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Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence about the idea that the more someone is aware of their own
emotions and other peoples’ emotions they will have a significant increase in personal
and professional success by applying strategies from the four core emotional intelligence
skills: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship
management. The idea of emotional intelligence was first proposed in 1964 and since
then other physiologists have added their insights and broken it down into four to five
different categories. Emotional intelligence (EQ) was recently defined as one’s ability to
recognize own emotions and other people’s emotions and applying this understanding to
manage your behavior and relationships. With application to the nursing world, having
high EQ knowledge will improve roles and functions of nursing, teach fellow coworkers
techniques to lead, and help individuals grow in identifying emotions and further
understanding one’s self.

In self- awareness, one is clear of what he feels and why he feels such. His preferences,
resources and perceptions. Individual who have high self- awareness are able to conduct
accurate self- appraisals, are self- confident, are authentic and perceive situation

Self -awareness is the foundation of personal growth and success. It is the 'keystone' of
emotional intelligence. This kind of attention to your thoughts and feelings makes it
impossible for your emotions to rule you. Unless you choose to give them the upper
hand. You can stop reacting to events and emotions and learn to choose your response
to any situation. This is the key to greater confidence and assertiveness in your life.
Don't be a prisoner of your own mind. Achieve the freedom you deserve.

The self- management pertains to one’s ability to understand his emotions and use it to
turn situations to his own benefits. It is also our ability to use our feelings to reason well.
Example of this is: eating pancit .”kakain ka dahil kakain sila”. Say “NO” when the rest
“YES”.So self- management is important because when people are able to better
managing their emotions they do better in life.
Social awareness is how people handle relationships and awareness of other’s feelings,
needs, and concerns. It is how we respond to emotions and feelings of others. With its 3
competencies and the first one is empathy. Example of empathy is when you say “ vutut
ka kaw” you must be aware of his feelings. Second is organizational awareness, the
people inside and outside organizations with exert influence over policies and activities.
And last is the service orientation and sample of this is the service you provide for others.

The social skills refers to efficiency at suggesting desirable responses in others. In here,
competency is highly develop. Respect and relate well to people.

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