument supply. Charging power is provided from a standard AC/DC
adapter charger with an output or 8 to 10 V @ 100 mA current. A diode is provided to
protect the instrument in case a charger or reverse polarity is inserted into the
battery-charging jack.


The instrument consists of a power supply, input amplifier, a pulse-to-rpm converter,

frequency counter, a display, and a function selector switch. The function of the input
amplifier is to accept data from the various input source and normalize the signal
amplitude to make it compatible with the instrument logic. The pulse-to-rpm
converter processes the data from the input amplifier by the use of a phase-lock loop
and converters frequency counter measures the incoming frequency, utilizing a 10
MHz Crystal for a time base. The frequency counter also drives the displays, whose
digits are 4.4 mms in height and are operated in the multiplex mode. The power
supply consists of 4-nickel cadmium AA batteries and a diode-resistor circuit to
prevent a change current. The function selector is a 4-position switch to select the
operating mode of the instrument.


The circuit consists of a phase-look loop, U4, and a divider, U5. The phase-lock loop
(PLL) is a circuit element designed to lock the output of an internal frequency
generator to the input frequency. If this frequency is divided down by a counter, the
output of the voltage control oscillator (VCO) would be the input frequency times the
divider of the counter. The phase -lock loop measures the difference between the
incoming frequency and the output of the VCO divided by the counter and generates a
signal proportional to the difference. This signal, or error, operates a voltage control
oscillator. Resistors R11, R12 and C4 are a filter for the output of the phase
comparator. The operational range of the voltage control oscillator is established by
capacitor C%. The output of the VCO is connected to counter U5, whose outputs are
used to divide the output frequency of the VCO by either 50 (when the switch is in the
RPM/12 position) or 15 (when the switch is in the RPM/40 position). This, in effect,
multiplies the input frequency into the PLL by either 50 or 15, depending on the
selector switch position. Thus, in the RPM/12 position, a 320 Hz input will be

displayed as 1800 rpm. With the selector switch in the RPM/40 position, an input of
1200 Hz will be displayed as 1800 rpm.

Because the phase-lock loop increases the resolution of the instrument, a decimal
point is added to the display and the shaft is indicated with a resolution of .1 rpm. If
the input is 60 pulses per shaft resolution, the phase-lock loop is not used and the
resolution of the instrument is in .1 rpm if measuring speed or 1 Hz measuring



The gate is fabricated in a winged “U” design to keep its supporting rollers, racks and
pinions completely out of the coal stream. This design minimizes potential corrosion
from moisture in the coal. To assure closure of the gate without cocking or binding,
two pinions on the operating shaft engage ladder racks, which extend down each side
of the gate. The pinions are located above the racks to provide positive tooth

To keep maintenance at a minimum, the ladder racks and pinions are designed with
self-cleaning capability; and the gate is supported in individually greasable roller
assemblies to further ensure proper tracking.


The valve is operated by a Limitorque Model SMB-00 valve operator, which includes a
.497 KW, totally enclosed, non-ventilated motor wired for 425 volt, 3-phase, 50-Hertz
operation. The motor is rated for a 15-minute duty cycle. A space heater is provided
to dissipate moisture from the operator in damp locations. Between the Limitorque
operator and the valve body, a 3:1 gear reducer is provided.

The valve operator is equipped with a torque switch wired into the motor control
circuit to stop the operator in a full open (ACWT) or full closed (CWT) position when a
predetermined amount or torque output is developed. A limit switch is provided to
energize the red OPEN and green CLOSED position indicators when the valve has
reached its limits of travel. Valve controls include momentary OPEN and CLOSE
pushbuttons, as well as a STOP pushbutton to de-energize the operator in
intermediate positions. The indicators and pushbuttons are mounted to a NEMA 12
control station.

In the event of a power failure, a pocket sheave-type handwheel with hand chain is
provided for emergency manual override of the valve operator. The operator has an
automatic handwheel declutching arrangement in which a declutch lever must be
pulled down to mechanically disconnect the electric motor before manual operation
takes place.
The valve operator will then remain in manual operation indefinitely until the electric
motor is energized, which causes tripper cams mounted on the worm shaft to release
the clutch ring and keys from their manual positions and engages the motor. When

the handwheel is turned manually, the valve motor does not rotate; and when the
motor is in operation, the handwheel does not turn.





The SECOAL Double Nuclear Coal Monitor is designed specifically for application in
central power generating stations and industrial boiler houses for early detection of
coal voids in industrial boiler houses for early detection of coal voids in the downspout
preceding the coal feeder. The basic physical principle used in the SECOAL system is
that of detecting gamma radiation generated by a nuclear source when directed
radially through the downspout.

The radioactive source is located on one side of the downspout and the detector is
located on the opposite side. When the downspout is full of coal, the detector will
sense a certain level of radiation. When a partial void or pocket exists in the coal a
greater level of gamma radiation will reach and the sensed by the detector. Electrical
pulses are emitted by the detector unit in proportion to the radiation level sensed.
These pulses are statistically analysed by the monitor’s electronic circuitry which can
distinguish between these radiation level and thus determine that a void or pocket has
occurred in the downspout.

The double SECOAL nuclear utilizes two sources and detector assemblies: one located
at the STOCK pressurised coal valve and the second located in the downspout above
the feeder. When the upper unclear monitor detects a void, indicating a pluggage or
an empty bunker, it activates a bunker vibrator in an attempt to restore coal flow. If
the void remains, and is then detected by the lower nuclear monitor, the feeder is de-
energized and an alarm condition is annunciated.

The location of the lower nuclear monitor is critical in that the feeder must be
deenergized in time to preserve the head seal above it during a loss of coal condition.
Since the pulverizer operates at greater than atmospheric pressure, the feeder supply
it becomes pressurised accordingly. And because the bunker outlet is essentially at
atmospheric pressure, the head seal is necessary facilitate coal flow into the feeder.

The head seal is the actual column of coal in the downspout, which, over its height,
evenly dissipates the pressure in the feeder to atmospheric at the bunker outlet. It
must be of sufficient height to prevent fluidization of the coal, caused by an excessive
pressure drop over too small a portion of column.

If coal flow in the downspout is re-established before the column is drawn down to the
level of the lower nuclear monitor, the bunker vibrator is de-energized and the feeder
will continue to operate normally pending a future loss of coal detection. When

properly calibrated, the SECOAL system can reliably sense a void and produce an
alarm for the equivalent of a 6 inch loss of coal as viewed radially through the


The radioactive source material, Radium 226, is hermetically sealed in a multiple

capsule and placed in a lead-shielded, heavy steel source containers mounted on one
side of the valve or downspout at the eleveations at which void detection is required.
The detector assemblies, mounted opposite the source containers at the same
elevation, are Geiger - Muller tubes embedded in plastic inside an aluminium shell.

A calibration handle at the base of the main frame is used to pivot each source and
detector as a unit toward a series of three stationary calibration blocks. When rotated
to the CALIBRATE position, the radioactive beams are directed through a set of steel
plates having a known absorption rate, corresponding to the absorption rate of the
downspout, considering its size and material of construction. Calibration consists of
adjusting a potentiometer to effect the proper monitor sensitivity.

Two additional sets of calibration blacks are provided for each detector to simulate an
EMPTY and FULL downspout. Rotation of the source and detector in turn to these
positions, through proper energization and sequencing of the READY and ALARM
indicating lights, verifies the calibration procedure. Calibration can thus be performed
with or without the feeder in operation, and without emptying coal form the




The belt drive system consist of a Louis -Allis, 5 HP variable speed DC shunt wound
motor with a speed range of 100-1750 rpm, The motor is housed in a totally-enclosed,
non-ventilated enclosure with class II epoxy coated insulation with-tropical
protection, server duty house down provisions, and a 150 watt space heater wired for
240 V AC operation.

The motor operates through a multiple reduction gearbox to a total reduction of

149.6 : 1. A reluctance type magnetic sensor is provided on the motor drive to detect
motor speed. This data is used for motor speed control feedback information, for zero
speed detection (i.e. motor speed less than 60 rpm), for derivation of a pulse signal
for data logging, and for feeder weighing control information. One revolution of the

feeder belt drive pulley delivers a predetermined weight of coal, regardless of its
density, to the outlet. A signal from the combustion control system, operating
through the speed control, regulates the belt drive motor speed, and thereby
regulates the coal federate.

A paddle type alarm is mounted above the centre of the belt to detect the presence or
absence of coal on belt. The alarm system consists of a stainless steel paddle
mounted on one end of a horizontal shaft and a dust tight switch housing on the
other end. Multiple single pole switches, depending on the number of functions
requiring control, are mounted in the switch housing. The switches are actuated by
adjustable cams mounted on the end of the shaft inside the switch housing; loss of
coal on the belt results in a contact closure of limit switch LSFB. This switch can be
used to stop the belt drive motor, start a bunker vibrator, or simply to indicate a loss
of coal to the control room, as directed by the customer. This contact closure
also prevents weight correction and operation of the total coal integrator when there
is no coal on the belt and prevents calibration when there is coal on the belt.


The scanner viewing heads are located in the burners and they are exposed to
furnace radiation continuously. The scanner heads cannot with stand high
temperatures that will arise due to this exposure. A constant cooling air is required
around the scanner heat to cool it to a safe working temperature to ensure a reliable
operation and long life. The scanner head cannot be exposed to a continuous
temperature of 175° without cooling air.

A continuous cooling air quantity of 80 mm3/hr per scanner is required for effective
cooling. The cooling air temperature shall be below 650C. When the boiler is shut
down it is necessary to keep the cooling air on until the furnace cools down to a safe

The scanner air is supplied to the scanners from the header through the
flexible hoses. It is important to ensure that no damage to the hoses are left
unrepaired and ' all leakage are attended without fail.

The scanner cooling air is supplied through a fine filter to clean out any
suspended dust particles. The filter is provided with a switch to indicate the
filter plugged condition. The filter "can be changed within a short time. The
filter is made of a catridge construction, which can be pulled out easily. The
spare filter element should be made available readily near the filter. During the
filter changing period it is permitted to use unfiltered air.

The filter assembly is also provided with a ' no filter element'alarm switch which will
indicate the operator that the filter element is not in line.

The air pressure after the filter is monitored by a differential pressure switch which
will give an alarm when the pressure difference goes below the safe level.

Two scanner fans are provided to supply the cooling air. One fan will be operating
with AC while the stand by fan can be operated by station DC power supply. The
stand by DC powered fan starts automatically when there will be an AC power supply

Pneumatically operated dampers are provided at the outlet of the fans. One f~n is
operated with AC and other by DC supply. The damper of the operating fan will be in
closed condition.

Two number hand operated dampers are also provided at the fan suctions. These
are nornlally in open condition only and they are used to isolate the fans during the
inspection or maintenance of the fan.

The suction of the fans are taken from the cold air duct after the FD fans. When the
FD fans trip the suction is taken from the atmosphere through a DC operated
pneumatic operated shut off damper.


Nos. 2 No. one is A.C. driven Other.is

D.C. driven 100% standby

Type of fans Radial

Boosting pressure
254 mmwc
Design capacity of each fan
3600 M3/hr
Design temp.
Motor rating
5 KW
1500 rpm



Two forced draught fans and two primary air fans handle airflow to the boiler. The
flue gas produced in the furnace is evacuated by three number of I.D. fans of which
one ID fan is stand-by.

This chapter contains descriptions of draught and air systems associated with the
main steam generators, and of the major ancillary equipment’s used in these systems.


Manufacturer : BHEL
Type : NDM-6
No. of Fans per Boiler : 4
Mounting : Ground mounted
Arrangement : Horizontal Shaft

Flow rate at 100% MCR (NM3/hr) : 10200

Flow rate at design point (NM3/hr) : 12800

Max flow rate the fan can handle (NM3/hr) : 13920

Pressure at 100% MCR (MMWC) : 390
Pressure at design point (MMWC) : 508
Source of air suply : PA Fan Discharge
Normal Speed (RPM) : 2880
Power consumption at 100% MCR KW/Fan : 20
Impeller Dia (MM) : 670


The primary air system supplies heated air to the coal mills to dry and convey
pulverised coal to the furnace.

Ambient air is drawn into the primary air ducting by two 50 % duty, motor driven
axial reaction fans, each capable of providing sufficient air to support 60 % Boiler

The inlet to each fan is silenced and includes pneumatically operated guide vanes to
control fan output. The position of guide vanes is controlled by the ‘P.A. header
pressure control loop’ to maintain air pressure in the P.A. bus duct at a pre-set level.
Air discharging from each fan passes first through a steam coil air pre-heater then
through a motor operated guillotine gate into the P.A. bus duct. The motor operated
isolating gates are manually operated from separated OPEN/CLOSE push button
stations in the unit control room (UCB).

The P.A. bus duct has four outlets out of which two direct cold air through the
primary air heaters into the hot air cross over duct; two take cold air to the seal air
fans and the hot air duct prior to the mill air flow venture.

The primary air heater air inlet and outlet ducts are fitted with motor operated,
biplane dampers, which are, operated form push buttons in UCB. Both inlet and
outlet dampers are operated from UCB through separate push buttons.

The hot air cross over duct extends around to each side of the boiler to form the hot
air to mills ducts, both of which are branched to supply hot air to four coal mills.

Each branch is fitted with identical equipment. Hot air first passes through a
pneumatically operated isolating gate, then on through a motor operated regulating
damper, and a flow venture into the coal mill. The hot air isolating gates are operated
through the FSSS interlocks.

During tripping of a mill hot air gate and damper will close automatically and cold air
damper will open fully to provide cooling air to mill.

The hot air regulating dampers modulate under the automatic control loops to
maintain the required airflow to the mill under varying load conditions. Flow
transmitters located about the venture provide a measured mill P.A. flow signal to
automatic control loops.

Cold air taken direct form the P.A. bus duct, is routed to each side of the boiler to form
three cold air bus. A branch of cold air bus connects to three hot air ducting
upstream of the flow venture and includes a motor operated regulating damper which
modulates in response to the mill outlet temperature control loop to maintain the mill
outlet temperature at a pre-set level.

Two branches from the cold air bus deliver air to the mill for sealing purposes. Each
branch has 2x100 % duty parallel mounted strainers (duty/standby) further
connected to two mill seal air fans which boost the air pressure to maintain sufficient
differential between P.A. and seal air. Each strainer is fitted with hand operated inlet
and outlet dampers. Seal air fans have hand operated inlet dampers and
pneumatically operated outlet damper. One is standby in each branch.


The secondary air draught plant supplies the balance of air required for pulverised
coal combustion air for fuel oil combustion and over flow air to minimise NOX

Ambient air is drawn into the secondary air system by two 50 % duty, motor driven
axial reaction forced draft fans with variable pitch control, each capable of providing
sufficient air to support 60 % BMCR. Silencer is provided at the suction.

Air discharging from each fan passes first through a steam coal air preheater then
through a motor operated isolating damper into the secondary air bust duct. The
isolating dampers are operated from separate push button stations in UCB.

Flow is measured across the venture provided in the discharge ducts, by two
transmitters, which feed their signal to the automatic total air control loop. This
signal is added to the coal mill P.A. Flow signals then compared with the airflow
demanded by the boiler load control loop. Any difference will cause the pitch angle to
modulate towards the demanded flow. The F.D. bus ducts direct air through the two
secondary air heaters into the cross over duct.

The secondary air heater inlet and outlet ducts are fitted with motor operated biplane
dampers, which are controlled from separate push button stations in the UCB. One
other outlet from F.D. bus duct directs air into the scanner air fans.

The cross over duct extends around to each side of the boiler furnace to form two
secondary air to burner ducts. At the sides of the furnace, the ducts split to supply
air to two corners, then split again to supply air to each of the nineteen burner/air
nozzle elevations in the burner box. Each elevation is fitted with a pneumatically
operated regulating damper, which is controlled by the Secondary Air Damper Control
system to maintain optimum secondary air distribution for combustion with varying
fuels and firing conditions.

Five basic types of burner box dampers are used:

1. Coal / air dampers which admit air immediately around the pulverised fuel
nozzle and hence are constituent in the primary stages of combustion.

2. Secondary air dampers, which admit air around the coal/air and P.F. nozzles
and hence are involved in the latter stages of combustion. These dampers will
be controlled to maintain the desired differential pressure between the
secondary air to burner and the furnace.

3. Oil/secondary air dampers, which generally fulfill the same requirements as

but with additional requirement of providing air for oil burning. When oil

burning is in progress, the associated damper will modulate according to oil
header pressure.

4. Bottom tier secondary air dampers, which form part of the secondary air
system, but utilised to maintain clear conditions in the lower furnace.

5. Over fire air damper, which direct air over the coal flame to minimise Nox


The flue gas draught plant draws hot flue gases from the furnace and discharges them
to atmosphere through the chimney. During its passage to the chimney, flue gas is
passed through an economiser and four air heaters to improve thermal efficiency, and
through four electro-static precipitators to keep dust emission from the chimney
within prescribed limits.

The flue gas ducting starts from boiler down stream of the economiser and directs flow
towards three primary and secondary air heaters. The primary and secondary air
heaters gas inlet duct is fitted with biplane isolating dampers. The gas outlet ducts of
all four air heaters are fitted with lower type regulating dampers. The outlet ducts of
corresponding primary and secondary air heaters combine then discharge through a
regulating damper, into the electrostatic precipitator common inlet duct which directs
flue gas through four electrostatic precipitators into the ID fan common inlet duct. The
inlet outlet ducts of each precipitator have motor operated guillotine gates.

From the ID fan common duct, flue gas flows through two of three 50 % duty I.D. fans
(one standby), each capable of supporting 60 % BMCR, into a common duct to the
chimney. Each fan has a motor operated guillotine gate for isolation at the inlet. The
outlet of two extreme fans has a similar gate whereas the outlet of middle fan, which
bifurcates into two branches, is fitted with two guillotine gates. The fans are equipped
with pneumatically operated inlet guide vanes and a variable speed control that are
controlled by boiler furnace draught control loop to maintain furnace draught at a pre-
set level.



Manufacturer : M/S SIEMENS, West

Motor type : SQ motor
Direction of rotation as viewed from non : CCW
driving end

Standard Continuous rating at 10oC ambient : 2300 KW


Rated voltage : 6600 V
Rating for specified normal Condition i.e., : 2100 KW

50OC ambient temperature

Voltage : 6600V ± 10%
Frequency : 50 HZ ± 5%
Minimum permissible starting voltage : 80%
Rated speed at rated voltage : 1494 rpm
At rate voltage and frequency
Full load current : 212 A
No load current : 58.5 A
Starting time with minimum permissible
voltage of 80% of rated value:
Without fan : 1.5 sec
With fan : 13 sec
For Bearings
Type : NU-232 NU 228
6232 C4

Weight of Motor stator : 7500 kg

Motor rotor : 2100 kg
Recommended lubricant : Grease-Servogem 3 of IOC
Lub oil circulation system of P.A. fan
Tank capacity : 400 litres
Type : A112 MA-4F
Output rating (motor) : 4.00 KW
Supply (motor) : 415V + 10%, 3 Ph, Delta-
Full load speed : 1500 rpm
Frequency : 50 Hz + 5%
Type and Capacity : E4V 045 KIF 215/1.363 dm3/s
Speed : 1450 rpm

Discharge pressure : 16 bar
Lube oil properties
Quality : L-TD 68
Pour point : 6OC or lower
Flash point : min 205OC
Water content : Less than 0.1g/100 lit. of oil
Contents/solid foreign matter : Less than 0.05 gm/100 lit. of oil

Viscosity at + 40oC : 61.2-74.8 mm2/s

Viscosity at + 20oC : max. 200 mm2/s

Viscosity at + 15oC : max. 0.9 gm/cc


There are two primary air fans per boiler. The fan consists of the following

1. Suction bend, with an inlet and an outlet side pipe for volume measurements.

2. Fan housing with guide vanes (stage 1)

3. Main bearings (anti-friction bearings)

4. Rotor, consisting of shaft, two impellers with adjustable blades and pitch
control mechanism.

5. Guide vane housing with guide vanes (stage 2)

6. Diffuser with an outlet -side pipe for pressure measurements.

Suction bend, fan housing and diffuser are welded structural steel fabrications,
reinforced by flanges and gusets, resting on the foundation on supporting feet. The
supporting feet are fixed on the foundation in such a way that they slide and without
clearance at the sliding supports of suction bend and diffuser. On its impeller side,
the suction been is designed as an inlet nozzle. Guide vanes of axial flow type are
installed in the fan and guide vane housings, in order to guide the flow. Further more,
the guide vanes are connecting the core and jacketing of the housing.

Suction bend and diffuser are flexibly connected to the fan housing via expansion
Fan and guide vane housing are horizontally split, so that the rotor can be removed
without having to dismount the servomotor.

Those parts of the pitch control unit, which are arranged in the guide vane and
diffuser cores, are accessible through assembly openings.

The fan is driven from the inlet side. The shaft runs in antifriction bearings. The
main bearings are accommodated in the core of the fan housing. The impellers are
fitted to the shaft in overhung position.

The centrifugal and the setting forces of the impeller blades are absorbed by the blade
bearings. For this purpose the blade shaft is held in a combination of radial and axial
antifriction bearings. Each blade bearing is sealed off by means of several seals, in
both directions (towards the inside and the outside).


An oil-hydraulic servomotor flanged to the impeller and rotating with it adjusts the
blades during operation. This results in a closed flux of force between adjusting forces
and oil pressure, so that no forces are released to the outside (bearings, housing,
foundation). The servomotor consists of piston, cylinder and control parts.

At pitch control, the translational movement of the servomotor piston is converted into
a rotational movement of the blade shafts via adjusting levers, so that the blade angles
are variable.

The restoring movement of the blades results from their rotating mass.

Weights are fitted to the blade shafts, which partly compensate for the restoring
moments. These weights produce moment acting against restoring moments. These
weights produce moment acting against the restoring moment of the blading, so that
the adjusting components are relieved. The oil pressure in the servomotor maintains
equilibrium with the residual moment.

The oil-hydraulic servomotor can be connected to any control system. It can also be
operated by hand.

To initiate pitch control, the non-rotating control slide is moved in axial direction,
This requires but little force (a few N).

The control slide is hydraulically, centred. It moves on a liquid film practically

preventing friction and wear.

The pitch control unit operated in accordance with the follow-up control principle.

The control system outside of the machine initiates the actuating motion of the non-
rotating control slide via rods (viz. the adjusting drive). The adjusting piston and, via
the adjusting disc the blades, follow up each motion of the control slide.

The control oil conveyed by the unit reaches the control slide at constant pressure.

If the governor moves the control slide to the left and if the slide is kept in that
position, the right control edge opens the admission to chamber 2. The pressure oil
flows into this chamber and moves the adjusting piston to the left, until the control
edges are in line again. Simultaneously, the oil out of chamber l flows via the control
slide into the return piping to the oil reservoir. Analogously the same happens, if the
governor moves the control slide to the right. The left control edge of the control slide
will then open the admission to chamber 1 and the oil pressure will move the
adjusting piston to the right, until a state of equilibrium is regained.

The adjusting disc is firmly connected with the adjusting piston. It transfers the to
and from movements of the adjusting piston via slide pads and levers as rotation
movement to the blade shafts.

Actuation of the second impeller blades is carried out in the same way synchronously
via the adjusting bar.

This hydraulic adjusting unit and the oil unit form one system. If the oil supply is
interrupted, the blades will stay in their positions and there will be no interference
with the pitch control. The pitch control impulse must through be interlocked via the
control oil pressure.


Pitch control is feasible only if there is control oil pressure. This refers to hand and to
automatic actuation.

Blade positions are shown on graduated plate on machine.


The main bearings and the hydraulic servomotor are supplied with oil from a common
oil reservoir. This has the advantage that for both the units the same oil can be used.
It is recommended to useturbine oil with a viscosity of 61.2-74.8 mm sq./sat 40 deg.

Two oil pumps are mounted on the reservoir. One is operated as the main pump,
whereas the other one is used as standby machine. The latter is started via the
pressure switch, in the event the control oil pressure declines. Non-return valves
prevent the pressure oil from flowing back to the reservoir through the pump being out
of operation.

The pressure in the system is set and maintained by the pressure limit valve. This
valve causes the oil, which is supplied by the pumps, but is not required in the circuit
(e.g. no adjustment is effected), to flow back to the reservoir without pressure. The
return line must be let beyond the oil level in the reservoir.

The oil supply system is also equipped with a pressure reservoir. It is mounted in the
control oil piping in front of the oil cooler. The function of the pressure reservoir is to
absorb pressure peaks occurring when starting and adjusting, as a result ot the
response time of the pressure limit valve. It, thus serves as vibration damper.

The oil is cooled in the oil cooler.

The oil cooler is designed as double oil cooler. The thermometers-upstream and
downstream of the cooler- indicate the cooling effect. In addition, a double resistance
thermometer and a double contact thermometer are arranged downstream of the

The oil filter is designed as a twin filter, which allows cleaning the filter insert during
operation. The position of the reversing lever tells which filter chamber is in use. The
filter has a differential pressure indicator which optically shows the degree of
contamination and which releases an accoustic signal when a very high degree of
contamination is reached. We would point to the fact that dirty filters are quite often
the cause of the pressure decline of the lube and control oil. In most cases reversing
the filter can stop the pressure decline. The disconnected filter chamber can be
cleaned during operation.

Behind the oil filter, the oil flow divides in a control and lube oil circuit. A throttle
controls the oil pressure and the oil quantity in the lube oil circuit.

Behind the throttle, the lube oil flows to the fan bearings.

Local surveillance (at the oil supply unit) of the lube oil pressure is ensured by
pressure gauges.

The lube oil circuit and the main bearings are vented through the lube oil return line.
therefore this line is not led below the oil level in the reservoir.

The lube oil flowing back through the return line can be observed by means of a sight

The control oil pressure is shown and monitored by contact pressure gauges.

The control oil circuit is vented through the leakage oil return line. In this line as well
as in the control oil return line sight glasses are installed allowing the observation of
the returning oil.

By means of the orifice a counter-pressure against the return flow is produced:

pressure fluctuations in the system are thus largely reduced.



Manufacturer : M/S SIEMENS, West

Motor type : SQ motor
Direction of rotation as viewed from non : CCW
driving end

Standard conditions rating at 40OC ambient : 1670 KW

Rating for specified normal condition i.e. : 1400 KW

Rated voltage : 6600 V
Permissible variation of : 6600 V±10%
Voltage (volts) : 50 Hz ± 5%
Frequency (Hz)
Comined voltage and frequency : ± 10%
Minimum permissible starting Voltage : 80%
Rated speed at rated voltage and frequency : 994 rpm
At rated voltage and frequency
Full load current : 147 A
No load current : 42.5 A
Starting time with Minimum permissible : 2 second
voltage of 80% of rated value Without driven
equipment coupled

Type : Axial reaction API-16/16
No. per Boiler : Two
Fan design rating
Capacity : 260.5 M3/sec
Medium Handled : Fresh air
Location : Ground level
Total head developed : 391 mmwc
Temp. of medium : 50OC
Specific wt. of medium : 1.046 kg/m3
Fan speed : 980 rpm
Type of coupling : Rigiflex form 11 size 2001
Fan wt. : 27.5 tonnes
Lubrication equipment
Fan lubrication : Forced oil circulation
Motor lubrication : Grease lubricated
Type of fan regulation : Blade pitch control
Fixed bearings : Cyl. roller Brg NU 248
C3,Ang.contact Ball

Bearing 07248B
Expension bearings : Cyl-Roller Brg. NU 248C3

Cyl-Roller Brg. NU 248C3

Fan reserve
Fan flow : 36.7%
Fan pressure : 45.3%
Recommended lubricant : OIL/52 lit/min per
motor/IOC Gr.Servo-prime
46 or equivalent
Cooling water requirement for CACW motor

Quantity required M3/hr : 70.6 per motor

Max. permissible inlet water temp : 38OC

Pressure of water at inlet to coolers : Upto 7.5 bars over
Outlet temp. of water at full load (anticipated value)
: 43OC

Wt. of motor stator : 5300 kgs.

Wt. of motor rotor : 5100 kgs.


There are two forced draft fans per boiler. Each fan consists of the following
components :

1. Suction bend, with an inlet-side pipe for volume measurements.

2. Inlet housing

3. Fan housing, with a pipe for volume measurements

4. Main bearings (antifriction bearings)

5. Impeller with adjustable blades and pitch control mechanism.

6. Guide vane housing with guide vanes

7. Diffuser, with an inlet-side pipe for volume measurements.

Suction bend, inlet housing and diffuser are of one-part, fan and guide vane housings
of two-part design.

Suction bend, fan housing and diffuser are structural steel fabrications, reinforced by
flanges and gussets, resting on the foundation on supporting feed. Fan and inlet guide
vane housings are split horizontally in such a way that the rotor can be removed while
the servomotor remains in place. The impeller-side end of the suction bend is
designed as inlet nozzle.

The fan is driven from the inlet side. The shaft runs in the antifriction bearings. The
main bearings are accommodated in the core of the fan housing. The impeller is fitted
to the shaft in overhung position. The Fan shaft is designed in such a way that the
maximum operating speed is below the critical speed.

The centrifugal and the setting forces of the impeller blades are absorbed by the blade
bearings. For this purpose, the blade shaft is held in a combination of radial and axial

antifriction bearings. Each blade bearing is sealed off by means of several seals, in
both directions (towards the inside and the outside).

Those parts of the pitch control unit, which are arranged in the guide vane and
diffuser cores, are accessible through assembly openings.

The sliding supports of the feet of suction bend and diffuser are fixed on the
foundation in such a way that they slide without clearance.


The rotor is accommodated in cylindrical roller bearings. In addition, an angular

contact ball bearing is arranged at the driving side in order to absorb the axial thrust.

Double contact tele-thermometers and double resistance thermometers are fitted to

monitor the bearing temperature. These thermometers must be connected to signalling
instruments on the site.

Pitch Control Unit

Details are same as given in Section 2.14 on Primary Air Fan.

Oil System

Details are same as given in Section 2.14 on Primary Air Fan.



Manufacturer : SIEMENS, West Germany,

Type : SQ-motor
Rated voltage : 6600V
Direction of rotation as viewed from non driving : CCW
Rating : 3400 KW
Water inlet temp. : 38OC
Permissible variation of
Voltage (volts) : 6600V ±10%

Frequency (Hz) : 50 Hz + 5%
Combined voltage and frequency : + 10%
Minimum permissible starting
Voltage : 80%
Rated speed : 596 rpm
At rated voltage and frequency
Full load current : 379 A
No. load current : 139 A
Starting time with minimum permissible voltage of
80% of rated
Without fan : 1.7 second
With fan : 2.5 second
Drive end : Sleeve air cooled
Non drive end : Sleeve ring
Type : Radial fan double suction
NDZV 45 sider
Make : BHEL
Orientation : Suction at 45o delivery at
bottom horizontal
Medium handled : Flue gas
Location : : Ground level
No. off per Boiler : 2+1 standby
Fan design rating
Capacity : 533.8 M3/sec
Total head developed : 409 mmwc
Temp. of medium : 150OC
Sp. wt. of medium : 0.796 kg/m3
Speed : 550 rpm

Fan flow : 25.6%
Fan pressure : 44%
Fan drive coupling
Type of fan coupling : Hydraulic
Fan coupling (make) : M/s Voith, West Germany
Fan weight : 100 tonnes
Fan lubrication : Stand oil lubrication
Motor lubrication : Stand oil lubrication
Type of fan regulation : Variable speed through
Hydraulic coupling plus
damper control.
Fixed bearing : Dodge sleeve oil RT-20
Expansion bearing : Dodge sleeve oil RT-20 size


There are three induced draught fans per boiler, two operating and one standby. The
induced draught fans are NDVZ type.

NDZV fans are single -stage, double-inlet centrifugal fans. Principal fan elements:
housing, inlet dampers, rotor with bearings and shaft seal.

The box-section scroll with the inlets and the outlet is of two-part welded design. The
supporting structure of the housing is formed by parallel lateral walls that are welded
to the coating surfaces of the scroll and of the inlets. Special supporting bolts, ribs
and reinforcements stiffen the welded structure. The inserts welded into the box-
section scroll and into the inlets guide the flow and moreover reinforce the
components. Scroll housing, inlets and outlet consist of rectangular sections and are
equipped with man-holes. The bottom part of the housing rests on claws on the
The scroll skin is equipped with a wear protecting coating on the inside.

The inlet dampers are accommodated in the inlet damper housing they are commonly
adjustable externally.


The rotor consists of a centre disc and two cover discs that are reinforced by forged
rings. The bent blades are welded into position between the impeller discs.

The blades are protected by screwed-on wear plates. These are numbered from 1 to 11
to ensure mounting of replacement plates. The plates are screwed on according to the
number order. Tightening torque for the screws : 245 Nm.

The shaft is of hollow design. The fan shaft has been rated so that the max. operating
speed is below the critical speed. Impeller and shaft are connected by means of a
flange. This screwing is protected by wear plates.

The fan housing is sealed at the shaft passage to the outside by means of two-part
labyrinth seals.


The rotor is placed between oil-lubricated sleeve bearings. The drive-side bearing is
designed as thrust bearing which absorbs the axial thrust of the rotor.

The bearing housing is sealed towards the outside at the shaft passage by means of
auxiliary seal kit.

The bearings are lubricated with oil Thermometers are fitted to monitor the bearings

Shaft sealing

The shaft seals are fitted to the bearing pedestals and connected with the box section
scroll by means of flexible coverings. The individual labyrinth sealing rings and the
distance rings are held together by screws in the sealing casing.


The fan is adapted to changing operating conditions bymeans of varying the speed of
fan and also by adjustable inlet dampers arranged in front of impeller on either side.
According to the required capacity, the speed of the fan can be varied and / or the
inlet dampers position can be adjusted. For achieving speed charges a hydraulic
coupling is provided

Variable speed Turbo Coupling

The turbo coupling is an infinitely variable fluid coupling with plain bearings and
silumin rotating parts.


The oil pump is flanged on below the housing of the turbo coupling. During operation
the filling pump in the housing delivers the required quantity of working oil and lube
oil. An auxiliary lube pump also installed in the housing, ensures that lube oil side
delivered when the couplings starts up or run down. As standby, another aux lub
pump is installed.

The primary runner, comprising primary shaft, primary wheel and shell is supported
in the bearing housing and the coupling housing.

The secondary runner comprising secondary shaft and the secondary wheel is
supported in the scoop tube housing.



Supplier : M/S Patels air temp. Pvt Ltd.,

Nos : 2/Boiler
Size of Steam Coil Air preheaters : 4468 x 2990 x 336

Installed position : Horizontal Duct

Design Pressure : 16.5 kg/cm2g
Hydraulic Test Pressure : 25 kg/cm2 kg
Design temperature : 230OC
Weight of Steam Coil air heater : 1100 kg
Type : Modular Design type

The duty of steam air heater is to maintain the primary and secondary air heater
average combined gas outlet and air inlet temperatures at pre-set values. The system
description of one these circuits are given below.

To achieve average primary air heater gas outlet and air inlet temperatures, the
quantity of steam entering the steam air heater is regulated by a temperature control
valve. For isolation purposes, four manually operated isolating valves along with
steam traps are provided at inlet and outlet of each SCAPH. Condensate leaving the
SCAPH passes through a isolating valve before entering the SCAPH drain vessel.



Type: : Ljungstrom Bisector

Air Heater size : 27 VI (M) 80"
Rotor Drive Motor : 11KW GEC, 1450rpm, 415V, 3
phase, 50 Hz
Speed reducer : 5, APC (APCO) 110:1
App. oil Capacity : 50 Litres
Coupling : 11.5 FCU (Fluid Coupling)
Bushings : Taper lock Bush & Adopter
No. per Boiler : 2
Auxiliary Drive
Air Motor : R.S.M. 400 (APCO) 1" x 1" NPT
CHICAGO Pneumatic Air Motor.
Coupling : Bibby Coupling 124-A
Rotor Support Bearing: : SKF Spherical Roller thrust
Bearing SKF - 294/500
Rotor Guide Brg : 23060 Spherical Roller
RTD : Nether land Thermo Electric 1"
Oil Capacity of support brg housing : 150 litrses
Oil Capacity of guide brg housing : 20 litres
Oil Circulating System (Support BRG.)
Motor (TEFC) : 0.75 KW, 1500 RPM, Frame 80
flange cum 415 V, 50 Hz, 3 Phase
foot mounted GEC.
Pump: : Delaval - 1" x 1" NPT (APCO)
Filter : John Fowler 1" x 1" BSP
Cooler : Universal Heat Exchanger
Coupling : Lovejoy L – 095
Oil Circulating System Guide BRG.
: 0.55 KW, 1000 RPM, 80 lange cum
Motor (TEFC) foot mounted 415 V 50 Hz, 3 phase


Pump : Delaval - 1" x 1" NPT (APCO)
Filter : John Fowler 1" BSP
Cooler : Universal Heat Exchanger
Coupling : Lovejoy L - 095
Cleaning Devices
Motor (TEFC) : 018 kW, 1450 RPM, GEC - 71, 415
V 50 Hz, 3 phase
Reducer : All Royed 4900:1, 1 3/4
Coupling : Lovejoy flexible coupling L-075 &
Nos. per Boiler : Two
Heater size : 30.5 VI (M) 62" (68")
Rotor Drive :
Motor TEFC : 15 KW, GEC, 180 M, 1400 RPM,
415 V, 3 PHASE, 50 Hz, 29.5 A (FL)
Speed Reducer : 7 AP, Speed reducer (APCO) 130,
Oil capacity : 98 Litres (approx.)
Couplings : 11.5 FCU (Fluid coupling)
Bushing : Worthingdon Hub
Filter Lubricator : Velgan 256 Series 1" BSP
Auxiliary Drive
Air Motor : R.S.M. 270 (APCO) Chicaco
Pneaumatic Air Morot
Coupling : Bibby Coupling - 124 C
Roto Support brg. : 294/710 Spherical roller thurst
RTD : 1" NPT Nether land Thermo Electro
Oil capacity of support brg housing : 250 litres
Oil capacity of Guide brg. housing : 25 litres
Oil Circulating System (Support BRG.)
Motor TEFC : 0.75 KW, GEC, 1450 RPM, 415 V,


50 Hz, 3 ph
Pump : DELAVAL (APCO) 1" x 1" NTP
FIlter : John fowler 1" x 1" BSP
Cooler : Universal Heat Exchanger
Coupling : Lovejoy, L-095
Cleaning Devices
Motor TEFC : 0.18 MW, NGEF, 750 RPM,
Coupling : Lovejoy - L - 075 & L - 110


The Rotary Regenerative Air Preheaters are designed for use on plant where hot air is
required for combustion or for fuel saving. The Air Preheaters contain in a small
space, heating elements of a large surface area.

In regenerative heat exchangers, the heat transfer surface is alternately heated by the
flue gases passing through it and cooled by the air passing through it. The flue gases
and the air flow through the same passages at different times so that unlike the
recuperative heat exchanger where heat flows through the passage walls from the flue
gases to the air, the heat is absorbed by the regenerative mass from the hot flue gases
and then released to the cold air. This process can be periodic or if the regenerative
mass rotates, as in this project, the process is continuous.

In the Air Preheaters, flue gas flows through one side of the regenerator and through
the other side flows the incoming air prior to entering the furnace. The regenerator is
slowly revolved so that the heating elements pass alternately through the steam of the
hot flue gases and through the stream of cold air. A portion of the heat in the flue gas
side is transferred to the air when the elements pass through the airside, so heating
the flow of air and thereby cooling the elements. Thus the heat in the flue gases is
partly recovered and returned to the furnace via the airflow.

The two streams, flue gas and air, which flow through diametrically opposite segments
of the rotor, are separated form each other by a small blanking section with sealing
plates to form a division between them. The two streams flow in opposite directions,
i.e. in contra flow. In this particular plant the flow arrangement is gas down and air

Basic Construction

The rotor is the central part containing the heat transfer matrix. The rotor is radically
divided into twelve sectors. The heating elements are arranged in these twelve sectors
in two or more layers. The housing surrounding the rotor is provided with duct


connections at both ends, and is adequately sealed by radial and circumferential
sealing members - forming an air passage through one half of the preheater and a gas
passage through the other. The weight of the rotor is carried on the underside by a
spherical roller thrust bearing whilst at the top a spherical roller guide bearing is
provided to resist radial loads. The rotor revolves continuously absorbing heat from
the flue gases and transferring it to the air for combustion.

Each airheater is provided with a electric motor drive for normal operation and an air
motor drive for emergency and also for use during off load water washing.

Rotor Seals

Seals are provided at both ends of the airheater to minimise leakage between the
airside and the gas side of the preheater. The hot and cold end radial seals are
attached to each diaphragm of the rotor and are set at a specified clearance from the
sector plates which separate the air and gas streams. The hot end sector plates are
automatically deflectable to provide leakage area reduction during transient as well as
full load operation.

The seals provided at rotor post are set to operate with minimum clearance with
respect to the horizontal sealing surface of the sector plate centre section.

The bypass seals provide sealing between the periphery of the rotor and sealing
surface of the connecting plate and/or the preheater housing.

Axial seals are provided vertically in the rotor shell in line with radial seals.

Heating Surface Elements

The heating surface elements in the cold end are manufactured from thin steel sheet
adjacently, one being undulated and the other being thin sheet steel. The notches run
parallel to the rotor axis and space the plates the correct distance apart.

As the cold end, i.e. gas leaving - air entering end of the preheater, is most susceptible
to corrosion due to temperature and fuel conditions, the elements are arranged in
tiers. The lower or cold end tier of elements is manufactured from corten steel to
combat corrosion and is termed “cold end elements”. The middle tier termed the “hot
end elements” and are both made from carbon steel.

All elements are packed into containers to facilitate removal and handling. The cold
end packs are arranged such that they can be withdrawn from the rotor in a radial
direction without disturbing the hot end and intermediate packs.


The ‘Hot’ and ‘Intermediate’ ends are provided with double undulated type heating
elements. The undulations provide high turbulance to the gases and air passing
through the preheater.

Rotor Drive Assembly

The driving force for turning the rotor is applied at its periphery. A pinion attached to
the low speed shaft of a power driven speed reducer engages a pin rack mounted on
the rotor shell. An air motor is provided as an auxiliary drive for the airheater. This
drive ensures the continued operation of the preheater, even if power to the electric
motor is interrupted.

The air motor may also be used to control the speed of the rotor during water washing
of the heating surfaces.

Rotor Bearings

A spherical roller thrust bearing supports the complete rotor. The load is transmitted
to the thrust bearing by a trunnion, bolted to the lower end of the rotor post.

To guide the upper end of the rotor a guide trunnion is bolted to the face of the rotor.

Oil Circulating Systems

Separate oil circulating systems are provided to supply support bearing and guide
bearing with a bath of continuously cleaned oil at the proper viscosity. The bearing oil
supply is circulated by means of a motor driven pump through an external filtering
systems. A thermostat is used to limit the operation of the system to temperatures,
which will ensure against overloading the pump or motor as a result of high oil

Soot Blowers

Both primary and secondary airpreheaters are provided with twin nozzle swivelling
arm type electric driven soot blowers for onload cleaning at gas outlet end only.

Water washing and Fire fighting

Two fixed multi-nozzle washing manifolds are fitted, one the hot end, the other on the
cold end for off load water washing of airpreheaters.

A deluge system, incorporating headers with special nozzles strategically located in the
hot end and cold ends of the airpreheater is provided for use in case of a fire inside the


Rotor Stop Alarm

The airheater rotor should not be stopped when high temperatures gases are flowing
through it. The rotor stop alarm system is provided to give immediate warning that
the rotor has stopped so that action can be taken to prevent damage occurring from

Fire Detection Equipment

The fire detection equipment is provided to detect any hot spot in the airpreheater
rotor during operations. The system consists of a sensing head; drive system to drive
the scanning head across heating elements, compressed air provision for cleaning the
head, and cooling water system for the sensing head.

Two numbers of sensing heads are provided for primary and four Nos. of sensing
heads are provided for secondary airheaters. These are located in the respective air
inlet ducts.


Design condition
Gas flow rate : 980 M3/sec
Temperature : 140OC
Dust Concentration : 73.5 gm/NM3
Type : FAA - 7 x 36 - 4 x
48125 -2
No. of Precipitator offered per boiler : Four
No. of Gas path per boiler : Four
No. of fields in series in each gas path : Seven
Pressure drop across the precipitator for design condition : 18 MMWC
Velocity of gas at electrode zone on total area : 1.0 M/Sec
Treatment time : 25.2 Sec
Collecting Electrodes
No. of rows of colllecting Electrods per field (9 plates are : 65
arranged in each row)
Total No. of Collecting plate per boiler : 16380


Nominal height of Collecting plate : 12.5 Meter
Nominal length of collecting plate : 400 MM
Specified collecting area : 164.57 M2/M3/sec
Emitting Electrodes
Type : Spiral with hooks.
Size : 2.7 MM Dia
No. electrodes in the frame forming one row : 54
No. of electrodes in each field : 3456
Total No. of electrodes per boiler. : 96768
Total Length of electrodes per boiler. : 502226
Plate wire spacing : 150 mm
Rectifier :
Rating : 70 kV (Peak) 800 MA
No of rectifier per Boiler : 56
Type : Silicon Dicde, Full
wave bridge connection
Location : Mounted on the top of
Motor for Rapping Emitting Electrodes
Qty : 112 Nos.
Rating : Geared Motor 0.33
H.P./2.5 RPM, 3
phase, 415 V, 50 Hz.
Motor for Rapping of Collecting Electrodes
Qty. : 28 Nos.
Rating Geared Motor 0.5
H.P./1/1/2/5 RPM, 3
phase, 415 V, 50 Hz

Rappers For Collecting Electrodes

No. and type of Rappers : One drop Rammer per
row of collecting
electrodes having a


collecting surface of

90.0 M2.
Rapper Size : 4.9 Kgs
Frequency of Rap. : Varying from 10
raps/hr at the inlet
field to 1 rap/hr at the
exit field. The
frequency of rapping
for the intermediate
field can be adjusted
between 10 and 1 per
hour according to
Drive : Geared electric Motor
Controlled by
Location : On the bottom of side
panel of EP casing.
Rappers for Emitting electrodes
No. of type of rappers : One drop hammer per
two rows of Electrodes
Rapper Size : 3.0 Kgs.
Frequency of Rap : 10 raps/hr
Drive : Geared Electric Motor
Controlled by
Location : On the top panel of
E.P. Casing
Rapper for Gas Distribution System
Qty. : 4
Rating : Geared Motor 0.5 HP


1.1 RPM at 3 Phase
415 V, 50 Hz.
Location : On the G.D. Housing
side panels of the

The gas cleaning plant consists of four BHEL make Electrostatic Precipitators type
4xFAA-7x36-4x48125-2. The units are designed to operate on the exhaust gases from
each of the 500 MW Steam Generators.

The exhaust gases to be treated pass along the inlet duct and enter the steel
precipitator casing via an inlet funnel. To ensure the gases are evenly distributed
across the full sectional area of the treatment zones, splitter plates within the inlet
funnel and two rows of distribution screen at the inlet of stream are positioned.

After treatment by successive zones within the precipitators the clean gases pass
through the outlet funnel and flow along the outlet ductwork connected to the I.D.
fans and are hence discharged to atmosphere via the chimney.

In order to maintain the required standard of gas distribution within the precipitator,
vertical outlet baffles are located immediately after the final treatment zone.

Each precipitator is designed for two horizontal streams of gas flow. Each stream is
having six treatment zones or fields. Each treatment zone consists of parallel rows of
sheet type collecting electrodes suspended from the precipitator casing with wire type
discharge electrodes arranged mid way between them, fixed to upper and lower frame

Each separate electrical zone, comprising of the discharge electrodes, is suspended

from a discharge suspension arrangement mounted on the casing top plate.

The transformer-rectifier sets, one per zone - seven total per stream, are arranged at
top house access platform level adjacent to each relative zone. The respective control
panels and L-T distribution equipment’s are located within the control room built at
ground level immediate to each precipitator.

Seven rapping gear motors for collecting electrodes and fourteen rapping gear motors
for emitting electrodes are provided for each stream. The rapping gear operates
continuously to dislodge the precipitated dust, which falls under gravity into the
pyramid type hoppers, located directly beneath each treatment zone, for removal by
the ash handling system.

To assist the dust to remain in a free flowing state, electric heaters are provided
externally at the bottom portion of each hopper.


Each pair of precipitators is served by an arrangement of access platforms and
stairways from ground level for the top housing level. To facilitate removal and
replacement of the transformer rectifier sets and other maintenance, a lifting beam
arrangement is provided at the top house roof level on each casing of precipitator. A
single hoist and geared trolley is provided to servo each lifting beam arrangement. For
the safe operation of these precipitators a full safety interlock system is provided.



On load, gas side cleaning of boiler tubes and regenerative airheaters is achieved using
126 microprocessor controlled sootblowers which are disposed around the plant as
follows :
1. 88 -Furnace Wall Blowers – Steam
2. 34 - Long Retractable Soot Blowers - Steam
3. 4 - Airheater Soot Blowers for Primary and Secondary Airheaters – Steam

The boiler waterwall panels are provided with suitable wall boxes four for future
accommodation of an extra sixteen furnace wall blowers and twenty-four long
retractable sootblowers for upper furnace, arch and rear pass zone, if necessary.

Soot Blower Piping

Steam for sootblowing is taken from the division panel outlet header. To sootblow the
regenerative airpreheaters during boiler start-up, however, a separate connection is
also provided from the auxiliary steam system.

The supply pipework from superheater of steam source (division panel outlet header)
is fitted with a hand operated and motor operated isolating valves followed by a
pressure control valve and a spring loaded safety valve as protection against steam
over pressure. the safety valve vents via expansion chamber closed at determined by
the operator in relation to boiler load via the sootblower control system. From the
steam source after the pressure reduction the main line is split into six sootblowing


Steam is fed through various Sections at the steam main pressure of 30 kg/cm2 (g).
Further reductions to the blowing pressure are achieved by adjusting the setscrews of
the individual soot blower valve heat at the time of soot blows system commissioning.

Branches of the section pipelines supply steam to individual soot blowers. At various
points on each section, pipeline connections are made via motor operated drain valves
to the intermittent blowdown tank. These drain valves are all operated by the
sootblower control system.

On request to soot blow, the control system will open the sections drain valves and
crack open the inlet steam main isolating valve in order to warm up the soot blower
pipings and drain any condensate to the intermittent blowdown tank. Once the piping
is proved to be warmed up, resulting in no condensate being produced, the control
system will close the drain valve and fully open the inlet-isolating valve thus bringing
the pressure control valve into operating and signally commencement of soot blowing
sequence operation. The temperature control valves/drain valves automatically as per
the setting maintain steam temperature in each section.


Source of steam for soot blowing Tap off after divisional panel
Set pressure on pressure reducing valve 30 Kg/cm2
Set pressure on safety valve 39.5 Kg/cm2 (g)
Maximum flow rate 21000 Kg/hr
Steam pressure for soot flowing 26 Kg/cm2
Blower Number 1 to 88 105 & 106 107 to 120 121 to 138
Travel in MM 305 9200 9200 9200
Dead Travel in MM - 350 350 350
Nozzle in MM 26 32 25 25

Blowing pr, in Kg/cm2 12 12.5 12 9

(g)(2 Blowers) in Min.

Operating time per 1.5 11.87 11.87 11.87
group(2 Blowers) in


Operating time per 66 11.87 83.09 106.83
Cycle (All. Blowers) in
Blowing rate per group 83.3 293.33 176.66 143.3
in Kg/Minutes
Consumption per group 116.62 3349.8 2017.45 1636.48
in Kg.
Steam consumption per 5131 3349.8 14122 14728
cycle in Kg.
WBIE: : Wall De Slagger
Electrically operated
LRD II E : Long Retractable Soot
blower Electrically
Steam temp. for Soot Blowing : 250oC

Steam Constumption rate per group of wall Blower : 500 Kg/hr

Type of wall blower : RW 5E

Wall Blowers

The blower assembly consist of a stationary body and rack gear housing and a rotary
gearbox assembly to which the swivel tube assembly is attached. The swivel tube
assembly is supported by bushings at each end of the body casting. The horizontal
guide rods are used to assure proper alignment of the rotary gearbox assembly.

A stationary electric motor is situated on the right side of the blower. This motor,
through a rack gear housing assembly operates a pinion, which drives a horizontal
rock assembly, the outer end of which is fastened to the rotary gearbox assembly.

When the rotary gearbox approaches the fully extended position a ramp cam attached
to the free end of the rack contacts a bearing surface, which is a part of the clevis
bracket assembly and bushes the valve stream assembly addmitting steam to the
swivel tube. When the blower is started the rack pinion moves the rack and rotary
gearbox towards the boiler. Operation of the rack gear housing causes rotation of a
shaft extending out from the rack gear housing into a switch box. Located in this
switch box are two cam actuated limit switches. One can holds limit switch LSTE in


open position when the blower is fully retracted. Extending of the blower moves the
cam allowing LSTE to close. the blower is then under its own control.

Near the fully extended position, the ramp cam strikes the lever that opens the SBV
head valve. The second limit switch cam strikes the LSTS limit switch, which opens
the circuit to the traversae motor and closes the circuit to the rotary motor.

The rotary motor is attached to the gearbox assembly. When LSTS closes, the motor
rotates the swivel tube through a gear train. When the blowing sweep is finished, the
cam assembly on the swivel tube contacts and rotates the arm on the limit switch
LSTR. The traverse motor begins to retract the blower. Near the fully retracted
position the cam again opens the switch LSTE to halt the blower.

Long Retractable Sootblower

The LRD -IIE model Soot Blower is a boiler cleaning device in which a rotating lance
extends into and tetracts from the boiler to make sure that the cleaning medium -
steam-directed through the nozzles, removes the deposits form tube surfaces.

The lance is attached to a carriage housing, which runs on tracks inside the blower
housing. The carriage and lance are moved by means of a traversing chain operated
by a electric power pack. Rotary motion is applied to the lance through the travelling
carriage by a second chain driven by a separate electric power pack. Control
movement is by a stop limit switch and a reverse limit switch.

The unit can be supplied with different traversing and rotating speeds. Standard
traversing speeds are available in various increments from 1.25 to 3.65 m. per
minute. Standard rotating speeds are available in various increments from 4.25 rpm
to 7.75 rpm. These speed variations are accomplished by changing the power pack
and jackshaft drive sprockets. Other speeds are possible for special application by the
use of special sprockets.

Flow of blowing medium though the retractable soot blower is controlled by the valve
mounted at the rear end of the blower. The feed pipe is attached to the outlet of this
valve head. This feed pipe passes through packing gland in the travelling carriage and
lies inside the lance tube extending to almost the entire length of the blower.

The wheels on the travelling carriage run on tracks welded to the inside of the blower
housing. A roller on each side of the carriage limits sideways motion, which use the
housing sides as guides.

The ends of traversing chain are connected to each end of the carriage. The rotary
chain is continuous. It passes over sprockets on the carriage and causes rotation
through a gear train.


The lance is flanged to the carriage and supported on the boiler end by bearing and
yoke plate.

The electric gearbox on the right side is for traversing and the electric gear box on the
left side is for rotation when viewed from the rear end of the blower.

Motion is transmitted from the gearboxes to jack shafts on each side of the blower.

Tension on the internal chains is adjusted by adjusting the screws on chain

tighteners, which hold the idler sprockets on the outboard end of the unit.

The housing completely covers the blower except the traversing and rotating

The housing is open at the bottom except for tie bars at intervals. A section of the top
of the housing near the rear end of the blower is cut away to allow access to the
travelling carriage. The access areas have removable cover. A shot section of the
track at the rear is removable to permit removing the travelling carriage for major

The soot blow valve head is operated by a trip pin on the top of the travelling carriage
which engage a trip cam and through the trip rod linkage and valve lever causes the
head valve to open or closes.

The length of the trip rod governs the stroke of the head valve. To change the valve
stroke, loosen the join nuts where it screws into the rod connection and turn the rod.
One end of the rod has a right hand thread, the other end in left hand. When the
desired length is attained tighten the join nuts. The spring on the trip rod should be
adjusted to eliminate all looseness in the assembly.

Airheater Sootblower

The cleaning device consists of an electric motor coupled to a gear driven crank
mechanism, which oscillates the swivel header carrying the twin nozzle pipes.

The cleaning medium is conveyed through the swivel heads and respective nozzle pipe,
to the nozzle at the end.

A rotary point in the supply line permits free motion of the swivel header while
connected to the source of supply.

The arc traversed by the nozzle and the rotation of the rotor subject the entire area of
the rotor to the action of the cleaning jet.


To maintain the desired steam pressure at nozzle an orifice plate is provided in the
supply line.

Drain connections are provided in the steam piping at suitable locations for removing
condensate from the piping system while the device is idle, and just before it is placed
in operation.

The steam supply line to cleaning device has to be supported in such a way to avoid
axial and side thrust being applied on to the rotary swivel joint. If care is not taken in
this regard, heavy leak may occur in this joint. DA head valve is provided to reduce
the inlet steam pressure to the required blowing pressure.



The Programmable Soot Blower Controller, herein after referred to as the PSC, is
essentially a mini computer programmed to carry out system logic decisions. The logic
decisions are accomplished through a set of digital instructions, called the executive
software, stored in the memory of the minicomputer. All permissive limits and
interlocks are programmed into the executive software together with other system
parameters, such as the number and types of soot blowers programmed to operate
upon each program step are placed under software control into the memory system of
the PSC by means of the program panel.

The PSC is divided into four functional parts: the control panel, consisting of display
and operator switch inputs; the controller input/output cabinet, containing the output
drivers, receiving circuits and computer components, a program panel which is
connected whenever a program change is desired; and other optional peripheral
equipment as dictated by job application, such as data logging, analog to digital
conversion equipment, and alarm annunciation.

The PSC is capable of opening all soot blowers in the system, constrained within limits
permitted by the executive software. It has an expansion capability of up to 510 soot
blowers. With its emergency backup control system, complete display capability and
remote manual soot blower operation is possible should the computer become
disabled. These features and more provide a modern, versatile and reliable controller
needed for efficient boiler cleaning.

Component Description

Display and Control Cabinet

The display and Control cabinet, normally located in the control room for use by the
PSC operators contains the panels for graphic display and for control of the soot


The graphic display panel, located in the half of the cabinet, shows individual soot
blower operating status and the following general system indicators :

• Control Power Failure

• Controller Operating
• Low Header Pressure
• Motor Overload
• Soot Blower in Service
• Soot Blower Blowing
• No Blowing Medium
• Blower Start Failure
• Time Exceeded

And others as required by the job.

The control switch panel, located in the lower half of the cabinet, contains the control
pushbuttons. The functions of these controls are as follows:

• Program Selection
• Program Start
• Cascade Start
• Program Stop
• Program Reset
• Program Cascade
• Program Operating Display
• Program Check
• Sequence Check
• Error Acknowledgement
• Soot Blower Manual Start
• Soot Blower Retract
• Soot Blower Status Check
• Soot Blower Enable/Disable

and others as required by the job.

Normally, the control switch panel is separated into two parts; one for independent
control of the retracts, and the other for independent control of the wall blowers.

Both panels open from the front to reveal the interior circuitry and hardware. Located
on the control switch panel cabinet are the emergency override key switch, power
supplies, power supply monitoring meters, and program panel socket. Behind the
graphics panel are contained the required unit light driver circuitry. The graphics
display consists of a multicoloured film negative through which the light from
replaceable L.E.D.S is illuminated. A light driver located on light driver cards drives
each of the L.E.D.s. Each light driver card has the capability of energizing sixteen


L.E.D.s. The card cage in which the light driver cards are located has the capacity for
sixteen light driver cards; providing a total capability of 256 light drivers with each
card cage. Each card cage contains one display decoder control card. The function of
this card is to decode the unique blower address signal and energise the light driver
for that blower.

The control panel contains the necessary, push-button switches for starting, stopping,
cascading, and resetting soot blowing programs; enabling, disabling, and starting of
individual blowers; verification and status checks for both programs and blowers; and
the Emergency Override keyswitch and Program Panel socket. The control switches
are mounted to printed circuit cards located immediately behind the front panel. The
cards condition the signals for input to the computer. Inside the display cabinet are
the two power supplies required by the control and display panel plus and interface
card cage that contains an array of multiplexing modules for sharing of the switch
control signals. Also located on the card cage is power supply metering, and the
multiplex control card, designated the DMC card. This card processes the graphics
control information, energizes the switch multiplex array, and serves as the emergency
control centre in the emergency override mode.

Soot Blower Program Panel

The Soot Blower Program Panel (or box) is used to create programs (soot blowing
routines). Connected to the display and control panel via an umbilical card, the
Program Panel in conjunction with the graphic display allows the PSC operator to set
up the various programs.





Type of first impeller : Double Suction
Number of stages : 5
Design flow rate : 8,10,00 Kg/hr
Inlet – Temperature : 43.1OC
Inlet - Specific Gravity : 0.991
NPSH required : 4.1 meter
Discharge pressure : 30.4 ata
Total Dynamic Head : 307 meters
Shut off Head : 398 meters
Pump Speed : 1480 rpm.
Power Consumption at Design Condition
Power input at the motor : 899.2 KW
Losses in the motor : 41.4 KW
Power input to the pump : 857.8 KW
Efficiency of the pump alone : 79.0%
Overall efficiency of the pump motor : 75.37%
Guaranteed power consumption with a flow rate of : 776 KW.
605,000 kgs/hr.
Sealing Water requirement
Flow : 10 litre/min
Pressure : 2-4 ata
Temperature : 30-50OC
Minimum flow for continuous stable operation : 350 T/hr
Suction stainer size : 350 microns
Radial Bearings lubrication with Water : 4 Nos.
Motor Specification
Output : 1120 KW
Voltage : 6.6 KV
Number of poles : 4
Speed : 1480 rpm
Cooling water Requirement for one motor


Motor upper Bearing-Thrust Bearing : Oil lubricated
Flow : 30 litres/min
Pressure : 2.0 to 7.0 Kg/cm2
Max. Inlet temp. : 40OC
Motor inner bearing lubricated with : Grease
Coupling : Rigid Type
Rating : 1500 HP
Size : 360 mm
Type : Twinnest, Double pass,
Single shell
Area of cooling surface : 3253 M2
Number of xooling tubes : 24710
Lenth of each tube : 14730 mm
Size of tube-(OD x thickness in mm) : 28.575 x 0.7112
Tube material - Stainless Steel tubes : SS.304
Weight of empty condenser : 640 MT
Weight of tubes : 180 MT
C.W. flow : 55017 m3/hr
C.W. velocity : 2.13 M/s
C.W. design temperature : 28OC
C.W. Max. temperature : 35OC
Back pressure at MCR : 60.45 mm of
Temperature rise max. : 10.56OC
Terminal temperature Difference : 3.17OC
Head loss on C.W. side : 6.3 MWC
Fouling factor : 0.9
Condenser tube cleaning system
Name of the supplier : TAPROGGE
No. of Cleaning systems : 2
No. of Balls : 800 Nos.
Strainer Section


Quantity per TCS : 2 Nos.
Slope of Screen : 30OC
Width of Gap : 10 mm
Cooling water : 7.639 kg/s
Actuation : Motor operated
Ball recirculating pump
No. : 1 per unit
Type : KWPK-80-250
Normal capacity : 45 m3/hr
Normal discharge pressure : 1.8 bar
Pump motor : Siemens
Operating voltage : 415V/50 Hz
Rated output : 5.5 KW
Full load speed : 24


Each condensate extraction pump which is driven by a 1120 KW induction motor,

delivers 810,000 kg/hr of condensate water against 307m. Of total dynamic head at
the rated condition.


The pumps are of the direct driven by a constant speed motor through a rigid
coupling, vertical barrel, double suction, multi stage, diffuser type.

The pump consists of internal assembly, discharge assembly and suction barrel. The
internal assembly comprises of 5 stage casing, a guide vane, five impellers, 2 column
pipes, a suction bell and shaft and is submerged in water in the suction barrel.

The discharge assembly comprises a discharge head with a stuffing box to seal the
pump shaft and is installed on the suction barrel. The suction barrel is installed on
the pump floor.

Water is admitted into the casing from the suction barrel through the suction bell and
first stage casing and discharged through the column pipes by the energy imparted by
the impellers.




Internal bearings (Leaded bronze bearings) installed in a column pipe and the top
casing are provided for supporting the pump shaft against the radial load. Upper and
lower bearings (leaded bronze) are installed in the stuffing box and suction bell.

The weight of the pump rotor and the hydraulic thrust acting on the rotor in the axial
directions are supported by the thrust bearing in the motor.

The impellers are driven by a 1120 KW vertical shaft induction motor mounted on the
discharge head. The coupling spacer is furnished between the pump and motor in
order to remove the gland and seal ring seal without removing the motor.

Adjustment nut is provided at the top of the drive shaft to facilitate adjustment of the
axial location of the rotating part.

Gland packings are used for shaft sealing.

Start up Checks

Check that there is no foreign material in pump.

Check that the condenser is cleaned up. If the condenser is dirty, suction strainer of
pump will be clogged frequently. Suction strainer shall be kept installed during initial
operation and remove it after system gets cleaned.

Open suction valve fully and fill pump with water. In this process air vent valves shall
be fully opened to purge air completely.

Ensure that the following valves are opened.

1. Suction valve
2. Sealing water inlet valve
3. Iso. Valves of respective coolers
4. Balance valve.
5. Pump’s Recirculation valve.

Keep the pump’s disch valve closed.

Check the water level in the condenser is adequate.

Check that lub. oil is filled up to the mark.

Turn on circuit breakers of respective equipment’s and auxiliary devices.


Once the pump is started and reaches full speed, trip the pump.

Check that there is no abnormal noise etc.

Restart the pump

Check the condition of gland leakage. It should be just in continuous drips.



1. Do not operate the pump with the discharge valve closed for more than a few

2. Sufficient care shall be taken for abnormal noises.

3. Observe bearing temperatures, vibrations, discharge pressure etc.

4. Ascertain that all indicators show proper value under pump running condition.

5. Gland sealing water pressure 1 to 3 kg/cm2

6. Pump bearing temperature Max. 80OC


1. Motor input power shall be checked.

2. Over load conditions shall be checked which will badly effect motor service life.

3. Power source voltage fluctuation shall be checked.

4. Over current shall be carefully checked.

5. Motor winding temperature to be within limits.


When the pump is shut down for standby duty, care shall be taken on the following :

1. Switch off the motor

2. Pump discharge valve will be completely closed and selected to auto.

3. Space heaters should remain switched on.



1. When the pump is not used for more than one month, operate the pump for
approximately 30 minutes, to keep the equipment in good condition.

2. Cooling water system should remain isolated.

3. Space heaters should be kept on.


Isolate the motor electrically.

Isolate the cooling water system and drain it.

Pump Discharge and suction valves, balance valve, will be closed as the pump will be

Pump’s sealing water system will be isolated.



The purpose of this system is to store an adequate quantity of demineralized water to

meet the make-up requirements for normal cycle fluctuations and for abnormal
operating conditions when supply of demineralized water is interrupted. In addition,
this system will transfer condensate to and from storage tanks as needed to satisfy
main cycle requirements.

The main cycle flow and thermodynamic requirement is maintained by transporting

the condensate collected in the condenser hotwell through various stages of feedwater
heating and other equipment to the deaerating feedwater heater.

The condensate extraction pumps normally deliver the condensate through the three
low pressure feedwater heaters, the deaerating feedwater heater to the deaerating
storage tank, which is the beginning of the feedwater system. The low pressure
feedwater heaters receive extraction steam from the turbine. The condensate absorbs
heat from the extraction steam as it passes through the feedwater heater. The
deaerating feedwater heater further preheats the condensate prior to its entry into the
deaerating storage tank. The condensate in the deaerating feedwater heater is
warmed by extraction steam during normal operation and auxiliary steam & cold
reheat steam are utilised as the heat source during start-up & turbine shut down

The normal make up to the condenser is supplied from the demineralizing plant
through the make up pumps. In case of fluctuations in the cycle, condensate will be
transferred to and from the condensate storage tank as required. Normally, on low


level in the condenser hotwell, condensate will flow from condensate storage tank to
hotwell by static head in the tank and differential pressure due to condenser vacuum,
however, should this flow be inadequate, the condensate, transfer pump will
supplement the flow. This make up is sprayed into the steam space above the tube

The condenser hotwell is condensate collection vessel, integral with the condenser
shell, and located in a pit below the ground floor.
Condensate collected in the hotwell is pumped by 3 x 50 % Condensate Extraction
Pumps to the feed storage tank through feedwater heaters placed in series. Two lines
from hotwell, make a common header where from three lines are connected at the
suction of three Condensate Extraction pumps. A strainer is placed at the suction of
each condensate Extraction pump to collect debris during commissioning.

The suction piping to the pumps is vented back to the condenser, to insure that the
non-operating pump(s) stays completely flooded. These vent lines include manual
valves on the vent for each pump.

A minimum flow (350 T/Hr) recirculation line for each pump is provided, returning to
the condenser via a flow control valve and a locked open shut-off valve.

The shaft seals of these pumps are the water-injected type fed from a header to
prevent the suction of air, particularly the pump that is not operating while the
condenser is under vacuum.

One discharge line emerges out from each condensate extraction pump with one check
valve and one motor operated stop valve placed in series. These lines from a common
discharge line and enters the turbine gland steam condenser.


Three 50 % Condensate Extraction Pumps shall be controlled from the Central Control
Room (UCB). The Condensate Extraction Pumps are protected by safety interlocks to
prevent eventualities like dry running, low NPSH and minimum flow conditions. The
pumps are provided with Auto starting feature. A three position selector switch
inscribed with ‘LEAD-NORMAL-LAG’ has been provided to select the pump for Auto
Starting. The first pump to be started on ‘Auto’ shall be selected in ‘Lead’ position and
the second stand by pump shall be selected in ‘LAG’ position. Any pump can be
selected for Auto start either in ‘Lead’ or ‘Lag’ position.

The pump on standby duty is streamlined to automatically start in the event of

decreasing discharge header pressure below 30 ata (approx.) through’ 0-15 secs.
delay or if the CEP disch. Header flow exceeds one pump capacity (810 T/Hr. Approx.)
through’ 0.5-5 secs delay or a trip of the running pump. Pressure switches provides
actuating signal for stand by pump to start.

Each condensate extraction pump’s suction strainer is provided with differential

pressure switch. These switches actuate control Room alarm in the event of high
differential pressure (0.1 kg/cm2 approx.).


The condensate extraction pumps are also provided with level switches that monitor
condenser hotwell level. The level switch protects the Condensate pumps from
operating under very low (-1290 mm) suction head conditions. One level switch
provides a pre-alarm for a low level (-1140 mm) condition. Low suction conditions are
usually encountered during start-up or transient plant operations.

The condenser hotwell is normally maintained by the operation of two level control
valves. Normal level is maintained by level control valve LCV 0508 sensed by flow
transmitter LT 0508. In the event this level control valve is unable to maintain normal
level, the emergency make up control valve LCV 0509 comes into action, sensing low
level in the hotwell by flow transmitter LT 0509.

Normally the emergency make up will flow from condensate storage tank to hotwell by
gravity. But even with above flow the hotwell level becomes low (sensed by level
switch) then the condensate transfer pump shall start and its discharge valve shall
open automatically. When the hotwell level is restored to normal level the above valve
shall close automatically. Full closing of this valve would cause auto stopping or
associated condensate transfer pump.

Condensate spill control valve is provided in the line that connects the discharge
header (after gland steam condenser) to condensate storage tank. This level control
valve is automatically positioned by the hotwell level controller when a high hotwell
level condition develops. Condensate is then transferred to the condensate storage
tank until the hotwell level returns to normal. The condensate spill control valve is
also provided with a motor operated. Bypass valve which can be operated manually
from UCB in the event of controller malfunction.

Each condensate extraction pump is equipped with individual recirculation control

valve which ensures minimum flow through condensate pump when individual pump
discharge flow falls below 350 T/Hr. sensed by flow transmitters. Beside above, to
ensure minimum flow through the gland steam condenser, a minimum flow
recirculation line and control valve is connected from the discharge header before
Deaerator level control block valve back to condenser.

During normal operation, condensate passes through the LP heaters 1,2 & 3.
However, in the event of very high level in individual heater the condensate is
automatically bypassed by interlock action. For this reason motor operated. bypass
valves are placed across LP Heater respectively. In the event of very high water level
in each LP Heater, sensed by level switches, the individual bypass valve opens and
inlet-outlet motor operated isolation valves in each heater gets closed. Restoration of
the heater level to normal will not automatically restore the heater to service. The
return to normal operation must be initiated by operator action.

A three element (Deaerator level, Deaerator input flow & feed flow), control loop is
employed to maintain Deaerator level. Deaerator level is sensed by level transmitter A
& B. This input is fed to a controller where signal from feed flow as well as Deaerator
input flow i.e. the sum total of condensate and Heater drain flow is fed. Either of the
two 100% flow control valve, position automatically to maintain the Deaerator level,
receiving input from the controller.


In the event of high level in Deaerator, sensed but level switch, the level is restored by
opening automatically the Deaerator high level drain valve. If the rise in level still
persists and reaches very high level (+440 mm), sensed by level switches, then
Deaerator level control block valves (on main condensate line) shall close

On restoration of normal level above block valves have to be opened manually from
remote. The drain valve shall close automatically when the Deaerator level falls below
the high level.

When conductivity at the outlet of each vessel of the condensate polishing unit
becomes more than 0.1/us/cm, the unit regeneration shall be started by manual



Booster Pump for BFP : For Motor Driven BFP For Turbine Driven
Manufacturer : Weir Pumps Ltd Weir Pumps Ltd
Type : FATE 64 FATE 64
Direction of rotation : Anticlockwise Anticlockwise
Anticlockwise(Viewed on
drive end)
Thrust Bearing
Manufacturer : The Glacier Metal Co. Ltd The Glacier Metal
Co. Ltd
Type : Double thrust
Size : M8112/2P/2P
Mechanical Seal for Booseter Pump of BFP
Type : 4" Crane type 8B1. Spring loaded carbon face
pressing against a silicaon carbon seat.
Seal Pressure : 9.67 Bar
Temperature : 164.6oC
Shaft speed : 1494 rpm
Seal cooling : Closed loop recirculation via pumping ring through
a heat exchanger.
Operating Detail : Motor Driven Turbine Driven
Runout Design Runout Design
Specific gravity of Feed water : 0.901 0.918 0.900 0.918
at suction temperature

Suction temperature oC : 164.6 148 164.6 148

Suction pressure bar : 9.67 7.2 8.17 8.17

Discharge pressure bar : 20.27 17.55 20.1 17.76
Differential pressure bar : 10.60 10.35 11.93 12.06
Differential head m : 120 115 135 134
NPSH above impeller eye-M : 30.5 30.5 13.5 13.5

Flow rate m3/hr : 1080.5 1242 1080.3 1242


Efficiency % : 80.5 82 79.5 31
Speed rpm : 1419 1494 1494 1515
Power KW : 395 436 450 514
Boiler Feed Pump Motor Driven Turbine Driven
Manufacturer : Weir Pump Ltd
Type : FK 4 E 36
No. of stages : 4+1 Kicker Stage
Direction of rotation viewed : Anticlockwise
on drive end
SG at suction temperature : 0.901 0.901

Suction temperature oC : 164.6 164.6

Suction pressure bar : 20 19.83

Discharge pressure bar : 205.82 204.32
Differential pr. bar : 182.82 184.49
Differential Head m : 2103 2088
NPSHA above impeller eye m : 50.3 50.2

Flow rate m3/hr : 1080.3 1080.3

Leak-off flow m3/hr : 270 270

Efficiency % : 81.4 81.6

Speed rpm : 5705 5690
Power KW : 6830 6765
Turbine of BFP
Type : K 1401-2
Design output : 5589 KW
Max. output : 9123 KW
Normal Speed : 5330 rpm
Speed range : 2000-6030 rpm
Specified initial steam pressure : 7.182 ata
Exhaust pressure : 0.1 ata
Permissible deviation in initial Steam : 10.68 ata
pressure at No load
Instantaneous deviation (12 Hrs/Annum) : 12.02 ata
Max. wheel chamber pressure permissible at : 10.15 ata


full load
Specified initial steam temperature : 300.6OC
Deviation without limitation : 322OC
Permissible deviation for longer period : 336OC
Permissible deviation for 400 Hrs.per annum : 336OC
for not more than 15 minutes at a time.

Permissible deviation for 80 Hrs/annum for : 350OC

not more than 15 minutes at a time

Specified cooling water temperature : 33OC

Start up time : 38 minutes
No. of stages : 14 Nos.
Type : Reaction
Axial thrust balance : By balance piston at steam
admission side and thrust
No. of control valves : 5 Nos.
No. of stop valve : 1 No.
Aux. Control valve : 1 No.
Hydraulic speed senser : Primary oil pump
Electric speed sensor : Hall probes
Rotor Support : 2 Nos. Journal Bearing (Front &
1 No. thrust bearing. (Front
Over speed trip speed : 6330 rpm
Ist critical speed : 7550 rpm
Direction of rotation of steam flow : Anticlockwise (from direcion of
steam flow)

Turbine Auxiliaries
Main oil tank capacity : 6.3m3
Location : 0 meter level


Auxiliary oil pump : 2 Nos.
Discharge flow : 60 m3/hr
Rated head : 9 ata
Drive : Motor
Pump : +ve drive pump
D.C. Oil Pump
Nos. : 1 No.
Discharge flow : 16.25 m3/hr
Rated head : 2.5 ata
Type : Centrifugal pump
Jacking Oil Pumps :
Nos. : 1
Discharge flow : 0.54 m3/hr
Head : 100 ata
Drive : Motor
Pump : +ve drive pump
Voith Variable Speed Geared Coupling for Motor Driven BFP
BFP motor Speed : 1419 rpm
Gear ratio – I : 128/37
Gear ratio – II : 63/51
Primary speed : 4908 rpm
Full load slip : 2.6%
Max. output speed of the variable speed : 5906 rpm
geared turbo coupling.
Regulating range : 4:1 downwards
Oil tank filling : 2500 litres
Filling pump Centrifugal pump)and Lub. : Together driven as gear tooth
pump (Gear pump) system drive via the pump shaft.
Aux. lub. pump : Three phase motor D 180 M
600/415V 22 KW, 50 Hz 3000
Lub. oil flow : 388 litres/min.
Boiler Feed Pump Drive Motor


Type : Asynchroonous motor with
Squirrel cage rotor
Rating : 9800 KW
Speed : 1493 rpm
Stator voltage : 6.6 KV
Stator current : 987 amps
Frequency : 50 Hz
Limited Axial clearance (Max.) : + 2 mm
Bearing Lubrication Type : Oil ring and oil circulation
Oil requirement for both : 62 litres



Turbine driven BFP uses a turbine of 14 stage connected to condenser Turbine is

coupled with main pump having an engage/disengage unit called Power pack unit
using oil pressure for above function. Between turbine and Booster pump gear
assembly is there. In 500 MW unit there are two similar TDBFPS located on turbine
floor. TDBFPS have a big LCP (Local control panel) having facility for all operations of

Various system of TDBFP are discussed below :


Lub oil system of both TDBFPS are provided with one Main Oil Tank each in which oil
level is separately maintained. It has two AC AOPs, one JOP AC and one DC AOP
connected to tank. Lub oil pressure is maintained at 3.0 Kg/cm2 on throttling after
the pump oil at discharge pressure which is 9.0 Kg/cm2 is called control oil which is
used as governing oil.

Lub oil after passing through coolers is led to various bearing of TDBFP system. DC
AOP discharge oil is used on failure of AC AOPs bypass the coolers. During barring of
TDBFP same lub oil at pr. 4.0 Kg/cm2 is used as power fluid in barring gear
impellers. In the lub oil system provision is there to adjust the lub oil pr. by changing
the recirculation flow.



Mechanical seals are provided on BP side for which continuous cooling is done by CEP
water. For BFP side constant seal injection pressure around 18 Kg/cm2 is maintained
with the help of control valve. Filters are also provided in this line. From this line
small pipe provides water in the exhaust steam as exhaust hood spray. Seals drain is
collected as clean drain into drain tank and dirty drain flows into common drain

In case of seal injection pr. low DC seal quench pump takes start and provides seal
water from CST for safe coasting down of pump. Drain tank level is maintained
separately with gland drain pumps.


For TDBFP there are three sources for steam namely 1.Auxiliary steam 2.CRH 3.IP-
LP cross-over steam. Extraction steam parameters are maintained at 4.0 Kg/cm2 &
300OC. During cold start when CRH or IP/LP steam is not available, Aux. steam is
used for rolling of TDBFP for initial boiler filling. Once steam is insufficient for
increasing the speed beyond 3500 rpm, CRH steam is used for further speed pick up.
After IP - LP cross over steam is sufficiently available then Aux. steam, CRH steam is a
automatically cut off, after closure of ACV.


Water from Dearator is taken to the Booster pump. The discharge of the Booster pump
is fed to BFP suction. From the discharge of the BFP the feed water passes through
two numbers of high-pressure heaters, economizer and finally reaches the boiler
drum. Drains & vents are provided in FW system for initial charging and venting of
BFP during rolling.


Downstream steam from main turbine gland sealing is used for TDBFP sealing. Before
opening of Exhaust valve of TDBFP gland sealing should be done as this line is
connected to condenser.


For having the required flow through BFP, speed of Turbine has to be adjusted and for
that we need perfectly efficient governing system. Governing system is using the
control oil at 9.0 Kg/cm2 which in turn depending on the position of starting device
and speeder gear, will develop Secondary oil and Aux. secondary oil pressure for
operating the 4MCVs and one ACV thereby adjusting the steam flow speed change is
effected. In the Governing system separate governing filter is used. Governing is
achieved with the help of two governors namely Hydraulic and Electrohydraulic


governors having EHG control and HG follows it up. On isolation of fluid line to EHG,
Electro hydraulic Governor can be taken out of service. TDBFP speed control can be
put on auto if EHG is selected. In this condition speed set point is automatically
generated and feed water flow is maintained as per the requirement from Drum level
controller. TDBFP speed Governing can be done either from UCB or from LCP or
manually operating the Starting device or Speeder gear.



1. FW line charging

2. Recirculation valve lining up

3. Seal injection, exhaust hood spray charging

4. Gland sealing

5. Charging of lub oil system, starting of AOPs & JOP.

6. Barring valve Gearing. Barring speed is @ 200 rpm

7. Line up extraction steam lines

8. All drains provided in UCB and local to be opened.

9. First TDBFP resetting is done by making starting device 0% and

ensuring that no. turbine trip condition should persist.

10. Speeder gear is made 100%

11. Hydraulic Governor is selected from console of starting device


12. Starting device position is increased slowly at 42% stop valve

opens & indicated on the console.

13. At 56% MCV starts opening

14. Speed refrence should be kept manual. Increase speed reference

to 1000 rpm as soon as TDBFP picks up speed.

15. Ensure that EHC output is less than HG. Hence EHC is active

16. EHC is selected through key (key in released condition)

17. Pump venting is done at 1000, 2000, 3000 rpm

18. Ensure that the TDBFP is running normal.


19. Further speed reference is increased to pressure requirement, &
flow is monitored.

20. By adjusting the feed water master output TDBFP speed can be
put on auto with the help of key. Subsequently, Feed water master
can also kept on Auto.


Oil is supplied to the tripping device through a filter and a solenoid valve. Low
vacuum protection, high pressure protection, low lube oil protection and over speed
tester are incorporated between the solenoid valve and the tripping device. The
solenoid valve allows the flow of oil through it in the normal condition as per the
specific requirement. It can be kept in either normally open or normally closed
condition. When the solenoid valve is actuated due to any fault condition this will
obstruct the flow of oil to the system connecting the down stream at the same time to
drain. In the event of low vacuum, low lube oil or high back / extraction pressure
corresponding protection gets actuated and they prevent the flow of oil to the system
at the same time connecting the downstream side to drain. Oil after passing through
these protections will pass through the overspeed tester and reaches the tripping

In the working condition tripping device allows the oil to flow through it. Pressure on
the downstream side will keep the tripping device in operating condition. When the
tripping device trips due to overspeed, high axial shift or by manual operation it blocks
the oil flow to the system at the same device it is required to keep it lifted till pressure
is build up on the down stream side. Reengaging of the tripping device is possible
remotely by providing additional equipment. Then the oil is supplied to the starting
device, amplifier (s) nonreturn extraction valve (if present).


Turbine is started by operating the starting device which opens the stop valve first
without opening the control valves. By further operating the starting device after
opening the stop valve, control valves open thus starting the turbine. After attaining
the rated speed and the speed governor has taken over starting device is taken to the
extreme position.


The speed governor compares the set point of the speed with the actual value and give
an output in the form of displacement of the lever which holds the sleeve of the
amplifier. This movement will result in a change of secondary oil pressure. This
change will result in the change of servomotor position and consequently governing
valve opening. This will lead to change of speed and a new balance is reached between
the set point of the speed governor and the actual speed.




Adjust reference value of speed governor to minimum turbine speed, moves pilot valve
of starting device downwards until it comes to a stop, i.e., in this position the
rectangular block “a” in the functional diagram is shifted such that it is situated
across the oil ducts shown in the diagram. During this operation the sliding guide
bush on the amplifier is displaced, thus preventing secondary oil pressure being build

After the hydraulic protection devices provided in the control circuit have been
switched into their respective free passage positions, the rectangular block “a” of the
emergency trip gear will be shifted into the position opposite the oil connections.

When the TDBFP is being put into operation, trip oil is allowed to flow through the
starting device into the space behind the piston of the emergency stop valve where it
is fulfils the function of pressure oil for starting up. The piston will be tightly pressed
upon the piston disc without allowing any leakage of oil. If the handwheel is now
being turned in counter clockwise direction, the pilot valve of the starting device will
be moved slowly upwards as represented by position “C” of the functional diagram. In
this way, the trip oil will be directed also to the space in front of the piston disc while
the space behind the piston is connected to the oil drain. As soon as sufficient
pressure has build up in front of the piston disc, the starting device will be moved
further in the upward direction, so that the pressure behind piston is going to drop.
The resulting pressure differential will push the piston disc together with the piston
upon which it is being pressed onto the ultimate position to the right.


If the pilot valve of the starting device is brought into position “d” the sliding guide
bush of the amplifier will be lowered further. This brings about an increase in
secondary oil pressure with the result that the steam control valves are opened
correspondingly, and the turbine rotor is picking up speed. After having attained its
set minimum speed, speed control of the turbine will be taken over by the speed
governor. Before the turbine speed is increased further by means of the speed
governor, raise the pilot valve of the starting device right to the ultimate position at the
top and block it there.




Starting a turbine from the control room requires in addition to the distant operation
of the starting device, remote control of the emergency trip gear and as the case may
be, also of an auxiliary slide valve. Such a control can be achieved with the help of the


following apparatus. Solenoid valve pressure switch , and an automatically opening
control switch whose actuation will be blocked in the open position by an interlocking



The pressure oil governor Type SR IV controls the turbine speed and maintains it at a
constant value in accordance with the functional relationship represented by its
characteristic line. The control characteristic of the governor is of the proportional
plus derivative type. The pressure of the secondary oil discharged at the governor
output side forms the input signal that acts on the control piston of the servo valve.

Mode of operation

The signal transmitter for the speed governor is situated on the turbine rotor. The
pressure of the primary oil thus generated by this transmitter will be a square
function of turbine speed and forms the input signal (actual speed value) for the
transducer. Any deviation of actual speed from a given reference value will therefore
cause a deflection of the comparator lever which is functionally connected to the
traducer. The force which the transducer exerts on the comparator lever is
counteracted by a reference value spring. Under steady state conditions the spring
force will equal the transducer force.

The comparator lever is with its one end acting on the amplifier by means of a slidable
bush. Both the amplifier and the bush are provided with discharge pots which,
depending on the degree of their overlap, control the discharge of larger or lesser
quantities of oil. When, e.g. owing to a decrease of primary oil pressure (Change in
actual speed) the comparator lever is going down, the slidable bush will be displaced.
This results in a smaller amount of overlap whereby the flow section for the oil
discharge is reduced. The balance previously determining the volume of discharged oil
will thus be disturbed. This causes an increase in secondary oil pressure so that the
amplifier is going to follow the displacement of the slidable bush until the flow section
of the discharge port will once more conform to the oil volume corresponding to the
altered pressure ratio at the throttle. The pressure change depends on the stroke of
the amplifier and on the characteristic of the tension spring. The functional
relationship between the stroke of the amplifier and secondary oil pressure is roughly
proportional. Secondary oil pressure is acting via a damping device as input signal for
the control piston of the servo valve (actuator). Momentarily, the control piston will
assume a position which is determined by secondary oil pressure, thus providing a
path for the pressure oil to flow either to the upper side or to the underside of the
servo piston in the actuator. As the servo piston is going downwards or upwards, the
turbine control valves will be actuated accordingly.


When, owing to a decrease in turbine speed (actual speed change), the balance at the
comparator lever is disturbed, secondary oil pressure will increase. The control piston
in the servo valve (actuator) is going upwards under the influence of the increased


secondary oil pressure until a new balance between secondary oil pressure and the
force of spring has been established. Depending on the value of secondary oil
pressure and thus also on the position of the control piston in the servo valve
(actuator) , pressure oil, although some what restricted by the effect of the throttle,
will be admitted to the space above the actuator piston while the space underneath it
is connected to the oil drain line (see the functional diagram : the rectangular block “c”
will be displaced so that it is situated across the two oil connections). In this way, the
piston is pressed downwards, thereby opening the turbine control valves. A feedback
element on the actuator will restore the control piston the initial position represented
in the diagram, thus stabilising the position of the actuator piston.

If the turbine control valves have to be closed, i.e. when primary oil pressure is going
up, the described sequence of steps will be followed in an analogous way, but with the
opposite effect.


The speed of the turbine can be adjusted within the limits of approx. 65 % and 107 %
of rated speed for compressor drives and of 85 % to 107 % for generator drive sets.
Depending on the model of speed setter provided, the adjustment can be effected
either by hand, or by means of a pneumatically operated actuator, or by an electric
motor. Changing the force exerted by the reference value spring (change in
consequence that both the speed and the output is altered when the turboset is
operated as an isolated unit, or the output alone with interconnected operation. The
slope of the characteristic, and hence the field of proportional response, can be
changed through appropriately, adjusting the feedback element in the valve actuator.



The oil pressure set up by the governor impeller (primary oil pressure) serves for the
control of the turbine speed via an hydraulic governor. The governor impeller is
supplied with oil by a pump drawing from an oil tank. The additional pressure
imparted to the oil by the impeller is a function for the turbine speed. The oil whose
pressure has been thus boosted is supplied to the underside of pressure capsule in
the hydraulic governor.


The oil for bearing lubrication and for the impeller is supplied by the main oil pump
via a screw valve and the appropriate channels and grooves in the housing the insert,
and the bearing flange. Raidally drilled holes in the impeller are setting up a speed
dependent pressure in the oil. A steady and adequate supply of oil to the radial holes
in the impeller is ensured through the excess oil being collected by a collar and
redirected to the housing. The pressure compartment surrounding the impeller is
tightly sealed by the oil sealing rings which are held in position by retaining rings.
The cover carrying the impeller housing is flangemounted to the front end of the front


bearing pedstal. The spur wheel and a spray nozzle for lubricating the gears are
projecting into the bearing pedstal compartment.


A speed - calibrated pressure gauge (pressure gauge type tachometer) is provided for
hydraulically measuring the turbine speed on the machine. It will be screwed into the
tapped hole. Only slight modifications in the design of the shaft stub at the front end
of the impeller and of the cover make it possible to mount devices for remote
indication of the turbine speed.



The turbine which drives the feed water pump is fed with steam from the main
turbine. If the main turbine suffers an outage (e.g. emergency trip) the feed pump
turbine takes its steam from the boiler reheater. The changeover to reheater operation
must be performed without a major drop in speed in order to maintain the supply of
feedwater. Since the feedwater regulator cannot perform the required alteration of the
speed reference value as rapidly as needed, a step increase in the speed reference
value is made. The reheater valve therefore receives a lift signal for the same steam
flow that the turbine was receiving before the disturbance.

After changeover the reference value relay is reduced slowly until the feedwater
regulator can hold the lift signal for the reheater valve with no major disturbance
(through adjustment of the speed reference).


The body of the reference value relay is incorporated in the governor housing and
forms the link between the electrical reference setter and reference spring. The
reference value relay is linked hydraulically to a 3/2 way solenoid valve (see also
Governing System Diagram).

When needed the solenoid valve is opened so that pressure oil can flow to the
reference value relay. The pressure oil enters the body and passes through the control
piston, which is bored and has elongated side ports, to the top of the step change
piston. The step change piston is forced downwards as far as the adjusting screw
permits and becomes one with it. At the same time the reference spring of the speed
governor is tensioned through a rod connected to the step change piston. The turbine
control valves move to maximum lift and the steam throughput is now regulated by
the reheater valve.


After a pre-set delay the solenoid valve is deenergized and the oil spaces of the
reference value relay are opened to drain. By means of a throttle the pressure is
reduced slowly so that the feedwater regulator can perform the travel set by the
reference value rely (step change) without difficulty.


The initiating command for opening of the solenoid valve is a signal from the generator
circuit breaker (tripped). The signal is interlocked if the check valve in the main
turbine steam line to the feed pump turbine is closed and the reheater valve is
already in an appropriate position (this is possible on overload during normal



The amplifier serves for converting the output signals from the speed governor and the
extraction pressure controller into distinct values of secondary oil pressure which are
passed on as input signal to the pilot valves of the respective control valve actuators.



It is operated either manually or remotely by means of an electric motor. The rotary

movement of shaft is transmitted via worm, to helical wheel. This helical wheel is
arranged on the threaded portion of handwheel spindle and is fixed axially by inset
and gear case. Spindle is connected with sleeve which is free to rotate in cover by
feather key in such a force thrust rings which are guided in insert so tightly against
sleeve, that sleeve and therefore spindle cannot turn and the spindle is moved in the
axial direction when the helical wheel starts to rotate.

Depending on the direction of rotation of helical wheel handwheel spindle can be

moved in both directions until it bears against feather key and stop nut, respectively.
In the two stop positions thrust rings act as a slipping clutch. In this case handwheel
spindle and helical wheel rotate simultaneously without the handwheel spindle being
moved in the axial direction.

Even in the event of a fault, i.e. which the frictional resistance becomes too high, the
device acts as slipping clutch and protects the electric motor against overload.


The piston slides in a separate cylindrical housing of the actuator and is mounted on
the piston rod. A conical follow up cam has been shrunk up on this piston rod and is
secured by a pin. the upper end of the piston rod is screwed into the turnbuckle
which also serves for attaching the tie rod which transmits the stroke of the piston to


the control valve leverage. The spaces above and below the piston are connected
through internal ducts in the housing with the il passages of the pilot valve.


The piston of the pilot valve is slideably mounted in a sleeve which is tightly inserted
into the actuator housing. The core of the valve piston is drilled out and has access to
annular grooves on the periphery which coincide with corresponding annular recesses
in the valve sleeve. At the bottom the valve piston core is sealed by a screw plug, while
at the upper end the oil is able to escape through radial passages which have been
drilled into the wheel disc in a spider like configuration. In the region of the pressure
oil inlet connection, four radial holes have been drilled from the periphery right down
to the core of the valve piston. A pin on the top of the valve piston serves for locating a
deep groove ball bearing intended for taking up the thrust. Above this thrust bearing
a compression spring is provided which can be tensioned in conformity with the
position of the bell crank lever by means of an adjusting screw.


The feedback system serves the purpose of stabilising the control movement. The
piston rod is positively connected with the pilot valve via a bell crank lever. The cam
follower mounted on the one arm of the bell crank lever is pressed against the conical
follow up cam. The other end of the bell crank lever is connected to the adjustment
screw of the pilot valve and thus is under the influence of the compression spring.


Any change in pressure of the secondary oil results in an axial displacement of the
valve piston. In this way, the relative position of the grooves on the valve piston
surface with respect to the corresponding annular recesses in the valve sleeve will be
altered with the result that pressure oil is admitted to the space below or above the
actuator piston. At the same time, the return oil from these spaces is allowed to

The actuator piston will consequently make an appropriate movement and will operate
the control valves by their leverage. Owing to the follow up cam, any movement of the
actuator piston will be transmitted to the bell crank lever. the action of the bell crank
lever on the compression spring goes in a direction opposite to the movement of the
pilot valve. Under the influence of the spring force, the valve piston is thus going to
assume an intermediate operating position.



The functional relationship between secondary oil pressure and piston stroke can be
changed by rotating the conical follow up cam about its axis. Such a displacement
will after the interdependence between actuator piston stroke and compression spring
preload while maintaining the direct proportionality between these two quantities. The
preload on compression spring can be adjusted by means of the adjusting screw prior
to such adjustments the cap has to be removed.


The actuator serves for transmitting the positioning impulses for the control valves to
the valve operating leverage. The lever system lifts or lowers the control valves of the
turbine in such a way that the steam flow will always be adequate to the present or
required turbine output. The pilot valve of the actuator receives its control impulses
from the secondary oil circuit. However, the actual servo power for positioning the
control valves is derived from the pressure of the oil which flows either to the top or to
the underside of the actuator piston.


Any change in secondary oil pressure brings about a corresponding stroke of the pilot
piston. The annular grooves and oil pockets in the pilot and sleeves, respectively, are
arranged in such a manner, that with increasing secondary oil pressure the pilot
piston is moved upwards thus opening the pressure oil arriving at connection a
channel for flowing to the upper side of the servo piston. By its resulting downward
stroke, the piston is thus opening the control valves through the lever system. By
means of a reset bar, the piston stroke is fed back to the lever via a bellcrank follower.
The action of that lever on the compression spring goes in a direction opposite to the
pilot piston stroke. Hence, the pilot piston is going to yield to the spring force and
returns to its neutral position. The functional relationship between secondary oil
pressure and piston choke can be changed by adjusting the inclination of the reset bar
to the desired position with the help of a set screw. Such adjustments will affect only
the amount of proportional gain while, with the design of reset bar here under
consideration, the secondary oil pressure vs. piston stroke relationship will always a
linear function. However, in cases where control requirements warrant it, it will be
possible to provide also for non linear control characteristics through an appropriately
shaped cam profile of the reset bar.

The resetting mechanism serves for stabilising the control action. The functional
chain extends between the piston rod and the pilot piston; these parts are
interconnected by the bell crank follower and the lever. The pressure roller carried by
one arm of the bell crank follower is pressed the reset bar. The other arm of the
follower is connected with the lever and, through the adjusting screw, it transmits its
motion to the compression spring.


1. Ensure :

A. Oil supply to control oil system.

B. The manual valves to EHC and output of follow up piston are open.

C. Speed set point zero for energising Plunger coil.

D. No faults on EHTC.

E. Turbine trip reset.

2. Select the hydraulic governor with EHTC/Hydraulic selection switch.

3. Open the stop valve with starting device.The stroke of starting device is 0 - 53 %
for opening stop valves and bring main control valve secondary oil pressure to
1.5 kg/cm2.

4. Increase the stroke of starting device and observe that speed of the turbine
should not increase.

5. Raise the starting device position to 53 %.

6. Select the EHTC with selection switch EHTC/Hydraulic.

7. Increase the speed set point such that EHC position is more than starting
device position.

8. Slowly bring down the EHC < HG in small steps, observe that the electronic
governor is active and starting device position is following the EHC position.

9. Increase the speed of the machine as per the start up curve manually.
Raise/Lower speed reference push buttons till it is just below the BFP C set

10. Increase the speeder gear position to maximum.

11. Select the speed reference by BFP C with speed reference manual BFP C set
point ref. Selection switch.

12. Increase the speed of the machine till the BFP C set point becomes active i.e.
manual set point is more than BFP C set point.

13. Observe the manual set point tracking the BFP C controller set point

14. To take the control from BFP C set point to manual set point.


A. Select the manual set point.
B. Decrease in small step the manual reference such that manual set point
becomes active.

15. Change over to hydraulic governor.

A. Select the hydraulic governor.

B. Decrease the starting device position in small steps.

C. When HG < EHC observe the hydraulic governor active lamp glows.

D. Increase the speed set point to maximum to enable to operate the

hydraulic governor 100%.



1. Emergency trip from Control room


Local i.e. from Governing rack and turbine front pedestal

all above trips can be resetted from UCB & LCP

Please note that mechanical trip can be resetted mechanically only by

pressing emergency speed Governor testing device lever downward.

2. Exhaust steam temperature high trip Trip 120OC Alarm 110OC

3. Inlet steam pressure high alarm 7.0 kg/cm2, Trip 10.0 kg/cm2.

4. Governing oil pressure very low ,Alarm 6.5 kg/cm2, stand by pump start
At 4.5 kg/cm2.

5. Turbine vibration very high (displacement). Alarm 75µ, Trip 75µ

6. Axial shift high Alarm +/- 0.5 mm, Trip +/- 0.7 mm. (+) Exhaust side,
(-) Steam inlet side

7. Eccentricity high Alarm 75µ PP, Trip 75µ P.P.

8. Turbine differential Expansion high alarm +/- 2.5 mm


9. Lub oil pressure low. Alarm1.6 kg/cm2, trip1.0 kg/cm2. (Barring gear



All TDBFP protections will trip the turbine. Turbine can be resetted after getting all
permissives for BFP and No turbine trip. But once turbine has been resetted it can be
rolled even if any one of BFP permissives are not there. For example if turbine has
been resetted and after that some one closes recirculation valve, turbine can be rolled.

BFP suction valve limit switch are not provided therefore it has been bypassed.

Seal quench water pressure low tripping has been provided from main header
pressure. Therefore seal quench water pressure trip or permissive will not come into
the picture if seal quench water to the Boiler feed pumps are isolated from their
controller end.

Emergency seal quench water pump start/stop knob (at MDBFP LCP) should be turn
towards ‘OFF’ side after every tripping of Boiler feed pumps on seal quench water
pressure low. Otherwise pump (ESP) will not take start on auto, in event of similar
next tripping.


• Engage - Zero speed & lub oil Pressure adequate.

• Disengage - less than 100 rpm.

In both the cases power pack motor has to be stopped after completion of engage /
disengage operation. However pump will take start on auto when engage or disengage
command is given and conditions are fulfilled.

In the same reference it is advisable to engage and disengage the coupling at zero
speed only.


1. Barring gear valve opens on auto when speed is < 100 rpm. JOP will take start
when barring gear valve.

2. Barring gear valve close on auto when turbine speed reaches 300 rpm. JOP
has to be stopped manually.




1. Open drain valves, DW 2A, DW 3A, DW 6A (from LCP), MSD - 81, MSD-32,
MSD-83, MSD-66, MSD-67 - from LCP or control room.

(In case of TDBFP 6B open MSD 82, MSD 46, MSD-77, MSD-66, MSD 68)

2. Charge gland seal of Turbine and open Ex-21 (Exhaust to condenser)


3. Charge Aux. Steam and CRH steam to Turbine one after other by opening ASL
004 & Ex-20 (Ex 19 for TDBFP 6B) Atmospheric drain valves may be open to
observe the draining of condensate in the Aux and CRH lines.

4. Open MV 78 and Ex 50 for heating the steam line upto ESV (Manual isolating
valve before ESV should be full open).

5. Watch steam inlet parameters and then open ESV for chest heating.

6. Roll the turbine according to start up procedures.

7. Closing drains & vents -

I. MV - 78 EX 50 before rolling.

II. Line drains - looking into steam parameters.

III. Turbine drains after attaining full speed and watching turbine parameters.

Booster pump and BFP are to be lined up according to the procedure followed in case


1. Disengage the coupling at zero speed and put the machine on barring. Water in
the booster pump is to be ensured while running the machine on barring.

2. Close Ex-21 TDBFP A

3. Isolate the gland steam to turbine seals when vacuum comes to 0.2 kg/cm2.

4. Isolate the steam lines.

5. Open the BFP vents and recirculation line vents to restrict suction/discharge
differential temperature.

6. Steam and water side isolations are to be done when shut down is for longer

7. Barring gear can be stopped after achieving casing temperature less than
100oC (It can be reensured by touching the turbine glands with hand).




The main requirement of a boiler feed pump drive turbine (BFPT) governing system is
to maintain speed depending on a signal from feed water controller which in turn
depends on boiler feed pump delivery pressure and flow.

The turbine speed is being controlled by an Electro hydraulic governor (EHG) which is
constantly backed up by an another hydraulic governor. Speed control gangue of EHG
is from 20 % to 110 % and that of Hydraulic governor (HG) is 50 % to 110 % of rated
speed. The hydraulic governor comes into action immediately when the Electronic
governor fails. For smooth change over an electronic tracking device is provided.

The steam to BFPT is supplied from one of the bled steam line of main 500 MW steam
turbine. During start up and shut-down of main turbine, steam is being supplied from
cold reheat line. The BFPT governing system has a feature of starting the BFPT
through steam from cold reheat line and then automatically switching on to bled
steam supply as soon as it is available without any discontinuity.

The other special features of BFP TURBINE governing system includes a quick closing
stop valve, over speed trip, low lubrication oil protection, low vacuum protection, axial
motion protection, remote tripping and remote engagement of emergency tripping


The hydraulic governor mainly consists of a governor impeller, hydraulic governor and
hydraulic amplifier.

The governor impeller is driven by BFPT shaft through gear wheels and it is supplied
with a small quantity of oil from the main oil pump. Depending on the speed of BFPT,
the governor impeller builds up a pressure on its periphery. This oil pressure called
as primary oil pressure acts on a hydraulic governor bellow. The governor bellow is
connected to a lever through a tappet. The force exerted on the bellow by primary oil
pressure is transmitted to the lever through the tappet. A compression spring is
mounted on the top of the lever which is pre-compressed by speeder gear.

The signal from feed water controller through electronic governor determines the pre-
compression of the speed set spring which balances the primary oil pressure acting on
the bellow. The travel of the tappet is transmitted to the lever which is pivoted at one
end through a joint. At its free end the pivoted lever is connected to the control
sleeves. The control sleeves and follow-up pistons (amplifiers) are provided with ports.
The overlap of these ports is dependent on primary oil pressure and speeder gear

The follow-up pistons are held in a certain position by a spring. The pressure oil from
trip oil circuit is admitted into the follow-up pistons through an orifice. The secondary


oil pressure for servomotors depends upon the gap between the follow-up pistons and
control sleeves.

Any variation in control signal from feed water controller will change the pre-
compression of the speed set spring and thus disturbing the equilibrium of the tappet.
This will change the port opening between follow-up pistons and control sleeves. The
subsequent increase or decrease in the secondary oil pressures result in a
displacement of servomotor pilot valves which determine the position of servopistons.

The spindle of servopiston is connected to the control valves through a lever system.
The feed back lever resets the pilot valves to the position corresponding to the required
load even before the control action is completed.

The follow-up pistons amplify the small pressure changes which are produced by
governor impeller on a change in speed or due to feed water controller signal. It also
reverses the direction of action of pressure in the secondary oil circuit. An
interruption of this secondary oil leads to an immediate closure of control valves.

The total control action of hydraulic governor can be summarised as follows :

For examples, let signal from speed reference is increased, the control signal will try
to compress the speed set spring and tappet will move down, which will result in
increase in secondary oil pressure.
The increased secondary oil pressure through servomotor opens the control valves
more, allowing more steam to flow into the BFPT. As a result the speed of BFPT will
increase till the primary oil pressure force and speed set spring force are again in


The speed of BFPT is sensed by three hall probes. This speed signal through a pulse
converter is fed to a speed governor which also receives another signal from a set point
setter. Any change in speed of BFPT or set point, speed governor will give signal to an
electronic amplifier.

The output signal of electronic amplifier is given to the moving coil measuring system
of a electro-hydraulic converter. EHC converts the electric signal into a hydraulic

The feed back action of EHC is effected by a differential transformer mounted on EHC
power piston and feed back amplifier.

The power piston EHC through levers move control sleeves of two hydraulic amplifiers.
The construction and action of these hydraulic amplifiers are exactly same as that
described under hydraulic governor. The output of these hydraulic amplifiers i.e.
secondary oil pressure is connected in a parallel with the output of the hydraulic


governor amplifiers. Thus the secondary oil pressure leading to servomotors is
controlled both by hydraulic governor and electronic governor (Function of a low
signal selector).

A fail safe is provided in the electronic governor to hold the last signal to electronic
governor from BFPT controller. In case the signal from BFPT controller fails, and
therefore the turbine speed will be maintained at that operating point.


In the present governing system, hydraulic governor acts as secondary governor to

electronic governor. As mentioned earlier that the output of both the governors
controls the secondary oil pressure. But as a fact the governor which gives less
secondary oil pressure will control the final secondary oil pressure. Since the
hydraulic governor is designed to follow the electronic governor constantly, the
hydraulic governor is set at slightly higher secondary oil pressure. Therefore always
electronic governor will be controlling the secondary oil pressure and hydraulic
governor will follow.

The controlling range of electronic governor is from 20 % to 100 % and that of

hydraulic governor is from 50 % to 110 % when electronic governor fails in the range
of 50 % to 110 % the speed of the turbine will rise momentarily corresponding to
hydraulic governor setting and then hydraulic governor will hold the speed and further
speed can be controlled manually.

In case the electronic governor fails in the range of 20 % to 50% of speed, the speed
will be immediately set automatically to 20 % through the starting device. On the top
of starting device a hydraulic reference valve relay is mounted, which receives the
pressure oil through the solenoid valve. The solenoid valve gets energised only when
BFPT set speed is less than 50 % and electronic governor fails. This signal is also
given to the starting device motor, which slowly moves towards 20% speed setting.

Through the solenoid valve and hydraulic reference valve relay the starting device is
set immediately to 20 % speed, when starting device motor has moved to 20 % speed
setting, the actuating signal to solenoid valve and motor are disconnected and turbine
runs at 20 % speed as long as it is not disturbed. Further control of turbine can be
achieved by operating the starting device manually.


During normal running, the steam to BFPT is supplied from one of the bled steam
line of main 500 MW turbine. During starting and shut-down of 500 MW turbine, the
steam to BFPT is supplied from the cold reheat line.


Steam into turbine enters through main stop valve and main control valves. The
auxiliary control valve and servomotor are located in the cold reheat line before the
main stop valve.

The main stop valve is of quick closing type. The valve is actuated by means of a
starting device. The stop valve consists of a spring loaded piston and piston disc,
which is connected to the valve cone through a spindle. For opening the stop vlave,
start up oil (from starting device) is admitted to the space above the spring loaded
piston, by operating the starting device. Due to start-up oil pressure, the piston moves
towards the piston disc and they from a tight seal against each other. Oil from trip oil
circuit is then admitted to the space under the piston disc and the space above the
piston is connected to oil drain. The trip oil now forces both piston disc and piston to
the outer position thereby opening the stop valve. As long as the trip oil pressure is
maintained the piston and the piston disc cannot be separated by spring force. The
stop valve is closed only when the trip oil pressure drops substantially. On a loss of
trip oil, the trip oil pressure, the pressure of secondary oil tapped from trip oil circuit,
drops to zero, thus causing the main control valves and auxiliary control valve to
close. This arrangement provided a two fold protection against steam entering the
turbine. Provision is made for on load testing of stop valve. To admit the steam into
the turbine, HP control valves must open since during start, is no bled steam
available, steam is to be supplied from cold reheat line and for this Aux. Control valves
is to be opened. The arrangement and design is such that aux. Control valve will
open only when main control valves are fully opened. With the help of starting device
the hydraulic governor is manipulated to increase first the main secondary oil
pressure then aux. secondary oil pressure. During this time electronic governor is set
at 20 % or speed. Once the aux. control valve is open, steam from cold reheat or Aux.
Steam line is available to turbine and after picking up the speed, electronic and
hydraulic governor will take over. When bled steam is made available, aux. control
valve will close automatically if available steam from IP, LP cross over is sufficeint and
turbine will be operating on bled steam supply.


When main turbine is tripps bled steam to drive BFPT will not be available and BFPT
has to derive the steam from cold reheat line. As soon as the bled steam supply is
stopped, the turbine (BFPT) governing system will open the control valves more and
more. Thus main control valves immediately open fully and then aux. control valves
starts opening till the required steam quantity is met through cold reheat line. In
process, when main control valves open, very fast response from electronic governor is
expected and will interfere with the hydraulic governor which is comparatively slow. To
avoid this interference, a disturbing process signal unit is used to set the hydraulic
governor to the maximum valve opening position as soon as 500 MW turbine is
tripped. 500 MW turbine trip signal is given to a solenoid valve cylinder of D.P.S.U.
The downward movement of the piston compresses the speeder gear to maximum


speed setting and thus building maximum secondary oil pressure corresponding to
full valve opening.



A feedwater heater is a special form of a shell and tube heat exchanger designed for
the unique application of recovering the heat from the turbine extraction steam by
preheating the boiler feedwater. Its principal parts are a channel and tubesheet,
tubes, and a shell. The tubes may be either bent tubes or straight tubes. Feedwater
heaters are defined as high pressure heaters when they are located in the feedwater
circuit upstream from the high pressure feedwater pump. Low pressure feedwater
heaters are located upstream from the condensate pump which takes its suction from
the condenser hotwell. Because the discharge pressure from these pumps differs
greatly, the physical and thermal characteristics of high and low pressure feedwater
heaters are vastly different. Typically low pressure feedwater heaters are designed for
feedwater pressures between 27 kg/cm sq. and 56 kg/cm 2, high pressure feedwater
heaters range from 112 kg/cm2 for nuclear heat sources to 335 kg/cm2. for super
critical boilers. Regardless of the actual design pressure, the classification depends
upon the cycle location relative to the feedwater pumps. The design pressure is
specified sufficiently high so as to not over-pressure the channel side of the heaters
under any of the various operating conditions, particularly cat pump shut-off.

Each feedwater heater bundle will contain from one to three separate heat transfer
areas or zones. These are condensing, desuperheating and sub-cooling zones.
Economics of design will determine what combination of the three is provided in each

A condensing zone is present in all feedwater heaters. Large volumes of steam are
condensed in this zone and most of the heat is transferred here.

The desuperheating zone is a separate heat exchanger contained within the heater
shell. This zone’s purpose is to remove superheat present in the steam. Because of
the high steam velocities employed, condensation within the desuperheating zone is

The sub-cooling zone, like the desuperheating zone, is another separate counter flow
heat exchanger whose purpose is to sub cool incoming drains and steam condensate.



The following are precautions that should be adopted when operating these feedwater


Feedwater heater operation should not be undertaken if any of the protective devices
are known to be faulty.

Feedwater heaters are not to be operated at fluid temperature higher than those
shown on the specification sheet. Feedwater heaters must not be subjected to abrupt
temperature fluctuations. Hot fluid must not be introduced rapidly when the heater is
cold, not cold fluid when the heater is hot.

Prior to opening the feedwater valve, the channel start-up vents are to be opened and
remain open until all passages have been purged and feedwater begins to discharge.

To remove air from the shellsides of a heater which does not operate under vacuum,
the shell start-up vent valves should be opened prior to the admission of steam to the
feedwater heater. The extraction lines must be free of all condensate to prevent
damage to the heater internals by slug flow. When the drains outlet valve is opened,
the shell start-up vent valves are to be closed and the operating air vent valves are to
be opened. Continuous venting of air and other non-condensibles is assured by
keeping the shell operating vent valves open.

On initial plant start-up of horizontal feedwater heaters, having integral drain coolers,
the liquid level is to be kept just below the high level alarm point. This will avoid the
possibility of flashing at the sub-cooler inlet and the possible tube damage that can
result. During initial start-up phases, the drains approach temperature (difference
between drain cooler and feedwater inlet temperatures) should be monitored.
Approach temperatures in excess of 8OC indicate the probability of flashing at the
sub-cooler inlet. In this case, the liquid level should be raised until the drains
approach temperature approached the specified value.

The various turbine extraction’s are charged as follows :

• LPH – 1, Always in service.

• LPH - 2 & 3, These extractions are charged when the unit load is around 50

• Deaerator Extraction is charged when IP exhaust pressure is > 3.5 kg/cm2.

(around 40 % of unit capacity)

• HPH - 5 & 6 These extractions are charged when unit load is around 50 to 60 %
of unit capacity.



Proper venting is necessary on feedwater heaters. All operating air vent connections
must be piped to permit continuos venting.

The venting system in a feedwater heater is designed to assure that all points where
non-condensable gases could collect are vented. Failure to utilise all of the operating
air vents can lead to corrosion damage and/or loss of performance due to air

Vent lines of heaters operating at a different shell pressure must not be piped to a
common manifold. Failure to run individual vent lines from each heater has resulted
in inadequate or no venting of a heater operating at a lower shell side pressure than
other heaters, piped into a common manifold. Also, tubing adjacent to an air removal
connection has failed due to erosion caused by blow back of condensed vapour fed
into the heater from a manifold which also served a heater operating at a higher
shellside pressure.

Multiple operating air vent connections on the same heater can be manifolded
downstream from the vent orifices and exhausted through a single vent pipe. The
manifold must be sized to handle the total flow from all vents and discharged into a
pressure lower than the vent pressure.

A sharp distinction must be drawn between start-up vents and operating air vents, as
identified on the Setting Plan drawings. Start up vents must be closed during
operation, and in no event are start up vents to be piped up to a manifold serving the
operating air vents. Vents should not be cascaded.

Vent flow control is best accomplished through the use of properly sized sharp edged
orifice constructed of stainless steel or other suitable erosion/corrosion resistant

Vent piping should be sized to assure that the back pressure, at the discharge of the
vent orifices, is no greater than 50 % of the shellside operating pressure. When there
is no desuperheating zone in a given heater, this shellside operating pressure may be
considered as equal to the steam inlet pressure. If a desuperheating zone is employed,
deduct 0. 35 kg/cm2 from the steam inlet pressure to obtain the approximate
shellside operating pressure for the purpose of sizing vent piping. Note that the intent
is to control the operating air vent flow by assuring critical flow through the vent

Isolation valves in vent piping should either be locked in the open position or some
other suitable means provided to assure that such valves cannot be closed during
normal operation.



A feedwater heater may be severely damaged by erosion and/or vibration, if it is

operated for any significant period or time with the next lower heater’s feedwater flow
by passed. When a heater is by-passed, its normal feedwater is passed on to the next
higher heater. This next higher heater will come close to making up the duty of both
heaters. This single heater will tend to draw a total amount of extraction of steam
approximately equal to the flow to both heaters.

In the case of heaters with desuperheating zones, the increased steam load due to by-
passing the previous heater can cause an excessive pressure drop in the
desuperheating zone, which in turn can cause condensation. The condensate flowing
at high velocity can lead to severe tube erosion.

Excessive steam flow to a heater, resulting from by-passing the feedwater side of the
previous heater, can result in :

• Localised high velocity leading to vibration of the tubing.

• Flows which cannot be adequately handled by the drain control valve.

• Condensation in the desuperheat zone and high velocity impingement.



The deaerating heater utilises steam by spraying the incoming water into an
atmosphere of steam in the preheater section (first stage). It then mixes this water
with fresh incoming steam in the Deaerator section. (Second stage).

In the first stage the water is heated to within 2O of steam saturation temperature and
virtually all of the oxygen and free carbon dioxide are removed. This is accomplished
by spraying the water through self adjusting spray valves which are designed to
produce a uniform spray film under all conditions of load and consequently a constant
temperature and uniform gas removal is obtained at this point.

From the first stage the preheated water containing minute traces of dissolved gases
flows into the second stage. This section consists of either a distributor or several
assemblies of trays. Here the water is in intimate contact with an excess of fresh
gas/free steam. The steam passes into this stage and it is mixed with the preheated
water. Deaeration is accomplished at all rates of flow if conditions are maintained in
accordance with design criteria. Very little steam is condensed here as the incoming


water has a high temperature caused by the preheating. The steam then rises to the
first stage and carries small traces of residual gases. In the first stage most of the
steam is condensed and the remaining gases pass to the vent where the non-
condensable gases flow to the atmosphere. A very small amount of steam is also
discharged to the atmosphere which assures that the deaerating water is adequately
vented at all times.

The water which leaves the second stage falls to the storage tank where it is stored for
use. At this time the water is completely deaerated and is heated to the saturated
steam temperature corresponding to the pressure within the vessel.

The condensate pressure just before the entry to Deaerator shall be atleast 3 psi more
than the Deaerator steam pressure.


1. Flush out all lines and tanks with water until there is no apparent indication of
foreign matter or rust. Spray nozzles should be free from all foreign material.

2. Manually check all controls to see that each is working freely.

3. Check to see that all instruments are operating and indicating correctly.

4. Open the Deaerator vent valves or open orifice bypasses to atmosphere.

5. Admit condensate water and slowly increase from 15 % to 30 % of design inlet

flow fate.

6. Put one boiler feed pump in service with recirculation to Deaerator.

7. After making certain that adequate steam pressure is available, open steam
valve slowly admitting steam into the Deaerator.

8. When a strong flow of steam issues from the vents, start throttling the vent and
check feed storage tank temperature.

9. The gauge should read 2 to 3oF below saturation temperature at the existing

10. Throttle back vent valves to operating positions. The final position is
determined in conjunction with oxygen tests during operation.



Changing cold or hot water admission to the water box must be accomplished in a
controlled manner. The control must assure that the rate of temperature change of
the metal in the shell or the water box does not exceed 400oF per hour with
instantaneous changes not greater than 50OF per minute for a total excursion of

Cold start-up can severely stress a Deaerator. To avoid a severe thermal shock it is
recommended that cold start ups be preceded by a warm up steam with the vents
open and no flow in to the water box. The steam flow should be regulated to permit
the steel shells to heat at a rate of 50OF per minute upto about 200oF. Water in the
storage tank should also be heated to the same value. When the entire vessel and its
contains are heated, the steam supply should be shut off and any remaining steam
vapour should be vented.

Accelerated cooling is often desirable for repair work. Accelerated cooling can be
accomplished using a cooling fluid which is 100OF to 150OF lower than the metal
temperature until the metal has cooled to about 250OF. The rate of change of metal
temperature should stay in the 100O F/Hr range. Once the metal is at or below
250OF, cooling of 60OF to 70OF may be used.



The purpose of the Feedwater System is to provide an adequate flow of properly heated
and conditioned water to the boiler and maintain boiler drum level compatible with the
boiler load. This system also conveys water to the boiler reheater at temperators,
superheater at temperators, auxiliary steam desuperheaters, the high pressure bypass
desuperheater and HP fill & purge SGCW pump cooler. Feedwater is heated to achieve
an efficient thermodynamic cycle.

Under normal operating conditions, feedwater flows from the outlet nozzles of the
Deaerator storage tank, through the boiler feed booster pumps (BFBP), to the boiler
feed pumps (BFP). From the discharge of the boiler feed pumps, the flow continues
through both high pressure feedwater heater strings to the boiler economiser inlets. A
bypass line around the heaters is provided for removal of either or both heater strings
from service.


The high pressure feedwater heaters receive extraction steam from the cold reheat line
and the IP turbine. The feedwater absorbs heat from the extraction steam as it passes
through the heaters.

The boiler feedwater flows through individual suction line to the Booster Pumps of 2 x
50 % turbine driven boiler feed pump ( A & B) and 1 x 50 % motor driven boiler feed
pump (C). A hand operated isolation valve followed by a temporary start up strainer
have been located in each booster suction line. At the suction line of booster pump C
(Motor driven BFP) there is provision for introducing hydrazine and ammonia which
could be dozed during a wet lay pump operation. From the discharge of booster
pump, feedwater flows through the suction of BFP. A flow element has been located in
each of these lines. One 275 mm inner dia discharge line merges out from each BFP
with one check valve and one motor operated stop check valve placed in series. These
lines then form a common discharge line.

Each feed pump discharge is provided with an automatic modulating recirculation

valve and two locked open isolating valves, located before the discharge check valve,
and recirculate feedwater back to the Deaerator feedwater storage tank, as required.
This ensures that the feed pumps are each protected by maintain the minimum
recirculation flow corresponding to its speed. The balance leak-off line of each BFP is
always open and ensure a return flow path to the pump suction.

The feedwater temperature is initially raised by passing through the low pressure
feedwater heaters and Deaerator feedwater heater. These heaters are associated with
the condensate system. The feedwater temperature is further raised in high pressure
feedwater heaters. The common discharge header of BFPs ultimately splits into three
lines: one for each string of high pressure feedwater heaters (HP Htrs. 5A-6A & 5B-
6B) and a common bypass line for both strings. The feedlines to HP feedwater heaters
each contain two motor operated isolation valves: one on the inlet side of HP feedwater
heater 5A/5B and one on the outlet side of HP feedwater heater 6A/6B. The bypass
line located between heaters 5A-6A string and heaters 5B-6B string and is sized to
accept full feedwater flow, which can be regulated by a motor operated globe valve.
Pressure relief valves are provided on the tube side of heaters, to accommodate
thermal expansion of the feedwater when a heater is isolated. The outlet header from
each string the joins into a common header. The low-load feed control valve (FCV-
0657) together with one motor-operated control valve bypass and two motor operated
control valve inlet -outlet isolation are located parallel to the above common header.
Thereafter, this header contains a flow element, a check valve and an isolation valve
prior to entering into the economiser.The reheater attemperator supply line has been
taken from an intermediate stage of each BFP which join into a common line prior to
entering into the spray control station. This line also contains a flow element.

The arrangement for superheater attemperator supply line is identical to the above
one, excepting that the line is taken from the kicker stage of each BFP.



Two x 50 % turbine driven boiler feed pumps can be controlled either from the Unit
Control Room (UCB) or from the Local Control Panel (LCP). These pumps are used
during normal operation. In addition, another 50 % motor driven boiler feed pumps
has been provided for start-up and standby operation, which is to be controlled from
the Central Control Room.

Under normal operating conditions, the main feedwater flow continues through each
of the two turbine-driven BFBP discharges to the BFP associated with a particular
BFBP. There is no cross connection between BFBP’s, nor is there any isolation valve
between the discharge of the BFBP ‘s and the suction of the BFP’s.

Under normal operation, if there is a malfunction with either a BFBP or BFP, that unit
will trip out and cause its companion pump to also trip; at the same time, the motor -
driven BFP will be brought up to system performance level by operator intervention.

Suction strainer of each BFP is provided with a diff. Press. Switch (PDS-0601, 0612 &
0623). In the event of high differential pressure (0.5 kg/cm2 ) these switches actuate
control room alarm. This alarm indicates that the suction strainer is dirty and should
be cleaned as soon as possible. The standby pump should be cleaned as soon as
possible. The standby pump should be placed in service. Thereafter, the suction
strainer should be thoroughly cleaned.

Each BFP is protected by safety interlocks to prevent eventualities like dry running,
low NPSH, lubrication failure, minimum flow conditions, etc.

Steam to BFP turbine is normally provided from the IP turbine exhaust. However,
during unit start-up or during main turbine tripped condition, steam to BFP turbine is
supplied from auxiliary steam or cold reheat steam. Each TD BFP has been provided
with two x 100 % Main / Auxiliary Oil Pump and one Emergency Lube Oil Pump.
These pumps can be controlled either from UCB or from LCP. The standby auxiliary
oil pump shall start automatically in the event of either the tripping of the running oil
pump or fall in pump discharge header pressure, to 6.5 kg/cm2, sensed by the
pressure switch PSL 3.1. The emergency lube oil pump shall start automatically
when lube oil pressure falls to 1.0 kg/cm2, sensed by pressure switches (PSL 3.2A, B
& C). This pump can also be controlled either from UCB or from LCP.

The jacking oil pump control has been provided on LCP. This pump shall start
automatically when turning gear motor operated valve is open.

Control of ID TD BFP turning gear has also been provided on LCP. Turning gear motor
operated valve shall open automatically when BFP turbine speed is less then 210 rpm
and shall close automatically when BFP turbine speed is greater than 240 rpm. The
opening of the valve is so controlled that during turning gear operation the turbine
speed remains around 100 rpm. Further, the above valve can only be opened either
automatically or manually provided the lube oil pressure is 2.5 kg/cm2 (PSL 3.11) or


Each BFP turbine has been provided with Electro hydraulic governor (EHG), which is
backed by a hydraulic governor. EHG can be controlled from both UCB and LCP.
EHG is actuated to maintain turbine speed depending on a signal from feed water
controller. Speed of MDBFP is maintained by actuating the scoop tube of the
hydraulic coupling, depending on the feedwater controller signal.

The MDBFP has been provided with one auxiliary oil pump and one shaft driven oil
pump associated with the hydraulic coupling. MDBFP utilises the auxiliary lube oil
system until the BFP’s associated shaft driven oil pump has developed an acceptable
discharge pressure. The auxiliary lube oil pump is then placed in standby. The
control of auxiliary oil pump has been provided on UCB only. This pump shall start
automatically under any of the following conditions :

a. When start command is initiated to MD BFP.

b. When MD BFP rotates in reverse direction during standby condition.

c. In the event of tripping of MD BFP for a duration of 5 to 10 minutes.

d. When lube oil pressure falls to or below 1.2 atg, sensed by pressure
switch and MDBFP is running.

This pump shall stop automatically when lube oil pressure increases to 3 kg/cm2,
sensed by pressure switch.

Seal water for both MD and BFP’s is normally supplied from CEP discharge header.
Over and above this supply, a common Emergency DC Seal Water Pump (ESP) for all
BFPs has been provided to supply water to BFP seals in the event of normal supply
failure. The control of ESP is located on the LCP. When the quench pressure to BFP
seals falls to 10 kg/cm2, sensed by pressure switches , all BFP shall trip and ESP
shall start automatically. Once started, ESP shall be stopped after 5 minutes.

Seal water pressure is maintained by actuating the diff. pressure control valve CI-7, 13
& 19 depending on the different pressure signal (sensed by DPT - 244a, b, c) between
seal water supply header and Booster pump A/B/C suction line.

Gland seal drains of all BFPs is collected in a gland drain tank, where from the drain
is transferred by 2 x 100 % Gland Drain Pump (GDP) to Condenser via LP Flash Tank.
The GDP is controlled from the LCP. The Gland Drain Pump shall start automatically
when gland drain tank level becomes high and shall stop automatically when above
level becomes low (both level sensed by LS 162.)

Recirculation Control Valve of each BFP modulates automatically to ensure minimum

recirculation flow (sensed by flow transmitters corresponding to the operating speed
through the pump. This valve opens automatically when differential temperature of
feedwater across BFP suction and discharge increase 10OC.


The boiler feed pumps each discharge through a motor operated discharge valve.
During normal operation FW passes through the HP feedwater heaters. However, in
the event of very high level in individual heater, one string of HP feedwater heaters,
gets bypassed. For this reason motor operated bypass valve is placed across two
strings of HP feedwater heaters. A common SERVICE - AUTO - BYPASS control switch
for HP feedwater heater bypass arrangement has been provided on UCB.

On AUTO position of the control switch, in the event of very high water level in any HP
feedwater heater, sensed by level switches, the bypass valve opens around 50 %.
Opening of FW-014 to 50 % position shall cause closing of inlet - outlet motor
operated valves of the affected string. When both the string of HP feedwater heaters
get bypassed, FW-014 opens full and maintains normal feedwater flow. Full opening
of FW-014 shall cause closing of inlet-outlet motor operated valves of the string in
service. Restoration of the heater level to normal will not automatically restore the
affected string into service.

The return to normal operation must be initiated by operator action with the help of
SERVICE position of control switch. On BYPASS position of the control switch both
heater strings get bypassed, as explained above, irrespective of level condition in each
heater. After passing through the HP feedwater heaters, the feedwater reaches the
feed control station. During start-up and low load (20 % MCR) condition, l Element
drum level control remains in service and the low load feed control valve, isolating
valves open automatically. Full opening of these valves shall cause closing of feed
control station bypass valve, FW-015. When the load increases and exceeds 20 %
MCR, 3 element drum level control comes into service and the bypass valve opens
automatically. Full opening of this valves has been provided on UCB. The feedwater
header is then directed to the economiser inlet header.



A 3 element Deaerator feedwater storage tank level control with condensate flow
matched to the feedwater flow trimmed from the Deaerator level error system, is
supplied. This system has provisions for an automatic trip of all feedwater system
pumps in the event of every low level in the Deaerator, with low level alarms at a
higher level.

Dissolved Oxygen at BFBP suction and dissolved Oxygen, PH, Conductivity & residual
hydrazine at economiser inlet are monitored. Analysers and recorders are provided in
the steam and water analysis system panel.

The BFBP’s are driven by the same drives as that of the BFP’s, and as such, operate
simultaneously and in the same mode as their respective BFP’s.

Differential pressure across the BFBP suction strainer is monitored. These strainers
and their associated instrumentation are temporary and should be removed prior to


commencement of commercial operation. A high differential pressure across the
strainer will initiate an alarm in the control room so that the pump in question can be
taken out of service and the strainer cleaned.

The speed of each BFP turbine is regulated by the 3-element feedwater control which
is regulated according to boiler drum level, feedwater flow to the economiser and main
steam flow. During low load (around 20 % MCR) conditions, the system is regulated
only by drum level (single element control) by modulating the low load feed control
valve. There are no control valves in the main discharge piping from the BFP to the
boiler, since the Feedwater flow is controlled by the BFP turbine speed or in case of
the motor driven pump by the hydraulic coupling scoop tube position.


If the motor driven pump is used for start-up, there is no back pressure available
through the boiler and the hydraulic coupling has only a 4:1 turndown capability.
Therefore, the low load feed control valve is provided to prevent an inability to control
the pump during start-up.


Either of the turbine -driven pumps has the capability to be used for starting up the
plant. An auxiliary steam supply to each pump has enabled either pump to run up to
a point where sufficient flow is available to the boiler. The low-load feed control valve
will regulate flow to maintain drum level.


A common nominal 20 % low load feed control valve has been installed in parallel to
the common pump discharge header which will operate from a single element drum
level signal. When the 20 % load index is reached, the control will transfer, and the
low-load feed control valve is to be closed manually. The flow will then be directed
through the main discharge line with the control transferred to the normal 3-element
feedwater control signal which will modulate the hydraulic coupling scoop tube for
the motor-driven pump or the turbine governor for the turbine driven pumps.

The flow through each BFP is measured in the pump suction line. Control valves are
provided in recirculation lines from each pump discharge to the Deaerator, to insure
the minimum flow through each pump corresponding to its speed.

Feedwater heaters 5A-6A & 5B -6B all have automatic bypassing on very high level
incorporated in their controls.


The inlet and outlet motor operated block valves (MOV) on each string of heaters and
the heater bypass MOV are interlocked to prevent complete shut off of feedwater flow
to the boiler. Very high level in either heater in a particular string (5A/6A or 5B/6B)
will initiate isolation of that string and opening of the bypass to 50 % positions.



The purpose of the Heater Vents and Drains System is to remove condensate that has
accumulated in the shell side of the closed feedwater heaters from their heat source
the extraction steam, and cascade the condensate to the next lower pressure heater.
This system also removes any non-condensable feedwater heaters.

The heater drain system transfers the shell drains from each closed feedwater heater
to the next lower stage of heating and ultimately to the condenser through HP/LP
Flash Tank. The normal operating flow path is from heater nos. 6A-6B to No. 5A-5B
and on to the Deaerator where in the drains are incorporated in the feedwater flow.
From heater No. 3 the drains cascade to heater nos. 2,1, through the drain cooler and
into the condenser, through LP flash tank. The drain line from the drain cooler
section of each heater, except heater no. 1, divides into two branches, one leading to
the next lower pressure heater and the other to HP/LP Flash Tanks. Each branch
contains a modulating type control valve located near the inlet of the receiving vessel.
The drain from heater no. 1 has a separate drain line to the LP flash tank, through a
modulating control valve.

Vents and drain of HP/LP flash tanks are finally connected to the condenser. Normal
drain from each closed feedwater heater except LP heater 1 has also been provided
with a local manually operated level control bypass valve, which can be used in the
event of controller failure.

All HP feedwater heaters 6A-6B & 5A-5B are provided with shell operating vents and
shell start-up vents, which are routed to the HP flash tank manifold, where from drain
and vent are connected to the condenser. Likewise, LP feedwater heaters 2 & 3 are
provided with shell operating vents and shell start-up vents, which are directly routed
to the condenser along with LP Flash Tank vent line. LP feedwater heater no.1,
however, is provided with shell operating vent alone, which is also routed to the
condenser. The operating vent lines from all feedwater heaters are fitted with orifice
plates for flow control. The start-up vent lines from feedwater heater nos. 6A-6B, 5A-
5B, LPH-3 & LPH-2 and deaerating feedwater heater are provided with manually
operated modulating valves. The deaerating feedwater heater vents, both start-up and
operating, are piped to atmosphere.



All feedwater heaters are provided with two field mounted pneumatic level controllers,
one for each drain flow path. One controller is set to maintain normal water level in
the heater, by providing an appropriate control signal for the modulating drain control
valve, located in the cascading drain line to the next lower pressure feedwater heater.
The second controller is set at a level higher than normal, and provides a control
signal to an alternate modulating drain control valve, which is located in the line
branching off the cascading drain and connected directly to the HP/LP flash tanks.

The normal operating level of each feedwater heater is specified by the heater
manufacturer and this define the set point for the normal level control.

Each feedwater heater is provided with “low”, “high” and “high high” level switches.
The “low” level switch, set below the lowest pneumatic level controller set point,
initiates an alarm in the control room so as to indicate the normal level controller
malfunction. The “high” level switch, set above the highest pneumatic level controller
set point, provides control room annunciation of high condensate level in the heater.
Also, the “high” level switch will open the modulating control valve in the emergency
drain line of the affected heater.

The “high high” level switch which has a set-point above the “high” level switch
provides control room annunciation in addition to the following:

a. Closes control valve on the incoming cascade drains to HP feeder water

heater nos. 5A-5B, deaerating feedwater heater, LP feedwater heater nos.
3,2 or 1.

b. Closes the non-return valve and motor operated isolation valve in the
extraction steam lines to the particular heater concerned with the
exception of Heater no. 1, which has no means of extraction steam side

c. Opens the condensate bypass valves and closes the isolation valves for
LP feedwater heater nos. 1,2 or 3.

d. Opens the feedwater bypass valves and closes the isolation valves for HP
feedwater heater strings 5A-6A or 5B-6B, depending on which string is
experiencing the high level condition.

Each heater drain control valves, are provided with open/close position indicating
lights as well as manual over-riding control switches in the control room.


The heater vents and drains system remains in service at all times and would
normally be in service throughout the unit start-up. With the loading of the turbine,
as the extraction steam flow increases, the heater levels are established. Keep the
heater drains in service.


During start-up sufficient differential pressure for cascading would not be available in
the low pressure heaters. As a result, normal drains would remain ineffective, and
heater drains have to be diverted through the emergency drain line.

The heaters have to be vented through manually operated shell start-up vent valves
during start-up, which are to be closed when steady - state operation has been
reached. The heater no.1 has to be vented manually to the condenser during start-
up, and this vent will remain open at all times. Shell operating vents of all the heaters
would always remain open.


The heater drains and vents are designed to operate primarily in the automatic mode
over the range of system design loads. Heater levels are maintained by the inherent
balancing characteristics of the cascaded system and heater level is maintained by
proper positioning of the forward level regulating valves or the bypass valves. Venting
is regulated by the orifices in the vent lines to the condenser (or atmosphere in the
case of the Deaerator). At low load conditions, wherein sufficient differential pressure
for cascading might not exist in the low pressure heaters, the drains will be diverted to
the condenser.






Pressure drop a cross gland steam condenser

Condensate side : 0.21 Kg.cm2
Steam side : 0.025 Kg/cm2
Capacity of gland steam condenser : 0.57 T/hr
No. of Blowers : 2 Nos.
Blower rating : 4.0 KW max.
Gland Steam Condenser
Parameter (Design Temperature) Design Value
Shell side : 350oC
Tube side : 100Oc
Hydraulic test pressure (Shell side) : 60 kg/cm2
Empty : 1240 kg
Flooded : 1690 kg
Operating : 1465 kg
Vacuum Raising System : 2 Nos of 100% each
Capacity of Vacuum pumps in free dry air at Standard : 50 Nm3/hr.
conditions with pump operating at saturated in take
condition of 25.4 mm Hq abs pressure and sub cooled to

4.17oC below temperature corresponding to absolute

suction pressure
Capacity as above but absolute suction pressure 50.8 mm : 85 Nm3/hr.
Hq abs in place of 25.4 mm Hqabs

Discharge pressure : 1.033 Ksc abs.

Cooling water inlet temperature
For 1 above : 12.3oC
For 2 above : 24.5oC
Design TTD (Difference of saturation temperature cooling
water inlet temperature. : 36oC


Blank off pressure with CW temperature 36oC at
Pump suction : 51 mm Hq abs
Ejector suction : 30 mm. Hq. Abs
Minimum suction pressure at pump inlet (allowed) at : 65 mm Hq abs

No of stages : One
Pump rated speed : 21.9 m/sec
Power required (at pump)
Maximum : 120 kW
As per condition 1 : 80 kW
As per condition 2 : 92 kW
Sealing water pressure : 0.2 KSC (g)
Cooling water pressure : 6.0 KSC (g)
Volume of condenser steam space to be evacuated : 2120 m3
Pump detail.
Pump model No. : 2BE 1 353 - OBL 4
Suction and discharge size : 200 mm NB
Heat Exchanger
Capacity at 50.8 mm Hq abs and water vapour to saturate : 85 Nm3/hr.
in addition to 7.5oF under cooling
Inlet pressure : 25.4 mm Hq abs
Power at motor terminal box at 25.4 mm abs : 80 kW
Pump running time to evacuate initial condenser volume : 14 mins.
Motor Standard Continuous rating : 155 kW, 50 Hz, 0.4
kV, 3 phase
Rated speed : 590 rpm
Full load current : 280 Amps
Power factor at rated load : 0.82
Type : Squirrel cage,
induction motor.




NO. OF PUMPS : : 2 Nos. Each of 100% cap.

For each unit of 500 MW.
Capacity of vacuum pumps in free dry air at : 50 Nm3 /hr.
standard conditions with pump operating at
standard intake conditions of 25.4 mm of Hg abs.

Pressure and sub cooled to 4.17OC below

temperature corresponding to absolute suction
Capacity as above but absolute suction pressure : 85 Nm3 /hr.
50.8 mm of hg abs. In place of 25.4 mm of HG abs
Discharge pressure : 1.033 KG/Cm2 abs.
Cooling water inlet temperature
For conditions 2 above : 12.3OC
For conditions 3 above : 24.5OC
Design TTD (Difference of saturation temp - cooling : 13.9OC
water inlet temperatur

Minimum suction pressure at pump inlet (allowed) : 65 mm of Hg abs.

at 36OC cooling water temperature

Number of stages : one
Pump rated speed : 590 rpm
Rotor /vane tip speed : 21.9 m/sec.
Power required (at pump)
Maximum : 120 KW
As per condition 2 above : 80 KW
As per condition 3 above : 92 KW
Cooling water required : 75 Nm3 /hr.
Sealing water flow (closed circuit) : 32 Nm3 /hr.
Sealing water pressure : 0.2 KG/Cm2 (g)
Cooling water pressure : 6.0 KG/Cm2 (g)


Volume of condenser steam space to be evacuated : 2120 M3.
Pump details.
Pump model No. 2BE 1 353 - OBL 4
Suction and discharge size : 200 mm NB
Heat exchanger : 9.5x0.8x3810
Tube size ODX thickness x length in mm
Air ejector size : 150 mm
Separator size : 1600 litres.
Guaranteed performance. :
Capacity at 50.8 of Hg abs. And water vapour to : 85 Nm3 /hr.
saturate in addition to 7.5OF under cooling
Inlet pressure : 25.4 mm of Hg. Abs.
Power at motor terminal box at 25.4 mm abs : 80KW
Pump running time to evacuate initial condenser : 14 mins.
Motor standard continuous rating : : 155KW, 50 Hz, 0.4KV, 3
Rated speed : 590 rpm
Full load current : 280 amps.
Power factor at rated load : 0.82
Type : Squirrel cage, induction



Vacuum pumps are the modern discovery for deaerating steam turbine condensers in
to-days power stations. The air, which penetrates into the condenser of power station,
reduces its efficiency. Vacuum pumps are used

• To extract this air before the condenser is put into operation (hogging operation)

• To evacuate continuously the leakage air which flows into the condenser during
holding operation in order to permit good heat transfer and thus optimum
condenser pressure is maintained.


Three types of vacuum pump systems are most frequently used now a day in power
plants.These are

1. Water jet vacuum pumps

2. Steam jet vacuum pumps
3. ELMO-F liquid ring vacuum pumps.
The ELMO-F vacuum pump is popularly known as ‘Energy Saver’ with ELMO-F
vacuum pumps, the steam portion which has been drawn in, condenses in the
operating water. This results in a very high specific suction capacity at low power
demand. Thus liquid ring ELMO-F vacuum pump comes out to be cheapest
installation for evacuating the condenser.

Because of their high reliability, flexibility and lowest operating cost, ELMO-F liquid
vacuum pumps are the obvious choice for our modern power plants. In all 500 MW,
the ELMO-F liquid ring vacuum pumps are used to evacuate steam turbine


In vacuum pump gas flow enters the compression chamber from both sides(double
flow system). The working fluid is normally water but in special cases solvents, acids
etc., may be used. The rotor of the vacuum pump is arranged off-centre in the
casing. The rotation of the rotor causes the working liquid in the casing to form a ring
which rotates with the rotor. The liquid recedes from the hub of the rotor and the gas
being pumped is drawn through the suction port. On discharge side, the ring of liquid
approaches the hub again and discharges the compressed gas through the discharge

The operating water is heated by the steam, which has been drawn, in the condensing
and by compression process. Part of this water is discharged with the compressed
medium and is separated from the air in a separator attached to the pump and led-off.
This water must be replaced with fresh and cool water. The cooling of this operating
water is undertaken in the heat exchanger. The comparatively cold operating water
from heat exchanger is drawn in by the ELMO-F vacuum pump at the rotor hub and
thus seals the gap between the non-contact rotor and the flat port plates. The
operating liquid supplied at atmospheric pressure and the quantity is controlled
automatically internally. Thermal loads, any back pressure and bubble of water on
the suction side have no detrimental effect due to the single stage design, the flat port
plates, suitable clearances and automatic control of the required operating liquid flow.

Single stage ELMO-F liquid ring vacuum pumps have only one moving part, the rotor,
which rotates in the casing without contact.

There is, therefore, practically no wear during continuous operation and the pumps
require little maintenance. The pump material is selected according to the plant


The direct contact between the cooling liquid ring and the water vapour/air mixture
being compressed, during holding operations, results in the water vapour condensing
in the vacuum pump. This condensation increases the suction capacity of the ELMO-
F pump considerably, compared to when dry air is being extracted. Power
requirement do not increase. Major studies on ELMO-F vacuum pumps reveal that
condensing effect depends substantially on how the operating liquid is supplied and
the design of the impeller.

The typical vacuum pump casing is elliptical. The rotor is normally sealed with
readjustable stuffing box packing and the sealing sections are fitted with replaceable
wearing sleeves.

The size of the vacuum pump in condenser operation is determined by:

1. The designed leakage air mass flow

2. The required suction pressure
3. The given mixture subcooling.
The air sucking capacity of vacuum pump is a function of suction pressure and the
mixture of sub cooling.

It is clear that the size of the pump is affected significantly by the sub cooling and the
suction pressure for which it is designed. Again leakage air mass flow depends on the
condenser steam mass flow at rated load. Hence, size of the vacuum pump is
determined after giving due considerations to all these above factors.

The air, which penetrates into the condenser of a power station, reduces its efficiency.
Before the condenser is put into operation, the air must be extracted (Hogging
operation) and also during actual operation (holding operation). The vacuum pump
serves this purpose.

Vacuum pump works under two modes -

1. Hogging operation

2. Holding operation


In hogging operation both vacuum pumps operate in parallel and air extracted from
the condenser into the suction pipe of both the vacuum pump units via the butterfly
valve (16 a & 16 b). The butterfly valve (19 a) remains closed. The air ejector is idle.


The suction pressure is indicated on the vacuum gauge (1 b). Hogging operation ends
when a suction pressure of about 120 mbar abs. is reached.


In holding operation only one vacuum pump remains in operation shutting down of
the standby unit.

Under special conditions such as

• low partial load

• fouled heat exchanger (13)

• unexpected high pressure loss in the suction piping from condenser to vacuum

The suction capacity can be improved with the air ejector (2) installed upstream.The
Vacuum pump can achive a suction pressure of approximately 10mbar withan air
ejector with improved capacity.

Based on the measured values of the pressure transmitter PT (1Z) and the resistance
thermometer TE (45), the delivered ISKAMATIC will decide whether the operation with
or without air ejector is favourable.

At operation without air ejector (2) the air is extracted from the condenser to the
vacuum pump directly via the butterfly valves (16 a and 16 b). At operation with air
ejector (2) on signal from Iskamatic the butterfly valve (19 a) will be opened and the
bypass valve (16 b) will be closed. Operating air flows to the air ejector (2) via pipe (19)
and air from the condenser flows to the vacuum pump via butterfly valve (16 a) and air
ejector (2) making the air ejector operative. Together with part of the working fluid, the
air is passed via the wet pressure line (17) to the separator (8) where the liquid is
mechanically separated form the air. The air leaves the unit at atmospheric pressure
via check valve (18 c) at discharge connection. The separated liquid is recirculated to
the vacuum pump through a heat exchanger (13) in which the waste heat is removed.

The separator is provide with a water level indicator (23), drain valve (24 a), overflow
regulator (22b), feed regulator (22 a ) with bypass valve (24 b), and flow meter (20 b)
with shut off valve (20 a).

To measure air leakages the valve (18 c) must be closed. The air thus flows through
flow meter (20 b). Air leakage measurements can only be taken during holding
operation. During start up and hogging operation it is important that valve (18 c) is
open. The check valve (18 c) is equipped with a hand lever to keep the valve disk
closed during air leakage measurement. During air leakage measurement valve (20 a)
must be open.

The function of the pressure switch (47) is the cutting in/out of the standby - unit.


The function of the difference - pressure switch (47 b) is to open the system inlet valve
(16 a), when a difference pressure of 30 mbar between condenser and pumpside is

The pressure switch (47 a) is installed to cut in/out the air ejector (2) in case of
ISKAMATIC failure.

By hooking up the fresh water supply with dirt trap (22 h), the feed regulator (22 a)
supplies fresh water to the set into the separator and the pump and continues to do so
until the desired level is attained.

The liquid level in the separator is shown by the water level indicator (23). The
overflow regulator (22 b) drains off excess water through the pipe (24). The shut-off
valve (24 a) is used for complete draining of the separator (8). The heat exchanger (13)
is completely drained through the shut -off valve (24 e) and the pump through shut -
off valve (241).

The operating liquid is required to make up the liquid ring in the pump. It is drawn
out of the separator (8) via pipe (26), then fed to the heat exchanger (13) and after
cooling returned to the pump through pipe (28). The heat due to compression and
also the heat resulting from condensation of the vapour drawn in with the air are
thereby drawn off from operation liquid and dissipated.

Line (28) is provide with temperature indicator (42) to monitor the operating liquid
temperature and the Vacuum pump is provided with pressure indicator (48) to
monitor the operating liquid pressure. The cooling water inlet to the heat exchanger
(13) is equipped with a duplex filter (32f).



The automatic control is cutting in/out the air ejector. By monitoring the temperature
of the water ring and the suction pressure, the ISKAMATIC will decide whether the
operation with or without air ejector is favourable. The typical characteristic line of
suction pressure and water ring temperature has been given in the attached sheet.

Will the actual suction pressure, recorded by an absolute pressure transmitter fall
short of the tolerable pressure at the actual water ring temperature a signal generated
by the automatic control will be utilised to cut in the air ejector.

The pressure P limit for an operating pressure range without problems will be
calculated by means of the recorded water ring temperature. This pressure will be
compared with the actual operating pressure PD.

PD is increasing the air ejector will be cut off, the moment P limit and a given
hysteresis is passed.


PD < P limit ejector ON

PD < + P hysteresis ejector OFF


• When both pumps are ON and condenser pressure > 200 mbar then
Hogging operation.

• When condenser pressure is < 120 mbar then standby pump stops.

• When standby pump is off then holding operation with one pump.

• When holding operation is going on with one pump and condenser pressure >
200 mbar or running pump has tripped then standby pump takes auto start.


In the original package unit, the cooling water for the surface heat exchangers was raw
cooling water taken from ARCW pump discharge. As korba is located in the tropical
zone, the CW temperature in summer seasons is maintained high. Thus, invariably in
summer season, the seal water temperature was maintaining at very high value (45-50
deg. C). In addition to this, seal water temperature problem, the other problems faced
due to this raw cooling water were
• frequent choking raw water duplex filters.

• Clogging of heat exchanger tubes.

Due to these problems performance of liquid ring vacuum pump was getting
deteriorated frequently.

Hence, the cooling media for surface heat exchangers was changed to equipment
cooling water (DM water) from raw cooling water. The equipment cooling water after
being cooled in plate heat exchangers is used for cooling the seal water in heat
exchanger of vacuum pump. The ECW being DM water the choking problem is

The seal water temperature is maintained 3-5OC less as cooling media flow increased
due to high pressure (5-7 kg/cm sq.) in ECW system.








The H.P. Bypass system in co-ordination with LP-Bypass enables boiler operation and
loading independent of the turbine. This allows quick raising of steam parameters to a
level acceptable to turbine for rolling during start up. Steam is Bypassed from main
steam line to cold reheat line through HP-Bypass and from hot reheat line to
condenser through LP Bypass. The HP Bypass valve can handle a maximum of 60 %
of the full load turbine steam flow.

The possible phases of operation of HP Bypass station can broadly be classified as


• Boiler start-up with TG set on Barring Gear .

• Raising of steam parameters to a level acceptable for T.G. rolling, at a relatively

faster rate than otherwise is possible.

• Turbine loading while steam flow gets transferred to the turbine.

• Parallel operation with turbine on load rejection.

• Allowing boiler operation following turbine trip-out provided boiler load is less
than 60 %.

• Preventing safety valves opening at raised steam pressures.

The HP-Bypass system consists of two parallel branches that divert steam from the
M.S. line to C.R.H. line. The steam pressure on the valve upstream side can be
maintained at the desired level. The steam is de-superheated in order to keep the
steam temperatures in cold reheat line within limits, below 345OC.

The M.S. pressure ahead of the turbine is maintained by two nos. of pressure
reducing valves BP-1 and BP-2 combined with valve mounted electro-hydraulic

The steam temperature downstream of the HP - Bypass station is maintained by 2

nos. of spray water temperatures control valves BPE- 1 and BPE -2 combined with
valve mounted electro-hydraulic actuators. The spray water is available from the BFP
discharge line. there is also one no. spray water pressure control valve combined with
the valve mounted electro-hydraulic actuator.





Oil Supply Unit

The oil supply unit provides the hydraulic actuation energy for the complete actuating
system, and functions as follows:

An electric motor driven axial-piston oil pump sucks the hydraulic fluid through a
suction strainer and pumps it through a pressure filter and via a non-return valve into
the accumulator. A safety relief valve protects the system against over pressure. The
accumulator is of the bladder type and consists of a steel pressure vessel containing a
nitrogen filled rubber bladder, which separates the oil from the gas. The accumulator
supplies the system with pressurised oil and covers all peak supply requirement. The
oil pump therefore, is sized only for the mean supply requirement and it is switched off
when the accumulator is fully charged. From the accumulator the oil is fed through
the supply manifold with pressure reducing valve and the pressure is set and
controlled. The pressure switch monitors the oil pressure in the accumulator and
provides the signals to switch on the oil pump motor. From the supply manifold the
oil is fed through the pipework and the 3-micron pressure filters to the appropriate
control valves and the actuators.


The two stage servo valve actuated by the torque motor, which is controlled from an
analogue-positioning amplifier or from a manual desk control. The torque motor
moves the control fork (of the servovalve) and operates the pilot stage (1 st stage),
which controls the position of the control piston (2 nd stage). A mechanical override
acting directly on the control piston permits local manual operation of the valve.


The electro hydraulically pilot-operated blocking unit is mounted between the servo
valve and the actuator. It closes off both ports to the actuator if electrically de-
energised or with insufficient oil pressure, and holds the piston of the actuator
(disregarding some leakage drift) in its last position. A mechanical override on the
blocking unit permits also local manual deblocking.


The actuator consists of a double acting cylinder with piston and piston rod. An
intermediate yoke connects this cylinder with the valve, and a solid coupling connects
the valve stem with the piston rod. A feedback transmitter unit is mounted onto the
coupling yoke and is connected to the valve stem by a linkage system.





Oil Pump OV 16 OV32 UNIT

Supply capacity 12 24 l/min
Speed 1500 1500 Rpm
(Standard Motor)
Nominal power 4 7.5 KW
Voltage 380 380 V
Frequency 50 50 Hz
Phase 3 3
No load rpm 1500 1500 Rpm
Oil Tank
Oil tank volume 45 70 Litre
Useable volume 20 50 Litre
Hydraulic Accumulator
Nominal volume 10 30 Litre
Pressure rating 200 Bars
approx. Ambient min. 15OC
approx. Ambient max. 65OC
Operating gas Nitrogen only
Bladder material Perbunan (synthetic rubber)
Available Oil Pressure
The controlled system pressure 25 to 120 bar
(set with the pressure reducing
The max. oil pressure (limited 50 to 180 bar
with the pressure relief Value)
Pressure Switch Pump motor - on
4 micro-switches for the set Pump motor - off
points Pressure too low
Pressure too high


Electrical Rating 20 Amp at 488 V AC
10 Amp at 125 V AC
0.25 Amp at 250 V AC
0.5 Amp at 125 V AC


HP Bypass system is intended to ensure reheater protection, minimum superheater

safety valve lifting under emergency conditions, adequate steam in CRH for auxiliary
steam consumers, if taken from CRH, to retain the boiler under fire in case of turbine
load rejections and to follow boiler control system during certain operation.

The control system is designed to maintain the steam pressure ahead of Bypass valve
to the given set value. The pressure set point can be adjusted from UCB. The steam
temperatures at the downstream of valves are automatically controlled to the given set
value. The temperature set point can be adjusted from UCB.

The operation of the HP Bypass station is manipulated by the pressure and

temperature set points and is independent of LP Bypass operation. Depending upon
the initial pressure condition at the time of boiler firing the pressure ahead of Bypass
valve minus a bias pressure. This will result in opening of the valves. The pressure
controller would then maintain the set pressure by allowing a flow matching with the
steam flow. As the firing rate increases, the set point needs to be manipulated in the
same manner to allow flow sufficient through R.H. This however, shall be possible till
the maximum flow capability of the valve is reached at any particular pressure and
temperature at upstream. Upon reaching the target steam parameter for turbine
rolling, the boiler firing rate will be maintained at the level.

Before admission of steam into turbine, the HP Bypass shall be set to maintain the
relevant steam pressure ahead of valves plus a bias pressure. Consequent upon steam
admission in the turbine, the pressure ahead of Bypass valve would tend to fall in view
of constant firing rate. This would result in proportional closing of Bypass valve
during pressure controller action. The process shall continue till the set pressure up
stream is reached. After this, further loading of the set can be achieved by increasing
the firing rate. Thereafter, the Bypass set point shall be raised to live steam pressure
plus a bias pressure of 2-5 ata. With this, the HP Bypass station would automatically
open and balance the discrepancy between steam generation and consumption acting
out of load rejection under normal operation of the unit.

The control loop for the steam temperature at downstream of HP Bypass valve can be
operated by modulating set point as required for different mode of start-ups governed
by boiler/turbine characteristic as well as warm-up requirements of steam pipings.




The signal for the HP Bypass station is sensed from the main steam and converted to
proportional current signal by transmitters. The actual pressure is displayed at the
desk by indicators. The set point can be varied from the desk by a push button
module and is indicated on the console itself.


The control positioners for the Bypass spray temperature valves are designed in the
same way as those for the HP Bypass valves. In addition PI controllers are also
connected upto the control positioners. The temperature measuring signal from
transmitters is compared at the PI controllers with the common temperature set point.
According to particular control deviation the PI controller forms a rated signal for the
control positioners of the associated temperature valves.

The electro-hydraulic actuators make it possible to attain short positioning time for
the spray water temperature control valves and then allow the temperature control to
intervene fast enough in the event of quick opening of the HP Bypass valves. To off-set
the time delay of temperature measurement and to achieve favourable conditions
when reaching on the spray water cooling system (rapid adjustment to temperature
input of the injection value controller by the associated Bypass valves positioning
monitor. Thus, independent of the temperature signal, a certain amount of water is
injected during the opening of the Bypass valve. Manual operation of the Bypass
spray water temperature valve is effected by means of push button modules. The
valve position and the control deviation are indicated on the desk. In order to ensure
proper spray cooling on BP-1 and BP-2 under different steam flow rates the spray
water control valves BPE-1 and BPE-2 are reset to a constant pressure feed water
supply through the feed water pressure regulating valve BD.


The purpose of this controller is to reduce the HP Bypass steam temperature by

injecting water into the BP valves, in accordance with the reheater inlet temperature.
PI action controllers drive hydraulic actuators to move the valves to maintain the
steam temperature downstream of the BP valve at the preselected value.

The temperature deviation, after passing through PI controller produces the valve
position demand signal, which drives the proportional controller of the positioning
loop, unit it is balanced by the BPE valve position feed back until it is balanced by the
BPE valve position feed back signal, from the position transmitter fitted on the




Two anticipatory signals are given to the P part of the PI-P temperature controller. The
first one is proportional to the BP valve position, the other one is a fixed value which is
given as soon as the fast opening device of the corresponding BP valve is activated.
This will ensure immediate opening of the spray valve as the BP valve opens, to
counteract the measurement lag associated with temperature measurement.


As the BP valves start to open, an auto signal is given to the BPE positioning loops.
But the controllers of these loops are put on Auto only when the actual temperature is
greater than an adjusted value.


If the thermocouple breakage is detected in the transmitter, an alarm is given and the
BP control will be put on manual.


An alarm is given when the attemperated steam temperature rises above a pre-set


If the temperature rises still further and exceeds the set value, a closing override will
be given to the BP control, also putting it on manual, to protect the condenser.


The purpose of this controller is two fold. First, it serves to maintain the spray water
pressure at a constant value to achieve favourable conditions for injection. Secondly,
the BD valve serves as an isolating valve when the BP valves are closed to eliminate
any dribbling of spray water into the BP valves.

The downstream pressure signal is compared at the input of the controller with the
“desired value” signal coming from the set point formation. The resultant control
deviation is fed to a PI controller which produces valve position demand signal. This
signal drives the summing amplifier of the positioning loop until it is balanced by the
BD valve position feedback signal coming from the position transmitter.



CLOSING OVERRIDES : this override is given when the BP valves are closed (below 2
%) and the PI output is less than 2 %. This is to prevent any spray water from
entering the system.

AUTO INTERLOCK : When the BD valve closing override is removed, a signal is sent
to put the controller on Auto. This is to ensure correct attemperation when BP valves
start opening.

OPENING SIGNALS : Anticipation signals proportional to BP valve positions are given

to P part of the PI-P controller. This is to ensure immediate opening of the BD valve
when BP valves start opening.

So it can be summarised as follows :

1. HP Bypass valve BP-1 opening less than 2 % will automatically close the spray
water pressure control valve (BD valve).

2. It opening of either of the Bypass valves BP-1 or BP-2 is above 2 %, the control of
spray water pressure control valves and temperature control valves BPE1 & BPE 2
shall be changed to ‘AUTO’ mode irrespective of their initial conditions.

3. If BP valves position drops 2 % open, it will receive an auto close command to

ensure positive shut-off.

4. If the steam temperature downstream of the BP valves becomes 380 deg C, the
closing signal for these valves are initiated accompanied with an alarm. In this
case, the BP controller will transfer itself from AUTO to MANUAL.

The following will activate the ‘Fast Opening’ Signal :-

1. Generator breaker open.

2. Turbine load shedding relay operated
3. Pressure controller deviation more (+) 10 %.
4. Depressing of the ‘FAST OPEN’ push button from UGB.


Low pressure Bypass system enables to establish an alternative pass for dumping the
steam from reheater outlet directly into condenser at suitable steam parameters.

The controls for LP-BYPASS system are essentially a combination of electrical and
hydraulic system. Electro-hydraulic converter provides the necessary link between
hydraulic actuators and the electrical system. The control of LP Bypass system is
hooked up by the same control which is used for turbine governing system. The LP


Bypass valves are two in number. the LP Bypass stop and control valves are
combined in a common body. The double shut-off arrangement separates the reheater
from the condenser during normal operation. In addition to these, two steam pressure
control valves, four injection water valves are provided for desuperheating purpose.
This injection water is taken from the discharge of the condensate extraction pumps.




• Pressure control loop.

• Valve position control loop.
• Tracking unit.
• Actuation of reheat safety valves.
• Automatic control interface.
• Condenser temperature protection (CTP)



The pressure control loop consists of :

1. Set point derivation equipment.

2. Pressure controller.
3. Actual pressure derivation equipment.

Two pressure setpoints are derived for the LPB and are gated in an auctioneer. One is
the fixed set point and the other is the variable setpoint. The variable setpoint is
obtained with the aid of a pressure transducer upstream of the HP blading (referred to
as wheel chamber pressure). This provides a load dependent setpoint and hence
reflects the dependence of the actual pressure signal on steam flow. The variable
setpoint is limited to an upper value by an adjustable limiting function which is kept
well below the response pressure of the reheat safety values.

During start-up and shut-down the variable setpoint is suppressed by a fixed setpoint.
The fixed setpoint can be adjusted between 0 and 120 % of the maximum reheat
pressure from the control room.

Actual pressure is obtained by means of a pressure transducer in the reheater outlet

(hot reheat line).
A PI action pressure controller acts on the deviation between the actual pressure and
the higher of the variable and fixed setpoint signals.


The pressure controller output signal acts as the setpoint signal for the connected
valve lift controller. The valve lift controller acts as a slave controller for the pressure
control loop. This subordination improves both the stability and the dynamic
response of the control system as a whole.

The input signal for the valve lift controller is the deviation between the actual valve
lift and the valve lift setpoint received from the pressure controller, the lift of the LP
turbine Bypass control valves is governed by the position of the servopistion in the
electrohydrualic converter. The spray valves and the LP Bypass valves are actuated in
accordance with pre-set characteristics.

The LPB can be transferred in the control room from governing to manual control by
depressing the “controller on/off” push button. It is thus possible to adjust the valves
directly by depressing the OPEN and CLOSE push buttons.

There is also automatic transfer from governing to manual control during certain fault
conditions to prevent incorrect control actions.




Continuous tracking of the controlling variable which is not in action is provided to

ensure bumpless transfer between control system and manual at all times.

In the “automatic governing” mode, the manual setpoint adjuster is automatically

tracked to the controller output signal.

In the “manual mode” the valve lift controller signal is automatically tracked to the
manual setpoint. However, zero deviation between the pressure setpoint and the
actual pressure would be required for bumpless transfer from manual control to
automatic governing. If the transfer is made in spite of an existing control deviation,
this is compensated subsequently by the controller, which repositions the control
valves as appropriate.




This acts as a centralised control for the proper operation of the LP Bypass controller.

When ACI is switched on, the fixed pressure setpoint is set to a value of approx. +3 bar
above the actual pressure as soon as the “Light up” signal is given at the start up

A minimum aperture of 25 % is applied which causes the desuperheating spray,

Bypass stop and control valves to be opened during start-up. This is to ensure
minimum flow through reheater. To achieve a rapid pressure build-up, the Bypass
valves are retained at this aperture till the actual reheat pressure crosses + 12 bars.
This is referred to as “Hold process”. In this process the fixed setpoint is automatically
tracked to the actual pressure (tracking mode). Control is transferred to automatic
governing only when the reheat pressure is above + 12 bars. The fixed setpoint is thus
maintained at + 12 bars.

When a Bypass valve lift of approx. 35 % is reached, the ACI for the fixed setpoint is
switched off. The variable setpoint takes over from the fixed setpoint through the
auctioneer and thus governs the reheat pressure setpoint. The fixed set point of +12
bar is reached at unit shut down also. In this manner, sufficient flow through


reheater is ensured at all time, as also optimum raising of the reheat pressure is



The purpose of the condenser temperature protection is to protect the condenser from
excessively high steam inlet temperatures.Thermocouples output temperature signals
are passed to an interlock circuit which locks out the LP turbine Bypass station.

Protective Closing Of Bypass System (Condenser Back-Up Protection)

The LP Bypass valves will close automatically under the following normal conditions to
prevent damage to the condenser.

1. If the steam pressure downstream of LP Bypass valves is greater than 19


2. Condenser vacuum is low (0.4 kg/cm2 abs)

3. Spray water pressure is low (10 kg/cm2 or both condensate pumps off).

4. Condenser wall temperature is high (90OC).


High exhaust hood temperature will automatically switch on the exhaust hood spray
water. In case of condenser wall temperature protection operating, the ‘RESET Bypass
TRIP’ - RB, for solenoids SV-1 and SV-2 have to be depressed to reset the TRIP


Due to difference between set and actual HRH pressure the electro-hydraulic LP
Bypass governor (EHG) generates a proportional signal voltage in the moving coil of
the converter (EHC). With increasing signal voltage the jet pipe of the converter moves
towards right and the amplifier piston (KA-08) moves down. A feed - back mechanism
stabilises the amplifier piston for a given voltage change. The sleeves (KA04) of follow-
up piston valves (KA02/KA03) also move down increasing the signal oil pressure to
slide valve of water injection valves (MAN 11+12 AA003), thereby opening them, in the
beginning of control operation.

1. Electric LP bypass governor

2. Plunger coil measuring system
3. Jet pipe
4. Adjusting spring
5. Adjusting screw
6. Jet pipe regulator

a. Control fluid
a1. Control fluid under control piston of differential
pressure relay
a2. Control fluid above control piston of differential
pressure relay


LP Bypass stop valves (MAN 11+12 AA001) open up with a slight time delay after
injection valves are opened; due to rising oil pressure in follow-up pistons KA02
(assuming piston KA07 of Bypass limiting regulator is in upper position). LP Bypass
control valves (MAN 11 + 12 AA002) open up due to hydraulic feed back between
actuator pistons and pilot values .

LP Bypass limiting regulator (LPLR) has priority over (EHC). As soon as condensate at
required pressure is available with sufficient vacuum in condenser, its jet pipe swings
to right and its piston KA07 moves to upper position. This increases the signal oil
pressure in KA02 (follow-up pistons), releasing LPSVs and LPCVs to open. In case of
condensate water pressure low and condenser pressure high the reverse action takes
place and the spring of KA02 is detensioned to such an extent that LP Bypass valves
are unable to open.


1. Jet pipe
2. Jet pipe regulator
3. Adjusting spring
4. Adjusting screw
5. Corrugated measuring system
6. Adjusting spring
7. Corrugated measuring
8. Corrugated measuring
9. Adjusting spring

a. Control fluid
a1. Control fluid above control piston
of limit pressure amplifier
a2. Control fluidunder control piston
of limit pressure amplifier
k. Condensate from hydraulic
pressure switch of injection water
pressure monitor
lI. Vacuum signal from bypass steam
piping behind bypass control




A low vacuum safety device (MAG 01 AA016) is installed on the signal oil line from
follow-up piston KA02 to Bypass valve’s pilots and if vacuum drops below a pre-set
value; the valve of the safety device moves downwards due to increasing pressure
above it. The valve thus block off the signal oil thereby closing the LP Bypass stop and
control valves. As vacuum increases, Bypass operation is restored in reverse sequence
when the pre-set vacuum has built up.


A pressure switch (MAN 01AA011) is installed in the signal oil line from KA02 to spool
valves KA02 and KA05 of LPBypass valves, to protect the condenser in the event of
water injection failing. If the injection water pressure drops below a pre-set value, the
valve of the pressure switch (MAN 01AA011) moves down, blocking off the signal oil
line and depressuring the oil thereby closing the LP Bypass valves due to low
condensate water pressure. Bypass operation is restored in the reverse sequence
when injection water pressure becomes normal.


At a pre-set condenser wall temperature the two thermocouples mounted in steam

dome opposite to bypass steam inlet transmit a switching pulse to the associated
solenoid valves (MAX53AA021+022). The solenoid values block off the depressive


signal oil and close bypass valves in the event of high condenser wall temperatures.
The bypass valves can be opened from the control room manually one after the
solenoids are manually reset after the temperature become normal.


To prevent undue overloading of condensate pumps under normal shut-down/start-up

conditions, the injection water demanded from CEPs is staggered in two stages.

This arrangement opens the injection valves (MAN11+12 AA004) via the pressure
switch (MAN01CP001), solenoid valve (MAX53AA041) & slide valve when the steam
pressure upstream at the expansion orifice exceeds value corresponding to 45 % of
maximum Bypass flow.

1. Capnut
2. Adjusting csrew
3. Cover
4. Compression spring
5. Diaphragm
6. Valve
7. Valve sleeve
8. Casting
9. Can
10. Lever

a Bypass signal oil from converter

a1 Signal oil to bypass valve
c Oil drain
l Vacuum from condenser



1. Hood
2. Bellos
3. Pushrod
4. Knife edge lever
5. Cam shaft
6. Compression spring
7. Fitted key
8. Shaft
9. Scale
10. Cylindrical pin
11. Nozzle
12. Slide valve
13. Valve bushing
14. Compression spring
15. Bearing bushing
16. Torsion spring
17. Lever

a Control oil
a1 Control oil
a2 Control oil to pilot valve of
bypass valve
c Return flow
l Injection water pressure


1. Solenoid
2. Compression spring
3. Solenoid valve
4. Compression spring
5. Solenoid
6. Compression spring
7. Main valve
8. Compression spring
9. Limit switch for injection

a Control oil
b Signal oil to Stop and Control valve
operator of bypass SV/CV
c Drain




a) The electro-hydraulic L.P. Bypass controller (proportional action) controls the

plunger-coil arranged on the right side of the converter.

b) On an increase in voltage, the jet pipe is deflected to the left (as shown) and the
piston of the actuator is moved downwards.

c) The sleeves of the follow-up pistons connected to the actuator move downwards
causing the oil pressure in the following piston to rise.

d) At the beginning of the opening (control) sequence, the rising pressure in the
follow up piston opens the injection water valves via the pilot valves (iii) and the
actuators for the water injection valves.

e) The injection water reaches the expansion orifice and is available for cooling the
Bypass steam flowing to the condenser.

f) After a short delay, the L.P. Bypass stop valves also open fully when the oil
pressure in the follow-up pistons rises provided the piston of the limit pressure
controller is in the upper end position.

g) Next the control valves open to a position depending on the oil pressure as
determined by the feed back between servo pistons and pilot valve.

Following points are to be kept in mind before charging LP bypass.

1. Condenser Vacuum should be > -0.7 kg/cm2

2. Spray water pressure > 25 Kg/cm2

3. Temperature solenoids should be in reset condition given on the turbine
console. Remember, if any of the above conditions is not present during LP
bypass operation, trip close command will be issued for LP bypass.








Type : Three Cylinder, reheat, Condensing turbine
No of stages : HP 18 Nos. IP 14x2 Nos. LP 6x2 Nos.
Nominal rating : 500 MW
Peak Loading : 536.7 MW
Rated Speed : 3000 rpm
Max/Min Speed : 3090/2850 rpm
Speed exclusion range : 400 to 2850 rpm.
: Pressure (at) kg/cm2 Temperature oC
Initial steam : 170 537
First Stage Pressure : 151.79 537
HP cylinder exhaust : 45 342.5
IP stop valve inlet : 40.5 537
Extraction 6 : 45 342.5
Extraction 5 : 19.52 428.3
Extraction 4 : 7.57 302
Extraction 3 : 2.76 197.8
Extraction 2 : 1.42 188.8
Extraction 1 : 0.286 67.6
L.P. Cylinder Exhaust : 0. 0884 43.1
Rotor : 11.6 21.8 84.6
Cylinder Assembled : 80.0 32.5 86.0
Main stop & control valve : 10
Reheat stop & control : 17


Rotor of HP cylinder : 713.0
Rotor of IP cylinder : 2145.6
Rotor of LP cylinder : 22981.0


Alarm Machine must be shutdown at
HP Turbine Exhaust : 480 oC 500 oC
Outer Casing of LP : 90 oC 110 oC



Alarm Machine must be shutdown at
HP Turbine Middle : + 30 oC + 45 oC
I.P. Turbine Front : + 30 oC + 45 oC
L.P. Turbine Rear : + 30 oC + 45 oC

Conductivity at 35oC : < 0.15 ms/cm

Alkaline method
Silica Acid (SiQ2) : < 0.010 mg/kg
Total iron (Fe) : <0.005 mg/kg
Total COpper : < 0.010 mg/kg
Sodium (Na) : < 0.02 mg/kg


Alarm M/C must be shut down at.
Normal operating : 90oC 120oC
temperature below 75oC
Normal operating : 100oC 120oC
temperature above 75oC


Bearing Housing Shaft
Nominal Value for alarm : - 30 microns above normal level
Limit value for tripping : 35 mic. 120 microns
Limit value for tripping : 45 mic. 200 microns.
H.P. Turbine : + 5mm - 3mm
I.P. Turbine : + 8mm - 2mm
L.P. Turbine : + 30mm - 3mm
H.P. Outer Casing/Barrel : GS 17 Cr MoV 515
H.P Blade carrier : GS 17 Cr MoV 515
I.P. Casing : GS 22 MO 4
L.P. Casing : Outer St. 37 - 2N
Inner I-GS 22 MO 4, H II, 15 MO3
H.P. Shaft : 28 Cr. MoNi 59
I.P. Shaft : 30 Cr. MoNiV 511
L.P. Shaft : 26 Ni Cr. MoV 145
H.P. Turbine first stage : x 22 Cr. MoV 121
H.P. Turbine other stages : x 20 Cr. 13/x22 Cr. MoV 121
I.P. Turbine stages : x 20 Cr. MO 13/ x 20 Cr 30
L. P. Turbine stages : x 20 Cr. 13
H.P. Turbine first stage : x 22 Cr MoV 121
H.P. Turbine other stages : x 22 Cr MoV 121/x 20 Cr. MO 13
I.P. : x 20 Cr 13/x20 Cr MO 13
L.P : x 20 Cr 13/x 20 Cr MO 1320Mn5/
x 7 Cr MO 13


H.P. Cylindder : 21 Cr MoV 57

IP : 21 Cr MoV 57
L.P : St.50/24 Cr. Mo 5



500 MW Turbine at NTPC singrauli is of Kraftwork Union, West Germany design. The
turbine is 3 (three) cylinder, reheat, condensing tandem compound, horizontal and
single shaft machine. It has got 3 cylinders such as high pressure(HP), intermediate
(IP) and low pressure (LP) parts. The HP is a single cylinder 18 stages turbine and IP
and LP are double flow cylinders having 14 X 2 and 6 X 2 number of stages
respectively. The turbine rotors are rigidly coupled with each other and with generator

HP turbine has throttle control. The steam is admitted through 4 combined stop and
control valves and these stop and control valves are 5/6 meters away from turbine.
The lines leading from HP turbine exhaust to reheater have got two cold reheat swing
check NRVs. The steam from reheater is admitted to IP turbine through 4 combined
Stop and Control valves. Two cross-over pipes connect IP and LP cylinder.


The blading of the HP and IP turbine consists of several drum stages and all stages
having 50 % reaction. The moving blades of HP,IP and front rows of LP have inverted
T roots and are shrouded. The last stages of LP turbine are twisted; drop forged
moving blades with fit-tree roots. Highly stressed guide and moving blades of HP and
IP are provided with T-root which determine the distance between the blades.


The TG limit is mounted on seven (7) bearings. HPT rotor is mounted on two bearings,
a double wedged journal bearing at the front and combined journal and thrust bearing
adjacent to front IP rotor coupling. IPT and LPT rotors have self-adjusting circular
journal bearings. The bearing pedestals of LP are fixed on base plates where as HP
front and rear-bearing pedestals are free to move axially.



The HP turbine casing is designed as a barrel-type casing without axial joint. An

axially split guide blade carrier is arranged in the barrel-type casing. The barrel type
casing remains constant in shape because of rotational symmetry and leak proof
during quick changes in temperature (e.g. on start up and shut down, on load change
and under high pressure. The space between timer and outer casings is filled with the
main steam.




The IP turbine is split horizontally and is of double shell and double flow construction.
Steam from the HP turbine enters the inner casing from top and bottom through two
inlet nozzles flanged to the mid section of the outer casing. This arrangement provides


opposed double flow in the two blade sections and compensate axial thrust. The
centre flow prevents the steam inlet temperature


1. Turbine Rotor 5. Inner Casing Lower Part

2. Outer Casing Upper Part 6. Extraction Zone
3. Outer Casing Lower Part 7. Inlet Nozzle
4. Inner Casing Upper Part

from affecting the support brackets and bearing sections. The inner casing
arrangement means that the steam inlet conditions are limited to the inlet section of
the inner casing, where as the joint of the outer casing is only subjected to the lower
pressure and lower temperature prevailing at the outlet of the inner casing. The joint


flange can thus be kept small and material accumulations reduced to a minimum in
the area of the flange. In this way difficulties arising from deformation of a casing with
flap joint due to non-uniform temperature rises e.g. on start-up and shut-down, are


The LP turbine is of double flow and triple shell welded casing. The outer casing
consists of the front and rear walls, the two lateral longitudinal support beams and
the upper part. The front and rear walls, as well as the correction areas of the upper
part one reinforced by means of the longitudinal beams on the base plates of the
foundation, steam admitted to the LP turbine from IP turbine flows into the inner
casing from both sides through steam inlet nozzles before the LP blading. Expansion
joints are installed in the steam piping to prevent any undesirable deformation of the
casings due to thermal expansion of the steam piping. The inner casing of LP turbine
is a double shell construction and consists of the outer port and the inner port. The
inner shell is suspended in the outer shell to allow thermal movement and carries the
front guide blade rows.

The rear guide blade rows of the LPT stage are bolted to the outer shell of the inner
casing. The complete inner casing is supported in the LPT outer casing in a manner
permitting free radial expansion, concentric with shaft, and axial expansion from a
fixed points on LP turbine.


In designing the supports for the turbine on the foundation, attention has been given
to the expansion and contraction of the machine during thermal cycling.

The fixed points of the turbine casing on the foundation are as follows:

The bearing housing between the IP and LP turbines. From this point the IP and HP
casings expand towards the front bearing housing of the HP turbine.

LP turbine The rear bearing housing of LP turbine.

The front baseplate support of each longitudinal beam member of the LP turbine.

From these points the members and the LP outer casing bolted to them expand
towards the generator.

The thrust bearing in the rear bearing casing of HP turbine



1. Outer Casing Upper Part 5. Inner Shell Lower Half

2. Diffusor, Upper Half 6. Outer Shell Lower Half
3. Outer Shell, Upper Half 7. Diffusor Lower Half
4. Inner Shell Upper Half 8. Outer Casing Lower Half


The front bearing housing of the HP and LP turbines can slide on their base plates in
an axial direction. Any lateral movement perpendicular to the machine axis is
prevented by fitted keys. The bearing housings are connected to the HP and IP turbine
casing by guides which ensure that the turbine casings maintain in their central
position while at the same time allowing axial movement. Thus the origin of the
cumulative expansion of the casings is at the front bearing housing of the LP turbine.
The separate casings of the LP turbine are located axially by fitted keys at the front
supports of their longitudinal beam members on the baseplates. Free lateral


expansion is allowed. The centre guides for these casings are recessed in the
foundation crossbeams. There is no restriction on axial movement of the casings. At
the rear supports of the longitudinal beam members the casing is free to expand
horizontally in any direction. Hence, when there is a temperature rise, the outer casing
of the LP turbine expands from its fixed points towards the generator. Differences in


1. HP Front Pedestal 11. LP Rear Pedestal Anchor Point

2. HP Rear Pedestal 12. LP Outer Casing Anchor Point
3. LP Front Pedestal 13. HPT Inner Casing
4. LP Rear Pedestal 14. IPT Inner Casing
5. HPT Outer Casing 15. LP Inner Outer Casing
6. IPT Outer Casing 16. LP Inner-Inner Casing
7. LPT Outer Casing 17. HP Inner Casing Anchor Point
8. HP Front Pedestal Base Plate 18. IP Inner Casing Anchor Point
9. HP Rear Pedestal Base Plate 19. LP Inner Outer Casing Anchor
10. LP Front Pedestal Anchor Point Point
20. LP Inner-Inner Casing Anchor


expansion between the outer casing and the fixed bearing housings to which the
housings for the shaft glands are attached are taken by bellows type expansion joints.



The thrust bearing is incorporated in the front bearing housing of the IP turbine.
Since this bearing housing is free to slide on the baseplate the shafting system moves
with it. Since from this point, both the rotor and casing of the HP turbine expand
towards the front bearing of the HP turbine. The rotor and casing of the LP turbine
expand towards the generator in a similar manner.



Differential expansion between the rotors and casing results from the difference
between the rotor expansion originating from the thrust bearing and the casing
expansion originating from the rear bearing housing of IP turbine (Bearing No.3


housing). This means that the maximum differential expansion of the HP and IP
turbine occurs at the end furthest from the thrust bearing.

Differential expansion the rotors and casing of the LP turbine results from the
difference between the expansion of the shafting system originating from the thrust
bearing and the casing expansion originating from the fixed point point of LP turbine
casing on the longitudinal girder.

When the steam turbine is running relative displacement occurs between the rotor of
the turbine and their casing due to their different thermal inertia. This is the case
particularly during start-up and in case of major load changes. These measurements
are monitored continuously by contactless measurements. The figures below elaborate
the location of sensors for measurement differential expansion HP, IP & LP turbine,
which are fitted in front pedestal, pedestal No.3 and pedestal No.4 respectively.




Measurement of absolute expansion is carried out both at the front pedestal as well as
at the middle-bearing pedestal. The displacement senser is mounted on the foundation
and connected to the casing via a rope. The other end of the rope is connected to a
rotatable measuring device, which forms magnetic return path for the two sensor coils.


The rotating measuring device rotates eccentric to the two sensor coils, which creates
different air gaps and thereby different inductances. Thus the air gap between
measuring device and the coil depend on the angle of rotation


In steam turbines, the blades transform the thermal energy into mechanical energy, it
is obvious that blading has got direct impact on the efficiency and reliability of
turbine. Appropriate blade profile, with high aero-thermodynamic efficiency having
sufficient mechanical strength to with stand the steam forces, are determined after
extensive research. Particular care is taken to avoid resonance and to ensure that the
natural frequencies of unshrounded free stand rotor blades are compatible with the
rotational frequency of the machine. A final accurate check is made when the blades
have been fitted into the rotor. The opportunity is also taken to carefully check the
root fastening of the blades.


These blades have a 50 % reaction component and both fixed and moving blades have
the same profile.

Each rotor blade is milled from a single piece of material complete with inverted T-root
and integral shroud. After they have been fitted in the rotor grooves, they are caulked
into position with brass wire. The blade roots are made of appropriate size to give the
required blade spacing, and hence the designed width of blade passages, without the
necessity for spacer-pieces.

Fixed blades are of the same type as the moving blades with an inverted T-root and
integral shroud.


The fixed blades are of the same type as the moving blades with an inverted T-root and
integral shroud.

The last four stages of the LP turbine have twisted blades. The difference between the
circumferential velocity at the rotor blade root and tip is quite considerable and is
taken into account by twisting the blade along its length. The rotor blade fastening is
of the fir-tree type which engages in milled axial grooves in the rotor and is then
secured. The fixed blades of the last two stages are hollow. They are fabricated from
sheet steel and slots are provided in the blade surface through which any water
passing over the surface of the blades may be drawn away to the condenser. The
trailing edge of the blades is very thin inorder to avoid any stall patches and the
formation of stream of water. The axial distance between the final stages is kept at


optimum value to facilitate the break-up of any water droplets which may still remain.
This will reduce the relative velocity between the drop-lets and the leading edges of the
moving blades. The leading edges of the final stage rotor blades are flame hardened to
give protection against erosion.

The blades are free-standing and have neither lacing wires nor shrouding. Great
attention is paid at the design stage to achieve a large resonance free range of


In reaction turbine stages, there is a drop in pressure across both the fixed and
moving blades. This pressure differential between the inlet and outlet sides of the
blades also causes steam to flow over the tips of the fixed and moving blades. This
amount is a loss and inorder to keep it as small as possible it is essential to provide
proper sealing at this point. Thus, both fixed and moving blades have continuous
shrouding in which steps have been turned to produce a labyrinth seal. Seal strips
from the fixed or moving components project into the steps turned on the shrouding.

The complete rings of shrouding on all rotor blades, and on guide blades are built up
from the individual sections of shrouding which are machined integrally with each
blade fitted to butt tightly together. When the rotors and guide blade carriers have
been completely built, the blading is skimmed on a lathe, the steps being machined on
integral shrouding.

Various arrangements of tip sealing employing three or four rows of sealing strips are
used. The number of rows of sealings strips chosen depends on the stage pressure
and the differential axial expansion between the rotor and the casing at the particulars
section of blading involved.

The setting strips which are caulked into the casing and shaft opposite the blade
shrouding are of stainless steel. On one hand they are strong enough to with stand
the maximum pressure which will exist across them and on the other hand, the
amount of heat generated by them and transmitted to the rotor or casing in the event
of their rubbing shall not be sufficient to cause deformation of the components.

The sealing strips are easy to replace. If contact occurs between the fixed and moving
components at any time and the sealing strips wear out, the new ones could be fitted
within a short time to restore correct clearances at the next overhaul.


Labyrinth-type glands seal the shaft where it passes through the casing. In the case
of HP and IP turbine, these consists of a series of sealing strips alternatively caulked


into the shaft and into the stationary rings. In the case of the LP turbine, sealing
strips are fitted in the stationary rings only. The pressure of the steam leaking
through the gland is reduced by converting the pressure energy into velocity energy,
which is then dissipated as turbulence as the steam passes through large number of

The number of sealing strip rings used depends on the pressure drop required. Each
ring consists of six or eight segments and is carried in grooves in the casing or inner
casing to allow radial movement. Each segment is held in position against a shoulder
by two coil springs so that a fixed reference for the clearance of the shaft is provided.
In the event of the shaft coming into contact with the strips in the segments, the
affected segments will move away radially. A possible slight contact between the shaft
and the thin strips will generate only a small amount of heat which cannot lead to

The turbine glands are self-seal type beyond approx. 40 % load, for initial sealing
purpose steam from auxiliary source through the gland steam valve is taken to seal all
the HP, IP & LP glands. During this period the leakage steam valve connecting this
header to condenser is kept closed. After approx. 40 % load, gland steam valve is
closed and leakage steam valve is opened. Pipings are so sized that the leak off steam
from front and rear end of HP turbine goes to the condenser through the leakage
steam valve, while steam from the front and rear ends of IP glands is utilised for
sealing the LP glands, thus proper temperature matching is ensured. The leakage of
steam and air from the last chambers of each rotor is sucked into a gland steam


In 500 MW turbine generator consists of 3 cylinders e.g. High Pressure, intermediate

pressure and low-pressure turbine, one generator and one exciter and all are coupled
to each other by solid couplings. The rotating part of each component is supported in
bearings and the axial position of the shaft is determined by a thurst bearing and
there is only one thrust bearing, which determines the entire axial position of the
turbine generator. If flexible couplings were used then a thurst bearing was required
for each loosely connected shaft.


The function of the journal bearing is to support the turbine rotor. Essentially, the
journal bearing consists of the upper and lower shells, bearing cap spherical block,
sperical seat and the keys. The bearing shells are provided with a babbit face. The
sliding surfaces of this bearing are machined and additional scrapping is neither
necessary nor permissible. Both bearing shells are fixed by means of taper pins and
bolted together. White metal journal bearings are used because of high loading
capacity, reliability and the absence of wear. The long life of the bearing is due to the


fact that when the shaft is rotating at speed, a continuous high pressure wedge of oil
is automatically formed between the white metal and the shaft. The presence of this
oil ensures that no metallic contact takes place and consequently no wear occurs.

The continuous supply of lubricating oil is must to flush the bearing remove frictional
and conducted heat; the majority of the oil is used for this purpose. Annular recesses
at each side of the bearing collect the side leakage of oil from these recesses the oil
drains to the pedestal and flows out through the sight glass boxes. Oil guards and oil
throwers prevent oil from passing along the shaft and reaching the glands. High
pressure jacking oil is admitted through small holes at the bottom of the bearing over
come break away torque and prevent dry friction, to lift the shaft when starting from
rest, this not only enables our oil film be established and so prevent wear when
starting but it also reduces the starting torque on the barring motor.


It provides a positive location for the rotor relative to the casings (bearing no. 2 is only
thrust bearing) and with stands the unbalanced thrust caused by blade reaction and
steam pressure acting on unbalanced areas.


There is limit to the length of the individual cylinders forming the complete turbine.
At the same time there is a limit to the length of turbine shaft that can economically
be made. So there is need for couplings to join the individual cylinders (rotors)
together to transmit the driving torque to each other and the generator rotor. On large
turbines, the high torque is to be transmitted so the use of flexible couplings become
impractical. So rigid couplings are used between the turbine shafts, so that the entire
shaft behaves as one continuous rotor.

The use of solid couplings means that only one thurst bearing is not practicable, since
the entire shaft expands away from the thurst bearing. In 500 MW turbine thurst
bearing is situated between the high pressure and intermediate pressure cylinders, in
this way the differential expansion of the two cylinders and rotors is minimised. This
in turn has led to the practice of reversing the high pressure cylinder so that the
steam flow away from the thrust bearing, in this way the differential expansion at the
inlet end of the cylinder is minimised.


A long shaft bends naturally under its own weight. It revolves about its curved centre
line and because of this the positioning of the bearings is vital to ensure that the shaft
runs smoothly, since the natural curve of the shaft must be maintained at all times,
with the aid of coupling checks it is possible to align the journal bearings in such a
way as to make the entire shaft assembly follow the continuous deflection curve and


this measurement is performed by using dial gauges, micro meters etc.


Turning Gear is provided to rotate turbines shafts slowly during the pre run up
operation and after shut down, to prevent uneven heating or cooling of the shafts; the
uneven heating or cooling would lead to bending between the fixed and moving with
possible fouling between the fixed and moving parts. The turning gear spread is
chosen to ensure satisfactory lubrication of the bearings and, at the same time,
provide some measure of circulation of the air with in the casings after shut down
particularly at the low pressure end, so contributing to their uniform cooling. Another
advantage of training gear is that the necessity for suddenly admitting a large flow of
steam, in order to start the turbine from rest is avoided, and this therefore prevents
server temperature gradients occurring. It is therefore of prime importance that
whenever a turbine generator is to be started or while it is hot after being shut down,
the turning gear should be in service.

In 500 MW machines hydraulic turning gear system is provided backed up with

manual turning gear.


During turning gear operation, the shaft system is rotated by a double row blade
wheel which is driven by oil provided by the auxiliary oil pump. This oil passes via a
check valve into the nozzle box and then into the nozzles which conduct the oil jet in
front of the blading. After passing the blading, the oil drains into the bearing pedestal
and flows with the bearing oil into the return flow piping.


A manual turning gear is provided in addition to the hydraulic turning gear which
enables the combined shaft system to be rotated manually in the event of a failure of
the normal hydraulic turning gear.

How to operate Manual Turning Gear :

Following steps to be done

1. Remove cover
2. Then latch and attach a bar to lever.
3. Barring lever will rotate the combined turbine shaft.

After barring is completed return lever to its position and secure the lever by means of


latch then replace the cover.

Manual barring can only be done after the shaft system has been lifted with J.O.P.


The oil system fulfils the following functions:

1. Lubricating and cooling the bearings.

2. Driving the hydraulic turning gear during interruptions to operation, on

startup and shut-down .

3. Jacking up the shaft at low speeds (turning gear operation, start-up and
shut-down) .


Under normal operating conditions the main oil pump, which is situated in the
bearing, pedestal and coupled directly to the turbine shaft draws oil from the main oil
tank and conveys it to the pressure oil system.

Two injectors aid the suction of the main oil pump. The injectors produce pressure at
the suction connection to the main oil pump sufficient for all types of operation. This
guarantees that the main oil pump takes over the safe supply of oil and cavitations
that could occur due to greater suction heads are avoided. The amount of oil required
for driving is extracted form the pressure oil circuit and adjusted by means of the
throttle .

The oil for the turning gear is also extracted from the pressure oil system. Oil is
admitted to the nozzles by opening the shut-off valve.

The pressure oil is cooled in the oil coolers and reduced to lubricating oil pressure in
the throttle. The throttle is adjested on initial start-up.

The amount of oil required for each bearing is adjusted on start-up by means of the oil

Full-Load Auxiliary Oil Pumps

During turning gear operation and start-up and run-down operation, one of the two
three-phase a.c., full - load auxiliary oil pumps supplies the pressure oil system and
takes over the function of the main oil pump when this as not in operation because
the turbine in running too slowly.

The full - load submersible auxiliary oil pumps are situated on the oil tank and draw
in oil directly. Check valves behind the auxiliary pumps and in the suction line of the
mian oil pump prevent oil from flowing back via pumps that are not in operation.



When main and full-load auxiliary oil pumps fail, the lubrication oil supply is
maintained by a d.c. driven emergency oil pump. This pump supplies oil directly to
the lubricating oil line, bypassing the oil cooler and thus preventing damage to the
bearing shells.


The full-load auxiliary oil pumps and the emergency oil pump are automatically
started by the partial control as soon as the pressure switch limit has been reached.
The pressure switches are set in sequence so that the pumps can be started in
succession if necessary.


The lubricating oil from the bearings is returned to the main oil tank via a header.

A loop in the return oil piping behind the seal oil reserve tank prevents H2 gas
reaching the main oil tank when there is a disturbance in the seal oil system.


The main oil tank is designed to be air tight. The extractors produce a slight vacuum
in the main oil tank and the bearing pedestals to draw off any oil vapour.


Oil for the thrust bearing is passed through the duplex oil filter which can be
switched over and cleaned during operation.


The main oil tank contains the oil necessary for the lubricating and cooling of the
bearings and for the lifting device. It not only serves as a storage tank but also for
deaerating the oil.

The capacity of the tank is such that the full quantity of oil is circulated not more than
8 times per hour. This results in a retention time of approx. 7 to 8 minutes from
entry into the tank to suction by pumps. This time allows sedimentation and
detainment of the oil.

Oil returning to the tank from the oil supply system first flows through a submerged
inlet into the riser section of the tank where the first stage deaeration takes place as


the oil rises to the top of the tank. Oil overflows from the riser section through the oil
strainer into the adjacent section of the tank where it is then drawn off on the opposite
side by the suction pipe of the oil pumps. Main oil tank has the following mountings :

AC auxiliary oil pump : 2 nos.

DC emergency oil pump : 1
Shaft lift oil pumps : 3 nos.
Oil injector : 1
Oil vapour extractor : 2 nos
Oil level indicator : sonar level - limit switch


Fluid limit switch consists of two component groups.

1. Transistorised control device

2. Individual sensor which monitors the level of the fluid in the tank

The sensor has a magneto strictively stimulated diaphragm the vibration of which is
dampened when it is immersed in the fluid. In the normal state when the sensor is
not immersed in the fluid, the rely in the active current circuit is attracted. When the
sensor immerses in the fluid, the relay drops. The relay switches valves, control lamps
or alarm devices.


The main oil pump is situated in the front bearing pedestal and supplies the entire
turbine with oil that is used for bearing lubrication, cooling the shaft journals and as
primary and test oil. The main oil pump is driven direct from the turbine shaft via the
coupling. This pump also conveys oil in the suction branches of the main oil pump for
oil injectors, which maintains a steady suction flow to main oil pump.

Hydraulic speed transmitter operates on the same principle as centrifugal pump

impeller. The variation of the pressure in the primary oil circuit due to a speed
variation serves as a control impulse for the Hydraulic speed governor. The hydraulic
speed transmitter is supplied with control oil supplied from the control equipment
rack. The suction of the pump is always flooded and hence maintains an uniform
suction pressure.



1. Oil inlet 9. Oil vapour exhauster

2. Suction pipe(injector) 10. Connection for oil tank level indicator
3. AC AOP 11. Connection for fluid limit switch (SONAR)
4. AC standby AOP 12. Inspection hole
5. DC EOP 13. Cover of entrance to riser section
6. JOPs 14. Inspection hole
7. Main section drain 15. Oil strainer cover
8. Riser section drain 16. Oil strainer


A non magnetic disc of the electrical speed transmitter in which small magnets are
inserted around the circumference gives impulses to the electrical speed pick up.When
the disc rotates with the pump running, an electric current arises due to the
alternating effect between the magnets and the hall generators. This current is


forwarded as a signal to the electrical speed pick up.


The auxiliary oil pump is a vertical one stage rotary pump with a radial impeller and
spiral casing. It is fixed to the cover of the oil tank and submerges into the oil with the
pump body. It is driven by an electric motor that is bolted to the cover plate of the
main oil tank. The pump shaft has a sleeve bearing in the pump casing and a grooved
ball bearing in the bearing yoke. The bearings are lubricated from the pressure
chamber of the pump; the sleeve bearing via a bore in the casing; the grooved ball
bearing via lube line.


This is a vertical, centrifugal submerged type and serves for lubrication and cooling of
the bearing during emergency conditions when one of the other pump fails. This is
driven by a D.C. motor.


The lift oil pump is self-priming screw-spindle pump with three spindles and internal
bearings. The pump supplies the oil to lift the turbine rotor at low speeds.


The function of oil vapour exhauster is to produce a slight negative pressure in the
main oil tank and in the bearing casing and thus draw off the oil vapour.

The exhauster and the motor attached to it with flanges are a closed unit. The casing
is constructed as a spiral with aerodynamic features and is provided with supports for
the exhauster. The motor is bolted to the cover of the casing.


It is provided to filter the oil before supply. The duplex filter consists of two filter
bodies and is fitted with a changeover device, which enables the filters to be switched
as desired. The filter bodies are designed according to pressure stage and the relevant
codes, and the filter itself is designed to provide safety, taking into account the
differential pressure which are to be seen on the service panels.

The filter is provided with a differential pressure guage to give visual indication of
variation in the differential pressure due to increase in filter contamination.



1. Threaded Ring 14. Hydraulic Speed Transmitter

2. Pump Casing Upper (Governor Impeller)
3. Journal Bearing 15. Oil Line
4. Oil Pipe 16. Turbine Shaft
5. Bearing Bushing 17. Coupling
6. Seal Ring 18. Electrical Speed Transmitter
7. Impeller 19. Permanent Magnet
8. Feather Key 20. Pump Shaft
9. Feather Key 21. Spacer Sleeve
10. Combined Journal & Thrust 22. Pump Casing Lower
Bearing 23. Oil Tube
11. Ring a. Over Speed Trip. Test Oil
12. Vent Pipe
13. Oil Inlet Vessel



Function of oil cooler is to cool the lubricating oil supplied to the bearings of turbine.
Oil cooler consists of the tube nest, the inner, outer shell and water boxes. The tube
nest through which the cooling water flows is surrounded by the oil space formed by
the outer shell. The oil to be cooled enters the oil cooler and flows to the inner shell.
This shell supports the large baffle plates which are provided with an opening in the
centre. Between every two large plates there is a small intermediate plate which is held
by the short tubes placed into the steel rods. The small intermediate plate is smaller
in diameter than the inner shell and leaves an annular gap. This arrangement serves
to achieve a cross-flow pattern forcing the oil flowing to the outlet branch to flow
through the middle of the large plates, while passing round the edge of the short ones.
The inner oil shell with the large plates is attached to the lower tube plate into which
the finned cooling tubes are expanded. The water box with a cooling water inlet
branch is bolted to the lower type plate. The tube nest is free to expand upwards in
response to any thermal effect.


The three-way control valve is electrically driven and has the function of regulating the
lubricating oil temperature at 450C. Possible oil flow paths for regulating the oil
temperature :

1. All lubricating oil flows through oil cooler

2. Lubricating oil flows through oil cooler and by-pass piping

3. All lubricating oil flows through the by-pass piping.



The extraction or dual pressure pump is a vertical rotary pump in multiple stages. It is attached
to the cover of the fluid tank and submerges in the control fluid. Driven by a electrical motor
located on the cover plate of the tank. After one stage oil is delivered to LP control fluid circuit
and the HP control fluid is taken after 4 stages of the pump. The pump shaft is guided by a
sleeve bearing in the suction casing and by ball bearings in the bearings in the bearing support.
The bearings and the bevel gear coupling are lubricated from the first stage pressure chamber,
the sleeve bearing via a passage in the casing, the bearings and the bevel gear coupling via the
lubricating pipe.




The control fluid tank contains the fire resistant control fluid necessary for the
governing system of the turboset. A part from its function of storing, it also deaerates
the control fluid.

The tank is designed so that the entire contents can be circulates a maximum of 8
times per hour. This results in the control fluid remaining approximately 7 to 8
minutes in the tank in which time any air in the fluid can be separated and any ageing
materials deposited.


The control fluid returning from the governing system enters the tank through the
control fluid inlet (8) and flows into the riser chamber of the tank where the first
deaeration takes place. The control fluid then drops through the strainer (5) into the
adjacent chamber and flows to the control fluid pumps which conduct the fluid to the
governing system.


The control fluid pumps (1,2) are situated on the control fluid tank and immerse with
the pump bodies into the control fluid in the tank [1]. They draw from the deepest
point in order to conduct control fluid that is as free of air as possible. The driving
elements of the pumps are fixed to plates on the cover of the tank.


The control fluid strainer (5) is a basket strainer installed in the tank. It is 0.28 mm
wire mesh and can be exchanged by opening the hatch (12).


The control fluid is cleaned and regenerated in a separate circuit. A constant amount
of fluid is conducted through a fuller’s earth filter and a mechanical filter by a
circulating pump and returned to the tank.


The control fluid tank is provided with a local fluid level indicator [2] and level
switches [3] with which the maximum and minimum levels of the control fluid can be
transmitted. A storage space is provided between the operating level of the control
fluid, which corresponds to the nominal contents of the tank, and the tank cover.



1. Electrically Driven Control Fluid Pump 10. Man Hole Chamber

2. Electrically Driven Stand By Pump 11. Water Indicator
3. Ventilation Of Drain Piping 12. Strainer Hatch
4. Fluid Level Monitor 13. Heater
5. Strainer Body 14. Fluid Limit Switch
6. Main Chamber Discharge 15. Water Indicator
7. Riser Chamber Discharge 16. Observation Hole
8. Control Fluid Inlet 17. Ventilation Of Tank
9. Observation Hole

This can accommodate the fluid in the entire control fluid system when the turbine is


shut down. The floor of the tank is sloping with discharge facilities (6,7) at the deepest


Special electrodes (11,15) signal immediately any undesired penetration of water.


Of the various types of the fire resistant fluid, the only ones suitable for use with KWU
turbines are phosphoric esters of the group HS-D which have a low water and chlorine
content. Their chemical composition and structure necessitate certain measures and
alterations compared with an oil system.

Fire resistant fluid systems for KWU turbines are provided with a bypass regenerating
plant. The design of this plant is made to the specifications of the fluid manufacturer.
Any acids and ageing products are removed during operation by the continuous
filtering through Fuller’s earth and mechanical filters.

The mode of operation of this natural earth treatment is based on a ion-exchange

reaction. In addition to the precautions against acidifying of the fluid, continuous care
is taken that any solid particles are separated by the fine filter so that they can not
speed up the reaction. The fine filter of this plant retains particles of Fuller’s earth as
well as providing the essential cleanliness of the whole system and increasing the life
of the filters.

The Fuller’s earth needed for regenerating the fire resistant fluid must be dry (at
150OC the amount of expellable water must only be 1 % of the weight).

The US strainer number 30/60 mesh is the granular size to be used (or this must
correspond to the details from the fluid manufacturer). The dust proportion of the
granulate must not be used. The amount of earth must not be too little and must be
stamped or shaken to avoid the formation of gaps and channels which would reduce
the effectiveness of the Fuller’s earth.

The efficiency of the regenerating plant is to be controlled by an exact record of the

neutralisation and the degree of purity.


The filter group consists of 2 Fuller’s earth filters (6) and a mechanical filter (7). The


cleaning and deacidifying takes place in a separate circuit. A pump (4) conducts a
constant amount of fluid through the filter group into the tank (1). When the filter is
contaminated there is an increase in the fluid pressure. A spring safety valve (3) is
installed to protect the system against an excessively high increase in pressure.


1. Control Fluid Tank

a. Control Fluid Approx. 8 Bar
2. Control Fluid Pump 32/8 Bar
A1. Control Fluid Approx. 32 Bar
3. Safety Valve
4. Circulating Pump C. Return Flow

5. Shut-Off Valve C1. Riser Room Drainage

6. Fuller’s Earth Filter C2. Main Room Drainage

7. Strainer


The Fuller’s earth filter contains three sections with a special granulate which binds
the acid present. Two filters work in parallel and can not be switched over.



Following the Fuller’s earth filters is a fine filter with textile inserts of finest mesh.
These inserts retain the finest particles of dirt, both metallic and non-metallic
impurities. In this way the fine filter also serves the safety of the control fluid system
by trapping any particles of granulate that may be circulating. The fine filter also
separates water particles and other ageing materials which would make it necessary to
renew the control fluid too soon.


• The filter are to be continuously deaerated by slightly opening the vent valves.

• Observe pressure increase on pressure gauge.

• The acid content must be checked by examining the fluid in the laboratory at
certain intervals.

• If there is a constant increase in the acid value, the granulate is exhausted and
must be replaced earlier than originally intended.

• The increasing contamination of the filter can be measured by the constant

increase in pressure. The differential pressure indicators installed in the
system show optically the degree of contamination. When the white-red
segments are only showing red, the filter material must be changed.


• Switch off pump

• Open filter drain (6). Drain filter

• Loosen cover bolts

• Lift cover - do not damage seal

• Loosen drain pipe screws and lift basket cover

• Extract filter basket (7) carefully and centrally

• Clean inside of filter casing


• Clean filter basket (7)

• After cleaning care must be taken that the parts are completely dry.

• Fill filter basket and insert. The earth must be carefully pressed down-without
force- so that the sections are filled compactly in order to prevent later settling
of the earth and the possible formation of channels.

• Insert clean basket cover and tighten well with screw so that no Fuller’s earth
can escape.

• Close drain (6).

• Replace cover carefully and tighten uniformly by means of screws (pay attention
to seal)

• Switch on pump (4)







The function of the hydraulic speed governor is to operate the control valves to give the
appropriate turbine steam through put for the particular load condition. The
arrangement and functioning of the governor within the overall governing system is
described in the section on governing.


The principal components of the speed governor are the bellows (8), the link (11), the
speed setting spring (13), the sleeve (5) and the follow-up piston (4). The primary oil
supply from the hydraulic speed transmitter is available at connection a1. A fire
resistant fluid is used as the hydraulic fluid in the governing system. An additional
bellow (9) prevent primary oil getting into the control fluid circuit should there be a
leakage in the governor bellows (8). In this case, the leakage oil can be drained off via
connection c1. Should a leak in the bellow (9) occur, the control fluid that has leaked
in will also be drained off via connection c1.

The primary oil pressure (connection a1) is dependent on the speed and determines
the position of the link (11) via the bellows (8) and the pushrod (10). The speed setting
spring (13) opposes the primary oil pressure. Its pre-compression can be varied either
by hand or remotely by the motor (16). The sleeve (5) which can slide on the bottom
end of the follow-up piston is held against the auxiliary secondary fluid pressure
(connection b) by the tension spring (3). The follow-up piston and the sleeve have ports
which at normal overlap allow sufficient fluid to escape to produce equilibrium
between the auxiliary secondary fluid pressure and the force of the tension spring (3).

Each steady-state position of the link (11) and hence of the sleeve (5) corresponds to a
specific force from the tension spring and hence to a specific secondary fluid pressure
which in turn determines the position of the control valves.


If the primary oil pressure falls (as a result of increasing load and the resulting drop in
speed), the link (11) and the sleeve (5) sliding on the follow-up piston (4) are moved
downwards by the speed setting spring (13) so that the overlap of the ports in the
sleeve and the follow-up piston is reduced. This causes the pressure in the secondary
fluid circuit to rise and the follow-up piston follows the movement of the sleeve against
the increasing force of the tension spring (3) unit normal overlap of the ports and
equilibrium are restored. The lift of the control valves is increased in this manner by
the increased secondary fluid pressure.

Conversely, a rise in primary oil pressure causes the lift of the control valves to be



When the pre-compression of the speed setting spring (13) is varied with the reference


speed setter it changes the relationship between the primary oil pressure and the
secondary fluid pressure and hence the relationship between speed and power output.

The zero position of speeder gear corresponds to 2800 rpm i.e. hydraulic governor
comes into action after 2800 rpm.

Lever (12) allows the link (11) to be depressed by hand to give a lift signal to the
governor, e.g. to provide a second means of overspeeding the machine for testing the
overspeed trips in addition to the overspeed trip tester.


Auxiliary follow up pistons are two in

number and are connected parallel. The
trip oil is supplied through orifices to the
aux. follow up valves. The sleeves of the
valves are attached to the speeder gear
bellow link. The sleeve position
determines the drain of trip oil through
the aux. follow up pistons. Accordingly
the trip oil pressure, upstream of these
valves changes. Upstream of circuit is
termed as Aux secondary oil circuit.
Hence Aux. follow up pistons are said to
control Aux secondary oil pressure.


Before start-up, the pilot valve (21) is brought to its bottom limit position either by
hand or remotely by the motor (20). This causes the bellows to be compressed via the
lever (6) and the pin (7) until the governor assumes the position “control valves
closed”. With the valve (21) in the bottom limit position control fluid from connection
a can flow simultaneously to the auxiliary starting fluid circuit (connection u1) and as
starting fluid via connection u to the stop valve to prepare these for opening. When
the valve (21) is moved back the auxiliary starting fluid circuit is depressurized and
subsequently the starting fluid connection u is opened to the return c. This opens the
stop valves. Further upward movement of the valve (21) causes the pin (7) to release
the bellows as with falling primary oil pressure and the control valves are opened. The


release of the bellows can be limited by the pin (7) so that the control valves do not
open any further despite a further reduction in primary oil pressure.


The start-up and load limit device acts mechanically on the bellow of the hydraulic
speed governor, allowing it to function as load limiting device as well, i.e., lift of the
main steam control valve,reheat steam control valves to an adjustable value. This can
be done either manually or by motor of starting and load limit device.


The function of the main trip valve is to open the trip oil circuit in the event of
abnormal conditions, thereby closing the main and reheat stop and control valves and
thus shutting off the admission of steam to the turbine.


1: Limit Switch

2: Spring

3: Piston

4: Body

I: Trip Medium

II: Aux. Trip Medium

III: Drain Medium

IV: Control Medium

V: Aux. Start-Up Medium



When the starting device is lowered to minimum position (0 %), control oil flows via.
the pilot of starting device as Aux. Start up oil, which acts at the bottom of the main
trip valve for lifting the pilot.

As the pilot of the main trip valve is raised to normal (resetting) position, control oil
flowing via main trip valve, generates trip oil and aux. trip oil through main trip

The aux. Start-up oil also act at the piston (A & B) of the over speed trip device and
thrust brg. trip device for resetting. The aux. trip oil is blocked in the reset position.


Remote trip solenoids are two in numbers and are connected in Auxiliary trip fluid
circuit in parallel. During normal operation the remote trip solenoids blocks the passage
of Auxiliary trip fluid medium to drain. When any electrical trip condition of the
turbine comes then the remote trip solenoids gets energised and connects the
Auxiliary trip fluid medium to drain.


1. Compression Spring

2. Magnet System

3. Body

4. Vent Hole

I: Auxiliary Trip Fluid

II: Drain Medium



STEP-I. When

• Starting device is lowered to 0 % position; start up oil (via. Starting Device)

generated from control oil presses the test valve pilot down.

• Trip oil flows to the top of ESV, IV servomotor;

• Servo piston is pressed down to rest over piston plate against compressible

• Oil in between piston and piston plate as well as below piston is connected to
drain via test valve.

STEP -II. When

• Starting device is raised control oil supply line gets blocked and start up oil line
is connected to drain;

• Test valve pilot moves upwards, trip oil flows to the bottom of servo-motor
• Piston and piston plate set slowly moves up while the trip oil above the piston
slowly drains via test valve;

• Stop valve slowly opens to 100 % position. At 42 % position of Starting device

HP Stop valve opens and at 56 % position of Starting device IP Stop valve opens.


Starting procedure.

The turbine is started and brought upto synchronisation speed by means of main
steam control valves and reheat steam control valves. The speeder gear is set at the
“minimum speed” position, if it is intended to operate the turbine with the hydraulic
speed governor. In this case the reference speed of the electro-hydraulic controller is
at the “maximum speed” position. If on the other hand, start up is to be effected with
electro-hydraulic controller, the speeder gear is set at “maximum speed” and the
reference speed of the electro-hydraulic controller at “minimum speed”.

The main stop valves and control valves are still closed, since the trip fluid circuit is
not yet pressurised. First, the tension of the spring in the follow up piston is released
by a lever system by means of hand wheel or motor of the start-up and load limit


device (By turning hand wheel clockwise or by operating motor in “closed” direction),
so that no secondary fluid pressure build up in the follow up piston.

The converter for speed governing along with follow up piston is now in the “control
valves closed” position. Thus there is no secondary fluid pressure build up, when the
main trip valves are latched in.

By further turning of the handwheel, the pilot of the starting and load limit device is
moved further downward, and the pressure fluid is first admitted into the start up
fluid circuit and then into the auxiliary start up fluid circuit. The start up fluid flows
into the space above test valve and forces them downward against the spring load.
The auxiliary start up fluid lifts the positions of the main trip valves thereby allowing
the trip fluid to flow to test valves of the main steam stop valves and reheat steam stop

The trip fluid can now flow to space above the pistons of the main steam stop valves
and reheat steam stop valves, pressing them onto the lower piston disc. Operation of
the start up and load limit device is continued until it attains lowest position.

Subsequently, by turning back the handwheel or by operating the motor of the start-
up and load limit device in the “Open” erection. The pressure fluid is first discharged
from auxiliary start up fluid circuit and then from the start up fluid circuit. The
pistons of the test valves move upward by springs and as a result trip fluid builds up
in the space below piston and is slowly discharged from the space above piston.

The resulting differential pressure permits both pistons to move together to the upper
limit position thus causing main steam stop valves and reheat steam valves to open.
fluid pressure now holds the main trip valves below the stop of differential piston.

When the “open” position of main steam stop valves is reached, further turning of
handwheel or operation of the motor in the “open” direction after a certain amount of
backlash, will enable the speed governor diaphragm to move downwards, causing
increase in the auxiliary secondary fluid pressure.

This would cause the opening of control valves through various systems and enable
the turbine to reach upto 85 to 90 % of rated speed. At this time hydraulic speed
governor will cut in and maintain this speed. The start up and load limit device is
then set at “Fully open” position. An electric speed transmitter continuously measures
and indicates the turbine speed.

Further increase of speed, paralleling and loading of the turbine are done by speed
changer. Turning of the handwheel of the speeder gear or operation of its motor
causes the speeder spring to be compressed further, which in turn results in an
increase of speed. When turbine is in grid, the system determines the turbine speed,
and operation of the speed changer leads to corresponding load change on the turbine.



On the shaft of main oil pump, the “ Hydraulic speed transmitter” has been provided,
which provides primary oil pressure. The change in absolute pressure can be taken
as proportional to small changes in speed (with in limits of steady state
characteristics). This primary oil pressure acts on diaphragm of “Hydraulic speed
governor” against the force of speed setting spring, which is compressed by speed
changer. Travel of diaphragm may be limited by starting and load limiting device. The
movement of diaphragm is transmitted by link mechanism to “Auxiliary follow-up

The position of “Auxiliary follow up pistons” is held in balance by a spring against fluid
pressure. The fluid is essentially trip fluid fed from trip circuit and drained from a
port formed between the piston and the sleeve. Depending upon port opening fluid
pressure gets stabilised corresponding to initial displacement of the piston and initial
spring tension. The auxiliary secondary fluid pressure provides a signal to
“Hydraulic Amplifier” through its pilot.

1. Amplifier piston
2. Follow-up piston
3. Sleeve
4. Shaft
5. Lever
6. Feedback lever
7. Pilot valve
8. Compression spring
9. Adjusting screw

a : Control oil
b : Secondary oil
b1 : Aux. Sec oil
c : Return oil




It consists of a pilot valve and an amplifier piston. The position of the pilot valve spool
depends upon the aux. secondary oil pressure. Depending upon the pilot spool
position, the control oil is admitted either to the top or the bottom of the amplifier
piston. The other side of the amplifier piston is connected to the drain. The movement
of the amplifier is transformed into rotation of a camshaft through a piston rod and a
lever assembly. A feedback linkage mechanism stabilises the system for one particular
aux.sec oil pressure.


The trip oil is supplied to the follow up pistons through orifices and flows in the
secondary oil circuits to control valves. The movements of Hydraulic amplifier through
lever assembly mentioned above actuates the sleeves of the follow up pistons (6nos.)
via. Link . A secondary fluid pressure corresponding to the position of the sleeve and
related spring tensions is built up in the “Follow-up Pistons” of the “Hydraulic
Amplifier” in a similar fashion to Auxiliary follow-up pistons.Three follow up pistons
are provided for HP Control valves and three follow up pistons for IP Control valves.
Any change in the position of link results in proportional change of secondary fluid
pressure in the follow-up pistons of Hydraulic Amplifier. The secondary fluid circuit is
also fed from trip fluid circuit through reducing valves.

The varying HP/IP Secondary fluid pressure in the follow-up pistons of Hydraulic
Amplifier operates the control valves. A feed back system has been foreseen for quickly
stabilising the position of the pilot valve and the piston of Hydraulic Amplifier.

With a view to avoiding sticking of pilot spool and increase sensitivity pilot spool is
kept rotating due to reaction of fluid leakage through tangential holes.


The electro-hydraulic converter is used as the connecting link between electrical and
hydraulic parts of the turbine governing system. It converts electrical signals from
electrical governor into hydraulic signals and amplifies them for actuation of control

Electro-hydraulic converter consists mainly of permanent magnet plunger coil system

with sleeve, the control pilot valve, the power piston the follow piston and an electrical
feed back system.The control signal from electrical governor actuates the sleeve
through plunger coil system. The sleeve slides on the upper part of pilot valve and
decides the position of pilot valve as in the case of follow-up pistons. Pilot valve and


sleeve have ports through which trip fluid from inlet drains depending upon the
overlap. In steady condition the pilot valve is in the middle position.

Trip fluid pressure and spring force are in balance. The pilot valve rotates due to the
flow of control fluid through tangential holes in one of its bobbins. It increases the
sensitivity of pilot valve and ensures its free movement.When pilot valve moves from
its middle position, control fluid flows at the top of bottom of power piston and the
opposite side is connected to drain. The power piston moves and actuates sleeves
through the lever which causes movement of corresponding follow-up pistons.

Secondary fluid circuit is supplied by trip fluid circuit through throttles. The
secondary fluid flows to control valve servomotors for control purpose. The secondary
fluid pressure depends upon the tension of spring which balances the secondary fluid
pressure on follow-up piston. Follow-up piston and sleeve have slots through which
secondary fluid flows depending upon the overlap. The port area changes due to
movement of sleeve and therefore secondary fluid pressure in follow-up piston also
changes such that it follows the movement of sleeve. The balance is again achieved in
the tension of spring and new secondary fluid pressure. Each position of power piston
corresponds to a definite position of sleeve and that of follow-up piston. The position
of follow-up piston determines the secondary pressure.

The initial tension of follow up piston springs can be adjusted with the help of
adjusting screw.


When electrical governor gives impulse for opening of control valves, the sleeve of
plunger coil system moves up and drain area through sleeve reduces. The pressure
under the pilot valve increases and results in upward movement of pilot valve. Thus
the control fluid supply is available at the bottom of power piston while its top is
connected to drain.

The upward movement of piston moves the sleeves through levers downwards and
reduces the drain area between sleeves and follow-up pistons such that the pressure
in the follow piston and so in secondary fluid circuit increases.

The feedback of movement of power piston is provided through differential

transformers to control pilot valve. The sleeve moves back to such an extent that in
the new position of power piston, the pilot valve takes its middle position and balance
is again achieved between pressure under pilot valve and spring force.

When electrical signal is given for closing the control valves the process occurs in the
reverse order.


Both Hydraulic and Electro Hydraulic converter follow up pistons are generating
HP/IP secondary oils.They constitute a minimum gate for both the governors.This
means the governor with lower reference set point,is effectively in control.This is also
termed as Hydraulic minimum selection of governors.


1. Differential Transformer

2. Amplifier Casing

3. Amplifier Piston

4. Piston Rod

5. Valve Bushing

6. Pilot Valve

7. Grooved Ball Bearing

8. Spring Disc

9. Compression Spring

10. Sleeve

11. Casing Support

12. Moving Coil System

a Control Fluid

X Trip Fluid



As earlier pointed out, changeover from one control system to the other one is possible
during normal operation of the turbine since the two systems are brought into parallel
connection after associated follow up pistons which represent a minimum value
selection, meaning that the system with the lower reference value is always the
controlling one.If turbine is to be run under hydraulic control the reference speed of
the electrical controller is at “Max. Speed” which prevents the Electro-hydrualic
system from coming in action.


When bringing in the electro-hydraulic control system the reference speed of the
electrical controller should be reduced slowly until the secondary fluid pressure drops



slightly. When this occurs, the electro-hydraulic converter has taken over. The speed
changer of the hydraulic speed governor is then set at maximum speed. The electro-
hydraulic converter is now fully effective and can operate over the entire output range.
The hydraulic speed governor also acts as a speed limiter in the event of electrical
controller developing a fault. In this case, operation of turbine may immediately be
continued by means of hydraulic speed governor.


This changeover is done in the reverse sequence mentioned above. First, speed
changer is actuated in the “decrease” direction until secondary fluid pressure drops
slightly. This is an indication that hydraulic speed governor has taken over the


control. Then reference speed limit of electric controller is set at “maximum”. Now the
hydraulic speed governor is fully effective, and can operate over the entire load range.

The secondary fluid pressure is transmitted to the actuators of the HP & IP control
valves and controls their opening.


The operative part of the servomotor consists of a two part piston the lower disc-
shaped part of which is connected via piston rod to the valve stem. The other part of
the piston is bell-shaped and moves within the housing which is in the form of a
cylinder. Two spiral springs are placed between the two valves of the piston at the
lower end a spring plate is interposed between the springs and the piston disc. When
trip fluid is admitted to the space above the bell-shaped part of the piston, it moves
this half of the piston downwards, compressing the springs, until it seats against the
piston disc.

After the main stop valves have been opened, the turbine is started by the control
valves. Before the main stop valves can be opened, however, they must be
“pressurised”, i.e. prepared for opening, by admitting trip fluid from the trip fluid
circuit to the space above the piston to press it down against the piston disc after
overcoming the resistance of the springs. The edge of the bell-shaped half of the
piston is designed to produce an fluid-tight seal with the piston disc.


Each of the HP/IP stop valve servomotors receive trip oil through their associated test
valves.The test valves have got port openings for trip oil as wall as start-up oil.The test
valves facilitate supply of trip oil pressure beneath the servomotor disc(stop valve open
condition) under normal conditions.For the purpose of resetting stop valves after a
tripping,start up oil pressure is supplied to the associated test valves which moves
their spool downwards against the spring force.In their bottom most position the trip
oil pressure starts building up above the stop valve servomotor piston while the trip oil
pressure beneath the disc gets connected to drain.When start up oil pressure is
reduced the test valves moves up draining trip oil above the servomotor piston and
building the trip oil pressure below the disc, thus opening the stop valves.A hand
wheel is also provided for manual operation of test valves.

To open the valve, fluid from the trip circuit is admitted to the space below the piston
disc and, simultaneously, the space above the bell-shaped half of the piston is opened
to drain. This causes both halves of the piston to move together in the direction which
opens the valve. In order to reduce fluid leakage past the bell-shaped part of the
piston when the valve is open, a back seat is provided in the housing against which
the collar of the piston can seat.

When the valve is tripped, the pressure in the trip fluid circuit, and hence in the space
below the piston disc, falls with the result that the springs separate the two halves of
the piston and the piston disc connected to the valve stem move to close the valve.
Just before the valve disc seats, the piston disc enters a part of the cylinder where the


diametrical clearance is reduced.This arrangement restricts the flow of fluid past the
piston disc and so produces a braking action which causes the valve disc to seat

All fluid connections are routed through a test valve. All operation can be controlled
by means of the test valve and the starting and main trip valve.

x Trip fluid to space below the


x1 Trip fluid to space above the


c return



The flow of steam to the turbine is regulated by varying the limit of control valves by
means of their servomotors. Control valves have been provided for HP turbine and IP
turbine. All the control valves are operated by their individual servomotors, which are
actuated by the high-pressure control fluid supply at 32-bar approx.

The control valve is moved by the piston, which is loaded by disc springs on one side
and by hydraulic fluid pressure on the other side. The position of the valve is
determined by the secondary fluid pressure, which is determined by the governor.
Since large operating forces are required the servomotor is of high-pressure type
(approx. 32bar and has a pilot control system. The secondary fluid supply at
connection ‘b’ controls the position of auxiliary pilot valve, which directs control fluid
from connection ‘a’ to the appropriate side of the pilot piston.


The pilot piston operates the main pilot valve through lever so that when the control
valve is being opened, the control fluid at connection ‘a’ is directed to the underside of
the piston. When the control valve is being closed, control fluid from the under-side of
the piston drains through the main pilot valve.


When the turbine is running at steady load, control valve will also be steady at a
particular value of valve lift corresponding to the load and the auxiliary pilot valve will
be in the centre position as shown in the figure. In this position, the force exerted by
the spring is balanced by the secondary fluid pressure acting on the auxiliary pilot
valve. When the load increases, the secondary fluid pressure gets increased by the
action of the governor, thus opening the control valves. This action is reversed, when
the load decreases. In either case, the auxiliary pilot valve is deflected from its centre
position. This allows control fluid at connection ’a’ , to flow to one side of the pilot
piston, while the other side of the piston is opened to drain. The movement of the pilot
piston returns the auxiliary pilot valve to its centre position by means of feed back
linkage, thus giving proportionately between secondary fluid pressure and pilot piston
travel. The degree of proportionality of the pilot control system can be adjusted by
altering the pivot position of the feed back linkage.


The movement of the pilot piston deflects the main pilot valve from its centre position by means
of lever so that either the control fluid from connection ‘a’ is allowed to enter the under side of
piston, thus opening the control valve or the underside of piston is opened to drain thus closing
the control valve by the force of the disc springs. Just before the control valve disc actually
comes into contact with the valve seat piston enters a recess provided in the servomotor casing
and throttles the flow of fluid draining from the underside of the piston. This slows down the
motion of control valve at the time of closing and thus the closure of the valve takes place
smoothly. The spring preloads the linkage and prevents any slackness or erratic movement at the
pivots. Feed back cam mounted at the end of the piston rod brings the main pilot valve to its
centre position by means of a lever system. The slope of the feed back cam is in two stages,
which gives two degrees of proportionality, thus producing good linearity of the steam flow





The turbine is equipped with Electro-hydrualic Governing system to facilitate the

operation of the Turbo-set in an inter-connected grid system measuring and
processing of signals offer the advantages such as felxibility, dyanmic stability and
simple representation of complicated functional relationship. The processed electrical
signal is introduced at a suitable point in the hydraulic circuit through Electro-
hydraulic converter. The hydraulic controls provide the advantage of continuous
control of large positioning forces for control valves. The integration of electrical and
hydraulic system offers the following advantages:

• Exact load frequency droop with high sensitivity

• Reliable operation in case of isolated power grids

• Dependable control during load rejection

• Low transient and low steady-steady-state speed deviations under all

operational conditions.

• Excellent operational reliability and dependability

• Safe operation of the Turbo-set in conjunction with the Turbine stress evaluator


The parameters to be controlled i.e. speed, load and turbine throttle pressure are
measured and converted into electrical signals by means of suitable transducers.

These signals are then fed to various control loops where they are processsed as per
requirement of the operator (reference value signal set points) and the turbine
conditions (monitoring signals). The control is converted into hudraulic signals for
actuating the hydraulic operated controller basically consists of the subsidiary
controllers for main steam control valve lift (valve position controller), speed, load and
boiler pressure are supper imposed to main steam control valve position loop.


The speed controller is used for starting the turbine upto synchronisation and block
loading. It can also operate over the full load range during emergency such as
generator tripping from full load to house load operation or during rapid load throw-
offs and / or severe frequency fluctuation. The speed controller is always kept in
readiness for operation even when it is not directly controlling the turbine by tracking
the signal generated by the other controller in service.


The speed reference value can be chaged from-

(a) desk, (b) control cubicle, (c) ATRS, (d) Synchroniser equipments.


Speed reference value is set by means of potentionmeter operated from remote (UCB
control panel) or manually (control cabinet) normally in the range of 0-3000 rpm (0-
9V). Above a speed of 47 Hz (2830 rpm) a reducing gear box lowers the speed of
potentiometer to 1/4th, to facilitate exact adjustments, of speed. The speed reference
value is indicated on two instruments, one with a range of 0-3300 rpm and other with
range of 2700-3300 rpm (for finer adjustment).

The control device for the speed reference value generates the time dependent speed
reference value NRTD/NRLIM which influences the speed controller. As shown in the
fig., NR is fed to a highgain DC amplifier. The subsequent intergrator responds to a
very small imbalance of the imputs of DC amplifier. Output of the integrator is
NRTD/NRLIM which chages like a ramp.

The speed reference value is tracked depending on two operating conditions:-

a) As soon as the Load Controller or pressure controller has taken over within a
frequency band of 49 Hz-51Hz (adjustable), Speed controller tracks the actual
grid speed with an offset of 15 rpm so as to take care of house load operation in
case of opening of generator breaker.

b) As soon as emergency stop (turbine trip) acts, the speed reference value is
tracked with an offset (Nact-120) r.p.m.

The emergency is memorised in a biased memory. The resetting is effected manually or

by means of “increase” command for speed reference value.

The gradient of signal NRTD however is modified according to available TSE margins.
The TSE influence is introduced between DC amplifier and the integrator to limit the
input voltage to the integrator to the level up allows a rise of turbine speed at highest
possible rate consistant with the conservative permissible operation of turbine on
account of the level of thermal stresses.

The freezing of the speed reference value (when Nact > 2850 rpm) can occur for the
following two cases:-

a) If TSE becomes faulty the reference value is blocked and integrator stops. The
integrator can again be enabled after the TSE influence is switched off and
master set point release push button is reset. Since the stress evaluator
monitors the dynamic margin on fault detection, the fault is stored in the
turbine governor. The memory is reset by command; “Stress evaluator
limitation off”.




b) On tranistion from turning speed to control by electric speed controller, a
transition period occurs as a result of undermodulation of the speed by speed
controller. The reference value is blocked at Nref - Nact > 50 rpm in order to
prevent occurance of excessive control deviation (N).

If the speed set point control is in action, the test function of the stress
evaluator is suppressed.

The NRTD signal is transmitted to the final speed controller where it is compared with
actual measured speed signals and thus generate final controller output of speed


As a result of proportional control behaviour of the speed controller, a control error

exists between the actual value & the reference value. A feed forward signal which is
influenced as a function of boiler pressure is provided to achieve identical speed at
synchronising point.


5% i.e. 2.5 Hz above and below 50 Hz. So for a changing of + 150 rpm of reference or
speed, the speed controller ouput will vary from 0 to + 10 volts.


If stress evaluator fault occurs and the generator circuit breaker is “open” and
NR<NRTDthe speed reference value control is stopped.

When the generator circuit breaker is “closed” stoppage of the speed reference value
control is inhibited. The speed reference value control is also stopped in an analogous
manner to that described above when the unit is operating in pressure control mode.


Rotational speed of turbine is measired digitally with the help of 3 nos. of

electromagnetic digital pick-ups, (Hall Probes) which are mounted on turbine shaft
inside front bearing pedestal. These comprises axial, stationary sondes utilising hall
effect and a non-magnets disc rotating with turbine shaft carrying small permanent
magnets with alternative polarity in equally spaced hole arranged in concentric circles.
an air gap separates the magnets and sondes.

The output of probes is transmitted to an impulse conversion device which contains

three signals processing channels and furnishes three times, three electrically
segregated perfect square wave voltages + 10%. Each one of the square wave voltages
of impulse conversion device per channel is subsequently processed in the speed


controller module, to obtain actual value of rotational speed. Actual measured speed
values are continuously monitored for failures. In case of failure of anyone channel,
the control circuit continues to operate without interruption case of speed
measurement control failure of EHC, the tracking controller is switched off

The reliable pulse frequency thus obtained is fed into three speed mesuring devices.
The first device consists of F/V converter and operates in the range of 0-60Hz.

Second device processes the pulse frequency in two ranges 0-6 Hz and 0-60 Hz for the
equipment generating analog signal as “Acquisition of actual speed channel no. 1”.
Third speed measuring device comprises a quartz frequency standard, a pulse
amplifier, a circuit for evaluation of difference between the frequency standard and
measured grequency, a F/V converter, a measuring adapter and limt signalling circuit.
the device operates between 45 Hz and 55 Hz and is required for formation of droop.

The speed controller exhibits PDP response i.e. speed controller is a PD Controller with
sloping characteristics. The output of speed controller remains proportional to control
deviation during stationary operations. This arrangement results in better load
sharing by several turbo sets connected to the same grid as compared with purely
mechanical and hydraulic governor.


During rolling of the turbine, if, between the speeds 600 rpm to 2829 rpm the rate of
speed rise is very low i.e. less than 108 rpm/min. then DN/DT monitoring operates
giving appropriate alarms in the UCB. It blocks any further rise in speed and brings
back the speed reference to 600 rpm. this is incorporated to avoid low acceleration
rates when the turbine speed lies in the critical speed rage 2850 rpm).


The load controller is used for controlling turbine output during load operation. for
selecting the load controller a push button module LOAD CONTROLLER, ON/OFF is
provided. The load controller must be switched ON if it has to come into action. for
final load control, several factors like load Reference (PR), Load Limiter Set point
(PRmax.), TSE influence, Frequency Influence and Pressure Influence are considered
and a final reference PR is developed. an indication “LOAD CONTROLLER ACT” is
provided on the turbine control panel when this lamp glows, which show that the load
controller is in service.

The power reference value can be changed by:-

a) Manually from desk

b) From the CMC control desk


c) From the control cubicle

The loading and unloading gradients are influenced by

a) Turbine stress evaluator or

b) Rate of power change of reference value from desk
The load controller is designed for two modes of operation

a) Power operation in conjunction with power system with PI control


b) Isolated grid operation with P control characteristic based on the frequency of

the isolated power system. Isolated power system operation is based on power
control deviation.


Load reference value is set from reference setter module on the turbine panel, by
means of motorised potentiometer and the output of reference setter PR is displayed
by the UCB desk indicator. The device for the load reference value contains
proportional (P) channel parallel to I-channel. On account of this addition the
response of the device is proportional to small changes of load reference value and for
large changes it is proportional integral. Control device for load reference value
generates time dependent load reference value (PRTD/PRLIM) which influences the
load controller. This signal rises during start-up at a rate (MW/min) selected through
load gradient setter until the final load reference value PR has been reached. The rate
of change of PRLIM is also subjected to the additional limits because of influence of
TSE margins if the same is in switched-on condition. The indications of PRLIM and
gradient setter are provided on the UCB panel. If the rate of rise of PRTD is limited by
load gradient setter the proportional channel is automaticlly switched off and the
response of PRTD is purely integral.


When the stress evaluator is switched on, it acts so as to limit power changes to the
upper and lower release margin. Limitation by means of upper release margin can lead
to reduction of turbine output.Limitation by means of lower release margin can result
in turbine unloading being stopped. Under certain switching conditions limitation by
stress evaluator is suppresed.





By means of the reference value control, the maximum permissible gradient for the
turboset is introduced.

This gradient is limited by means of stress evalutor or by load gradient limit.

If the turboset is not synchronised with the power system, tracking to the value (PR-
Pact) is effective in order that the load controller be capable of taking over control of
the turboset independent of the actual reference value which has been set.

The reference value control has PI control action, i.e. small change in reference value
leads to proportional action and larger change to proportional integral action. Stress
evaluator limiting is effective irrespective of the type of control action.

If the load gradient limit is effective, the proportional action is switched off.

The output signal of the integrator is continuously compared with P-act (actual power
output) by means of an automatic circuit as long as the generator circuit breaker is
not closed. This provisions facilitate smooth transition from speed control mode to
load controller mode.

The load controller is equipped with a ‘Load Limiter’ Module. the output of load limiter
(PRMAX) limits the sum of reference values (PR) transmitted to load controller to the
preselected value. Even the reduction in grid frequency cannot cause the turboset to
exceed the preset power level. The output of load limiter PRMAX is adjusted by means
of a setter on UCB and also indicated on the console.

If the actual power falls below the station auxiliary load, the reference value of the
power controller is tracked to match the output of the speed controller so the later
assumes control of the turboset.

The load controller consists of two plug-in modules :-

a) The first module accommodates the isolated grid detection and the indicating
system, proportional of the load controller as well as a speed dependent
correction of the load control deviation.

b) The second module houses the dynamic systems, the load controller as well as
the tracking inputs (the o/p signal of the load controller is tracked according to


o/p singnal of active controller controlling the load i.e. speed or pressure
The signal component of CMC (Co-ordinated Master Control), PRADS which is load
reference for control device from ALDS (Automatic Load Despatch Signal) is limited by
maximum and minimum load limits on CMC console and is displayed on the desk in
MW. In case of fault in CMC, the PRADS signal component is switched off. The load
reference and PRTD which have been matched automaticlly to PRADS while on
standby, assume control of turbo-generator.

The required dependence of load on frequency in accordance with the frequency

versus load charateristics is achieved by means of additional load reference value
PRDF furnished by frequency unit. The unit is highly linear. the sensitivity of the
response with respect to the chage in power greid grequency is less than 5 milli Hz.

The proportional component of load control may be adjusted during operation of

turboset in steps of 0.5% between 2.5% and 8%. In case of failure of quartz frequency
“Normal”, a monitoring cirucit automaticlly disconnets the frequency influence signal.

The frequency dependent load reference (PRDF) value can be connected and
disconnected by means of a push button switch inside controller cabinet. The status
of operation mode (frequncy influence on/off) is displayed on the desk. An indication
displays the PRDF in MW.

All load reference values described so far are totalled in summing amplifier of the load
controller. The total load reference vaue as it’s limited by load limiter is displayed on
the control desk in megawatts as PR.

If the power plant together with a section of the power grid becomes isolated during
load control, the load controller automaticlly switches isolated during load control, the
load controller automaticlly switches to a proportional response with 5% droop. This
arrangment permits safe operation of the turboset these conditions. The status of
operation of load controller under these conditions described above is displayed on the
control desk.


The tracking is dependent on the operating mode.

a) On load shedding to less than station auxiliary load or generator circuit breaker
“off” or power controller off : (following above) speed controller controls the
reference value of the power controller irrespective of the setting of pressure


b) Generator circuit breaker “ON” and speed controller effective: (following low).
The power controller operates under the speed controller; the speed controller is
effective as soon as HREF power controller < HREF speed controller tracking, is
released. (i.e. load controller o/p < speed controller o/p).

The operation status and faults are displayed on the desk. the EHC supplies the signal
corresponding to combined reference values PRLIM PRDF to the equipment for boiler
load control as an analog signal.

Load dependent valve lift reference signal HRPC supplied by the load controller affects
the position of the steam control valves via a selection circuit.


The signal for the actual pressure and the reference pressure furnished by boiler load
control system.

Pressure Influence Signal HRPC is generated by a proportional integral (PI) pressure

controller and affects directly the lift of the main steam control valves via a selection

The pressure controller controls the turbine load with respect to the main steam
pressure deviation, and prevents, (e.g. during a quick load increase) large pressure

There are two modes of operation on pressure controller


It may be selected from control panel under certain conditions. In initial pressure
mode, pressure controller tries to maintain initial pressure (Turbine inlet throttle
pressure). It reduces the difference between set (reference) pressure and actual
pressure to zero, by sacrificing load.

The power delivered by the turbo-set is determined by the boiler capability upto a
maximum of power level set by load controller. Load increase above this level is


In the limit pressure mode the boiler storage capacity is utilised. The pressure
controller influences the turbine CVs to support boiler pressure control only if a preset
main steam pressure deviation is exceeded. This provision allows the load controller to
handle small, quick load variation unitl pick up limit pressure control is reached. This
pick up limit is seldom reached in the usual frequency supported load control mode
since boiler pressure control hods pressure deviation within narrow limits. The D P is
displayed on the desk.


If the alarm “Limit pressure engaged” is present, additional load increase is blocked by
means of the control unit for reference value load.


The outputs from the speed controller and the load controller are compared in a MAX-
MIN selectro and the output from this is again compared with the pressure controller
output in a MINIMUM selector. The output from this is fed to the valve position
controller. Therefore, the signals from the speed controller, load controller and
pressure controllers are super imposed and selected to give an output to the valve
position controller.

The feed back signal from the valve lift controller (i.e. the actual valve lift signal) is
derived from the differential transformers which are housed in the electro-hydraulic
converter and measure the position of the power piston in the amplifier.






The function of the tripping device is to open the trip fluid circuit in the event of
abnormal conditions, thereby closing the valves and thus shutting off admission of
steam to the turbine.


The tripping device consists in the main of the two valves (12) that slide in the casing
(11) and are loaded by the springs (5,6). The valves (12) are designed as differential
pistons being forced tightly against the body assemblies (10) by the rising pressure of
the fluid. Control fluid flows into the body (11) via connection a and, with a tripping
device latched in ( in the position shown), into the trip fluid circuit via connection x.
The trip fluid circuit leads to the stop valves and the secondary fluid circuits. Via
passages drilled in the body (11) (Section A-A) fluid flows to the auxiliary trip fluid
circuit which leads to the hydraulic protection devices.


When starting the unit, the valves (12) are lifted by the start up fluid (connection u 1)
against the force of the springs (5,6) and forced tightly against the assemblies (10). In
this way pressure is built up in the trip fluid circuit (x) and the auxiliary trip fluid
circuit (x1). The pressure in the auxiliary trip fluid circuit keeps the valve in the
position shown while the start up fluid drains through the start up device.

Should the fluid pressure in the auxiliary trip fluid circuit drop below a specific value
for any reason (e.g. by tripping of a protection device) the valves (12) move downwards
due to the spring force and their own weight, thus connecting connections x and x1
with the fluid back flow c. This depressurizes the trip fluid circuit which causes the
main and reheat stop valves to close. The fluid supply to the secondary fluid circuits
is also shut off, thus causing the control valves to close.

The two valves (12) work independently of each other so that even if one valve
fails the function of the tripping device is not impaired. The limit switches (1)
transmit electrical signals to the control room.


The emergency trip valve enables the turbine to be manually tripped from the
governing rack. This valve blocks the draining of auxiliary trip fluid when it in it’s
normal position. But when this valve (ball head) is pushed down, it drains the aux.
Trip fluid and actuates the emergency tripping device thereby tripping the unit.




The solenoid valve is installed in the auxiliary trip fluid line to the automatic trip gear and when
operated electrically causes the auxiliary trip fluid circuit to be opened and the turbine stopped
the solenoid valve is remote controlled. All remote tripping commands actuates this solenoid
valve only.



The turbine is fitted with two overspeed trips which trip the turbine, when its speed
exceeds rated speed by a certain value, which can be adjusted between 10 to 12 %.
Each over speed trip consists of an eccentric bolt fitted in the shaft with its centre of
gravity displaced from axis of rotation and held in position against centrifugal force by
a spring. At the adjusted value of overspeed centrifugal force overcomes the spring
force and the eccentric bolt fly out suddenly to extended positions, strike the lever
catch which releases pilot valve of releasing device. The auxiliary trip fluid circuit is
connected to drain thereby tripping the main trip valve, which results in turbine trip.
Aux. trip fluid drains are connected back to control fluid tank and is prevented from
getting mixed up with bearing lub oil.


The thrust bearing trip opens the auxiliary tripping circuit in the event of axial
displacement of the rotor which can be caused by excessive wear of the thrust bearing
pads. This draining of the aux. trip fluid causes the turbine to trip.The mechanism for
tripping is similar to that of overspeed trip releasing device.


The purpose of the low vacuum trip is to operate the trip valve by draining the aux.
trip fluid whenever the condenser back pressure increases beyond the permissible
limits. The range in which the vacuum safety device operates can be varied by
adjusting the initial tension of the spring provided in the safety device. In order to
prevent aux. trip fluid from getting drained during starting and testing, (when vacuum
is not there) an auxiliary pilot valve cuts off the draining of the aux. trip fluid.
However the aux. pilot valve is released as soon as the speed of the machine attains
certain value by connecting primary oil line to the auxiliary pilot valve and thus
enabling the vacuum trip device to come into operation.

Deterioration of vacuum inside condenser causes the pilot valve in the low vacuum
trip to be moved from its upper position downwards by the pretension spring,
resulting in depressurisation space of below right hand valve.

The right hand valve is moved to the lower end position by spring, hence opening
auxiliary trip fluid circuit. This causes a reduction in the pressure of fluid below
differential pistons of main trip valves, and their tripping by the springs. When trip
fluid circuit is open to drain, all stop and control valves close.


On load shedding i.e., when the set is suddenly disconnected from the grid, the
machine is intercepted by a load shedding module before it can reach trip out speed.
The speed at which turbine stabilises after load shedding corresponds to governor
droop and the pre-set reference speed. In general, this value is around rated speed


since load governing is cut in at a low load level. After load shedding, the reference
speed can be decreased to rated value.

One solenoid valve has been incorporated in the secondary fluid line of I.P. control
valves and one in Auxiliary secondary fluid line inorder to prevent the turbine reaching
trip speed in the event of the turbine suddenly loosing load. These valves are operated
by a load shedding relay when the rate of change of load exceeds a certain value. The
solenoid valves drain the I.P. secondary fluid and Auxiliary Secondary fluid circuits

Direct draining of I.P. secondary fluid circuit causes the reheat valve to close without
any significant delay.

HP control valves are closed due to draining of Auxiliary secondary fluid before the
Hydraulic amplifier, by the second solenoid.

The extraction check valves controlled by I.P. secondary fluid acting through
extraction valves relay also get closed. After an adjustable time(approximately 2 sec),
the solenoid valves are reclosed and secondary fluid pressure corresponding to
reduced load builds up in the H.P/I.P. secondary fluid lines.


In order to avoid excessive heating of HP exhaust, during HP/LP by pass operation a

“Sequence Trimming Device” has been provided. This device comes into operation if
HP exhaust pressure exceeds a pre-set value and load drops to a set valve(20%).
Operation of this device further reduce the opening of IP control valves with respect to
HP control valves inorder to allow more flow through HP turbine.

It consists of a spring loaded piston assembly which is supported by control oil

pressure from beneath,under normal conditions.The control oil is supplied to trim
device via an energised solenoid valve. When the turbine load is less than 20% and HP
Exhaust pressure exceeds a preset value, the solenoid is deenergised cutting out the
control oil supply to the trim device.

The trim device trips under spring pressure.The trim device is connected to the follow
up pistion of IP control valves by a lever .Upon tripping the trim device alters the
spring tension of follow- up pistons of IP control valves ,draining IP secondary oil.The
I.P.control valves openings are trimmed down.


The swing-check valve installed in the steam system between the HP cylinder and the
reheater closes the cold reheat line on load shedding or tripout to prevent steam from
flowing back to the HP cylinder from this line.


1. Cover

2. Locking Ring (Split)

3. Spacer Ring

4. Seal Ring

5. Plug

6. Shaft

7. Valve Plate Lever

8. Clack

9. Casing

10. Drainage Connection

11. Cap Nut

12. Gland Packing

13. Bearing Bush

14. Connecting Piece




Depending on the secondary fluid pressure in the changeover valve controlling the
swing-check valve, the latter is moved by the actuator flanged to the side of the casing
(9) and connected to the shaft (6). The swing-check valve opens when the main steam
stop valves have reached a specific valve lift. Below this preset point the clack (8) is
returned into the steam path by the hydraulic actuator and because of the absence of
steam the swing-check valve is closed by the torque of the actuator. If, when the
turbine is started and the secondary fluid pressure is insufficient, the steam pressure
before the swing-check valve is higher than behind the valve, the steam pressure
opens the valve against the secondary fluid pressure. The position of the swing- check
valve is indicated in the control room via a limit switch.



The function of the moving vane servomotor flanged to the swing-check valve is to
open or close the swing-check valve fitted in the cold reheat line. When the pilot valve
operated by the transformer of the speed governor admits control fluid via connections
d to the inner space of the servomotor, the adjacent connections d1 of the servomotor
are at zero pressure. The control fluid then flows into the two chambers situated


diagonally opposite each other, thus causing the rotary vane (2) attached to the
control shaft ( 16) to be turned to the stop at the segments (1 ). This rotary movement
which is transmitted from the control shaft (16) to the spindle (3) of the. swing-check
valve via the coupling halves (5, 6) causes the swing-check valve to close. Conversely,
the swing-check valve is opened when control fluid is admitted from the connection



The auxiliary valve controls the fluid supply to the extraction check valve actuators
and its function is to give the check valves a signal to close in the case of a drop in
load or trip-out so that steam can not flow out of the bleeder lines back to the turbine.
The auxiliary valve serves several check valves (1).


Trip fluid is admitted through connection x on the body (10) (section A-B). Secondary fluid
from follow-up pistons of main control valves is admitted to the spaces above and below the
valve (11) through connection b2. As the pressure above and below the valve (11) are equal
under normal conditions, the valve is held in the lowest position by the force of the spring (7).
With this position of the valve, the trip oil x can flow to the other valves and - as soon as these
valves have been switched to the upper position by secondary fluid from follow-up piston of
reheat control valves on to the changeover valves of the extraction check valves
(connection x1). The check valves are then free to open. On a reduction in load, as
mentioned above, the pressure above the valve (11) is reduced accordingly while the
pressure below the valve is retained for a while. This is made possible by the fact that
the pressure reduction below the valve is retarded by the ball (15) and the pressure in
the accumulator (connection b) until the equilibrium is re-established between the
pressure in the accumulator and the new pulse fluid pressure (connection b2) via the
equalising passage in the cover (12). Owing to the brief differential surge, the valve
(11) is forced upwards against the action of the spring (7), thus cutting off the trip
fluid supply to the check valves and opening the fluid return. As a result of this, the
check valves receive a closing impulse and close at reduced or reversed differential
steam pressure.

The valve (16), (section C-D) are acted upon from below (connection b1) by the load-
dependent secondary fluid pressure of the control valves. If the secondary fluid
pressure exceeds the value set by adjusting the springs these valves are forced
upwards against the action of the springs and open the path for the trip fluid to the
changeover valves of the extraction check valves. The lift of the valves is limited by a
collar at their lower end. By appropriately setting the springs (14) to the valves. It can
be ascertained at which secondary fluid pressure, i.e. at which turbine load, the check
valves open or receive an impulse to close.


If the pressure in the secondary fluid circuit drops, the valves are pushed downwards
by the force of the springs and the inlet ports from the trip fluid circuit are cut off, the
bleed valves thus receiving an impulse to close.The fluid in the line to the changeover
valves can drain off through the opened fluid return c.

14 Spring C Return fluid

15 Ball X Trip fluid
16 valve X1Trip fluid to change-over valve of
b2 Signal fluid (Secondary fluid) from extraction check valve
follow-up piston of the main control


Extraction swing check valves are provided to prevent the backflow of steam into the
turbine from the extraction lines and feedwater heaters.

Two free-swinging check valves are installed in each of the extraction lines A3, A4 and
A5. In the event of flow reversal in the extraction line, the valves close automatically,
whereby actuator KA01 assists the closing movement of the first check valve.

The mechanical design of the swing check valves is such that they are brought into
the free-swinging position by means of the trip medium pressure via actuator KA01


and the disc lever, and are then opened by the differential pressure present. If trip
medium pressure falls, the swing check valve is moved into the steam flow by means
of spring force acting via the lever, hinge pin and disc lever, and closes when
differential pressure is either lowered or reversed.


The trip medium supply to actuator KA01 is controlled by extraction valve relay
MAX51, AA011, changeover valves MAX51, AA048, MAX51 AA051 etc. And solenoid
valves MAX51 AA028, MAX51 AA031 etc.

Extraction valve relay MAX51 AA011 actuates the swing check valves in proportion to
the secondary medium pressure. By suitable adjustment of the springs of valve KA02,
the turbine load at which the swing check valves are released for opening or assisted
in closing can be set. The opening release setting cannot be arbitrarily adjusted
towards greater turbine output, as the swing check valve will open even without the
release action if the steam pressure difference exerts a greater force then the closing

In the event of major output drops beyond the opening setting of the swing check


valves, there is a danger of induction of steam into the turbine form the feedwater
heaters. In this case, closure of the swing check valves is assisted by a short duration
close signal transmitted by valve KA01 of extraction valve relay MAX51 AA011. In
normal operation, valve KA01 passes trip medium to valves KA02. After a sudden load
reduction, the pressure above valve KA01 drops, whereas depressurisation beneath
the valve is delayed by a check valve and the pressure in accumulator MAX 45 BB001.


Due to the resulting pressure difference, the valve moves up to interrupt the trip
medium supply to the swing check valves, whose closing movement is assisted by the
spring force of actuator KA01. The pressure beneath valve KA01 is slowly reduced via
a flow restrictor. The valve moves back into its original position to open a way for the
trip medium to release the swing check valves.
By turning the handwheel on changeover valves MAX 51 AA048, MAX 51 AA051 etc.,
the associated swing check valves can be closed within the bounds of the effectiveness


of the spring.

The extraction swing check valves in extraction line A4 can also be triggered by
differential pressure switch LBS42 CP002. This differential pressure switch energises
solenoid valves MAX 51 AA028 and MAX51 AA031 if the steam flow drops below a pre-
set rate (differential pressure), thereby further assisting the closing movement of the
swing check valves.

The position of all swing check valves is indicated via differential transmitters -




With normal shut down or tripping of the machine, the function of the vacuum
breakers is to cause an increase in condenser pressure by conducting atmospheric air
into the condenser together with bypass steam flowing into the condenser from the
Bypass station. When the pressure in the condenser increases, the ventilation of the
turbine blading is increased, which causes the turboset to slow down so that the
running down time of the turboset and the time needed for passing through critical
speeds are shortened.


In special cases requiring a rapid shut down of the turboset, the total vacuum breaker
is employed.


So that the vacuum can also be broken without limitation due to condenser pressure,
a manual key is provided. This key opens the vacuum breaker valve. However, it can
not go into the closing position until the close key provided for closing is used. This
control enables a complete equalisation of condenser and ambient pressure.


The vacuum breaker is also actuated automatically by the turbine fire protection
system to shut the turboset down more quickly. It is switched back manually using
the close key in this case.


When the magnet is not excited, the solenoid valve is switched to open. The control


medium arising holds the vacuum breaker valve in the closed position by means of the
power piston. When the pressure drops the vacuum breaker is opened by spring


When the magnet is excited the control medium is without pressure so that the
control medium in front of the solenoid valve is connected with the drain c. The piston
(3) and thus the valve disc (19) are moved upwards by the force of the spring (5) (fig.).


When the magnet is not excited the valve is closed by the control medium arising. The
pressure of the control medium a via the piston (3) presses seal ring (17) arranged in
the valve disc (19) on to the valve seat (20) against the force of the compression spring



1. Lp Turbine
2. Pressure Switch
3. Solenoid Valve
4. Vacuum Breaker Valve
5. Condenser
6. Condensate Pump
7. Water Injection Valve

c Drain
d Steam From Ip Turbine
d1 Bypass Steam
k Condensate
l Atmospheric Air



The function of the shaft position-measuring device is to measure the difference

between the axial expansions of the turbine casing and rotor. It is mainly used during
the commissioning stages and inspections. It is not a continuous measuring device.
The shaft position measuring devices can be engaged and disengaged by means of a
lever provided in it.


When stating device > 56% and all stop valves open:

Close the test valve manually and open it slowly, from the valve room (first locate the
test valve of the particular stop valve).

When unit is running.

First close the particular line control valve using ATT gearbox handle, next open the
stop valve later control valve.






Under the present crunch of power crisis, the economy dictates long intervals between
turbine overhauls and less frequent shutdowns. This warrants testing of equipments
and protective devices at regular intervals, during normal operation.

The steam stop valves and control valves along with all the protective devices on the
turbine must be always maintained in serviceable condition for the safety and

The stop and control valves can be tested manually from the location but this test
does not cover all components involved in a tripping. Also manual testing always
poses a risk of mal operation on the part of the operator, which might result in loss of
generation or damage to machine components.

A fully automatic sequence for testing all the safety devices has been incorporated
which ensures that the testing does not cause any unintentional shutdown and also
provides full protection to turbine during testing.


The Automatic Turbine Tester is distinguishable by following features:

• Individual testing of each protective device and stop/control valve assembly.

• Automatic functional pre-testing, upon selection of a test, of the substitute

devices that protect turbine during that test.

• Testing of the protective devices during normal turbine operation can only be
performed if the pretest has run without fault and protection of the turbine
during testing is assured.

• Monitoring of all programme steps for execution within a predefined time.

• Interruption if the running time of any programme step is exceeded or if trip is


• Automatic reset of test programme after a fault.

• Protection of turbine during testing provided by special test protective devices.

Automatic Turbine Testing extends into trip oil piping net work where total reduction
of trip oil pressure due to actuation of any protective device, is the criteria for the
satisfactory functioning of devices.
During testing general alarm of the case of tripping are also initiated so that this part
of alarm annunciation system also gets tested. Also, during testing, two electrically
formed values of 3300 rpm take over protection of turbine against over speed.


The testing system or ATT is sub divided in two functional sub-groups.

Each sub-group contains the device and all associated transmission elements for
initiation of a trip.


ATT sub group for protective devices covers the following devices.

1. Remote trip solenoid-1.

2. Remote trip solenoid-2.

3. Over speed trip device.

4. Hydraulic low vacuum trip device.

5. Thrust bearing trip device.

During normal operation, protective devices act on the stop/control valves via the
main trip valves. Whenever any tripping condition (hydraulic/electrical) occurs, the
protective device concerned is actuated. It drains the aux. trip fluid, closing the main
trip valves. The closure of main Trip Gear drains the trip fluid, causing stop/control
valves to close.

During testing, trip fluid circuit is isolated and changed over to control fluid by means of test
solenoid valves and the changeover valve. This control fluid in trip circuit prevents any actual
tripping of the machine. However, all alarm/annunciation gets activated as in case of an actual


The test begins with the selection of the Protective devices subgroup. Protective device
sub-group is selected by pressing the subgroup ON/OFF pushbutton. The subgroup
remains in the ON position until switched off when the program has been completed.
While the protective devices subgroup program is running, the other subgroups are

The ON/OFF pushbutton is also used to acknowledge alarms.



After the subgroup has been switched on, the protective device to be tested is selected
by pressing the selection pushbutton for the individual device.

A separate selection pushbutton is provided to each protective decive. Only one

selection may be made at a time. Selection of a further test is possible only once all
other programs have ended.


The automatic test program is started by pressing the Test Pushbutton.


This pushbotton can be used to terminate the test program running at any time and to
initiate the reset program. The reset program has priority over the test program.


All the signal lamps on the control panel can be tested by pressing the Lamp Test

ATT for protective devices broadly incorporates the following sub programmes:

a. Preliminary test programme.

b. Hydraulic test circuit establishment.

c. Main test programme.

d. Reset programme.


In preliminary test programme, the substitute circuit elements and the circuit are
tested for their healthiness; the turbine is fully protected against any inadvertent
tripping during ATT. If any fault is present further testing is inhibited. During
preliminary test, following steps are performed.

Test solenoids become energised.

Build-up of control oil pressure upstream of changeover valve is monitored.

Test solenoids de-energised and drop of control oil pressure is monitored.

If all steps are executed within a specified time pre-test is said to be successfull.





If no fault is present during preliminary test command is automatically given to

establish hydraulic test circuit (substitute circuit). The hydraulic test circuit is
responsible for the supply of control fluid in trip fluid circuits. The test solenoids
valves are again energised building up the control oil pressure upstream of changeover
valve. At this moment solenoid for change over valve gets energised, draining control
fluid from the bottom of the change over valve and change over valve moves to bottom
position (i.e test position). With changeover valve in its test position, control fluid flows
in the trip fluid piping and main trip valve gets isolated from the trip fluid header as
the port for trip fluid coming from the main trip valve gets closed in the change over
valve. After successful establishment of hydraulic test circuit command goes to initiate
the main test, in which individual devices can be checked.

Main Test

During main test programme, the associated hydraulic test signal transmitter with the
exception of remote trip solenoids provides the necessary signal to actuate protective
devices. The protective device under test operates and drains the aux. trip fluid. Due
to draining of auxiliary trip fluid Main trip valves operates and trip fluid pressure
drains and associated alarms flash.

Reset Programme

The resetting programme automatically starts after the main test is over. The reset
solenoid valves energise and supply control fluid in aux. start-up fluid circuit to reset
main trip valves and protective devices, which have tripped from their normal
positions. Once they return to their normal position, trip fluid and aux. trip fluid
pressure can be built-up and monitored. If fluid pressure is satisfactory then change
over valve solenoid gets de-energised and change over valve moves to normal position.
After this reset solenoids along with test solenoid valves de-energised, deactivating
hydraulic test circuit.


The function of the hydraulic test signal transmitters is to activate the protective
devices (with the exception of the remote trip solenoids).

Each protective device has an associated test signal transmitter. For testing the
overspeed trip device, the associated test signal transmitter builds up a test pressure
relatively slowly and press it to the overspeed trips'for testing the low vacuum trip an
air pressure signal is introduced to the device via an orifice; and for testing the thrust
bearing trip, a control medium signal is passed to the test piston.

The test signals to remote trip solenoids MAX52 AA001 and MAX52 AA002 turbine
tester goes by itself and not by a test signal transmitter.


1. Compression Spring
2. Coil
3. Valve Disc
I: Test Medium To Releasing
II: Drain Medium
III: Control Medium


I: Vacuum To Low Vacuum Trip
II: Vacuum From Condenser
III: Air At Atmospheric Pressure



MAX51 AA005 and MAX51 AA006

Only one of the two main trip valves is described in the following, as they are
constructionally and functionally identical.


The function of the main trip valve is to amplify and store the hydraulic or mechanical
(manually initiated local) trip signal. It must respond in the course of every successful
protective device test.


Each main trip valve is kept in its operating position by auxiliary trip medium
pressure. If a protective device is actuated, the auxiliary trip medium circuit is de-
pressurized and the main trip valve is activated. This connects the trip medium and
auxiliary trip medium circuits to drain and shuts off the control medium supply to the
turbine valves. At the same time, limit switches 1 are actuated. Auxiliary start-up
medium pressure forces piston 3 into its normal operating position. Control medium


1: Limit Switch

2: Spring

3: Piston

4: Body

I: Trip Medium

II: Aux. Trip Medium

III: Drain Medium

IV: Control Medium

V: Aux. Start-Up



IV is then free to pass through to build up the pressure in the trip medium and the
auxiliary trip medium circuits. Pressure switches MAX48 CP201 AND MAX48 CP202
monitor the auxiliary start-up medium circuit to ensure that the pressure collapses
when the main trip valves latch-in nominal position.


MAX52 AA001 and MAX52 AA002

The twin electrical remote trip feature consists of the two-solenoid valves MAX52
AA001 and MAX52 AA002. One trip channel is described here, as the test procedure is
the same for both.


The function of the remote trip solenoids is to depressurize the trip medium circuit in
the shortest possible time, thereby bringing main trip valves MAX51 AA005 and


MAX51 AA006 into their trip positions, in the event of a malfunction requiring
electrical trip initiation.

During normal operation the remote trip solenoid blocks the passage of auxiliary trip
medium to the drain. For testing, the solenoid valve is switched over by the automatic
turbine tester so that the auxiliary trip medium circuit is connected to drain. Trip
initiation is monitored downstream of the main trip valves by pressure switch MAX51
CP209 and MAX52 CP211 in the auxiliary trip medium circuit. In addition, the limit
switch of each main trip valve must annunciate successful completion of the test.


1. Compression Spring

2. Magnet System

3. Body

4. Vent Hole

I: Auxiliary Trip Fluid

II: Drain Medium


On successful completion of testing, solenoid valves MAX52 AA001 and MAX52 AA002
are de-energized. The reset program is then started.


MAY10 AA01/MAY10 AA002

The two overspeed trips are provided to protect the turbine against overspeeding in the
event of load coincident with failure of the speed governor. As they are particularly


important to the protection of the turbine, they can also be locally tested by hand
during turbine operation at rated speed with the aid of overspeed trip test device
(hydraulic test signal transmitter) MAX62 AA001.


1. Turbine Shaft I: Test Oil

2. Eccentric Shaft Fly Bolt
II: Auxiliary Start-Up Medium
3. Compression Spring III: Auxiliary Trip Medium
4. Pawl IV: Drain Medium
5. Piston
6. Limit Switch


When the preset overspeed is reached, the eccentric flybolt 2 each overspeed trip
activates piston 5 and limit switch annunciator 6 via pawl 4. This connects the
auxiliary trip medium circuit to drain thereby de-pressurising it. The loss of auxiliary
trip medium pressure causes the main trip valve to drop, which in turn causes the trip
medium pressure to collapse. To activate the overspeed trip at rated speed, as the test
routine performed by the automatic turbine tester requires, a specific force, equivalent
to the increase in centrifugal force between rated speed and present trip overspeed, is
needed. For testing, this force is exterted by the test oil pressure, acting on the head of
bolt 2. On the bais of the existing defined geometry, the test oil pressure is a
reproduceible measure for the trip speed, and can therefore be used to check whether
the overspeed trip responds at the desired setting.



1. Limit Switch (Normal

2. Limit Switch (Test
3. Valve For Test Oil
4. Actuator

I: Control Medium
II: Test Oil
III: Auxiliary Trip Medium
IV: Auxiliary Start-Up Medium
V: Control Oil
VI: Drain Oil


The test oil pressure is produced using the hydraulic test signal transmitter which is
also used for manual testing First the command is given to the actuator motor to go
into the trip position (down). After a cetain idling time, the test oil pressure builds up
to act on the two overspeed trip bolts 2.

If the two bolts are functioning correctly, they will fly outwards into the trip position
when the defined pressure is reached, thereby activating the main trip valve via pawl
4, slide valve 5 and the auxiliary trip medium circuit. The two overspeed trips are
monitored for actuation at the given test oil pressure by observing the two pressure
switches MAX62 CP211 and MAX62 CP212 in the test oil line, and the annunciation
from limit switch 6. Pressure switches MAX62 CP211 and MAX62 CP212 are preset to
respond at a certain level (approx. 0.15 atm) below and above the test oil reference
pressure respectively. This test reference oil pressure is determined empirically during
commissioning and entered in the operating log. Limit siwtch 6 must respond within
the pressure range between the settings of pressure switches MAX62 CP211 and
MAX62 CP212. A slow build-up of pressure is required for this operation, which is why
a relatively long monitoring period, equivalent to the running time of the actuator, has
to be selected. Premature response of the overspeed trips is annunciated.



Once the trip has been initiated, the actuator of the hydraulic test signal transmitter is
driven back until the integral limit switch annunciates that normal position has been
reached. In addition, monitoring must be continued until the test oil pressure at
pressure switch MAX62 CP213 is less than 0.1 atm.

This double check-back of the hydraulic test signal transmitter having returned to
normal position ensures that, after completion of testing, the overspeed at which the
turbine will trip is not reduced due to test oil pressure remaining effective and that the
overspeed trip will not be set off prematurely in the event of load reduction. While test
oil pressure is being dispersed, the two overspeed bolts spring back into their normal
positions at a pressure well above 0.5 atm.

Subsequently by, piston 5 is brought back into its nominal position by pressure of
auxiliary start-up medium II and latched in with pawl 4. At the same time, piston 5
shuts off drain channel IV, so auxiliary trip medium III can build up pressure. Once
this has been done, the auxiliary start-up medium can be depressurized.



The function of the low vacuum trip is to operate the main trip valve during normal
operation, if the vacuum in 4, the turbine condenser is too weak for condensation to
be properly effected.


In each trip device, compression spring 3, set to a specific tension, pushes downwards
against diaphragm 4, the top side of which is subject to the vacuum. If the vacuum is
too weak to counteract the spring tension, the spring moves valve 6 downwards. The
pressure beneath valve 7 is thereby dispersed and the auxiliary trip medium circuit is
connected to drain. The resultant depressurization of the auxiliary trip medium circuit
actuates main trip valves MAX51 AA005 and MAX51 AA006, thereby closing all
turbine valves.


First, test signaller (solenoid valve) MAG01 AA201, fitted in the vacuum carrying signal
line, is energized. This blocks off the vacuum line and simultaneously connects the
space above diaphragm 4 to the atmosphere, so that air is free to flow in via an orifice
(connection II) to weaken the vacuum. Compression spring 3 presses down valve 6 to


connect the auxiliary trip medium circuit to drain via valve 7 when the preset limit is

The low vacuum trip is monitored for operation within the specified vacuum range by
observing pressure switches MAG01 CP202 and MAG01 CP201.


1. Adjusting
2. Stem
3. Compression
4. Diaphragm
5. Limit Switch
6. Valve
7. Valve

I. Primary Oil
II. Vacuum
III. Atmospheric
IV. Auxiliary Trip
V. Drain Medium
VI. Control


When test signal transmitter MAG01 AA201 has been de-energized and the connection
between low vacuum trip and the condenser re-established, vacuum builds up again
above diaphragm 4. Valve 6 moves into its upper end position, thereby opening the
passage for the control medium to flow to valve 7. When valve 7 is in its upper end
position, the auxiliary trip medium circuit is closed again. Restoration of normal
operating configuration is annunciated by the limit switch of the low vacuum trip and
by pressure switch MAG01 CP201.



1. Shaft I: Auxiliary Trip Medium

2. Tripping Cam II: Auxiliary Start-Up Medium
3. Pawl III: Drain Medium
4. Test Piston IV: Test Medium
5. Tension Spring
6. Valve Piston
7. Compression Spring
8. Limit Switch




The function of the thrust bearing trip is to monitor the shaft position in the bearing
pedestal and, if a fault occurs, to depressurize the auxiliary trip medium and thus the
trip medium circuit in the shortest possible time, thereby tripping the turbine.


The two rows of tripping cams 2 which are arranged on opposite sides of turbine shaft
1 have a specific clearance, equivalent to the permissible shaft displacement, relative
to pawl 3 of the thrust bearing trip. If the axial displacement of the shaft exceeds the
permissible limit, the cams engage pawl 3, which releases piston 6 to de-pressurize
the auxiliary trip medium circuit and at the same time to actuate limit switch 8.


To test the thrust bearing trip, the associated hydraulic test signal transmitter MAX61
AA202 is energized. Test medium IV is then free to pass to test piston 4, which then
deflects pawl 3 against the force of spring 5. The combined force of the auxiliary trip
medium and of compression spring 7 drives piston 6 into its trip position. The
pressure of test medium IV is monitored by pressure switch MAX61 CP211.


After the pressure of test medium IV has dropped again, the thrust bearing trip is
returned to its normal operating position by applying the pressure of start-up auxiliary
medium II to valve piston 6, thus moving the piston against the force of compression
spring 7. Thereby pawl 3 latches in and holds valve piston blocks off drain III. Once
this has been done, the auxiliary start-up medium is depressurized again.


MAX48 AA201 AND MAX48 AA 202


The function of the reset solenoids is to restore the tripped protective devices to their
normal operating positions during the ATT reset program.


The reset solenoids are two 3-way solenoid valves (2 ports open at any time), fitted in
the auxiliary start-up medium line. Both solenoid valves are energized in the course of
the reset program conducted after each subtest, so that auxiliary start-up medium


line II is supplied with control medium III. The control medium pressure forces all
protective devices back into their normal operating positions, and the trip medium and
auxiliary trip medium pressure can build up again.

When the protective devices have latched in again, reset solenoid MAX48 AA201 is de-
energized first to shut off the control medium supply through this valve. Dispersion of
the auxiliary start-up medium pressure is monitored by pressure switch MAX48

The second reset solenoid MAX48 AA202 is then de-energized to disperse the pressure
between the two solenoid valves. This is monitored by pressure switch MAX48 CP202.
The use of two reset solenoids ensures that main trip valves MAX 51 AA005 and MAX
51 AA006 will always be sure to be actuated if either one of the two reset solenoids is


1. Compression Spring
2. Coil
3. Valve Disc

I: Auxiliary Start-Up Medium

II: Auxiliary Start-Up MediumTo
III: Control Medium



The stop valves and the control valves of the turbine are the final control elements
governed by the protective the final control elements governed by the protective
devices and it is therefore equally important that these, as well as the protective
devices, should function reliably. The testing of these valves in conjunction with
testing of the protective devices, ensures that all elements which must respond on
turbine trip are tested for their ability to function reliably.


Each stop valve is tested together with its associated control valve. The automatic
turbine tester is designed so that only one valve assembly may be selected and tested
at any time.


To avoid turbine output changes and initial pressure variations due to the closing of
the tested control valve during testing, the electro-hydraulic turbine controller must be
in operation prior to testing. For the same reason, the closing time of the control
valves is relatively long. To enable initial pressure to be maintained constant, testing is
only permissible when the turbine output is below a certain value.


During testing one of the control valves MAA10 to 40 AA002 or MAB10 to 40 AA002 is
closed completely by means of a motor-operated positioner - AA002M acting on relay
piston KA06 parallel to pilot valve KA05. This results in a closing movement
simulating that which occurs when the associated secondary pressure drops.

This constant slow closing movement is also necessary in order to enable the
associated controller to keep the output or initial pressure constant. Thus the
conditions for actuation of the valve are the same during testing as during normal
actuation by the controller.

The stop valves, which are held in the open position by trip medium pressure during
normal operation, are subjected to exactly the same hydraulic conditions during
testing as would be the case in the event of actual turbine trip, as the action of the
protective devices is simulated by solenoid valve MAX61 AA211 to 214 or MAX61
AA221 to 224, respectively. The steam side conditions during testing are somewhat
more severe than during actual trip, as the pressure downstream of the stop valve
connot drop off during closure because the control valve is closed. This means that the
steam pressure acting against the spring closure force (steam lift) is greater than is the
event of normal trip.

The automatic turbine tester intervenes in the medium circuits normally used to
control the valves and uses only trip medium both for operation of test valves MAX47
AA011 to 014 and MAX47 AA021 to 024 and for resetting and opening of the stop
valves. Thus closure of the valves cannot be impeded in the event of a trip during
testing, regardless of the stage which the test has reached. This also applies to the
control valves, as the ATT does not interrupt the secondary medium circuit and the


secondary medium can thus be depressurized in the normal manner in the even of a




• The automatic tester is distinguished by the following features:


• Individual testing of each valve assembly

• Monitoring of all program steps for execution within a certain time.

• Automatic reset of the testing program after a fault.

Protection of the turbine during testing provided by special test protective devices.


There are 4 combined main stop and control valves and 4 combined reheat stop and
control valves, each of which is tested as a separate unit and has a separate selection
push button in the ATT control panel. They are:

• Selection 1: Main stop and control valve,

• Selection 2: Main stop and control valve,
• Selection 3: Main stop and control valve,
• Selection 4: Main stop and control valve,
• Selection 5: Reheat stop and control valve,
• Selection 6: Reheat stop and control valve,
• Selection 7: Reheat stop and control valve,
• Selection 8: Reheat stop and control valve,



The test begins with the selection of the valve test subgroup. This is performed by
pressing the subgroup ON/OFF pushbutton. The subgroup remains in the ON postion
until switched off when the program has been completed. While the valve test
subgroup program is running, the other subgroups are blocked.

The On/Off pushbutton is also used to acknowledge alarms.


If the test requirements have been fulfilled and the balve test subgroup switched on,
the valve assembly (e.g. main stop and control valve, to be tested is selected by
pressing the selection pushbutton for the individual valve assembly. A separate
selection pushbutton is provided for each valve assembly. Only one selection may be
made at a time. Selection of further test is possible only once all other programs have



The automatic program is started by pressing the Test pushbutton of the valve test
program tile.


All the signal lamps on the control panel can be tested by pressing the Lamp Test


If all the test requirements have been fulfilled and the selection and Test pushbottons
pressed, control valve MAA10 to 40 AA002 or MAB10 to 40 AA002 of the valve
assembly selected is closed by means of its associated valve test positioner (test motor,
-AA002M). Operation of positioner -AA002M is continued until limit switches CG002C
on the control valve and -AA002 MS72 and -AA002 MS73 on the actuator are actuated
to annunciate, with a slight delay to achieve a ceratin overtravel, that the control valve
being tested is in closed position.

During this time, the controllers compensate for the effects of closure of the valve
being tested on the initial pressure or turbine output by opening the other control

The running time for closure of the control valve is monitored. If the control valve is
functioning properly, it will close within the pre-set running time.


If the control valve has closed properly, solenoid valve MAX61 AA211 to 214 or
MAX221 to 224 is energized. This allows trip medium to flow to the space below
changeover slide valve MAX61 AA011 to 014 or MAX61 AA021 to 024, which moves
into its upper end position and connects the space below piston disc KA02 with the
drain. The pressure in this space drops rapidly and is monitored by the pressure
switch MAX51 CP223 CP223, 228, 233, 238 or MAX51 CP248, 253, 258, respectively.
When the pressure at this pressure switch has dropped slightly below the break-away
pressure of piston disc KA02, monitoring of the stop valve closure time starts. Limit
switch - CG001E annunciated entry of the valve into its closed position, thus making
it possible to monitor the valve closing action for completion within the maximum
running time.


Next, solenoid valve MAX47 AA211 to 214 or MAX47 AA221 to 224 is energized (test
position) and trip medium is admitted to the control surface of the piston in test valve


MAX47 AA011 to 014 or MAX47 AA021 to 024. The piston moves into its lower end
position against the spring force, thus permitting trip medium to flow to the space
above piston KA01 of the stop valve. This piston is forced downwards by the pressure
of the medium, thereby tensioning the spring between piston KA01 is relatively low,
being equal to the spring force acting against it. The spontaneous pressure rise when
piston KA01 has made contact with piston disc KA02, and thus on completion of the
spring tensioning action, is detected by pressure switch MAX51 CP222, 227, 232, 237
or MAX51 CP242, 247, 252, 257. If all conditions are fulfilled within this relatively
long monitoring period, solenoid valve MAX61 AA211 to 214 or MAX61 AA221 to 224
is de-energized (operating position), so that trip medium is once again able to flow to
test valve MAX47 AA011 to 014 or MAX47 AA021 to 024 and the drain is blocked off
again. The build-up of trip medium pressure monitored by pressure switch MAX51
CP221, 226, 231, 236 or MAX51 CP241, 246, 251, 256.

When the pressure is sufficiently high, the stop valve is opened by de-energizing
solenoid valve MAX47 AA211 to 214 or MAX47 AA221 to 224 (operating position). Test
valve MAX47 AA011 to 014 and MAX47 AA021 to 024 switches over, admitting trip
medium to the underside of piston disc KA02 and, after a certain amount of further
travel, slowly connects the space above piston KA01 with the drain. The resultsant
pressure difference causes the tensioned piston relay to open the stop valve. As soon
as open position is reached, the full trip medium pressure builds up. This is
monitored by pressure switch MAX51 CP223, 228, 233, 238 or MAX51 CP243, 248,
253, 258 and by limit switch - CG001D. Testing of the stop valve is now completed.


If the conditions are fulfilled within the specified monitoring period, the control valve is
re-opened. The motor of positioner--AA002M is operated in the opening direction.
Positioner -AA002M moves the control valve into its original position in the reverse
sequence to the closing action. Again the initial pressure and output are kept constant
by the appropriate controller. Operation of positioner -AA002M is continued until,
after a certain amount of overtravel, it has positively ceased to influence the controller.
This position is detected by limit switch -AA002 MS61 or -AA002 MS62. If the control
valve is functioning properly, it will open within the pre-set running time.


On conclusion of testing of each valve assembly, the selection is automatically canelled

and the program shut down.



The reset program is automatically initiated if the running time for any step is the test
program is exceeded. If any running time is exceeded during the reset program, the
program is halted. In either case, the alarms Fail signal and Time Overrun are
generated. If the Fault in ATT alarm is displayed, the fault lies in the automatic tester


If electrical turbine trip is initiated during testing, all solonoid valves are de-energized
and positioner -AA002M is returned to its extreme position and the program cancelled.
All equipment associated with the automatic turbine tester is automatically returned
to its normal position.





Steam parameter varies with the condition throughout the operating range with every
change (start up, loading, shutdown) of the turbine, and in turn turbine metal is
subjected to those temp changes. The resulting T in the turbine material is a
measure of thermal stress subjected to that part. As thermal stress becomes major
consideration from turbine side, it is to be ensured that turbine is never subjected to
undesirable thermal stress. Differential Temperature in the material should always be
kept within the permissible limits. The optimum balance between longevity on the one
hand and max flexibility of operation on the other is achieved when the permissible
range of material stress can be utilised to the full.

Turbine Stress Evaluator measures and calculates the relevant temperature values
and evaluates them in an analog computing circuit and determines the allowable
conditions of operation so that useful life of the turbine shall not be unduly reduced.
Thus it allows the operation of the turbine at the highest possible rates of load/ speed
change while limiting the stresses within permissible values. The results of TSE, which
are the appropriate operating instructions, are displayed by means of an indicating


Actual Speed (Hall Probe) : 0 -3600 rpm

Actual Load : 0 -600 MW
Temperatures Of Turbine Metal Parts : MSV, MCV, HPC. HPS, IPS

TSE gets inputs from 5 points of turbine to compute limits for operation:

1. Main ESV Temp. (Surface and midwall.)

2. MCV Temp. (Surface and midwall.)

3. HP Shaft Temp. (Surface and midwall.)

4. HP Casing Temp. (Surface and midwall.)

5. IP Shaft Temp. (Surface and midwall.)

Temperature at various points are measured at surface (96% depth) and inside (54%)
with the help of thermocouples placed at proper places. In case of HP shaft and IP
shaft, temperature is measured at the casing where thermal behavior of shaft and
casing is supposed to be same.

The mean internal (mid metal) shaft temperature can be calculated with an adequate
degree of accuracy by means of the following mathematical equation.


Tm = Ts [ 1- (0.692 e -t/T1 + 0.131 e -t/T2 + 0.177 e -t/Tk )]

Where, Ts : Surface Temperature T1 : 2408.31

Tm : Mid metal Temperature T2 : 457.08 Time
t : Time in minutes Tk : 56.62

Various constants used in the above equation are derived from the shaft diameter and
thermal diffusivity of the rotor material.


The milli-volt output from thermocouple is fed into the signal conditioning cabinet
where the transducers give out 4-20 mA signals as temperature signals. For
calculation purpose we have one analog computer located in the controller cabinet
having five computing channels for above five inputs. Each computing channels
determines the temperature difference (∆Ta) between surface and mid metal
temperature. The thermal stress is proportional to this temperature difference. The
calculated temperature difference is compared against the permissible temperature
difference (∆Tp), which is derived from function generator for each computing channel.
The difference between ∆Tp and ∆Ta is called MARGIN. Comparing ∆Ta against ∆Tp on
the + ve side, we get upper margin and the –ve side we get lower margin.

The smallest of the respective upper and lower temperature Margins computed for
admission and turbine areas are selected for display on the TSE indicator and used for
further processing.


The indicator is divided vertically into two sections one for starting and one for load
operation. It comprises of three discs.

- One Circular Scale disc, partly calibrated in Speed

- and
Two Load
partly coloured glass discs.

These discs are controlled by means of three electrical servomotors equipped with
feedback potentiometers. The circular scale is controlled by the actual value for either
Speed or Load. The upper red coloured disc is controlled by the upper available
margin either for the temperature or the load. The lower red coloured disc is controlled
by the lower available margin either for the temperature or the load. The module for
control of the potentiometer-equipped servomotor is located in the TSE indicator and
receives three impressed currents of ± 1 mA for the computing circuits. Power supply
for the TSE indicator is ± 24 V.

Before the generator is synchronised, or the load is below 2% MCR the actual speed
and temperature margins are displayed on the left side of the display. After the




generator is synchronised and load is greater than 2%, the actual load and load
margins are displayed on the right side. The effective section is illuminated according
to the operating mode.

The row of alarm windows located across the top of the two section of the indicator
shows which computing channel is on line. The red window in the middle is the fault
alarm. Illumination of the appropriate chosen window indicates whether the displayed
margins are being supplied by admission or turbine channel. Additional LEDs located
above and below are the symbols for HP and IP turbine in the turbine related window
and indicate from which turbine upper margin (Upper LED) and the lower margin
(Lower LED) is originated. The appropriate LEDs then show a red light.


During start-up, speed and temperature margins are displayed on the left hand
section. Speed is indicated on a circular moving scale. The upper and lower
temperature margins are covered on the screen. These screens have two zones in
different colour; the red area represents a warning or prohibited range, while the white
indicates the permissible zone of operation.

During load operation, the right hand section displays the actual load and the load
margins. The actual load is shown on a rotating disc marked in MW. Two rotating red
discs indicate the permissible load range. The turbine is operating within the
permissible stress as long as the actual temperatures, load values are located within
the transparent region between the discs.

The opaque red section between the discs covers the prohibited range. The upper
boundary of the transparent sector indicates the upper margins (for start-up and
increasing load); the lower boundary indicates lower margins (for decreasing load and


Changing Section of the TSE Indicator

During speed operation, the TSE indicator can be switched manually by means of two
push buttons on the control desk to indicate the respective margin either from the
admission or from the turbine channels as desired.

During speed operation, if the non-illuminated green alarm window flashes, this
indicate that the temp margins originating from one of the channels related to the
flashing window has been reduced to less than 100K. The flashing lamp instructs the
operator to changeover to the range with the smaller margins. When changeover has
been affected, the green alarm window changes the flashing to steady light. When the
unit is synchronised, the TSE indicator automatically changes over to the right hand
section, which displays the load margins calculated from the temperature margins.
Two red discs indicate the permissible load change.



The temperature margin is a measure of the degree of thermal stress, which a turbo
set, is subjected to, during speed rising before synchronization.

The load margin is the greatest step change in load based on the instantaneous stress
condition, which the turbine can withstand without being over stressed.

If the margin is consumed, this means that the component is being stressed to its
permissible limits. This condition is indicated by either of upper or lower red disc
reaching horizontal position.

If the upper load or speed margin is consumed then the following methods can be
adopted to restore the lost margin.

• Avoidance of further loading of turbine.

• Reduction of steam temperatures in case boiler firing rate had been rapid.
• Soaking the machine for sufficient time period.

If the lower margin gets consumed then the following methods can be adopted

• Stopping of further unloading & soaking the turbine.

• Increase the steam temperatures.

It is worthwhile to mention here that before synchronization turbine should have

temperature margin more than 300 K available so that minimum load on the set can
be achieved immediately after synchronization.


EHC : + 30 DEG.K
CMC : + 30 DEG.K
TSE INDICATOR : + 150 DEG.K., 0 TO 600 MW


All metal temperature criteria come from curve generators/LVRs. Inputs to these are
from the same thermocouple that are used for TSE


• In SGC Turbine step 14 TSE Test programme block command is given.

• In SGC Turbine step 15 TSE margin more than 30O K. criteria is checked.

• If TSE influence is made off, SGC Turbine program goes OFF.

• TSE fault does not switch off ATRS SGC Turbine program. In case of fault last
margin is frozen so that rolling does not get affected till 2850 rpm.


Only temperature margins are taken and not load margins.

SPEED CONTROLLER: Only upper margin is used. Lower margin is not used, as
coasting down is natural. TSE margins determine the gradient at which NRTD varies.

LOAD CONTROLLER: Both lower and upper margins used. In set point controller,
these margins determine the gradient at which PRTD varies –

If TSE influence is OFF, 10 volt is fed at TSE margin input to minimum gate so that
UCB gradient controls the P rtd rate. 10V input is used for clamping the max gradient
allowable. It is not from UCB but from EHC panel.Negative upper temperature margin
can unload the machine but loading the machine is left to desk engineer.


TSE fault is one of the conditions for stop reference. In case of TSE fault TSE influence
is to be made off and then reset the fault. Then switch on TSE influence otherwise the
set/reset memory may not reset properly.



Discs will close on TSE indicator. All lamps in TSE indicator will go off. TSE fault
occurs. TSE release will be absent for EHC and load ref. stop will come.

TSE INDICATOR SUPPLY UCB OFF : TSE discs will close. All lamps will go OFF in
the TSE indicator.


Release should be present from EHC, CMC and ATRS. EHC, CMC release will come if
the controllers are balanced i.e. there is no variation between actual and set values.
Testing can be dome if TSE influence is OFF in the absence of these releases. ATRS
SGC turbine programme step-14 output should be absent; otherwise, TSE testing will
be blocked.

TSE test is carried out in order to check the healthiness of various computing channel
and display channels, which are coming to TSE display.

Testing is possible only when enable signal from EHC is present. For testing known
input data can be introduced for each channel to give rise to display of certain
predetermined results. If TSE is functioning correctly, the indicator must show
specific values for each computing channel. If there is deviation from the tolerance
test values, it is probable that there is a fault in the evaluator. TSE influence
switching off facility is there to be used under fault condition. For healthiness of
computing channels dynamic monitoring system is also active. Dynamic monitoring
system is based on the principle of detecting change as a function of time. Each
channel generates the gradient for its curves. These circuits keep watch on
temperature requisition and nature of kompensograph ensures if a pre-set gradient is
exceeded i.e. characteristic gradient is noticed, the dynamic monitoring loop responds
and associated lamplights up with fault indication. This facilitates rapid localization of
defective computing channel.

Test program is available for display not for kompensograph.

Power supply is separately available for display and kompensograph. In case of loss of
supply for display, kompensograph will not affected.


1. On exceeding the limits computed by TSE, Margin spent alarm is initiated.

2. TSE fault alarms is initiated on following condition, shown on centre window of

the TSE display in red colour


• Enabling signal for test
• Transducer fault
• Fault detected by dynamic monitoring
• Hardware fault


Main steam stop valve (MSV) Top screen 30 + 1 k

Bottom screen 70 + 1 k
Main steam control valve (MCV) Top screen 61 + 1 k
Bottom screen 35 + 1 k
HP Turbine Casing (HPC)
Variable-speed range Top screen 29 + 1 k
Bottom screen 43 + 1 k
Power output range Top screen 503 + 6 mw
Actual power 401 + 6 mw
Bottom screen 104 + 6 mw
HP Turbine Shaft (HPS) Top screen 58 + 1 k
Variable Speed range Top screen 28 + 1 k
Power output range Top screen 554 + 6 mw
Actual power 400 + 6 mw
Bottom Screen 206 + 6 mw
IP Turbine Shaft (IPS)
Variable speed range Top screen 96 + 1 k
Bottom screen 56 + 1 k
Power output range Top screen 451 + 6 mw
Actual power 401 + 6 mw
Bottom screen 152 + 6 mw






Make : BHEL
Type : THDF 115/59
Code : IEC 34-1, VDE 0530
Cooling ,stator winding : Directly water cooled
Stator core ,rotor : Directly hydrogen cooled.
Apparent power : 588 MVA
Active power : 500 MW
Power factor : 0.85(LAG)
Terminal voltage : 21 KV
Permissible variation in voltage : +5%
Speed/Frequency/Hz : 3000/50
Stator current : 16200
Hydrogen pressure : 4 Kg/Cm2

Short circuit Ratio : 0.48

Field Current(calculated value) : 4040 A
Class and Type of Insulation : MICALASTIC (similar to class F)
No. of terminals brought out : 6

Resistance in Ohms at 20OC

: U-X 0.0014132
Stator Winding between terminals : V-Y 0.0014145
: W-Z 0.0014132
Rotor Winding : F1-F2 0.0672


Main Exciter :
Active Power : 3780 KW
Current : 6300 A
Voltage : 600V
Pilot Exciter
Apparent power : 65 KVA
Current : 195 A
Voltage : 220 V(1+10%)
Frequency : 400 Hz
Torque, Critical Speeds
Maximum short circuit torque of stator at line to : 1488 kpm
line single phase short circuit
Moment of inertia of generator shaft : 10,000kgm2

Critical speed (calculated)

nk1 : 14.4 rps(V-GEN)
nk2 : 30.1rps(V-EXC)
nk3 : 39.8rps(S-GEN)


The two-pole generator uses direct water cooling for the stator winding, phase
connectors and bushings and direct hydrogen cooling for the rotor winding. The
losses in the remaining generator components, such as iron losses windage losses and
stray losses, are also dissipated through hydrogen.

The generator frame is pressure-resistant and gas tight and equipped with one stator
end shield on each side. The hydrogen coolers are arranged vertically inside the
turbine end stator end shield.

The generator consists of the following components :

Stator frame
End shields
Stator core
Stator winding


Hydrogen coolers

Rotor shaft
Rotor Winding
Rotor retaining rings
Field connections

Shaft seals

The following additional auxiliary systems are required for generator operation :-
Oil system
Gas system
Primary water system
Excitation system


The heat losses arising in the generator interior are dissipated to the secondary
coolant (raw water, condensate etc.) through hydrogen and primary water.Direct
cooling essentially eliminates hot spots and differential temperatures between adjacent
components which could result in mechanical stress, particularly to the copper
conductors, insulation rotor body and stator core.


The hydrogen is circulated in the generator interior in a closed circuit by one multi-
stage axial-flow fan arranged on the rotor at the turbine end. Hot gas is drawn by the
fan from the air gap and delivered to the coolers, where it is recooled and then divided
into three flow path after each cooler.


Flow path I is directed into the rotor at the turbine end below the fan hub for cooling
of the turbine end half of the rotor.



Flow path II is directed form the coolers to the individual frame compartments for
cooling of the stator core.


Flow path III is directed to the stator end winding space at the exciter end through
guide ducts in the frame for cooling of the exciter end half of the rotor and of the core
end portions.

The three flows mix in the air gap. The gas is then returned to the coolers via the
axial-flow fan.

The cooling water flow through the hydrogen coolers should be automatically
controlled to maintain a uniform generator temperature level for various loads, and
cold water temperatures.


For direct cooling of the rotor winding, cold gas is directed to the rotor end windings at
the turbine and exciter ends. The rotor winding is symmetrical relative to the
generator centre line and pole axis. Each oil quarter is divided into two cooling zones.
The first cooling zone consists of the rotor end winding and the second one of winding
portion between the rotor body end and the mid point of the rotor. Cold gas is
directed to each cooling zone through separate openings directly before the rotor body
end. The hydrogen flows through each individual conductor in closed cooling ducts.
The heat removal capacity is selected such that approximately identical temperatures
are obtained for all conductors. The gas of the first cooling zone is discharged from
the coils at the pole centre into a collecting compartment within the pole area below
the end winding. From there the hot gas passes into the air gap through pole face
slots at the end of the rotor body. The hot gas of the second cooling zone is
discharged into the air gap at mid-length of the rotor body through radial openings in
the hollow conductors and wedges.


For cooling of the stator core, cold gas is admitted to the individual frame
compartments via separated cooling gas ducts.

From these frame compartments the gas then flows into the air gap through slots in
the core where it absorbs the heat from the core. To dissipate the higher losses in the
core ends, the cooling gas slots are closely spaced in the core end sections to ensure
effective cooling. These ventilating ducts are supplied with cooling gas directly from
the end winding space. Another flow path is directed from the stator end winding
space past the clamping fingers between the pressure plated and core end section into
the air gap. A further flow path passes into the air gap along either side of the flux


All the flows mix in the air gap and cool the rotor body and stator core surfaces. The
gas is then returned to the coolers via the axial-flow fan. To ensure that the cold gas
directed to the exciter end cannot be directly discharged into the air gap, an air gap
choke is arranged with in the range of the stator end winding cover and the rotor
retaining ring at the exciter end.


The treated water used for cooling of the stator winding phase connectors and bushing
is designated as primary water in order to distinguish it from the secondary coolant
(raw water, condensate, etc.). The primary water is circulated in a closed circuit and
dissipates the absorbed heat to the secondary cooling water in the primary water
cooler. The pump is supplied with hot primary water from the primary water tank and
delivers the water to the generator via the coolers. The cooled water flow is divided
into two flow paths as described in the following paragraphs.


Flow path I cools the stator windings. This flow path first passes to a water manifold
on the exciter end of the generator and from there to the stator bars via insulated
hoses. Each individual bar is connected to the manifold by a separate hose. Inside
the bars the cooling water flows through hollow strands. At the turbine end, the water
is passed through similar hoses to another water manifold and then returned to the
primary water tank. Since a single pass water flow through the stator is used, only a
minimum temperature rise is obtained for both the coolant and the bars. Relative
movements due to different thermal expansions between the top and bottom bars are
thus minimised.


Flow path II cools the phase connectors and the bushings. The bushings and phase
connectors consists of thick walled copper tubes through which the cooling water is
circulated. The six bushings and the phase connectors arranged in a circle around
the stator end winding are hydraulically interconnected.

The secondary water flow through the primary water cooler should be controlled
automatically to maintain a uniform average generator temperature level for various
loads and cold water temperatures.


The stator frame consists of a cylindrical centre section and two end shield which are
gas tight and pressure resistant.

The stator end shields are joined and sealed to the stator frame with an O-ring and
bolted flange connections. The stator frame accommodates the electrically active parts
of the stator, i.e. the stator core and the stator windings. Both the gas ducts and a
large number of welded circular ribs provide for the rigidity of the stator frame. Ring
shaped supports for resilient core suspension are arranged between the circular ribs.
The generator cooler is subdivided into cooler sections arranged vertically in the


turbine side stator end shield. In addition, the stator end shields contain the shaft
seal and bearing components. Feet are welded to the stator frame and end shields to
support the stator on the foundation. The stator is firmly connected to the
foundation with anchor bolts through the feet.


The stator core is stacked from insulated electrical sheet steel laminations and
mounted in supporting rings over insulated dovetailed guide bars. Axial compression
of the stator core is obtained by clamping fingers, pressure plates and non-magnetic
trough type clamping bolts which are insulated from the core. The supporting rings
form part of an inner frame cage. This cage is suspended in the outer frame by a large
number of separate flat springs which are tangentially arranged on the circumference
in sets of three springs each, i.e. two vertical supporting springs on both sides of the
core and one horizontal stabilising spring below the core. The springs are so arranged
and tuned that forced vibrations of the core resulting from the magnetic field will not
be transmitted to the frame and foundation.

The pressure plates and end portions of the stator core are effectively shielded against
stray magnetic fields. The flux shields are cooled by a flow of hydrogen gas directly
over the assembly.


Stator bars, phase connectors and bushings are designed for direct water cooling. In
order to minimise the stray losses, the bars are composed of separately insulated
strands which are transposed by 540O in the slot portion and bonded together with
epoxy resins in heated moulds. After bending, the end turns are likewise bonded
together with backed synthetic resin fillers.

The bars consists of hollow and solid strands distributed over the entire bar cross
section so that good heat dissipation is ensured. At the bar ends, all the solid strands
are jointly brazed into a connecting sleeve and the hollow strands into a water box
from which the cooling water enters and exits via teflon insulating hoses connected to
the annular manifolds. The electrical connection between top and bottom bars is
made by a bolted connection at the connecting sleeve.

The water manifolds are insulated from the stator frame, permitting the insulation
resistance of the water-filled winding to be measured. During operation, the water
manifolds are grounded.


High-voltage insulation is provided according to the proven Micalastic system. With

this insulating system, several half-overlapped continuous layers of mica tape are
applied to the bars. The mica tape is built up from larger mica splitting which are
sandwiched between two polyester backed fabric layers with epoxy as an adhesive.
The number of layers, i.e., the thickness of the insulation depends on the machine
voltage. The bars are dried under vacuum and impregnated with epoxy resin which
has very good penetration properties due to its low viscosity. After impregnation


under vacuum, the bars are subjected to pressure, with nitrogen being used as
pressurising medium. The impregnated bars are formed to the required shape in
moulds and cured in an oven at high temperature. The high-voltage insulation
obtained is nearly void - free and is characterised by its excellent electrical,
mechanical and thermal properties in addition to being fully water proof and oil -
resistant. To minimize corona discharges between the insulation and the slot wall, a
final coat of semiconducting varnish is applied to the surfaces of all bars within the
slot range. In addition, all bars are provided with an end corona protection to control
the electric field at the transition from the slot to the end winding and to prevent the
formation of creepage spark concentrations.


To protect the stator winding against the effects of magnetic forces due to load and to
ensure permanent firm seating of the bars in the slots during operation, the bars are
inserted with a side ripple spring, a hot-curing slot bottom equalising strip, and a top
ripple located beneath the slot wedge. The gaps between the bars in the stator end
windings are completely filled with insulating material and cured after installation.
For radial support, the end windings are clamped to a rigid support ring of insulating
material which in turn is fully supported by the frame. Hot-curing conforming fillers
arranged between the stator bars and the support ring ensure a firm support of each
individual bar against the support ring. The bars are clamped to the support ring with
pressure plates held by clamping bolts made from a high-strength insulating material.
The support ring is free to move axially within the stator frame so that movements of
the winding due to thermal expansions are not restricted.

The stator winding connections are brought out to six bushings located in a
compartment of welded non - magnetic steel below the generator at the exciter end.
Current transformers for metering and relaying purposes can be mounted on the


Rotor Shaft

The high mechanical stresses resulting from the centrifugal forces and short-circuit
torque call for a high quality heat-treated steel. Therefore, the rotor shaft is forged
from a vacuum cast steel ingot. Comprehensive tests ensure adherence to the
specified mechanical and magnetic properties as well as homogeneous forging.

The rotor shaft consists of an electrically active portion, the so-called rotor body, and
the two shaft journals. Integrally forged flange couplings to connect the rotor to the
turbine and exciter are located outboard of the bearings. Approximately two-thirds of
the rotor body circumference is provided with longitudinal slots which hold the field
winding. Slot pitch is selected so that the two solid poles are displaced by 180 deg.


Due to the non-uniform slot distribution on the circumference, different moments of
inertia are obtained in the main axis of the rotor. This is turn causes oscillating shaft
deflections at twice the system frequency. To reduce these vibrations, the deflections
in the direction of the pole axis and the neutral axis are compensated by transverse
slotting of the pole.

After completion, the rotor is balanced in various planes at different speeds and then
subjected to an overspeed test at 120 % of rated speed for two minutes.

The solid poles are also provided with additional longitudinal slots to hold the copper
bars of the damper winding. The rotor wedges act as a damper winding in the area of
the winding slots.


Each turn is subdivided into eight parallel cooling zones. One cooling zone includes
the slots from the centre to the end of the rotor body, while another cover, half the
end winding.

The cooling gas for the slot portion is admitted into the hollow conductors through
milled openings directly before the end of the rotor body and flows through the hollow
conductors to the centre of the rotor body. The hot gas in then discharged into the air
gap between the rotor body and the stator core through radial openings in the
conductors and the rotor slot wedges. The cooling gas passages are arranged at
different levels in the conductor assembly so that each hollow conductor has its own
cooling gas outlet.

The cooling gas for the end windings is admitted into the hollow conductors at the
ends of the rotor body. It flows through the conductors approximately up to the pole
centre for being directed into a collecting compartment and is then discharged into the
air gap via slots.

At the end winding, one hollow conductor passage of each bar is completely closed by
a brazed copper filler section. The enlargement of the conductor rigidity.


The rotor winding consists of several coils which are reinserted into the slots and
series connected such that two coil groups from one pole. Each coil consists of
several series- connected turns, each of which consists of two half turns which are
connected by brazing in the end section.


The rotor winding consists of silver bearing de-oxidised copper hollow conductors with
two lateral cooling ducts. L-shaped strips of laminated epoxy glass fibre fabric with
Nomex filler are used for slot insulation. The slot wedges are made of high-
conductivity material and extend below the shrink seat of the retaining ring. The seat
of the retaining ring is silver plated to ensure a good electrical contact between the
slot wedges and rotor retaining rings. This system has long proved to be a good
damper winding.

The field winding are inserted into the longitudinal slots of the rotor body. The coils
are wound around the poles so that one north and one south magnetic pole are

The hollow conductors have a trapezoidal cross-section and are provided with two
cooling ducts of approximately semi-circular cross-section. All conductors have
identical copper and cooling duct cross-sections.
The individual conductors are bent to obtain half turns. After insertion into the rotor
slots, these turns are combined to form full turns, the series-connected turns of one
slot constituting one coil. The individual coil of the rotor winding are electrically


The conductors are made of copper with a silver content of approximately 0.1 %. As
compared to electrolytic copper, silver-alloyed copper features high strength properties
at higher temperatures so that coil deformations due to thermal stresses are


The insulation between the individual turns is made of layers of glass fibre laminate.
The coils are insulated from the rotor body with L-shaped strip of glass fibre laminate
with Nomex filler.

To obtain the required creepage paths between the coil and the frame, thick top strips
of glass fibber laminate are inserted below the slot wedges.



To protect the winding against the effects of the centrifugal force, the winding is
secured in the slots with wedges. The slot wedges are made from a copper-nickel-
silicon alloy featuring high strength and good electrical conductivity, and are used as


damper winding bars. The slot wedges extend below the shrink seats of the retaining
rings.The rings acts as short-circuit ring to induced currents in the dampers windings.


The spaces between the individual coils in the end winding are filled with insulating
members, which prevent coil movement.


The rotor retaining rings contain the centrifugal forces due to the end windings. One
end of each ring is shrunk on the rotor body, while the other end of the ring overhangs
the end windings without contacting the shaft. This ensures an unobstructed shaft
deflection at the end windings.

The shrunk on end ring at the free end of the retaining ring serves to reinforce the
retaining ring and secures the end winding in the axial direction at the same time.

A snap ring is provided for additional protection against axial displacement of the
retaining ring.

To reduce the stray losses and retain strength, the rings are made of non-magnetic,
cold-worked material.

Comprehensive tests, such as ultrasonic examination and liquid penetrate

examination, ensures adherence to the specified mechanical properties.

The retaining ring shrink-fit areas act as short-circuit rings to induced currents in the
damper system. To ensure low contact resistance, the shrink seats of the retaining
rings are coated with nickel, aluminium and silver by a three-step flame spraying


The field connections provide the electrical connection between the rotor winding and
the exciter and consists of :

• Field current lead at end winding

• Radial bolts

• Field current lead in shaft bore



The field current lead at the end winding consists of hollow rectangular conductors.
The hollow conductors are inserted into shaft slots and insulated. They are secured
against the effects of centrifugal force by steel wedges. One end of each field current
lead is brazed to the rotor winding, and the other end is screwed to a radial bolt.
Cooling hydrogen is admitted into the hollow conductors via the radial bolts. The hot
gas discharged into the air gap together with the gas used to cool the end winding.


The field current leads located in the shaft bore are connected to the conductors
inserted in the shaft slots through radial bolts which are secured in position with slot
wedges Contact pressure is maintained with a tension bolt and as expanding cone in
each radial bolt. Contact pressure increase due to centrifugal force during operation.
All contact surfaces are silver-plated to attain a low contact resistance. The radial bolt
is made from forged electrolytic copper.

The seal between air and hydrogen spaces is located close to the radial bolt. This seal
consists of an insulating ring which is pressed between the shaft and radial bolt with a
threaded ring.


The leads are run in the axial direction from the radial bolt to the exciter coupling.
They consists of two semi-circular conductors insulated from each other and from the
shaft by a tube. The field current leads are connected to the exciter leads at the
coupling with Multikontakt plug-in contacts which allow for unobstructed thermal
expansion of the field current leads.


The generator cooling gas is circulated by one axial-flow fan located on the turbine-
end shaft journal. To augment the cooling of the rotor winding, the pressure
established by the fan works in conjunction with the gas expelled from the discharge
ports along the rotor.


The moving blades of the fan are inserted into T shaped grooves in the fan hubs. The
fan hubs are shrink-fitted to the shaft journal spider.


The hydrogen cooler is a shell and tube type heat exchanger which cools the hydrogen
gas in the generator. The heat removed from the hydrogen is dissipated through the
cooling water. The cooling water flows through the tubes, while the hydrogen is
passed around the finned tubes.

The hydrogen cooler is subdivided into identical sections which are vertically mounted
in the turbine-end stator end shield. The cooler sections are solidly bolted to the
upper half stator end shield, while the attachment at the lower water channel permits
them to move freely to allow for expansion.

The cooler sections are parallel connected on their water sides. Shutoff valves are
installed in the lines before and after the cooler sections. The required cooling water
flow depends on the generator output and is adjusted by control valves on the hot
water side. Controlling the cooling water flow on the outlet side ensures an
uninterrupted water flow through the cooler sections so that proper cooler
performance will not be impaired.


The sleeve bearings are provided with hydraulic shaft lift oil during startup and
turning gear operation. To eliminate shaft currents, all bearings are insulated from
the stator and base plate, respectively. The temperature of the bearings is monitored
with thermocouples embedded in the lower bearing sleeve so that the measuring
points are located directly below the babbitt. Measurement and any required
recording of the temperatures are performed in conjuction with the turbine
supervision. The bearings have provisions for fitting vibration pickups to monitor
bearing vibrations.


The points where the rotor shaft passes through the stator casing are provided with a
radial seal ring. The seal ring is guided in the seal ring carrier which is bolted to the
seal ring carrier flange and insulated to prevent the flow of shaft currents. The seal
ring is lined with babbitt on the shaft journal side. The gap between the seal ring and
the shaft is sealed with hydrogen side and air side seal oil. The hydrogen side seal oil


is supplied to the seal ring via an annular groove in the seal guide. Inside the seal
ring this seal oil is fed to the hydrogen side annular groove in the seal ring and from
there to the sealing gap via several bores uniformly distributed on the circumference.
The air side seal oil is supplied to the sealing gap from the seal ring chamber via radial
bores and the air side annular groove in the seal ring. To ensure effective sealing, the
seal oil pressures in the annular gap are maintained at a higher level than the gas
pressure with in the generator casing, the air side seal oil pressure being set to
approximately the same level as the hydrogen side seal oil pressure. The oil drained
on the hydrogen side of the seal rings is returned to the seal oil system through ducts
below the bearing compartments. The oil drained on the air side is returned to the
seal oil storage tank together with the bearing oil.

On the air side, pressure oil is supplied laterally to the seal ring via an annular groove.
This ensures free movement of the seal ring in the radial direction.



The generator and exciter bearings are connected to the turbine lube oil supply.


Seal Oil Pump 1 & 2 Air Side

Kind of Pump : Screw Pump
Type : SNH210-R46 (Allweiler)
Capacity : 3.3 DM3/S

Discharge pressure : 15 bar

Pump motor -Type : 1LA3-133-4AA90 (Siemens)
Rating : 7.5 KW
Current : 141A
Type of enclosure : IP54
No. : 2 Nos.Full capacity
Seal Oil Pump Air Side
Kind of pump : Screw pump
Type : SNH210-R46 (All weiler)
Capacity : 3.3 DM3/S

Discharge pressure : 15bar


Pump motor drive : 1 HA 4165-5JL20
Ranting : 8.5KW
Voltage : 220V, DC
Current : 51A
Speed : 24.17RPS
Type of enclosure : IP54
No. : 1 No. full capacity
Seal Oil Pump H2 Side
Kind of pump : Screw pump
Type : SNH 210R46 (All Weiler)
Capacity : 2.17 DM 3/S

Discharge pressure : 15 bar

Pump motor : ILA3 133-6AA90 (Siemens)
Rating : 4 KW
Current : 7.2 A
Speed : 15.8 RPS
Type of enclosure : IP54
No. : 1 No. Full capacity
Seal Oil Filter, Air Side and H2 Side
Kind of filter : Strainer Type
Type : 2.62.9 MA (BOLL+MIIRCH)
Volume flow rate : 3.3 DM3/5
Degree of filter ation : 100 Microns
No. of air side : 2 Nos. full capacity
No. of H2 side : 2 Nos. full capacity


The shaft seals are supplied with seal oil from two seal oil circuits which consists of
the following principal components.



• Seal oil tank

• Seal oil pump
• Oil cooler 1
• Oil cooler 2
• Seal oil filter
• Differential pressure valve C
• Pressure equalising valve TE
• Pressure equalising valve EE.


• Seal oil storage tank

• Seal oil pump 1
• Seal oil pump 2
• Standby seal oil pump
• Oil cooler 1
• Oil cooler 2
• Seal oil filter
• Differential pressure valve A1
• Differential pressure valve A2


The seal oil drained towards the hydrogen side is collected in the seal oil tank. The
associated seal oil pump returns the oil to the shaft seals via a cooler and filter. The
hydrogen side seal oil pressure required downstream, of the pump is controlled by
differential pressure valve C according to the preset reference value, i.e. the preset
difference between air side and hydrogen side seal oil pressures.

The hydrogen side seal oil pressure required at the seals is controlled separately for
each shaft seal by the Exciter end or Turbine end pressure equalising valve, according
to the preset pressure difference between the hydrogen side and air side seal oil.

Oil drained from the hydrogen side is returned to the seal oil tank via the generator
prechambers. Two float operated valves keep the oil level at a predetermined level,
thus preventing gas from entering the suction pipe of the seal oil pump (hydrogen
side). The low level float operated valve compensates for an insufficient oil level in the
tank by admitting oil from the air side seal oil circuit. The high level float operated
valve drains excess oil into the seal oil storage tank. The hydrogen entrained in the


seal oil comes out of the oil and is extracted by the bearing vapour exhauster for being
vented to the atmosphere above the power house roof. During normal operation, the
high level float-operated drain valve is usually open to return the excess air side seal
oil, which flowed to the hydrogen side via the annular gaps of the shaft seals, to the air
side seal oil circuit.

Air Side Seal Oil Circuit

The air side seal oil is drawn from the seal oil storage tank and delivered to the seals
via a cooler and filter by seal oil pump 1. In the event of a failure of seal oil pump 1 of
the air side seal oil circuit, seal oil pump 2 automatically takes over the seal oil
supply. Upon failure of seal oil pump 2, the standby seal oil pump is automatically
started and takes over the seal oil supply to the shaft seals. In the event of a failure of
the seal oil pump of the hydrogen side seal oil circuit, the seal oil is taken from the air
side seal oil circuit.

The air side seal oil pressure required at the seals is controlled by differential pressure
valve A1 according to the preset value, i.e. the required pressure difference between
seal oil pressure and hydrogen pressure. In the event of a failure, i.e. when the seal
oil for the seals is obtained from the standby seal oil pump, differential pressure valve
A2 takes over this automatic control function.

The seal oil drained from the air side of the shaft seals is directly returned to the seal
oil storage tank.



The gas system contains all equipment necessary for filling the generator with CO2,
hydrogen or air and removal of these media, and for operation of the generator filled
with hydrogen. In addition, the gas system includes a nitrogen (N2) supply. The gas
system consists of :

• H2 supply
• CO2 supply
• N2 supply
• Pressure reducers
• Pressure gauges
• Miscellaneous shut off valves
• Purity metering equipment
• Gas dryer
• CO2 flash evaporator
• Flowmeters.





The heat losses arising in the generator are dissipated through hydrogen. The heat
dissipating capacity of hydrogen is eight times higher than that of air. For more
effective cooling, the hydrogen in the generator is pressurized.



Nitrogen environment is maintained above the primary water in the primary water

• To prevent the formation of a vacuum due to different thermal expansions of

the primary water.
• To ensure that the primary water in the pump suction line is at a pressure
above atmospheric pressure so as to avoid pump cavitation.

• To ensure that the primary water circuit is at a pressure above atmospheric

pressure so as to avoid the ingress of air on occurrence of a leak.


As a precaution against explosive hydrogen air mixtures, the generator must be filled
with an inert gas (CO2 ) prior to H2 filling and H2 removal.

The generator must be filled with (CO2 ) until it is positively ensured that no
explosive mixture will form during the subsequent filling or emptying procedures.


To remove the CO2 from the generator, compressed air must be admitted into the

The compressed air must be clean and dry. For this reason, a compressed air filter is
installed in the filler line.


Nitrogen is required for removing the hydrogen or air during primary water filling and
emptying procedures.



The primary water required for cooling is circulated in a closed circuit by a separate
pump. To ensure uninterrupted generator operation, two full-capacity pumps are
provided. In the event of a failure of one pump, the standby pump is immediately
ready for service and cuts in automatically. Each pump is driven by a separate motor.


All valves, pipes and instruments coming into contact with the primary water are
made from stainless material.

The primary water system consists of the following principal components:

• Primary water tank

• Primary water pumps
• Primary water coolers
• Fine filter
• Ion Exchanger.

As illustrated in the diagram, the primary water admitted to the pump from the tank
is first passed via the cooler and fine filter to the water manifold in the generator
interior and then to the bushings. After having performed its cooling function, the
water is returned to the primary water tank. The gas pressure above the water level
in the primary water tank is maintained constant by a pressure regulator.


The primary water tank is located on top of the stator frame on an elastic support,
thus forming the highest point of the entire primary water circuit in terms of static


The direct contact between the primary water and the high-voltage windings call for a
low conductivity of the primary water. During operation, the electrical conductivity
should be maintained below a value of approximately 1 mmho/cm. In order to
maintain such a low conductivity it is necessary to provide for continuous water
treatment during operation, a small quantity of the primary water should therefore be
continuously passed through the ion exchanger located in the bypass of the main
cooling circuit. The ion exchanger resin material requires replacement at infrequent
intervals. The resins can be replaced during operation of the generator, since with the
water treatment system out of service, the conductivity will rise very slowly.


To facilitate manufacture, erection and transport, the stator consists of the following
main components :

• Stator frame


• End shields
• Bushing compartment

The stator frame with flexible core suspension components, core, and stator winding is
the heaviest component of the entire generator. A rigid frame is required due to the
forces and torque’s arising during operation. In addition, the use of hydrogen for the
generator cooling requires the frame to be pressure resistant up to an internal
pressure of approximately 10 bar (130 psig).

The welded stator frame consists of the cylindrical frame housing, two flanged rings
and axial and radial ribs. Housing and ribs within the range of the phase connectors
of the stator winding are made of non-magnetic steel to prevent eddy current losses,
while the remaining frame parts are fabricated from structural steel.

The arrangement and dimensioning of the rib are determined by the cooling gas
passages and the required mechanical strength and stiffness. Dimensioning is also
dictated by vibrational considerations, resulting partly in greater wall thickness than
required from the point of view of mechanical strength. The natural frequency of the
frame does not correspond to any exciting frequencies.

Two lateral supports for flexible core suspension in the frame are located directly
adjacent to the points where the frame is supported on the foundation. Due to the
rigid design of the supports and foot portion the forces due to weight and shot-circuit
will not result in any over-stressing of the frame.

Manifolds are arranged inside the stator frame at the bottom and top for filling the
generator with CO2 and H2. The connections of the manifolds are located side by side
in the lower part of the frame housing.

Additional openings in the housing, which are sealed gas tight by pressure-resistant
covers, afford access to the core clamping flanges of the flexible core suspension
system and permit the lower portion of the core to be inspected. Access to the end
winding compartments is possible through manholes in the end shields.

In the lower part of the frame at the exciter end an opening is provided for bringing out
the winding ends. The generator terminal box is flanged to this opening.


The ends of the stator frame are closed by pressure containing end shields. The end
shields feature a high stiffness and accommodate the generator bearings, shaft seals
and hydrogen coolers. The end shields are horizontally split to allow for assembly.

The end shields contain generator bearings. This results in a minimum distance
between bearings and permits the overall axial length of the Turbine end shield to be
utilised for accommodation of the hydrogen cooler sections. Cooler wells are provided


in the end shield on both sides of the bearing compartment for this purpose. One
manhole in both the upper and lower half end shield provides access to the end
winding compartments of the completely assembled machine.

Inside the bearing compartment the bearing saddle is mounted and insulated from the
lower end shield. The bearing saddle supports the spherical bearing sleeve and
insulates it from ground to prevent the flow of shaft currents.

The bearing oil is supplied to the bearing saddle via pipe permanently installed in the
end shield and is then passed on to the lubricating gap via ducts in the lower bearing
sleeve. The bearing drain oil is collected in the bearing compartment and discharged
from the lower half of the end shield via a pipe.

The bearing compartment is sealed on the air side with labyrinth rings.

On the hydrogen side the bearing compartment is closed by the shaft seal and
labyrinth rings. The oil for the shaft seal is admitted via integrally welded pipes. The
seal oil drained towards the air side is drained together with the bearing oil. The seal
oil drained towards the hydrogen side is first collected in a gas and oiltight chamber
below the bearing compartment for defoaming and then passed via a siphon to the
seal oil tank of the hydrogen side seal oil circuit.

The static and dynamic bearing forces are directly transmitted to the foundation via
lateral feet attached to the lower half end shield. The feet can be detached from the
end shield, since the end shields must be lowered into the foundation opening for
rotor insertion.


The phase and neutral leads of the three-phase stator winding are brought out of the
generator through six bushings located in the generator terminal box at the exciter
end of the generator.

The terminal box is a welded construction of non-magnetic steel plate. This material
reduces stray losses due to eddy currents.

Welded ribs provide for the rigidity of the terminal box. Six manholes in the terminal
box provide access to the bushing during assembly and overhauling.



In order to minimise the hysteresis and eddy current losses of the rotating magnetic
flux which interacts with the core, the entire core is built up of thin laminations. Each
lamination layer is made up from a number of individual segments.

The segments are punched in one operation from 0.5 mm (0.02 in.) thick electrical
sheet-steel laminations having a high silicon content, carefully deburred and then
coated with insulating varnish on both sides. The stator frame is turned on end while
the core is stacked with lamination segments in individual layers. The segments are
staggered from layer so that a core of high mechanical strength and uniform
permeability to magnetic flux is obtained. On the outer circumstance the segments
are stacked on isolated dovetail bars which hold them in position. One dovetail bar is
not insulated to provide for grounding of the laminated core. Stacking guides inserted
into the winding slots during stacking provide smooth slot walls.

To obtain the maximum compression and eliminate undue settling during operation,
the laminations are hydraulically compressed and heated during the stacking
procedure when certain heights of stack are reached. The complete stack is kept
under pressure and located in the frame by means of clamping bolts and pressure

The clamping bolts running through the core are made of non-magnetic steel and are
insulated from the core and the pressure plates to prevent the clamping bolts from
short-circuiting the laminations and allowing the flow of eddy currents.

The pressure is transmitted from the pressure plates to the core by clamping fingers.
The clamping fingers extend up to the ends of the teeth thus ensuring a firm
compression in the area of the teeth. The stepped arrangement of the laminations at
the core ends provides for an efficient support of the tooth portion and in addition,
contributes to a reduction of eddy current losses and local heating in this area. The
clamping fingers are made of non-magnetic steel to avoid eddy current losses.

For protection against the effects of the stray flux in the coil ends, the pressure plates
and core end portions are shielded by gas-cooled rings of insulation-bonded electrical

To remove the heat, spacer segments, placed at intervals along the bore length, divide
the core into sections to provide radial passages for cooling gas flow. In the core end
portions, the cooling ducts are wider and spaced more closely to account for the
higher losses and to ensure more intensive cooling of the narrow core sections.


The revolving magnetic field exerts a pull on the core, resulting in a revolving and
nearly elliptical deformation of the core which sets up a stator vibration at twice the
system frequency. To reduce the transmission of these dynamic vibrations to the


foundation, the generator core is spring mounted in the stator frame. The core is
supported in several sets of rings. Each ring set consists of two supporting rings and
two core clamping rings. The structural members to which the insulated dovetail bars
are bolted are uniformly positioned around the supporting ring interior to support the
core and to take up the torque acting on the core.

For firm coupling of the ring sets to the core, the supporting ring is solidly pressed
against the core by the clamping ring. The clamping ring consists of two parts which
are held together by two clamps. Tightening the clamps reduces the gap between the
ring segments so that the supporting ring is pressed firmly against the core.

Each ring set is linked to the frame by three flat springs. The core is supported in the
frame via two vertical springs in the vicinity of the generator feed. The lower spring
prevents a lateral deflection of the core. The flat springs are resilient to radial
movements of the core suspension points and will largely resist transmission of double
frequency vibration to the frame. In the tangential direction they are however,
sufficiently rigid to take up the short-circuit torque of the unit. The entire vibration
system is turned so as to avoid resonance with vibrations at system frequency or twice
the system frequency.



The three-phase stator winding is a fractional-pitch two-layer type consisting of

individual bars. Each stator slot accommodates two bars.

The slot bottom and top bars are displaced from each other by one winding pitch and
connected at their ends to form coil groups.

The coil group are connected together with phase connectors inside the stator frame.

This arrangement and the shape of the bars at the ends result in a cone shaped
winding having particularly favourable characteristics both in respect of its electrical
properties and resistance to magnetically induced forces. The bars afford maximum
operating reliability, since each coil consists of only one turn. This makes the turn
insulation and themaaiiin insulation identical.


The bar consists of a large number of separately insulated strands which are
transposed to reduce the skin effect losses.


The strands of small rectangular cross-section are provided with a braided glass fibber
insulation and arranged side by side over the slot width. The individual layers are
insulated from each other by a vertical separator. In the straightslot portion the
strands are transposed by 540 deg.

The transposition provides for a mutual neutralisation of the voltages induced in the
individual strands due to the slot cross field and end winding flux leakage and ensures
that minimum circulating currents exist. The current exist. The current flowing
through the conductor is thus uniformly distributed over the entire bar cross-section
so that the current-dependent losses will be reduced.

The alternate arrangement of one hollow strand and two solid strands ensures
optimum heat removal capacity and minimum losses.

At the Roebel crossover points, the insulation is reinforced with insulating strip

To ensure that the strands are firmly bonded together and to give dimensional stability
in the slot portion, the bars are cured in an electrically heated press. Prior to apply
the bar insulation, the bar ends are bent with a special device which shapes the
involutes over a cone shell. This ensures a uniform spacing of the bars over the
entire length of the end turns after installation.

Contact sleeves for electrical connection of the bars and water boxes with the cooling
water connections are brazed to the bar ends.

In the course of manufacture, the bars are subjected to numerous electrical and
leakage tests for quality control.


To prevent potential differences and possible corona discharges between the insulation
and the slot wall, the slot sections of the bars are provided with an outer corona
protection. This protection consists of a wear-resistant, highly flexible coating of
conductive alkyd varnish containing graphite.

At transition from the slot to the end winding portion of the stator bars, a semi-
conductive coating is applied. On top of this, several layers of semi-conductive end
corona protection coating are applied in varying lengths. This ensures uniform control
of the electric field and prevents the formation of corona discharge during operation
and during performance of high voltage tests.

A final wrapping of glass fabric tapes impregnated with epoxy resin serves as surface




Two separate water cooling circuits are used for the stator winding and the phase
connectors and bushings.

All water connection between ungrounded parts and the distribution manifolds &
water manifolds of the cooling circuits are insulated teflon hoses. The water
connections are equipped with O-rings of Viton and Belleville washers to prevent
loosening of the connection. The fittings are made from non-magnetic stainless steel.


The end windings are enclosed by an annular water manifold to which all stators bars
are connected through hoses. The water manifold is mounted on the holding plates of
the end winding support ring and connected to the primary water supply pipe. This
permits the insulation resistance of the water-filled stator winding to be measured.
The water manifold is grounded during operation. For measurement of the insulation
resistance, e.g. during inspections, grounding is removed by opening the circuit
outside the stator frame.

The hoses, one side of which is connected to ground, consists of a metallic section to
which the measuring potential is applied for measurement of the insulation resistance
of the water-filled stator winding.

The cooling water is admitted to three terminal bushings via a distribution water
manifold, flows through the attached phase connectors and is then passed to the
distribution water manifold for water outlet via the terminal bushings on the opposite

The parallel-connected cooling circuits are checked for uniform water flows by a flow
measurement system covering all three phases.

The cooling primary water flows through the stator bars, which are hydraulically
connected in parallel, from the exciter end to the turbine end of the generator. This
ensures a minimum temperature rise of the stator bars, a minimum water velocity,
and a minimum head loss. Moreover, the thermal expansions of the stator bars are
completely uniform.



Phase connectors and terminal bushings are supplied with cooling water through
pipes arranged outside the generator at the terminal bushing and generator terminal
box and connected to the cooling water inlets and outlets of the cooling circuit through
Teflon hoses. The flexible expansion joints and the hydraulically series-connected
phase connector sections are connected by Teflon hoses.

The hoses, one side of which is connected to ground, consists of a metallic section to
which the measuring potential is applied for measurement of the insulation
resistance of the water-filled stator winding.

The cooling water is admitted to three terminal bushings via a distribution water
manifold, flows through the attached phase connectors and is then passed to the
distribution water manifold for water outlet via the terminal bushings on the opposite

The parallel-connected cooling circuits are checked for uniform water flows by a flow
measurement system covering all three phases.



In 500 MW Turbo-generator, brushless excitation system is provided. Brushless

exciter consists of a 3 phase permanent magnet pilot exciter the output of which is
rectified and controlled by the Thyristor Voltage Regulator to provide a variable d.c.
current for the main exciter. The 3 phases are induced in the rotor of the main exciter
and is rectified by the rotating diodes and fed to the field winding of generator rotor
through the D.C. leads in the rotor shaft. Since the rotating rectifier bridge is
mounted on the rotor, the slip rings are not required and the output of the rectifier is
connected directly to the field winding through the generator rotor shaft. A common
shaft carries the rectifier wheels, the rotor of the main exciter and permanent magnet
rotor of the pilot exciter.

The voltage regulation is effected by using thyrism 04.2, an automatic voltage

regulator. There are two independent control systems right up to the final Thyristor
element-an auto control and a manual control. The control is effected on the 3 phase
output of the pilot exciter and provides a variable d.c. input to the main exciter. The
feedback of voltage and current output of the generator is fed to the AVR where it is
compared with the set-point generator volts set from the control room. The current
feedback is utilised for active and reactive power compensation and for the limiters.


There are 3 limiters, under excitation limiter, over excitation limiter and U/Hz limiter
which act on the AVR. A power system stabiliser is also envisaged for damping
oscillations in the power system.

The manual control system consists of an excitation controller which control the
excitation as set on the manual set-point from the control room.

A field forcing limiter allows field forcing during emergency upto the capability of the
main exciter. In cases of defects in the automatic control system the excitation
automatically changes over the manual regulation through protective relays. In order
to ensure a bumpless transfer follow up circuit controls the manual channel so that it
follows the auto channel continuously.

De-excitation of the machine is effected by driving the thyristors to inverter mode of

operation causing the thyrister to supply maximum reverse voltage to the field winding
of the main exciter. Approximately 0.5 secs. after de-excitation command is received
two field suppressions contractors connect field suppression resistors in parallel to
main exciter field winding and following this a trip command is transmitted to the field
circuit breaker via its trip coil. In the event of a failure of the electronic de-excitation
through inverter operation, de-excitation would be effected with a delay of 0.5 seconds
by field suppression resistors.

The main advantage of rotating diode excitation system is that it eliminates the use of
slip rings and carbon brushes which pose constant maintenance problems.

Following chapters deal with the design features, constructional details and basic
operation of the excitation system. The first part will deal with the basic design
features and will illustrate the Basic Arrangement of Brushless Excitation System
with rotating diodes along with the constructional details of the system. The second
part will describe the voltage regulator, its Basic mode of operation along with the

The three-phase pilot exciter has a revolving field with permanent magnet poles. The
three-phase ac generated by the permanent magnet exciter is rectified and contributed
by the TVR to provide a variable de current for exciting the main exciter. The three
phase AC induced in the rotor of the main exciter is rectified by the rotating rectifier
bridge and led to the field winding of the generator rotor through the DC leads in the
rotor shaft.

A common shaft carries the rectifier wheels, the rotor of the main exciter and the
permanent magnet rotor of the pilot exciter. The shaft is rigidly coupled to the


generator rotor. The exciter shaft is supported on a bearing between the main and
pilot exciters. The generator and exciter rotors are thus supported on total of three

Mechanical coupling of the two shaft assemblies results in simultaneous coupling of

the dc leads in the central shaft bore through the Multikontakt electrical contact
system consisting of plug-in bolts and sockets. This contact system is also designed
to compensate for length variations of the leads due to thermal expansion.


The main components of the rectifier wheels are the silicon diodes which are arranged
in the rectifier wheels in a three phase bridge circuit. The contact pressure for the
silicon wafer is produced by a plate spring assembly. The arrangement of the diode is
such that this contact pressure is increased by the centrifugal force during rotation.

Two diodes each are mounted in each aluminium alloy heat sink and thus connected
in parallel. Associated with each heat sink is a fuse which serves to switch off the two
diodes if one diodes fails (loss or reverse blocking capability). Following are the basic
elements of rectifier wheels:

1. Rectifier wheel
2. Three phase lead
3. Heat sink
4. Diode
5. Fuse
6. Multikontakt plug -in-bolt

For suppression of the momentary voltage peaks arising from commutation, each
wheel is provided with six RC networks consisting of one capacitor and one damping
resistor each which are combined in a single resin-encapsulated unit.

The insulated and shrunken rectifier wheels serves as DC buses for the negative and
positive side of the rectifier bridge. This arrangement ensures good accessibility to all
components and a minimum of circuit connections. The two wheels are identical in
their mechanical design and differ only in the forward directions of the diodes.

The direct current from the rectifier wheels is fed to the dc leads arranged in the
centre bore of the shaft via radial bolts.

The three-phase alternating current is obtained via copper conductors arranged on the
shaft circumference between the rectifier wheels and the three-phase main exciter.
The conductors are attached by means of banding clips and equipped with screw-on


lugs for the internal diode connections. One three-phase conductor each is provided
for the four diodes of a heat sink set.



1. Rotor
2. Stator
3. Magnetic pole
4. Sliprings for ground fault detection
5. Bearing housing

The three-phase main exciter is a six-pole revolving-armature unit. Arranged in the

stator frame are the poles with the field and damper winding. The field winding is
arranged on the laminated magnetic poles. At the pole shoe bars are provided their
ends being connected so as to form a damper winding. Between two poles a
quadrature-axis coil is fitted for inductive measurement of the exciter current. The
rotor consists of stacked laminations which are compressed by through bolts over
compression rings. The three-phase winding is inserted in the slots of the laminated
rotor. The winding conductors are transposed within the core length, and the end
turns of the rotor winding are secured with steel bands. The connections are made on
the side facing the rectifier wheels. The winding ends are run to a bus ring system to
which the three-phase leads to the rectifier wheels are also connected. After full
impregnation with synthetic resin and curing, the complete rotor is shrunk on to the
shaft. A journal bearing is arranged between main exciter and pilot exciter and has
forced oil lubrication from the turbine oil supply.


The three-phase pilot exciter is a 16 pole revolving-field unit. The frame

accommodates the laminated core with the three-phase winding. The rotor consists of
a hub with mounted poles. Each pole consists of 10 separate permanent magnets
which are housed in a non-magnetic metallic enclosure. The magnets are braced
between the hub and the external pole shoe with bolts. The rotor hub is shrunk onto
the free shaft end.


The exciter is air cooled. The cooling air is circulated in a closed circuit and recooled
in two cooler sections arranged along side the exciter.


The complete exciter is housed in an enclosure through which the cooling air
circulates.The rectifier wheels, housed in their own enclosure draw the cool air in at
both ends and expel the warmed air to the compartment beneath the base plate.

The main exciter enclosure receives cool air from the fan after it passes over the pilot
exciter. The air enters the main exciter from both ends and is passed into ducts below
the rotor body and discharged through radial slots in the rotor core to the lower
compartment. The warm air is then returned to the main enclosure via the cooler


Emergency cooling is provided to permit continued operation in the event of cooler

failure. In such an emergency, flaps in the hot and cold air compartments are
automatically operated by actuators admitting cold air from outside the exciter
enclosure and discharge the hot air through openings in the base frame. Main parts of
permanent Magnet pilot exciter are:
1. Stator
2. Permanent-magnet rotor
3. Stator winding


When the generator is filled with hydrogen (operation or standstill) an adequate

replacement of the air inside the exciter enclosure must be ensured. The air
volume inside the exciter enclosure requires an air change rate of 125 m /hr.While
the generator is running the air leaving the exciter enclosure via the bearing vapour
exhaust system and the leakage air outlet in the foundation provides for a pull-
through system. The volume of air extracted from the cooling air circuit is replaced
via the filters located at the top of the enclosure:

When the generator is at rest the air dryer of the exciter unit discharges dry air inside
the exciter enclosure. The air leaves the exciter enclosure via the leakage air filter and
the leakage air outlet at the shaft as well as via the bearing vapour exhaust system if
this system is in service.



A dryer (dehumidifier) and an anticondensation heating system are provided to avoid

the formation of moisture condensate inside the exciter with the turbine generator at
rest or on turning gear.



The dryer dehumidifies the air within the exciter enclosure. The dryer wheel is made
of a non-flammable material. On its inlet side, the wheel is provided with a system of
tubular ducts, the surfaces of which are impregnated with a highly hygroscopic

The tubular ducts are dimensioned so that a laminar flow with low pressure loss is
obtained even at high air velocity.

The moisture absorbed by the dryer wheel is removed in a regeneration section by a

stream of hot air directed through the wheel in the opposite direction of the inlet air
and then discharged to the atmosphere.
After regeneration, the dryer wheel material is again capable of absorbing moisture.

The adsorption of moisture and regeneration of the dryer wheel material take place
simultaneously, using separate air streams, which ensures a continuous drying of the

A shutoff valve in the dry air outlet line prevents that contaminated air from the power
house which will be drawn during load operation of the exciter:


The dehumidification takes place in a slowly rotating dryer wheel (approximately 7

revolutions per hour). The honeycomb dryer wheel consists of a magnesium silica
alloy containing crystalline lithium chloride. The inlet side of the dryer wheel is
subdivided so that 1/4 is available for regeneration and 3/4 for the adsorption


The air to be dehumidified passes through the absorption section of the dryer wheel,
with part of the moisture contained in the air being removed by the adsorbent
material, i.e. lithium chloride. The moisture is removed as a result of the partial
pressure drop existing between the air and the adsorbent material.


In the regeneration section of the dryer wheel, the accumulated moisture is removed
from the dryer wheel by the heated regeneration air.


Continuous rotation of the dryer wheel ensures continuous dehumidification of the air
within the exciter.


An anticondensation heating system to support the dryer is installed in the exciter

baseframe. The heaters are rated and arranged so that the temperature in the exciter
interior is maintained above the dew point level. The heaters are controlled through
rod-type thermostats located in the exciter interior.


The field ground fault detection system detects high resistance and low-resistance
ground faults in the exciter field circuit. This is very important for safe operation of a
generator, because a double fault causes magnetic unbalances, with very high
currents flowing through the faulted part, resulting in its destruction within a very
short time. It is therefore an essential requirement that even simple ground faults
should activate an alarm and protective measures be initiated, if possible, before the
fault can fully develop. For this reason, the field ground fault detection system
consists of two stages and operates continuously.

If the field ground fault detection system detects a ground fault, an alarm is activated
at . If the insulation resistance between the exciter field circuit and ground either
suddenly or slowly drops to the generator electrical protection is tripped (2nd stage).

The generator is thus automatically disconnected from the system and de-excited.



Type : Thyrisiem 04-2

Maximum output voltage : 250V
Output current for field forcing : 152A
Output current for rated generator load : 88A
Auxiliary voltage from pilot exciter for thyristor : Three phase supply
sets 220 V,400 Hz
D.C.voltage from station battery for conductor & : 220V
Power input continuously : < 0.1KW
Power input short time : < 1KW


DC current from station battery 2 X 24 V for : Max. 15A positive
control and regulation Max.6A Negative
Rated secondary voltage : 120V
Power input of voltage transformer per phase : 2 VA
Rated secondary current : 5A
Power input of current transformer per phase : 6.5 VA (plus losses in
connecting leads)
Accuracy of control : better than ± 0.5%
Setting range of voltage set point potentiometer : + 5-10%of nominal Gen. voltage
Setting range of droop compensation or : ± 0-10% dependent on the
compounding setting of the potentiometer and
proportional to reactive current


The THYRISIEM 04-2 voltage regulator is designed for excitation and control brushless
generators. The block diagram shows the circuit configuration. The machine set
consists of the generator and a direct coupled exciter unit with a three phase main
exciter, rotating rectifiers and a permanent magnet auxiliary exciter. The main
components of the voltage regulator are two closed-loop control systems each followed
by a separate gate control unit and Thyristor set and a de-excitation equipment. In
addition to this (but not shown), a open-loop control system for the signal exchange
between the regulator and the power station control room and other plant components
is provided as well as power supply equipment.

Control system 1 for automatic generator voltage control (AUTO) comprises the
following :

• Generator voltage control; the output quantity of this control is the set-point for
a following

• Excitation current regulator, controlling the field current of the main exciter (=
output current of the co-ordinated Thyristor set)

• Circuit for automatic excitation build-up during start-up and field suppression
during shut-down; this equipment acts onto the output of the generator voltage
control, limiting the set-point for the above excitation current regulator. The
stationary value of this limitation determines the maximum possible excitation
current set-point (field forcing limitation);

• Limiter for the under-excited range (under excitation limiter),


• Delayed limiter for the over excited range (over excitation limiter).

The field forcing limitation limits - practically undelayed - the output current of the
thyristor sets to the maximum permissible value, when the voltage regulation calls for
maximum excitation. Normally, this maximum permissible value is 1.5 times the
rated excitation. The over excitation limiter ensures delayed reduction of the
excitation current to the rated value in the over excited range, i.e. between rated
excitation and maximum excitation. The delay time depends on the amount by which
the rated value has been exceeded. These limiters protect Thyristor sets and
machines against over excitation with too high values or too long duration.

In the under-excited range, the under excitation limiter ensures that the minimum
excitation required for stable parallel operation of the generator with the system is
available and that the under-excited reactive power limited accordingly. The response
characteristic is formed on the basis of the generator reactive current, active current
and terminal voltage and can be matched to the generator and system data.

Control system 2 (MANUAL) mainly comprises a second excitation current regulator

with separate sensing for the actual value. This control system is also called Manual
control system, because for constant generator voltage manual re-adjusting of the
excitation current set-point is required when changing the generator load. The
excitation current regulator permits plotting of generator characteristics and setting of
protective relays during no-load and short-circuit runs of the generator during
commissioning and maintenance work. The system can also be used for setting the
generator excitation during normal operation when the automatic voltage is defective.
Normally, the automatic voltage regulator is in service even during start-up and shut
down of the generator set.

The set-point adjuster of the excitation current regulator for MANUAL is tracked
automatically (follow-up control) so that, in the event of faults, changeover to the
MANUAL control system is possible without delay. Automatic changeover to the
MANUAL control system is possible without delay. Automatic changeover is initiated
by some special fault conditions. Correct operation of the follow-up control circuit is
monitored and can be observed on a matching instrument in the control room. This
instrument can also be used for manual matching.

Either control system is co-ordinated with a separate gate-control and Thyristor set.
Separate equipment is also provided for supplying power to either control system.

The two separate Thyristor sets for automatic voltage regulation (AUTO) and
excitation current control (MANUAL) have the same ample dimensioning
regarding rated current and blocking voltage. Each Thyristor is fused
separately. The Thyristor set for automatic voltage regulation can be switched
off by means of an isolator with contacts in the gate-control, power supply and
output sides.


This isolator in conjunction with corresponding arrangement and design of the
Thyristor set enables an exchange of thyristors and fuses during operation if
necessary whilst operation is continued by means of the excitation current regulator
(MANUAL). In addition, the Thyristor set for automatic voltage regulation is equipped
with a current-flow monitoring system for detecting failure of firing pulses or fuses.
Automatic changeover to the current regulator (MANUAL) is initiated by this system.

On the input side, the Thyristor sets are fed with auxiliary power from a 220V, 400 Hz.
Permanent magnet auxiliary exciter. The output side of the Thyristor sets feeds the
field winding of the main exciter with variable D.C. current.

To de-excite the generator during shutdown or when the generator protection system
has picked up, a command is transmitted to the outputs of both control systems,
driving the Thyristor set being in service to maximum negative output voltage. The
negative voltage (inverter operation) de-excites the main exciter in less than 1/2 sec.
The generator de-excitation following is a function of the relevant effective generator
time constant.

Approximately 1/2 sec. after receiving the de-excite command, two field suppression
contractors (one being redundant) switch a field discharge resistor in parallel to the
main exciter field winding. Subsequently an off command is issued to the field
breaker via its tripping coil. In the event of failure of the electronic field suppression
by inverter operation, de-excitation would be achieved with a delay of 1/2 sec.via the
field discharge resistors.

The THYRISIEM 04-2 voltage regulator equipment is arranged within the cubicle group
selected according to the power circuits and the 24 V D.C. or 15 V D.C. open and
closed-loop control circuits. The signal exchange between the power circuits and the
electronic circuits is via voltage isolating transducers, transformers and coupling

The closed-loop control systems are made up of modules of the simadyn C system
whereas modules of the simatic c1 system are used for the electronic open-loop
control and the alarm system.

Closing of the field breaker from the control room or from a functional group
equipment is controlled by an Iscamatic control module AS11. Off (de-excite)
commands are issued from the generator protection and from the emergency push-
button (via the generator protection) at the 220 V level. When the generator is being
shut down, speed criteria cause the field circuit breaker to be tripped (de-excitation).
The Off pushbutton in the control room normally is only provided, to reset the
Iscamatic control module in these cases.

The voltage regulator issues the checkback signals “Field breaker Off/On” and
“Control voltage fault” to the control room. The latter is issued if one or both of the
trip voltages for the field breaker are faulty.

The pushbutton “MATCHING” which is used for manual matching during AUTO-
MANUAL changeover and the associated signal lamps. Only one set of pushbuttons


LOWER/RAISE is provided for the control of the set-point adjusters. The commands
go automatically to the set-point adjuster depending on the mode of operation
selected, also during matching.

The position of both set-point adjusters is qualitatively indicated by two instruments.

The instrument “MATCH” is necessary for manual matching. It also enables the
automatic follow-up to be checked. During steady-state operation, the matching
instrument must indicate approximately zero.

LOWER/RAISE command also come from the synchronisation unit. A checkback

signal “Generator voltage > 90%’’ is formed in the regulator for used as a enabling
criterion, available for a functional group control.

The alarm “AVR fault” is a group alarm; the triggering individual alarms appear on
indicator modules in the regulator cubicle. The alarm “Autom. Changeover to
MANUAL” is issued if due to a fault criterion within the regulator automatic
changeover to excitation current control (MANUAL) takes place. The alarms Excitation
Low/High appear when the under - or over-excitation limiter is in action.

The input “AUTO command” and checkback signal “AUTO” are required to set the
regulator to the AUTO-mode by the functional group control equipment prior to
automatically starting up turbo-set.

A twin supply from the 220 V battery. This is used for supplying the field breaker
motor drive and the two field breaker trip loops. The power supply inputs of both trip
loops are wired to terminals; this offers the possibility, in case of twin channel
generator protection one trip loop each to be assigned to the power supply and the trip
command of the two protection channels.

The 24 V power supply for open-loop and closed-loop control circuits is also a twin

Short-circuit protection of the voltage transformers is ensured by an MCB connected

to the secondaries. Tripping of this MCB initiates automatic changeover to MANUAL.

The 220 V, 400 Hz auxiliary power for the Thyristor sets is fed to the regulator via a
power cable. The voltage of the auxiliary exciter is largely proportional to the speed
and is used as speed criterion in the voltage regulator. To eliminate the load current
dependent voltage drop on the cable from the measured value in case of large
distances between the machine set and the regulator cubicle, an unloaded cable for
the 400 Hz measuring are fused on the machine side and monitored for undervoltage
on the regulator side.

The output voltage of the Thyristor sets is available for measuring purpose (e.g. for the
under-excitation protection system) at terminals protected by low-rated MCB’s.


In addition to the speed criterion derived from the auxiliary exciter voltage, the speed
value n < 2790 rpm is provided from a speed limit monitor as a redundant criterion.
The speed criteria are used for enabling the excitation during start-up and for
automatic de-excitation of the generator during shutdown.

The criteria Generator loaded/not loaded are required for enabling or inter-locking
some control and monitoring functions. If applicable, a breaker to feed the station
supply bus from the generator terminals is to be taken into account accordingly



Excitation and voltage closed-loop control are not necessary for speeds under approx.
0.95 times rated speed. Furthermore closed-loop control of the generator voltage to
the rated voltage would not be permissible at low speeds since the generator and unit
transformer would become saturated. For this reason, functions are provided for
enabling excitation during start-up and for blocking excitation during shutdown of the

The speed is detected via the largely speed-proportional voltage of the auxiliary exciter.
In addition to this, redundant speed criteria n< and n> are used from a speed limit
monitor, if available.

The field breaker is to be switched on after reaching the speed limit required by a
manual command or from a functional group control system. In both cases the
command passes, as well as the check-back signals “Field breaker Off/On” and
“Control voltage fault” through a Iscamatic control module AS11;

Closing of the field breaker is interlocked with the criterion “Ramp function generator
lower limit” to ensure that the generator voltage builds up slowly without
overshooting. During excitation current control (MANUAL), the lower limit of the set-
point adjuster is interlocked instead to ensure that zero excitation is obtained after
closing. In addition to this, the power supply of both tripping channels must be
available and the key operated switch for blocking the excitation during
commissioning and maintenance work (arranged in the voltage regulator cubicle) must
be set to the position “Excitation not blocked”.

With the field breaker being closed and the speed limits exceeded the pulse blocking
signal to the gate control set disappears, the ramp function generator runs up thus
building up the generator excitation provided that automatic voltage control (AUTO)
has been selected. The run-up command is stored by a memory with remnant relay.

When the speed drops below the limit values during shutdown, this initiates together
with the status “Generator not loaded”.


• field breaker OFF command
• pulse blocking signal to the gate control set
• run-down of ramp function generator.

Run-down of the ramp function generator may also be initiated during rated speed by
the OFF state of the field breaker, when the breaker is tripped from the generator
protective system.

The speed criteria are monitored with respect to their importance. Presence of the
criterion n< or absence of the criterion n > while the generator is loaded will be

Under excitation current control (MANUAL), no automatic excitation build-up is

effected during start-up. When the field breaker is closed, the excitation current is at
its lowest possible value = zero value approx. The desired excitation can be set on the
set-point adjuster (lower/Raise pushbutton in UCB). During shut down of generator
the field current set point adjuster receives a continuous LOWER command on
tripping of the field breaker so that the set-point adjuster is set to the lower limit

The tripping circuits for the de-excitation are provided twice for redundancy reasons.
This should be complemented by corresponding safety in the power supply for the trip

A de-excitation command from the generator protection system or a “Field breaker

OFF” command from the control room energises relays K12 (system 1)/K22 (system 2)
which seal in and start the time relays K13/K23, set to 0.5 s. Via relays K12/K22 the
Thyristor set operating is driven to inverter operation thereby reversing the main
exciter field winding voltages and thus reducing the Thyristor set output current to
zero in less than half a second. The field discharge contractors K14/K24, energised by
time relays K13 or K23 respectively, switch a field discharge resistor in parallel to the
field winding of the main exciter and trip field breaker Q1 via its tripping coil.

The field discharge resistor ensures that proper de-excitation is achieved even in the
event of failure of the electronic de-excitation circuit.

The field breaker is automatically tripped during generator shutdown by speed criteria
as described above if not tripped earlier by the reverse power protection system. In
emergencies, the field breaker can also be tripped manually via the generator
protection system by actuating the emergency pushbutton on the control desk. In
this case, also a turbine trip command is transmitted to the turbine control

The OFF pushbutton for the field breaker is normally only connected for reset of the
Iscamatic control module AS11 in the above cases. Should the OFF pushbutton be
required to really trip the field breaker, interlocks must be provided with the generator


breaker and possibly with the station service supply breaker(s) to prevent de-excitation
of loaded generator.

Local non-electrical (mechanical) tripping of the field breaker is not permissible as the
other essential de-excitation functions (field discharge by resistors, field suppression
by overeater operation) are not tripped in this case.

For emergency de-excitation a push-button or switch is locally provided (in the

cubicle). Emergency de-excitation is possible also by tripping the MCB’s for the pulse
power supply of the Thyristor sets.

Mechanically closing of the field breaker is to be avoided also, as the sealed in relays
in the tripping circuits would not drop out in this case.

During short-circuit operation of the generator for setting of the generator protective
equipment, the degree of excitation is adjusted by means of the excitation current
regulator (MANUAL). During this mode of operation, a “MANUAL faulted” criterion
available in the alarm system of the regulator can provisionally be used for tripping
the field breaker.


The THYRISIEM 04-2 voltage regulator includes a control system for automatic voltage
control (AUTO) and an excitation current control system (MANUAL). The excitation
current control system is provided for taking generator characteristics during
commissioning and maintenance, for short-circuit operation of the generator during
commissioning and for adjusting the excitation current in case of the automatic
voltage regulator being faulty. This means that changeover from AUTO to MANUAL
and vice versa is only required in exceptional cases.

The manual changeover command is normally issued from the control room.
Pushbuttons are also provided in the voltage regulator cubicle for commissioning and
maintenance purposes.

Push buttons AUTO, MATCH and MANUAL are provided for manual changeover. The
MATCH pushbutton must be actuated prior to manual changeover. Following this, the
RAISE, LOWER pushbuttons must be actuated for matching the output value of the
set-point adjuster for MANUAL (on transition to MANUAL) or of the set-point adjuster
for AUTO (on transition to AUTO) to the actual excitation state or to the generator
voltage actual value. When the matched state is reached, the matching instrument in
the control room indicates zero. Since different controlled variables are associated to
the MANUAL to AUTO modes of operation, matching must not be effected by balancing
the set-point adjuster position which are also indicated in the control room.

Changeover to MANUAL or AUTO is only possible after the MATCH condition has been
selected (interlocking circuit). Changeover to MANUAL or AUTO is also blocked from
the regulator alarm system when the excitation current regulator or the automatic
voltage regulator is faulty.


Automatic interrogation and evaluation of the matching stage and associated
interlocking circuits have purposely not been provided since, in the event of faults
changeover required for maintaining generator operation might be restricted
inadequately. When all conditions for changeover are fulfilled, changeover is initiated
by actuating pushbutton MANUAL or AUTO. The stored commands MATCH and
MANUAL or AUTO are cancelled by the checkback signal “Gate control set MANUAL
ON” or “Gate control set AUTO ON”.

Changeover from AUTO to MANUAL and vice versa is initiated by a remanent relay
module in the gate control set.

Certain fault conditions in the automatic voltage control system initiate automatic
changeover to MANUAL; This requires continuous automatic follow-up control of the
excitation current set-point adjuster, i.e. on manual transition to MANUAL, a more or
less balanced state already exists when MATCH is selected. Manual fine matching
may still be carried out if necessary since automatic matching is blocked when
MATCH is selected.


The following alarms are issued from the voltage regulator to the control room AVR
fault; AVR, automatic changeover to MANUAL, AVR, loss of alarm voltage. The group
alarm “AVR fault” collects the individual alarms; The initiating individual signal (s) is
are stored and can be identified locally (in the voltage regulator cubicle) by means of

The indications are :-

Power supply Auto; Generator voltage actual value; Thyristor set AUTO; Faulty over

Cause automatic changeover to MANUAL unless changeover is not blocked due to a

fault in the excitation current control (MANUAL). Changeover can also be checked if
components of MANUAL or AUTO are not ready for operation. This blocking takes
effect both for automatic and manual commands.

Fault conditions initiating automatic changeover also cause the alarm “AVR’ automatic
changeover to MANUAL” to be given.

The Power Supply AUTO” alarm initiating automatic changeover occurs in the event of
undervoltage in the stabilised 15 V power supply for the automatic voltage control and
the associated gate control set. The alarm “Generator voltage actual value” is initiated
either by tripping of the voltage transformer MCB for the generator voltage actual
value or by the generator voltage actual value monitor.


Response of the current flow monitoring system initiates the “Thyristor set AUTO”


The potentiometer R1 fed from the + 10 V stabilised voltage presets the base reference
value, the standard corresponding 85 % rated voltage.

Added to this is the variable value from the set-point adjuster as standard 0- 20 %,
corresponding to a total setting range of 85 to 105 %. The output voltage of the
subsequently arranged amplifier N2 amounts to 8.0 V at rated generator voltage.

The comparison of the set-point with the actual value takes place at the input of the
proportional amplifier N4. Furthermore the output of the amplifier N3 which sums up
the influencing factors of the compensation (reactive current effect) and of the under
and over excitation limiters, is also switched to this junction point. The result of these
influences is that of an additional set-point. The inputs for the limiters as well as
further free inputs of the amplifier N3 can be individually switched to this point (the
switches are not shown). The compassion can be set to between 0 and approx. 10 %
by a potentiometer.

A cascade of a proportional - integral (PI) voltage regulator (amplifiers N4, N7) and a
following excitation current regulator (amplifiers N14,N15) serves for dynamic is
determined and amplified by amplifier N4; the gain is set at potentiometer R4. The
integral function is provided by amplifier N7 and adjusted at potentiometer R7. The
feedback resistor R8 determines the static gain.

The amplifiers N9, N10 with high proportional gain (about 100) limit the positive and
negative output voltage of the amplifier N8 and thus the input signal to the excitation
current regulator, depending on the setting of the potentiometers R9, R10.

Negative output voltage of the P1 voltage regulator (output of N8) results in a positive
set-point value to the input of the excitation current proportional (P-) regulator N 15.

This P-regulator compares the positive set-point value against a negative actual value
signal from amplifier by potentiometer R15. Under steady-state conditions, the set-
point and actual value signals have approx. The same amount, the difference setting
to a value which multiplied by the gain of N15 result in the required signal going to
the gate control set (output of N15).

Negative voltage to the gate control set generates firing angles < 90 deg. Thus
supplying power to the field winding of the main exciter (controlled rectifier operation)
Positive voltage generates firing > 90 deg. Thus reversing the Thyristor set output
voltage and drawing power from the field winding of the exciter, resulting in the
current falling towards zero (inverter operation).


The relay K15 switches a positive voltage to a limiting input of amplifier N15 during
de-excitation resulting in an equal positive constant input voltage to the gate control
set. The Thyristor set output current then drops in less than half a second to zero, the
generator voltage - or generator current in the case of a short-circuit - follows with a
delay corresponding to the relevant generator time constant. As soon as the current
reaches zero the Thyristor are blocked and the reversed voltage on the field winding
disappears. This de-excitation process by inverter operation is shown below.

The excitation current actual value = output current of the Thyristor sets is sensed by
two transducers connected to separate shunt resistors, i.e. one combination each of
shunt resistor plus transducer is provided for the automatic voltage regulator (AUTO)
and for the MANUAL control system. The matching amplifier following the transducer
for automatic voltage control transmits the current actual value to the input of
amplifier N14.


With the automatic voltage regulation calling for maximum excitation of the generator,
the Thyristor set initially supplies a higher voltage to the field winding of the main
exciter than that actually required under steady-state conditions, until the actual
current in the main exciter field winding has reached the excitation current set-point
coming from the PI-voltage regulator (output of N8). Overdriving the voltage to the
field winding of the main exciter reduces the time required for building up the
corresponding current in same field winding and thus improves the exciter response,
for a large control action. The overdriving function - also refereed to as field forcing -
also becomes effective in the case of smaller control operations. This effect is achieved
by the proportional excitation current regulator N15 together with proper setting of the
control limits.


The maximum possible output voltage of the Thyristor set UA MAX is determined by a
limit set as required in the gate control unit; i.e. the minimum delay angle for rectifier
operation. Because of the high gain of the current regulator N15, a small increase of
the set point is sufficient to reach UA MAX.

The maximum output current IA MAX is determined by the maximum possible

excitation current set-point from the PI-voltage regulator; this set-point is limited by
amplifier N10 with respect to a reference voltage coming from ramp function generator
N11, the function of which is explained below. This reference voltage is corresponding
with the setting on potentiometer R11.

Overdriving also becomes effective in case of downward control actions. The maximum
possible reversed output voltage again is determined by a limit set (to a standard
value) in the gate control unit, i.e. the maximum delay angle for inverter operation,.
The positive signal from the PI-voltage regulator to the excitation current regulator is
limited by amplifier N9 according to the setting of potentiometer R9 to a small value;
this (standard) value is selected to make possible maximum reversed Thyristor output
voltage during downward regulation through the whole current range, i.e. also at small
actual current values.

At the beginning of a generator start-up cycle, the output voltage of the ramp function
generator N11 is zero so that the Thyristor set output current is limited to zero. When
a speed value just short of synchronisation is reached, the ramp function generator
gets its input voltage to run up to its maximum value within approx. 20. Thus due to
the gradual enabling of the current, the generator receives its voltage within a few
seconds without overshooting.

On shutdown of the machine the ramp function generator runs back to output zero
after removing the run-up command.

Failure of diodes in the rotating rectifier between the main exciter and the generator
field winding reduces its load capacity. The control panel in the regulator cubicle
includes a switch by means of which the normal field - forcing value IA MAX of 1.5
times rated excitation can be limited to 1.1 times rated output by means of which the
field - forcing limitation is reduced. The limitation to 1.1 times rated excited also
becomes effective when the generator is not loaded;

Field -forcing limitation, i.e. limitation of the Thyristor set output current to IA MAX ‘
is monitored by a limit monitor which senses the output current of the Thyristor set
and its pick-up value being adjusted to 1.1 x IA MAX. Response of this limit monitor
initiates automatic changeover to the MANUAL control system.



The MANUAL control system incorporates a proportional action amplifier for closed-
loop control of the Thyristor set output current = excitation current of the main
exciter. This control system is provided for commissioning and maintenance work
(particularly for operating the generator short-circulated) and maintaining operation
when the automatic voltage regulator is disturbed.

The current actual value for the control system is transmitted via a shunt from
transducer U1 and matching amplifier N6. The set-point value is supplied by a motor-
operated potentiometer with a setting range which normally goes from the remanence
value to 1.1 times rated excitation. The range is adjusted by a potentiometer R6 of
matching amplifier N6.

The set-point and actual values are compared at the input of proportional amplifier
N1. The output of amplifier N1 supplied the input voltage for the gate control set via
amplifier N2 (gain = +1). Amplifier N3, N4 with high proportional gain (approx. 100)
limit the positive and negative output voltage of amplifier N2 and thus the input signal
of the gate control set in accordance with the setting of potentiometers R2,R3.

Potentiometer R3 is set in accordance with the Thyristor set output voltage actually
required (approx. 1.1. times rated excitation).Potentiometer R2 for the maximum
inverter voltage is set to a standard value. For de-excitation, the positive output
voltage is changed over from potentiometer R2 to amplifier N4 by means of relay K1
thus ensuring an equal positive constant input voltage of the gate control set.

On tripping of the generator from the grid, the current regulator would maintain the
excitation current on a level corresponding to the preceding load operation which
would result in generator over voltage. This is prevented by two measures. Amplifier
N5 limits the generator overvoltage to a response value pre-set by potentiometer R4
this response value must be slightly higher than the maximum generator voltage to be
expected during operation (e.g. 106 %). In addition to this, value which corresponds
to the station supply load.


Each of the two control systems AUTO and MANUAL has its own 24 V d.c. motor-
operated set-point adjuster; Two separate output drivers are provided for supplying
the motor in both directions of rotation. When one of the end positions is reached, the
output voltage of the set-point potentiometer blocks the relevant driver by a limit value
monitor. In addition, the drive is protected by a slip-clutch. The set-point


potentiometer can also be adjusted manually without electric control by means of a
knob provided on the module front panel.

The LOWER or RAISE signals transmitted from the control room act on the OR
function in the driver input. The driver are mutually interlocked via blocking inputs.
Furthermore , response of the under excitation limiter blocks the RAISE driver of the
AUTO set point adjuster. The inputs of the drivers for the MANUAL set point adjuster
are also influenced by the follow -up control system (refer to chapter 11).
Furthermore, U5 when the generator is disconnected from the grid and during de-
excitation. Limit monitor U5 reduces the set point value to a value which
approximately corresponds to the station-service power requirements of the unit. The
activity of limit monitor U5 during shutdown of the generator was provided to assist
the operator who must carry out a fine adjustment in accordance with the generator
voltage. During de-excitation, the set-point adjuster is moved to the lower end

Together with the LOWER / RAISE commands from the control room, the
corresponding commands from the automatic synchroniser and the local control panel
in the regulator cubicle are applied through or gates. The LOWER/RAISE commands
are transmitted to both set-point adjusters to support follow-up control. During
matching, only the commands to the set-point adjuster to be matched are enabled.

The excitation current regulator (MANUAL) is mainly used during commissioning and
maintenance work and in exceptional cases when faults occur in the automatic voltage
control system. For this purpose, the setting of the excitation current set-point
adjuster must be matched to the actual excitation state before changeover to
MANUAL. In some special fault cases, changeover to manual is initiated
automatically. Therefore matching is to be carried out continuously by means of an
automatic follow-up control system.

It must be taken into consideration that the excitation current may be subject to
considerable transient variations during faults. For this reason, a clear design of the
matching and follow-up control circuits is more essential than high accuracy. Under
steadystate conditions, the matching and follow circuits ensure, that the sustained
and transient change of the excitation caused by changeover practically are to be

Changeover from control of the generator voltage (AUTO) to the excitation current
regulator (MANUAL requires the excitation current set-point adjuster to be set to a
position in which a set point corresponding to the actual excitation current is


The output values of the excitation current regulators for AUTO and MANUAL are
compared for that purpose by amplifier N1. The difference signal acts on the matching
instrument in the control room and on the input of the three term controller U1 for
follow-up control of the excitation current set-point adjuster. The set-point value of
the excitation current regulator is suitably adjusted for changeover when the
difference signal at the outputs of amplifiers N1 and N2 is zero.

The difference signal at the output of amplifier N2 is connected to a proportional

amplifier U1 N1 with adjustable gain and substantial smoothing in the three term
controller. The input of the limit monitors U1U1/U1U2 for Lower/Raise outputs with
fixed response thresholds are connected to the output of amplifier U1N1. The
difference value which just initiates response of the three-term controller is
determined by the proportional gain of U1N1. In the case of larger differences, the
response time of the limit monitors is shortened as a function of the increasing
difference; refer to the AVR diagrams “response mode” and “response time”. The
values of the gain and smoothing time constant of amplifier U1N1 are selected so that
on the one hand sufficient accuracy and fast correction of the deviation is ensured,
and on the other hand the switching frequency of the set-point potentiometer is
sufficiently limited.

The circuits of the three-term controller are shown simplified without the components
which ensure a minimum pulse time and stabilisation of the follow-up control

When the generator is connected in parallel with grid, the LOWER /RAISE commands
from the control room are simultaneously transmitted to the AUTO and MANUAL set
point adjusters. This reduces the setting time of the follow-up control system. For
monitoring of the follow-up control system, the difference signal behind amplifier N2 is
monitored by limit monitors. Response of a monitor initiates delayed signalling.

To prevent disturbing changes in excitation during changeover from MANUAL to

AUTO, the output voltage of the generator voltage regulator must be adjusted
according to the actual excitation level i.e. the excitation current set-point delivered by
the generator voltage regulator must be adapted to the excitation current actual value.

The excitation current set-point value is made up by two components:

• The voltage of a proportional amplifier N4* and

• The voltage of an integrator N7*

During steady-state conditions, the output voltage of amplifier N4* is zero and the
output voltage of integrator N7* delivering the set-point to the excitation current
regulator of the AUTO system. This means that the AUTO set-point adjuster must be
so adjusted that the output voltage of amplifier N4* becomes zero, whereas the output
voltage of integrator N7* is essentially to be adjusted to the excitation current actual
value. The first task is solved by applying the output voltage of amplifier N4* to the
input of amplifier N2 feeding the matching instrument. The instrument reading is to
be adjusted to zero by LOWER/RAISE commands from the control room.



The underxcitation limiter automatically prevents too low excitation of the generator. A
reduction of the excitation may, for instance, occur under influence of the automatic
voltage regulator when the system voltage rises during low-load operation. A reduction
of the excitation may also result from a faulty operation, e.g. the tapping switch of the
main transformer.

Fig. 1 illustrates the response value for a generator with an assumed maximum rotor
displacement angle of 75 . This response value includes an adequate safety margin
above the stability limit. The safety margin allows for transient phenomena due to
major system disturbances and switching operations. This safety margin is of
particular importance in the event of short-circuits occurring close to the generator
terminals, since the rotor displacement angle increases rapidly in this case. The final
value of the rotor displacement angle on clearance of the fault is the decisive factor for
maintaining stability. This angle will increase with increases of the steady-state initial
value of the rotor displacement angle or decreases of the excitation.


Reduction of the system voltage due to increased reactive power requirements,

switching operation or disturbances cause the voltage regulator to increase the
generator excitation in order to maintain a constant generator voltage. Major system
voltage reductions may result in a thermal overloading of the exciter and generator


rotor unless the operator presets a lower set-point for the generator voltage or changes
the ratio of the unit transformer.

In such a case the overexcitation limiter limits the generator excitation by

automatically reducing the generator voltage. The excitation current if is measured
through a current transformer with shunt and compared with a set-point. When the
excitation current exceeds the set-point value, a signal appears at the output of the
overexcitation limiter. The resulting signal in the input amplifier of the voltage
regulator causes the excitation to decrease accordingly.

The overexcitation limiter has a response time inversely proportional to the difference
between the actual value and the response value. The shortest response time should
be coordinated with the time setting of the backup protection of the generator (Fig.2).

The voltage regulator keeps the generator voltage constant independent of the
generator frequency. Excitation of the generator with excessive under frequency values
is prevented by speed-dependent enabling of the excitation at a speed value of 0.95
p.u. approx. or by blocking at a speed value of less than 0.90 p.u. approx. This means
that the excitation equipment permits excited operation of the generator with
frequency deviations up to 0.1 p.u. below nominal frequency.

The magnetic flux of the unit transformer is directly proportional to the terminal
voltage and inversely proportional to the frequency, i.e. proportional to the ratio
terminal voltage/frequency. The maximum under frequency value mentioned above
may cause a rise of the unit transformer flux. by 0.1 p.u. as against the nominal
value. A further increase is possible depending on the permissible setting range of the
generator voltage and even higher magnetic flux values are obtained when fault
conditions of the voltage regulator are taken into consideration. The conditions
described above basically also apply to the magnetic flux of the generator.

Excessive magnetic flux increases thermal stressing of the unit transformer and of the
generator. The function of the V/Hz limiter is to issue a signal to the voltage regulation
loop when a present V/Hz limit value is exceeded and to reduce this value to the
permissible limit. For this purpose the V/Hz limiter includes an element for
measuring the frequency, comparing the frequency value against the generator voltage
value and evaluating a correction signal.

The action of the V/Hz limiter is frequently restricted to operation with the generator
being disconnected from the grid.



The power system stabilizer is an integral part of the voltage regulator. The stabilizer
has the function of damping any turboset power fluctuations following power supply
failures or in service switching operations in order to increase operational reliability


and security of supply. Simultaneously the stabilizer generally attains smoother
turboset behavior in normal power supply operation.

Mode of Operation

Given power system structures in combination with certain generator output levels,
and also disturbances in the power supply, can frequently produce small power
system short circuit currents. In addition, the higher utilization factor (increased
output) of modern generators with correspondingly high excitation responses reduces
the inherent damping of generators on line. This is understandable in view of the fact
that the damping torques are largely dependent on the geometry of the rotor, whereas
the increased output of the generators was primarily achieved by more intensive
cooling of the rotor; consequently the rotor dimensions did not increase in proportion
to output.

These two trends, reduction of the ratio of power system short circuit current to
generator output and less effective damping of the large generators, lead as a whole to
a greater tendency toward fluctuation of the overall generator power supply system.

A system stabilization of turbo sets can as a rule be achieved through reduction of the
proportional gain of the turbine governing system. Control action influencing the
generator excitation system is however a significantly better means of increasing

For reasons of technology, the inherent damping in the damping circuits of the
generator, which is proportional to slip, cannot directly be increased by inputting
additional damping signals. Such signals to improve the stability of the turboset on
line must pass through various existing control elements and thus be exactly matched
in their time response.
Additional damping through feed forward to the signal comparison circuit of the
generator voltage regulator with its integral power system stabilizer can be made large
enough to override disturbances in other control circuits.

The stabilizer for power systems of differing structures operates on signals derived
from active power changes (actual power values) and acts on the generator excitation,
system by inputting an additional damping signal in the proper phase relation.

The power system stabilizer increases oscillation damping in a frequency range from
0.05 Hz to 2.5 Hz.

For this purpose, the monitored output power is fed to the inputs of two 2-point vector
identifiers, each having one in phase and one phase-shifted output. The output signals
in cross-connected opposed-phase pairs are fed via matching elemets to one summing


element per pair; the output signals from the two summing elements are fed through
one matching element per signal to an additional summing element.

The resultant output signal is transmitted via a noise suppression element and a
limiter as an additional input to the signal comparison circuit of the voltage regulator.


Filename: Volume1
Directory: D:\Backup-CD\Manuals\500MW
Template: C:\Documents and Settings\SIMULATOR\Application
Author: Simulator
Creation Date: 12/8/2005 3:06 PM
Change Number: 93
Last Saved On: 4/28/2006 12:05 AM
Last Saved By: user
Total Editing Time: 1,579 Minutes
Last Printed On: 7/14/2006 11:42 AM
As of Last Complete Printing
Number of Pages: 394
Number of Words: 95,502 (approx.)
Number of Characters: 477,512 (approx.)

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