Interview Rubrics

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Both the interviewer and the
Both the interviewer and the
person being interviewed can The sound quaity is poor
person being interviewed can be
be heard/understood very making it hard to
Sound Quality heard/understood very clearly on
clearly on the tape but there hear/understand the person
the tape with no wind or
is some wind or background being interviewed.
background noise.

The student introduced

The student introduced himself,
himself and asked
explained why he wanted to The student needed assistance
permission to set up a time
Setting Up the Interview interview the person, and asked in all aspects of setting up the
for the interview, but needed
permission to set up a time for an interview.
a reminder to explain why he
wanted to do the interview.

Student rarely interrupted or

Student never interrupted or Several times, the student
hurried the person being
hurried the person being interrupted or hurried the person
Politeness interviewed and thanked
interviewed and thanked them for being interviewed AND forgot to
them for being willing to be
being willing to be interviewed. thank the person.
Before the interview, the
Before the interview, the student student prepared a couple of
The student did not prepare any
Preparation prepared several in-depth AND in-depth questions and
questions before the interview.
factual questions to ask. several factual questions to
The interviewer took occasional The interviewer took
notes during the interview, but occasional notes during the
usally maintained focus on the interview, but usally
The interviewer took no notes
Notetaking person rather than the notes. maintained focus on the
during or after the interview.
Notes were added to immediately person rather than the notes.
after the interview so facts were No additional notes were
not lost. taken.

Note: Rate the following category accordingly from 1 – 10: 1 is the lowest and 10 is the highest. Thank you

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