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Good Morning, Dr. Wisma Yunita M.


I will try to answer the questions that my mother gave me using my own words.

According to me
Measurement is the process of determining numbers about the characteristics or individual
circumstances of students according to certain rules. The individual situation of this student
can be in the form of affective and psychomotor abilities, this measurement can be done
with tests as well as non-tests. In the learning process the teacher also measures the
process and learning outcomes in the form of numbers that reflect learning outcomes,
processes and results.
For example:
To reveal students' learning abilities about English, multiple choice tests were used which
consisted of 10 items. Each item answered correctly is scanned 1. The results obtained are as
Anik scores 7
Dedi got a score of 6
Beni gets a score of 4
Ema scores 5
Cica gets a score of 10
Fani gets a score of 6
This step is a measurement activity. Scores 7, 4, 10, 6, 5 and 6 above are the results of

Assessment is an action to provide an interpretation of the results of measurements by

using certain norms to determine the high and low or good or bad aspects. The
measurement results will not be assessed without using certain norms. So all efforts to
compare the results of measurements of a comparison material or benchmark or norm are
called valuations.
For example:
As an example of the measurement results above, there is no meaning if it is not compared
to certain norms to give an assessment. The mass from the results of the above
measurements to give an assessment is used norms, namely a score of 6. This score is 6 to
determine the merits or low and low ability to master English subjects.
The results of the assessment are:
Anik including children is quite clever, Beni is a stupid child, Cica is a very clever child, Dedi
and Fani is a moderate child, Ema is a poor kid. Very smart, quite clever, moderate, not
smart and stupid are the results of the assessment. Scores above the norm are considered
good or medium height below the norm rated as low or low. So if we are going to make an
assessment, we must have the norm as a comparison with the measurement results.

Test are a method of assessment that is designed and implemented for students at certain
times and places and in conditions that meet certain specific requirements. In particular, in
the context of classroom learning, assessment is carried out to determine the progress and
results of student learning, diagnose learning difficulties, provide feedback / improve the
teaching and learning process, and determine the increase in class.
For example:
The Daily Deuteronomy Test consists of 10 questions with essay forms.
The Semester Final Test consists of 30 questions with an objective form.

Evaluation is a process that is designed systematically and planned in order to make

alternative decisions on the basis of measurements and assessments that have been made
For example:
As an example from the results of the assessment above, because Cica gets a score of 10 and
is declared a pass, then Cica must maintain its learning achievement. Other than Anik, who
only got a score of 7 and was declared a graduate, Anik had to improve her learning

Explanation According to Experts:

Allen Philips (1979: 1-2) states that a measure that has been assigned on the basis of a test.
Gronlund cited Sridadi (2007) states that measurement is an activity or process to obtain a
numerical description and level or degree of special characteristics that an individual has

Sridadi (2007) states that measurement is a process that is carried out systematically to
obtain quantitative quantities of a particular object by using standard measuring

Angelo (1991: 17) states that Classroom Assessment is a simple method that can be used to
collect feedback, early and often, on their students are learning what they are being taught.

Sridadi (2007) states that assessment is an attempt to collect a variety of information

continuously and thoroughly about the process and learning outcomes that have been
achieved by students through defined teaching and learning activities so that they can be
used as a basis for determining the next steps.

Rusli Lutan (2000: 9) states that the assessment includes the implementation of tests and
evaluations. Assessment aims to provide information that is then used for information

Allen Philips (1979: 1-2) states that a test is commonly defined as a tool that is used to
obtain data about a specific trait or characteristic of an individual or group.

(Ebel and Frisbie 1996; Sax 1980; Lehmann 1973; Zainul 1995) The test is a question or task /
set of tasks planned to obtain information about educational or psychological traits /
attributes that each question or task has answers or provisions that are considered right

Riduwan (2006: 37) states that the test as an instrument of data collection is a series of
questions / exercises that are used to measure the skills of knowledge, intelligence, abilities
or talents possessed by individuals / groups.
Stufflebeam, et al (1971) define evaluation as "The process of delineating, obtaining, and
providing useful information for judging decision alternatives".

Allen Philips (1979: 1-2) states that evaluation is a complex term that is often misused by
both teachers and students. It involves making decicions or judgments about students based
on the extent to which instructional objectives are achieved by them.

Sridadi (2007) states that evaluation is a process for giving or determining values to certain
objects based on certain criteria.

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