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SIOP Lesson Plan Outline -- Practicum Lesson Plan #1

Date: 6/17/2019
Grade/Class/Subject: 1st- 2nd grade High School English Students
Unit Theme: Describing People
ELP Standards:
9-12.10 (Level 2) -- “Make accurate use of standard English to communicate in grade-appropriate
speech and writing. Use frequently occurring verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and

Lesson Objectives:
Content Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ESOLs will:
1. Learn new vocabulary related to hair types (blonde, curly, wavy), hair lengths (shoulder-length,
long, short), and clothing types (blouse, pants, sweater).
2. To describe a person using only an adjective (handsome, beautiful, tall).
3. To use three different sentence patterns to achieve these tasks (he is tall, he has long hair, and
she is wearing high heels).

Language Objectives: By the end of the lesson, ESOLs will demonstrate increasing proficiency in
the performance of the following functions and their forms:

Function Form
(in –ing form, eg. “Retelling a story” ) (grammatical term and/or example, eg. “Past
Tense: ‘The boy went to see his grandfather;’”)

1)Describing a person’s clothing and He is wearing a green shirt.

accessories She is wearing earrings.

2) Describing a person’s appearance with He is tall, He is big….


3) Describing different hair types, colors, and She has curly hair. She has long hair

Vocabulary Objectives: By the end of the lesson, ESOLs will demonstrate an understanding of
the following vocabulary words:
Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary Cohesion Words
(new vocabulary to be explicitly taught (vocabulary that may need to be (vocabulary that may need to be
that is critical to an understanding of taught or emphasized that is critical to taught or emphasized that link
the content) participation in academic tasks, such concepts in meaningful ways, such as
as “categorize”, “list”, describe”) conjunctions and time markers)

Hair color/style~ Describe

Short hair, long hair, bald,
middle part, side part, brown
hair, black hair, blonde, curly,
Shirt color/style~
Button up, tshirt, blouse,
hoodie, jacket
Glasses, necklace, earrings,
Eye color~
Blue, brown, dark brown,
hazel, green

Special Cross-Cultural Considerations for ESOLs:

Important to keep in mind the use of words like ‘fat’ and ‘sick’ in the context of Korean and English
Also nicknames like ‘piggy,’ etc.

Powerpoint about the vocabulary and grammar forms
12 packages of crayons/markers
Students will need a pen or pencil
worksheet with an avatar which the teacher will provide
Laminated pictures of celebrities

Lesson Sequence (This may be adjusted as necessary to accommodate unique lesson plan

MOTIVATION: (Describe how you will build background and the specific strategies that you will use
to ensure the participation of ESOLs.)

Before class, the teachers write the lesson objective on the white board, which is Describing People,
and three sentences on the board: ‘She is wearing a green jacket’, ‘he has brown eyes,’ and ‘She is
beautiful. The students will not need anything besides a pencil, so all other belongings should be put
At the start of class, the teachers will point to the objective on the board and ask if any student
knows what the word describe means. If they don’t, we will briefly explain the definition, which is to
explain what a person looks like and what they are wearing.

PRESENTATION: (Describe the specific techniques you will use to make your presentation of new
material comprehensible to ESOLs, to provide opportunities for interaction through appropriate
questioning, and to assess whether or not ESOLs are “getting it”.)

The warmer will be presented on PPT. Each warm-up slide will first reveal a K-pop star’s name and
beneath it, the three questions which will be revealed one-by-one: what is he wearing, and what
color are his eyes and hair. The students will try to guess the answers to these questions and the
teachers will have them give their answers in the form of the target sentence. Once an answer is
revealed, the students will repeat the sentence after the teachers. Once all of the information has
been revealed, a picture of the star will be shown.

The next set of slides are vocabulary slides which explain hair types and lengths, and then eye
colors. In each slide, we will show a picture and elicit the word and ask that the student give the
answer in a full sentence, like he has long hair, referencing the target sentences on the whiteboards
as needed. The next vocabulary slides will show pictures of different clothing and accessory styles.
As each are revealed, we will ask the students to read the vocabulary word in a full sentence, like
she is wearing a bow. While explaining the vocabulary, we will explain that when describing singular
nouns (nose, ear, hoodie, or jacket), they will need to say a hoodie and not hoodie.

Next, there will be several slides, each with a picture of a person. Two prompts will pop up:
Describe her hair, and Describe her accessories. Beneath will be the target sentences: she has
_______ hair and she is wearing ________________. The teachers will elicit and then reveal the
answers. Beneath, a third question will be shown: can you describe anything else?

Afterwards, the teachers will ask for a volunteer to come up and the other students will describe that
person’s clothing and appearance.

PRACTICE/APPLICATION: (Describe the activities you will use to allow for meaningful interaction
and practice using ALL language skills, the strategies you will use to ensure full participation by
ESOLs, and the techniques you will use to assess their success in the activities.)
The next part will be a drawing activity and each student will work with the person sitting either in
front of or behind them. Each pair will be given a set of markers for this activity. All students will be
given a picture of a celebrity and a worksheet with an outline of a person and a several lines for
writing beneath. The students should be told to keep their celebrity picture hidden from their
partners. To do the activity, one student will start by describing their picture to their partner, who will
use the markers or their pencil to draw what they hear on the avatar on the worksheet. Once
finished drawing, that same person will write several sentences beneath which describes their
avatar/celebrity. There is also a few extra lines for them to add a few extra details to their
description. Then, the partners will switch roles and the person who described the first part will
draw in the next part. The teachers will walk around and help anyone needing help writing or

EXTENSION: (Describe additional follow-up activities you will use with ESOLs to address any areas
that you deem need further explanation or practice to ensure their mastery of the content and
language objectives.)

Once everyone has finished their drawing, the teachers will ask for two partners to come to the front
of the class and read their written clues for the others to guess. If they can’t guess the answer, the
reader will show their drawing of the celebrity, and if they still don’t know, they will show the picture
of the celebrity. Once both celebrities have been revealed, another pair can come up and give their
clues for the class to guess.

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