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Worksheet # 3 TOTAL MARKS: 20
(Following the ICSE pattern)

A. ​Re-write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.
Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of
1.​ ​Never (before) has he done such a stupid mistake​. [before is required but
without bracket; it is an added word hence, it is in bracket]
2.​ ​I advised John to consult a doctor.
3.​ ​The player’s decision to retire saddened the fans.
4.​ ​Do you exercise daily as I do?
5.​ ​Who substituted the broken umbrella for a good one?
6.​ ​People say that Camilla has been a diplomat.
7.​ ​Anoushka wishes that she had studied regularly.
8.​ ​Despite being rich, Job is not unsympathetic towards the needy.
9.​ ​Jolly wished that she might win the lottery.
10.​ ​Had he not injured his foot, he would have won the race.​

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition.

1.​ ​He has a passion ​for​ reading detective stories.
2.​ ​I congratulated him ​on​ his success.
3.​ ​He was so amusing that all laughed ​at​ him.
4.​ ​I ran ​into​ Graham in the restaurant.
5​.​ ​The book consists ​of​ 21 chapters.
6. He persists ​on​ teasing the other children in the class.
7. Truth always prevails ​in​ the long run.
8. Do you take his word ​over​ mine?

C. Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using ​and​,
but​ or ​so.​ [4 Marks]
1. We had better get ready now ​otherwise/ or​ we might not have the time to reach
the airport. ​[either ‘otherwise’ or ‘or’]
2. Mr Luke has been sick since he came from Japan.
3. Both the debating teams were very happy as they were declared
4. As he escaped from the prison, he looked for a place where he could hide.

D. In the following passage, fill in each of the numbered blanks with the
correct form of the word given in brackets. Do not copy the passage, but write
in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space:
[4 Marks]

Example: 0 = ​was

The primary object of a mountaineering expedition ………0.……… (be) to the top

of a high mountain which in the past has withstood all attempts ………1………
(conquer) it. But it ………2……… (shall) not be ………3……… (presume) that
the expedition is a complete failure if it does not reach its destination. Sometimes
operations are temporarily ………4……… (suspend) because of bad weather, loss
of some ………5……… (value) equipment or the sudden death of members of the
party. Every big expedition………6……… (take) with it men who
………7……… (interest) in botany, biology, geology and various other branches
of science , and these men carry with them equipment for recording their
observations ……… 8………(concern) the weather, the terrain , and different
forms of life in higher altitudes.

1.​ to conquer

2.​ ​should

3.​ ​presumed

4.​ ​suspended

5.​ ​valuable
6.​ ​takes
7.​ ​are interested
8.​ ​concerning

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