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Static and Dynamic differentiation is based on physics. But, Implicit vs.

scheme differentiation is not based on Physics, these are just two different ways
employed by the solver to arrive at results. To be frank, both Implicit and Explicit can
do Static as well as Dynamic Simulations.
Now, some basic differences are

1. Implicit is unconditionally stable. In a sense of unconditional love, It means it is

strong and cannot be broken. But explicit Simulations are only conditionally
2. Implicit schema is Incremental as well as Iterative. But Explicit Schema is
only Incremental. Now what does this mean? This means to say that Implicit
schema is a fighter, it won’t give up unless the conditions of equilibrium are
satisfied. Unless and until it is satisfied, it keeps on iterating. Now, what is an
Iteration and an Increment?

Suppose you apply in total 100kN load, it is broken down into smaller divisions
called increments, say for example 10 increments and 10kN is applied in each
increment. Suppose, in one increment, if the conditions of static equilibrium is not
satisfied, then the FEA decreases the applied load by some % and will re initiate
the increment. This is what is meant by an Iteration.

But Explicit is a Dictator who is not cared of his citizens. He keeps on

Incrementing if or not the conditions of equilibrium are satisfied. This is why, the
time used in Explicit should be very smaller. Because the dictator will keep on
pushing forward without caring about satisfying equilibrium conditions. So, if in
initial steps, an error happens, it keeps on magnifying.

3. Implicit follows the Newton Raphson technique. But, Explicit follows the Euler
Central Difference method. In the Newton Raphson method, there is a
differentiation term.

Since, Differentiation is done, it needs the formation of Tangent Stiffness matrix

(Differentiation is nothing but the slope of the Tangent). But in Explicit, there is no
need of Tangent Stiffness matrix.
4. In terms of Cost per Increment, it is costly for implicit and cheaper for
Explicit. Because Implicit will cause Iterations until the conditions of equilibrium are
fulfilled. This is why implicit increments are costlier than explicit increments.
5. This I have already listed in point 2. In case of an error, implicit will cause
iterations to make sure that the error = 0 or within tolerance limits. But explicit does
not rectify the error and will keep on magnifying it. This is why explicit time
increments are so small so that to prevent giving room to the onset of errors.

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