Hydraulic Level Calculations For Revised Layout Dated March 8, 2013.

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Hydraulic Computations

Head Loss due to opening/fittings are calculated by the formula H = KV2/2g

Where V is velocity in m/sec, g is acceleration due to gravity (0.98) and K is constant as below
Entrance Shape well rounded
Sudden Contraction
90 Deg Bend
45 Deg Bend
Butterfly Valve
Orifie Plate
Sluice Gate

FSL in FWC is provided as

Invert level of PWC provided

1. Head loss between Filtered Water Channel and Filter Inlet Channel

Flow through each filter (overloading) 483x1.25/4/1/3600

a) Head loss over rectangular weir
The discharge through a rectangular weir is given by Q= 2/3* Ce * sqrt (2*g)*B*H1.5, where
Flow through each filter (overloading)
Width of opening
Ce = 0.602+0.075h/p = 0.602+0.075x1.85000000000002
p = height of the bottom of the weir from channel invert
H = head over weir ((0.04x3/2/0.740750000000002/sqrt(2*9
Provide height of Weir Plate as
Level of top of weir =256.0+1.6+0.2
TWL over weir 258.05+0.07
Provide TWL over weir
b) Head loss due to fittings
Dia of Pipe/Valve
velocity 'V' 0.04/(pix0.25x0.45^2)
Head loss through bend = K * V^2/(2*g)
No of 90 Deg Bends
No of Tees
No of Valves
No of Contraction
Head loss due to fittings (1x0.75+2x1.5+1x0.8+1x0.5)x0.25^2/2/

c. Head loss through Filter

Sand (mm) 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1 1.45

% Sand smalle than shorter 0 2 10 27 50 70 90 100
Head loss due to clean filter is determined using Kozeny's equation for stratified beds
Total Head loss 0.02+0.25
However for dirty conditition, maximum head loss taken as
Sand Top Lvl is 0.35 m below Weir top 258.05-0.35
TWL over Sand keeping 1.8m head above TWL over 258.25+1.8

Invert of Backwash Gutter is provided

Top of Backwash Gutter

2.Head loss in Filter Inlet Gate and Inlet Channel around and leading to the filters

a. Head loss through Filter Inlet Gate

Flow 483x1.33/10

Area of Gate 0.25x0.25

velocity in filter outlet 'V' 0.02/0.06
Head loss through gate = K * V^2/(2*g)
where coefficient of ressistance 'K' for Valve is taken as
Head loss through Gate 0.8x0.33^2/2/9.81
Invert Level of Gate is kept lower than top of Gutter258.55- 0.25
FSL in Filter Inlet Channel (TWL in filer plus entry los260.05+0.05
FSL in Filter Inlet Channel (TWL in filer plus entry loss)

b. Head loss in Filter Inlet Channel

Flow to each filter with 20% overloading 615/4/1
No of filters fed by each branch of the filter inlet channel
Design flow for each side of thechannel with overlo153.75x4/3600
Channel width provided
Channel depth provided
Velocity of water 0.17/0.233333333333333/1.2
Since the flow is decreasing gradually, loss in the channel is assumed to be the loss for the full flow but for half the length
For estimation of length maximumn length of channel around the filter beds are considered.
Length considered for computing head loss
Applying Manning's formula for Open Channels , we have V=1/n*R^2/3*S^1/2
roughness coefficient 'n' =
hydraulic radius 'R' =
slope 'S' =
Length considered for computing head loss
loss of head through channel

c. Head loss due to 90 deg turns of filter inlet channel

velocity in filter inlet chanel 'V'
Head loss through bend= K * V^2/(2*g)
where coefficient of ressistance 'K' for 90 deg bends is taken as
Head loss through bend = =0.75*0.34^2/(2*9.81) =
No. of bends=
Total loss due to 90 deg turns in the FIC
Total 0.022+0.03
TWL of Clarified Water Channel required 260.1+0.052
TWL of Clarified Water Channel provided

3. Head loss across Clariflocculator launder

a) head loss in clarifloc launder
Clariflocculator launder width
velocity in filtered water channel 'V'

Applying Manning's formula for Open Channels , we have V=1/n*R^2/3*S^1/2

roughness coefficient 'n' =
hydraulic radius 'R' =
slope 'S' =
length of launder =
loss of head

b) head loss in the flow through clariflocculator launder lip V notches

head loss provided as per calculations under Process design
consider a free fall of
total loss of head over launder lip (32+75)/1000
total loss
TWL of Clariflocculator required 260.2+0.2
TWL of Clarifloc provided

4. Head loss between Clarifloc and Flash Mixer

a) Head loss between Clariflocculator and Flocculator

Head loss through entrance= K * V^2/(2*g)
where coefficient of ressistance 'K' for entrance is taken as
Head loss 0.6x0.0006^2/2/9.81/1000
As this negligible there is no appreciable diffrence between TWL in floc zone and clarifier zone of Clariflocculator.
However take TWL in Flocculator
b) Head loss between Central shaft and Flocculator
Head loss through entrance= K * V^2/(2*g)
where coefficient of ressistance 'K' for entrance is taken as
Head loss 0.6x0.05^2/2/9.81
c) Head loss in Clarifier inlet pipe
Inner Diameter of Pipe
straight length of pipe
Applying Modified Hazen Williams formula with increase of head losses by 20%
head loss
TWL of Flash Mixer required = 260.41+0+0.03
TWL of Flash Mixer provided =

5. Head loss between Flash Mixer and Stilling Chamber

a. head loss between flash mixer and stilling chamber

Consider the floor of the Parshall flume as 200 mm above TWL of Flash mixer to ensure free flow from flume.

head loss in the channel is negligible.

height of the crest
difeernce in level required between flash mixer TWL and RWC TWL

TWL upstream of flume required

TWL upstream of flume required
Total Loss of Head in WTP
6. Staging of wash water tank. (WWT)
For ensuring proper backwash, the minimum head has been kept as
a) Head loss in backwash pipe
backwash flow
inlet pipe dia provided
straight length of pipe
Applying Modified Hazen Williams formula with 20% increase
pipe roughness coefficient 'Cr' =
head loss h =

Top of Underdrain
Invert Level of Tank required 260.15+6.3+0.23
Provide Invert level
Hydraulics for Recirculation System

7.Recycling Settling Tank

Invert of Backwash Drain
Slope of pipe from drain to tank 1 in
Length of pipe
TWL in Tank 258.25-50/200
Provide TWL
Invert of Tank 258+2

summary of hydraulic levels

TWL over filter outlet weir
TWL in filters
FSL in Filter Inlet Channel
TWL of Clarified Water Channel provided
TWL of Clarifloc provided
TWL of Flash Mixer provided
Invert level WWT
Provide TWL of recycling tank
tant as below

257.85 m Hence OK
256 m

0.04 m3/sec

H1.5, where
0.04 m3/sec
0.74075 m
1.85 m
0.07 m
0.2 m
258.05 m
258.12 m
258.25 m

0.04 m3/sec
0.25 m/sec

0.02 m

1 1.45
90 100
0.25 m
1.8 m
257.7 m
260.05 m

258.55 m

leading to the filters

64 m3/hr
0.02 m3/sec
0.06 m2
0.33 m/sec

0.004440367 m
0.05 m
258.3 m
260.1 m
260.1 m

153.75 m3/hr
4 nos.
0.17 m3/sec
0.2333333333 m
1.2 m
0.6071428571 m/sec
oss for the full flow but for half the length
e considered.
215 m

0.1063291139 m
15 m
0.022 m

0.6071428571 m/sec
0.0140910722 m
0.03 m
0.052 m
260.152 m
260.2 m Hence OK

0.45 m
0.2444444444 m
0.8 m/sec

0.1032777778 m
36.1283155163 m
0.0949542774 m

32 mm
75 mm
0.107 mm
0.2 m
260.4 m
260.41 m Hence OK

0.0006 m/sec

0 mm Negligible
d clarifier zone of Clariflocculator.
260.41 m

0.05 m/sec

0.5 m
1.0875562346 m/sec
15 m approx

0.03 m
260.44 m
260.51 m Hence OK

ensure free flow from flume.

0.23 m

0.2 m from Parshall flume Tables encl.

0.43 m

3.26 m

6.3 M 6 to 8 M ref.Cl. CPHEO 3rd Edn

15.18 m^3/min
0.35 m
2.63 m/sec
15 m approx

0.23 m

260.15 M
265.8 M

258.25 m
50 m
258 m
258 m
256 m

257.85 m
258.25 m
260.05 m
260.1 m
260.2 m
260.41 m
260.51 m
265.8 m
256.05 m

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