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नमामम शम्भुं ऩभरुषुं ऩभराणुं

नमामम सर्वऻमऩार्ार्म ् ।
नमामम रुद्रुं प्र्भमऺयुं तुं
नमामम शर्ं मशरसा नमामम ॥१॥
Namaami Shambhum Purussam Puraannam
Namaami Sarvajnyam-Apaara-Bhaavam |
Namaami Rudram Prabhum-Akssayam Tam
Namaami Sharvam Shirasaa Namaami ||1||

1.1 I reverentially bow down to Shambhu (the cause of Happiness), Who is the Primeval
Being (ever present in all as consciousness),
1.2: I reverentially bow down (to Him) Who is All-Knowing and Whose Meditative
State (symbolising our innermost consciousness) is boundless,
1.3: I reverentially bow down to Rudra Who is the Lord of all (in fierce form associated with
destruction), and Who is Undecaying in nature,
1.4: I reverentially bow down to Sharva (Who holds the entire Earth); I
reverentially bow down my head (again and again to all these forms).

नमामम दे र्ुं ऩरमव्ययुंतुं

उमाऩततुं ऱोकगरु
भ ुं नमामम ।
नमामम दाररद्रवर्दारणुं तुं
नमामम रोगाऩहरुं नमामम ॥२॥
Namaami Devam Param-Avyayam-Tam
Umaa-Patim Loka-Gurum Namaami |
Namaami Daaridra-Vidaarannam Tam
Namaami Roga-Apaharam Namaami ||2||

2.1 I reverentially bow down to the Divine Lord Who abides as
the unchangeable state beyond the human mind,
2.2: To that Lord Who is also embodied as the consort of Devi Uma, and Who is the Spiritual
Teacher of the whole World, I reverentially bow down,
2.3: I reverentially bow down to Him Who tears asunder our (inner) Poverties (He being
present as our most Glorious Inner Being),
2.4: (And) I reverentially bow down to Him Who takes away our Diseases (of Samsara) (by
revealing His Glorious Nature).
नमामम कल्याणमचिन्त्यरूऩुं
नमामम वर्श्र्ोद्ध्र्बीजरूऩम ् ।
नमामम वर्श्र्स्थथततकारणुं तुं
नमामम सुंहारकरुं नमामम ॥३॥
Namaami Kalyaannam-Acintya-Ruupam
Namaami Vishvo[a-U]ddhva-Biija-Ruupam |
Namaami Vishva-Sthiti-Kaarannam Tam
Namaami Samhaara-Karam Namaami ||3||

3.1: I reverentially bow down (to Him) Who is the cause of all Auspiciousness, (ever present
behind the mind) in His Inconceivable form,
3.2: I reverentially bow down (to Him) Whose form is like the seed giving rise to
the Universe,
3.3: I reverentially bow down to Him Who is also the cause of the maintenance of
the Universe,
3.4: (And) I reverentially bow down (to Him) Who is (finally) the destroyer (of the Universe).

नमामम गौरीवप्रयमव्ययुं तुं

नमामम तन्युंऺरमऺरुं तम ् ।
नमामम चिद्रऩ
ू ममेय्ार्ुं
त्रिऱोिनुं तुं मशरसा नमामम ॥४॥
Namaami Gaurii-Priyam-Avyayam Tam
Namaami Nityam-Kssaram-Akssaram Tam |
Namaami Cid-Ruupam-Ameya-Bhaavam
Tri-Locanam Tam Shirasaa Namaami ||4||

4.1: I reverentially bow down to Him Who is dear to Gauri (Devi Parvati)
and unchangeable (which also signifies that Shiva and Shakti are inseparably connected),
4.2: I reverentially bow down to Him Who is Eternal, and Who is the
One Imperishable behind all the perishable,
4.3: I reverentially bow down (to Him) Who is of the nature of Consciousness and
Whose Meditative State (symbolising the all-pervading consciousness) is immeasurable,
4.4: To that Lord Who has Three Eyes, I reverentially bow down.
नमामम कारुण्यकरुं ्र्थया
्युंकरुं र्ावऩ सदा नमामम ।
नमामम दातारम्ीस्ससतानाुं
नमामम सोमेशमम
भ ेशमादौ ॥५॥
Namaami Kaarunnya-Karam Bhavasyaa
Bhayamkaram Vaa-[A]pi Sadaa Namaami |
Namaami Daataaram-Abhiipsitaanaam
Namaami Some[a-Ii]sham-Ume[a-Ii]sham-Aadau ||5||

5.1: I reverentially bow down (to Him) Who is the showerer of Compassion in the World (to
the good), ...
5.2: ... as also Who creates Terror (in the hearts of the evil); to that Lord I reverentially
bow down,
5.3: I reverentially bow down (to Him) Who gives the desired objects (to His Devotees),
5.4: (And) I reverentially bow down (to Him) Who is the Lord of Soma (Moon
God), Uma (Devi Parvati) and others.

नमामम र्ेदियऱोिनुं तुं

नमामम मूततवियर्स्जवतुं तम ् ।
नमामम ऩभण्युं सदसद्धव्यातीतुं
नमामम तुं ऩाऩहरुं नमामम ॥६॥
Namaami Veda-Traya-Locanam Tam
Namaami Muurti-Traya-Varjitam Tam |
Namaami Punnyam Sad-Asad-Vyaatiitam
Namaami Tam Paapa-Haram Namaami ||6||

6.1: I reverentially bow down to Him Who has the Three Vedas as His Three Eyes,
6.2: I reverentially bow down to Him Who is beyond the Three Forms (of Brahma, Vishnu and
Shankara) (perceived through the senses),
6.3: I reverentially bow down (to Him) Who is the Auspicious (Nature) beyond
the Reality and Unreality (of the phenomenal world),
6.4: I reverentially bow down to Him; I reverentially bow down to the One Who takes
away the Sins (when the heart is surrendered to Him in Meditation).
नमामम वर्श्र्थय हहते रतुं तुं
नमामम रूऩावऩ बहभतन ध्ते ।
यो वर्श्र्गोसता सदस्प्रणेता
नमामम तुं वर्श्र्ऩततुं नमामम ॥७॥
Namaami Vishvasya Hite Ratam Tam
Namaami Ruupa-Api Bahuni Dhatte |
Yo Vishva-Goptaa Sad-Asat-Prannetaa
Namaami Tam Vishva-Patim Namaami ||7||

7.1: I reverentially bow down to Him Who is always engaged in the welfare of the World,
7.2: I reverentially bow down (to Him) Who assumes many Forms (for the welfare of the
7.3: He Who is the Protector of the World and
the dispenser of transitory and everlasting (fruits of actions), ...
7.4: ... To Him I reverentially bow down; To that Lord of the World I reverentially bow down.

यऻेश्र्रुं समप्रतत हव्यकव्युं

तथागततुं ऱोकसदामशर्ो य् ।
आराचधतो यश्ि ददातत सर्ं
नमामम दानवप्रयममष्टदे र्म ् ॥८॥
Yajnye[a-Ii]shvaram Samprati Havyakavyam
Tathaa-Gatim Loka-Sadaashivo Yah |
Aaraadhito Yash-Ca Dadaati Sarvam
Namaami Daana-Priyam-Issttadevam ||8||

8.1: To that Lord Who is rightly the Lord of the Yagnya, to whom all oblations finally go,
8.2: So also, He Who is the final Refuge of the World as Sadashiva,
8.3: (And) He Who gives everything when worshipped,
8.4: (To that Lord) I reverentially bow down, Who is fond of giving boons (to His Devotees),
and Who is my Ishtadeva (Chosen Deity).
नमामम सोमेश्र्रुं थर्तन्तिुं
उमाऩततुं तुं वर्जयुं नमामम ।
नमामम वर्घ्नेश्र्रनस्न्तदनाथुं
ऩभिवप्रयुं तुं मशरसा नमामम ॥९॥
Namaami Some[a-Ii]shvaram-Svatantram
Umaa-Patim Tam Vijayam Namaami |
Namaami Vighneshvara-Nandi-Naatham
Putra-Priyam Tam Shirasaa Namaami ||9||

9.1: I reverentially bow down (to Him) Who is the Lord of Soma (Moon god); (I reverentially
bow down to Him) Who is ever Independent,
9.2: (I reverentially bow down to) Him Who is the Lord of Uma; I reverentially bow down (to
Him) Who is ever Victorious,
9.3: I reverentially bow down to Him Who is the Lord of Vigneshwara (Ganesha), as well as
the Lord of Nandi,
9.4: To that Lord Who is fond of His Sons, to Him I reverentially bow down my head (as His

नमामम दे र्ुं ्र्द्भ खशोक

वर्नाशनुं िन्तद्रधरुं नमामम ।
नमामम गुंगाधरमीशमीड्युं
उमाधर्ुं दे र्र्रुं नमामम ॥१०॥
Namaami Devam Bhava-Duhkha-Shoka
Vinaashanam Candra-Dharam Namaami |
Namaami Gangaa-Dharam-Iisham-Iiddyam
Umaa-Dhavam Deva-Varam Namaami ||10||

10.1: I reverentially bow down (to Him) (Who removes) (internally)
the sorrows and afflictions of the World (affecting us),
10.2: (To that Lord, the remover of sorrows) Who holds the Moon on His head (symbolizing
Bliss), I reverentially bow down,
10.3: I reverentially bow down to the Lord Who holds the Ganga on His Head (symbolizing
Purity), and Who is glorified by all,
10.4: To that consort of Uma Who is the best among Divinities, I reverentially bow down.
सरभ ासरभ ै रचिवतऩादऩद्मम ् ।
नमामम दे र्ीमभखर्ादनानाुं
ईऺाथवमक्षऺत्रितयुं य ऐच्छत ् ॥११॥
Sura-Asurair-Arcita-Paada-Padmam |
Namaami Devii-Mukha-Vaada-Naanaam
Iikssa-Artham-Akssi-Tritayam Ya Aicchat ||11||

11.1: I reverentially bow down (to Him) Who is the Unborn and Primeval Lord;
By Purandara (Indra) and other ...
11.2: ... Suras (Devas) as well as Asuras, Whose Lotus Feet is worshipped,
11.3: I reverentially bow down (to Him) Who is spoken of by the Devi in various ways
(glorifying Him),
11.4: (And) Who is propitiated in various ways to get a favourable glance from the triad of
His Eyes.

ृ ग
ै न्त
व धसध
भ ऩ
ू दीऩै्
वर्चििऩभष्ऩैवर्ववर्धैश्ि मन्तिै् ।
अन्तनप्रकारै ् सकऱोऩिारै ्
समऩूस्जतुं सोममहुं नमामम ॥१२॥
Vicitra-Pusspair-Vividhaish-Ca Mantraih |
Anna-Prakaaraih Sakalo[a-U]pacaaraih
Sampuujitam Somam-Aham Namaami ||12||

12.1: (To the Lord Who is worshipped) with Panchamrita (Five Food items), Fragrant Incense,
Light of Lamp, ...
12.2: ... Flowers of various colours, Mantras of various types (glorifying Him), ...
12.3: ... as well as in other ways with all Upacharas (Worship Offerings), ...
12.4: ... To that Soma (Nectar Essence of our Lives) Who is worshipped (by all),
I reverentially bow down my head.

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