Powerful Verbs For Essays

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IELTS exam Writing part 2: To What Extent Do You Agree

or Disagree?

ielts question
1. The leaders or directors of organizations are often older people. But some people say that
young people can also be leaders. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
2. Maintaining public libraries is a waste of time since computer technology is now replacing
their functions. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
3. People’s shopping habits depends more on the age group they belong to than any other
factor. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Choose a point of view

Before writing anything, you should have a clear point of view. You should include adverbs
to answer to what extent. Here are some possible ways to answer the question.

1. I totally/completely agree…
2. I totally/completely disagree…
3. I mostly/partly agree/disagree…

Structure your essay

Then you can structure your essay. Here are some templates for you!

3. I mostly/partly agree/disagree…
Introduction: State the points that you agree with and the points that you disagree with.

Body paragraph 1: State why you agree with some of the points.

Body paragraph 2: State why you disagree with some of the points.

Conclusion: Restate your view.

1. I totally/completely agree…
Introduction: State that you totally agree with the view in the question.
Body paragraph 1: State why you agree.

Body paragraph 2: State why you agree.

Body paragraph 3: State why you agree or explain why the opposite view is wrong.

Conclusion: Restate your view.

2. I totally/completely disagree…
Introduction: State that you totally disagree with the view in the question.

Body paragraph 1: State why you disagree.

Body paragraph 2: State why you disagree.

Body paragraph 3: State why you disagree or explain why the opposite view is wrong.

Conclusion: Restate your view.

1 and 2 are slightly easier to write. They are similar to the answers to ‘Do you
agree/disagree?’ questions. If you are unconfident about your writing, just use the first or
the second structure and be sure to include the adverb totally/completely.
In conclusion, to answer ‘To what extent do you agree or disagree?’ questions, you need to
state your degree of agreement/disagreement with different adverbs in the introduction
paragraph. Then use the rest of the essay to support your view.

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