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Themen Master-Arbeiten / Master Thesis Topics

Frühlingssemester 2018 / Spring Semester 2018

Die folgende Liste enthält eine Sammlung möglicher aktueller Themen für Bachelor-Arbeiten im Bereich

Die konkrete Ausgestaltung eines Themas (Umfang, praxis- vs. forschungsorientierte Herangehens-
weise) oder auch eigene Vorschläge können Sie gerne mit uns diskutieren um die thematische Ausrich-
tung der Arbeit an Ihre individuellen Interessen anzupassen.

Vereinbaren Sie hierzu bitte einen Termin mit den Betreuern oder Leiter des jeweiligen Themas.

The following list covers a collection of possible thesis topics for Master students in Geoinformation En-

Your individual assignment will be adjusted with respect to scope and research/practical focus. You are
also welcome to suggest topic adjustments to account for your individual interests.

Please contact the advisor / supervisor of each respective topic for more information.


Real-time Processing of Spatio-Temporal Data ............................................................................................. 2

Planning Earth Cables with GIS ...................................................................................................................... 3
Movement Analytics for Location-based Mobile Learning Applications ....................................................... 4
Beyond Pokemon Go: successful (re)localization of location based games for crowdsourcing
applications........................................................................................................................................................ 5
Using eye tracking for improving tactile feedback in an aviation task .......................................................... 6
Gaze-Based Assistance for the Color-Blind ................................................................................................... 7
Implicit Calibration for Gaze-Based Interaction with Maps............................................................................ 8
A Holographic Campus Pedestrian Navigation System ................................................................................ 9

Chair: Geoinformation Engineering

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martin Raubal (

Advisors / further supervisors: Dominik Bucher (

Thesis Title: Real-time Processing of Spatio-Temporal Data

Abstract: With recent trends of building reactive systems that operate on huge,
continuous data streams, questions arise as to how we can best treat
spatio-temporal data. In particular, applications like real-time traffic
monitoring and analysis, location-based trade and appointment sched-
uling, or multi-modal transport planning will require instantaneous inte-
gration and processing of real-time data, making it available for queries
immediately, and storing it for later analysis.

A lot of research has been carried out on real-time processing, also for
spatio-temporal data. Within this thesis, however, we put a strong fo-
cus on real-world problems such as multi-modal transport planning
(think of Uber) or appointment scheduling (think of appointments at
hairdressers, booking of tables at restaurants, or meeting with friends
and coworkers). The application of real-time processing of spatio-tem-
poral data to such domain models and ontologies leads to new require-
ments, interesting questions, and new optimization possibilities.

The student will study the relevant literature on real-time and reactive
systems, and design a system for the transportation domain (e.g., real-
time carpooling), keeping the overall system structure in a way that
would allow a quick integration of other domains. Findings from this
domain will then be analyzed with respect to applicability to other do-
mains concerned with spatio-temporal data.
Particularities: An affinity for programming is required.

Group work: no
Chair: Geoinformation Engineering

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martin Raubal (

Advisors / further supervisors: Joram Schito (

Thesis Title: Planning Earth Cables with GIS

Abstract: We all need power. However, almost nobody wants to see overhead lines
in his surroundings. Thus, affected citizens more and more frequently
demand lines that are built into the ground – so-called earth cables.

However, planning earth cables requires to think from a spatio-temporal

perspective, as the cable must be accessible not only during the building
process, but also afterwards for maintenance. Furthermore, it raises the
question where to build them, as various environmental and technical
factors must be considered. May it perhaps be the best solution to bundle
them with existing highways?

In this thesis, you will first review different techniques, as for example,
Geostatistics, Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, (Mixed Integer) Linear
Programming, that either have been applied to the spatio-temporal
planning of earth cables, or would be suitable for doing so. The sec-
ond part consists of developing a framework where stakeholders’
preferences will be considered to provide additional support for plan-
ning the optimal route for earth cables with respect to different opin-

Particularities: A more specific introduction into the topic will be given by the advisor
upon request. Knowledge of R or Python is beneficial.
Group work: No

Chair: Geoinformations-Engineering

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martin Raubal

Advisors / further supervisors: Dr. David Jonietz (,

Christian Sailer (
Thesis Title: Movement Analytics for Location-based Mobile Learning Appli-

Novel educational technologies such as Moodle, Ilias, OLAT etc. allow lec-
turers or instructors to collect large amounts of data about the learners’
interactions with the system, such as the number and order of page views,
durations or the number of learning activities, as well as further perfor-
mance indicators during a flipped classroom sequence.
Mobile learning management systems such as OMLETH* go one step fur-
ther and track the learners’ movements. In combination with other data,
semantic trajectories may serve to assist the instructor for real-time control
as well as post-excursion analytics.
The proposed thesis aims at implementing spatio-temporal data mining
functionalities in a dashboard to assist an instructor in monitoring and as-
sessing the learning progress, possible problems, and automatically sug-
gest flexible solutions for optimizing the learning experience in the given
situation, and evaluate the system’s usefulness. Examples could include
monitoring and predicting the individual learners’ progress with regards to
the intended time plan, and react to delays, or propose meeting points and
collaborations among groups.

The platform OMLETH (Ortbezogenes Mobiles Lernen an der ETH / Loca-
tion-based mobile learning at ETH) was developed as part of an In-
novedum project. OMLETH supports lecturers in the preparation of loca-
tion-based mobile learning through a browser application that students can
then access using the mobile OMLETH App. More about at https://om-
Particularities: Important skills are:
∙ Programming skills (e.g., Java, Python, HTML, CSS, or Javascript)
∙ Interest in Data Mining Methods

Please contact us if you are interested.

Group work: No

Chair: Geoinformation Engineering

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martin Raubal (

Advisors / further supervisors: Dr. Peter Kiefer (

Dr. Simon Scheider (Universiteit Utrecht) (
Thesis Title: Beyond Pokemon Go: successful (re)localization of location
based games for crowdsourcing applications

Abstract: An increasing amount of geoinformation comes from volunteers who

share this information on collaborative platforms, such as Open Street
Map (Volunteered Geographic Information, VGI).

In order to motivate contributors and to increase the quality, spatial

coverage and up-to-dateness of the data, it has been proposed to use
location-based games (LBGs). These games are played by one or sev-
eral players who move in geographic space and exchange (virtual) re-
sources at physical places.

While LBGs have been around for a while, only few of them have suc-
ceeded in attracting a larger number of players. Pokemon Go is one of
the most recent and most successful examples.

One reason is the dependency of game concepts on particular loca-

tions. In order to reach players from different places, LBG concepts
need to be relocalized in a way which preserves the particular attrac-
tiveness of a game. What are criteria for high-quality relocalization?
While the problem has been rec-
ognized in the literature, a sys-
tematic derivation of corre-
sponding criteria is missing.

network data, student project Universität Bam-

A location-based game based on OSM street
The goal of this thesis is to in-
vestigate the conditions for a
successful relocalization of a
LBG regarding three conceptual
levels: the ludic level (game
rules and roles), the narrative
level (story of the game), and the
environmental level (real-world
places). As an example, the stu-
berg, 2010,

dent will develop his or her own

game (running as an app) and
study its relocalization.

Group work: No

Chair: Geoinformation Engineering

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martin Raubal (

Advisors / further supervisors: David Rudi (

Dr. Peter Kiefer (
Thesis Title: Using eye tracking for improving tactile feedback in an aviation

Abstract: Vibro-tactile feedback has been used in different scenarios, such as to

provide navigation directions or to simulate haptics for remotely oper-
ating surgeons.

While vibro-tactile feedback has also been used to guide car drivers’
or pilot’s attention in a given direction or to provide collision infor-
mation, it has not yet been utilized in combination with eye tracking to
support the vibrotactile feedback loop.

In this thesis, the student will develop a wearable device, which is used
in combination with eye tracking and a flight simulator to provide pilots
with vibrational cues enhancing the flight experience.

Particularities: Requirement:
∙ Knowledge of Android programming, as taught in the Master
course “Mobile GIS and LBS”.
Group work: No

Chair: Geoinformation Engineering

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martin Raubal (

Advisors / further supervisors: David Rudi (

Dr. Peter Kiefer (
Fabian Göbel (
Thesis Title: Gaze-Based Assistance for the Color-Blind

Abstract: Color-blindness or color vision deficiency is the decreased ability to see

color or differences in color. Color vision deficiency affects approxi-
mately 1 in 12 men (8%) and 1 in 200 women in the world.

There have been different approaches on how to assist those affected.

The solutions primarily differ with regard to the feedback modality. For
example, a user’s visual perception of an item was manipulated as to
highlight a particular color using head-mounted displays. Moreover, for
one approach, a user received color-coded vibrational cues that were
given to her using a wristband, while for another solution the user was
given simple audio feedback.

That is, the recognition of the object of concern is based on image

recognition approaches that extract color information from a camera
scene and can therefore become imprecise.

Figures from: (LEFT) Enrico Tanuwidjaja et al., Chroma: a wearable augmented-reality solu-
tion for color blindness, Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Per-
vasive and Ubiquitous Computing; (RIGHT) Marta G. Carcedo et al., HaptiColor: Interpolating
Color Information as Haptic Feedback to Assist the Colorblind, Proceedings of the 2016 CHI
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems]

In this thesis, the student will use eye tracking technology in combina-
tion with basic image recognition algorithms to allow for a more precise
identification of a user’s object of interest. Furthermore, the student will
conduct a user study to evaluate this novel input modality in combina-
tion with visual, tactile and audio cues as feedback techniques.

Particularities: Requirement:
∙ Knowledge of Android programming, as taught in the Master course
“Mobile GIS and LBS”.
Group work: No

Chair: Geoinformation Engineering

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martin Raubal (

Advisors / further supervisors: Fabian Göbel (

David Rudi (
Dr. Peter Kiefer (
Thesis Title: Implicit Calibration for Gaze-Based Interaction with Maps

Abstract: Gaze is a valuable re-

source for both analyzing
a user’s attention and for
quickly and naturally inter-
acting with a system.
In order to utilize eye
tracking, either in analysis
or an interactive manner, a
calibration is required to
correctly map the detected
gaze with the actual fo-
cused point.
We can differentiate between two calibration methods: Explicit and implicit
procedures. During an explicit calibration method, the user will be provided
with targets that s/he has to focus one after another. This way, the eye
tracker can learn the specific characteristics of the user’s eye. While this
method can be very precise, it may feel cumbersome in an interactive sys-
tem, as a user has to perform the calibration prior to actually control the
system with gaze.
Another approach is to implicitly calibrate the system during interaction.
Due to the nature of this approach the calibration can be integrated seam-
lessly with an interaction system. However, at start it delivers a low accu-
racy that steadily improves during interaction.

The goal of this work is to compare different explicit and implicit eye cali-
bration methods with regard to robustness and seamlessness.
Based on this, an implicit calibration procedure for gaze-based interaction
on maps should be developed. The chosen design should be evaluated in
a small user study.
Particularities: A more specific introduction into the topic will be given by one of the
advisors upon request.
Knowledge in Java and C# is beneficial.
Group work: No

Chair: Geoinformation Engineering

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martin Raubal (

Advisors / further supervisors: Dr. Peter Kiefer (

Fabian Göbel (
David Rudi (
Thesis Title: A Holographic Campus Pedestrian Navigation System
Abstract: In recent years, head-mounted interfaces for mixed and augmented
reality have become increasingly robust and affordable. These
types of interfaces enhance the real world with visual overlays,
providing their users with an immersive user experience and intui-
tive interaction. A particularly interesting device for the interaction
with location-based information is the Microsoft HoloLens
(, a holographic interface
that determines and uses a 3D model of its environment to visualize
3D objects in near space.

The goal of this thesis is to develop a pedestrian navigation system

for (part of) the Hönggerberg campus on Microsoft HoloLens. Chal-
lenges to be addressed include: positioning of HoloLens in an envi-
ronment with indoor, outdoor, and transitional spaces; making a pe-
destrian routing service accessible from HoloLens; designing a hol-
ographic user interface that communicates pedestrian routes in an
efficient and effective way. A usability evaluation of the system will
be performed.
Wikimedia, Creative Commons,
Author: Code Teacher

Particularities: Requirements: knowledge in an object-oriented programming lan-

guage (e.g., acquired through the Master courses “Mobile GIS and
LBS” or “GIS and Geoinformatics Lab”).
Group work: No

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