Design of Leachate Treatment Plant 4 in TPST Bantargebang, Bekasi City West Java

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Rizka Legita R.1) and Mochammad Chaerul2)
Environmental Infrastructure Engineering Program
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung,
Jl. Let. Jend. Purn. Dr. (HC) Mashudi No.1, Sayang, Jatinangor, Sumedang 45363
1) and 2)


TPST Bantargebang is the largest final processing site in Indonesia with an area of 110.3 Ha. As the final
processing site owned by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, the TPST Bantargebang continues to develop
its land to be able to accommodate the waste generated by the DKI Jakarta Province. One of the development
plans is to carry out landfill mining in the non-active zone IV B to be used as a new disposal location at TPST
Bantargebang. For this reason, an additional Leachate Treatment Plant (IPL) is needed to be able to process
leachate at the new disposal site. Zone IV B, which is planned to have a landfill area of 11 Ha, can be estimated to
produce leachate with a discharge of 168.9 m3/d using the thorntwaite calculation method.


Leachate water treatment currently operating in Table 2. Leachate Characteristics

Bantargebang TPST is 3 installations. The TREATMENT PLANT 4
Leachate Treatment Plant in Bantargebang The configuration chosen that
TPST has 2 processing methods. In IPL I and III proposed in IPL 4 is chemical
with a capacity of 200m3 / day using regular treatment with coagulation-
methods: aeration, coagulation and flocculation. flocculation to remove organic
In IPL II with a capacity of 65-70m3 / day using chemicals and increase the BOD /
the Advanced oxidation process method, namely COD ratio. Then proceed with
chemical processing using ozone, UV, and H2O2. DESIGN CONCEPT
biological treatment with anaerobic
From the results of leachate quality tests in
ponds and anoxic-oxic tanks.
Table 2 there are 5 parameters that must be
BASIS OF PLANNING Finally, there are wetlands which
set aside. There are 3 configurations of
Estimation of leachate discharge in zone IV B are remove residual nutrient N, organic,
processing units submitted to treat leachate
estimated using the thorntwaite method. The and heavy metals. With planning
to meet the quality standards.
thorntwaite method is a method based on the discharge of 168.9 m3 / day Figure 4
assumption that leachate is only produced from is the layout of the IPL system 4.
rainfall that succeeds in seeping into the landfill
Figure 1. Alternative Configuration 1
(percolation). The results of the calculation of
the thorntwaite method can be seen in Table 1
Table 1. Results of the calculation
Figure 2. Alternative Configuration 2
Thorntwaite method

Figure 3. Alternative Configuration 3

In determining the chosen processing
configuration, the Simple Additive Weighting
(SAW) method will be used. Criteria considered in
weighting include Processing Efficiency (C1),
Figure 4. Layout Planning of IPL 4
investment costs (C2), O & M costs (C3), land
requirements (C4), ease of O & M (C5). The results
of determining the configurations with SAW REFERENCES
method can be seen on Table 3. Damanhuri, Enri dan Tri padmi. 2016.
Pengelolaan Sampah Terpadu. Bandung: ITB
Table 3. Final Scoring Results
Eddy, Metcalf et all. 2014. Wastewater
Engineering. United States of America: Mc.
From the calculation above it can be estimated Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan
Perumahan Rakyat No.3 Tahun 2013
that leachate flowrate that produce from Zone IV Tchobanoglous, G., H. Thisen, S.A. Vigil. 1993.
B is 0.0019 m3/s From the table above, it can be concluded that the Integrated Solid Waste Management. McGraw
From the results of these qualities, referring to alternative 2 configuration is selected. Hill International Editions.
Qasim, Syed. 1994. Wastewater Treatment
the Regulation of the Minister of Environment Plants Second Edition. India: CRC Press.
No. 59 of 2016 concerning Leachate Water US EPA. 1983. Design Manual for Municipal
Wastewater Stabilization Ponds. Cincinnati: US
Quality Standards, there are 5 parameters that
must be processed as shown in Table 2. US EPA. 1990. Nutrient Control Design Manual.
Cincinnati: US EPA.

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