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I am affirmations

I Am Affirmations: Abundance

1. I am full of life and filled with possibility.

2. I am ever-expanding yet whole; wise enough to know that there is plenty
left to learn; humble and happy as I grow.
3. I am grateful for who I am and can be.
4. I am devoted to uncovering the gems that are already here.
5. I am enough and I have everything I need to get to where I want to be.
6. I am a magnet for the experiences I most desire.
7. I am grateful for every gift that I’ve been given, have now, and have yet
to receive.
8. I am an alchemist.
9. I am worthy enough to tune into the abundant nature of who I can be and
what I can create.

I Am Affirmations: Purpose

1. I am a living, breathing example of the kind of world I want to live in.

2. I am a powerful force for good in the world.
3. I am on the right path. I am moving in the right direction.
4. I am worthy of all things wonderful.
5. I am being guided to what’s best for me and everyone else.
6. I am powerful enough to live in accordance with my own values, desire,
and truths.
7. I am in the exact place I need to be to get to where I want to be.
8. I am intentionally promoting a life filled with joy.
9. I am a firm believer in my ideas.

I Am Affirmations: Healing

1. I am a survivor.
2. I am always healing, and never alone.
3. I am willing to see things differently, even if I’m not ready to yet.
4. I am learning to let go of fear.
5. I am learning to respect the process when I do not understand it.
6. I am allowed to feel good about myself.
7. I am not the negative thoughts I think.
8. I am ready to release the stories in my head and forgive myself for
believing everything my inner critic has ever said.
9. I am willing to see the truth about myself, no matter how beautiful it is.

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