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QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH (PR2)  ACCURACY- characterized by being precise

or certainty to the data or information

HANDOUTS No. 01 gathered or analyzed; all aspects of the
study are carefully designed, gathered or
analyzed before the data are collected.
WHAT IS RESEARCH? (from different sources)  NUMERICAL- descriptive word pertaining to
**Research is a scientific or disciplined inquiry for or denoting a number or symbol to express
producing knowledge how many, how much or what rank things are
or have in this world; data are in the form of
**Research is a scientific investigation of data, numbers and statistics
collecting and analyzing them for some purpose.  SYSTEMATIC- analogous to scientific or
**Research is a formal application of scientific experimental thinking; the data are usually
method to study the problems and guided by certain gathered using more structured instruments.
rules.  SPECIFIC/EXPLIXIT- the results are based
on larger sample sizes that are
**Research is the quest for truth and process of representative of the population.
gathering data which provides a better course for
knowledge, decision making.
**The two (2) main purpose of research is to (a) RESEARCH
advance the frontier of knowledge and (b) solve
or address a/an (existing) problem. 1. EXPERIMENTAL- is a quantitative research that
treats or deals with the object or subject of the
research in a definite or exact manner and
determines the extent of the effects or the influence
on the object/subject and the causes of such effects.
 Qualitative Research- requires non-numerical
 The researcher manipulates one or more
data, which means that the research uses words
variables and observes whether there are
rather than number to express the results, the
corresponding changes on the dependent
inquiry or investigation about people’s thoughts,
beliefs, feelings, views and lifestyle regarding the
 During the process, the subjects of the study are
object of the study.
randomly chosen or they have equal chance of
 Quantitative Research- involves measurement of
being selected to participate in the study.
data. Thus, it presents research findings referring
to the number of frequencies of something in
numerical forms.
 True Experimental- uses randomly
-------------------------------------------------------------------- selection in determining who among the
participants should composed the
experimental and control group.
expressions like numerical forms, objective thinking,
statistical methods and measurement to create valid
 Quasi-Experimental- adapts a comparative
and reliable claims.
technique in choosing the subjects or the
**The overall goal of quantitative research is to researcher has the manipulation of the
convey numerically what is being seen in the choosing the subjects/treatment.
research and to arrive at specific and observable a. Matched Comparison- choosing
conditions. treatment group and another group
that has similarities with the
treatment group.
CHARACTERISTICS (G.R.O.A.N.S.S.) b. Time Series QER- giving them the
series of pre-tests and post-tests.
 GENERALIZABLE- project/result can be used c. Single Subject QER- controls
to generalize the concepts more widely, predict treatment and condition applied to
future results, or investigate causal just one individual or a group.
 REPLICABILITY- the research study can  Pre-Experimental- you examine the initial
usually be replicated or repeated to give its condition of both groups in relation to a
high reliability. variable, condition or factor.
 OBJECTIVITY- requires you to focus your full
attention in the object of your study; the  Single Subject- It is also called “test
researcher has a clearly defined research of hypothesis” meaning you are
question to which objective answers are referring to the subject.
sought. (no bias or influence of subjectivity)
Terms to remember: TYPES OF VARIABLES
 Experimental Group- the one on which the
treatment or influence is applied. a. Qualitative or Categorical Variable-
 Control Group- the one which does not
these are variables whose data are non-
receive any treatment.
numeric and whose observation vary in kind
 Laboratory Research- you conduct your
but not in degree.
research at the laboratory or registered
Examples: Sex- male or female; Religion-
Roman Catholic, Islam, etc.; Civil Status-
 Field Research- you conduct your research
single, married
outside or outdoor areas.
 Ex Post Facto- “After the Fact”, or “from a b. Quantitative Variable or Continuous
thing done afterwards” meaning evaluation
Variable- these are variables whose data
comes after the treatment or variables are
are counts or numerical measurements and
being studied in review in search of possible
whose observations vary in magnitude.
Examples: age, income, number of children,
 Multiple Treatment- makes you apply on the
height, weight
subject, not just one but also varied treatment
2 Types of Quantitative Variable
*Discrete Variables- whose variables can
2. NON-EXPERIMENTAL- is a way of finding out assume only a countable numbers and
truths about a subject by describing the collected values cannot take the decimal form
data about such subject and determining their e.g. number of children in the family, number
relationship or connections with one another. of students in the class, number of houses in
the city
 It is incapable of establishing cause-effect *Continuous Variables- whose observations
relationships can assume any one of the countless
 Does not require manipulation of any variable or number of values in a line interval
randomization of samples. e.g. height, weight, time
 Conducted in natural setting; sometimes called
 It uses research methods that applicable to both a. Nominal Variable- variable whose data
quantitative and qualitative research. are non-numeric labels that do not reflect
 It involves various ways of data analysis. quantitative information. (e.g. sex, civil
a. Primary- analysis of data collected by the status)
researcher himself
b. Secondary- examination of data b. Ordinal Variable- variables where there is
collected by other people. a meaningful order or categories but there is
c. Meta-analysis- analysis of data obtained no measurable distance between categories
from different sources. or interval between scale points may be
uneven (e.g. socio-economic status of
Subtypes families)
 Survey- most commonly used.
 Historical c. Interval Variable- variable whose data
 Observational values are range in a real interval and can be
 Correlational as large as from negative infinity to positive
 Descriptive infinity (e.g. temperature, IQ level)
 Comparative
d. Ratio Variable- the highest level of
------------------------------------------------------------------- measurement that has all the characteristics
of the interval plus a true zero point; rating
VARIABLES something from zero to a certain point (Math
 “Changing qualities or characteristics” of Grade of 89% (from 0 to 100%)
persons or things that are involved in your
 Made up of the root or base word “vary” a. Dependent- variables that bear or
which means to undergo changes or differ manifest the effects caused by the
from. independent variable (affected by
independent variables)
b. Independent- variables that cause
change in another variable (being
c. Intervening Variable- these are called Strength of Survey Research
“test or control” variables that either increase
1. Versatility. It can tackle any issue
or decrease the effect of IV to DV.
affecting society.
2. Efficiency. It is not costly in terms of
Other Types money and time, assuming there is excellent
communication or postal system.
1. Extraneous- also called as “Extra Variable” which
crop up to create an impact on the relationship 3. Generality. It can get a good
between Dependent and Independent Variable. representation or sample of a large group of
2. Situational- pertains nature of the place: smelly,
chilly, cold, hot, spacious, and the like. 4. Confidentiality. It is capable of
safeguarding the privacy or anonymity of the
3. Participant- the extraneous variables may
suddenly surface to create effects on the
relationship of two basic variables.
4. Confounding- extraneous variables are to be REFERENCES
controlled by you, but if they do not give in to your  Baraceros, E., 2016, Practical Research
control it refers to “confounding variable” 1 First Edition, Rex Books Store
Publishing Company
5. Nuisance- often the extraneous exist whose
potency need to go down to prevent it from affecting
 Curriculum Guide
the results negatively.
 Veraflor, N. (2017);
 Ortiz, C. (2016); Fundamental Methods
of Research
Other Types (Russel and Babbie 2013)
1. Constant- do not undergo any changes during the
experiment Prepared and summarized by:
2. Attribute- characteristics of people: intelligence, ALVIN RAY P. GARCIA
creativity, anxiety, learning styles, etc.
3. Covariate- included in the research study to
create interactions with the independent and
dependent variables.
4. Continuous- quantitative in nature and is used in
interval or ratio scale of measurement.
5. Dichotomous- has only two possible results: one
or zero.
6. Latent- cannot be directly observed to give proofs
to latent variables
7. Manifest- can be directly observed to give proofs
to latent variables.
8. Exogenous- found outside an identified model.
9. Endogenous- found inside; as a part of identified

Purpose of Survey Research

1. To obtain information about people’s opinions and
feelings about an issue.
2. To identify present conditions, needs, or problems
of people in a short span of time.
3. To seek answers to social problems.
4. To give school officials pointers on curricular
offerings, guidance and counselling services,
teacher evaluation and so on.

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